BRITISH LIMOUSIN CATTLE SOCIETY SALE Ballymena, Northern Ireland Sale of Bulls & Females Kindly sponsored by Connon General Merchant & Ulster Bank Ltd AUCTION: Monday 4th May at 1.00 pm Under Society Rules and NBA Warranties and Sale Conditions Monday 4th May 2015 Ballymena Livestock Mart Printed by Minprint (028) 90705205 £1 The Northern Ireland Limousin Cattle Club Sale Arrangements Judge: Mr Kyle McCall, Armagh Inspectors: James Bryson MRCVS Craig McAllister MRCVS BLCS Rep: Mr Jim Quail & Mr Derek Frew Club Chairman: Mr Henry Savage Club Contact: Mrs Heather Hume 07850 603023 Sponsors: Connon General Merchants, Ulster Bank Ltd ARRANGEMENTS FOR STOCK Monday 4th May 2015 – Centre Open 6.30 am – Inspection will take place between 7.00 am and 9.00 am Show starts 10.00am Cattle must be presented for inspection before 9.00 am after which time a fee of £20 will be charged by the Vet to the Exhibitor. Auction 1.00 pm Upset Price: 800gns females Upset Price for Bulls 1,500gns Ulster Bank Ltd sponsors Prize money for Champion & Reserve Champion The two top price animals - vendors will receive 2,2kgs of meal kindly sponsored by Connon General Merchant 1 LIMOUSIN PERFORMANCE RECORDING ) "*() % ! ! $ ! ! % % " #" ! ! ! # ! ! ' #& ' ! ' " # ! #& ' # $ #& %' #!(& ' ( '(%&'() (#*(#*#$#*#) (#*'(($*#'&) ! "" " ! ! ! # &!#' "! " ! % ! " ! ! % !# ! " ! ! ! "! ) 2 ",' (*&,#('+.#%% ! # # "" "!""#!*! ) #*,"#!",$! %.#'!+ ,*'%%.#'! + +,,#(''!,"0+ 0#%$$! 0#!",$! 0#!",$! -+%),"&& ,),"&& +, !, %.#'! ('!.#,00*+ %.#'!',*.%0+ ",(+,"'#, (($ (*1 """ %"" " !%"%#*! '% !%"%#*!#" ! %$ #!"'!,#.+'#%"% "%"! #!")(+#,#.+'#%"!! !!!"$! #!")(+#,#.+'#%"!! !!!"$! #!"'!,#.+'#%" ! "!"""! """ !""" " "' %""" #"""" " "! #*!#" !"% !" $!* %""'! """ %" ""'! """ %" ""'! """ #!# "' """ !"' """ !! """ '!&# "# "' """ " """ """ "" (#%#,0 """ % *(,%#*-& *' & """ ! 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For further information, please see Explanatory Notes & copy of Herd Health Declaration form also included in the catalogue. Aiken, J & J Herd information: - Armstrong, M Herd information: - Broadhooks Cattle Co Herd information: - Clyde, RS Herd information: - Conway, MJ Herd information: - CARNEW LOT 9, 29 82 Corbally Road, Carnew, Dromara, Dromore, BT25 2EX (02897 532578) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto Johne’s Risk Level 1 SESKINGROVE 76 Seskin Rd, Straid, Ballyclare, BT39 9NG (02893 351655) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Routinely vaccinating against Lepto LOT 61, 65, 66, 67 BROADHOOKS LOT 4, 5 16A Waveney Road, Ballymena, N Ireland, BT43 5BA (07753 436201) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto Accredited free for BVD & IBR Johne’s Risk Level 2 CLYDEVALLEY LOT 2, 3, 8, 14 37 Kilmakee Road, Templepatrick, Co Antrim, BY39 0EP (02894 433075) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD Johne’s Risk Level 2 CRAIGATOKE LOT 91, 92, 94 26 Meenagorp Road, Plumbridge, Co Tyrone, BT79 8DP (02881 648401) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD and Lepto 8 Diamond, M Herd information: - Gibson, F & R Herd information: - Gilliland, J Herd information: - Hall, B Herd information: - Haughey, P Herd information: - Hume, D Herd information: - POINTHOUSE LOT 16, 57, 87, 90, 93 100 Carhill Road, Garvagh, Co Derry, BT51 5PQ (02829 558866) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD and Lepto Johne’s Risk Level 1 ALSHAR LOT 1, 10, 12 34 Townhill Road, Portglenone, Ballymena, BT44 8AD (02825 821976) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval BALLYROBIN LOT 11, 13 The Grove, 110 Ballyrobin Road, Antrim, Co Antrim, BT41 4TF (02894 463319) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD since 2012 Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto Johne’s Risk Level 3 BALLYHONE LOT 63,77 25 Old Carrick Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim, BT37 0UE (02890 832512) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD, IBR & Lepto Johne’s Risk Level 3 SLATEROCK LOT 30, 31 41 Slaterock Road, Armaghbreague, Newtownhamilton, Newry, BT35 0HF (02837 531114) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval CULNAGECHAN LOT 6, 7, 23, 49 44 Maghereagh Road, Randalstown, Co Antrim, BT41 2EQ (02894 479690) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes Johne’s Risk Level 2 Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto 9 Jardine, J & D Herd information: - Johnston, D Herd information: - Kearney, JJ Herd information: - Keys, V Herd information: - Loughran, D Herd information: - Loughran, M Herd information: - CROOBVIEW LOT 68, 75, 85 77 Garvaghy Church Road, Fedney, Banbridge, Co Down BT32 3SB (02897 532016) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto Johne’s Risk Level 2 GARLANDSTOWN LOT 50 48, Garlandstown Road, Glenavy, Crumlin, Co Antrim, BT29 4HY (02892 648643) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval CARHILL 99a Carhill Road, Garvagh, Co Derry, BT51 5PQ (02829 558753) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval LOT 41 TOGHERDOO LOT 44, 46 8 Aughnamoe Road, Galbally, Dromore, Co Tyrone, BT78 3HR (02882 898132) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s, BVD & Lepto Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto Johnes Risk Level 1 MONTOBER 12a Montober Road, Cookstown, Co Tyrone BT80 9LH (028 86751638/309) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval LOT 48 MILLGATE LOT 25, 9, 86, 89 1 Mill Road, Dungate, Dunamore, Cookstown, Co Tyrone, BT80 9NU (02886 751780) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD & IBR Johne’s Risk Level 3 10 McAuley, C & F Herd information: - McCann, EB Herd information: - McCrory, K Herd information: - McFarland, H Herd information: - McGarrigle, JN Herd information: - McKenna Bros Herd information: - CARMORN LOT 28 The Hill, 10 Ballynamullan Road, Toomebridge, Co Antrim, BT41 3NZ (02879 650058) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s Johne’s Risk Level 1 CARRICKNAGALLIA LOT 17 19 Crossmaglen Road, Lislea, Newry, BT35 9UB (02830 837194) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto BERNISH LOT 52, 53, 55 30 Bernish Road, Sixmilecross, Omagh, Co Tyrone (02880 757256) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD Johne’s Risk Level 2 RAHONEY LOT 58, 70, 71, 80, 84 Rahoney, 200 Tonnagh Road, Trillick, Co Tyrone, BT78 3PG (02882 898220) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto Accredited free for BVD Johne’s Risk Level 1 MONEYKEE LOT 32, 36 12, Moneykee Road, Irvinestown, BT94 1FZ (028 68621201) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto ARCHIES LOT 33 35 Main Street, Ballaghy, Co Derry, BT45 8HT (02879 386329) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto Routinely vaccinating against BVD, IBR & Lepto 11 McKinney Brothers Herd information: - McPolin, M & A Herd information: - Murphy, J Herd information: - Murray, C Herd information: - Murray, D Herd information: - HEATHMOUNT LOT 18, 47, 56, 72, 82, 83 Heathmount, 85-91 Craigadick Road, Maghera, Co Derry, BT46 5DH (02879 642338) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD NEWHILLFARM LOT 39, 40, 51 146 Castlewellan Road, Cabra, Newry, Co Down, BT34 5HF (02840 630149) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s, BVD & IBR Accredited free for BVD Johne’s Risk Level 1 CLANART LOT 26 173, Nutfield Road, Owenbreedin, Brookeborough, BT94 4HR (028 8953 1419) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD Johne’s Risk Level 2 ANNADALE LOT 15, 37, 38 65 Skerriff Road, Cullyhanna, Newry, Co Down, BT35 0JN (02830 861516) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD TITCHBURN LOT 22, 42, 73, 74 12 Ballinarea Road, Cullyhanna, Newry, Co Down, BT35 0LB (02830 861516) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto Accredited free for BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto Johne’s Risk Level 2 12 Quail, JA Herd information: - Quinn, R Herd information: - Quinn Brothers Herd information: - Savage, H Herd information: - Savage, RAG Herd information: - Watson, M Herd information: - LYNDERG LOT 54, 64 Northwood, Tullyear, Banbridge, Co Down, BT32 3RL (02840 623452) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD QUINLIZ 5 Upperlands Road, Swatragh, Co Derry, BT46 5QQ (02879 