INDEX of NAMES for Contributed Oral Presentations A Aldrich, Mark...................................... Alvarez-LaCalle, Enrique.................. Amirapu, Anjana................................ Aranda, Michell.................................. Archer, Benedict G............................. 4 4 6 7 4 B Banuelos, Karyna................................ 7 Beach, Patrick..................................... 7 Bell, Kevin W................................... 6, 7 Blackman, David................................ 4 Bondarenko, Vladimir....................... 4 Boucher, Roland A............................. 4 Burke, Elaine M.................................. 3 C Cada, Abraham King......................... Cannon, Brittany L............................. Caryotakis, Alex................................. Cashman, Tyrone............................... Cecala, Jacob M.................................. Chamberlain, Thomas E.................... Chen, Peter.......................................... Cirillo, Laura E.................................... Crowley, Stephen................................ 5 7 6 4 6 7 3 3 7 D D’Allura, Jad A.................................... Davis, Paul H....................................... Demmitt-Rice, Courtney.................. Deo, Michael....................................... Ding, Julie............................................ Dobbins, Tabbetha............................. Dow, William L................................... 5 7 4 7 3 5 3 E Echebarria, Blas.................................. Esquerra, Raymond............................ Evens-Lutterods, Kenneth................. Ezzi, Asmahan El................................ 4 5 5 4 F Fan, Guoping....................................... 4 Ferraro, Steven P................................. 6 G Gailey, Christine Ward....................... 3 Gaines, Cory........................................ 3 Gajanayake, Bandara.......................... 6 Garmova, Alena.................................. 7 Gomatam, Ravi............................... 4, 7 Gonnerman, Christopher.................. 6 Govedich, Fred.................................... 5 Graugnard, Elton................................ 7 H Hardy, Kim K...................................... Harrigan, Ryan.................................... Hayes, Kim.......................................... Heag, Michael..................................... Henson, Michael................................. Hua, Yen-Mai...................................... Hughes, William L.............................. 7 6 7 5 5 6 7 J Jabbour, Rebecca S............................. 3 Jacobitz, Frank.................................... 3 K Karakira, susan................................... Katz, Nurit........................................... Kellis, Donald L.................................. Khuri, Natalia...................................... Khuri, Sami......................................... Knowlton, William B......................... Komura, Kiriko................................... Korczynski, Michael........................... Kraus, Peter L...................................... Kuang, Wan......................................... Kuddus, Ruhul.................................... 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 4 8 7 4 L Lau, Chun Ning.................................. Lee, Hyeong Woo............................... Lee, JeungHoon.................................. Lee, YongJin......................................... Lehmkuhl-Dakhwe, Ginia................. Leong, Joan M..................................... Leung, Betty........................................ Li, Hungwen........................................ Lipschultz, Nie D................................ Lipschultz, Ronnie D.......................... Lyons, McKenzie................................. 7 3 7 7 7 6 7 7 6 7 7 M Maida, Carl A...................................... 6 Mak, Ron............................................. 7 Margoosian, Gamer........................... 6 McCann, Kristen................................ 6 McGough, Alexandra M.................... 3 McGraw, Donald J.............................. 3 Melgoza, Natalie................................. 7 Messina, Paula..................................... 7 Miguel, Janice...................................... 6 Mitingwa, Sekazi................................ 5 Moffa, Matthew................................... 6 Mpanga, Richard................................ 4 Mulley, Susan.................................. 6, 8 Murray, John....................................... 5 Myhro, Kevin...................................... 