домашнее чтение по книге д. остин «гордость и предубеждение

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035700.62 – Лингвистика
(профиль «Перевод и переводоведение»);
050100.62 – Педагогическое образование
(профиль «Иностранный язык»)
С.И. Агагюлова
Издательский дом «Астраханский университет»
УДК 81.13
ББК 81
Рекомендовано к печати редакционно-издательским советом
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министерства образования и науки Астраханской области,
кандидат педагогических наук Н.И. Кривых
Домашнее чтение по книге Д. Остин «Гордость и предубеждение» :
методические рекомендации / сост. С. И. Агагюлова. – Астрахань :
Астраханский государственный университет,
Издательский дом
«Астраханский университет», 2014. – 13 с.
Представлена система упражнений по книге английской писательницы Джейн Остин «Гордость и предубеждение», способствующая запоминанию труднопроизносимых слов, привитию навыков перевода и правильного понимания оригинального текста, обогащению словарного запаса
студентов, развитию навыков устной и письменной речи.
Предназначены для студентов III и IV курсов, обучающихся по специальностям «Лингвистика» и «Педагогическое образование».
© Астраханский государственный
университет, Издательский дом
«Астраханский университет», 2014
© С. И. Агагюлова, составление, 2014
Издание предназначено студентам III и IV курсов институтов и факультетов иностранных языков для домашнего чтения и
включает разработку книги английской писательницы Джейн Остин «Гордость и предубеждение».
Система упражнений рассчитана на тренировку и запоминание труднопроизносимых слов, привитие навыков перевода и
правильного понимания оригинального текста, обогащение словарного запаса студентов, развитие навыков устной и письменной
речи. Наряду с этим практикуется пересказ текста от лица героев,
составление предложений и ситуаций.
Все эти задания и вопросы помогут студентам обсудить основные проблемы, рассматриваемые в произведении, интересные
эпизоды и поступки героев, а также организовать самостоятельную работу студентов при подготовке к аудиторным занятиям по
домашнему чтению.
В качестве итоговой работы предлагается индивидуальный
или групповой проект по одной из указанных тем, требующий
тщательного анализа всего произведения в целом.
Chapters 1–4, pp. 1–11
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: scrupulous, solace, circumspection, fortnight, tumult, countenance, scarcity, fastidious, candour, pliancy.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: no objection to doing smth, to give over, to
abuse, to vex, to tear to pieces, to stand a chance, to neglect, to crown
the whole, to do credit to smb, to be apt to, in that respect.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Write out from the text all the adjectives used to describe and
characterize people. Make up lists of “positive” and “negative” adjectives.
5. Summarize the events.
6. Speak on the main personages.
7. Discuss the relations in the family, neighbourhood and society.
Chapters 5–7, pp. 12–25
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: knighthood, supercilious,
to endeavor, persevering, propriety, insipidity, deficiency, to coincide,
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: unshackled, beyond a doubt, overhearings,
to mortify, composure, impertinent, sound, accomplishments, indignation, to contrive, a hint, solicitude.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Comment upon the following:
 p. 13 – “His pride …to be proud”;
 p. 16 – “Well, said Charlotte, I wish Jane… to pass your life”;
 p. 23 – “I admire your benevolence…to what is required”.
5. Summarize the events.
6. Speak on the main personages.
7. Discuss the relations in the family, neighbourhood and society.
Chapters 8–10, pp. 25–40
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: nonsensical, assent mirth,
censure, captivation, amendment, profuse, efficacy, odious, laudable,
discretion, aweful.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: an intruder, to be engrossed, an abominable sort of conceited independence, to despise, paltry device, to pass
the chief of the night, to comprehend, to be civil, perpetual commendations, to do justice, to premeditate, to use smb. abominably ill.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Speak on “An image of an Accomplished Woman”
(Mr. Bingley’s, Miss Bingley’s, Mr. Darcy’s ideas). What’s your personal idea of an accomplished woman?
5. Summarize the events.
6. Speak on Mrs. Bennet’s visit to Netherfield (conversation, behavior, manners).
7. Discuss Darcy’s attitude to Eliza.
Chapters 11–14, pp. 40–52
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: diffuseness, vouch, follies, iniquitous, bounty, servility, condescension.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: professions of pleasure, to be under good
regulation, to adhere, animation, to call in, an entail, to heal the
breach, to trespass, to be next to impossible, flattering with delicacy.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Comment on:
 “There’s no enjoyment like reading”
 “Good opinion once lost is lost forever”
5. Summarize the events.
6. Speak on the main personages of the story.
7. Speak on Mr. Collins (his life, relations, speech, behavior).
Chapters 15–17, pp. 52–67
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: incumbent, cessation, entreaty, lieutenant, scruples, grieve, filial, implacability, sacrifice.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: self-conceit, to get rid of, to wander up,
under pretence of, to awe, to be struck with, threadbare, per annum, to
forfeit, malicious revenge, worth smb’s while.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on Mr. Wickham (his life, relations, speech, behavior).
Chapters 18–19, pp. 67–84
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: unsubdued, surmice, endeavour, bestow, fatigue, languor, hasten, matrimony.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: cluster, in an instant, to dwell on, to fret, to
console, to be blinded by prejudice, to be in the least to do smth., to
cease doing smth., contempt, to teaze, feelings of diffidence.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on the Ball, Proposal to Eliza, Reasons to marry
(given in the text and your own).
Chapters 20–23, pp. 84–101
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: to dawdle, minute, assiduous, mature, courtship, concurrence, barbarously.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: headstrong, liable to smth., to meditate, to
lament over smth., to be detained, intimate footing, to be out of the
way, to run the risk of, to humiliate, good breeding, to contradict.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on Charlotte’s decision, Eliza’s reaction, and Bingley’s departure.
