You`re On the Line

You’re On the Line
Columbus Active & Life Member Club - Telecom Pioneers - Retiree Newsletter, Volume 18, Issue 2, April, 2015
Editor: Pat Eyer, 1880 Christiana Lane, Delaware, Ohio 43015, 740-990-9528, [email protected]
Support Pioneer Fundraising
2015 Spaghetti Dinner, April 26, 2015, Noon-6PM
Berwick Manor Party House, 3250 Refugee Road, Columbus, Ohio
____ Adult Tickets @ $10 ___ Child Ticket (Ages 6 to 10) @ $6
___ Age 5 and under is FREE
__________Total Enclosed
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________ State: _________________ Zip: ____________________
Before April 12: ____ Mail tickets to the address below. (Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.)
After April 12: ____ Hold my tickets for pick up at the door at the dinner.
Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want your tickets mailed.
Dear Readers,
All active Pioneers know how valuable their “off” time is; all retirees know what happens to your schedule when
“retirement” comes along. Schedules are consumed by parents, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and, yes, an
occasional vacation. So, helping the community isn’t as easy as it once was. But, there are many ways to help. And, “helping”
is defined as more than being on the committee. Participation is helping. It is the key for non profit organizations like the
Pioneers. If we can get our members, their families, their friends, and others to participate, then we can reach our goals.
What are the goals of the Pioneers? Community service… helping the needy. It’s been those for a very long time.
The organization that you belong to, whether as an active or a retiree, is doing just that. Whether we are buying the supplies
for the Ronald McDonald House, making donations to food banks, community centers, or publishing the only “free” newsletter
in Ohio, your participation is what does it.
The executive board has a few finely tuned activities that have been done for years. It has a committed set of
volunteers who organize and work hard, but they can’t be successful without participation. Participate in the 10th annual
spaghetti dinner - one of the primary fundraisers for the Columbus Life Member Club. Send for your tickets today, or simply
pay at the door. Contact Linda McCreary or Evelyn Rawls or any executive board member (listed on page 8). It’s a great time
to see co-workers from now or from the past.
PARTICIPATION IS THE KEY. Buying a ticket does it.
Sincerely - your friends who are dedicated to helping others through Pioneering,
Linda McCreary, Evelyn Rawls and the spaghetti dinner volunteers.
Special Olympics Tent Town…
June 26, 27 & 28, 2015
The 2015 Special Olympics will be held June 26,
27, and 28 this year at OSU in Columbus. As a lot of
retirees know, the Special Olympics are the brainchild of
Eunice Shriver - sister to President John Kennedy. Early
in the 1960’s, she had a dream of special games for
children with intellectual disabilities. Prior to the launch of
the first Special Olympics in 1968, she held the games for
the competitors at her home. Today, the games are known
and conducted internationally. Shortly after the launch, the
need to provide refreshments and amusements in
between the events was identified and “Tent Town” was
Tent Town at OSU has been in existence since
the early 1970’s. The Pioneers, life members and actives,
along with other community service organizations, have
volunteered to provide snacks and drinks. The life
members who long ago volunteered with their children
could do it today with their grandchildren. That’s how long
we have been committed.
Joann Heakin, a Columbus life member who organized the event for years when she was an active employee, says the
Zamboni is one of her fondest memories of the event. The Zamboni was used to bring the ice for the huge tubs that were used to
keep the cans of soda cold. Mike and Cindy Tillis remember bringing their girls and retrieving the sodas from the freezing water. Pat
Eyer remembers trying to keep her youngest daughter out of the water in the tubs. Margaret Clark remembers complimenting a
young athlete and the compliment prompted him to confide that no family members had been able to come to his events. Margaret
remembers the effect his disappointment had on her. Cortney Marovich, an active Pioneer, enjoys the athletes and working with
fellow employees. All of these memories and experiences are from volunteering to give a little of your time to others.
To volunteer for this year’s event,
contact Quentin Jung or Cortney Marovich.
Quentin can be reached on 614-223-7266
or [email protected]. Cortney can be reached
on 614-223-8432 or [email protected]. (Tent
Town is set up on Friday and Saturday only.)
