Type Ia Supernovae Jordi Isern Institute for Space-Sciences (CSIC-IEEC) Barcelona 2nd ASTROGAM Workshop Paris, March 26th 2015 Overview on Supernovae Taxonomy: Light curves The light curve is essentially powered by Supernovae the desintegration chain Ni 56Co 56 Fe Can rays be used as a diagnostic tool? 56 Clayton et al 1969 Gehrels et al 1987 Ambwani & Sutherland 1988 Burrows & The, 1991 The et al 1993 Ruiz-Lapuente et al 1993 Hoflich et al 1994 Kumagai & Nomoto 1995 Woosley & Timmes 1997 Gómez-Gomar et al 1998 Summa et al 2013 (from S. Woosley ppt) IBIS/ISGRI flux in the 67 – 190 keV band (2.2 ± 0.4) x 10-4 cm-2 s-1 sig ~ 5.4 σ Rev: 1380-1385 SPI: Emission excess in the 700 -1100 band Excess in the 650 – 1300 kev band: (1.2±0.4 (stat)±0.1(sys) x 10-3 cm-2s-1 sig ~3σ Broad line Center: 155.0 ±1.9 keV FWHN: 5.3 ± 3.9 keV Flux: (2.4 ±1.6) x 10-4 cm-2 s-1 (3.5 σ) Transient Churazov et al. 2014 Rev 1390-1396 (~46 – 63 days a.e.) SN2014J • These arguments: • Absence of H at the moment of the explosion • The explosion should produce at least ~ 0.3 M0 of 56Ni to account for the light curve and late time spectrum • The short risetime of the light curve indicates that the exploding star is a compact object • Progenitors should be long lived to account for their presence in all galaxies, including ellipticals SNIa are caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a C/O white dwarf near the Chandrasekhar’s mass in a close binary system (He white dwarfs detonate and are converted in Fe and ONe collapse to a neutron star) Spectral and photometric homogeneity supported this paradigm! The B-light curve of 22 SNIA, showing the similarity among them (Cadonau ‘87) Spectral homogeneity near the maximum light &over the time (Fillipenko) However, differences among individuals… ‘Fast’ & ‘Slow’ Barbon+’74 Pskovskii-Branch correlations’77 Phillips (1993; ApJ 413, L105) A peculiar object is just a better observed object! Everything able to explode eventually do it! 31%? It makes sense to look for different coexisting scenarios & explosion mechanisms Scenarios leading to a SNIa Accreted matter: H, He or C+O # Everything able to explode eventually do it! # At a first glance both scenarios SD & DD can coexist! The presence of intermediate elements, the absence of important amounts Fe-peak elements at maximum The burning has to be subsonic (deflagration) Detonations confined to regions with ρ ≤ 107 g/cm3 Deflagration and detonation can be combined: In 1D The equivalent in 3D # Deflagration also exist # Delayed detonation # Pulsational delayed detonation Sub-Chandrasekhar models CO-WD + He star CO + He WD/He star For dM/dt = 1 to 5 10-8 Mo/yr, He ignites off-center before reaching the Chandrasekhar’s mass ΔMHe = 0.05 – 0.1 Mo He detonation occurs if ρ >2·106 g/cm3 and the T profile is flat enough. - He deflagration: Faint transients - Single He detonation - Double detonation Off center detonations (E. Bravo et al ‘07) (temperature) Merging of CO + He WD Dominguez et al Inconsistent with observations Sim + ‘10 He-detonation Artificially suppressing the effects of the outer layers Guillochon et al’10 The detailed process of formation of the He envelope is critical Guillochon et al’2010 Hot spots can trigger the detonation of He C+He mixture is extremely flammable Fink et al’11 Light curve properties Origin of the Width-Luminosity relationship (Kasen & Woosley’07; Woosley et al’07) The models have the same kinetic energy, but the Ni mass is substitued by IME # It is a broad band effect. The bolometric luminosity is not afected # The luminosity at maximum: L ~ f MNi exp(-tp/tNi) # The width depends on the diffusion time: td ~ ΦNi κ1/2 M3/4 EK -1/4 The mass & distribution of Ni is poorly known Gamma-ray emission from 56Ni chain Main properties of the ejecta Model 56 DEF 0.5 Ni(Mo) V1Mo/109 EK(1051 cm/s erg) 0.02 0.2 0.7 DEL 0.8 0.02 1.1 1.7 DET 0.7 0.04 1.1 1.5 SUB 0.6 0.01 0.6 1 Ni(Mo) 57 DET SUB DEL Additionally: Each one of these models rely on several parameters that introduce further variety in the nucleosynthesis products Sub-Chandrasekhar models produce large amounts of 44Ti DEF 20d D = 5 Mpc •DEF only shows the continuum •DEL,DET,SUB display strong lines •56Ni still present •56Ni & 56 Co prominent in SUB/DET DET DEL DEF SUB Spectral evolution for: •Deflagration •Delayed detonation •Detonation •Sub-Chandrasekhar Because of the presence of low Z elements, continuum extends to lower energies in DEF & DEL Gomez-Gomar, Isern, Jean’98 D = 5 Mpc • 56Ni lines have disappeared • 122 - 136 keV 57Co lines appear • the line intensity in DEL,DET, SUB ≈k· m of radioactive elements • the energy cut-off of DEF is still below 60d Spectral evolution for: •Deflagration •Delayed detonation •Detonation •Sub-Chandrasekhar DET DEL DEF SUB D = 5 Mpc • Optically thin •Continuum dominated by annihilation DET DEL DEF SUB 120d F(847)200d/F(158)max DEF 8 DEL 2.2 SUB 1.3 DET 0.7 F (847)200 d / F (158) max 56 56 Ni Ni tot surface Spectral evolution for: •Deflagration •Delayed detonation •Detonation •Sub-Chandrasekhar Despite the distance of SN2014J, the signal is very weak! Detection of 847 and 1248 keV lines with 4.7 & 4,3 sigma Mni = 0.63 Mo Churazov et al 14, 15 SPI data 16 – 35 days a.e. IBIS/ISGRI Detected SNIa from 2003-07 Broad lines ~ 35 keV Conclusions #The classical problem still remain: which systems explode? why they explode? How they explode? # The first goal, to detect SNIa in gamma, accomplished 158 keV 56Ni & 847 , 1238 keV 56Co lines # Lines are broad (~ 3%) and variable #Gamma-rays allow to determine the total amount of 56Ni and provide constraints to its distribution. # A statistically representative sample of SNIa must be observed # The ASTROGAM sensitivity is encouraging: ( ~10-5.06 cm-2 s-1 /35 keV ~ 3 x 10-7 cm-2 s-1 keV-1)
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