The BAWB Collaboration Bainbridge, Askrigg, and West Burton Primary Schools Mid-Dale Excellence in Education Executive Headteacher: Miss Charlotte L. Harper 24th April 2015, Edition 28 Dear Parents and Friends, It seems that the summer weather is upon us and our children are enjoying being outside a little more. We are working super hard in the lead-up to SATs and enjoying a range of wider curricular activities too… Cross-Country I was unfortunately unable to attend last week’s hugely successful cross-country event but feedback from staff, pupils, parents, other schools, and the wider community has been fantastic. Thank you so very much to Tracey and Tony Lambert for coordinating the whole thing, supported very much by Mrs Kath Alderson. Thank you also to Mr Price for organising everyone on the day. I hear that it was impeccably organised! Reports about our children’s behaviour have also been excellent so thank you all. I felt very proud, despite feeling disappointed that I wasn’t able to come along. Congratulations to the winners: Year 5 and 6 boys – Michael Dent from Middleham. Year 5 and 6 girls – Alana Teasdale from Askrigg and Bainbridge. Year 3 and 4 boys – Aiden Simpson from Middleham. Year 3 and 4 girls – Charlotte Madley from Askrigg and Bainbridge. Y3/4 cup winners were Askrigg and Bainbridge, and Y5/6 cup winners were also Askrigg and Bainbridge (the lunchtime club clearly trains them well!). Cycling at Bainbridge and Askrigg The first session of our cycling provision took place on Tuesday and feedback from pupils and staff has been extremely positive indeed! Our children had a great deal of fun and learned many news skills along the way. Also, some of our more reluctant riders overcame their worries and took part with much enthusiasm. Thank you to Ms Pollard and Mrs Civil of Stage1 Cycles for this excellent provision (and also to Mr Allenby for his behind-the-scenes support). We feel very privileged to be able to offer this from within our community. West Burton Christmas DVD Sincere apologies for the significant delay on the Christmas DVD at West Burton. We have been having problems communicating with the company who produced it. This week they finally returned our e-mails to apologise and assure us that the DVDs would be sent immediately. By way of an apology for this delay your payment will be completely refunded. Reminder about Collection Arrangements Please can I remind you that we cannot take children’s word as notification for changes to collection arrangements at the end of the day, however reliable your child may be. This is especially important where bus travel is concerned as we need to be absolutely sure that our safeguarding procedures are faultless. Please ensure that you contact school to let us know of any changes to normal arrangements. Thank you. Peat Rigg Information Evening (West Burton) I am sure the Y5/6 children of West Burton School are looking forward to their residential this year. I know that Mr Price is getting excited! We will be holding an information and question/answer session for parents and children from 6.00pm on Tuesday 5th May at West Burton School, along with our friends from Middleham School. A separate letter has been sent about this. Uniform Survey We have been listening to your many ideas and comments about our schools' uniforms, and how we might make our schools feel even more united by sharing a uniform, or aspects of it. I would be really grateful if you could take a moment to answer two multi-choice questions, so that we can start planning before people begin to buy their uniforms for September. All of the children will have the opportunity to complete the survey in school as well. Once the general consensus has been gathered from these two questions, we will put together a working party of all stakeholders (pupils, parents, staff, governors) to create our solution before the end of the term. Please click on this link to access the questions: Radon Monitoring Please see the separate letter about Radon gas monitoring at Bainbridge and Askrigg Schools. Forest School Dates for this Term: Please remember to make sure that your child has appropriate kit on these dates: April 17th Bainbridge 24th West Burton May 1st Askrigg 8th Bainbridge 15th West Burton nd 22 Askrigg Half Term June 5th Bainbridge 12th West Burton 19th Askrigg 26th Bainbridge July 3rd West Burton 10th Askrigg 17th Bainbridge Askrigg and Bainbridge PTFA Meeting – Yorebridge House – 29th April – 8pm Everyone is warmly invited to attend the meeting next Wednesday – new faces and ideas are always welcome. The very first 100 club draw will also take place at the meeting – will you be the first winner?! Have a great weekend! Charlotte Harper Bainbridge’s ChurchSchool Champions’ Column This week we have been working on our new theme of Wisdom and during Collective Worship we looked at the story of King Solomon. We have also been considering how people in our community and our school council have to make wise decisions. In Wednesday Wonders we have looked at Jesus’ miracles. We looked at his first miracle of turning water into wine and how amazing that was. We also talked about Heather Cumpstone’s wedding and used Purple Mash to create our own celebration menus for a wedding. Yesterday we celebrated St George’s day and made bunting like the Flag of St George which we hope to display in school. Askrigg’s Junior Reporters’ Column A Surprising Story On Wednesday the 22nd of April, Class 4 had a news morning and Miss Collins had a surprise for them. All of the children were told it was a special guest and that this person was going to tell them a news story about secondary schools. Soon the children knew who had kindly come to see them, it was Mrs Hodgson, an English and History secondary school teacher, and she told the children that she had some very shocking news. Mrs Hodgson told them that all secondary schools were closing down and how Y7 and upwards would have to work on community farms or gardens. We then wrote some reports and arguments about this news. Xander Connelly said: “It was great to have a news story like that.” Lola Reilly said: “I found it exciting and I want more news stories.” Mollie Clarkson said: “It was very interesting.” Well, it looks to me like everyone had fun but I must say some people were a bit upset to hear that it was only pretend and they would have to go to secondary school after all! By Alana Teasdale Y5 West Burton’s EcoGroup On Thursday we had a picnic outside before going to our last swimming lesson this year. It was great fun and we all enjoyed it. The weather this week was really hot and we were outside loads at breaktime and with P.E. Last Friday we went to Askrigg for a cross country competition. We did well and enjoyed it. Isabella came second and got a silver medal. By Florence Quinton-Bottley Community Updates / Announcements Yorkshire Dales Young Archaeologists Club There are currently spaces in the above club, held one Saturday morning per month from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm at the Dales Countryside Museum in Hawes. If you are interested in archaeology and are 17 or under why not join and take part in exciting activities such as willow weaving, stone carving, mosaic making as well as surveying and field walking. Contact Fiona or Debbie at the Museum for details or to join on 666210 or [email protected]. The BIG Fashion Show A Fashion Show by ChainReaxtion is being held at Sycamore Hall on Saturday 9th May with ex-high street clothing at fantastic prices. There will be items from Top Shop, Dorothy Perkins, River Island, Per Una and M&S, amongst others. Tickets cost just £5 to include a glass of wine and are available from Alice Thwaite, Emily Pickard or Sycamore Hall shop. Doors open at 6.00 pm and the show will start at 6.30 pm. All proceeds will go to the Hawes & District Gala. BAINBRIDGE NEWS Bainbridge C of E Primary and Nursery School, Bainbridge, North Yorkshire, DL8 3EL 01969 650336, [email protected] New Children We have welcomed Declan and William into Nursery this term and they already seem to be settling very well. We hope they enjoy their time with us and make lots of friends. Water Bottles It has come to our attention that not all the children are bringing their water bottles into school. It is really important that water bottles travel in and out of school daily with the children, being washed in between. As the weather warms up (hopefully!) the children need to be drinking more water and it is not possible for us to provide cups. Please make sure that your child always has their named water bottle with them. If you need a new one, please send £1.50 into school in a sealed envelope. Sun Cream This week we have been blessed with lovely weather and this has highlighted how important it is that the children are protected from damage by the sun when they are outside. Could we please ask that on really