There are five infectious smiles in this
prior year Tent Town photo. Pictured to the
left is Lee Anna Humphrey and her family.
They appear to be having a really good time
while helping out. Lee Anna retired in 2012
from Outside Plant Engineering.
(Zamboni photo filename: Hoyt zamboni
00.jpg taken from site:
(Thank you to those above who contributed
to this story; thank you Cortney Marovich
and Mike Parrish for submitting the photo.)
Good Information to Know…
Save Your Eyeglasses!
Bulk Mailing Addresses - You may have noticed that your
address is slightly different than what the Pioneers have on file.
Because of our bulk mailing permit and automated mailing, we
are required to use the 9 digit zip code. That generates the post
office (city) where the bulk mail is sent. So, for example, we may
have “Gahanna” as the city in the database, but the zip code will
generate “Columbus” to be printed on the bulk mail. The mail is
still delivered to the correct address.
We don’t usually see our Columbus Pioneer projects
extend outside the good ole’ USA, but this one does just that.
(Because of Federal regulations, used eyeglasses are not
distributed in the USA.)
Per Charlie Jacob, the project coordinator, can you
imagine bad eyesight and the inability to correct it? For
those in need, it means they can’t go about their daily
activities because of poor vision. It might mean not being
able to support their families… that’s what happens in many
South American countries.
Working with OSU’s Department of Optometry, Charlie
and the Telecom Pioneers are trying to make a difference
where we can. We’re collecting used eyeglasses prescription or non-prescription - regular or sunglasses - for
some VERY needy people.
Thirty-nine pair were donated at the March luncheon. You
can give your donation to any board member - they are listed
on page 8. You can bring them to any luncheon, or give them
to Cortney Marovich. Cortney can be reached on
614-223-8432 or email her on [email protected]. For other
questions, contact Charlie Jacob on
[email protected] or 614-870-6361.
Birthday & KIT Calls - Can you volunteer a few hours a month
to call retirees on their birthday? Volunteering requires going to
the Pioneer office downtown. If so, call Evelyn Rawls on
614-444-3072, or send an email to [email protected].
Remaining 2015 Pioneer Executive Board Meetings
April 9, August 13, October 8.
Actives Casino Trip - The Columbus active Pioneers have
scheduled a casino trip for May 2, 2015. For more information,
call Cortney Marovich on 614-223-8432. Or send Cortney an
email at [email protected].
Life Member Casino Trip - The life members casino trip is
scheduled for August 18, 2015 - see page 4 for more details.
Behind the Scenes
Betty Jones is one of
those Pioneers who
helps but doesn’t bring
attention to herself. As
mentioned above, the
Pioneers are collecting
eyeglasses to help the
needy. At the March
luncheon, Betty
purchased eyeglasses
so that she could
donate. But that’s not all
she helps with. Betty
promotes the newsletter
and sends the
necessary information to
assure that those she
meets who want it are
added to the distribution list. Betty also volunteers for her
church. Betty started her career in 1979 as a TSPS operator
in the Heritage office. She also worked in Data, Commercial
(residential business office), OSP Engineering, and retired as
a Maintenance Administrator in 2010.
(AT&T Ameritech/SBC Retirees)
For members of AASBCR, Blue Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 003,
March 2015, clarifies the coverage for hearing aids for retirees
who have CarePlus coverage. “There are many variables
depending on whether the retiree has an AT&T group medical
AASBCR’s Blue Bulletins and newsletters are worth the price
of the annual dues. (You must have email to receive newsletters.)
If you are not a member, and can afford the $25 annual
membership fee, call Carole Lovell on 312-962-2770. This group
is fighting hard to keep our benefits.
- Pat Eyer, Editor
(Note: The “1900 Bell System logo” is from file:
It is not associated with AASBCR.
The AT&T logo changed again in 1964 and 1999.)
Betty is pictured above at the March luncheon. Thank you
Betty for all you do.
(Photo by Mary Johnson Robb)
Krogering for Pioneering: $852
Does your Kroger receipt reflect the
“Telecom Pioneers - Cols LM Club”
at the bottom of the receipt?
If not, you need this number: 20038.
Remember when we asked you to support Pioneering by adding our
organization number to your Kroger loyalty rewards card? Well it is paying
off. We have collected $852 from Kroger from September, 2014 through
March 2, 2015.