7 N Nava, Juan Carlos............................... Navaro, Daniel.................................... Nazari, Ani.......................................... Nordby, Cully...................................... 3 7 7 6 O O’Brien, Kathleen............................... 7 Oh, Young Hoon................................. 3 P Panchenko, Michail............................ Pan, Hanqing...................................... Park, Nathaniel................................... Patel, Kishan........................................ 4 5 6 3 R Ravi, Vilupanur.......................... 3, 6, 7 Reddy, K. Raja..................................... 6 Reyes, Miguel...................................... 7 Richards, Gary D................................ 3 Rivera, Ferdinand............................... 7 S Saidi, Mohammed El.......................... Sepanosian, Elvin............................... Shah, Sidhaant.................................... Sheu, Katherine................................... Shiferaw, Yohannes............................. Spalding, Jon....................................... 4 7 6 4 4 4 1100 (time italicized and underlined) identifies a student presentation1 * identifies the speaker from among several authors listed 63 (bolded number) is the abstract number abstracts contain complete contact information for authors Stuart, Bradley..................................... 7 Sujittosakul, Sutine............................. 7 Suvorov, Alexander............................ 4 T Talley, Jared L...................................... 7 Thilahar, Kevin.................................... 7 Thomas, Michael............................ 7, 8 Thompson, Sharlynn.......................... 7 Thongchua, Norton............................ 7 Tseng, Chris......................................... 7 V Van Buskirk, Richard W.................... 4 Varghese, Reshma E........................... 3 Vesterby, Vincent................................ 5 Villalpando, Obed.............................. 3 Voorhees, Travis............................. 3, 6 W Wague, Ahmadou............................... Wang, Kaili.......................................... Wertlake, Paul T.................................. Wilson, Kyla........................................ Winick, Herman................................. Wood, Lawrence H............................. Worthy, Kenneth................................ Wu, Tiffany.......................................... 5 7 5 6 5 5 4 6 Y Yurke, Bernard.................................... 7 2 1100 (time italicized and underlined) identifies a student presentation * identifies the speaker from among several authors listed 63 (bolded number) is the abstract number abstracts contain complete contact information for authors III. CONTRIBUTED ORAL PRESENTATIONS 1100 (time italicized and underlined) indicates a student presentation * indicates the speaker from among several authors listed 63 (bolded number) indicates abstract number Anthropology and Archaeology Monday, 15 June 2015 Oral Session 1 Engineering, Technology, and Applied Sciences Anthropology and Archaeology HENSILL HALL 201 Monday 8:25 a.m. – NOON Engineering, Technology, and Applied Sciences Session chair: Frank Jacobitz 8:25 Introductory comments 8:30150 Comparison of the Microcirculation in the Human Conjunctiva in Healthy and Diabetic Patients, WILLIAM L. DOW1*, FRANK G. JACOBITZ1, and PETER CHEN2 (1Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA; 2 Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA). 8:50151 Evaluating the Environmental Stability of a New Class of Titanium Alloys in Simulated Marine Environments, TRAVIS VOORHEES* and VILUPANUR RAVI (Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA). 9:10152 A Diffusional Model of Aluminide Coatings, CORY GAINES* and VILUPANUR RAVI (Chemical and Materials Engineering Department, Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA). 9:30153 Electrochemical Characterization of Metallic Alloys in Simulated Biomass Environments at 700°C, OBED VILLALPANDO*, KISHAN PATEL, JUAN CARLOS NAVA, and VILUPANUR RAVI (Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA). 9:50BREAK Session chair: Sang-Hee Lee 10:15 Introductory Comments 10:20154Transitions during MIS 3 and 2 in Korea, HYEONG WOO LEE (Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, Chonbuk University, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea). 10:40155Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Prehistoric California: A Review of Evidence and Paleoepidemiological Comparisons of Impacted and Related Populations, ELAINE M. BURKE1*, RESHMA E. VARGHESE1, REBECCA S. JABBOUR2, and GARY D. RICHARDS3 (1Department of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; 2Department of Biology, Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga, CA; 3Department of Biomedical Sciences, A. A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA). 