SHALOM In the First Reading we hear Luke’s dramatic and noisy account of Pentecost violent wind and tongues of fire. In the Gospel reading, the Spirit comes as a gentle breath. Whatever form it takes or however we experience the work of the Spirit in our own lives, we can be confident that we are never without the presence of God - Pentecost is that promise realised. Parish Bulletin Pentecost Sunday 24 May, 2015 We can all probably recall times when we were afraid, bewildered and felt like everything was falling apart. Today’s Gospel shows us that even in those most difficult of times there is always hope. Jesus came and he stood amongst the disciples even though the doors were firmly closed. The peace that he gives them (Shalom) has a much more significant meaning than we first think. It is not simply a good wish. The peace that Jesus offers is a peace that this world cannot offer. It is a peace that comes from a loving relationship with God; a peace of body, peace of mind and peace of spirit. Jesus is asking the disciples to be an unending witness to God’s love. They (and we) must be for others what Jesus had been for them. Intercom Reflection It is a great pity when the sequence for the Solemnity of Pentecost is not read out in our churches for the feast day, for some of the most beautiful words that have ever been written about the Holy Spirit can be found contained within it: ‘Holy Spirit, Lord of Light, from the clear celestial height, thy pure beaming radiance give/Thou of all consolers best; Thou the soul’s delightful guest; dost refreshing peace bestow/Thou in toil art comfort sweet; pleasant coolness in the heat; solace in the midst of woe.’ Why not spend some time reflecting on the entire text later today? Intercom Deut 4:32-34, 39-40 Readings for next Sunday The Lord is God indeed, in heaven above as on earth below. We are to live in accordance with God’s law. Romans 8:14-17 All of us who have received the Spirit are sons and daughters of God, and are all therefore heirs to the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 28: 16-20 Jesus sends the apostles out on their mission, promising that he will be with his Church until the end of time. INTERNET BROADCASTING. Mass and other services will be broadcast each day over the internet. The operator of the system is Fr. Paul Byrne, P.P., Parochial House, Coalisland, tel. 028 8774 0221, to whom queries should be referred. Fr. Paul Byrne The Sisters 8774 0221 8774 6418 Fr. Eugene O’Neill 8774 0302 Alleluia, Alleluia! Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, And kindle in them the fire of your love. Alleluia! Set Top Boxes available to watch your parish Mass through your television. (Please note that an Internet Connection is required.) See or contact Seamus on 028 8772 9580 or 07732 329 066 Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, seen as the beginning of the Church, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples and their words were understood by people of every nation. We pray: ‘Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love’. At today’s Mass, we pray in a special way for the Church in China. ROSARY at Our Lady’s Grotto on Sunday at 7 p.m., and Monday to Friday at 8 p.m. THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET continues on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Holy Family Church. FIRST COMMUNION: Congratulations to the 70 boys and girls of Primate Dixon School who received their First Communion on Saturday. Thanks to their parents and the teachers who prepared them. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH BAPTISMS are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1.00p.m. Please give two weeks notice to Sr. Philomena so that the Baptism Team may visit the homes. Please note: Baptisms outside of these times only in cases of emergency. MAY DEVOTIONS in honour of Our Lady, each Sunday during May at 7 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. CONFESSIONS after 10 a.m. Mass on Saturday. ST MARY & ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH Friday: Months Mind of Susan Ann Corry 7.30 p.m. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH CHOIR: The parish would like to commend the Church Choir on their recent outstanding performance in Lourdes. THE PARISH BEREAVEMENT GROUP will have their first meeting on Wednesday 3 June, 7.30 p.m. in the Holy Family meeting rooms. The group is strictly confidential. Through the sharing and support of the group we hope people will find hope and confidence to move forward. The group is open to all who have lost a family member or a friend. TOBAR MHURE RETREAT CENTRE: The 4th Summer Institute takes place from Wednesday 1-Friday 3 July 2015. After a long and tiring year, the Institute provides a great opportunity for people to take some time to reflect and to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere in Tobar Mhuire, as well as being stimulated and encouraged by input from speakers from home and abroad. The theme for this summer’s institute is “Radical Hopefulness”, and through this we will explore what it means to keep alive the memory of the Passion in contemporary society. Costs are as follows: Donation for 3 days residential: £70 per day/ £200 for 3 days. Donation for 3 days non-residential: £30 per day/£80 for 3 days (Includes lunch and lectures). Further info or to book: Email: [email protected] or Telephone: 02844830242 COALISLAND PIONEER COUNCIL: Presentation of Pioneer Pins/Certificates Friday 12th June, St Mary & St Joseph's Church at 7.30 p.m. Mass. Any pioneers who are due either Full Pioneer ( over 18 years of age) 10 year, Silver, Gold or Diamond membership should hand their names in to any member of Coalisland Pioneer Council as soon as possible. ST VINCENT DE PAUL APPEAL: The society urgently requires good quality used clothing for their Thrift Shop in Barrack Street, or lesser quality clothing for recycling. Good quality used furniture is also required. Collection can be arranged. PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: Clonoe Parish are organising an overnight pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady in Knock on May 30/31. Staying at the Breaffy Woods Hotel, Castlebar, B&B with an evening meal costs £70 per person sharing, single rooms at a supplement. Contact Gerard Ryan on 07833137717 or the Clonoe Parish Office on 87749184. ST. MARY’S CHURCH, STEWARTSTOWN BAPTISMS will be held on the third Sunday of each month immediately after Mass. Please give two weeks notice to Sr. Philomena so that the Baptism Team may visit the homes. Please note: Baptisms outside of these times only in cases of emergency. PERPETUAL NOVENA & MASS on Monday evening at 7 p.m. ROSARY AND EUCHARISTIC PRAYER SERVICE - Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST for 31st May: PJ Campbell, Tony Donnelly, Malachy Cullen READER for 31st May: Philomena McBride FLOWERS for 31st May: L Mulgrew, R Wylie COALISLAND/CLONOE COMHALTAS ‘FÉILE AN EARRAIGH’ Spring Festival 24-25 May 2015 Concert with Knockmore Ceilí Band, supported by Coíriú on Saturday 23 May in Coalisland Parochial Centre at 8 p.m. Tickets £10, children £5. Spring Workshops with Knockmore Ceili Band, Saturday 23 May £20 inc Lunch & Concert Ticket Coalisland Music Feis, Sunday 24 May in Coalisland Parochial Centre @ 1.30pm Contact Mary McIlvenna on 07719451523 or see our Facebook page for more information. COLLECTION for Sunday, 17th May Envelope £1,937.64 COALISLAND LEARN & LEISURE'S annual day trip to Newcastle on Monday 8th June leaving Cornmill at 9.15 am sharp, returning 5.30 pm. Fare £6. Anyone interested please ring Ethna (028 8774 0951) or call at Cornmill during classes. Offertory £1,555.00 If you would like to sponsor the Parish Bulletin contact the parish TROCAIRE. The amount collected from the parish this year was £10,380, Sincere thanks to all who donated so generously. PARISH BULLETIN. office on 02887740221. LATELY DECEASED. Please pray for Austin O’Farrell, Teasie Taggart, Patsy Robinson, Susan Ann Corry, Marie Quinn, Kate McDonagh. NOTICES FOR THE PARISH BULLETIN to be left in the parish office or sent by e-mail to: [email protected] before 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, for inclusion in that week’s bulletin, subject to availability of space. VIATORES CHRISTI members will speak at Masses in the parish during the Saturday vigil Mass and Sunday Masses this weekend, 23-24 May, to help raise awareness about the missionary work of the Church. There will be a collection during Mass in aid of their work. PARISH WEBSITE: TWITTER. Follow the parish on twitter: @Coalparish
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