Newsletter & Pilot Dogs - C. J. Baker, Joan Carl,
Conrad Cooper, Sylvia Crookham, Sharon Lattimer,
Susan Dattilo-Martin, Wilda Gibbs, Virginia & Clarence
Hoodlet, William Killilea, Lila Mathews, Margaret
McClintock, Linda McCreary, Linda Pierce, Mike & Irene
Roese, Eunice Schoppelrei, Dwight Shingledecker,
Phyllis Sparks, Suzanne Thirtyacre, Sue VanSkoy, Jane
C. Walsh, Elden Yates.
Ronald McDonald House - Barb Holman.
However, when you sign up, it isn’t forever. We all need to sign up
annually. Last year, the annual renewal date was April 1st. So, when you
read this newsletter, check your last (or next) Kroger receipt. If you are
signed up, it should reflect the organization at the bottom of your receipt.
If not, sign up again.
To sign up for the first time or renew, have your Kroger Plus Card
handy and go to to begin or update
the process. If this is your 1st time, you will be asked to create an account
including your email address. Our Pioneer organization number is 20038.
_____ Ronald McDonald House
_____ Mid Ohio Food Bank
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Monica Kile on
614-252-5262, send an email ([email protected]), or send a text to
614-208-4318. She will be glad to help.
_____ Newsletter
Tell your family and friends. They can sign up with our community
rewards number, too. Cheat Sheet:
Other: _______________________
_____ Pilot Dogs
1. Access:
2. Set up an account or, if you have an account already, e.g. for
digital coupons, sign in and access: “My Account.”
Make Checks payable to
“Telecom Pioneers”
Mail to: Keith Eaton
5548 Hazelwood Road
Columbus, OH 43229
3. Fill in the pertinent information. In the “Community Rewards
Program”, the number for our club is 20038. Again, this does not affect
your gasoline credits.
Casino Fundraiser - Leave the driving to us!
Park at Lakefront Bus parking
Wheeling Downs Casino & Gaming Center
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
9:00 AM - 8:30 PM
(Leave Columbus 9:00 AM - arrive Wheeling by 11:30 AM, 6:00 PM load bus, 6:15 PM head for Columbus, arrive 8:30 PM)
$40 ($45 after July 15, 2015)
(Checks payable to Telecom Pioneers)
To reserve your seat or for any questions:
Linda McCreary 614-764-2626, Evelyn Rawls 614-444-3072, Patti Scharf 614-501-7600
Ladies Luncheon - June 13, 2015
Yes, it’s Ladies Luncheon time, and “Celebrating Friendship” is the
theme. The event is now organized by Donna Carrel and Jean
MacNealy. The editor cannot find the year this luncheon began. Bev
Oldham remembers attending in the 1980’s. Donna Carrel says her
first experience at the luncheon was at the Park of Roses, and it was
quite the social occasion. Linda McCreary remembers attending the
luncheon long before she was a Pioneer and taking her mother and
aunt. It was an opportunity for ladies to dress in their finest clothes. In
the earlier years most of the ladies, if not all, wore hats to the event.
Linda says she mostly remembers the ladies from Traffic. Jane
Hughes and Betty Kleinlein were among them, but all departments
were represented. Many employees/retirees would fill an entire table
with their family and friends. Many of the ladies have passed away, but
others have long been retired and continue to look forward to the event. Cortney Marovich, 1st VP (Active) and currently working in
Equipment Design Engineering says, “This day is a great day for catching up with friends, enjoying the company of others, and getting
a peek at some seasonal clothing options available at the local Dress Barn. I always have a great time socializing and modeling the
clothes for all to see.” Please come… you’ll enjoy your family, friends, the style show and good food. Send your reservation form now
(see below). Pictured right is a 1980’s group from AT&T: Shirley Lutzko, Pat Colleran, Bev Oldham, Mamie Hunter, Missy (Vi’s
daughter), Vi Williamson and Rose Castle. (Photo submitted by Bev Oldham)
Celebrating Friendship
Ladies Luncheon on June 13, 2015
Berwick Party House, 3250 Refugee Road, Columbus, OH
11AM Social Hour then 12 Noon Luncheon and
Fashion Show from the Grove City Dress Barn
$ 25, Make your plans and reservations now!