11:00156Skull and Brain Anatomy of a Trigonocephalic Juvenile: Description of the First Known Prehistoric Case, ALEXANDRA M. MCGOUGH1*, LAURA E. CIRILLO2, JULIE DING1, REBECCA S. JABBOUR3 and GARY D. RICHARDS4 (1Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA; 2Department of Anthropology, California State University, Chico, CA; 3Department of Biology, Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga, CA; 4 Department of Biomedical Sciences, A.A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA). 11:20157Think Before You Gender, CHRISTINE WARD GAILEY (Department of Anthropology, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA). 11:40158How Mountains Think: Sherpa Intersubjectivity with Animals, Forest, and Himalayan Peaks, YOUNG HOON OH (Department of Anthropology, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA). 1100 (time italicized and underlined) identifies a student presentation3 * identifies the speaker from among several authors listed 63 (bolded number) is the abstract number abstracts contain complete contact information for authors Oral Session 2 Cell and Molecular Biology HENSILL HALL 667 Monday 8:55 a.m. – 11:40 a.m. School of Public Health and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA). 11:20165Ebola Can’t Fly, DAVID BLACKMAN (Department of Mathematics, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR). Session Chair: Kristen Mitchell 8:55 Introductory comments 9:00159 Examining the Role of DNA Methylation in Naive Pluripotent Stem Cells, KATHERINE SHEU* and GUOPING FAN (Department of Human Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA). 9:20160 A Naive Analysis of What the PCR Standard Curve Parameters Represent, BENEDICT G. ARCHER (Vallejo, CA). 9:40161 Association of the Arg156Arg Polymorphism in Xeroderma Pigmentosum Gene and Proliferative Prostate Diseases in Lebanese Men, COURTNEY DEMMITT-RICE1*, ASMAHAN EL EZZI2,3,5, MOHAMMED EL SAIDI4, and RUHUL KUDDUS1 (1Department of Biology, 2Chemistry, 3Office of Academic Research, Utah Valley University, Orem UT; 4Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission, Beirut, Lebanon). HENSILL HALL 206 Monday 8:25 a.m. – NOON Session chair: Robert L. Chianese 8:25 Introductory Comments Social, Economic, and Political Sciences 8:30166 Surviving a Train Wreck: The Development of Safer Passenger Cars, 1965-2015, MARK ALDRICH (Department of Economics, Smith College, Northampton MA). History and Philosophy of Science 10:00BREAK 10:20162Calcium Alternans is Due to an Order-Disorder Phase Transition in Cardiac Cells, ENRIQUE ALVAREZ-LACALLE1, BLAS ECHEBARRIA1, JON SPALDING2*, and YOHANNES SHIFERAW3 (1Departament de Fisica Aplicada, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, Spain; 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Riverside, California; 3 Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Northridge, California). 10:40163The Antimicrobial Activity of Extracts Isolated from Parmelia vagans, MICHAEL KORCZYNSKI* and VLADIMIR BONDARENKO (Department of Basic Sciences, Touro University Nevada, Henderson, NV). 11:00164Developmental Exposure to Brominated Flame Retardant Reprograms Activity of mTOR Pathway, ALEXANDER SUVOROV1*, MICHAIL PANCHENKO2, and RICHARD MPANGA3 (Department of Environmental Health Sciences, 4 Oral Session 3 General and Interdisciplinary History and Philosophy of Science Science and the Arts and Humanities Social, Economic, and Political Sciences 8:50167 Climate and Future Generations, TYRONE CASHMAN (Solar Economy Institute, Mill Valley, CA). 9:10168 The Pendulum, Three Standards that Measured the Ancient World, and the Mystery of the Parthenon, ROLAND A. BOUCHER (Irvine, CA). Science and the Arts and Humanities 9:30169 Milgram’s Obedience Experiments and Environmental Destructiveness, KENNETH WORTHY (Department of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA). 9:50170 A New Ontological Argument for the Existence of God that Relates to Issues in Quantum Mechanics, RAVI GOMATAM (Bhaktivedanta Institute, Berkeley, CA). 10:10BREAK 1100 (time italicized and underlined) identifies a student presentation * identifies the speaker from among several authors listed 63 (bolded number) is the abstract number abstracts contain complete contact information for authors Chemistry and Biochemistry Session chair: Crystal Goldman General and Interdisciplinary 10:30171The African Synchrotron Light Source (AfLS), HERMAN WINICK1*, KENNETH EVENS-LUTTERODS2, SEKAZI MTINGWA3, AHMADOU WAGUE4, and TABBETHA DOBBINS5 (1SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Applied Physics Department, Stanford University, Menlo Park, CA; 2 BNSLSII, Beamline X13B, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; 3Retired; 4Laboratoire de Physique de l’Atmospère et de l’Océan Siméon, Universit\’e Cheikh Anta Diop; 5Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ). 