401632) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval LOT 76 KILLYDUN LOT 81 50 Killygullib Road, Kilrea, Co Londonderry, BT51 5TU (02879 401302) Currently on a 1 Year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCs controlled health scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto Johne’s Risk Level 2 TRUEMAN LOT 24, 27, 43 70 Skerriff Road, Altnamackin, Newry, Co Down, BT35 0JW (02830 868203) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s, BVD & Lepto Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto Johne’s Risk Level 1 AGHADOLGAN LOT 19, 21, 45, 69 31 Gortnessy Road, Drumahoe, Co Londonderry, BT47 3NL (028 7772 3994) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Accredited free for BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD Johne’s Risk Level 2 HILLHEAD LOT 35, 60, 62 37, Hillhead Road, Ballyrussell, Dundonald. BT16 0XD (028 9048 3907) No Herd Health Declaration 13 Whyte, P Herd information: - Wilson, J Herd information: - WICKERBOAT LOT 34 16A Curragh Road, Maghera, Co Londonderry, BT46 5ER (07872 474357) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto LEALIES LOT 20, 78, 88 38 Templepatrick Road, Ballyclare, BT39 9TX (02828 278962) Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johne’s & BVD Routinely vaccinating against BVD Johne’s Risk Level 2 Disclaimer: The health information above is as supplied by, or on behalf of the breeder at time of entry. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information rests solely with the breeder and not with the British Limousin Cattle Society Ltd. 14 quality semen on-line On-line semen Semenstore is a practical purchasing one-stop semen shop for Automated vendors and buyers. service The Semenstore features: Payment collection Professional marketing Semen for all markets Export and domestic Competitive pricing and costs Unique offers & packages One-stop Semen shop 15 BRITISH LIMOUSIN CATTLE SOCIETY OFFICIAL SALE HERD HEALTH DECLARATION HOLDING LETTERS: HERD PREFIX: NAME: TEL: ADDRESS: SALE DATE: BOVINE TB TESTING INTERVAL DATE HERD LAST TESTED CLEAR: 1 Year 3 Years 2 Years 4 Years HEALTH SCHEME ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A CHeCS CONTROLLED HEALTH SCHEME Yes No IF YES, TICK WHICH ONE SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme VLA Herdsure HI Health Herdcare NML Herdwise NWL Advance Cattle Health Scheme AFBI Cattle Health Scheme IF YES, TICK WHICH DISEASES APPLY Shetland Animal Health Scheme JOHNE’S BVD IBR LEPTO ALL VENDORS, WHETHER IN CHeCS SCHEMES OR PRIVATELY TESTING, SHOULD COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Accredited free (CHeCS members only) BVD Yes No If yes, since: IBR Yes No If yes, since: LEPTO Yes No If yes, since: JOHNE’S Risk Level Risk Level 1 Risk Level 2 Risk Level 3 Risk Level 4 Risk Level 5 Herd Testing Vaccinating Yes No Yes No If yes, since: If yes, since: Yes No Yes No If yes, since: If yes, since: Yes No If yes name of Vaccine: If yes, since: Yes No If yes, since: If yes name of Vaccine: If yes, since: Yes No Yes No If yes name of Vaccine: If yes name of Vaccine: If yes, since: Declaration: I certify that the above information is correct at date of entry. I allow the Breed Society/auctioneer to verify the details above with my CHeCS Health Scheme Provider. Signed: Name: Date: The British Limousin Cattle Society, Concorde House, 24 Warwick New Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 5JG Tel 02476-696500 Disclaimer: The health information above is as supplied by, or on behalf of the breeder. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information rests solely with the breeder and not with the British Limousin Cattle Society Ltd. 16 HERD HEALTH AT BRITISH LIMOUSIN CATTLE SOCIETY (BLCS) COLLECTIVE SALES Introduction Following the cash-back Herd Health Initiative introduced by the Society in 2005, a second major health step saw the introduction of Herd Health Declarations at BLCS Collective Sales from 2007. New herd health rules were introduced by the BLCS at nominated premier Collective Society Sales from May 2011 and these are now in place at all premier BLCS Collective Sales (Stirling February & October; Carlisle February, May, October & December; Brecon February, May & November). The principal aim is to standardise herd health declarations and information presented in order to provide both members and customers alike with clear, accurate herd health information at the point of sale and within the given sale catalogue. As such it is attractive and informative for customers and aims to further raise the level of buyer confidence. BLCS Herd Health Rules have two principal elements: Part 1. From 1st May 2011, herds selling at the premier Collective Society Sales have to be members of, and adhering to, the terms of a CHeCS approved Herd Health Scheme. At a minimum, this must include a whole herd test for Johne’s disease. Part 2. From 1st May 2011, all animals male and female, including calves at foot, presented at the premier Collective Society Sales be EITHER from a BVD Accredited Herd within a CHeCS approved Herd Health Scheme OR to have been BVD tested virus free. All animals forward will be required to be BVD vaccinated prior to sale with an approved vaccine. Pregnant animals must have had testing and vaccination completed prior to service. Vaccination of calves at foot to be in accordance with CHeCS guidelines and recommendations. Herd Health Declaration The sale entry form is accompanied by a Herd Health Declaration form asking vendors questions regarding for example: TB status; membership of CHeCS ( health schemes (Advance Cattle Health Scheme, AFBI Cattle Health Scheme, Herdsure Cattle Health Improvement Service, HiHealth Herdcare, NML Herdwise, Premium Cattle Health Scheme, Shetland Animal Health Scheme) and Johne’s, BVD, IBR and Lepto status. This form is shown here. 17 A condensed version of the Herd Health Declaration information appears in the Vendors’ Index at the front of the respective sale catalogue. Is the Herd Health Declaration compulsory? For premier collective sales (Carlisle February, May, October & December; Stirling February & October; Brecon February, May & November) the Herd Health Declaration is compulsory. For reasons of clarity and to provide purchasers with the most accurate information available, vendors are required to complete this at time of entry. Although not compulsory at other collective sales (Ballymena, Dungannon, Thainstone & Stirling in May), the Society recommends that vendors complete the Herd Health Declaration. This information then appears in the Vendors’ Index within the catalogue. Where a member has chosen not to complete the Herd Health Declaration, it will simply say ‘No Herd Health Declaration’. What Other Health Information may be displayed? Vendors are encouraged to apply to their respective CHeCS health scheme for individual animal health cards for display on pens. For an individual animal’s test results, or vaccination histories, regarding BVD, IBR, Lepto or Johne’s, these are permitted above the sale pens only upon presentation of a signed veterinary declaration to verify that the animal concerned has had a clear test. Again, for reasons of practicality, no health information notes are to be put in the catalogue footnotes by vendors. Similarly, the Society has requested that no declarations on health information be given by the auctioneer during the sale. Again, the sole purpose of this is to avoid confusion and to try and ensure that the information provided is done accurately, fairly and in a standardised format in the catalogue. This point has been agreed with the auctioneers. Introduction of Johne’s Risk Levels from 1st January 2013 From 1st January 2013, CHeCS, the self-regulatory body for cattle health schemes in the UK and Ireland, agreed a change to Johne’s testing with herds classified on a Risk Level basis of 1 to 5 (with 1 being low risk and 5 high risk). The Risk Levels are as follows: Risk Level 1 herds that were previously Accredited Risk Level 2 herds that have had 1 or more clear qualifying tests Risk Level 3 herds that have 3% or fewer reactors every year* Risk Level 4 herds that have more than 3% reactors every year** Risk Level 5 herds not in a CHeCS Johne’s disease programme and