Questions to: Donna Carrel 614-876-9564 or cell 614-638-0381
Deadline for reservation will be June 10, 2015
Please reserve ____ lunches. _________ is enclosed ($25 for each name listed):
Names: _________________________________________________________
Contact address: __________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: _________ Zip: ______________
Contact Telephone Number: _________________________________________
(Make checks payable to: “dba Telephone Ladies Luncheon”)
Mail to: Jean MacNealy, 3370 Noreen Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43221
Columbus Life Member Club Volunteer Hours
Mail your hours to: Ruth Butcher, 5991 Grove City Road, Grove City, Ohio 43123
or, email to: [email protected], or call 614-875-9958
Dear Pioneers, Spouses, and Friends,
The following community service hours were
reported for the March 28, 2015 deadline. Please
report by June 30, 2015 for the June deadline and
September 26, 2015 for the September deadline.
Thank you,
-Ruth Butcher
Pioneer General Activities (11 reported, 217 hrs)
Amer Red Cross & Food Banks (6 rptd, 371.5 hrs)
School Projects (5 reported, 60 hours)
John Biehl, Charles Jacob, Linda McCreary, Kay Renzetti,
Phil Scoles, Don Thompson.
Donna Carrel, Pete Eyer, Thomas Gray, Linda McCreary,
Barb Tucker.
Church Projects (15 reported, 1011.5 hours)
The Keep in Touch Volunteers called all retirees and
others for which we have a correct telephone or cell
phone number. With aging retirees not in their homes
and loss of landlines, there are a lot of retirees in our
database without a correct telephone number. If you
are not getting your birthday call, contact any board
member on page 8, or call the Pioneer office on
614-223-8910 and leave a message with the correct
telephone number. The volunteers are doing a great
job searching for retirees - thanks to all who help.
Ruth Butcher, Keith Eaton, Pat Eyer, Pete Eyer, Jeanne
Frankenberg, Barb Holman, Linda McCreary, Bev Oldham,
Evelyn Rawls, John Scharf, Patti Scharf.
Ronald McDonald House (5 reported, 80 hours)
Donna Carrel, Jerry Carrel, Jean MacNealy, Mary Johnson
Robb, Pat Turner.
June Beard, Margaret Clark, Jeanne Frankenberg, Thomas
Gray, Jack Greene, Thelma Greene, Charles Jacob, Dorothy
Kaiser, Erma Lucas, Linda McCreary, Bev Oldham, Evelyn
Rawls, Patti Scharf, Barb Tucker, Roberta Yates.
Community Service Projects (16 rptd, 1541.5 hrs)
Sara Clark, Keith Eaton, Marilyn Holtz, Betty Jones, Jean
MacNealy, Thomas Mullin, Bev Oldham, Jim Prout, Karen
Prout, Evelyn Rawls, Yvonne Rose, Linda Spraggins, Michael
Tillis, Barb Tucker, Bill Yarber, Roberta Yates.
Helping Disabled & Elderly (13 reported, 1103 hrs)
To All Who Serve Our Communities
Paula Yonnotti-Ansel, Sara Clark, Pat Colleran, Pat Eyer,
Pete Eyer, Jeanne Frankenberg, Thomas Gray, Dorothy
Kaiser, Erma Lucas, Linda McCreary, Bev Oldham, Patti
Scharf, Barb Tucker.
All community service hours are eligible. This includes church
and school projects. It also includes hours you do for other
charitable organizations. If you aren’t sure, call any board
member on page 8. Thanks to all who reported.
Hospital Duties (4 reported, 272 hours)
Report according to the new quarterly deadlines!
June 30, 2015
Dorothy Jantzen, Gloria Justice, Gene Lauber, Susie
September 26, 2015 (early)
December 31, 2015
Life Member Birthday & KIT Calls (9 rptd, 104 hrs)
Mary Jo Adams, Jeanne Frankenberg, Dorothy Kaiser, Lee
Mather, Daryl McKay, Bev Oldham, Evelyn Rawls, Barb
Tucker, Roberta Yates.