10:50172Global Change and the American Southwest: A Systems Approach, JOHN MURRAY1* and FRED GOVEDICH2, (1Integrated Engineering Department, 2 Biology Department, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah). 11:10173Understanding Systems by Way of Their Intrinsic Qualities, VINCENT VESTERBY (Poulsbo, WA). 1:50178 A Urinary Test Procedure for Identification of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Patients Undergoing Medical Therapy with Marijuana, A Pilot Study of Urine Testing for Cannabidiol, PAUL T. WERTLAKE* and MICHAEL HENSON (Pacific Toxicology Laboratories, Chatsworth, CA). 2:10179 Photolysis of Caged Dioxygen in Low-Temperature Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Studies of Hemoglobin, ABRAHAM KING CADA* and RAYMOND ESQUERRA (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA). 2:30180 Photons to Formate: Solar Driven Conversion of CO2 to Solar Fuels, HANQING PAN* and MICHAEL HEAG1 (1Department of Chemistry, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM). 11:30174Why the Normal Distribution for all Measureable Human Characteristics is Normal, LAWRENCE H. WOOD (Physicist, Retired, Lacey, WA). Oral Session 4 Chemistry and Biochemistry Earth Sciences HENSILL HALL 201 Monday 1:25 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. Session chair: Owen McDougal 1:25 Introductory comments Earth Sciences 1:30177 Post-Cretaceous Faulting in Southwestern Oregon and Northwestern California: a Preliminary Study, JAD A. D’ALLURA (Department of Chemistry, STEM; Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR). 1100 (time italicized and underlined) identifies a student presentation5 * identifies the speaker from among several authors listed 63 (bolded number) is the abstract number abstracts contain complete contact information for authors Ecology, Environmental Sciences, and Sustainability Tuesday, 16 June 2015 Oral Session 5 Agriculture, Food, and Renewable Resources Ecology, Environmental Sciences, and Sustainability HENSILL HALL 201 Tuesday 8:35 a.m. – 11:50 p.m. Session chair: Richard Van Buskirk 8:35 Introductory Comments Ecology, Environmental Sciences, and Sustainability 8:40181 Impact of Student-led Action Research Teams on UCLA Campus Sustainability from 2008 to 2013, ANJANA AMIRAPU*, ALEX CARYOTAKIS, NURIT KATZ, CARL A. MAIDA, and CULLY NORDBY (Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA). 9:00182 Comparison of Biodiversity of Flora and Fauna Between Habitats Across a College Campus, SIDHAANT SHAH*, KYLA WILSON*, CHRISTOPHER GONNERMAN*, NATHANIEL PARK, YEN-MAI HUA, TIFFANY WU and RYAN HARRIGAN (UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Los Angeles, CA). 9:20183 Bee Visit Frequency and Time of Day Effects on Cumulative Pollen Deposition in Watermelon, JACOB M. CECALA* and JOAN M. LEONG (Department of Biological Sciences, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA). Agriculture, Food, and Renewable Resources 9:40184 Sweetpotato Growth and Developmental Responses to Temperature and Elevated Carbon Dioxide, K. RAJA REDDY* and BANDARA GAJANAYAKE (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS). 10:00BREAK Session chair: Julia Ruppell 10:20185AVIRIS Hyperspectral Remote Sensing as a Tool for the Analysis of Anthropogenic Issues in Coupled Human and Natural Systems of Southern California, MATTHEW MOFFA* and SUSAN MULLEY (California Center for Land and Water Stewardship, College of ENV, California State University – Pomona, Pomona, CA). 10:40186“Are Vegetables Private?” and other Questions: The Importance of Belief and Perception in Urban Agriculture, SUSAN MULLEY* and THE URBAN AGRICULTURE STUDY GROUP (California Center for Land and Water Stewardship, College of ENV, California State University – Pomona, Pomona, CA). 11:00187Ecological Periodic Tables, STEVEN P. FERRARO (Newport, OR). 11:20188Getting to Sustainability: Policy, Politics, Practices, RONNIE D. LIPSCHUTZ* and KEVIN W. BELL (Department of Politics and College Eight, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA). Oral Session 6 Materials Science Physics HENSILL HALL 667 Tuesday 8:45 a.m. – NOON Session chair: George Quainoo 8:45 Introductory Comments Materials Science 189 PRESENTATION WITHDRAWN 8:45190 Electrochemical Evaluation of Advanced Titanium Alloys for Potential Biomedical Applications, KRISTEN McCANN*, JANICE MIGUEL, GAMER MARGOOSIAN, TRAVIS VOORHEES, and VILUPANUR RAVI (Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA). 