herds with no health plan in place 18 * Note, for herds with fewer than 33 animals in the target age range, rather than 3%, Risk Level 3 will be one animal testing positive for Johne’s ** Note, for herds with fewer than 33 animals in the target age range, rather than 3%, Risk Level 4 will be more than one animal testing positive for Johne’s What if a vendor is selling an animal/s that he did not breed? Vendors are still requested to fill in the Herd Health Sale Declaration accordingly. Prospective customers are advised to speak to vendors directly to acquire accurate health information on animals offered but not bred by the seller. Feedback & more information The Society welcomes members’ and customers’ feedback on the Herd Health Declarations and health policy at sales. If you have further questions, please speak to the Society representatives, Iain Kerr & Richard Saunders, or the Auctioneers. 19 Sale Day Minimum Qualifying Weights Ballymena Sale 4th May 2015 Date of Birth Days Old Min. Weight (kg) Date of Birth Days Old Min. Weight (kg) 05/03/2014 28/02/2014 23/02/2014 18/02/2014 13/02/2014 08/02/2014 03/02/2014 29/01/2014 24/01/2014 19/01/2014 14/01/2014 09/01/2014 04/01/2014 30/12/2013 25/12/2013 20/12/2013 15/12/2013 10/12/2013 05/12/2013 30/11/2013 25/11/2013 20/11/2013 15/11/2013 10/11/2013 05/11/2013 31/10/2013 26/10/2013 21/10/2013 16/10/2013 11/10/2013 06/10/2013 01/10/2013 26/09/2013 21/09/2013 16/09/2013 11/09/2013 06/09/2013 01/09/2013 27/08/2013 22/08/2013 17/08/2013 12/08/2013 07/08/2013 02/08/2013 28/07/2013 23/07/2013 18/07/2013 13/07/2013 08/07/2013 03/07/2013 28/06/2013 23/06/2013 18/06/2013 13/06/2013 08/06/2013 03/06/2013 29/05/2013 24/05/2013 19/05/2013 14/05/2013 09/05/2013 04/05/2013 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 525 530 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 535 541 546 552 557 563 568 574 579 585 590 596 601 607 612 618 623 628 633 639 644 649 654 660 665 670 675 681 686 691 696 22 580 585 590 595 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 640 645 650 655 660 665 670 675 680 685 690 695 700 705 710 715 720 725 730 702 707 712 717 723 728 733 738 743 748 753 758 763 768 773 778 783 788 793 798 803 808 813 818 823 827 831 835 839 843 847 LIMOUSINS IN BALLYMENA PURCHASER’S DETAILS Name .................................................................................................. Full Address ....................................................................................... ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Lot No. ................................................................................................ Name of Transporter .......................................................................... Registration of Vehicle ....................................................................... 23 CONDITIONS OF SHOW OR SALE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Each item must be bona fide the property of the exhibitor. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between the bidders, the decision of the Auctioneer shall be Final, or at his discretion the lot in dispute shall immediately be put up again and resold. The Auctioneer reserves the right of refusing the bid of any person and regulates the bidding, and no bidding is to be retracted. The purchasers to give their names and places of abode in writing and pay the full purchase money for each lot at the fall of the hammer ( if required ); in default of which the lot or lots so purchased may immediately be put up again and re-sold. No lot or lots shall be removed from the premises before the sale, or till paid for, but each and every lot shall, immediately at the fall of the hammer, be considered as delivered, and be and remain in every respect at the absolute risk of the respective purchasers thereof, and shall be removed from the place of sale at the purchaser’s expense. If any purchaser shall fail to comply with the above conditions, or any part of them, the Auctioneers shall be at liberty either to recover in full the amount of the lot or lots bought by such purchaser, without reference to any