Thank You “Tillis & Tillis”
Life Member Exec Board Meeting (12 rptd, 33.5 hrs)
Ruth Butcher, Pat Eyer, Jeanne Frankenberg, Barb Holman,
Charles Jacob, Cortney Marovich, Linda McCreary, Bev
Oldham, Evelyn Rawls, Mary Johnson Robb, Patti Scharf,
Roberta Yates.
Mike - Braille Machine Repair
Mike Tillis has repaired 768 braille machines as of March
25, 2015. Thank you, Mike, for your service in the name of
the Pioneers.
Meals on Wheels (1 reported, 36 hours)
Michelle Bish.
Cindy - Fellowship Assistance
Newsletter (2 reported, 50 hours)
Thank you Cindy Tillis for your assistance to Barb Holman
with the Fellowship duties through 2014. Your commitment
to Pioneering is much appreciated.
Pat Eyer, Pete Eyer.
Fellowship Reports
by Barb Holman
We print information regarding retired Pioneers and relatives as soon as the information is reported to us. If we missed
it, do not hesitate to call Barb Holman on 740-816-1110 regardless of the date of the death or illness. The information
listed is any person or event reported as of March 30, 2015. Ages, if known, are in parenthesis.
Member & Spouse Deaths
John Barkes (86)
Logan L. Bell
Jame J. Bowe (83)
Julia Faye Bricker (91)
Margie Cirrone (86)
Joybell Clifton (88)
Carol A. Crumley (72)
Wanda Custer (90)
Marty Eskey (73)
Leo Fath (78)
Anna Fettrow (80)
Lois Finkel (85)
Nancy Fisher (68)
Fred Fluhrer (87)
Shirleen Stella Green (80) 01/19/15
Jeral Stephan Glitt (49)
Mary Gribbin (72) ℗
wife of Joe
Abe Grueser (71)
Joan Hayslip (80)
wife of Richard E.
Paul Hegenberger (87)
Verena Holcomb (94)
wife of Paul
Carolyn Bischoff Huffman(79)1/14/15
Robert Janda (61)
James H. Kimble
Robert “Bob” Kyle (71)
Robert “Lee” Lunsford (79) 03/08/15
Emilie Lyons (80)
Eileen Mahan
William P. Marrah (84)
Janice Miller (88)
John Miller (94)
Cleatis “Chuck” McCoy (86) 1/09/15
Asa Moore (73)
Ken Moose (71)
Richard “Dick” Morris (88) 02/27/15
Thomas Murname (68)
Margaret Pache (84)
Jeanne Phillips (64)
Desseree Pickens (86)
Georgia Pulsinelli (89)
Emily Rayburn (79)
Thomas Ryan (66)
Patty Schenk (61)
Sandra Seebach ℗ (73)
wife of David
Geraldine Stanton ℗ (83)
wife of Don
Keith Starner (67)
Willard Tipple (Zan) (79)
Barbara Turner (73)
Martha “Mickey” Vagnier (89) 1/27/15
Norman Williams (86)
Hospitalized or Ill
Sue Bender, ill
Diane Bishop - Hospitalized
Rosalene Eaton - ill
Doug Fairbanks, ill
William Kinnell, ill
Pat Turner, ill
Debbie Wilson, broken leg
Carolyn Woda - Ill
Death of Relatives
Cheryl DeTemple, sister - 2/2015
Marge Pache, mother - 3/4/15
Hoss Cartwright, mother - 2/26/15
Annette Norwood, mother - 3/24/15
In Memory of Wanda Custer
Donation by Carole Baker
In Memory of Paul Hegenberger
something exceptional. A.J. defined
exceptional when he rescued a truck driver
from a rain swollen river. It is one of the
many kind things he is remembered for. At
luncheons, Barb Holman, our fellowship
chairperson, reads the names of Pioneers
who have passed away. A.J.’s story in his
obituary got her attention. We thought it
was worth mentioning to you.
We always recognize our members who
pass away. The Columbus Life Member
Club sends a memorial donation to Pilot
Dogs in the retiree’s name for all retirees
who are in our database. Our members
are our most valuable asset. (At the
February 2015 executive board meeting,
the officers decided that all future
“Memorial” donations would be directed to
Pilot Dogs. Pilot Dogs cumulates these
and credits them towards the purchase of
our next scholarship. Directing all our
memorials this way saves significant
administrative costs that the club incurs
from the National Pioneers.)
