International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress 28-29 March 2015 (Sanitas Magisterium) Istanbul, Turkey. 1 Green Park Hotel 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) I-HEALTH MANAGEMENT II -HEALTH AND SAFETY 2 III- HEALTH EDUCATION 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD: (From A to Z according to first name) Prof. Abdullah Dinçkol, DoğuĢ University, Istanbul / Turkey Prof. Abdulkadir IĢık, Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ / Turkey Prof. Afsun Ezel Esatoglu, Ankara University, Ankara /Turkey Prof. Amy Parsons, King‟s College, Wilkes-Barre/United States of America Prof. AyĢegül Yıldırım Kaptanoğlu, Trakya University, Edirne / Turkey Prof. Bihterin Dinçkol, Marmara University, ıstanbul / Turkey Prof. Chryssoula V. Lemonidou, Athens University, Athens/ Greece Prof. Cengiz Yakıncı, Ġnönü University, Malatya / Turkey 3 Prof. Despina Sapountzi-Krepia, Frederick University, Nicosia, Cyprus Prof. Dilaver Tengilimoğlu, Atılım University Ankara/Turkey Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, Varna Free University, Varna (Chernorizets Hrabar) / Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Dalila Lino, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal Prof. Elizabeta Popova-Ramova, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Bitola, Republic of Macedonia Prof. Halil EkĢi, Marmara University, Istanbul / Turkey Prof. Ed Jacobs. West Virginia University / United States of America Prof. Fevziye Çetinkaya, Erciyes University, Kayseri / Turkey 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Prof. Fevzi Akıncı, King‟s College, Wilkes-Barre /United States of America Prof. Korkut Ersoy, Baskent University, Ankara / Turkey Prof. Lambrini Kourkouta, Alexander Technological Educational Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Metin AteĢ, Marmara University, Istanbul / Turkey Prof. Mithat Kıyak, Okan University, Istanbul/Turkey Prof. Nermin Ozgulbas, Baskent University, Ankara / Turkey Prof. Stefan Terziev, Varna Free University, Varna (Chernorizets Hrabar) / Bulgaria Prof. Stela Georgieva, Medical University – Pleven Prof. Sıdıka Kaya, Hacettepe University, Ankara / Turkey Prof. Pervin Somer, Okan University, Istanbul / Turkey 4 Prof. Pavel Pavlov, Varna Free University, ( Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria Prof. Ramazan Erdem, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta / Turkey Prof. Rehat Faikoğlu, NiĢantaĢı University, Ġstanbul / Turkey Prof. Veselin Peychev, Varna Free University, ( Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria Prof. Yasar Oz, Virginia Commonwealth University,Richmond/ United States of America Assoc. Prof. Aleksndar Kirov, Varna Free University, ( Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Aneta Georgieva, Varna Free University, ( Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Assoc. Prof. Esra Ġsmen Gazioğlu, Istanbul University, Istanbul / Turkey Assoc. Prof. Galya Todorova, Varna Free University, ( Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Gencho Penicharov, Varna Free University, ( Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Isam Denna, Bingazi University, Bingazi/ Libya Assoc. Prof. Krasimir Todorov, Varna Free University, ( Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Milena Tencheva Kichekova, Varna Free University,(Chernorizets Hrabar )Varna /Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Maria Tsiligiri, Higher TechnologicaL Educational Institute, Thessaloniki / Greece Assoc. Prof. Müge Yukay Yüksel, Marmara University, Istanbul / Turkey 5 Assoc. Prof. Musa Özata, Selcuk University, University, Konya / Turkey Assoc. Prof. Nadir Çeliköz, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul / Turkey Assoc. Prof. Neli Trizlova, Varna Free University, ( Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Oğuz Özyaral, Yeni Yüzyıl University, Istanbul / Turkey Assoc. Prof. Isam Denna, Bingazi University, Bingazi/ Libya Assoc. Prof. Radka Kaneva, Pleven University, Pleven / Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Rebecca Sipirito Dalgın, Scranton University, Scranton / United States of America Assoc. Prof. Tatyana Stoyanova, Varna Free University, Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye ( International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Assoc. Prof. Silviya Aleksandrova-Yankulovska, Pleven University, Pleven / Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Yanko Milev, Varna Free University, ( Chernorizets Hrabar) Varna / Bulgaria Assist. Prof. Azize Nilgün Canel, Marmara University, Istanbul / Turkey Assist. Prof. Ali Yılmaz, Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale / Turkey Assist. Prof. Cem Dikmen, Bilim University, Istanbul / Turkey Assist. Prof. Erkut Altındağ, Beykent University, Istanbul / Turkey Assist. Prof. Hengameh M. Hosseini, Penn St. University, Harrisburg/ United States of America Assist. Prof. Maria Lavdaniti, Higher TechnologicaL Educational Institute Greece Assist. Prof. Gökhan Yılmaz, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon 6 / Turkey Assist. Prof. Murat ġentürk, Istanbul University, Istanbul / Turkey Assist. Prof. Mustafa Otrar, Marmara University, Istanbul / Turkey Assist. Prof. Müge Yukay Yüksel, Marmara University, Istanbul / Turkey Assist. Prof. Sabahattin Tekingündüz Mersin University, Mersin / Turkey Assist. Prof. Saffet Ocak Mugla University, Mugla / Turkey Assist. Prof. Sedat Bostan, Gumushane University, Gumushane / Turkey Assist. Prof. TaĢkın Kılıç, Gumushane University, Gumushane / Turkey Assist. Prof. Yunus Emre Öztürk, Selcuk University, Konya / Turkey 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Assist. Prof. Yuksel YeĢilbağ, Istanbul Kultur University, Istanbul / Turkey Assist. Prof. Volkan Öngel, Beykent University, Istanbul / Turkey Dr. Anwar Ali Khan, London School of General Practice London /United Kingdom Dr. Bahattin Ġlter, Public Health Director, Edirne / Turkey Dr. Dan Sava, Former Consultant World Bank Buccharest Office / Romania Dr. Ebubekir Ardıç Sivas Provincial Health Deputy Director, Sivas / Turkey Dr. Rizvan Hasan Cambridge Judge Business School, United Kingdom Dr. John Spicer, London School of General Practice London/United Kingdom 7 Dr. Sanjiv Ahluwalia, London School of General Practice London/United Kingdom Dr. Dimitris Theofanidis, Educational Institute of Thessalonikii, Greece. Mirza Oruç, University of Zenica Bosna and Herzegovina, Sezin Osman, General Practice Business Manager Chingford Area London/United Kingdom 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Welcome Address by Congress Chairman Dear colleagues, Welcome to International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium). We are proud to be hosting this meeting in ISTANBUL. The Sanitas Magisterium has attracted Health Scientist with 8 an interest in management, safety, education from not only the BALKAN region but from other parts of the world as well. In this edition, we strive to continue its dedicated vision of providing the most conducive and productive learning and knowledge exchange platform for participants specialising in the field of health management, education and safety. Themed „Better Management and Education, Better Outcome and Safety’, Sanitas Magisterium 2015 will enable participants to equip themselves with updates on the latest developments and practices through scientific sessions, plenary discussions, oral and poster sharing. We have an exciting line-up of expert speakers and social programme to make your attendance a joyful one. We encourage you to take this excellent opportunity to share your experiences, latest research findings and present 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye your International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) abstracts and papers at the congress. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to ISTANBUL, a multi-cultural, historical and cosmopolitan city, for a memorable congress. Prof. Aysegul Yildirim Kaptanoglu, Trakya University Health Management A. Kaptanoglu I-HEALTH MANAGEMENT Public Policy Reforms and the National Health Service strategic development agenda Managing health change: a framework for the management of change 9 Care pathways and the all allied health professional, health law and malpractice issues. Communication and the health professional Managing staff and human resources in health care Getting it right: the quality of health care User involvement in services for disabled people Corporate governance and the health professional Organisational behaviour: understanding people in healthcare organisations Managing health and safety in the hospital Managing work-related stress in health care Nursing and Health Care Management 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Private healthcare organizations, Culminating knowledge about differences in health service, Management, delivery, and efficiency in health care Self-management of health and disease and patient empowerment supported by information and communications technology and education Use of digital technology in health care management Diet and Weight Management, Physiotherapy Management Health care economics, financing, organization, and delivery Ethics, private and public financing of health care Clinical commissioning groups in health services in the world 10 Health equity, social inequalities -the distribution of health services and disease control within the population. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Content COMPARING THE WORK EXPERĠENCE WITH THE ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY LEVELS OF NURSES WORKING AT A PRĠVATE HOSPITAL .................................... 15 EFFECTS OF CERTIFICATION TRAINING PROGRAMS IN HEALTH WORKERS ON ORGANIZATIONIAL COMMITMENT 16 HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES REVIEW .......................... 17 ASSESMENT OF AĠR POLLUTĠON HEALTH RĠSK FROM REK “BĠTOLA” .............................................................................. 19 11 LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE USE OF HOSPĠTAL ĠNFORMATĠON SYSTEMS TO HEALTH CARE PERSONNEL ĠN HOSPĠTAL PRACTĠCE ........................................................... 20 PERCEPTĠONS AND KNOWLEDGE, REGARDĠNG BREAST SELF-EXAMĠNATĠON OF FEMALE SOCĠAL WORK AND PREPRĠMARY EDUCATĠON STUDENTS OF A UNĠVERSĠTY OF CYPRUS ................................................................................ 21 VALĠDĠTY AND RELĠABĠLĠTY OF THE GREEK VERSĠON OF THE «KUOPĠO UNĠVERSITY HOSPĠTAL TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP SCALE» (KUHTLS) ........................................... 23 CONCLUSIONS: THE QUESTIONNAIRE IS A RELIABLE TOOL FOR ASSESSING THE TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP OF THE NURSING MANAGERS. ................................................. 24 THE RESEARCH OF MALPRACTICE IN MEDICATION ADMINISTRATIONS OF HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL NURSING STUDENTS ........................................................................... 25 EFFECT OF ERGONOMIC FACTORS AND JOB SATISFACTION FEES .................................................................................... 27 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) KNOWLEDGE LEVEL OF HEALTH EMPLOYEE TOWARDS EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF HOSPITAL INFECTION .. 28 ORGANĠZATIONAL MOBBING AND INSTITUTIONAL COPING METHODS IN PRIVATE HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION .......... 29 LABOR PRODUCTĠVĠTY AND STRESS MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH CARE ..................................................................... 30 PATĠENT SATĠSFACTĠON ĠN ORAL AND DENTAL HEALTH CENTERS: A TURKĠSH PROVĠNCE EXAMPLE ....................... 32 EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND INNOVATION PERCEPTIONS IN HEALTH MANAGERS‟ REPUTATION MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH INSTITUIONS ......................................................... 33 PATIENT SATISFACTION INFLUENCE ON CORPORATE IMAGE: A MEDICAL FACULTY HOSPITAL ............................ 35 TURKEY HEALTH EXPENDITURES AND ITS STATUS AMONG OECD COUNTRIES .................................................................. 36 EXAMPLE OF LEAN MANAGEMENT ĠN THE HEALTHSECTOR; E-PRESCRIPTION APPLĠCATĠON ........................................... 37 12 BURNOUT AMONG HEMODĠALYSĠS NURSES: THE ROLE OF SOCĠAL SUPPORT AND COPĠNG STYLES ............................. 39 A COMPARISON OF OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENTS AND OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESSES OCCURRING IN HOSPITALS ACCREDICTED AND NOT ACCREDITED BY JCI .................. 40 EVALUATION OF CLIMATE SECURITY IN HEALTH INSTITUTIONS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES‟ INTERN STUDENTS ............................. 41 OPERATING ROOM PERSONNEL AT RISK OF INJURY AND INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTORS AFFECTING IT WITH TOOLS OF SURGERY ........................................................... 43 A PILOT STUDY ON MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT: MEDICAL WASTE ASSESSMENT OF UNITS IN AMASYA UNIVERSITY SABUNCUOGLU SEREFEDDIN TRAINING AND RESEARCH HOSPITAL ......................................................... 44 HEALTH SYSTEM LEAN MANAGEMENT............................... 45 AM I ALWAYS ABLE TO ACCESS MY HEALTH RECORDS? 46 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) PERCEPTIONS OF NURSES THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR OF THEIR ADMINISTRATORS ............................................................................................. 48 QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON PHYSICAL THERAPY AND REHABILITATION CENTERS AN APPLICATION IN ANKARA AND AKSARAY ................................................... 