delivery or acceptance of the lots or lots other than first delivery by the fall of the hammer, or to re-sell any lot or lots bought by the purchasers, either by public or private sale; and the full amount of the purchase money at the present sale, or the deficiency ( if any) arising from such second sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at the present sale, and be recoverable as and for liquidated damages. No money will be paid to the proprietor for any lot sold, unless the account be cleared by the purchaser and the Auctioneers will not be answerable for any deficiency that may arise on the re-sale of any uncleared property. Animals are present on the sole responsibility of owners, whose duty it is to keep each exhibit under proper control at all times, whether in pen or in show or sale rings, or in transit within the centre. Neither the Auctioneers, the organisers nor the Sponsors, nor any of their officials or employees will be liable for damage or injury caused by any animal’s behaviour, including overnight. Purchasers are to understand that, although every reasonable precaution will be taken to ensure the safety and welfare of the animals exhibited, the Auctioneers will not be responsible for loss, or accidents of any kind, that may occur. Nor will the Auctioneers or vendors be accountable for any accident that may occur to any person attending the sale, whether as a visitor. or in any other capacity. The pedigree, history and description of each animal is guaranteed by the owner, and no liability whatsoever is undertaken by the Auctioneers for the statements in the catalogue or announcements made at time of sale. The vendor who supplies such statements is alone responsible. 11. 12. 13 14. 15 16. 17. 18. No undertaking of the Auctioneers or vendors or their servants to take charge of the lots or animals for sale, or to forward them to their destination. shall be held to impose any legal obligation or vitiate any of the foregoing conditions. Any Medical Treatment to any animals must be advised by the Auctioneer for announcement at time of sale. The presence of any chemical or pharmaceutical substance in or on an animal or in its milk during the withdrawal period may render its sale void. Should any question arise not provided for in the forgoing conditions, the decision of the Auctioneers shall be final, from which there shall be no appeal. Neither the Auctioneers nor the sponsors incur liability for the return of Auction Fees where a claim IS made for return of purchase price of any lot sold at the sale. The sale will be conducted in Guineas. Purchasers will pay VAT on Fees. After Sale release of livestock or goods is by Pass Out issued by the Sale Office. This also includes unsold lots. Each and every lot must be presented for sale in the auction ring in catalogue or numerical order. No Sale may be contemplated before such presentation. Lots not sold in the auction or present for demonstration purposes and subsequently sold privately on the premises must be recorded through the auctioneer’s office and are subject to commission. No electrical device may be connected to any socket in the show or sale premises unless it is fitted with an approved circuit breaking control. All equipment must be in up to date state of safety. Note. Sockets on sale rostrum are not suitable for blow driers. Neither the Auctioneers, the Organisers, nor the Sponsors shall incur any liability for loss or inconvenience arising from postponement or cancellation of the event. NOTE. No animal is considered to be delivered to the Show and Sale until placed in the pen or place of tying allotted. Access doors will permit vehicles and trailers to enter the building for loading or unloading. Delivery to purchaser will also be effected when the purchaser removes the animal from the pen, or otherwise takes charges of the animal. Under no circumstances may any animal be taken out of the building for loading. The trailer or lorry must be backed inside the doorway and the screen doors closed to the vehicle. Please remember to collect your Movement Permit before leaving. And please remember that a new purchase should be introduced to company when taken home - and not placed in solitary confinement on arrival in strange surroundings after transport! N.B.