Baletní studio při MDO o.s. Address: tř. Svobody 33, 779 00 Olomouc, the Czech Republic Organisation ID: 27014452, bank account no.: 220719455/0300 Tel: (+420) 777 151 612, e-mail: [email protected] The Ballet Studio at the Moravian Theatre Olomouc launches the first annual international competition of young dancers of classical and modern dance, titled GRAND PRIX DANCE OLOMOUC 2015 The competition will be held as a part of the Ballet Days Olomouc 2015 and it will take place on Saturday 30th May 2015 in RCO Olomouc (Regional Centre Olomouc), Jeremenkova street 40B, Olomouc, 772 00, the Czech Republic. Participants can register by 8 May 2015, 12:00 a.m. Hobby ballet schools, dance departments of art schools, and amateur dance companies, as well as individuals, may participate in the competition. Grand Prix Dance Olomouc 2015 is sponsored by the Olomouc Region and it is held under the aegis of the president of the regional council of the Olomouc Region, Mr. Jiří Rozbořil. Page 1 Baletní studio při MDO o.s. Address: tř. Svobody 33, 779 00 Olomouc, the Czech Republic Organisation ID: 27014452, bank account no.: 220719455/0300 Tel: (+420) 777 151 612, e-mail: [email protected] Categories of the competition (age): 1. 0-7 years 2. 8-9 years 3. 10-11 years 4. 12-13 years 5. 14-16 years 6. 17-19 years Subcategories: A Classical dance – solo B Classical dance – pair, trio C Classical dance – groups (four or more dancers) D Modern dance – solo, pair, trio E Modern dance – groups (four or more dancers) Conditions of the competition: The size of the stage is 10 x 10 m, with a dancing carpet. The dance routine shall not last longer than 4 minutes. In the A and B categories and in the solo dance of the D category, each participant is allowed to dance only in one choreography per category, regardless of whether he or she represents more dancing schools. In the C and E categories, no more than 60% of the same dancers may dance in more than one choreography per category. The order of the individual routines in each category is determined according to the age of the participants. In the C and E subcategories, if possible, the order of the routines will be adjusted in a way that takes into account the fact that some participants are dancing in more choreographies. No light effects or other special effects are allowed. Teachers and parents pay no entrance fee. Evaluation: The expert jury evaluates the technical requisites, difficulty of the choreography, technical realization and artistic execution (stage appeal). In each category the jury awards the best, second-best, and third-best routines and also an honorary mention. The jury may also award special prizes. In categories with an insufficient number of participants, the awards will be decided by the jury according to the number of points gained. Participation fee: The basic participation fee is CZK 300 for each registered participant, regardless of the number of choreographies in which he or she dances. + CZK 200 for each participant for each choreography in the A, B and D categories. + CZK 100 for each participant for each choreography in the C and E categories. Page 2 Baletní studio při MDO o.s. Address: tř. Svobody 33, 779 00 Olomouc, the Czech Republic Organisation ID: 27014452, bank account no.: 220719455/0300 Tel: (+420) 777 151 612, e-mail: [email protected] The participation fee is paid in cash on the day of the competition before it starts. Registration of participants: Binding application forms must be sent by Friday 8 May 2015 to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. The music recordings must be submitted by Wednesday 27 May 2015. The application forms are to be found at:; click on GRAND PRIX DANCE OLOMOUC 2015. Please send your electronically completed application forms to: [email protected]. Application forms which are not sent or completed according to the instructions (e.g. filled in by hand) will not be accepted. Upon receiving your application, we will inform you that we have accepted it. If the application form is not filled in correctly, we will ask you for correction. On the basis of your application form you will be included in the LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. Please indicate the duration of the individual choreographies accurately and truly, respecting the indicated format (e.g. duration of the routine – minutes : seconds, date – day.month.year), as this information is important for subsequent checking and planning of the timetabling of the competition. Should you have any questions, please write us at: [email protected]. Page 3
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