50 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEALTH INDICATORS AND DEVELEPMENT RANKS OF PROVINCES IN TURKEY ........... 51 THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT VIOLATIONS IN ORGANISATIONS ON ORGANIZATIONAL TRUST AND ALIENATION:AN APPLICATION IN THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR ............................................................................... 53 CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF TURKISH PRIVATE HEALTH SECTOR .................................. 54 INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE MOTIVATION OF HEALTH PERSONNEL ............................... 55 13 COMUNĠTY LEADERS‟ ROLE AND RESPONSĠBĠLĠTĠES IN DESASTER AND DESASTER PREVENTION AWARENES TRAĠNĠNG ............................................................................. 57 LEGAL AND CRIMINAL LIABILITIES OF PARAMEDICS AT PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES .............. 58 COMMUNICATION IN HEALTH ............................................. 59 THOUGHTS OF HEALTH WORKERS RELATED TO THE ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES OF TURKISH HEALTH SYSTEM ............................................................................................. 60 PROHIBITIONS IN CIGARETTE ECONOMICS AND THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT: A GENERAL FRAMEWORK .................... 62 COMPARISON OF A PUBLIC HOSPITAL AND A PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN TERMS OF PATIENT SAFETY CULTURE ......... 65 “NEW WORK STATIONS” (In Offices) ..................................... 67 QUALITY OF LIFE REVIEW OF HEALTH WORKERS ............. 69 RISKS AND THREATS OF HEALTH WORKERS WHO THREATEN HEALTH AND SAFETY ....................................... 69 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) ANXIETY LEVEL THEY POSSESS ON OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH WORKERS AND CAUSES SERKAN TURGUTOĞULLARI .............................................................. 71 SAFETY CLIMATE SCALE FOR MEASURING HEALTH CARE PRACTICE ............................................................................ 72 THE EVALUATION OF THE OPINIONS OF SOCIETY RELATED TO THE APPLIED POLICIES IN THE COVERAGE OF THE HEALTH TRANSFORMATİON PROGRAM ............................................... 73 EXAMINING THE MOBBING FACT IN HEALTH INSTITUIONS: BURSA PROVINCE MEMLEKET HOSPITAL FIELD STUDY .... 75 A RESEARCH ABOUT WHAT ETHĠC ĠS FOR FAMĠLY PHYSĠCĠANS AND THEĠR OPĠNĠONS AND APPLĠCATĠONS .... 77 LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF HEALTH WORKERS ............. 78 MEDĠCATION ADHERENCE AMONG TYPE 2 DIABETIC PATIENTS IN NORTHERN GREECE ...................................... 79 WORK-RELATED STRESS MANAGEMENT ........................... 80 14 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Comparing the work experience with the attention deficit hyperactivity levels of nurses working at a private hospital Gözde DEMĠRELLĠ, Birkan TAPAN ABSTRACT: The most important factor in healthcare is human. The most crucial input in healthcare, whether for the staff in a hospital; the doctor, the nurse, the technician or for the patient is the human health. The purpose of this article is to prevent malpractices resulting from inattentiveness and to incorporate the usage of attention deficit/hyperactivity tests in the application processes of the healthcare staff by comparing the attention deficit/hyperactivity level and the work experiences 15 of nurses. The attention deficit/hyperactivity level of 35 nurses working at a private hospital in Istanbul was measured with MOXO test and compared in terms of their work experiences with respect to this purpose. The nurses were divided into two groups with respect to their work experiences. Those nurses with work experiences equal to/less than 5 years (n=21) were expected to perform better in attention, timing, impulsiveness and hyperactivity than those nurses with work experiences more than 5 years (n=14). As a result of this study, those nurses with work experiences equal to/less than 5 years (n=21) were found to perform better in attention than those nurses with work experiences more than 5 years (n=14). However, those nurses with work experiences more than 5 years (n=14) were found to perform better in timing, impulsiveness and hyperactivity than those nurses with work experiences equal to/less than 5 years (n=21). 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Key Words: Comparison, attention deficit hyperactivity level, nurses, work experience. EFFECTS OF CERTIFICATION TRAINING PROGRAMS IN HEALTH WORKERS ON ORGANIZATIONIAL COMMITMENT Ebru BUĞRA ABSTRACT: With the advancements in the health sectors over the last years, change become inevitable for healthcare organizations. In order to keep the health system in 16 function, there is a continuous need for investments on human resources, as being one of the most important resources due to the healthcare structure. The existence of employees in this structure, who internalize the goals and values of organizations; are highly satisfied and committed to the organization, enhances the organization itself in the increasing competition. This study examines the relationship between short-term educational programs (certificate programs) and organizational commitment, and illustrates the effects of short-term educational programs (certificate programs) on organizational commitment. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) The sample of this study is determined as employees from healthcare organizations; particularly from Intensive Care Services, Emergency Services, Dialysis Units and Transfusion Centers. As the study method, the data has been collected via questionnaire based on the Organizational Commitment Scale, developed by Allen and Meyer . Key Words : Health sectors, Short-term educational programs, Organizational Commitment Scale HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES REVIEW Pınar FIRAT 17 ABSTRACT Depending on the low birth rate gradually decreases with each passing day the world population growth rate, and this has led to the increasingly aging population. In the near future, it is known to constitute a major proportion of the total population of the elderly population. Of patients in health care trend to be treated with home care services and the necessity of increased health care costs in all countries. Home care, the disabled, the elderly, persons with chronic diseases or recovering from the individuals that they can adapt to social life. Although a large proportion of women sitting loads is limited access to the resources they need or do not have control of these resources. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Ensuring coordination and cooperation between vocational elements. Elderly in home care services, physicians, nurses, home economists, pharmacists, medical social workers, psychologists, physiotherapists, dieticians, takes the role of members of different professions such as speech and occupational therapists. An attractive alternative to traditional home health care for developing countries, low-cost and covers a large part in the health structure of the country with financial problems. In this paper, home health care operations in many countries of the world, a better way to do that in Turkey, their caregivers and increasing the quality of these services is to provide recommendations to support both financially and emotionally. Whereas, especially in chronic diseases and disabilities from these data can easily be transferred from the records of hospitals. This group living alone who as risk-broken families and discharged from the hospital post-op, which should be added regularly 18 Keywords: Hospital-Based Home Health Care, Home Care, Elderly Care 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye Services International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Assesment of air pollution health risk from REK “Bitola” Snežana Stoilova, Milčo Stoilov, Elizabeta Popova Ramova, Blagoja Stoilov ABSTRACT Introduction: The objective of this paper is to show the current state of air pollution from REK “Bitola” and to assess the health risk to the population in settlements located on this site. Materials and methods: Materials are derived based on measurements made by emission for pollutants from the Mining Institute - Skopje, as well as registers of morbidity from respiratory diseases and neoplasm from the PHI Center for 19 public health - Bitola. The data are related to the population in Dobruševo Municipality and Novaci, located near Capari Municipality and REK “Bitola”, beneath the magnificent peak of Baba Mountain. It is made a retrospective analysis of data for the period of 2009-2013 year. Results: Based on the analysis of gas emission in REK “Bitola”, it is concluded that SO2 exceeds the legal norms multiple, NO2 is in the limit of allowable values, and solid particles are above the allowable limits. In the period of examination, most of the cases with respiratory diseases were observed in Dobruševo Municipality and with increased morbidity of 217.38/1000 in 2009 to 344.90/1000 in 2013. In terms of registered malignant neoplasm overall morbidity was significantly increased in Novaci Municipality in relation to the others and that of 6.76/1000 in 2009 to 9.46/1000 in 2013. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Conclusion: Based on the monitoring of harmful emissions and increaseing of respiratory and malignant diseases incidence in municipalities surrounding of REK “Bitola”, measures for critical areas of emissions must be taken in time. Keywords: Air Pollution, Bitola, Health Risk, REK. Level of knowledge about the use of hospital information systems to health care personnel in hospital practice Blagoja Stoilov, Milčo Stoilov, Snežana Stoilova ABSTRACT Introduction: The objective of this paper is to compare possibilities of level and use of knowledge of hospital information system by staff employed in hospital gynecological department of public health and private gynecological hospital 20 staff. Materials and methods: For material of work, data from the implementation of the applicative software solutions in 2 health institutions is used, which is easy to use and capable of processing large volume of information. Prospective work method is applied with implementing an anonymous questionnaire and the research period of surveying the respondents is from 05/01/2013 to 01/06/2013. Results: Based on the research it is concluded that despite the implemented specific hospital information systems in the both institutions, there are flaws in the everyday work. In PHI Clinical hospital “Dr. Trifun Panovski” - Bitola, there is no access to a computer at the most of the workplaces and almost never the Internet is used in the daily work of the health care personnel. Also, the networking with the other departments and taking certain data between the health care staff did not 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) work at all, as well as the ability for connectivity between institutions and data use. At Special hospital for gynecology and obstetrics and IVF center for assisted and human reproduction PHI Hospital “Plodnost” - Bitola, there is a better access to information and network connectivity among departments, which of course is due to the younger age structure of the health care personnel, especially at the wider opportunities for education and the nurses. Conclusion: The health care system and the information technology are closely related and in future the functioning of the medical staff will not be possible, without continuous use of health care information systems. Keywords: hospital information systems, health care personnel. Perceptions and Knowledge, regarding breast selfexamination 21 of female Social Work and Pre-primary Education students of a University of Cyprus Ifigenia Moissi, Savvas Karasavvidis (Department of Nursing Science, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland), Maria Lavdaniti, Rodoula Kyriakou, Xenia Georgiou, Stavros Parlaris, Panos Konstandinidis, Despina Sapountzi-Krepia Introduction: Breast self-examination is a method for the prevention of breast cancer, which can be applied by the women themselves at home. The female students‟ education and training in self-breast examination, during their studies, can play an important role in the prevention of breast cancer. Aim: The aim of the present research was to investigate perceptions and knowledge of the female students of Preprimary Education and Social Work of a University of Cyprus regarding breast self-examination. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Material and Methods: The sample consisted of 90 female students from the Pre-primary Education and Social Work Departments of a University of Cyprus. Data collection took place in May 2014. As instrument of data collection the Champion Health Belief Model Questionnaire, that it was validated to the Greek language, was used. The response rate was 72%. All the participants were informed about the purpose of the study, their participation was voluntary and their anonymity was retained. For the statistical analysis the SPSS 18 package was used. Results: A 70% (n = 78) of the participant said that they have not been taught breast self-examination technique, however, the majority (81.3%, n = 73) wants the teaching of the breast self-examination to be part of their curriculum. Nevertheless, the 73.8% (n = 67%) have never made a breast selfexamination, the 72.6%, (n = 66) did not declared no intention to apply breast self-examination in the next months or in the 22 next year. Regarding the health motivation and factors influencing the application of the breast self-examination, subjects declared that the fear of developing the disease 72.5%, (n = 66) is mobilize them to apply the technique but, the ignorance of the benefits of the technique, the ignorance of how to apply the self-examination and the ignorance of necessity for applying the breast self-examination reported as negative factors in both of the students groups. The department of studies does not influence the students‟ knowledge and attitudes about breast self-examination (p > 0.05). Conclusions: The emergence of the importance of breast selfexamination concept of in personal health promotion and the teaching of its application seems to be a point for considering the implementation of health education programs to students in the prevention of breast cancer. Comparative studies with 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) students from the Departments of Health Sciences with respect to breast self-examination are needed for the investigation of individual motivation, knowledge and attitudes in relation to the discipline. Keywords: Perceptions, Knowledge, Breast Self-examination, Students, Cyprus Validity and Reliability of the Greek Version of the «Kuopio University Hospital Transformational Leadership Scale» (KUHTLS) Despina Sapountzi-Krepia, Alexandros Petrou, Sofia Zyga, Panagiotis Prezerakos, Maria Lavdaniti, George Charalambous 23 Introduction: The successful practice of nursing care requires effective management of the available resources. Aim: Translation in Greek and checking the validity reliability of the translated «Kuopio Hospital Transformational Leadership Scale» (KUHTLS). Material and anonymous Methods: The self-administered, KUHTLS questionnaire containing 54 is closed questions, with 5 point Likert scale responsive options. Data collected from 315 nurses working in the Hospitals of Paphos and Nicosia. Exploratory factor analysis, with principal components analysis with Varimax rotation was performed for checking the construct validity of the questionnaire. The test– retest reliability and the internal consistency were also examined. Statistical analysis performed by the use of SPSS 17.0. Statistical significance level was set at p=0.05 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Results: The questionnaire translated into Greek and twelve factors were initially exported, which consolidated under conceptual coherence in 7 factors, corresponding to the original questionnaire‟s subscales. The Cronbach-α coefficient for the questionnaire was 0.95, while for the subscales were: Decision 0.72, Appreciation 0.73 Development 0.80, Justice 0.70, Performance 0.81, Individuality 0.83 and Administration 0.86. The ICC and Pearson r was p <0.001 for all the questions. The final Greek version of the questionnaire includes 48 questions. The mean age of the participants was 31.37 years. The highest mean value was observed in the factor "Justice » (3.75 ± 0.93). In all subscales nurses of Nicosia hospital gave 20% higher score, indicating that transformational leadership is higher in Nicosia hospital (p <0.001). In all subscales, the difference between age groups was statistically significant with nurses over the age of 28 years yielding a higher score (p <0.001) and increased job 24 experience, was associated and highest mean score (p <0.001) in all subscales. Conclusions: The questionnaire is a reliable tool for assessing the Transformational Leadership of the nursing managers. Key Words: Validity, Reliability, Transformational Leadership Scale 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) THE RESEARCH OF MALPRACTICE IN MEDICATION ADMINISTRATIONS OF HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL NURSING STUDENTS Ercüment ERGĠġĠ, Cem DĠKMEN ABSTRACT Nursing profession group which constitutes the biggest group of the health sector workers and plays an active role in service 25 industry of all health care foundations, is the most important profession to find out malpractice, identify and uncovering of malpractice, to prevent it before it damages to patients. This study has been carried out to identify of malpractice in medication administrations of high school level nursing students. Questionnaire topics used in the data collection was prepared by scanning the relevant literature. The research has done with the students which are willing to participate in the research, in the business skill training, 11th and 12th grades studying at Sungurlu, Alaca and Çorum Central Anatolian Vocational Health High Schools in 2014-2015 educational year. The research has conducted with a total of 325 students, questionnaire has carried out with 275 of them and the participation rate is 84.6%. Students that participate in questionnaire have answered all of the questions. In the evaluation of the data the percentage distribution was used. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) A total of 30 questionnaire questions made in the reliability analysis of SPSS, Cronbach alpha test result is 75,4%. Written permission with approval authority has received from instution to make this research. Taken data from students who participated in the study results of frequency analysis shows 64% of them are 11th graders and 36% are 12th graders. 34.5% of them are man and 65,5% are woman students. Percentage distribution by age shows 3,6% of them are 16 years and younger, 92% are 17 years, 4,4% are 18 years and older. The questinnaire is based on the statement are the limitations of the research. The percentage of medical errors which is student nurses witnessed during the medication administrations shows that; 61.1% of them are 11th grade students, 19.3% are 12th grade students, 8.7% are high school graduated nurses, 6.9% are university graduated nurses, 4.0% are doctors. 48% of them 26 are side effects in the patients, 21,1% are incorrect assessment of the symptoms, 13.5% are applying the wrong medicine in interventional treatment, 12.7% are not to have enough knowledge and ability in medicational administrations, 4.7% are not to tell enough information during the discharge from the hospital causes the errors. Key Words: Malpractice, Medical Error, Student Nurse 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) EFFECT OF ERGONOMIC FACTORS AND JOB SATISFACTION FEES Fatma Oflaz ABSTRACT The development of our country and the world in recent years, especially in business life as well as technology changes occurring, increase job satisfaction and ergonomics are also important in the development. Specifically, technology changes occurring in the business world have provided the progress of work and labor compliance was seen as an effective element to be taken more into account. However, given the importance of 27 ergonomics to have contributed to the development of occupational health and safety. Go Go satisfaction of workers have gained importance in the study of the costs and other factors, has been a pioneer in the examination and consideration. Physiologically and psychologically gratifying riding a career man is the natural right of workers. Be satisfactory value of the material gained in the labor provision is the most natural right of employees. Ensuring the welfare and comfort of the worker the employer is also required. However, adequate recruitment opportunities for employers to have high unemployment rates, qualified personnel need to be heeded adversely affect the wages factor. Of employers to ensure the full realization of job satisfaction should stand on this issue. Because ergonomic factors and charges and thought directly affects job satisfaction more. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) In this study, the effect of ergonomic factors to job satisfaction and fees factors were examined. However, the factors affecting the required level of job satisfaction and job satisfaction measures can be taken to ensure been investigated. Workplace environment, the business environment, objects and the regulation of systemic factors, taking into account the importance of wage elements are expected to reach the desired level of job satisfaction. Keywords; Job Satisfaction, Fee, Ergonomics Knowledge level of health employee towards effective implementation of hospital infection Gülnur Üçpunar Mert ABSTRACT 28 The hospital is not only a place where sick people recover from their illnesses, but also where the illnesses at times get complicated and healthy people get infected Whenever clinical procedures are performed, everybody in the hospital are at risk of infection during and after the clinical procedure. Healthcare workers (HCWs) are constantly exposed to potentially infectious materials. Healthcare services are sometimes provided to client in a limited space resulting in overcrowding. Extraordinary changes occurring in technology affect work life of health professionals. To meet the needs of health care workers through these changes can be heard all over the world powers have increased. Through the use of human-oriented systems work health institutions have been forced to act according to the new world order to get rid of the old traditional ways of working. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Especially midwives of effective measures for the prevention of hospital infections, should be known by nurses and medical officers. It aims to raise awareness of the health care sector level projects should be developed. Research on this subject has been found to be made regarding nosocomial infections when examined in many studies. Surveillance is important manual data assessment and entry in order to assess preventative actions such as isolation of patients with an infectious disease. According to literature, effective hospital management will facilitate hospital staff to maintain safe to infections practices. Organized seminars in hospital with staff and educational programmes are best strategies. Hospital bill, length of hospital stay, loss of working hours and the possibility of litigation will be reduced to the minimum. 29 Key words: Knowlegde, Hospital Infection, Health Staff Organizational Mobbing and Institutional Coping Methods in Private Health Care Institution Hulya Bahat Aim: The aim of the study was to determine health staff exposure to mobbing to explore the causes of the mobbing. Methods: This research was a literature rewiev involving all scientific survey and focus group interviews done in Turkey. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) More than 52 literatures have detected. Findings: According to the mobbing literature to health staff, 15 % of the nurses had been exposed to mobbing, but according to their own sensations, 38 % had been exposed. Some of the medical staff such as female physicians and nurses who expressed that they had been exposed to mobbing reported that the executor of mobbing was the head nurse and head physicians. The reason for mobbing was mostly „communication problems‟. According to literature, nurses and physicians that are under 30 years of age and those who work in intensive care units are apparently exposed to mobbing more frequently than others (p < 0.05). Conclusions: It is suggested that head health staff‟ mobbing behaviours should be determined and they should be educated about management and organisation. Especially female health staff should be educated about assertiveness to prevent mobbing. The necessary measures 30 should be adopted to solve the „communication problems‟, which are shown as a major reason for mobbing. Female health staff in our study reported being exposed to mobbing, and this behaviour was applied mostly by medical directors such as nurse and physicians. Mobbing reduces working performance and negatively affects health management functions. Health employees change their jobs because of mobbing and health care instutions get ruined. Keywords: Female Health Staff, Mobbing, Nurse, Turkey, Workplace Labor Productivity and Stress Management In Health Care Hulya Bahat 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between stress management and health workforce productivity in private hospitals. All articles with stress management and health workforce productivity questionnaires that have been done in Turkey were carefully detected. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The results of analyzing the Sub Hypotheses of the research demonstrated that there was a positive and significant correlation between respectful and responsible managers (P=0.000). Managing and communicating existing and future work (P=0.000). Managing the individual within the team (P=0.01), Reasoning/managing difficult situations, (P=0.004) and workforce productivity in this research. As for analyzing the Main Hypotheses of the research, the results demonstrated that there was a positive and significant correlation between stress management and health workforce 31 productivity in this research. The results also demonstrated that there was no significant difference between the opinions of male and female managers about the level of workforce productivity and stress management being put in health practice in private hospitals. Literature rewiev results indicate that the level of health workforce productivity and stress management being put in health practice in the before mentioned Private Hospitals is not under the influence of any of individual characteristics of managers such as age, gender, education, profession, status, job title, employment background. Key words: Labor Productivity, Stress Management, Health Care 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Patient Satisfaction in Oral and Dental Health Centers: A Turkish Province Example Huseyin Topcuoglu, Aygul Yanik Introduction: The study was conducted in order to determine patient satisfaction in Oral and Dental Health Centers (ODHC) and to investigate the effects of sociodemographic variables on patient satisfaction. Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in the year 2013 with patients who administered to the ODHC‟s which were affiliated with the Turkish Ministry of Health and which were located in the Kırklareli province. Permission to carry out the study was taken from ODHC managements. Using the random sampling method, 320 patients were selected and the patients were informed about 32 the purpose of the study. The questionnaire method was applied to patients who accepted to participate in the study. A total of 300 patients who answered the questionnaire were evaluated. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS software and the MS-Excel 2010 program. Results: Patients were found to be highly satisfied with services; dissatisfaction was low and dissatisfaction with the physical environment was at medium levels. Patient satisfaction factors showed significant differences according to gender, education, employment status, type of social security, cost of dental treatment, reasons for choosing the ODHC, readministration, and recommending. It was determined that men were satisfied with more services compared to women. It was found that university graduates, patients with high monthly incomes, and patients who find dental treatment cheap were more dissatisfied with services, while those who 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) find it expensive were more dissatisfied with the physical environment. It was also determined that the majority of patients chose ODHC‟s due to social security and that they will re-administer to the center if necessary and will recommend it to others. Discussion: It was determined that patient satisfaction in ODHC‟s is affected by sociodemographic variables. The study will contribute to health politicians‟ and health managers‟‟ efforts to promote patient satisfaction and improve services in ODHC‟s. Key Words: Dental Service, Center, Patient, Satisfaction 33 Evaluation of Quality and Innovation Perceptions in Health Managers’ Reputation Management of Health Institutions Nezaat Kesici, Aygul Yanik Introduction: The study was conducted in order to determine health managers‟ perceptions of quality and innovation in the reputation management of health institutions and the effect of sociodemographic variables on these perceptions. Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 14 managers of hospitals that are located in the Thracian region of Turkey. Permission to carry out the study was taken from Provincial Health Directories. The 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) questionnaire method was used. The managers were informed about the purpose of the study. Questionnaires were administered to managers who accepted to participate in the study. After excluding invalid questionnaires, 313 questionnaires were evaluated. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS software. A confidence interval of 95% was taken into consideration. Results: Among the reputation management factors, organizational reputation was high, TQM was very high, and innovation, TQM-innovation, management was high. and Reputation general reputation management factors showed significant differences according to marital status, status, age, education, vocational experience, organizational property, number of employees, and organization age. It was found that public hospital managers, single managers, and hierarchical 34 managers management than had private higher levels hospital of reputation managers, married managers, and quality managers; while managers of hospitals with 200-400 employees had higher levels of reputation management than others. It was determined that organizational reputation was higher in managers aged 30 years or less. Innovation was higher in managers of 20-40 year old hospitals, while TQM-Innovation and general reputation management of managers of hospitals that has a organization age of <20 years compared to others. Discussion: Health managers‟ perceptions of quality and innovation in the reputation management of health institutions are affected by sociodemographic variables. The study will support health managers‟ reputation management policies and decisions. Key Words: Healthcare, Reputation Management, Innovation, Quality . 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) PATIENT SATISFACTION INFLUENCE ON CORPORATE IMAGE: A MEDICAL FACULTY HOSPITAL Yunus Emre ÖZTÜRK, Özgün ÜNAL ABSTRACT Introduction: Today, the concept of quality which increasingly becomes more important on medical services and the satisfaction of patient take place an important role upon evaluating these services. To be peoples free selections provision at increasingly fiercer competition, hospitals are forced to work regarding differentiate itself from competitors and come to the fore for to be preferred. One of the most important of these studies is "corporate image" studies. It becomes difficult to measure the quality of medical services since they cannot be stored and are consumed at the moment of production. 35 Due to the aim of a response of people who are free with their choices in the severe competition environment,forces hospitals to make studies in order to differentiate into their rivals, come into prominence and be the preferred. The most important one of these studies is "corporate image" study. Method: It is used questionnaire as data collection tool, frequency analysis, factor analysis, and correlation analysis are used for solving the collected data in this research. Findings: According to the one-way ANOVA test and the results of t test, p rates for corporate image with gender,educational status, marital status,social security and the number of hospital visits for treatment are in order 0,167, 0,680, 0,880, 0,339, 0, 247 and isn‟t found a significiant difference among them. Results: According to the results of the survey it is understood that there isn‟t a significant matter upon patient satisfaction and corporate image among the patients who are treated in medical faculty hospitals in terms of their gender, educational status,marital status, social security, and the number of hospital visits. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) KeyWords: Image; Corporate image; Satisfaction; Hospital Preference. Satisfaction; Patient TURKEY HEALTH EXPENDITURES AND ITS STATUS AMONG OECD COUNTRIES Yunus Emre ÖZTÜRK, Halil TÜRKTEMİZ ABSTRACT 36 Introduction: Health expenditures, are among the expenditures that allocated share of the budget of countries. Health spending indicators of countries which depending on their economic, social and cultural structures are different. The aim of the study is to analyse the health expenditures of Turkey and to reveal the state of its position in OECD countries health expeditures. Method: Present study was prepared base on side sources and literature. The study is important in terms of revealing the state of Turkey's health expenditures in OECD countries. Results: Health expenditures of Turkey have reached to 84.390 million TL in 2013 while it was 8.249 million TL in 2000. OECD countries' average health expenditures in GDP is %9.2whileit's %5.4 in Turkey. The ratio of out-of-pocket health expenditures to total amount of health expenditures in OECD countries is %19.3whileit's %15.4 in Turkey. Conclusion: Turkey is below the average of OECD countries considering OECD countries' percentage cut of total health expenditures in GDP and theratio of out-of-pocket health expenditures to total amount of health expenditures. Hence, starting with preventive health services, the cut of health expenditures should be increased in accordance with the economic growth. KeyWords: Turkey, Per Capita Health expenditure, health expenditure efficiency Expenditure, 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye health International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Example of Lean Management in theHealthSector; EPrescription Application TaĢkın KILIÇ Sedat BOSTAN Goncagül ġAHĠN Introduction : In 2013, Ministry of Health application of „e-prescription‟ carried out the within the scope of Lean Management. Measuring the knowledge level of using this application among doctors, pharmacists and citizens and determining the risks and the benefits of the system are the purposes of this study. In this context, the theoretical part of the study is comprised of literature review andthe field research is done with a survey applied to 150 people comprising doctors, pharmacists and the people using e37 prescription method. Sample:150 people in total consisting 50 pharmacist ,50 doctors and 50 from other occupations that are chosen randomly in two provinces(GümüĢhane- Trabzon) form the sample of the study. Scale: Survey method is preferred as a means of input collection. In order to measure the service providers‟ and service users‟ perception level, benefits and risks of the system ,a survey comprised of 22 statements and three dimensions (knowledge level, benefits and risks of e-prescribing ) is conducted. Results : when the system is not working, service providers and recipients have difficulty (%60), they do not need to worry 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) about the security the system provides (% 63,3) and they find the system reliable (%75,3). Conclusion : Thanks to e-prescribing nonpreciousactivities such as time-wasting, paper wastage, need for achieve for storage, slow workflow, workload are replaced by value forming activities. In places like hospitals, pharmacistsemployee satisfaction has increased and the process has gained speed due to e-prescribing. Key Words : Lean Management, HealthSector, E-Prescription Application Musa Özata, Ali Yılmaz, Çetin Bebe, Hilal Akman ABSTRACT The aim of current study is to conduct the thought of the workers in hospital about the union of the public hospital 38 system. The sample of this study is determined as 333 workers whose working in Konya Numune and Beyhekim hospitals which operate inside of the general secretary of Konya union of the public hospitals. The researchers conducted a questionary which is including 22 questions. The data is analyzed by descriptive statistical method by using SPSS programme. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient is calculated as 0,949 in developed questionary. The result of the research the participant indicated that the system of the union of the public hospital is increased officialism, it is not promoted the productivity, there is no any positive development in the personal right orpositive change in organizational structure and there is no emphasis on the qualification in the management appointments. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) KeyWords:Ministry of Health, Union of Public Hospitals, Hospital Staff, Satisfaction levels Burnout among hemodialysis nurses: the role of social support and coping styles Ahmet Yasin ġenyurt, Adem Sezen, Ahmet Cenk Dikmen,Erengül Sezen Nurses are one of the important professionals of health care services. Therefore nurse experience much psychological, social and organizational problems. One of the main problem that they face is burnout. Burn out is defined as counsumption of psychological, physical and social resources to deal with occupational situations. Research showed that nurses, especially emergency nurses experince burn out due to; exposure to traumatic events, occupational issues and individual characteristics. Of the nurses, dialyses nurses have 39 high workloads, high demands and responsibility, and they experience traumatic events such as death of a patient who was observed by a nurse for several months. The first aim of the present study is to investigate whether dialysis nurses (DS) experience more burnout than other nurses. The second aim is to investigate the effect of demographic characteristics, and social support on burnout. To achieve these goals; Social Support Questionnaire, Burnout Questionnaire and a demographic survey was applied to 75 dialyses nurse and 75 nurses from different departments(emergency nurses not included). The results showed that dialyses nurses experience more burnout than other nurses. However, no relationship found between burnout and social support. A follow-up study was also conducted to investigate the relationship between coping styles and burn out. Both studies will be discussed in 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) the light of literature and possible ways of to deal with burn out will be discussed. Keywords: Burnout, coping, hemodialysis, nurses, health service A COMPARISON OF OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENTS AND OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESSES OCCURRING INHOSPITALS ACCREDICTED AND NOT ACCREDITED BY JCI Ramazan KIRAÇ, Adem BĠLGĠN ABSTRACT PURPOSE:The study was conducted to determine whether accreditation of a hospital by JCIprevents occupational 40 accidents and occupational illnesses or not. The effectsof supervision accidents by JCI on the andoccupational occurrence illnesses in of occupational hospitals were evaluated. METHOD: Adescriptive study was conducted in two public hospitals and three privatehospitals holding JCI certificates located within the borders of the centraldistrict of the province of Ankara to determine to what extent their employeeswere exposed to occupational accidents and occupational illnesses. To this end, EVALUATION “A OF QUESTIONNAIRE THE ATTITUDES FORM OF FOR THE EMPOYEES TOWARDSDEVELOPING OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESSES AND EXPOSITION TO OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENTS”,which was developed by AKKAYA was used. The data that were obtained were analyzedusing the SPSS 20 software program. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) FINDINGS: The study found that there was not a significant correlation between employees‟having occupational accidents and developing occupational illnesses and theirhospitals‟ having or not having JCI certificates (p˃0.05). CONCLUSION: It was found that employees working in hospitals with JCI certificates hadfewer occupational accidents and occupational illnesses than employees workingin hospitals without JCI certificates. Key Words:Occupational Accidents, Occupational Accidents in hospitals, Hospital, Accredited Hospitals Evaluation of Climate Security in Health Institutions From The Perspective of Faculty of Health Sciences’ Intern Students Yunus Emre ÖZTÜRK, Hilal AKMAN, Ramazan KIRAÇ 41 ABSTRACT Objective: Evaluation of Climate Security in health institutions with dimensions of managements and healthcare staff in the light of faculty of Health sciences‟ intern student‟s perspective. Materials and Methods: This study was implemented with random sample method on 204 students who were interns in Selçuk University Health Sciences Faculty. 204 questionnaires were given to students but, 200 of these were included in the study. In the beginning, participants were asked to provide their demographic information. After that, the scale of So, Fang and Lingard 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) (2009) which was developed for climate security measurements adapted –into Turkish- form was given to participants. evaluation There of were health 14 security questions oriented about to view the of healthcare staff. These questions were 5-point likert (strongly Disagree:1 Disagree:2, Neutral:3 Agree:4,strongly Agree:5).For this study, the reliability of the scale was tested 95 % in the program package SPSS20,0. According to reliability analysis; for management, security climate‟s Cronbah Alpha value is 0.88; for healthcare staff, safety climate‟s Cronbah Alpha value is 0.76% . Also, in general, the scale reliability is calculated for Cronbah Alpha value of 0.89%. Findings: A significant difference was found between Gender and general safety climate scores(p<0.05). As a 42 result of the statistical analyses, women -compared to men- have more positive safety climate perceptions in the workplace. Also, there is any significant result was found between the points average of participants‟ marital status with the general safety climate perception (p>0.05). The participants are mainly expressing their thoughts on an unstable attitude about safety climate. When general safety climate perception evaluated, significant difference is observed (p<0.05). While nursing has negative attitude in the direction of the idea of safety climate; students from health management, social work and midwifery department have an unstable attitude. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Results: The vast majority of the participants of the security climate questionnaire are “unstable” that affect participants surveyed have no idea about the prostate. Keywords: Safety culture, Safety Climate, Occupational Health and Safety OPERATING ROOM PERSONNEL AT RISK OF INJURY AND INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTORS AFFECTING IT WITH TOOLS OF SURGERY Yunus Emre ÖZTÜRK, Yavuz Kaan ÇELĠK Selcuk University, Faculty of Health Sciences Health Management Department, Konya, TURKEY ABSTRACT 43 Objective: Health professionals who work in the operating room in surgical tools, the frequency of injury, the factors that cause injury, healthcare workers and preventing injury after injury applications is to determine the knowledge, skills and practices. Materials and Methods: Research, Konya trainingandresearchhospital, has been applied to run in the operating room. Developedby KUTLU a collection of research data, participants ' demographics, personal habits, physical conditions of their operating rooms, professional practice with injuries during their surgical tools if they're alive, and they take measures that queries a data collection form used in coaching questions, 37. In the analysis of the arithmetic mean of the data and frequency analysis, Chi- squarewasused in the comparison of groups. Errorlevel is set 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) at α = 0.05. Findings:63 of the 106 peoplewhoparticipated in thestudy (59.4%) at least once during their professional life surgical instruments has survived with injuries. Then, cleaning staff nurses of 25.5% and 80% of hepatitis vaccine has giventhe wrong answer to the virus protect. The doctors then 55,2% 87.5% nurses‟s, cleaning personnel, 50% of the injury has not reported. Result: Employeestatusreportshould be developedand a form for employees to 24-hour access to medical and psychological help, a unitshould be created. Identifying risk factors, injury cases, employees record, measures to be taken should be given relevant training. Key 44 Words: Operating room, operatingroomemployees, Surgical Instruments Injury A PILOT STUDY ON MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT: MEDICAL WASTE ASSESSMENT OF UNITS IN AMASYA UNIVERSITY SABUNCUOGLU SEREFEDDIN TRAINING AND RESEARCH HOSPITAL Murat ĠskenderAKTAġ,Sadi ERGĠN,Rasime ACAR AKTAġ The significance of health service offers increases every day with developing technologies. With the fast increase in population and industrialization, medical wastes take an important place in health facilities with each passing day and they reach dangerous levels. Disposal of medical wastes appropriately, timely and under conditions suitable for the environment is very important in terms of both health workers and environmental health. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) A 45-day-long pilot study was made in order to determine the levels of medical waste in the units of Amasya University Sabuncuoğluġerefeddin Training and Research Hospital, a member of Amasya State Hospitals Union, and in order to take precautions against these medical wastes. During our study, medical wastes from all clinics were collected and weighed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Medical wastes were recorded daily and the data was analyzed by SPSS program. With the analyses, the distribution of medical wastes among units were examined and compared and the distribution of the amounts of medical wastes as to days was examined by graphics. The results of the study showed that the units which had the most medical waste were the intensive cares, laboratories, emergencies, operating rooms and dialysis services, respectively. In terms of the departments of intensive cares, general intensive was the service that had the most medical waste. As a conclusion, in order to decrease the amount of medical 45 wastes; first of all the knowledge level of health staff working in these units should be increased and the use of single use medical consumable materials should be minimized. Decreasing the number of unnecessary laboratory tests and the number of patients hospitalized without indications in intensive cares and activating the green zone practice in patients coming to emergencies are recommended. Key Words: Medical Waste Management, State Hospitals,Amasya University Sabuncuoğlu Training and research Hospital Health System Lean Management Songül Yiğit Abstract: 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Healthcare, thequality of human life is priority are at and present the diversity and characteristics in terms of management that are directly due to related. The high of world wide health care cots, the majority of the waste, the longer the delay, the intensity of the procedure, the presence of the most important of the defect sand errors were heard running and need to lean management philosophy have not enough attention given to the customer. Increasing costs and reducing waste in the health,quality and increase customer and employee satisfaction, but is provided with lean management principles. Because lean management, while not creating nonvalue added activities, allows the reduction of time spent on value-added processing. The way to achieve success in lean management; create awareness, ergonomics, emplovee, with an analysis of possible perspectives on the patient and the 46 system. Authority; better quality of service required faster and more accurately. Engine of growth to offer capital constraints and the cost is high in our country should increase productivity. Efficiency password to lean, lean thinking is simple to produce and educate people. This way our country we both win. KeyWords: Lean, Leanmanagement, Health Care, Leanmanagementtools AM I ALWAYS ABLE TO ACCESS MY RECORDS? Dilek TAġDEMĠR ABSTRACT 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye HEALTH International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) ENTRY-AIMS: By allowing the patient to access their personal health records at any moment through auto-control, it shall result in the avoidance of false billing and for the patient to observe their own treatment. TOOLS-METHODOLOGY: The Medula system was introduced to the study. The aim was for the same system used in Internet Banking to be joined up with the Medula System. It was determined that their is a possibility to access Personal details at any time and for these to be stored on this system for a lifetime. Furthermore, the purposes of the aims of our research, face to face meetings were conducted with users of the Medula system. FINDINGS: The findings by users of the Medula system and those surveying the system could also be independently 47 detected by the patient. RESULTS: By confirming the validity of the medical information the State can be correctly invoiced, examinations and treatments and the observance of the period of the use of medicine is of course an important factor for patients. For these records to be available to be viewed at anytime shall also allow for greater transparency. It is suggested that this system is brought into operation as it will allow for the improvement of the patient and health issues. KEY WORDS: Health information ,Medula, Health institutions, The Socıal Securıty Admınıstratıon, Medula Users 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Perceptions of Nurses The Organizational Culture and Leadership Behavior of Their Administrators A.Kelez Yayık, Y.Ergün The research has been planned as descriptive with the purpose to determine the relationship between the organizational culture perception of the nurses and the leadership behavioral of their administrators and it was actualized with 308 nurses in four hospitals in three different statuses serving in the province of Istanbul. Information form, Denison‟s Organizational Culture Scale and Leadership Behavior Scale have been used as data collection tools and the reliability co-efficient of Denison‟s Culture Scale was found as 0.94 as to the reliability co-efficient of the leadership behavior scale which was found as 0.97. Data has been evaluated in a computer environment by using descriptive statistical methods and parametric tests. 48 In our research findings, it has been seen that nurses perceive the characteristics concerning to the mission extent of the organizational culture predominantly as to perceiving the characteristics concerning the consistency extent at lower level. Significant difference has been statistically found between the fundamental dimensions of the organizational culture and age group, level of education, institution worked in, occupational experience, satisfaction received from the institution, style of administration perceived, sufficiency of the educational and social activities, openness to change of the institution of the nurses. It has been determined that nurses perceived the job focused leadership behaviors in their administrators at high level and significant difference has been statistically found between the perceived leadership behavior and age group, institution worked in, satisfaction received for the institution, perceived administration style, sufficiency of the educational and social 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) activities and openness to change of the institution of the nurses. A linear relationship has been found between the perceived organizational culture and leadership behavior of their administrators in positive way and it has been determined that the highest relationship of the organizational culture has been shown with the change focused leadership behavior. In connection to these results, it has been recommended of the administrative nurses to improve all their leadership behaviors, starting with the change focused leadership behavior. Key Words: Leadership, Nursing, Organizational Culture 49 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) QUALITY PHYSICAL CENTERS AND CUSTOMER THERAPY AN SATISFACTION AND APPLICATION ON REHABILITATION IN ANKARA AND AKSARAY Asena Tuğba EVREN SUBAġI, Mustafa AKSOY SUMMARY Today, the reason of preference of institutions which are presenting more effective, efficient and quality service to peoples as a result of the rapid development of science and technology. The Ministry of Health in terms of increasing the efficiency and quality of service in Health; has prepared a regulation on the development and evaluation of health care quality. In this context, the purpose of the private and public health institutions is to provide patients with the highest benefit from high quality healthcare services. Institutions to achieve this, by meeting the patient's request, need to find new and dynamic management techniques to enable them to provide quality products and service applications. Institutions and organizations to realize this, it can be provided by the management philosophy of total quality management. Total quality management in healthcare complete understanding of the expectations and needs of clients in quality, to meet continuous and immediate needs is important. In this study, a survey was made in order to increase both the quality and the satisfaction of the services provided to the patient in terms of both institutions. Patients in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Centers, which has become a huge profit sector with rapidly growing in the world. In this study, the patients 50 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) who is getting treatment from Pusat Sağlık Hizmetleri Ticaret LTD. ġTĠ. KuruluĢu Özel Çayyolu YaĢam Tıp Merkezi ve Özel Aksaray YaĢam FTR merkez is with 100 patients or relatives of patients collected and analyzed survey was conducted. The services offered by service providers on staff, specialization in physical therapy technicians and physiotherapists, dieticians and other medical disciplines to carry the bodies of the centers is beneficial. Analysis of quality and customer satisfaction measurements, In our research to differentiate between sectors showed parallelism with the association. Keywords: Health Care Quality, Patient Satisfaction, TKY, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEALTH INDICATORS 51 AND DEVELEPMENT RANKS OF PROVINCES IN TURKEY Serap TAŞKAYA, Bayram ŞAHİN, Mustafa DEMİRKIRAN, Mehmet YORULMAZ, Pınar YALÇIN BALÇIK ABSTRACT It is known that health has a significant positive effect on the rate of economic development and growth in a country. However current researches rarely permit to understand the more important indicators which used to determine the level of development among countries, regions or provinces. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between health indicators and development levels of provinces. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) The data on the development level of the provinces were obtained from " Socio-Economic Development Ranking of Provinces and Regions ", published in 2013 by the Ministry of the Republic of Turkey Development. The number of health workers per ten thousand, hospital, hospital bed and infant mortality rate by provinces were obtained from the web site of TSI (Turkey Statistical Institute) and the numbers of health personnel per ten thousand were found by dividing the population of the cities in the same source. In order to be comparable, 2010 data were used. At the end of the multiple regression analyses, it was found out that develepment ranks of provinces were affected by the number of pharmacist per ten thousand and number of hospitals. According to these findings, the human resources for health, especially the number of pharmacists per ten thousand and number of hospital could be taken into account 52 to the research on the development ranking and these indicators could be used as substitution variables of the development levels. Key Words: Development Ranks of Provincies, Human Resources for Health, Number of Hospital, Hospital Bed, Infant Mortality Rate. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) THE EFFECTS OF VIOLATIONS PSYCHOLOGICAL IN ORGANIZATIONAL CONTRACT ORGANISATIONS TRUST AND ON ALIENATION:AN APPLICATION IN THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR Mustafa DEMĠRKIRAN Serap TAġKAYA Mehmet YORULMAZ 53 ABSTRACT Concepts such psychological contract, trust and alienation are of great importance for organizations today. Due to unique characteristics of healthcare services in particular, healthcare employees are adversely affected by such concepts, which may result in a heavier burden. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of healthcare employees‟ perceptions of psychological contract violation on their organizational trust and alienation levels. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 110 employees of a public hospital in the province of Konya. According to the findings of the study, trust in the organization decreased and alienation from the organization increased with increasing perceptions of psychological contract 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) violation, while alienation from the organization decreased with increasing trust in the manager and colleagues. Keywords: Psychological Contract, Organizational Trust, Alienation CAPITAL PERFORMANCE STRUCTURE of TURKISH and FINANCIAL PRIVATE HEALTH SECTOR Nermin Ozgulbas ,Ali Serhan Koyuncugil., Ezgi Unal, Cigdem Baskici Capital structure that has direct impact on financial risk of the companies is one of the most critical areas for 54 evaluating financial performance. It has always been an area for interest for researchers to understand the relationship between capital structure and financial risk of the company. This study aims to determine the relationship between capital structure and financial performance of Turkish private heath sector firms. Study was covered medical device firms, pharmaceutical companies and private hospitals. Financial data of firms were used between the years 2002 and 2011 and data was obtained from Turkish Central Bank (TCB) without sampling. Therefore the study covered 526 firms. According to the results of the study, it was determined Turkish private heath sector was capitalized mostly with equity, 43.6% (299 firms) of the firms' capital structure operated with high risk, and 26.6% (140 firms) have high financial performance. When the firms are analyzed 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) individually, it was found that this relation is statically valid for the private hospitals and medical firms. Key Words: Capital Structure, Financial Risk, Financial Performance, Private Health Sector Investigation Of The Factors Affecting The Motivation Of Health Personnel Seda HAKYEMEZ, ġükriye TURGUT INTRODUCTION-AIM: investigate the In factors this research, it is effecting the aimed to motivation of midwifes,nurses and health officers work in a hospital and to exhibit which motivation factors are more effective in the work environment. 55 EQUIPMENTS AND METHODS: The universe of this research is comprised of 356 health personnel (midwives, nurses, health officers) in a hospital in Samsun City. A survey, created by using demographics and by utilizing scales previously used in scientific studies, is applied to 136 health personel selected with random sampling method. Results are evaluated by transferring to IBM SPSS Statics Program and using OneWay ANNOVA-Turkey Test. FINDINGS: The sample‟s 86,8% is famale, 80,1% are married, 83.1% is in the age of 25-44, 48,5% has been working in health sector for 11-20 years, 55,1% has been workin for 0-5years in the hospital in which the research carried out, 73,5% is graduated from university or collage, 30,1% takes charge above 2700 tl and 11,8% is takes charge between 1500tl and 1899 tl. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) According to answers given to the questionare, it increases the motivation to distribute responsibility and authority to the people equally 94,9% , to have self-confidence while performing the profession (94,1% ), to communicate with colleagues, cooperate between departments and have selfdevelopment opportunities( 93,4%) , to have opportunities to complain – to find fair solutions to the problems they have – to be able to discuss the issues with their supervisors – to have social insurance such as retirement and insurance(91,9) ,to create an appropriate working environment wee-air conditioning, heating and lighting (91,2%) A significant relationship was observed between the wages of health personnel and the averages of bussines and managerial factors (p=0,016,p=0,018,p<0,05). A relationship was observed between sex and the avarage of individual factors (p=0,046,p<0,05). A significant relation was observed 56 between work-related factors and material status of medical staff (p=0,024,p<0,05). A considerable relationship was observed between the work-related factors and the age of medical staff. RESULT: According to the survey performed, distributing the authority and responsibility equally is an considerable motivating factor. Highly paid, famales, singles and 25-34 age group are effected from these motivating effects more. When comparing the motivation factors suc as good relation with supervisors(85,3%) , interest and praise (79,4) and so on with the factor of a well charge, a considerable reduce was observed (interest-praise(34,5%), relationship with supervisor(35,3%) ). KEYWORDS: Motivation, incentive, perseverance work, health personnel 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Comunity Leaders’ Role And Responsibilities In Desaster And Desaster Preventıon Awarenes Training Seda HAKYEMEZ, ġükriye TURGUT INTRODUCTION-AIM: This study is an training program about the role of the community leaders and the awareness of protection from disaster to teahcers, chaplains and village headmen in a town. We defined as comunity leaders and this training study is evaluated with pre-training and post-training surveys which show the impact of these trainings. 57 EQUIPMENTS-METHODS: From 499, we have reached 200 teachers, chaplains and village headmen. The total 16-hour training program in 4 sessions each lasted 4 hours was organized about the subjects of the role of community leaders and awareness of protection from disaster. Pre- and posttraining evaluation questionnaire was administered to 70 participant who agreed to fill in our survey. The results were interpreted by using Mcnemar Bowker Test Analysis in SPSS 17,0. FINDINGS: A sigificant difference was observed between preand post-trainig evaluations about the issues of community leaders‟ voluntary support to work in disaster preparedness(p<0,05) and their encouraging people to disaster preparedness(p<0,001). There was not a significant difference about their cooperation with the public(p>0,05). It is determined that an important part of our community leaders know the simple applications that should be applied (turning 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) on-off water valve(92,5%),gas valve(80,3%), electrical fuse(98,5%)) ; but they are inadequate to keep necessary materials (working flashlights(48,5%), replacement battery for flashlights(19,7%) kit(30,8%),copies handheld of radio(16,9%),first importand extinguisher(17,5%),emergency call aid documents(20,6%),fire list(36,7%)). When evaluated the issue of how imtortand community leader see their own duties, the rate of seeing their duty importand and very important were significantly higher. (chaplains 89,5% , teachers 98,7% , headman 100%). But no significant difference have been reached between pre- and post training according to Mcnemar-Bowker Test Analysis. CONCLUSION: Even teachers, chaplains, village headman seen as exemplary to community are not sufficiently prepared for disasters. This training program is insufficient for a society which is totaly ready for disasters even though it is effective in 58 increasing awareness and knowledge. KEYWORDS: Disaster, preparedness, risk, community leader, disaster management. LEGAL AND CRIMINAL LIABILITIES OF PARAMEDICS AT PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Temel KILINÇLI, AyĢegül YILDIRIM KAPTANOĞLU SUMMARY “Paramedics” have been described as the members of team that has the authority of emergency medical intervention. This authority is responsible the emergency treatment process until to the hospital. Prehospital Emergency Medical Services, because of the limit on medical authority and responsibility and bureaucratic 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) obstacles have some legal problems. During emergency medical intervention and their legal and criminal liabilities, the timely and appropriate intervention to the patients have been affected negatively. There is a strong possibility about having paramedics‟ responsibility on criminal events which are caused any faulty behaviors of prehospital emergency medical services presenters due to the importance of human health. Emergency medical services which are formed dynamical processes but not statics cannot be planned before. Applying the rapid and exact treatment is considerably important in terms of protecting and sustaining a holy value like human health and life. Criminal and legal liabilities of paramedics who have the 59 rights on physical integrity of patients and their right to life on occasions that need emergency medical intervention should be examined and argued their deficient aspects and offers about them should be presented. Key words: Prehospital Medical Services, Criminal and Legal Liabilities, Paramedic. Communication in Health ABSTRACT Türkan GEÇER, Cem DĠKMEN 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) This study focuses on communication in health, which is also a popular subject in scientific research recently. For this purpose it is aimed to investigate health, sickness, and definition and purpose of communication regarding to approaches, the three facilitating basic and criteria of complicating health, factors, communication in health. Communication of medical staff with the patients, barriers to healthy communication on mentioned parties, rights and wrongs of communication with patients, communication with patients‟ relatives, and reasons that pit patients against medical staff. Key words : Communication, communication in health, 60 Staff, Patient THOUGHTS OF HEALTH WORKERS RELATED TO THE ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES OF TURKISH HEALTH SYSTEM Nuriye Çelmece, Yasemin Ayyıldız, Abdullah IĢıklar ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Thetarget of thisstudy theorganiztionalchanges perceived by nurses, of is toexamine Turkish laborants, how Health System are radiology experts and secreteries according to their seniorities. METHOD Thisstudy is investigatedbymeans of RelationalScreening Model. In this research, Accidental Sampling Model is used. Thestudyreached 170 health workers from different jobs who worked in Tokat State Hospital and totally 150 peoplewereincluded in 2014. The data of there search was counted via two parted questionnaire. First questionnaire is formed with genre, occupational satisfaction, and job category. And the second on econsists Multi-Likert Testimony which is