9:10191 Quantum Hall and Electric Field Effects in 6 1100 (time italicized and underlined) identifies a student presentation * identifies the speaker from among several authors listed 63 (bolded number) is the abstract number abstracts contain complete contact information for authors Oral Session 7 Education Psychology Bilayer, Trilayer and Tetralayer Graphene, KEVIN MYHRO*, YONGJIN LEE, KEVIN THILAHAR, KAILI WANG, MICHAEL DEO, and CHUN NING LAU (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA). 9:30192 Effect of Chromium Content and Activator Type in the Pack Aluminizing of Nickel-Chromium Alloys, ELVIN SEPANOSIAN*, BETTY LEUNG, ANI NAZARI, KARYNA BANUELOS, SUSAN KARAKIRA, MICHELL ARANDA, DANIEL NAVARO, ALENA GARMOVA and VILUPANUR RAVI (Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA). 9:50BREAK Session chair: Vilupanur Ravi 10:20193Corrosion of Nickel-Chromium Alloys in a Molten Eutectic Salt Environment, BRADLEY STUART*, MIGUEL REYES, NATALIE MELGOZA, NORTON THONGCHUA, and VILUPANUR RAVI (Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA). 10:40194The Study of Surface Phases on Aluminide Coatings Using X-Ray Diffraction, SUTINE SUJITTOSAKUL* and VILUPANUR RAVI (Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA). 11:00195Excitonic AND Logic Gates Configured onto Self-Assembling DNA Nanobreadboards, BRITTANY L. CANNON1*, DONALD L. KELLIS1, PAUL H. DAVIS1, JEUNGHOON LEE1,2, WAN KUANG3, WILLIAM L. HUGHES1, ELTON GRAUGNARD1, BERNARD YURKE1,3, and WILLIAM B. KNOWLTON1,3 (1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 2Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and 3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho). Physics 11:20196Fundamentally Unbounded Light-Speed Gives Indeterminate Space-Time, THOMAS E. CHAMBERLAIN (Los Angeles, CA). 11:40197Toward Avoiding Nonlocality (and Locality) in Quantum Mechanics, RAVI GOMATAM (Institute of Semantic Information Sciences and Technology, Berkeley, CA). HENSILL HALL 201 Tuesday 1:35 p.m. – 4:20 p.m. Session chair: Louis Nadelson 1:35 Introductory Comments Psychology 1:40198 Honesty and the Folk: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Trait of Honesty, JARED L. TALLEY1*, SHARLYNN THOMPSON2, MCKENZIE LYONS2, KIM HAYES2, STEPHEN CROWLEY1, PATRICK BEACH3, and KIM K. HARDY2 (1Department of Philosophy, Boise State University, Boise, ID; 2Department of Psychology, Boise State University, Boise, ID; 3Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC). Education 2:00199 A Computer Science Education Certificate for High School Teachers, SAMI KHURI1*, PAULA MESSINA2, RON MAK1, KATHLEEN O’BRIEN1, HUNGWEN LI3, VIRGINIA LEHMKUHL-DAKHWE4, NATALIA KHURI5, CHRIS TSENG1, and FERDINAND RIVERA6 (1Department of Computer Science, San Jose State University (SJSU), San Jose, CA; 2Science Education, SJSU; 3Computer Engineering, SJSU; 4Center for STEM Education, SJSU; 5Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 6Elementary Education, SJSU). 2:20200 Educating The Future STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Workforce, The Case Study of Keck Graduate Institute, KIRIKO KOMURA1* and MICHAEL THOMAS1 (PSM National Office, Keck Graduate Institute, Claremont, CA). 2:40201 Teaching STEM and Complex Problem-solving to Non-STEM Students Through Sustainability Engineering and Design, RONNIE D. LIPSCHUTZ* and KEVIN W. BELL (Department of Politics and College Eight, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA). 3:00BREAK 1100 (time italicized and underlined) identifies a student presentation7 * identifies the speaker from among several authors listed 63 (bolded number) is the abstract number abstracts contain complete contact information for authors 3:20202 “Why are Students SO Different?” Coping With Teaching Millennials, SUSAN MULLEY (California Center for Land and Water Stewardship, College of ENV, California State University – Pomona, Pomona, CA). 3:40203 Outsourcing Technology and Support in Higher Education from a Transaction Cost Economics Perspective, The Case Study of Western Global University, MICHAEL THOMAS (Office of Information Technology, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA). 4:00204 Trouble and Toil in Zion–The Academic Crisis of 1915, PETER L. KRAUS (J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah). 8 1100 (time italicized and underlined) identifies a student presentation * identifies the speaker from among several authors listed 63 (bolded number) is the abstract number abstracts contain complete contact information for authors
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