Essay Writing Competition for Mayār Saghīr (500 Words) v The Holy Qur'ān v Le Saint Corān Essay Writing Competition for Mayār Kabīr (700-1000 words) v Modern Social Evils -‐ How does Islam protect us from these? v Modernes fléaux sociaux -‐ Comment l'Islam nous protéger de ceux-‐ci? Rules and Regulations 1. The research essay may be written in English or French. 2. All essays must be typed and submitted online to National Markaz by June 15th, 2015. 3. Tifl’s full name, Mayar, age (in years & months), and Majlis name must be submitted with the essay. 4. Essay for Mayār Saghīr should consist of 500 - 700 words and that for Mayār Kabīr should be 700-1000 words (maximum) in length (Not including references). 5. The research essay must be written by the Tifl but parents or other elders are encouraged to proofread the essay to correct any mistakes and to suggest any improvements. All ideas must be properly cited. A list of all references from the Holy Qur’ n, Had th, Jam ’at literature, relevant scientific or other reputable sources must be provided at the end. 6. Atf l must develop a thesis for the topic and organize the essay into series of paragraphs. Marking Scheme (To be finalized) 7. Any grammar, spelling and Clear Thesis statement 20% punctuation errors will be Content & Writing Style 60% penalized. Research and Quality of References 20% 8. Prizes will be announced at the 28th Annual National Ijtim ‘. For any question or concerns, please contact with National Secretary Ta‘l m for Majlis Atf lul Ahmadiyya Canada. Email: [email protected] , Phone: 647 669 4208 Essay Writing Marking Criteria § All essays must be typed and submitted online in MS Word format by June 15th, 2015. Criterion 100 marks Thesis § Develop a very clear Thesis statement in the introduction 20 marks Content, Writing Style, and Organization § Use of relevant verses of the Holy Qur’ n, Ah dith, Books of the Promised Messiahas, Books or Sermons of Khulaf ’, Newspapers, and other sources to support the key points of the essay. 60 marks Research, Originality & Quality of References Description § Clear communication & logical organization § Spelling, Grammar, paragraph structure, and flow in the essay § Essay is original, uses paraphrasing appropriately, and its major portions are not simply “copy-pasted”. § All key points and ideas are cited correctly and a reference list is provided at the end of the essay. 20 marks Organizing an Essay • Introduce the reader to your topic • Identify the topic • Write the main argument (thesis) of your Essay Introduction (1 paragraph) • Topic Sentence 1 • Supporting Details • Concluding Sentence 1 Body • Topic Sentence 2 • Supporting Details • Concluding Sentence 2 (1-‐3 paragraphs) • Topic Sentence 3 • Supporting Details • Concluding Sentence 3 Conclusion • Restate your main argument (thesis) • Summarize your arguments (1 paragraph) Steps for Writing an Essay Research • Read through resources provided to you • Ask Parents & others for resources Plan & Brainstorm • Write notes as you read books, websites, or magazines. • Note all page numbers & links Create an Outline • Create an outline of your essay • List the key points for IntroducOon & main arguments Write first DraR & Revise it • Write a rough copy of your essay • Revise it a few Omes • Ask someone to proofread your essay and to suggest improvements Final Revision • Correct any spelling & grammaOcal errors • Make changes based on comments from those who proof read your essay • Type up the essay and check for any errors Resources for Mayār Saghīr The following resources are being provided to get you started but you need not limit your research just to these links. Documentary: Introduction to The Holy Quran -‐ What is Holy Quran? <> The Promised Messiah and The Holy Quran <‐Messiah-‐and-‐The-‐Holy-‐Quran-‐ 20080306MN.pdf> Friday Sermon: Holy Quran, The source of guidance and salvation; Sermon Delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad aba at Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (Dec 16, 2011) <‐sermon/2011-‐12-‐16.html> INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OFTHE HOLY QURAN; HADHRAT MIRZA BASHIR-‐UD-‐DIN MAHMUD ra AHMAD (KHALIFATUL MASIH II) <‐Study-‐Holy-‐Quran.pdf> The Glory of Quran; MaulanaDost Muhammad Shahid <‐Glory-‐of-‐Quran.pdf> Holy Quran -‐ Guidance For Mankind <> FULFILLED PROPHECIES OF THE HOLY QURAN <> Resources for Mayār Kabīr The following resources are being provided to get you started but you need not limit your research just to these links. Islam’s Response to Contemporary Issues <> The Philosophy of Punishments in Islam: Review of Religions (Oct 2009) <‐philosophy-‐of-‐punishments-‐in-‐islam/> The eternal struggle of Good and Evil and our Responsibilities: Friday Sermon, KhalifatulMasih IV, ra Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (August 5, 1983) <‐EN.pdf> Conditions of Bai‘at& responsibilities of an Ahmadi <> The Islamic Veil: The Review of Religions, October 1992 <> ra SOME DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF ISLAM: Speech Delivered by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad <>
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