VOL. LIX – 14 RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD, PASCHA APRIL 5, 2015 Epistle – Acts 1:1-8; Gospel – Jn 1:1-17, Festal Tone DIVINE LITURGIES FOR THIS WEEK Resurrection of Our Lord, Pascha, April 5, 2015 9:00 AM Lit. For God’s Blessings on Our Parishioners (Responses sung by Choir ‘Boyan,’ Ukrainian) 11:30 AM Lit. for all Parish Volunteers (English) CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN! Myrovannia - Anointing of the Faithful with Holy Oil after Liturgies Bright Monday, April 6, 2015 9:00 AM Lit. + Rev. Adam Polischak r/by Fr. Roman Dubitsky Bright Tuesday, April 7, 2015 9:00 AM Lit. + Walter Melnykevich r/by Family Bright Wednesday, April 8, 2015 8:00 AM Lit. + Joseph Kopi - Legate Bright Thursday, April 9, 2015 8:00 AM Lit. + Mary Perski (40th Day) r/by Family Bright Friday, April 10, 2015 8:00 AM Lit. + John Kodan r/by Daughter, Arlene, Grandchildren: George, Cindy, Steve Bright Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:00 AM Lit. & Pan. + Lahola, Stempel Families r/by Ron & Irene Bigos 5:00 PM Lit. + Mikolaj Chalupa r/by Daughter Thomas Sunday, April 12, 2015 Epistle – Acts 5:12-20; Gospel – Jn 20:19-31 9:00 AM Lit. For God’s Blessings on Our Parishioners 11:30 AM Lit. + Mary Terebecky r/by Maria Dziuba Sviachene – Easter Dinner The annual Sviachene, a traditional Easter Dinner, will be held on Sunday, April 19, 2015 following a 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy. Only one liturgy will be held that Sunday. At the Sviachene this year we will be honoring our former pastor, Rev. Roman Dubitsky, on the 50th anniversary of his Priesthood (no gifts please, only prayers, at Fr. Roman’s request). The dinner will consist of traditional Easter food. The dinner and a short concert will be held in the school hall. Tickets are on sale at the rectory during office hours. Tickets will not be sold today, but you may put your ticket money in an envelope, write your name and for how many, and put it in the collection basket. Your tickets will be at the door. The cost is minimal, $10 per adult and $5 for children age 6 to 18, under 6 free. Ukrainian Festival in Our Parish Our third cultural festival will be held on Saturday, June 27, 2015. As always, the festival will feature church tours, entertainment, dancing, family activities, vendors, traditional Ukrainian food/drink and more. The Festival will be held on the school playground and inside the school hall. Parishioners who are willing to work some hours at the festival and be chairpersons of designated working areas are welcome to come to the FIRST FESTIVAL MEETING on Thursday, April 21 at 7:00 p.m.(please note the change of date) and take part in the discussion. We are always looking for new ideas and would like to hear yours. Holy Name Society will meet on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 8:00 PM in the church hall. Senior Citizens Club will hold a meeting on Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 12:00 noon in the church hall. The program will include a talk by Lt. Anton Massopust of the Perth Amboy Fire Department, who will speak on home safety, and the Perth Amboy Fireman’s Museum. Easter calls for a change. There is NO kneeling during the entire Easter Season - from Easter Sunday until Pentecost Sunday. Kneeling has been our position of prayer during the Holy Season of the Great Fast (Lent) as the expression of our humility and our repentance. Standing will be our position of prayer as an expression of joy, victory and our belief in the Resurrection of Our Lord. anyone unable to stand - for any reason - may sit for all the service. We always stand for the singing of "Christ is Risen..." ХРИСТОС ВОСКРЕС! ВОІСТИНУ ВОСКРЕС! Dear Members of Assumption Parish and friends: May your heart sing with the joy of the Risen Lord on this day of His Resurrection feast. “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice.” May the Risen Christ bless you and may His resurrection be a source of strength to you and your loved ones. Have a Blessed and Joyous Pascha! Fr. Ivan Turyk and Deacon Paul Makar Congratulations Congratulations and Best Wishes are extended to the following upon receiving the Holy Mysteries of Christian Initiation, Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Eucharist: MARY MAGNOLIA JOYCE OSBORN Daughter of Ryan and Nicole (Boris) Osborn EVELINA SENIUK Daughter of Liubomyr and Svitlana Seniuk Pilgrimage to Philadelphia On Sunday, March 22, 2015 forty six parishioners from our parish traveled by bus to Philadelphia to participate at the Healing Service and Veneration of the Relic and Icon Blessing of Blessed Bishop-Martyr Mykola Charnetsky, C.Ss.R at our Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral. It has been said that, “Faith is a journey, not a destination.” And for the 46 pilgrims their journey was richly rewarding. Icon of the Resurrection of Christ? This icon that is on the cover of our bulletin is also called the “Descent into