nice, sunny days you apply suncream to your children before sending them to school, and if necessary, send in a named bottle with your child to reapply themselves during the day. This is especially important for days when they will be outside doing PE. Thank you. ASKRIGG NEWS Askrigg VC Primary School, Yorebridge, Askrigg, North Yorkshire, DL8 3BJ 01969 650331, [email protected] Cross Country Club – Marshalls Required Please This week’s club was cancelled as Tony Lambert was travelling to London to take part in the London marathon this weekend. We do need marshalls for the club please, or you would be welcome to run if you preferred, you need to be at school by 12:20pm, and will be away by 1pm. Please can I ask that you complete the attached slip if you are able to help with marshalling and / or running? Thank you. ..................................................................................................................................... Cross Country Marshalling – KS2 Children of Askrigg and Bainbridge Name ________________________________ I am able to help with marshalling / running (please delete as appropriate) Signed ____________________________ Date _____________________ .................................................................................................................................……. Askrigg School … Step back in Time 3rd April 1906: ‘Jas. Chapman absent from school with ringworm of severe kind.’ 9th April 1906: ‘Margaret Chapman, sister to above, is also absent with ringworm.’ 23rd April 1906: ‘Re-opened after Easter with 90 present. Re-admitted Mary Weatherald who is 9 years of age and has not attended any school since 6th July 1903. WEST BURTON NEWS West Burton C of E Primary School, West Burton, North Yorkshire, DL8 4JY 01969 663230, [email protected] Gardening Club Gardening club will begin on Monday 27th April at 12.30pm. Thank you for your replies and also your suggestions for a suitable name for the club. Archery Club We have had a lot of responses regarding the archery club which is due to begin on Tuesday lunchtime at 12.30pm. Due to the amount of members we will need to organise our archers into groups. Group A: Florence, Luke, Daniel, Ryan, Niamh, Rebecca and Harry. 28th April, 12th May. Group B: Grace, Elysa, Will H, Jack, Chloe and Anna. 5th May, 19th May. Chef Club As the summer approaches, Miss Smith has decided that Chef Club will not take place for this term. The club will begin again in September. We will keep you informed but in the meantime if there are any parents who would be willing to help Miss Smith please contact the office. Dates For Your Diary Monday Tuesday Wednesday Please note that purple shading indicates collaborative events. Regular Clubs – All clubs are open to all children (until fully subscribed e.g.Askrigg cookery club is full) and are shown under the school where they take place Bainbridge Askrigg West Burton Gardening Club 12.30pm There is no Tuesday Team during the Summer term 12.30 pm – 1.00 pm Veg Club Archery Club 12.30pm 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm Wednesday Wonders Thursday Friday Date 29.4.15 Gardening Club 12:15pm – 1pm (tbc) 12:15pm – 1pm Chess Club 3:30pm – 4:30pm Modelling Club (Y4-6) (full) 3:30pm – 4:30pm Cookery (full) 12:15pm – 1pm Cross Country 3:30pm – 4:30pm Journalism Club (full) 12.30pm to 1.00pm Singing Club There is no Chess Club during the Summer term Bainbridge Askrigg 8pm Askrigg and Bainbridge PTFA Meeting – Yorebridge House, Bainbridge West Burton Peat Rigg information evening for parents and children, 6.00pm 5.5.15 w/c 11.5.15 KS2 SATs Week 15.5.15 Y5/6 Forest Schools Morning with Middleham Children BAWB Day at West Burton ~ History / DT - Vikings 20.5.15 w/c 25.5.15 Half Term 2.6.15 BAWB Viking Day KS1 3.6.15 BAWB Viking Day KS2 11.6.15 KS2 Kwik Cricket 15 -19.6.15 KS2 Residential Visit to Peat Rigg 24.6.15 KS2 Rounders 6.7.15 BAWB Day at Bainbridge ~ Sports Day 10.7.15 Cluster Sports 10.7.15 Reports to Parents 16.7.15 Y6 Leavers’ Trip 17.7.15 Celebration / Leavers’ Assembly ~ am Askrigg and Bainbridge at Askrigg; pm West Burton 17.7.15 Break up for Summer 7.9.15 Training Day – No School Summer Holidays 8.9.15 Forest School Dates School starts May 1 8th 15th 22nd st Askrigg Bainbridge West Burton Askrigg June 5th 12th 19th 26th Bainbridge West Burton Askrigg Bainbridge July 3rd 10th 17th West Burton Askrigg Bainbridge
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