formed with questions (never agreed, disagreed, indecisive, agreed, totally 61 agreed) aboutthehealthorganizationalchanges. RESULTS Up to the results of theresearch, there is not a mean in full difference between the health workers‟ genre and their thoughts of organizational changes. There is not a meaningful difference between the health workers‟ occupational satisfaction and their thoughts about the health organizational changes. On the other hand, it is foundthatthere is a meaningful difference between the health workers‟ seniority and their thoughts about the health organizational changes and the specification and planning. And, there is a meaninful difference between the health workers‟ job types and the need for organizational system change, planning, practising, evaluatingamdphilosophy of nurses. CONCLUSION 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) It can be saidthat in general, there is a positive approachtowards the change. According to the findings of this study there is a meaningful difference between planning and the needs of senior health workers when all sub-findings of nurses‟ perception about the organiztional change of health workers are examined. KEY WORDS: Change, organization, healthsystem, organizational change, change in the health system PROHIBITIONS IN CIGARETTE ECONOMICS AND THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT: A GENERAL FRAMEWORK Emel BAŞOL, Abdülkadir IŞIK Abstract: As of its discovery and manufacturing; in other words, 62 since the agriculture revolution, tobacco has caused an addiction for people due to its pleasure-inducing feature. The mostly commonly consumed tobacco substance in the world is cigarette. The damages of cigarette which had been used for long years without any control and conscious were decisively determined at the beginning of 20th century and health organizations started to raise awareness for consumers. Tobacco addiction which is defined as one of the biggest epidemics of our day by international health institutions is considered as the primary reason of severe diseases, mainly cancer and thousands of people lose their lives every year due to cigarette. Both international health and non-governmental organizations conduct awareness-raising activities related to the damages of cigarette being a remarkable threat for the health of people and society, and they make effort to put an end to cigarette consumption. These efforts based on voluntariness and mostly remaining on discourse level do not seem to yield any efficient 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) result. This study discusses whether an efficient limitation is possible on the consumption of cigarette and other tobacco products taking stand from the regulatory role of state. Key Words: Cigarette, Cigarette economics, Regulation 63 II -HEALTH AND SAFETY Occupational Safety and Health, Job Safety Analysis Information and Knowledge Health Chemical Sharing Safety and Environment, Alcohol, Asbestos, Building Design, Communicating Across Spaces, Consultation, Workplace Occupational And the Structure Languages, Confined Amenities And First Aid, Workplace Bullying, Young Workers Hazardous Work Workplace health promotion and well being, Controlling OHS Hazards And Risks, Cranes And 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Lifting Equipment, Dangerous Goods, Explosives, Falls Prevention, Fatigue,Forklifts, Hazardous Substances, Traffic Management - Roadside Worksites, Waste And Recycling, Working Alone Education in Fire Safety Engineering, Deliver fire safety consultancy Health Inspection o Incident Notification, Infectious Diseases, Labour Hire, Lead,Maintenance And Repair Economic Aspects of Health Occupational Management Occupational Safety Violence, Office Systems, Plant and Work, OHS (Machinery and Equipment), Stress, Sun Protection 64 Gender and Occupational Safety and Health Managers And Supervisors, Manual Handling,Material Safety Data Sheets, Nanotechnology, No Go Zones, Noise, Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 Work, Obesity, Professional OHS Advice, Public Safety, Safe Work Method Statements,SafetyMAP (Safety Management Achievement Program), Slips Trips Falls, Smoking 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye And International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Comparison of a Public Hospital and a Private Hospital In terms of Patient Safety Culture Birkan TAPAN, Albena GAYEF INTRODUCTION 65 Patient Safety is the comprehensive set of practices aimed to prevent and eliminate simple errors that may potentially occur in the processes before such errors have an impact on the patient. Building a patient safety culture is crucial to ensure patient safety in healthcare institutions. Patient safety culture is defined as the transparency in event reporting, the systematic approach and integrity in prevention of medical errors. This study aims to identify the Patient Safety Culture perception of healthcare professionals in two different hospitals, one public and one private foundation, and to examine the factors that affect patient safety culture. METHOD 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) The study was conducted on healthcare professionals employed by one public hospital and one private hospital in Istanbul (n=80) in 2014. "Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture" and "Sociodemographic Survey" were used in the study. "Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture" was developed in 2004, in the United States by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to assess patient safety culture in hospitals. The validity and reliability of the survey in our country was verified by the study of Filiz and Bodur. Patient Safety Culture Hospital Survey consists of 42 items and 12 sub-dimensions (Overall perceptions of patient safety, Frequency of events reported, Teamwork across hospital units, change management, Supervisor/manager expectations and actions promoting continuous 66 Organizational improvement, Communication about safety, errors, openness, Teamwork Feedback non-punitive response and to Learning within and units, communication error, Staffing, Management support for patient safety). In the evaluation of the data, frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean independent samples t test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey HSD test were employed. The data was evaluated using SPSS 21.0 statistical software. Significance is accepted as p<0,05. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The score for support provided by the hospital management for patient safety were determined to be significantly higher in women than communication in men about (p = 0,017). errors” scores “Feedback of and healthcare professionals with post-graduate degrees were significantly higher than that of healthcare professionals with associate 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) degrees (p=0,011), “Feedback and communication about errors” scores of healthcare professionals with post-graduate degrees were significantly higher than that of healthcare professionals with graduate degrees (p=0,015) as well, “change management” scores of healthcare professionals with graduate degrees were significantly higher than that of healthcare professionals with associate degrees (p=0,014). The physicians' “Feedback and communication about errors ” scores were significantly higher than nurses (p=0,005). "Keeping open communication" score of healthcare professionals working in private hospital was found to be significantly higher than that of healthcare professionals working in the public hospital (p = 0,001). CONCLUSION 67 It is recommended to build a culture of patient safety in all healthcare professionals employed by healthcare institutions, to develop and implement an effective system for reporting errors, and to deliver training in order to ensure the persistence and improvement of patient safety culture. KEY WORDS: Patient, Hospital, Quality, Health Management, Patient Safety Culture “NEW WORK STATIONS” (In Offices) Esin TÜMER 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Many researches showed that sitting while working is the biggest danger to the health after smoking. In 2012 alone, 1,300 peer-reviewed studies were published linking sedentariness with heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and other negative health effects. Most sufferers of sitting disease also have poor ergonomic setups when they are at their computers. Poor desk ergonomics cause shoulder pain, lower back pain, carpal tunnel, neck strain, headaches. On the other hand excessive sitting genesises heart disease, obesity, diabetes, reduced blood flow etc. Sitting while working for long hours lowers the productivity & focus. While the number of the emplooyeess who are working on a computer increase on one hand, the computer aided games & habits grab the body of human beings from their childhood. 68 So, siting on a screen is becoming a public health problem. European Countries have their own safety regulations for office employees. Denmark made the option to be standing still for officers while working compulsory. General Electric in their center office in Groby town in London, Porche factory in Leipzing city in Germany, Google in their London office presented some precautions and interior design suggestions for their workers to be able to stand up while working. For our country though, the subject is still new. The purpose of this work is to discuss the ergonomic necessities with examples and the possibilities for walking while working. Not only standing up position but also the way of walking while working will be discussed. Key Words: Office, Sitting & Standing Working Positions, Screens, Ergonomics 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Quality of Life Review of Health Workers Bilsen Onat Öztürk ABSTRACT Extraordinary changes occurring in technology affect work life of health professionals. Quality of life of these changes through health care workers can be heard all over the world has increased. The pervasive atmosphere in health organizations, morale, good intentions between the members of the organization, the power of the sense of belonging that enhances the quality of life of health, occupational health services. 69 Healthcare organizations work to get rid of the old traditional way, they have to improve the quality of life of its employees. This paper before starting the work of health workers age, marital status, education and number of children that offers effective quality of life. Keywords: Health, Health Care Provider, Hospital, Quality of Life . RISKS AND THREATS OF HEALTH WORKERS WHO THREATEN HEALTH AND SAFETY Oguz Cetin ABSTRACT 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Technology has made the transition to industrialized societies primitive people living with life. The most important feature of the industrialized society is intense production and consumption activities. The impact of industrialization and technology to increase the working life has brought about many dangers and risks. Extraordinary changes occurring in technology has affected people's lives. The birth of scientific thought and technology has developed activities in the manufacturing and service sectors with industrialization. These developments have been found to be easily implemented in the health sector environment. Thanks to health care workers of occupational health and safety risks and threats to the determination of threat of technology took place more smoothly, the health authorities were forced to act according to the new world order to get rid of the old traditional ways of working. People in the new world order, which is necessary for 70 their survival physical, psychological, economic, social and cultural needs, continue to meet the physical and mental activities as a result of the production of goods and services they perform. The need for security, which is another requirement is among the basic needs of the people. Security, indispensable to mankind, met are mandatory and very valuable. The work, in ensuring the protection of health and safety, has become a subject dealt with in the world. This statement on the health of the sex of the worker health and safety risks and threats that threaten the offers are active. Keywords: Health, Safety, Health organizations, Occupational health and safety 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) ANXIETY LEVEL THEY POSSESS ON OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH WORKERS AND CAUSES SERKAN TURGUTOĞULLARI ABSTRACT Health care workers due to frequent encounters with individuals who have lost their health more influenced by negative factors remain. As a result of this anxiety syndrome consists affected. In literature, it is stated that an emotional response of anxiety. If this emotional reaction to threatening human self is understood to be caused by vision in unsafe and dangerous conditions. This is a normal adaptation methods in humans. Anxiety, cognitive, also includes psychological and behavioral 71 response systems related. Accordingly concern; 'for the basic values and the presence of individuals' threatening 'or' dangerous 'as it detects that the condition or conditions against cognitive, normally containing three different reaction components, including psychological and behavioral, adaptive, but unpleasant feelings' as it is possible to define. To meet human needs of health professionals working in the health sector thanks to the changes that occur in health facilities increased power. In contrast, health-care workers who are concerned about their situation with regard to vocational encounter probability has increased. Anxiety impairs the mental faculties towards reasoning and abstract thinking and also prevents to establish proper communication. To