Parish Bulletin Parish Bulletin

You may have heard it said that it is a wonderful compliment when someone
falls asleep in your company - it means they trust you and feel comfortable
with you. Many of us are at our most relaxed with members of our families or
our oldest friends. And then there are the lovely occasions when we meet
someone new and feel at ease with them straight away.
Parish Bulletin
The Third Sunday of Easter
19 April, 2015
Today we hear the story of the disciples encountering the risen Jesus. They are
not immediately at ease; they are alarmed as they think they are seeing a ghost.
But as soon as they are convinced it really is Jesus, they are filled with joy, and
they settle down to eat with him. They are happy to be back in the company of
their beloved friend and teacher. The disciples who met Jesus on the road to
Emmaus had a similar experience - they immediately felt comfortable in Jesus’
company, even when they thought he was no more than a learned stranger, and
invited him to dine and to stay with them.
Our relationship with Jesus should be one of ease and trust. But we need to
spend time with him to reach that level of closeness. Today’s Psalm describes
the joy and comfort that this relationship can bring. ‘I will lie down in peace
and sleep comes at once, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.’
Acts 4:8-12
Readings for next Sunday
St. Peter asserts that a cripple was healed by the power of the resurrected
1 John 3:1-2
St. John reminds us that by letting us be called God’s children, God has
lavished love upon us.
John 10:11-18
Jesus is a true shepherd who lovingly cares for his sheep. The good shepherd
lays down his life for his flock willingly.
Look at my hands and feet;
Yes, it is I indeed.
NOTICES FOR THE PARISH BULLETIN should be left in the parish office or sent by
e-mail to: [email protected] before 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, for inclusion
in that week’s bulletin, subject to availability of space.
TWITTER. Follow the parish on twitter: @Coalparish
INTERNET BROADCASTING. Mass and other services will be broadcast each day over
the internet. The operator of the system is Fr. Paul Byrne, P.P., Parochial House, Coalisland,
tel. 028 8774 0221, to whom queries should be referred.
Fr. Paul Byrne
The Sisters
8774 0221
8774 6418
Fr. Eugene O’Neill
8774 0302
Bulletin sponsored by Francis J. Madden & Co.
Solicitors, 14 The Square, Coalisland.
Telephone 028 8774 8840 Fax 028 8774 9846
E-mail [email protected]
As we gather in prayer around the table of the Lord, we pray that we may recognise
Jesus in the scriptures and in the breaking of the bread.
ROSARY at Our Lady’s Grotto on Sunday at 7 p.m., and Monday to Friday at 8 p.m.
THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET continues on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Holy Family
BAPTISMS are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1.00p.m.
Please give two weeks notice to Sr. Philomena. Please note: Baptisms outside of these
times only in cases of emergency.
WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Saturday 10 a.m.
CONFESSIONS after 10 a.m. Mass on Saturday.
Friday: Mass at 7.30 p.m. First Anniversary of Martha Day.
BAPTISMS will be held on the third Sunday of each month immediately after Mass.
Please give two weeks notice to Sr. Philomena so that the Baptism Team may visit the
homes. Please note: Baptisms outside of these times only in cases of emergency
PERPETUAL NOVENA & MASS on Monday evening at 7 p.m.
Ann Campbell, Bernadette Glackin, Colette McBennett
READER for 26th April: Shane Gervin
FLOWERS for 26th April: N Burke, M McAteer
COLLECTION for Sunday, 5th April
Envelope £2,194.61
for Sunday, 12th April
Envelope £1,820.18
Offertory £1,985.00
Offertory £1,140.00
LATELY DECEASED. Please pray for Patricia McGuinness, Peter Gallagher,
Brian Carty, Bridget McStravog.
GIFT AID SCHEME: If you are not already in the parish scheme, we would encourage
you to support the parish by joining it. You need to be contributing by weekly envelope, and
be paying tax to be eligible. Contact the parish office or give your name and details to one
of the priests. Thank you to everyone already signed up to the Gift Aid Scheme.
PARISH SISTERS RENEWAL OF VOWS: To mark the Year for Consecrated Life
Sisters Bernadette, Philomena an Cecilia will renew the religious vows at the 12.00 Mass in
Holy Family on Sunday 26th April. This is Vocations Sunday and is a great opportunity to
show our support for religious life and in particular to give thanks to the parish sisters for
the commitment to the life and ministry in our parish community.
place on two separate weeks: 10 - 14 August and 17 - 21 August, at the Greenhill Centre
Newcastle. This is an adventure and faith 4 night residential for 12 - 14 year olds. For
more details contact [email protected] or call 028 3752 3084.
PILGRIMAGE TO SHRINES OF ITALY 15-22 September 2015. Visiting Venice,
Verona, the city of Padua - famous for its Franciscan monk, St Anthony, the medieval
town of Assisi - the birthplace of Saints Francis and Clare and also the site of the Holy
House of the Holy Family in the lovely hill town of Loreto. The price includes flights,
transfers, taxes, insurance, assistance of pilgrimage representative and accommodation.
Spiritual Director: Fr Peter McAnenly. Further details and booking at Armagh Parish
Office (028 37522813)
THE CHILDREN OF LIR QUILT EXHIBITION at Tullysarron Community Centre
on Saturday 25th April 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday 26th April at 1 p.m. Admission is £5
and includes refreshments. All proceeds to the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit.
PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: Clonoe Parish are organising an overnight pilgrimage to
the Shrine of Our Lady in Knock on May 30/31. Staying at the Breaffy Woods Hotel,
Castlebar, B&B with an evening meal costs £70 per person sharing, with single rooms
available at a supplement. Contact Gerard Ryan on 07833137717 or the Clonoe Parish
Office on 87749184.
IRISH LANGUAGE FORUM: An important Open Forum meeting will take place on
Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 7.30pm, in the Old Bank Building, Western House,
Coalisland to discuss the Irish Language Bill and to put forward submissions to DCAL.
It is open to anyone with an interest in the language. Legislation is important for the
protection and development of Irish for future generations. Ciarán Mac Giolla Bhéin
from Conradh na Gaeilge (The Gaelic League) will be present. The meeting will be in
English and Irish. Tea, Coffee and Refreshments will be served. Fáilte roimh chách.
EVERGREEN CLUB’S ANNUAL HOLIDAYS are on Monday 8th June - 12th June.
We will be based in Athlone in the Shearton Hotel, bed and breakfast and evening meal
included, with day trips out. The price is £229.00 per person sharing - £50 extra for
single room supplement . Any one wishing to join us on this trip, please contact Mary on
who have been bereaved through the death of a baby, in the Medical Education Centre,
Craigavon Area Hospital, Sunday 26th April at 3 p.m. For more information call Anne on
If you would like to sponsor the Parish Bulletin contact the
parish office on 02887740221.
REFLECTION: Why was it necessary in today’s Gospel for Christ to show his disciples
his hands and feet; invite them to touch him, and for them to witness him actually eating
a piece of fish? Precisely to show them that his risen body was real and not simple an
apparition. Many Christians at that time could not accept that God really became human;
they preferred to think that Christ was pure spirit. Likewise, many people today think
only in terms of souls going to heaven - and not bodies. But that was not what happened
to Christ. We need to re-discover the concept of the Resurrection of the Body. Intercom