PROGR AM OF EVENTS M A RC H 2 1 – 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 Try something new Most events are open to the public. Find a quick listing of everything at a glance. See page 2.. Shape the future Want to build robots, see the stars, and listen to science story times? See events for children and families. Find out how we are celebrating students and teachers on page 32. The big day Join us March 28 at Centennial Olympic Park for a giant science extravaganza featuring more than 100 interactive exhibits and performances from local organizations, companies, and universities that celebrate the excitement of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in Atlanta. See page 30. More than 100 opportunities to be wowed Curious thinkers of all ages—join us for a weeklong celebration of local science and technology. Explore hands-on activities, facility tours, nature walks, story times, comedy nights, film screenings, and more as we expand Atlanta’s community of science enthusiasts. See page 4. For updates, tickets, and more visit AT L A N TA S C I E N C E F E S T I VA L AT A G L A N C E Saturday March 21 Chattahoochee River Bird Walk and Talk 8:00–9:30 a.m. Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area Island Ford Unit 4th Squishy Physics Saturday: Proteins, Meat, Fish, Eggs, and Cooking 10:00 a.m.–noon Georgia Tech Science @ the Center “SPRING into SCIENCE” 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Fernbank Science Center Discovery Day at Georgia State 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Georgia State University Discovery Day at Stone Mountain 10:00–2:00 p.m. Stone Mountain Park Not Just Nuts. Bring Chestnuts Back to ATL 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.* *Also on Tuesday 3/24 and Friday 3/27 The Confluence Trail What’s All the Buzz about Nanotechnology? 10:00 a.m.–noon Georgia Tech Blasting off with Science! 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Morehouse College Super Hero Science Saturday Saturday, March 21 11:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m. The Children’s Museum of Atlanta A Case Study of Ferguson: A Scientific Exploration of Race in America 11:00 a.m.–noon Georgia Gwinnett College Creating and Managing Maker Spaces and STEM Labs in Schools 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Georgia Tech The Georgia Aquarium Is Going Full STEAM Ahead 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Georgia Aquarium Science of Sports Safety 6:00–8:30 p.m. College Football Hall of Fame Global Health Mapathon Fernbank Forest Guided Tour Noon–2:00 p.m. Fernbank Museum of Natural History Science of Beer I Noon–5:00 p.m. Emory University Drum Lines and Sound Waves Noon–2:00 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Decatur Campus Farmer Scavenger Hunt 1:00–3:30 p.m. Gaia Gardens/Love Is Love Farm Roob & Noob, Theatre for the Very Young 12:15–1:15 p.m. Alliance Theatre Research to Reality Crime Scene Investigation Squad 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Georgia Gwinnett College See the Trees! The Outbreak Game Robots and LEGO=Sport for the Mind 1:00–3:00 p.m. Emory University Science at Emory: The Lab Changing the World 4:00–6:00 p.m. Emory University Starry, Starry Night: Astronomy at Hard Labor Creek Observatory 7:30–9:30 p.m. Hard Labor Creek State Park Emergence in Motion: Dancing with Evolution 8:00–10:00 p.m.* *Also on 3/22 at 3:00 p.m. The Space Atlanta Sunday March 22 Physics Live! 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Emory University The Science behind Ping-Pong 10:00 a.m.–noon Decatur Recreation Center 1:30–3:30 p.m. American Cancer Society 2:00–4:00 p.m. Agnes Scott College 2:00–4:00 p.m. DE Marietta Science on the Screen: Jurassic Park 3:30–7:00 p.m. Fernbank Museum of Natural History Science Today 7:00–9:00 p.m. Synchronicity Theater Monday March 23 The Science of Odd Materials 4:00–7:00 p.m. Chamblee Library The Science behind Star Wars 6:00–7:00 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Dunwoody Campus Learning to Make, Making to Learn 6:00–7:30 p.m.* *Also on Thursday 3/26 Fortson Library 6:30–8:00 p.m. Orpheus Brewing Discovery Dialogue: Neurotechnology—Fact, Fiction, and Future 7:00–9:00 p.m. Decatur Recreation Center Story Collider, Atlanta-Style! 7:30–9:30 p.m. The New American Shakespeare Tavern Live Podcast from Stuff You Should Know 8:00–9:30 p.m. SCADShow Geekapalooza 8:00–9:30 p.m. Laughing Skull Comedy Club Tuesday March 24 Music, Art, and the Aging Brain, an Event for Seniors 10:00 a.m.–noon Georgia Perimeter College, Decatur Campus Preschool STEAM Story Time 10:00–11:00 a.m. The A.T.O.M.S. Center at Kennesaw State University Constellations, Fractals, and Antique Glassware: Exploring Patterns in Science and Math 6:00–8:00 p.m. Agnes Scott College Rocks Talk at Georgia State’s Fusion Gallery 6:00–9:00 p.m. Whitespace signature program 2 For updates, tickets, and more, visit updates and more: Science of Sparks and Molten Metal: Welding Movie Science—Science Fact or Science Fiction 6:30–8:30 p.m. Georgia Piedmont Technical College 6:00–8:00 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Dunwoody Campus Science on the Screen: Einstein’s Big Idea (NOVA) 7:00–9:30 p.m. Oglethorpe University Tech Talks 6:00–8:00 p.m. Georgia Tech, Scheller College of Business An Evening with Neil deGrasse Tyson A Celebration of Light, Gravity, and Einstein 7:30–9:30 p.m. Fox Theatre 6:00–8:30 p.m. Historic Academy of Medicine Rhyme and Reason: Science and Poetry as Co-Conspirators 8:00–10:00 p.m. Java Monkey Wednesday March 25 Memory Dynamics, at the Interface of Neuroscience and Art Noon–8:00 p.m.* *Also on Thursday 3/26 and Friday 3/27 Fernbank Science Center Lunch and Learn: Sand 12:15–1:00 p.m. Tellus Science Museum Secret Structures Revealed/ Design in Nature 5:30–7:30 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Clarkston Campus Discovery Dialogue: Burning Yak Dung, A Culture and Science Clash in Tibet 6:00–8:00 p.m. Emory University Science on the Screen: Her 6:00–9:00 p.m. Spelman College Science of Beer II 6:30–8:00 p.m. Monday Night Brewing Science Trivia Night 7:00–9:00 p.m. Manuel’s Tavern The Buzz on Bees 7:00–9:00 p.m. Atlanta Botanical Garden Math Trivia: Fun to the nth Degree 7:30–9:00 p.m. Thinking Man Tavern Science Improv 8:00–10:00 p.m. Whole World Improv Theatre Making and Tinkering: How Play Develops Social Awareness 7:00–8:30 p.m. The Children’s School Science on the Screen: Slingshot, the Documentary Real-Time Environmental Data through Sight and Sound: An Analysis of Decatur Noon–4:00 p.m. Decatur Square Interstellar Travel and Relationships—Time to Meet Our Neighbors? 7:00–9:00 p.m. Kennesaw, GA How Not to Be Wrong 7:00–8:00 p.m. Georgia Tech Science on the Screen: Cancer: Emperor of All Maladies 7:00–9:00 p.m. Georgia Public Broadcasting Nerd Nite ATL/ASF 8:00–10:00 p.m. Manuel’s Tavern Solve for X Science Variety Show: Small Science 8:30–10:00 p.m. Ballroom at the Highland Inn Friday March 27 4:00–6:00 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Dunwoody Campus Michael Green, aka the Science Machine, Presents Science for Everyone 6:00–7:30 p.m. Little Shop of Stories Fostering Climate Change Awareness in our Neighborhood 6:30–8:30 p.m. Outdoor Activity Center What’s in this Drink? The Science Behind Wine 7:00–9:00 p.m. Java Vino Let’s Talk about Sax: A Night of Jazz and the Science of Woodwinds Science for EveryBODY: Circulating Knowledge 7:00–9:30 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College, Decatur Campus Thursday March 26 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Chattahoochee Technical College Discovery Dialogue: The Plastic Gyre, Part I Discovery Dialogue: The Plastic Gyre, Part II The Leucine Zipper Science Show 7:30–9:30 p.m. Historic Academy of Medicine 8:15 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Georgia State University 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. David J. Sencer CDC Museum Cosmic Camp In 9:00 p.m.–midnight Fernbank Science Center Earth in Twilight 6:00–9:00 p.m. Georgia Tech Science Works! 6:00–9:00 p.m. Gwinnett Technical College Pheromones! 6:30–8:30 p.m. Fernbank Science Center Saturday, March 28 Exploration EXPO 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Centennial Olympic Park Check online for additional events at: #ASF15 @ ATLSciFest /atlscifest 3 F E S T I VA L E V E N T S S AT U R D AY, M A RCH 21 Chattahoochee River Bird Walk and Talk Why do birds sing more in S AT U R D AY, M A R C H 2 1 the spring? How can a single bird sing a duet? Why is so much ecological research 8:00–9:30 a.m. Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area Island Ford Unit 1978 Island Ford Parkway Sandy Springs, GA 30350 Fee: $5 ($3 additional for parking) based on birds? Come learn the answers to these and other questions while hiking trails and finding birds at the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area’s Island Ford unit. Presented by Roarke Donnelly and students of Oglethorpe University. Meet at trailhead IF21 in the northernmost parking lot of the unit’s southern half. Check online for detailed directions. signature program i 4th Squishy Physics Saturday: Proteins, Meat, Fish, Eggs, and Cooking Most of what we eat is squishy, behaving as a solid on a plate or as a liquid when processed in your mouth. Join food physicist Laurissa Zhou (Modernist Cuisine) and Atlanta chef Linton Hopkins (Restaurant Eugene) as they investigate physical questions critical to cooking and understanding the properties of food. Check online for registration and parking information. 4 For updates, tickets, and more, visit 10:00 a.m.–noon Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business LeCraw Auditorium 800 W. Peachtree Street Atlanta, GA 30308. Fee: Free with advanced registration Science @ the Center “SPRING into SCIENCE” Come join the 50th Anniversary of Science, History, and Art at Fernbank Science Center as we kick off the Atlanta Science Festival. Race a slinky to the finish line in our inaugural 0.01 K. Select seedlings for your spring 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. DCSD Fernbank Science Center 156 Heaton Park Drive Atlanta, GA 30307 Fee: Free vegetable garden. Hear the science and folklore of constellations and the Spring Equinox. Prepare a cool spring snack while learning ice cream chemistry. Follow spring migration and observe bird-banding procedures. Pet a baby animal. Discover the latest in nanotechnology. Make your own paint. And more! Discovery Day at Georgia State Discovery Day at Georgia State University highlights science, art, and math with hands-on science and math activities, a majors and careers fair, lab demos, campus tours, and films in the Petit Science Center—or hop aboard the Bio-Bus. Fun for all ages, including college applicants. Get ahead on gift giving for science enthusiasts at our Pop-Up Shop. Visit for details. See related events at Stone Mountain and Hard Labor Creek. Discovery Day at Stone Mountain Georgia State University geoscientists offer guided hikes, geocaching hunts, and visitor center info sessions on the natural history of our quartz dome. Meet at Visitors Center. Visit for details. 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Stone Mountain Park 1000 Robert E. Lee Boulevard Stone Mountain, GA 30083 Fee: Free with cost of admission S AT U R D AY, M A R C H 2 1 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Petit Science Center 1st–4th Floor Lobbies and Classrooms Georgia State University 100 Piedmont Avenue SE Atlanta, GA 30303 Fee: Free signature program Not Just Nuts. Bring Chestnuts Back to ATL Discover one of Atlanta’s hidden treasures on a South Fork Conservancy Trail Excursion. For the past five years, the conservancy has worked to 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. The Confluence Trail 2100 Armand Road Atlanta, GA 30324 Fee: Free reconnect Atlanta with the South Fork of Peachtree Creek by restoring its riparian environment and building low-impact, creek-side trails. Now a thriving citizen science project is overcoming the perils of urban reforestation to return a majestic tree to its home. Let a conservancy expert show you creek restoration in action and apply your newly acquired knowledge by helping us reintroduce the American chestnut to its native environment during a group chestnut plant tending. This event repeats on Tuesday March 24 and Friday March 27. Check online for details. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 5 What’s All the Buzz about Nanotechnology? What’s the buzz about nanotechnology? Come learn about the exciting research happening at the nanoscale at Georgia Tech’s Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology. See what happens in a cleanroom, bring your own sample and explore the nanoscale through a Scanning Electron 10:00 a.m.–noon Marcus Nanotechnology Building, Bottom Floor Microscopy Suite Georgia Tech 345 Ferst Drive NW Atlanta, 30318 Fee: Free Microscope (SEM), and learn about unique nanoscale properties through hands-on activities. Blasting off with Science! BK International Education Consultancy and the Georgia Science & Robotics Academy present Blasting off with Science!, a fun-filled K–12 water rocket competition for families. Come compete for prizes and to 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Morehouse College 830 Westview Drive SW Atlanta, GA 30314 Fee: Free with advanced registration learn about the science of rocketry and flight, no experience necessary. S AT U R D AY, M A R C H 2 1 Check online for detailed location and registration information. signature program Super Hero Science Saturday Come dressed as your favorite super hero to this special event at the Children’s Museum of Atlanta. Visitors will learn about chemical reactions, dry ice clouds, and paper recycling through fun hands-on exploration at science stations set up in the museum’s learning zones. Guest scientists will include the Grady High School Robotics Team and Box Heroes, and at 2:00 p.m., come together for a Scientific Spectacular Show hosted by the museum’s Professor Labcoat. All adults must be accompanied by children and all children must be accompanied by adults. 6 For updates, tickets, and more, visit Saturday, March 21 11:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m. The Children’s Museum of Atlanta 275 Centennial Olympic Park Drive NW Atlanta, GA 30313 Fee: Included with the cost of admission A Case Study of Ferguson: A Scientific Exploration of Race in America “Why would a police officer gun down an unarmed black man or boy?” is a question that has rocked America during the past year as case after case has gained public attention. This interdisciplinary panel aims 11:00 a.m.–noon Georgia Gwinnett College Student Center Building E 1000 University Center Lane Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Fee: Free to answer this question not through rhetoric, but through scientific exploration of what is happening at the individual, societal, and historical level in each encounter. Creating and Managing Maker Spaces and STEM Labs in Schools: A Teacher Workshop Want to build a true hands-on learning environment? Maker Spaces/ STEM Labs are the way to go. This workshop will help guide you through the process of creating and managing a space like this at your school. 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Invention Studio Georgia Tech 801 Ferst Drive Atlanta, GA 30313 Fee: Free with advanced registration Check online for registration and parking information. Join our map-a-thon and help us assist the public health response to the ongoing Ebola outbreak. A map-a-thon is one-day, hack-a-thon to link volunteered geographic information, satellite imagery, and open-source map data within the OpenStreetMap (OSM) framework. The cleaned Noon–5:00 p.m. Rollins School of Public Health Emory University 1518 Clifton Road NE Atlanta, GA 30322 Fee: Free with advanced registration data adds to the growing body of geo-referenced data used in ongoing outbreaks and emergencies. We will be filling in the blank spots on the map of West Africa and need participants to help us with mapping or who have West African language and site knowledge to offer. No prior S AT U R D AY, M A R C H 2 1 Global Health Mapathon experience with OpenStreetMap is necessary; a short training will be given at the start of the event. Refreshments will be provided. Check online for registration, room, and parking information. Drum Lines and Sound Waves There’s even science in everyone’s favorite halftime show. Percussion instruments,such as drums, xylophones, gongs, and Noon–2:00 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Decatur Campus, Gym 3251 Panthersville Road Decatur, GA Fee: Free cymbals, make sound when you strike or shake them. Learn about the relationship between sound waves and drums while listening to two high school drum lines. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 7 signature program Roob & Noob, Theatre for the Very Young Meet Roob & Noob: two overly curious scientists who love nothing more than discovering something new. Join 12:15–1:15 p.m. Black Box Theatre Alliance Theatre 1280 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Fee: $10 them on an interactive adventure, as they build machines from simple objects and explore the wonder and sensations of each of the four seasons. Inspired by the magical Rube Goldberg machines, this unique theatrical performance combines science and the arts, proving that sometimes the most profound discoveries are achieved by simply playing. Check online for a S AT U R D AY, M A R C H 2 1 special promo code and to make ticket reservations. Crime Scene Investigation Squad Like to watch crime-solving TV like NCIS, Bones, or CSI? Want to get in on the action and solve a “crime” yourself? Then join the Crime Scene Investigation Squad. Aimed at high school age students, first, you’ll visit a mock crime scene to collect some evidence. Next, you’ll take it to the CSIS forensics lab and analyze your samples and connect the potential perpetrator to the crime. Finally, you’ll present your “expert” evidence to the investigators so an arrest can be made. Check online for registration. signature program The Outbreak Game Investigate a mock outbreak on the Emory campus, using real-world tools employed by Emory and CDC scientists. Players will study the environment, perform a lab test, interview mock patients, investigate vaccine and drug development, and attend a mock press conference to get to the bottom of this mysterious outbreak. Get your team together (we recommend teams of 3-5 people) and register in advance online. On-site registration will not be available. Recommended for ages 12 and up. Check online for parking information. 8 1:00–3:00 p.m. School of Science and Technology Georgia Gwinnett College B Building Atrium 1000 University Center Lane Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Fee: Free with advanced registration For updates, tickets, and more, visit 1:00–3:00 p.m. Emory University Quadrangle 201 Dowman Drive Atlanta, GA 30322 Fee: $10 per person, students $5 Science at Emory: The Lab Changing the World Join Emory scientists for a round of fast-paced, TED-style talks inspired by the United Nations designation of 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light Based Technologies. Learn how light plays a role in 4:00–6:00 p.m. Emory University White Hall, Room 208 301 Dowman Drive Atlanta, GA 30322 Fee: Free everything from the way we look at cells to the way we see the stars in the night sky. The event will include art installations and live chemistry demos. Check online for parking information. Starry, Starry Night: Astronomy at Hard Labor Creek Observatory At the Hard Labor Creek Observatory, Georgia State University astronomers will fascinate visitors with planets and stars in our night sky. Event will begin at dusk. Visit for details. Very limited parking for the observatory is available free, but 7:30–9:30 p.m. Hard Labor Creek State Park 2010 Fairplay Road Rutledge, GA 30663 Latitude: N 33° 40’ 19.7’’ Longitude: W 83° 35’ 46.0’’ Fee: Free please carpool and drive carefully. Check online for directions. Emergence in Motion: Dancing with Evolution Come to the Space for an art-infused afternoon of science. Watch acrobats hanging from the air on a giant double helix to explain concepts of chemical evolution, dancers performing with interactive robots to show different aspects of technology, and lectures on each 8:00–10:00 p.m. The Space Atlanta 4620-A South Atlanta Road Smyrna, GA 30339 Fee: $5 topic to tie it all together. This is a family-friendly event that will excite people of all ages and scientific backgrounds. This event repeats on Sunday, March 22 at 3:00 p.m. S AT U R D AY, M A R C H 2 1 signature program Check online for other events happening on Saturday, March 21, such as: the Fernbank Forest Bird Walk at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History, the KIDS Family Fun event at Georgia Tech, the Southside STEAM Expo at Coweta County Fairgrounds, the STEM Mini-Conference and the Chemistry beneath Our Feet event at Georgia Tech, the Jetsons—Humans and Robots Together on Earth event at Spelman College, the Exploring Citizens Science Projects Teacher Workshop at the Captain Planet Foundation, the LIVE! Robotic Demonstration at the John Hope Community Center, the BioLogue Hands-on Hodgepodge of Science at the Exchange Recreation Center, the Xploration Stations and Solar Observatory Open House at Tellus Science Museum, the Robots! event at Kell Innovation Center, the Alternative Energy for Kids event at the Toco Hill–Avis G. Williams Library, and the Evolution Participatory Art Project. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 9 F E S T I VA L E V E N T S S U N D AY, M A RCH 2 2 Physics Live! Ever played with giant soap bubbles, ridden a hovercraft, or tasted liquid S U N D AY, M A R C H 2 2 nitrogen ice cream? How about journey through space and time as you gaze at the stars? Now you can with Physics Live! Come join the faculty 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Math and Science Building Emory University 400 Dowman Drive Atlanta, GA 30322 Fee: Free and students at Emory University’s Department of Physics for a day full of fun physics demonstrations, tours of our laboratories, and amazing planetarium shows (11:00 a.m. and noon). Attendees will also have a chance to discuss a career in science and technology with our faculty and students. signature program The Science behind Ping-Pong Table Tennis Technology! There’s science to be found even in the world of ping-pong. Come play a 10:00 a.m.–noon Decatur Recreation Center Gymnasium 31 Sycamore Street Decatur, GA 30030 Fee: Free few rounds and learn about how science and engineering are making table tennis a faster, better, more environmentally friendly game. The Georgia Aquarium Is Going Full STEAM Ahead Work your way through the wonder of the Georgia Aquarium, visiting special stations with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) activities. Collect stamps for each activity you complete and get a prize at the end. Stop in to hear short talks from aquarium professionals like divers, vets, nutritionists, and aquarists. 10 For updates, tickets, and more, visit 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Georgia Aquarium 225 Baker Street NW Atlanta, GA 30313 Fee: Free with price of admission Fernbank Forest Guided Tour Experience the rich oasis of Fernbank Forest, a 65-acre mature mixedhardwood forest that is the largest of its kind situated in a major metropolitan area. Gain a better understanding of the interconnected Noon–2:00 p.m. Fernbank Museum of Natural History 767 Clifton Road NE Atlanta, GA 30307 Fee: Free forest ecosystem, the importance of native biodiversity, and the threat posed by invasive species. See first-hand the ongoing restoration efforts that will allow this urban forest to thrive for generations. Suitable for ages eight and up. Space is limited; advanced registration required at 404.929.6400. Check online for guidelines. signature program Farmer Scavenger Hunt Come visit a real-life science lab—an organic farm. This scavenger hunt will allow you to explore the science of a real organic farm right inside 1:00–3:30 p.m. Gaia Gardens/Love Is Love Farm 900 Dancing Fox Road Decatur, GA 30032 Fee: $5 the city. Come prepared to romp on a little dirty. Bonus: We’ll have a tasting activity with a local chef. Check online for registration and parking information. signature program Research to Reality Have you ever wondered how great initiatives grow to become successful developments? How do you discover which ideas will make the greatest impact? Join the American Cancer Society in an interactive session that 1:30–3:30 p.m. American Cancer Society 250 Williams Street NW Atlanta, GA 30303 Fee: Free with advanced registration S U N D AY, M A R C H 2 2 this food farm and get your hands will reveal how a research initiative becomes a funded project. Follow us through the formal review process each research project goes through, and discover how we ultimately get to those ideas that will help save the most lives from cancer. Check online for room information and registration. signature program See the Trees! A collaborative team of an arborist, a climate scientist, and an artist will lead visitors through a tree tour of Agnes Scott College. With a large 2:00–4:00 p.m. Agnes Scott College 141 East College Avenue Decatur, GA 30030 Fee: Free collection of native and exotic trees on the tour, you will learn about trees that you pass every day or have yet to discover. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on the complex connections between trees and humans and the integral role that trees play in our lives. Meet outside the campus public safety office that is attached to the parking deck on S. McDonough Street. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 11 Robots and LEGO=Sport for the Mind The all girls FIRST LEGO League Team UltraViolet will tell audiences about the amazing world of robotics and demonstrate their robots. Girls and boys age eight to 13 who are excited about LEGO and Robots as well as parents or educators interested in coaching a team should come hear 2:00–4:00 p.m. DE Marietta 3065 Chastain Meadows Parkway NW Building 200, Suite 270 Marietta, GA 30066 Fee: Free with advanced registration about the FIRST LEGO League from this award-winning team. Check online for registration. signature program Science on the Screen: Jurassic Park Everyone remembers the first time they saw Jurassic Park (1993; PG-13), which is still considered the most iconic of all dinosaur-themed movies. But have you ever watched it with a paleontologist in the 3:30–7:00 p.m. Fernbank Museum of Natural History 767 Clifton Road NE Atlanta, GA 30307 Fee: Free audience? Join as S U N D AY, M A R C H 2 2 Anthony J. Martin from Emory University shares the science behind classic movie scenes. Do we know if Velociraptor was a pack hunter? How did Brachiosaurus chew its food? Was Tyrannosaurus really a fierce predator, or it did it mostly scavenge? And could one Triceratops possibly make so much poop? Bring your curiosity and questions. Seating is limited and event may sell out. Reserve your free ticket for this event by calling 404.929.6400. signature program Science Today What if Conan O’Brien had a PhD in molecular biology? What if Bill Nye were funny? Come see the premiere science-based talk show. Filmed in front of a live audience; it’s like Leno in a lab coat following the Fallon formula. Science. Comedy. Music. Entertainment. At least one of these 7:00–9:00 p.m. Synchronicity Theater 1545 Peachtree Street NE #102 Atlanta, GA 30309 Fee: Free with advanced registration for sure. Check online for registration. Check online for other events happening on Sunday, March 22, such as the Xploration Stations at Tellus Science Museum, the Robots! event at Kell Innovation Center, the Exploring the Future with Walton and FIRST Robotics event, the Art and Song of Science Contest at Mugs on Milton, and the Evolution Participatory Art Project. 12 For updates, tickets, and more, visit F E S T I VA L E V E N T S M O N D AY, M A RCH 23 The Science of Odd Materials—Things that Glow, Transform, and Make Other Things Disappear Come explore some truly weird and wonderful materials and learn a little 4:00–7:00 p.m. Chamblee Library 4115 Clairmont Road Chamblee, GA 30341 Fee: Free adults can create luminescent fountains, study superabsorbent powders in diapers, and play with solutions that magically turn from liquid to solid and back. As an added treat, our science ambassadors will bring their invisibility “cloak” prototype for all to test out as well. Presented by the undergraduate science ambassadors of Oglethorpe University. Walk-ins welcome, space permitting. The Science behind Star Wars One with the Force You Are? Join us for this all ages dress up sci-fi adventure where Professor Jay Dunn will lead a discussion on the worlds of Star Wars and the planets in our own solar system and beyond. Participants will have the chance to enjoy video clips all inspired by 6:00–7:00 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Dunwoody Campus, NC1100 Auditorium 2101 Womack Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 Fee: Free M O N D AY, M A R C H 2 3 bit about the science behind their unusual properties. Children and curious Star Wars and other sci-fi favorites. Young Jedi and Padawan alike are encouraged to attend in their favorite sci-fi attire. Learning to Make, Making to Learn Everyone is a maker. We make laughter and memories, robots and machines, arts and industries. As we intentionally make things, our 6:00–7:30 p.m. Fortson Library 61 McDonough Street Hampton, GA 30228 Fee: Free confidence grows, and we challenge ourselves to learn more and gain greater abilities. Come and play with a few tools of today’s makers: 3-D printers, electronics, and the Makey Makey. Whether you are a student or educator, come learn about renting tools from Scibrary the Science Library so you can continue to make and learn at home or school. This event is repeated on Thursday, March 26, at Fairview Library in Stockbridge, GA. Check online for details. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 13 signature program Science of Sports Safety Join us for an interactive evening to highlight local advances in sports science and technology, and to promote concussion awareness and sports safety. Hear from Emory and Georgia Tech scientists who have 6:00–8:30 p.m. College Football Hall of Fame 50 Marietta Street NW Atlanta, GA 30313 Fee: $5 developed an innovative technology to detect concussions on the field. Think you can play after that last hard hit? Try to kick a field goal with blurry vision. Visit interactive stations featuring helmet fitting, hydration essentials, muscle strength, and jumping. signature program Science of Beer I Does a hop by any other name smell as sweet? What makes a wild beer M O N D AY, M A R C H 2 3 wild? Find out the answers to these questions and more as we pair local brewmasters and scientists 6:30–8:00 p.m. Orpheus Brewing 1440 Dutch Valley Place NE Atlanta, GA 30324 Fee: $18 to tell you all about how noses and brains are able to differentiate floral, citrusy, and piney bouquets from different (and delicious) hop varieties. We’ll also explore what bacterial processes are harnessed by brewers to give your favorite farmhouse ales and saisons just the right amount of funk. Get ready to stimulate your brain and your taste buds with the Science of Beer series. Note: You need not attend this event to attend the second event in the series on Wednesday night. Check online for tickets. signature program Discovery Dialogue: Neurotechnology—Fact, Fiction, and Future Nerve cells flying airplanes. Thought-controlled video games. Using light to read minds. What is real, hype, or coming soon? Hear several local neuroscientists, neuroengineers, a neuroethicist, and a science fiction author talk about the interface between neuroscience and technology. After the panelist talks, there will be a Q&A session for the speakers, followed by a discussion of public perceptions of such technology. Sponsored by the Neural Engineering Center at Georgia Tech. 14 For updates, tickets, and more, visit 7:00–9:00 p.m. Decatur Recreation Center Dance Studio 231 Sycamore Street Decatur, GA 30030 Fee: Free signature program Story Collider, Atlanta-Style! Famed NYC-based Story Collider visits Atlanta. On this special evening, come hear true, personal stories told on stage about how science has affected people’s lives. Our storytellers 7:30–9:30 p.m. The New American Shakespeare Tavern 499 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30308 Fee: $10 will be scientists and non-scientists alike, all from the Atlanta area. Presented by the NSF/NASA Center for Chemical Evolution and Public Broadcasting Atlanta. Check online for tickets. signature program Live Podcast from Stuff You Should Know With more than 700 episodes (and a couple hundred million podcast Chuck Bryant have gotten pretty good at explaining Stuff You Should Know, whether they’re chatting about nuclear fusion reactors, animal camouflage, or rogue waves. In this special event, Josh and Chuck will podcast live to the Atlanta community on How Blood Types Work. Check online to buy M O N D AY, M A R C H 2 3 downloads), Josh Clark and 8:00–9:30 p.m. SCADShow 173 14th Street Atlanta, GA 30309 Fee: $10 tickets. Geekapalooza The Geekapalooza Comedy Tour is a collection of Georgia Tech faculty, students, and alumni who have performed stand-up comedy with our unique Tech flavor since 2010. Back for our second year at the Atlanta 8:00–9:30 p.m. Laughing Skull Comedy Club 878 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Fee: $10; $5 for students Science Festival, watch as we prove that tech nerds can be funny and not just funny looking! Check online for other events happening on Monday, March 23, such as: the Future Leaders: CDC Careers in Public Health event at the CDC Museum, the Electronic Music Extravaganza at Georgia Perimeter College, the Xploration Stations at Tellus Science Museum, the Robots! event at Kell Innovation Center, the Recycling-centric exhibit at the Children’s Museum, and the Evolution Participatory Art Project. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 15 F E S T I VA L E V E N T S T U E S D AY, M A R C H 24 Music, Art, and the Aging Brain, an Event for Seniors T U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 4 Join Georgia Perimeter College faculty as they explore the effects of art and music on the aging brain. The event will include a special discussion on Alzheimer’s, the physics of sound waves, and even a little fun with watercolor painting. Check online for parking information. Preschool STEAM Story Time Let’s be ornithologists, aeronautics engineers, and artists. Enjoy a science story time with your 2- to 5-year-old on the campus of Kennesaw State University with science teacher, Kathleen McElroy. “Wings of Flight” is a fun, high-flying adventure that brings biology, ecology, creativity, and physics together in an engaging workshop for our young scientists. Check online for directions and registration information. 16 10:00 a.m.–noon Georgia Perimeter College Decatur Campus Room SF 2100-2101 3251 Panthersville Road Decatur, GA 30034-3897 Fee: Free For updates, tickets, and more, visit 10:00–11:00 a.m. The A.T.O.M.S. Center at Kennesaw State University Kennesaw, GA 30144 Fee: Free with advanced registration Constellations, Fractals, and Antique Glassware: Exploring Patterns in Science and Math Gain a new appreciation for the beauty of astronomy, math, and 6:00–8:00 p.m. Bradley Observatory at Agnes Scott College Decatur, GA 30030 Fee: Free chemistry as you are guided through a planetarium show, art exhibit, and activities in the Bradley Observatory at Agnes Scott College. Before and after touring the constellations with an astronomy professor, view artistic photographs of antique glassware by a chemistry professor, and needlecraft works of intricate fractal designs by a math professor. Then create your own art by making new constellations, drawing fractals, and staging glassware photo shoots. See online posting for directions and parking information. Rocks Talk at Georgia State’s Fusion Gallery Join renowned artist Duncan Laurie to listen to rock—not rock-n-roll—but 6:00–9:00 p.m. Whitespace 814 Edgewood Avenue Atlanta, GA 30307 Fee: Free used to inspire sculpture. Radionics is a century-old alternative medicine based on healthy energy “frequencies” in humans and animals, but here a radionics listening device lets the rocks talk. And maybe you can talk, too—vibrations from rocks and plants appear to respond to human touch or music. Explore this mystery on the edge of science, and enjoy a live art show. Science of Sparks and Molten Metal: Welding Have you ever wondered about welding and what it entails? We will teach you the mechanics of molten metal and science of sparks. By the end of the class you will leave with your very own welded masterpiece. Check online for advanced registration and parking information. Science on the Screen: Einstein’s Big Idea (NOVA) More than 100 years ago Albert Einstein came to a startling conclusion that mass and energy are one, unified by the equation E = mc 2. Come watch “Einstein’s Big Idea,” as NOVA unravels the story of how this deceptively simple equation came to be, followed by a discussion from 6:30–8:30 p.m. Georgia Piedmont Technical College Welding Lab 495 North Indian Creek Drive Clarkston, GA 30021 Fee: Free T U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 4 vibrations recorded from rocks and plants then translated into music or 7:00–9:30 p.m. Earl Dolive Theatre Philip Weltner Library, Lowry Hall Oglethorpe University 4484 Peachtree Road Atlanta, GA 30319 Fee: Free Mike Rulison and John Cramer, professors of physics at Oglethorpe University. This event is part of a series of programs, which relate to the spring 2015 exhibition in OUMA of a rare Einstein manuscript. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 17 signature program An Evening with Neil deGrasse Tyson Join Neil deGrasse Tyson, award-winning astrophysicist, author, and host of FOX’s Cosmos for an evening of engaging conversation on 7:30–9:30 p.m. Fox Theatre 660 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30308 Fee: Prices vary science, exploration, and the world as we know it. The event will dazzle children and adults under the stars at the fabulous Fox Theatre. Get a 10 percent discount using the exclusive Atlanta Science Festival promotional code: ATLSCIENCE. Code valid only for T U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 4 online purchases. Check online for tickets. signature program Rhyme and Reason: Science and Poetry as Co-Conspirators Susan Sontag wrote that the “distinctions between art and science 8:00–10:00 p.m. Java Monkey 425 Church Street Decatur, GA 30030 Fee: Free are false and irrelevant.” This literary reading will feature Agnes Scott College students in a new course, Geeky Raptures: Science and Poetry as Co-Conspirators who will read their works and explore the rich connections and the ongoing-osmosis between creative writing and the sciences. Check online for other events happening on Tuesday, March 24, such as: the On the Hunt GYRE: the Plastic Ocean exhibit and tour at the CDC Museum, the On Stage In the Magical Abstract World of Theatre, Math and Science event at Georgia Perimeter College, the Bio-Bus visit at Central Library, the Xploration Stations at Tellus Science Museum, the Robots! event at Kell Innovation Center, the Recyclingcentric exhibit at the Children’s Museum, and the Evolution Participatory Art Project. 18 For updates, tickets, and more, visit F E S T I VA L E V E N T S W E D N E S D AY, M A RCH 25 Memory Dynamics, at the Interface of Neuroscience and Art visual representation of digital memory dynamics, using Flickr pictures. The sustainability of this memory depends on its construction processes as well as on the nature, the number, and the frequency of the requests. The more often the memory is reactivated, the more sustainable it is. In addition to this exhibit, there will be a special lecture delving further into human memory by American neurobiologist Audrey Duarte on March 25 at 7:00 p.m. Note: The exhibit will be on display until Friday, March 27. Check online for hours. Lunch and Learn: Sand SANDtastic! If you think sand is just tiny rocks, the insignificant stuff of beaches and dunes, or simply a substance with the ability to invite itself into regions of your clothing where it is most unwelcome, then you need to join us for a fun presentation about this much overlooked part of 12:15–1:00 p.m. Tellus Science Museum Banquet Room 100 Tellus Drive Cartersville, GA 30120 Fee: Free with price of admission W E D N E S DAY, M A RC H 2 5 The exhibit, “Shape of Memory,” by two French artists, is an interactive Noon–8:00 p.m. Fernbank Science Center 156 Heaton Park Drive Atlanta, GA 30307 Fee: Free geology. Make and leave with a sand sample that you have viewed under a microscope. Join us for this 45-minute lecture and interactive demo show on sand. Receive a free set of four collectable Tellus trading cards on sand when you attend this Lunch and Learn. Purchase lunch at our cafe and learn some science. Note: no outside food allowed. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 19 Secret Structures Revealed / Design in Nature In this watercolor exhibition by GPC students and faculty, art and science come together to explore design structures in nature depicted in the paintings in the exhibit. A discussion will be led by Martin Okafor, professor of physics, and Margee Bright Ragland, professor of art. 5:30–7:30 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Clarkston Campus Fine Arts Building First Floor Small Gallery 555 N. Indian Creek Drive Clarkston, GA 30021 Fee: Free signature program Discovery Dialogue: Burning Yak Dung, A Culture and Science Clash in Tibet Are scientists obligated to inform a population to change their culture if science tells them that the cultural practices of that population may be detrimental to their health and well-being? This program will showcase 6:00–8:00 p.m. Emory University Math and Science Center Hall E208 400 Dowman Drive Atlanta, GA 30322 Fee: Free the indoor air quality research that Emory University researchers are W E D N E S DAY, M A RC H 2 5 doing in Tibet, introduce Tibetan culture, and kindle public discussion about the societal impacts of science and the moral and ethical dilemmas that scientists encounter. As a special treat, the Tibetan community will be making momos and tea for the event. signature program Science on the Screen: Her True love with a computer voice? Come watch the 2013 film Her followed by a short talk and Q&A featuring expert panelists discussing the science in the film focusing on themes of artificial intelligence, gender relevance, and other topics. You must be over 17 to attend this 6:00–9:00 p.m. Spelman College 350 Spelman Lane SW Atlanta, GA 30314 Fee: Free with advanced registration R-rated film. Check online for room and parking information and to register. Movie Science—Science Fact or Science Fiction Are you a fan of science fiction films? Are you a fan of science? Join GPC Lecturer David Yenerall and the Dunwoody campus S.P.A.C.E. Club for an analysis of the science in popular movies such as Gravity and The Core, and learn what is fact and what is fiction. Tech Talks The finals of this Georgia Tech–based competition will feature five outstanding undergraduates and graduate students sharing their knowledge and passion in short talks that answer the question: “Should the US government reallocate money from the Department of Defense to scientific research?” 