Vis Moot Course_International Arbitration

Reading material
Introduction to course and international commercial
arbitration: What is international commercial arbitration?
Why arbitration?
Classifications of arbitration (domestic and international,
institutional and ad hoc arbitration)
New York Convention
Laws applicable to arbitration procedure, to substance, and
to the agreement to arbitrate; UNCITRAL Model Law and
2010 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
Conflict of Laws in International Arbitration, Franco Ferrari, Stefan Kröll, Sellier European Law
Publishers, 2010
L. Yves Fortier, Arbitrability of Disputes in Global Reflections on International Law, Commerce and
Dispute Resolution by Aksen, Gerald et al., eds., International Chamber of Commerce (2005)
Arbitration agreement/clauses and submission agreements:
Drafting the Arbitration Agreement, Margaret L. Moses
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
Loyola University Chicago School of Law Research Paper No. 2012-003
Parties to the arbitration agreement
Kompetenz-kompetenz, separability, form of the arbitration
agreement, scope of the arbitration clause
William W. Park, The Arbitrator's Jurisdiction to Determine Jurisdiction, in International Arbitration
2006: Back to Basics?, 13 ICCA Congress Series 55 (Kluwer, 2006)
Adrian Roberto Villagomez Aleman, Review of The Principles and Practice of International
Commercial Arbitration by Margaret L. Bagner, “Confidentiality-A Fundamental Principle in
International Commercial Arbitration?” (2001) 18 Journal of International Arbitration
Conduct of the arbitral proceedings
Explanatory Note by the UNCITRAL secretariat of the 1985 Model Law on International Commercial
Arbitration as amended in 2006. Read pp. 31-33, found in the same PDF of the UNCITRAL Model
Law (1985, 2006)
place of arbitration,
preliminary steps,
written submissions,
evidence, hearings, and
Role of national courts in international commercial
UNCITRAL, 2012 Digest of Case Law on International
Brower, Charles N. and Rosenberg, Charles B. , The Death of the Two-Headed Nightingale: Why the
Paulsson–van den Berg Presumption that Party-Appointed Arbitrators are Untrustworthy is
Wrongheaded, 29(1) Arbitration International 7-44 (2013)
Laurence Craig, Arbitration and National Courts: Conflict and Cooperation: The Arbitrator’s Mission
and the Application of Law in International Commercial Arbitration, (2010)
The Principle of Judicial Non-Interference in International Arbitral Proceedings, 30 U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 999
(2009), G. Born
Arbitral award/challenges to award
Judicial control over the award (setting aside of
Judicial control over the award (recognition and
enforcement of foreign award under the New York
Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of
Foreign Arbitral Award)
Arbitration in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Civil Procedure
Code, Arbitration Court within the Foreign Trade Chamber
of BiH
ICCA’s Guide to the Interpretation of the 1958 New York Convention
Brower, Charles N., Present Expectations and Realities – Comments from the Perspective of an
Arbitrator in Albert Jan van den Berg (ed.), 50 Years of the New York Convention: ICCA International
Arbitration Conference, 14 ICCA Congress Series 75-81 2009 (Kluwer Law International 2009)
Civil Procedure Code of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Civil Procedure Code of Republika Srpska
Rulebook on arbitration, Foreign Chamber of Commerce of Bosnia and Herzegovina