Hades.” Notice that Jesus is standing on the Cross. It is through the power of “the Cross” that Jesus was raised from the dead. Satan is bound in chains, but Adam and Eve are being raised. (Jesus Christ is the New Adam, accomplishing for humanity what Adam failed to do). Notice also, the light is surrounding Christ. His glory is evident through the power of His Resurrection. Who are the other people? John the Baptist and Forerunner is prominent because he preceded Jesus into Hades too, and announced the Good News there! The prophet, King David is also there because he foretold of the coming of Christ and said that Christ would not leave him in Hades. King Solomon is shown by David, because he was the son and successor of David and knew and believed his father’s message. Who is the young man to the right of Christ? The righteous Abel, dressed as a shepherd, who was killed by his brother Cain and was the first person to experience death. The other personages from the Old Testament are Elijah and Moses, who represent the Law and the Prophets. New Priestly Vestments. We thank Mrs. Irene Dochych for donating $800 to purchase a new set of Burgundy/Gold Vestments in memory of her husband + Emil Dochych. Легенда Про Писанки ГУМАНІТАРНА ДОПОМОГА ДЛЯ УКРАЇНІ ВІД ЛЮДЕЙ НАДІЇ Сердечна подяка в молитвах і на словах всім, хто так щиро жертвував на постійно діючу збірку Архиєпархії: Гуманітарна допомога Україні. Ви є Великодніми людьми – людьми, які несуть надію! Багато вірних і парафій пожертвували великі датки, за які ми дуже вдячні. На сьогодні вами, людьми надії, було зібрано $60,000! Пожертви були передані безпосередньо в Канцелярію Патріарха нашої Української Католицької Церкви. Там найкраще знають про потреби страждаючих від конфлікту на Східній Україні. Наша Українська Католицька Церква щедро помагає і опікується біженцями, та тими, хто потребує медичної допомоги. Дякуючи вашим щедрим даткам Церква має змогу швидко реагувати та миттєво допомагати з великим співчуттям і милосердям. Деякі парафії прийняли рішення збирати фонди на спеціальні програми допомоги страждаючим в Україні. Я вірю, що наш Патріарх здатний найкраще вирішити, що є найбільшою і найневідкладнішою потребою. Я вважаю за краще, якщо ми будемо відповідати як одна родина і передавати допомогову збірку нашої Архиєпархії через нашу Церкву в Україні. Обов'язком парохів є забезпечити, щоб збірки, здійснені в парафіях, були спрямовані безпосередньо на гуманітарні потреби. Це також узгоджується з податковими законами. Минув уже третій день, як помер Христос на хресті. Уже третій день журиться його мати Марія – не їсть і не п’є нічого. Жінки приходили до неї, хотіли потішити її, просили, щоб вона з’їла щось. Але Марія і далі не говорила, й нічого не їла... Однією з тих, що часто приходили до Матері Божої, була бідна Ганя. У неділю вранці, коли всі раділи, що Христос воскрес, Ганя взяла своє добро – кілька яєчок і пішла до Марії. - Маріє! Не плач, не сумуй, - просила вона. – Хіба ти не знаєш, що Твій Син воскрес? Не сумуй, а радуйся, Маріє Знаю, - відповіла Марія. – Мій Син з’явився мені у сні. Навколо нього була така ясність, що очі боліли від неї. Знаю, що мій Син воскрес. Дівчина дала Марії свій подарунок – кошик із яєчками. Сльози радості потекли з її очей і впали на яєчка. І дивне диво сталося. Де впала сльоза з її святих очей, там на яєчках зацвілі чудові квіточки, гарні метелики, ясні зірочки. Усі яєчка в кошику засяяли різними кольорами веселки! Марія зраділа і почала роздавати ті яєчка людям. - Радуйся! – казала вона кожному, коли подавала яєчка, - Христос воскрес! Христос воскрес! Коли вже яєчок не стало, вона з подякою віддала кошик дівчинці. Ганя взяла його і вийшла на вулицю. Раптом глянула у кошик, а він повний писанок. Зраділа дівчина бігла вулицями Єрусалиму і кожному, кого зустрічала, давала писанку: Радуйтесь! Христос воскрес! Скільки Ганя не роздавала тих яєчок, а кошик в неї завжди був повний. Люди, яким вона давала писанки, несли їх далі, давали їх іншим і вітали словами: Христос воскрес! Так за короткий час усі люди в місті знали, що Христос Bоскрес. На пам’ять про це диво пишуть в Україні писанки. А на Великдень дарують їх рідним і друзям і шанують, як Церква ЗА чи ПРОТИ? Дуже часто у засобах масової інформації ми чуємо заклики, що Церква проти чогось…. Таке враження, що Церква відбирає щастя у людей… Церква не може бути “проти”, не може бути опозиціонером. Церква покликана боротися “ЗА” – ЗА ЖИТТЯ, ЗА ГІДНІСТЬ ЛЮДИНИ, ЗА ПОВАГУ ДО ІНШИХ, ЗА ЄДНІСТЬ СІМ’Ї, ЗА ПРОДОВЖЕННЯ ЛЮДСЬКОГО РОДУ, ЗА… Це вже інші є проти цього, бо хочуть прийняти закони, що знищують у демократатичний спосіб задум ТВОРЦЯ. Ми є діти Божі, діти Нашого Небесного Батька, що створив нас і дав нам життя в логіці Його премудрості. Коли відходимо від Божої Премудрості, а йдемо за хибними людським мудруванням, то тоді прикликаємо на себе смерть, кінець, безнадію…. Потреба в допомозі Східній Україні залишатиметься ще довгий час. Ми є людьми надії, які святкують Воскресіння нашого