recognize their own feelings of an important function of health care workers in health services, to 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) know the dynamics of the interaction with the service and it is necessary to learn to understand their feelings. In this report, health workers to develop the self-confidence and sense of courage for the profession, New developments on events from an event that can be held accountable and the negative consequences that follow are concerned about the profession offers. Keywords : Health care workers, Occupatinal health, Psychological and behavioral response Safety Climate Scale For Measuring Health Care Practice Oğuz Özyaral & Aysegul Yildirim Kaptanoğlu Background: In health care setting, physicians and nurses 72 perceptions regarding their organization‟s safety climate is important. The adoption and maintenance of safe health work practices and workplace injury rates are being detected by this research. This study was to develop a practical tool to measure hospital safety climate (1) Health care staff‟s compliance with safe work practices (2) Incidents of workplace exposure to blood and other body fluids of health care staff. Methods: A questionnaire, which included 34 safety climate items, was developed and tested on a sample of 1045 health care workers at risk for bloodborne pathogen exposure incidents. This health care safety climate scale subfactored into 3 different organizational dimensions: 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) (1) Management of safety programs, (2) Safe work practices, (3) Cleanliness and orderliness of the work site Results: After field testing on health care staff, 14-item health care safety climate scale with 3 subscale was extracted through validity, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling have enough in common to justify conducting a factor analysis range from 0 to 1, with desirable values closer to 1. The KMO measure of sampling adequacy was 0.87. Conclusions: The safety climate scale was found satisfactory in interpreting healthcare worker safety perceptions for targeting safety needs. This would be strengthened through a systematic collection of similar benchmarking data in different health care settings. 73 Keywords : Scale, Health care setting, safety climate The Evaluation Of The Opinions Of Society Related To The Applıed Polıcies In The Coverage Of The Health Transformation Program Kadir YILDIRIM, Mehmet KARATAŞ, Bahattin İLTER, Ebubekir ARDIÇ Abstract 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) In Turkey which is a social state of law It had been carried out significant changes and progresses in the health services, in the past decade. In addition to this, as one of the requirements of this approach and also a concrete example of change that it had been taken a step under the name of the Health Transformation Program in the year of 2003. And it had been defined as in the Health Transformation Program by radical innovations and changes which were made. The aim expected from the program: It has been determined that as to benefit everyone more effective and equally in delivery of health service. In our studying the efectiveness of program has been evaluated according to the requirements of providing and quality of the services offered, through the needs to be easily accessible and 74 widely ; with idea of those who supply the health services and those who demand them will be depended on theirs mutual harmony . It has been worked to determining people’s service delivery and their perceptions evaluation of the health related to the Health Transformation Program applications, and in the same time whether these perceptions showed or not significant difference according to some variances and a correlation of difference. It has been searched that how the Health Transformation Program and innovations occurring in the health care system were perceived by society besides people’s satisfaction levels . Also this carried out with randomly selected 1233 people by having an interwiev face to face in Sivas and its 16 districts. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) As a result , the authorized personnel who evaluated the innovations within the system of the Health Ministry were found to be satisfied by the Health Transformation Program and changes it brought generally. It has been concluded that the new system are positive reflections. Key Words: The Health Transformation Program, The Health Service Delivery, The Health Policies, The Health Research, Satisfaction with Health. 75 EXAMINING INSTITUIONS: THE MOBBING BURSA FACT PROVINCE IN HEALTH MEMLEKET HOSPITAL FIELD STUDY Arzu TÜRKMEN Abstract Objective: This study is initiated for the purpose of determining the mobbing behaviours frequently encountered 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) by the employees of Bursa Province Memleket Hospital and presenting the behaviour they exhibited against such negative situation they have encountered. Method: Questionnaire method is utilized by conducting face to face discussions as a data gathering technique since the subject is sensitive and abstract notion and such method is applied to 270 health personnel and institution employees working under the institution. Reliability of the items of mobbing scale is tested with cronbach alpha (cronbach alpha value is 0.876). Obtained data is evaluated on the SPSS Clementine 12.0 package program. Variance analysis and Data Mining – Decision Trees analysis were utilized for the analysis of the data. 76 Finding: It is determined that the mobbing behaviours they frequently encounter after the research as; 29.5% is humiliation, 4.22% is communication obstacle, 5% is discrimination. Behaviours they exhibit against such negative situation they encounter is that; 32% of males and 50% of females verbally forward this negative situation that discomforts them to their department supervisor. Behaviours they exhibit to the mobbing person; rate of the employees that are rarely willing to leave the institution is 30%, rate of the employees that are rarely willing to change their departments is 15 and rate of the employees that are thinking of applying to jurisdiction is 8%. Conclusion: There is average level of mobbing behaviour against the employees of Bursa Province Memleket Hospital institution. As the age of the employees in health sector increases, it is indicated that the rate of problem solving through face to face discussions decreases. Widow and divorced individuals accept the situation as it is without taking any action against unfair behaviour they encounter. Individuals, who are not willing to change their departments within the institution, are not willing to leave institution as well. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Keywords: Mobbing Fact, Health Institutions, Healthcare Employees, Bursa Province Memleket Hospital A Research About What Ethic is For Family Physicians and Their Opinions and Applications Abstract: On 25 May 2004 "Public Official‟s Ethics Committee" was established. By materializing this committee determination and observation of application of ethical principles such as transparency, impartiality, integrity, accountability, protecting public interest which bind the public officials, are being aimed. 77 Healthcare is a sensitive field where everybody has to fully surrender their lives willingly or unwillingly. Regulating this field only with the laws cannot be expected. It is expected that healthcare workers shall internalize these ethical behaviors. Therefore, social and psychological aspects of the subject need to be investigated. On the subject of the moral sentiment of our society developed over centuries and ethics which is the reflection of this on professional field legal regulations has been put into practice. The aim of the study is to analyze the awareness and examples of implementation of current moral sentiment and ethical approach determined by legal regulations. For that purpose, among the physicians who deal with the patients directly and have prolonged contacts with the patients, the “family physicians” has been identified as the target group. The knowledge of the target group on ethics, their thoughts, their adaptations and their own unique applications, and the impact of their general and specific applications on current work load have been examined. For the study, face to face interviews were carried out with the designated physicians, by asking predetermined questions, within the frame of predetermined subjects information were collected. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) As a result, the impact of ethical approach on to physician profession, development and change trends, impacts on patient satisfaction and interaction with the patients has been examined and revealed. Keywords : ethic, health, family physicians LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF HEALTH WORKERS Ummugulsum Oflaz ABSTRACT 78 Developments occurring in the field of health, especially in recent years, Turkey has been influential in the development of the health care law. Changes occurring in the communications sector in particular, the advancement of technology has been reflected in the health field, has contributed significantly to the delivery of health services. However, today has changed the presentation of the health care organization with experience breakthrough understanding, patient satisfaction, patient rights, patient safety, has made an important point in terms of medical malpractice. In this study, the legal incidents or may occur, which consists of bringing health workers perform their tasks in health care delivery person and of society and post-treatment process is made explanations of what the legal responsibility of employees pursuant to it. However, the existing legislation with legislation today who are focused on the problems arising from legal practice. With criticism of the legal regulations covering health care has been evaluated in terms of health care workers with descriptions legislation. Effective health care law that the state of the structure, the level of meeting the problems that occurred in the sector is related to the degree of solving problems more clearly. Key Words; Medical Malpractice, Patient Rights, Legal Liability 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Medication Adherence among Type 2 Diabetic patients in Northern Greece Zioga Efrosini, Koutras Christos, Marmara Kalliopi, Marmara Eleni-Efrosini, Lavdaniti Maria Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus has emerged as a major health care in Greece. Adherence rates for patients withtype 2 diabetes range from 65–85% for oral agents and 60–80% for insulin. Purpose: The study was conducted to assess the medication adherence of diabetes patients in one province of Northern Greece. The association between demographic characteristics and adherence levels was also investigated. 79 Methods: The sample of this study was108 patients. The patients were hospitalized in the medical Department or were outpatientsin the provincial hospitalin Northern Greece. Adherence to treatment was assessed by a specific questionnaire. Also, the questionnaire included demographic data and clinical characteristics. Results: The majority of the sample consisted of women (52.8%) with mean age 66,7 ± 10,9 years. The increased adherence observed on the diet and blood tests control blood sugar. The lowest adherence observed in exercise and foot care. The results show that demographic factors such as age, sex, marital status, education level, type of treatment correlated with the subscales of adherence (P <0,5). Discussion: The sample of the survey shows good levels of adherence in the treatment daily and in physician‟s advice. There is a need for further research in order to generalize the results of the present study in Northern Greece. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) Key Words: Medication Adherence, Type 2 Diabetic, Patients Northern Greece Work-Related Stress Management AyĢe Hatinoğlu Abstract Recently, stress has been the center of a global attention of organizations. The cause of this situation is the negative effects of stress on human health and business lives. As a result it may cause increasing tendency of alcohol usage, health problems and certain problems in business life. 80 Nowadays stress has become an inseparable part of a life. According to the studies of some researchers, stress may disappear only when life is stopped, in other words when one is dead. People are facing stress intensively due to the rapid development and changeable social and business parts of their lives while they work. Exceeding stress has become the reason of workers having troubles with health and showing worse results at workplace: having lower performance in organizations‟ activities and as a result having worse productivity, which affects also the financial side extremely negatively. However, the medium level of stress is needed to get one‟s performance and motivation to their highest levels. Despite the facts that at present organizations spend huge sums to overcome the stress, they still have to face the problem of labor loss. These serious results caused by stress harm people dramatically as individuals. Therefore, people and companies must find a way to manage the stress and keep an acceptable measure of stress sources, as it has become the disease of the century, and must be controlled. 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress (Sanitas Magisterium) In this study, a different perspective of management with the work related to stress is being developed. Keywords: Stress, Work Stress, Management of Stress 81 28-29 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Green Park Hotel Bostancı / İstanbul / Türkiye
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