Donation by Eunice Schoppelrei
Thank You’s
In Memory of
Regina Moellenkamp
Donation by William Killilea
In Memory of Fred Fluhrer
Fred Fluhrer worked for Western Electric
in Minnesota and later as an Accountant in
Columbus. In 1993, in Columbus, he
volunteered his time to repair braille
machines. In 2009, he handed the project
over to Mike Tillis. Together they have
repaired thousands of machines to help the
visually impaired.
In Memory of
Arthur (A.J.) Gower
1935 -2014
Arthur Gower worked and retired from
Ohio Bell. He represented a lot of what
Pioneering is all about. A.J. was always
willing to help. But, at age 50 he did
Listed below are the “Thank You’” cards we
received this period for memorials and
other donations:
In Memory Of/For
-Jean Jesinger
-Bob Young
-Peggy Wolfe
Cat Welfare
-Linda Eckle
Boy Scouts
-Frank Mathews, Jr.
-Frank Mathews, Jr.
Lila Mathews
-Frank Mathews, Jr.
-Rosemary Hempfling
Frazeysburg U.M. Ch -Arthur Gower
Sue & Michele Moose -Ken Moose
-Cleatis “Chuck” McCoy
Gilmore UM Church - Bill Drennen
Pilot Dogs
-Cora Spada
Pilot Dogs
- Donald VanCulin
Joseph Coats
- Christmas Donation
St. Francis Center - Christmas Donation
Telecom Pioneers - Columbus Club - Actives & Life Members
2015 Executive Board & Committee Chairpersons
Quentin Jung
[email protected]
Past President
Jud Boos
[email protected]
VP - Active
Cortney Marovich
[email protected]
Past President,/Braillers/
Staples Rewards Ink Cartridges
Mike Tillis
[email protected]
VP - Life Member
Patti Scharf
[email protected]
Member-at Large-LM
Past President/Kroger Rewards
Monica Kile
[email protected]
Curtis Stanley
[email protected]
Past President,
Spaghetti Dinner
Linda McCreary
[email protected]
LM Center/KIT Calls/
Past President/ Spaghetti Dinner
Evelyn Rawls
[email protected]
Roberta Yates
[email protected]
Treasurer/Donations/Past President
Keith Eaton
5548 Hazelwood Road
Columbus, Ohio 43229
[email protected]
Advisor to Treasurer & Club
Jeanne Frankenberg
[email protected]
Ludy Hitchcock
[email protected]
Past President
Barb Holman
[email protected]
Hours Reporting
Ruth Butcher
[email protected]
Pat & Pete Eyer
[email protected]
Mary Johnson Robb
[email protected]
Ronald McDonald House
1st Q.- Donna Carrel
2nd Q.- Linda McCreary
3rd Q. - Joe DeTemple (614-313-5130)
&Cheryl DeTemple (614-499-8406)
4th Q. - Marla Myers (614-864-9267)
&Patti Scharf - (614-501-7600)
Camping Club Interest
June Beard
[email protected]
Friends of the 40’s & 50’s Luncheon
Erma Lucas
[email protected]
Ladies Luncheon
Donna Carrel
[email protected]
Jean MacNealy
Pioneer Medical EquipmentPeace United Methodist Church
ATT Pioneer Life Member Center
To volunteer, call Evelyn Rawls on
[email protected]
AASBCR: 312-962-2770
Carole Lovell - Membership
AON Healthcare Network:
AT&T Numbers:
Benefits/Life Insurance
Care Plus (UHC)
CWA Local 4320
Dental (Cigna)
Employee Concessions/Discounts
888-251-0645, 877-377-9010
Fidelity Service Center
Long Term Care
(John Hancock)
Mental/Chemical Health
Prescriptions (Caremark)
Savings (Fidelity)
United Health Care
Vision (Eye Med)
Your Health Matters (Extra Help)
AT&T Discount Program Notification…
- AT&T may use your personal account information for internal
purposes like sending you special offers…” (this item
shortened for space);
Dear Readers,
I recently received a notice from AT&T titled “AT&T Wireless
and U-Verse Discount Program Notification” and dated March
17, 2015. The notification stated, “As a new or existing
participant we would like to notify you of some key aspects of
the discount programs which are as follows:
Per the notice, you can take advantage of some “great UVerse and Wireless discount offers available *** Have you
- 30% off all applicable Wireless rate plans and features up to
two accounts in your name including 40% off select
- 50% off AT&T Wireless home phone is a low-cost alternative
to traditional home phone service - get unlimited local and
long distance calling for only $10 a month. To learn more,
visit .