Chapters 1–4, pp. 104–119
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: Caprice, repine, jilt, perverse, thwarted, acquiescence, relinquish, mercenary, savour, commendation.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: To pay respects to smb, an inmate, to pay
credit, to be crossed in love, extenuating circumstances, in the custody
of, to foresee, to slacken, to banish, to be duped, to give smb a peep,
to rally, spleen.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on the sisters' conversation, the Gardiners' visit, Jane’s
visit to London and Eliza and Mr. Wickham's relations.
Chapters 5–9, pp. 119–139
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: ostentatious, affability,
grandeur, strenuously, negligence, curtsey, proficiency, tete-a-tete.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: humble abode, to anticipate, to be in raptures, to controvert, means, to trifle with, to conceal, to find fault with,
to settle differences, to intimidate, to retaliate, to recollect.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on:
 Mrs.Collins;
 First visit to Rosings;
 Lady Catherine (appearance, character, manners and deeds);
 Colonel Fitzwilliam(appearance, character, manners and deeds);
 Conversation with Mr. Darcy;
 Eliza’s impressions and feelings.
Chapters 10–13, pp. 139–160
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: colonel, haunt, inured, officious, avowal, disguise, abhorrence, verdure, repugnance, in lieu,
decease, profligacy.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: in spirits, to be at smb’s disposal, prodigious deal, to disdain, perusal, to exasperate, remorse, accusation, to
try to the utmost, magnitude, to inflict pain on, folly, fervent.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on the Confession.
Chapters 14–19, pp. 161–184
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: obeisance, diminution,
incumbrance, augment, awe, conjugal, commencement, querulous.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: to abide, replete, a footing, to trim, never
to care three straws, to yield, to be a spur to smth, to endure, to repine
at smb’s fate, to acquiesce.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on:
 The two gentlemen leaving Rosings;
 Mr. Collins and Eliza at breakfast;
 Regiment leaving Meryton;
 Eliza talking with Jane and their father.
Chapters 1–2, pp. 185–202
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: perturbation, gaudy, whimsical, environs, discern, untinctured, hauteur, petulance, acrimony.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: in a high flutter, to rattle away, contemplation, to overcome, at ease, to long, an embargo, to ascertain, to be repugnant, to be relieved.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on:
 Pemberley;
 Gradation of Eliza’s feelings;
 Mrs. Reynolds’ vision of Mr. Darcy;
 Meeting with Miss Darcy and Mr. Bingley.
Chapters 3–5, pp. 202–222
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: precious, palliation,
hasty, fugitives, sanguine, infamy, irretrievable.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: brevity, to be uppermost, elopement, to err,
to nettle, turnpikes, to be upon the spot, out of smb’s wits.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on:
 Ladies at Pemberley;
 Lydia and Wickham’ escape;
 Gretna Green (find some additional information);
 Situation at Longbourn.
Chapters 6–8, pp. 223–239
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: dilatory, heinous, exuberance, calico, cambric, guinea, connubial.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: to be on occasions, to condole, to sympathise with, to discharge, to accede, nuptials, to take refuge, to send
some tidings of.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on:
 The Family in trouble and Mr. Collins’ letter;
 Mr. Wickham’s terms of marriage;
 Mr. Bennet’s thoughts on family affairs;
 Mrs. Bennet’s change of mood;
 Agreement on marriage.
Chapters 9–11, pp. 239–257
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: culprit, austerity, untamed, unabashed, curricle, abhorrence, lustre, irremediable.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: to deck, horrid, a confidante, to expedite a
marriage, saucy speech, to simper and to smirk, to be in the fidgets, on
a fool’s errand, to be bold.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on:
 Mrs. Wickham coming home;
 Mr. Darcy’s assistance in the matter;
 Mr. Wickham and Eliza;
 Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy’s visit.
Chapters 12–15, pp. 258–278
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: rapacity, a haunch, hermitage, cradle, recede, incessantly, incur, blemish.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: to deaden, to forbear, to roast to a turn, to
wink, dupe, falsehood, disgrace, brook, to join in the scorn, on the
brink of matrimony, to defy sagacity, vice.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on:
 The dinner at Longbourn;
 Mr. Bingley’s proposal;
 Lady de Bourgh’s visit to Longbourn;
 Eliza’s thoughts;
 Mr. Collins’ letter.
Chapters 16–18, pp. 279–298
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Translate, transcribe and memorize: contrariwise, torture,
mirth, insipid, arrear, heedless.
2. Find the Russian equivalents in the text and reproduce the
situations they are used in: apprehension, to have no scruple in, to resent the past, consent, to rant, to take pains, to befall.
3. Make up a situation with the words from tasks 1 and 2.
4. Summarize the events.
5. Speak on the main personages of the story.
6. Speak on:
 Mr. Darcy and Eliza’s conversation;
 Mr. Darcy’s proposal;
 Two happy marriages and their ways of living.
I. People – choose one individual from the novel and portray his
or her character, personality, appearance. Comment on his or her behavior, emotions, and thoughts.
II. Families – choose one family from the novel and speak on its
members, their relations, way of life, and way of thinking (the Bennets, the Lucases, the Gardiners, the Collinses / the Bingleys, the Darcys, the de Burghs).
III. Mansions (estates or houses) – choose one house from the
novel, describe it, make some pictures or plans or sketches of it
(Longbourn, Lucas Lodge, the Parsonage, Netherfields, Rosings,
Методические рекомендации
Светлана Исламовна Агагюлова
Технической редактирование,
С.Н. Лычагиной
Заказ № 3040. Тираж 200 экз. (второй завод 15 экз.)
Уч.-изд. л. 1,3. Усл.-печ. л. 1,2
Издательский дом «Астраханский университет»
414056, г. Астрахань, ул. Татищева, 20а
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