Господа і Спаса Ісуса Христа. Воскреслий Христос прямує з нами дорогою життя, як Він ішов з апостолами дорогою до Емауса. Їхні серця запалали, коли вони пізнали суть життя. Нехай і наші серця палають любов'ю, коли ми щедро уділяємо на потреби тих, хто марно страждає на Східній Україні. Коли ми обираємо допомагати, ми наближаємося до Залишаю роздуми Матері Терези про життя, на основі яких зрозуміння життя в Воскреслому Христі. можна скласти молитву до нашого Отця небесного: Вас, людей надії, просимо Життя – це можливість, використай її. продовжувати ділитися своїми добрами з Життя – це радість, відчувай її. відчайдушно потребуючими вашої Життя – це краса, дивуйся їй. гуманітарної допомоги. Датки можуть бути Життя – це насолода, скуштуй її. передані через ваші парафії або вислані Життя – це сон, розгадай його. безпосередньо на Українську Католицьку Життя – це виклик, зустрінь його. Архиєпархію Філадельфії за адресою Ukrainian Життя – це обов’язок, виконай його. Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, 827 N. Життя – це скарб, цінуй його. Franklin Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123. Усі датки є звільнені від оподаткування, на що Життя – це гра, грай у неї. Життя – це багатство, збережи його. буде видана довідка. Життя – це любов, радій їй. Дякую вам за вашу щедрість виказану Життя – це таємниця, пізнай її. до сьогодні. Дякую вам за ваше зрозуміння та Життя – це обіцянка, виконай її. щиру підтримку і в майбутньому тих, які Життя – це скорбота, подолай її. побребують гуманітарної допомоги у цей Життя – це гімн, заспівай його. важкий час кризи в нашій дорогій Україні. Життя – це боротьба, прийми її. Нехай Господь благословить вас за ваші щедрі Життя – це драма, стань з нею віч на віч. вияви любові й підтримки тих, хто в потребі! Життя – це пригода, віддайся їй. Ми покликані боронити життя +Стефан Сорока Fr. Ivan’s Corner HUMANITARIAN AID FOR UKRAINE FROM PEOPLE OF HOPE Heartfelt gratitude is offered in prayers and words to all who have so generously donated for the ongoing Archieparchial COLLECTION FOR HUMANITARIAN AID FOR UKRAINE. You are Easter people – people who offer hope! Many individuals and parishes have made significant contributions, for which we are most thankful. To date, $60,000 has been generously donated by you, people of hope! The donations have been forwarded directly to the Office of the Patriarch of our Ukrainian Catholic Church. They are best aware of the needs of those suffering as a result of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Our Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine has generously provided for the care of the many refugees and those in need of medical assistance. Your generous donations enable the Church to respond and to help immediately with great compassion and care. Some parishes have elected to raise funds for specific programs providing assistance to the suffering in Ukraine. I believe that our Patriarch can best determine the greatest and most immediate needs for help. My preference is for us to respond as one family and direct collections taken within our parishes to assisting our Church in responding to the needs. It is the responsibility of the parish priest to ensure that all collections taken within parishes are strictly for humanitarian needs. This is also in conformity with tax laws. The need for help in eastern Ukraine will continue to be great for some time. We are people of hope who celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Risen Christ walks with us in the journey of life as He did with the apostles on the road to Emmaus. Their hearts burned with passion as they came to understand the meaning of life. May our hearts burn with passion and love as we generously provide for the needs of the many who needlessly suffer in eastern Ukraine. When we choose to help, we grow in our understanding of life in the Risen Christ. People of hope are asked to continue to share generously in providing humanitarian aid so desperately needed. Contributions may be made through your parish or sent directly to the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, 827 N Franklin Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123. Tax receipts are issued. Thank you for your generosity shown to date. Thank you for your anticipated understanding and generous support for those requiring humanitarian help in this urgent time of crisis in our native Ukraine. God bless you in ways only He can for your generous outpouring of love and support for those in need! + Stefan Soroka Metropolitan-Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians APRIL: National Abuse Prevention Month The Archeparchy has policies and procedures to create a safe environment and protect children. Read the policies and learn how you can help create a culture of protection. http://www.ukrarcheparchy.us/index.php?categoryid=13 10 Safety lessons to teach your child Trust your feelings Treat others with Respect and expect to be treated