20 For updates, tickets, and more, visit 6:00–8:00 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Dunwoody Campus NC1100 Auditorium 2101 Womack Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 Fee: Free 6:00–8:00 p.m. Scheller College of Business LeCraw Auditorium (1st Floor) 800 West Peachtree NW Atlanta, GA 30308 Fee: Free A Celebration of Light, Gravity, and Einstein 2015 is being celebrated as both the centennial of Einstein’s creation of the General Theory of Relativity and the International Year of Light. Employing film, music, and two short presentations, this program will take a look back at how our current understanding of light has emerged over 6:00–8:30 p.m. Historic Academy of Medicine Georgia Tech 875 West Peachtree Street NW, Upper Level Atlanta, GA 30309 Fee: Free the past 1,000 years and a look forward at how an ingenious “gravity telescope” may soon provide us with a completely new way to observe the universe and understand its most violent and energetic phenomena. The evening will conclude with a Q&A that will give you the chance to ask experts those questions about light, gravity, and relativity that you’ve always wanted to ask. signature program Science of Beer II Time: 6:30–8:00 p.m. Monday Night Brewing 670 Trabert Avenue NW beer wild? Find out the answers to these questions and more as we Atlanta, GA 30318 pair local brewmasters Fee: $18 and scientists to tell you all about how noses and brains are able to differentiate floral, citrusy, and piney bouquets from different (and delicious) hop varieties. We’ll also explore what bacterial processes are harnessed by brewers to give your favorite farmhouse W E D N E S DAY, M A RC H 2 5 Does a hop by any other name smell just as sweet? What makes a wild ales and saisons just the right amount of funk. Get ready to stimulate your brain and your taste buds with the Science of Beer series. Note: You need not have attended the Monday event to attend this second event of the series. Check online for tickets. signature program Science Trivia Night A pub quiz all about science, developed by Georgia Tech science graduate students. Come out and compete against other science enthusiasts for fame, glory, and prizes. 7:00–9:00 p.m. Manuel’s Tavern 602 North Highland Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30307 Fee: Free For updates, tickets, and more, visit 21 The Buzz on Bees This event sponsored by the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association and the Georgia Tech Urban Honey Bee Project will feature the fascinating world of honey bee genetics. Learn how and why these social insects 7:00–9:00 p.m. Atlanta Botanical Garden 1345 Piedmont Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Fee: Free sacrifice themselves for the good of the colony, and what drives them to do it. Explore the spoils of the hive (honey, wax, and propolis), to hear a lecture about our flying friends. signature program Math Trivia: Fun to the Nth Degree What is the term given to a triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees? Which Sesame Street Muppet has an affinity for enumeration? 7:30–9:00 p.m. Thinking Man Tavern 537 W. Howard Avenue Decatur, GA 30030 Fee: Free How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck W E D N E S DAY, M A RC H 2 5 three cords of wood per week and lives for two years? If you answered “Obtuse,” “The Count,” and “312 Cords,” then come out and play. Enjoy trivia questions—computational and pop cultural—and compete for fabulous* prizes. *Remember, fabulous is a totally subjective word. signature program Science Improv Featuring standard short form improv games with a science twist. Comedy improvisation has never been geekier. Come enjoy a special cast of improvisers who will perform a variety of improv comedy scenes infused with science, technology, engineering, and math. Join our hosts, 8:00–10:00 p.m. Whole World Improv Theatre 1216 Spring Street Atlanta, GA 30309 Fee: $5 students, $10 adults comedians, and Georgia Tech science and math faculty, Pete Ludovice and Lew Lefton, as they coordinate this specially brewed science improve troupe including cast from DUCK, the Brink Improv, and Whole World Theater. Check online for other events happening on Wednesday, March 25, such as: the Future Leaders: CDC Careers in Public Health event at the CDC Museum, the STEM Open House at the Outdoor Activity Center, the Amphibians in Our Future events at the Atlanta Botanical Garden, the Atlanta Technology Sector Roundtable at Spelman College, the Bio-Bus visit at Stonecrest Library, the Tour through Time lecture at Oglethorpe University Museum of Art, the Xploration Stations at Tellus Science Museum, and the Evolution Participatory Art Project. 22 For updates, tickets, and more, visit F E S T I VA L E V E N T S T H U R S D AY, M A RCH 26 signature program Discovery Dialogue: The Plastic Gyre, Part I Share discussions and displays that highlight collaborative creative and scientific efforts to mobilize effective response to plastic pollution. This all-day event includes panels that begin at approximately 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. Join any or all of the panels. The symposium continues on Friday, March 27, at the David J. Sencer Museum at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with keynote address by Captain Charles Moore and opportunity to visit the exhibit “Gyre: The Plastic Ocean.” Check online for more details and to register. Note: You need not attend Part I to attend Part II on Friday at the CDC Museum. Earth in Twilight Come learn about some of the exciting discoveries Georgia Tech scientists are making to illuminate our world. With lab tours, interactive demos, and chances to chat with scientists, “Earth in Twilight” is an open house showcasing some of our scientific advancements in earth, 6:00–9:00 p.m. Ford Earth Science and Technology Building Georgia Tech 311 Ferst Drive Atlanta, GA 30318 Fee: Free T H U R S D AY, M A R C H 2 6 Did you know that only 9 percent of plastic in the US is recycled? 8:15 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Georgia State University Student Center First Floor Ballrooms 44 Courtland Street SE Atlanta, GA 30303 Fee: Free, registration preferred ocean, atmospheric, and planetary sciences. Check online for parking information. Science Works! Ready for a great career? Gwinnett Technical College has it down to a science. Learn how science can be your launching pad for more than 30 different careers and explore the science behind the scenes through tours 6:00–9:00 p.m. Gwinnett Technical College 5150 Sugarloaf Parkway Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Fee: Free with advanced registration and interactive activities. Special sessions: From Farm to Table—Kale (6:00 p.m.), The Electric Car—Advantages and Disadvantages (7:00 p.m.), and Solving Crimes—Collecting and Analyzing the Evidence (8:00 p.m.). Event will take place throughout campus with directional signage. Check online for registration. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 23 Pheromones! Are your spring evenings filled with the mating call of frogs and friends? Is it the full moon or the slimy green skin that triggers the act of mating or is it communication through pheromones? Larry Wilson has the answers. Come hear him discuss amphibian mating rituals and 6:30–8:30 p.m. DCSD Fernbank Science Center 156 Heaton Park Drive Atlanta, GA 30307 Fee: Free lecture, $35 to make your own fragrance pheromones—chemicals released into the air by many species, which have a physical or emotional effect on other members of the same species. New evidence suggests that these chemicals are also involved in mating communications among men and women. Are you spritzing and spraying yourself with pheromones? Visit the chemistry station for a blindfold challenge to identify and compare current fragrances containing natural and synthetic pheromones. For a fee, we will offer the opportunity for guest to mix their own “personal fragrance” with Susan Sexton of BLEND T H U R S D AY, M A R C H 2 6 Custom Parfum Studio. Making and Tinkering: How Play Develops Social Awareness While life can be challenging in today’s often-serious world, we embrace play for all learners. In this workshop for parents and educators, come learn to build a culture that fosters play through the use of tools that making and tinkering provide for our youngest makers. Learn to explore and embrace play in a way that encourages character development and social advocacy in children. You will learn to create an environment for children where they learn to take risks and fail gracefully, eventually finding success in ways that fire their imaginations. Science on the Screen: Slingshot, the Documentary—Addressing the Challenge for Clean Water Imagine if clean drinking water could be produced from almost any source—ocean water, polluted rivers, even raw sewage. In this full length screening of the documentary Slingshot, watch as inventor Dean Kamen designs a device that can do just that, and uses it to draw attention to the urgent need for clean water around the world. After the showing, enjoy a discussion about FIRST robotics application to the problem and other related issues. Check online to register, get location details and learn more about this event. 24 7:00–8:30 p.m. The Children’s School Gym 345 10th Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Fee: Free For updates, tickets, and more, visit 7:00–9:00 p.m. Kennesaw, GA Fee: $10.00 How Not to Be Wrong The math we learn in school can seem like a dull set of rules, passed down by the ancients and not to be questioned. In How Not to Be Wrong, Jordan Ellenberg shows us how wrong this view is: Math touches everything we do, allowing us to see the hidden structures beneath the 7:00–8:00 p.m. The Clary Theater Georgia Tech 190 North Avenue NW Atlanta, GA 30332 (Inside the Bill Moore Student Success Center) Fee: Free messy and chaotic surface of our daily lives. It’s a science of not being wrong, worked out through centuries of hard work and argument. Check online for directions and parking information. signature program Science on the Screen: Cancer: Emperor of All Maladies Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Atlanta Science Festival, and Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) invite you for an exclusive preview Goodman and executive produced by Ken Burns based on Siddhartha Mukherjee’s 2010 Pulitzer Prize–winning book, The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer. The preview event will be followed by a panel discussion with Siddhartha Mukherjee and other cancer experts. Check online for registration. Nerd Nite ATL/ASF Nerd Nite is a monthly event held all around the globe and right here in Atlanta, too. Think of it like TED talks, with beer. Each month, local nerds come out to give short presentations on the thing that they nerd out on, 8:00–10:00 p.m. Manuel’s Tavern 602 North Highland Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30307 Fee: $5 T H U R S D AY, M A R C H 2 6 of Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies, a film directed by Barak 7:00–9:00 p.m. Georgia Public Broadcasting Studio C 260 14th Street NW Atlanta, GA 30318 Fee: Free with advanced registration and other nerds come to listen, have a drink, and ask questions of our experts. Because it overlaps with Brain Awareness Week, the Science Festival edition of Nerd Nite will feature three talks about the brain, from the high-tech methods used to understand its inner workings to how neuroscientists are working with monks to merge science with the spirit. signature program Solve for X Science Variety Show: Small Science Science through puppet shows, sketch comedy, music, and storytelling! Learn all about the science of bacteria, particle physics, cell biology, and all things tiny at the Solve for X Science Variety Show. Doors open at 8:00 p.m. 8:30–10:00 p.m. Highland Inn Ballroom Lounge 644 North Highland Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30306 Fee: Free Check online for other events happening on Thursday, March 27, such as: the Songs of Birds and Frogs event at Georgia Perimeter College, the CDC Women in STEM event at Emory University, the Moving Full STEAM ahead event at Clayton State University, the Xploration Stations at Tellus Science Museum, the Recycling-centric exhibit at the Children’s Museum, the “Shape of Memory” art exhibit hosted by the French Consulate at Fernbank Science Center, and the Evolution Participatory Art Project. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 25 F E S T I VA L E V E N T S F R I D AY, M A RCH 27 Science for EveryBODY: Circulating Knowledge Imagine traveling the equivalent of twice the Earth’s circumference at F R I D AY, M A R C H 2 7 breakneck speed, stopping to load and unload precious cargo along the way. Sound exhausting? Now imagine making that same journey every two minutes. For a red blood cell, this is routine. Join Chattahoochee Technical College as we embark upon an incredible journey through the circulatory system. Children from 2 to 102 will enjoy hands-on activities and investigating real organs to help better understand what lurks beneath the skin. Check online for parking information. signature program Discovery Dialogue: The Plastic Gyre, Part II In association with Georgia State University, the Discovery Dialogue symposium convenes on day two at the David J. Sencer CDC Museum at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention headquarters. Join us for a keynote address by Captain Charles Moore, tours of the exhibition “Gyre: The Plastic Ocean,” and opportunities to meet participating artists. Registration is required. Check online for more details and to register. Note: You need not have attended Part I at Georgia State University on Thursday to attend Part II. 26 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Chattahoochee Technical College North Metro Campus Building D, Room 400 5198 Ross Road Acworth, GA 30102 Fee: Free For updates, tickets, and more, visit 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. David J. Sencer CDC Museum 1600 Clifton Road NE Atlanta, GA 30333 Fee: Free with advance registration signature program Real-Time Environmental Data through Sight and Sound: An Analysis of Decatur Noon–4:00 p.m. Decatur Square Decatur, GA 30030 Fee: Free What does the pulse of a major pedestrian area in the metro region sound like? Georgia Tech computer scientists and musicians placed a system of sensors throughout Decatur to collect real-time data about environmental conditions and human activities and influences. Come interact with the electronics used and a dashboard application allowing users to explore the data through both visualizations and sounds. A group of professional musicians, Sonic Generator, will also provide their artistic interpretation of the real-time data live in a musical performance at 12:30 p.m. Interstellar Travel and Relationships— Time to Meet Our Neighbors? Explore interstellar travel, meet alien students, debate topics related to finding life “out there,” and ask your pressing questions about space. Activities will be appropriate for all ages. Michael Green, aka the Science Machine, Presents Science for Everyone Come witness the most incredible, jaw-dropping, mind-boggling 6:00–7:30 p.m. Little Shop of Stories 133A East Court Square Decatur, GA 30030 Fee: none experiments. During the demonstration Michael Green will make a big, F R I D AY, M A R C H 2 7 Come visit an exciting, interactive, kid-friendly open lab experience. 4:00–6:00 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Dunwoody Campus Campus B Building Room NB2000 2101 Womack Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 Fee: Free kosher dill pickle glow in the dark, stick a McDonald’s straw straight through a hard, raw potato, make a bar of Ivory Soap expand to the size of a volleyball in under 60 seconds, and teach students to multiply faster than a calculator. Join us for super science fun for everyone. Fostering Climate Change Awareness in our Neighborhood Topic Tag: Nature and Environment 6:30–8:30 p.m. Outdoor Activity Center 1442 Richland Road SW Atlanta, GA 30310 Fee: Free Action on climate change doesn’t just have to happen through government. We are all stakeholders in this process. Come to this open dialogue on climate change and how it poses a real threat to Atlanta residents. The talk will include explanations on: rising temperatures, more extreme weather-related events, complications from increased precipitation, food production and ecological stress, public health indicators, sea-level rise, and ocean acidification. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 27 signature program What’s in this Drink? The Science Behind Wine Come and taste the sweet nectar of science. From the soil and climate of the vineyard, to the species of grapes, to the methods of fermentation: Join us as we discover and taste the science of winemaking. Sign up early—only 50 spots available. Check online for 7:00–9:00 p.m. Java Vino 579 North Highland Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30306 Fee: $10/person, advance registration necessary F R I D AY, M A R C H 2 7 registration. Let’s Talk about Sax: A Night of Jazz and the Science of Woodwinds What’s the connection between physics, biology, chemistry, and woodwinds? From the materials they’re made from to their designs, science shapes each instruments’ unique sounds. Come listen to live jazz 7:00–9:30 p.m. Georgia Perimeter College Decatur Campus Student Center Room SC 2100 3251 Panthersville Road Decatur, GA 30034 Fee: $5 sets interspersed with brief lectures that will shed new light on the music you hear. signature program The Leucine Zipper Science Show Science like you’ve never seen it before. The Leucine Zipper Science show will feature a variety of science-themed acts including comedy, magic, music, and much, much, more. Come prepared to learn and be entertained. 28 For updates, tickets, and more, visit 7:30–9:30 p.m. Historic Academy of Medicine Georgia Tech 875 West Peachtree Street NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Fee: $10, $5 for students signature program F E S T I VA L E V E N T S Cosmic Camp In Do you like rockets and space missions? Then you will love the Cosmic Camp In. Grab your sleeping bag and your friends and get down to the exhibit hall at Fernbank Science Center to see the Apollo 6 Command 9:00 p.m.–midnight DCSD Fernbank Science Center 156 Heaton Park Drive Atlanta, GA 30307 Fee: $20 Module, launch rockets, and prepare liquid nitrogen marshmallows. Design and assemble fabric into a space suit model. And walk away with your own Cosmic Camp In T-shirt. Check online for registration. Check online for other events happening on Friday, March 27, such as: the Discovery Science Explosion at the Children’s School, STEM2STEM Mentoring event at the Canadian Consulate, the Xploration Stations at Tellus Science Museum, the Recycling-centric exhibit at the Children’s Museum, the “Shape of Memory” art exhibit hosted by the French Consulate at Fernbank Science Center, and the Evolution Participatory Art Project. F R I D AY, M A R C H 2 7 For updates, tickets, and more, visit 29 S AT U R D AY, M A R C H 2 8 Exploration EXPO 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Centennial Olympic Park S AT U R D AY, M A R C H 2 8 265 Park Ave. W, NW 30 Atlanta, GA 30313 Free Admission For updates, tickets, and more, visit Join us for Atlanta’s biggest interactive science celebration EVER! See a mutant worm! Make slime! Touch a human brain! Meet local scientists and engineers! Climb aboard the Bio-Bus and the STE(A)M Truck! With more than 100 hands-on, interactive science booths, live science demos, and shows from local organizations, universities, and companies, we’ll be showing off Atlanta science at this year’s Exploration Expo: A Celebration of Science in the Park from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Centennial Olympic Park. Kids, adults, families—there is something for everyone at this free event. More than 16,000 people participated last year, and we are expecting more this year. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to see Atlanta science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in action. A list of exhibitors and events is available online. Admission to this family-friendly event is free. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 31 FESTIVAL APPETIZERS Whet your appetite for science before the festival week even starts . ASF Citizen Science Project. Women in Technology presents a month-long citizen science project to highlight easy ways for anyone to be a scientist by collecting data for real research projects. Snap pics of nighttime skies to gather data on light pollution, give your feedback on NASA’s asteroid initiatives, and record observations about changes in local plants. Get instructions at our online portal, where we also profile women in STEM careers. This project is in partnership with Science Cheerleaders and SciStarter. com. Find details at ASF Urban STEM Geocache. Grab your GPS device or mobile phone and discover the innovations and innovators in our region in this urban geocaching adventure. Participants will use GPS coordinates to find key locations where science and technology are making an impact. Find details at AtlantaScienceFestival. org/geocache. CELEBRATING STUDENTS & TEACHERS The Atlanta Science Festival envisions a community of scientifically literate citizens and a strong STEM workforce in Atlanta. That vision begins with efforts to engage our youth in STEM learning inside and outside the classroom. Enriching Classrooms. STEM professionals will visit 100 local classrooms throughout March to give students a taste of how science is done, who scientists are, and what questions remain unanswered. Students attending the March 28 Expo can enter their teacher in a drawing to receive $400 to enhance science education in their classroom. Fostering Creativity. ASF contests provide opportunities for students to apply their creativity and STEM skills. This year, students created websites hypothesizing how stuff will work in the future (with TAG-Ed and, designed the ASF Festival T-shirt (on sale at the March 28 Expo), and submitted Squishy Physics photos (with Georgia Tech and Fernbank Science Center). Broadening Access. Thirty schools and organizations serving low-income or rural populations received bus vouchers to bring their groups to the March 28 Expo at Centennial Park. Celebrating Teachers. ASF honors the daily contributions teachers make to prepare our future STEM leaders with professional development workshops by Captain Planet Foundation, Georgia Tech CEISMC, Metropolitan RESA, the Children’s School, and STEM Engine. Find additional details, dates, classroom flyer, and resources in our Educator Toolkit at 32 For updates, tickets, and more, visit P R O G R A M PA R T N E R S The Atlanta Science Festival would not be possible without the contributions of our partners to produce programs, bring audiences, and provide professional services. We are grateful to our many community partners (listed on our website) and to the following program partners: 21st Century STEM Foundation Agnes Scott College Destination South Meeting & Events Alliance Theatre Emory University American Cancer Society Fernbank Museum of Natural Atlanta Botanical Garden History Little Shop of Stories Metro Atlanta Chamber Metropolitan Regional Educational Service Agency Monday Night Brewing Atlanta Science Tavern Fernbank Science Center Odyssey Charter School BioLogue Program Fox Theatre Oglethorpe University BK International Education Gaia Gardens Orpheus Brewing Georgia Aquarium Out of Hand Theater Georgia Gwinnett College Scibrary the Science Library Georgia Institute of Technology Science Cheerleaders Captain Planet Foundation Georgia Tech Research Institute Science Creations NSF/NASA Center for Chemical Georgia Organics Georgia Perimeter College South Fork Conservancy Georgia Piedmont Technical Spelman College Consultancy Cancer Treatment Centers of America Evolution NSF Center for Selective C-H Functionalization Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Chattahoochee Technical College Children’s Museum of Atlanta The Children’s School College STEM Engine Georgia Public Broadcasting Story Collider Georgia State University Symbiosis Art + Science Alliance Georgia State University TAG Education Collaborative Bio-Bus Georgia STEAM Alliance Network Tellus Science Museum UltraViolet Robotics Walton Robotics West Atlanta Watershed College Football Hall of Fame Gwinnett Technical College Consulate General of Canada HowStuffWorks Consulate General of France Kell Robotics Women in Technology Coweta County 4-H Kennesaw State University WRITE Club Alliance Contact the Atlanta Science Festival at [email protected] or 770.322.4992. For updates, tickets, and more, visit 33 T H A N K YOU TO OU R S P O N S O R S FOUNDING SPONSORS GOLD S I LV E R COPPER K RY P TO N Carabiner Communications NSF/NASA Center for Chemical Evolution Georgia-Pacific Habif, Arogeti & Wynne, LLP IBM Kennesaw State University Maker Faire Atlanta T I TA N I U M Captain Planet Foundation Cox Automotive Georgia Natural Gas Georgia Connections Academy North American Electric Reliability Corporation MEDIA SPONSORS 34 For updates, tickets, and more, visit
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