- 50% off AT&T Wireless Home Phone and Internet provides
you with ultra fast Internet access and unlimited local and
long distance calling for $15/mo when added to your 10GB or
higher mobile share value plan; or choose a stand-alone plan
with local and long distance calling and up to 30GB of
monthly data allowance. To learn more visit .
Effortless Enrollment - At the AT&T Employee & Retiree
Discount Enrollment Self-Service Site, you
can review discount plans, order new services and enroll for
available discounts. Take a few minutes to review your
account(s) and make sure you have the best plans and
products for you and your family.”
The notice also has information to: “Manage Your Account
Anywhere, Anytime.” or
myattapp (mobile).
It also lists the terms and conditions:
“For new and current participants in AT&T Employee
Discount Programs (Retired Employees), your continued
enrollment in the discount plan(s) after this notice constitutes
your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions which include:
**System implementation for credit and debit cards will begin
August 15, 2015.
***Eligibility restrictions apply.
- Enroll in paperless billing and receive your bills electronically;
- Make payments through available payment options not
requiring a credit/debit card**;
- Discount program participation may not be combined with
other consumer-offered promotions;
Unfortunately, I live outside AT&T territory and cannot test
this notice for you. I was able to log onto every web site.
Hopefully, you are getting all the discounts you are entitled to.
There is no telephone number on the notice. - Pat Eyer, Editor
Friends of the 40’s & 50‘s Luncheon
“Cornucopia of Friendships”
October 21, 2015
11 AM Social Hour, 12 Noon Luncheon, *$20 per person
Where: Der Dutchman, Plain City, Ohio
Music: Acme Music with John Lafollette
Come early to get your raffle tickets! Lunch Promptly at Noon!
Please reserve ____ lunches. _________ is enclosed (*$20 for each name listed):
Names: _________________________________________________________
Contact address: _________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: _________ Zip: _____________
Contact Telephone Number: _________________________________________
Important: Make checks payable to “Friends of the 40’s & 50’s Luncheon”
Mail to: Erma Lucas, 6265 Little Deer Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43213
Deadline: October 14, 2015 (or call Erma on 614-751-9034)
*Note: After the 10/14/15 deadline, we cannot make refunds
Luncheon News...
May 14, 2015
Retiree Luncheon
Villa Milano, 1630 Schrock Road
Social Hour 11AM, Lunch at Noon
Luncheon Participants
Thank you for Supporting Pioneering
Payment must be received by
May 12, 2015
Mail to: Ludy Hitchcock
80 Salinger Drive
Lithopolis, Ohio 43136
$15 per person
Make checks payable to: Telecom Pioneers
Names & lunch orders:
(Please “X” lunch desired)
Name _______________ Rigatoni __ Fish __
Marilyn and Art Feurer, pictured above, are great supporters of
Pioneering. Thank you to both for always attending the many luncheons
that fundraise for the Columbus Pioneers. This photo was taken at last
year’s 40’s & 50’s luncheon. (Photo taken by Mary Johnson Robb)
Name _______________ Rigatoni __ Fish __
Name _______________ Rigatoni __ Fish __
Please provide a name & telephone number to be
called if there is a question:
March 12, 2015 Luncheon
At the March luncheon, Linda McCreary asked that we bring a
friend to the next luncheon. That’s possible isn’t it? Although the
life member club does not make a profit on the cost of the dinner,
it does fundraise at the luncheon. There’s the ever popular
50/50 raffle. In addition to the 50/50, there is a gift basket to buy
a chance on. And, the “program” always includes
announcements of upcoming events. Villa Milano’s food is
always top notch. So, get busy, send in your reservations now.
