Digital Art Art Every Day Mike Winkelman Explore the Creative World of Bēhance Painting Horse Helen Faulkner-Lloyd Paper Crafts Phoenix Zim-Zou ing Advertis an d y Ma n o l o C u di o Gemini St What is Bēhance? Br a n di n g ń Angels Toru n er s Multiple Ow Culinary Arts Sandy’s Kitchen Zachar y Saitoti oreir M e s er i ft Cra Cut, Val r Pape o Photography L as Muertas Tim Tadden ture Architec m, Sonny Holmberg s eu Forest Mu Fashion D e si g n Sailor Mo on Inspire d, Jen B artel Bēhance is the largest creative professional network in the world connecting online-communities of creatives, top art schools and organizations around the world. As part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud, it hosts millions of projects and portfolios of more than 80 million images. Typography Crafted Dale Doyle and Danielle Evans Digital Art Jaguar Therese Larson It is a great place to showcase your work, get inspiration and feedback from top artists, graphic designers, photographers, film/videographers, art schools, and advertising agencies. Photography Goddess Jose Cano With over 30 million portfolio views a month, Bēhance is also a great place to find new work. But, with so many portfolios to browse through, it can be difficult to know where to start. Bēhance’s team of curators select top graphic design portfolios to appear when you launch the home page. It also features filters, catagories, and a search engine for you to explore on your own. Bēhance was founded in 2006 by Scott Belsky, a banking firm manager, and Matias Corea, a graphic designer. They wanted to give creative individuals the ability to share their designs and projects with the world -- for free and on their own terms. Bēhance was acquired by Adobe in December 2012 but the team remained intact in NYC. Terms of the deal weren’t officially disclosed but news reports place the sale price at about $150 million. Bēhance has hosted more than 2.3 million public projects from 170 countries. Those projects have generated some 33.6 million “appreciations” from members and visitors to the site. Matias Corea Scott Belsky Talent Search If you want to hire a creative, Adobe has launched Talent Search, a recruitment tool that enables those looking for experts to find the best designers, illustrators and artists via their portfolios. Businesses like LinkedIn, Adweek, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, and schools such as the Art Center College of Design, Rhode Island School of Design and School of Visual Arts have used Bēhance’s services. Fine Arts Black Mariana Gonzaléz “. . . Bēhance has become one of the main places for recruiting new talent. It’s where people come when they’re looking to hire great creatives. And Talent Search will enable any hiring manager, recruiter or agency to use our advanced discovery tools to find the right talent. Our custom algorithms will recommend candidates for roles, and they will get smarter the more our recruiters use them.” Scott Morris, Senior Marketing Director Bēhance and Adobe Creative Cloud Website Design Cinderella Digital Creative Boutique-Watson Architecture Metaphysick Michele Durazzi Achitecture Motion Graphics Photography Curated Galleries of Top Creative Work Bēhance curated galleries can be searched by: Project Work in Progress PeopleTeams Filter your search by: SchoolsTools used ColorGalleries Search creative fields by: Architecture Fashion Editorial Design Interaction Design Photography Art Direction Graphic Design Industrial Design Motion Graphics Search served sites by: Branding Illustration Web Design UI/UX Industrial DesignPhotographyArt Adobe IllustratorTypographyIllustration Motion GraphicsArchitectureFashion Character DesignDigital ArtAdvertising FurniturePackaging DesignBranding Toy Design Bēhance Curated Galleries – Served Sites Bēhance Curated Galleries — Organizations Bēhance Curated Galleries – Schools ProSite StreetLight Randi Larsen Bēhance Services Specialize in Self Promotion, Consulting & Online Portfolios Sites. ProSite is a personal portfolio site builder that syncs with the Bēhance Network. Members use ProSite to build and customize portfolio websites that live on their own URL. Served Sites - Creative work from the Bēhance Network gets fed into a network of sites called Served Sites, which display work in categories such as fashion, industrial design, typography, advertising, branding, digital art, toy design, fine art, and architecture. 99U Responsive Redesign a consulting service and it sponsors an annual conference in New York City focusing on marketing. The name 99U comes from Thomas Edison’s quote: “Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.” 99U Blog Multiple Users 99U won a Webby Award in 2011 and 2012 for Best Cultural Blog. Super-Modified: The Bēhance Book of Creative Work The Bēhance curatorial team shared experience on new directions in art and design based on years of reviewing projects uploaded by creatives all over the world. Thier choices mark a broad range of work, organized into 18 chapters that looks at: • How a simple material like felt is being remixed in office spaces, character designs, and furniture • How computer algorithms are used to generate breathtaking abstract shapes • How recycle design is reinventing everything from discarded aluminum cans to shipping containers Super-Modified features 288 pages of stunning work that includes: • In-depth interviews with top creatives • Behind-the-scenes process notes on how the work is created From innovative approaches to traditional crafts to unexpected uses of new technologies — art and design is being reinvented by today’s creatives. Their willingness to share it on Bēhance will inspire you. Get the book at: The Bully Mural Project on Bēhance A digital space where people share art, stories, and perspectives about bullying, its impact, and how the creative community can help stop it. The artwork and projects come from the Bēhance members. View the full mural at To share your story, go to Bēhance, create a new project, and add your artwork and narative to the growing number of creative people stepping up to stop bullying. Make sure you use the hash tag #thebullyprojectmural so that your project can be easily located. nc an e → ce » All p file ProB TYeoaurm log ling Out 99U (26) Dev B cess ding suc key to fin r il jo F a : m s a eople, e, ice ifferent p e day on st Pract e ings to d h us sinc B it th w t e n n c e re e n e iff Beha lace. or have b means d in once p Behance ible. 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Step 2: Visit S S ViawRWe Technology (31) https://www.filyour portfolio, even better!) Portfolio Revie Dev Blog eam Blog Site of December Pro FilmDoo Desig n Challenge: E nter your Film Design the Rea Poster for a Cha l Deal! nce to the Month Team Blog keeps you current with weekly posts that cover world-wide events that involve creativitve people. Review the list of post categories and the number of articles you can find within each. The blog also has tivity and fill ou Behance (you’l t a l also need to sig quick form with the design’s UR for FilmD direct to before 2. Stepnu2:p Visit and Lfill URLlinks on onout a quick form with the design’s doing this) The winners will be announced du ring Cannes Behance (you’ll need to signup for before doing this) on display. 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It is a series of volunteer organized events that connect creative professionals. ndup r Rou ste 6: Po ek # duep unW eow i R v r e e PloiostR fo CATE Portfolio Review Week Istanbul S OW U ce ehan @B ite ProS @Go @99u thod onMe @Acti Jobs ance @Beh eed F SS Via R Read e→ more → ance @Beh ite ProS @Go @99u thod onMe @Acti Jobs ance @Beh eed SS F Via R K ALIN CH SEAR Portfolio Review CH Week-Australia SEAR K ALIN PERM Week w ie Rev folio / Port h unity Searc O FOLL FOLL You can attend events in hundreds of cities across the globe. You can also sponsor an event if you wish. • Over 1000 events in 120 countries have taken place. • Speakers focus on how to build a creative career. • Ateendees break into small groups to present work and get feedback. • Ateendees mingle, network, and make professional contacts. h Searc Veronica Ortegón Primeaux Graphics Designer Austin, Texas Behance Deviant art§ion=&global=1&q=veronica1999
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