the same. Question the motives of adults who single you out with gifts, privileges, or attention. Avoid going alone Know the rules for adult / child interactions Speak up tell someone if you are feeling uncomfortable Know your comfort zone and expect others to respect your boundaries Be sure someone knows where you are Talk with your parents, it’s their job to keep you safe Remember you have the Right to Say No when you feel unsafe For information on how you can become more informed and involved in keeping our children safe, please call our Child Protection and Victims Assistance Coordinator, Ken Hutchins at 215.627.0143 or email [email protected]. No. 219/2105 SXB This Number should be Prefixed to Your Reply QUESTION: When I go to the priest for blessing with Holy Oil after certain Liturgies, he says something and I am not sure how to respond. Could you tell me what I should say? When the priest annoints you on the forehead (in the form of a cross) with the Holy Oil (i.e. Myrovanja), he typically says "Christ is among us". You would respond "He is and He shall be". During Easter, the priest would say "Christ is risen!" and you would respond "Indeed He is Risen!". QUESTION: Why do the churches have domes? Domes play a very important part in places of worship where they can represent and symbolize different aspects of the religion. The dome's purpose is to remind people that to gain God's blessing it is necessary to accept salvation through Christ. Church domes in Ukrainian Catholic Church often appear in groups of two representing the "dual" nature of Christ as God and man; sometimes three, representing the Holy Trinity, or five, representing Jesus Christ and the Four Evangelist. Domes standing alone represent Christ or God as the head of the church. Every dome or “cupola” is topped by a cross, the symbol of our salvation QUESTION: "What are the Knights of Columbus?" The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is an international, fraternal organization of Catholic men founded in 1882 by the Rev. Michael J. McGivney of New Haven, Connecticut. The organization was established on the principles of charity, unity, and patriotism, and its purpose is to provide a system of fraternal insurance benefits to the members, promote cultural relations and engage in a variety of religious, educational and social activities. Annually, the K of C contributes over one hundred million dollars to charitable works of the Church and gives fifty million hours of community service. They number over one million and a half Knights in membership. QUESTION: I heard someone say that the Ukrainian Catholic Church was the "largest banned Church in the world". Is that true and when did that occur? Yes, from 1946 to 1989, the Ukrainian Catholic Church was the largest banned Church in the world. The USSR government seized all Ukrainian Catholic premises in March of 1946 and transferred them to the Russian Orthodox Church. During June of 1945, the USSR government arrested the Ukrainian Catholic bishops and the appointed administrators of the eparchies. After the Ukrainian Catholic Church was liberated in 1989, the Holy See in Rome officially recognized ten new Ukrainian Catholic bishops. QUESTION: I am a Roman Catholic who is very drawn to the Ukrainian Catholic Church. I am not, however, Ukrainian in ethnic origin. My question is this: can a nonUkrainian become a regular parishioner at a Ukrainian Catholic Church? You may become a parishioner of Ukrainian Catholic Church without any difficulty as we both share the same Church and doctrinal beliefs, though our rites differ. If you plan to join any one of our parishes simply speak to the pastor and he will direct you in the proper manner. As the late Pope John Paul II once stated concerning the Catholic Church at large, the (Universal) Church breathes with two lungs (one is the Western Church and the other is the Eastern Church). QUESTION: What is “Artos” ? Bread has special significance in our life. It is a symbol of food and of the work which is necessary to earn it. God told Adam, "By the sweat of your brow will you eat your bread" (Gen. 3:19). Made up of multitude of grains, bread embodies the Church — One Church made up of multitude of its members. In addition to the Eucharistic bread the Church has several kinds of holy bread. One of them is Artos bread, which is sanctified on the Easter Liturgy. Artos lie before the Iconostasis on the table throughout Bright Week in memory of the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ, before it is shared among the whole congregation on St. Thomas Sunday. Depicted on the top of the Artos are either the symbol of Christ’s victory over death – the Cross, surmounted by a crown of thorns, or the icon of the Resurrection of Christ. The Artos reminds us that Jesus Christ, after His death and Resurrection became for Christians the true Bread of Life, just as He had described Himself.
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