The coupons which include the menu choices are listed on
pages 10 & 11. If you have any questions, please call Ludy
Hitchcock or any board member listed on page 8. Pictured below
are Bob and Mary Clark attending one of last year’s luncheons.
(Photo by Mary Johnson Robb)
Name: _____________________________
Telephone: __________________________
Themes & Donations
May 14, 2015
Mid Ohio Food Bank donations and items;
June 4, 2015
Ronald McDonald House donations and items;
September 17, 2015
Pilot Dog luncheon - donations accepted;
November 12, 2015
BAKE SALE! Plan ahead, buy from our outstanding cooks
and their homemade items;
December 10, 2015
Hats, gloves, scarves, dolls, match box toys.
June 4, 2015
September 17, 2015
Retiree Luncheon
Villa Milano, 1630 Schrock Road
Social Hour 11AM, Lunch at Noon
Retiree Luncheon
Villa Milano, 1630 Schrock Road
Social Hour 11AM, Lunch at Noon
Payment must be received by
June 2, 2015
Mail to: Ludy Hitchcock
80 Salinger Drive
Lithopolis, Ohio 43136
Payment must be received by
September 15, 2015
Mail to: Ludy Hitchcock
80 Salinger Drive
Lithopolis, Ohio 43136
$15 per person
Make checks payable to: Telecom Pioneers
$15 per person
Make checks payable to: Telecom Pioneers
Names & lunch orders:
(Please “X” lunch desired)
Names & lunch orders:
(Please “X” lunch desired)
Name _______________ Chicken __ Fish __
Name _______________ Chicken __ Fish __
Name _______________ Chicken __ Fish __
Please provide a name & telephone number to be
called if there is a question:
Name _______________ Ham Steak __ Fish __
Name _______________ Ham Steak __ Fish __
Name _______________ Ham Steak __ Fish __
Please provide a name & telephone number to be
called if there is a question:
Name: _____________________________
Name: _____________________________
Telephone: __________________________
Telephone: __________________________
Why Mid Ohio Food Bank?
Think of this… low income families having economical oatmeal for
breakfast. Now, think of it again with a fresh, sliced banana on it.
“Getting Fresh Foods to Ohio Families” is the title of the MOFB’s March
2015 newsletter. In 2014, MOFB distributed 8.6 million pounds of fresh
food. It services fourteen counties - including some of Ohio’s poorest.
MOFB sponsored 856 Produce Markets in 2014. That included
distributing fresh food - including produce, milk and bread. It is
MOFB’s fastest growing program. A survey of clients found that 94% of
the clients increased their fruit and vegetable consumption by an
average of 2.5 cups per day. For every $1 donated, MOFB distributes
$10 worth of groceries.
Your donation at the May 14, 2015 luncheon will help the MOFB
meet their goals. If you cannot attend the luncheon, send a
donation through the Pioneers designated “to MOFB” (see page
4). When donating through the Columbus life member Pioneers,
100% of designated donations go to the designated charity.
Luncheon Cancellation Policy:
You may cancel up to two days PRIOR and use your
payment to cover the next luncheon. Call Ludy on
614-833-1905 to cancel, or email her at
[email protected].
If your reservation is not cancelled, the cost you paid is
Plan on purchasing your 50/50 ticket.
Check the newsletter to see what project is
“designated” for the luncheon you are coming
to... if you’d like, bring a donation for that
Columbus Telephone Pioneer Mail - Do Not Discard
PERMIT #1976
COLUMBUS, OH 43215-3254
Address Service Requested
Spaghetti Dinner
Page 1
Special Olympics Tent Town
Page 2
Good Info to Know, Eyeglasses, Behind the Scenes
Page 3
Community Rewards, Casino, Donations
Page 4
Ladies Luncheon
Page 5
Fellowship, Hours Reporting, Thank You’s
Pages 6&7
Pioneer Executive Board & Contact Numbers
Page 8
AT&T Discount Program, 40’s & 50’s Luncheon
Page 9
Luncheon News & Luncheon Reservation form
Page 10
Luncheon Dates & Reservation Forms, MOFB
Page 11