- The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse cheques as payment. All payments to be in sterling by Bank Draft or cash, or at current exchange rate. New customers should contact the Auctioneers in advance of sale to make arrangements for use of cheques. (2005) 24 CLASS 1 SENIOR BULLS Lot 01 Fred & Ruth Gibson ALSHAR IVOR Born 24/04/2013 Got by AI GKK13-0171 UK 9124361/0017-1 Natural Calf Sire 87-53-841-996 ELECTEUR gs. URUGUAY 12-04-073-860 ggs. PABLO 12-99-079-969 ggd. SEMOULE 12-01-072-860 gd. ULIAISON 87-53-841-049 ggs. MOZART 19-96-019-196 ggd. LIAISON 87-95-012-944 gs. LYNDERG VLADIMIR LDG04-011 ggs. OCEAN 19-98-001-293 ggd. RUSE 98-98-188-686 gd. EDENKENNEDY ANNA RFH05-001 ggs. GOLDIES THUNDERBOLT GS02-430 ggd. EDENKENNEDY TRACY RFH02-001 Dam WJL09-934 LISNISK EVETTE Lot 02 Mr R.S. Clyde CLYDEVALLEY ICEMAN Born 22/05/2013 CIW13-008 UK 9062455/1107-7 Natural Calf Sire PBO04-038 SARKLEY VACATION gs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV-024-FOT ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA-003 gd. SARKLEY SONEYCOMB PBO01-124 ggs. JOCKEY 19-94-006-256 ggd. SARKLEY ONEYCOMB PBO98-258 Dam gs. TANAT MOSTYN CIW00-012 EAH96-018 CLYDEVALLEY REVONNE gd. KILMOUA GRACE CDWG-001 ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92-026 ggd. TANAT JADE EAH94-013 ggs. GRANGE BANDSMAN SADB-256 ggd. KILMOUA DARKY CDWD-003 25 Lot 03 Mr R.S. Clyde CLYDEVALLEY INFERNO Born 23/05/2013 CIW13-011 UK 9062455/1110-3 Natural Calf Sire GGG09-014 LIMO ESSO gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. OPERETTE 87-15-250-959 ggs. FERRY 19-90-003-045 ggd. ISSUE 87-93-012-041 ggs. TALENT 23-82-004-036 ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA-003 Dam gs. RONICK GAINS CIW06-027 DYG-010 CLYDEVALLEY BOTOX gd. CLYDEVALLEY LILY CIW95-002 ggs. MERESIDE FILIPO HCGF-176 ggd. KILMOUA HESTER CDW92-007 Lot 04 Broadhooks Cattle Company BROADHOOKS IOLANTHE Born 01/06/2013 HDJ13-001 UK 9102554/101-7 Natural Calf Sire gs. NEWTOWN BONSER HDJ10-005 IE231230670382 BROADHOOKS FARFELU gd. LOWBARN ATUCIA NH05-017 ggs. MAS DU CLO 23-96-032-213 ggd. CASTLEVIEW RUB IE191567170232 ggs. LOWBARN TOMANCE NH02-012 ggd. LOWBARN TUCIA NH02-010 Dam gs. NOBEL HDJ05-004 23-97-058-112 BROADHOOKS AUJOURDHUI gd. CHAPELPARK ODETTE PFQ98-004 ggs. JOUEUR 87-94-000-047 ggd. FLAMENCA 23-90-014-809 ggs. AIRTNOCH LORD TAU95-015 ggd. WILSON HARIOT WON92-014 1R9DQWDVWLF&HUEHUXV$OILH%UHGIRUHDVHRIFDOYLQJPLONFRQIRUPDWLRQKDUGPXVFOHGEXOOZLWK H[FHOOHQWWHPSHUDPHQW6LUHEUHGEDFNWR&DVWOHYLHZ5XERXWVWDQGLQJEUHHGLQJFRZLQ6WDQOH\ 5LFKDUGVRQV+HUG'DPJRHVEDFNWR&DQQRQ7HVWHGIRUH[SRUW 26 Lot 05 Broadhooks Cattle Company BROADHOOKS IRRESISTABULL Born 01/06/2013 HDJ13-002 UK 9102554/102-1 Natural Calf Sire gs. NEWTOWN BONSER HDJ10-005 IE231230670382 BROADHOOKS FARFELU gd. LOWBARN ATUCIA NH05-017 ggs. MAS DU CLO 23-96-032-213 ggd. CASTLEVIEW RUB IE191567170232 ggs. LOWBARN TOMANCE NH02-012 ggd. LOWBARN TUCIA NH02-010 Dam gs. PANDA HDJ08-004 35-66-421-880 BROADHOOKS DESIREE gd. CLARKTON VIVIAN MHK04-002 ggs. LUX 87-95-009-920 ggd. MANILLE 35-96-000-160 ggs. ORMEB 86-98-118-809 ggd. CLARKTON MARLENE MHK96-004-FOT No Vantastic, Cerberus, Alfie. Bred for ease of calving, milk, conformation ,hard muscled bull with excellent temperament. Sire bred back to Castleview Rub outstanding breeding cow in Stanley Richardsons Herd. Dam goes back to Sapin and Senorita – great combination in DanHaars Uplands Herd. 27 Lot 06 Mr D Hume CULNAGECHAN ICEBERG Born 14/06/2013 HQG13-5163 UK 9060789/1516-3 Natural Calf Sire MCN07-038 CARMORN COPILOT gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. CARMORN PENNY MCN99-025 ggs. PELLETSTOWN KEN PELK-121 ggd. CARMORN HELEN MCN92-002 ggs. ROMEO 19-30-817-708 ggd. GLENROCK JUNIPER IE94-010 Dam gs. GLENROCK VAGRANT HQG08-040 IE04-447 CULNAGECHAN DAVINA gd. BALLYDONAGHY ROSEATETERN KCB00-001 ggs. TANAT MOSTYN EAH96-018 ggd. ROBBSTOWN IONA ROB93-006 Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 0.1 59 Birth Weight (kg) 1.5 70 Calving Ease (%) -1.1 61 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.5 48 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 39 200 Day Growth (kg) 21 63 400 Day Growth (kg) 44 62 Muscle Depth (mm) 2.8 70 Fat Depth (mm) -0.3 66 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.5 63 Docility (%) 2.1 46 LIM 27 67 Calving Value LIM 1 61 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 206 200 380 300 540 400 706 500 0 Scanned YES 28 14 52 Lot 07 Mr D Hume CULNAGECHAN ICEAGE Born 14/07/2013 HQG13-5373 UK 9060789/1537-3 Natural Calf Sire MCN07-038 CARMORN COPILOT gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. CARMORN PENNY MCN99-025 ggs. PELLETSTOWN KEN PELK-121 ggd. CARMORN HELEN MCN92-002 gs. CLOUGHHEAD LORD HCX95-142 ggs. HEROS 36-92-005-318 ggd. CLOUGHHEAD FAVOURITE HCXF-031-FOT gd. KYPE NIVEA CAQ97-031 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. KYPE GINA CAQG-002 Dam CAQ05-015 KYPE AMY Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 0.1 62 Birth Weight (kg) 1.8 72 Calving Ease (%) -1.9 64 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.1 52 200 Day Milk (kg) -2 45 200 Day Growth (kg) 33 66 400 Day Growth (kg) 59 65 Muscle Depth (mm) 4.8 72 Fat Depth (mm) 0.0 68 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.6 65 Docility (%) 2.5 50 LIM 35 70 Calving Value LIM 1 64 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 221 200 408 300 586 400 768 500 0 Scanned YES 29 14 54 Lot 08 Mr R.S. Clyde CLYDEVALLEY ITSABULL Born 15/07/2013 Natural Calf CIW13-025 UK 9062455/1125-4 Twin to Male Sire gs. CLYDEVALLEY DANTASTIC CIW11-006 CIW08-031 CLYDEVALLEY GRAND ggs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggd. CLYDEVALLEY AINSI CIW05-033 gd. CLYDEVALLEY CALENCIA CIW07-032 ggs. SARKLEY VACATION PBO04-038 ggd. SARKLEY VALENCIA PBO04-030 gs. DUMBRECK DIAMOND WHD08-001 ggs. IONESCO 36-93-000-206 ggd. DUMBRECK SOLITAIRE WHD01-006 gd. MERESIDE TOTTY HCG02-362 ggs. LASCAR 23-95-069-959 ggd. MERESIDE OPAQUE HCG98-549 Dam NH10-005 LOWBARN FOTTY 30 Lot 09 Messrs J & J Aiken CARNEW IMPULSE Born 14/08/2013 Got by AI AEN13-0871 UK 9273139/0087-1 Natural Calf Sire 87-53-841-575 BAHUT gs. URUGUAY 12-04-073-860 ggs. PABLO 12-99-079-969 ggd. SEMOULE 12-01-072-860 gd. NORVEGIENN 87-97-009-574 ggs. HATELET 19-92-000-842 ggd. TAQUINE 87-82-008-241 gs. RONICK HAWK DY92-026 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. RONICK ESTHER DYE-040 gd. CARNEW ANASTACIA AEN05-002 ggs. OCEAN 19-98-001-293 ggd. SWEETWALL REDLADY MEK00-008 Dam AEN08-006 CARNEW DEBBIE Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -0.7 74 Birth Weight (kg) 1.9 60 Calving Ease (%) -3.7 56 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.1 47 200 Day Milk (kg) 0 43 200 Day Growth (kg) 38 71 400 Day Growth (kg) 65 71 Muscle Depth (mm) 3.3 57 Fat Depth (mm) 0.0 47 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.8 58 Docility (%) 5.4 47 LIM 32 70 Calving Value LIM 1 71 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 226 200 407 300 577 400 678 500 0 Scanned NO 31 2 48 CLASS 2 SENIOR BULLS Lot 10 Fred & Ruth Gibson ALSHAR IVAN Born 24/08/2013 Got by AI GKK13-0193 UK 9124361/0019-3 Natural Calf Sire MGD09-039 AMPERTAINE ELGIN gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE CARLA MGD07-036 ggs. SAMY 23-02-773-556 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 gs. AMPERTAINE COMMANDER MGD07-046 ggs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggd. AMPERTAINE ANNABELLA MGD05-015 gd. KYPE ULAY CAQ03-011 ggs. WAVERBANK NASSAU WAC97-291 ggd. KYPE OLIVE CAQ98-001 Dam SKW10-012 LENAGH FANTASIA 32 Lot 11 Miss J Gilliland BALLYROBIN ISTABRAQ Born 25/08/2013 Got by AI GFD13-5417 UK 9060908/1541-7 Natural Calf ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MELODIE 19-96-004-346 Sire gs. OBJAT HCX09-620 19-30-299-413 CLOUGHHEAD ERNIE gd. CLOUGHHEAD NANCY HCX97-200 ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94-131 ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JUDY HCX94-091-FOT gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. BALLYROBIN ANASTACIA GFD05-001 ggs. KYPE SPARTACUS CAQ01-040 ggd. BALLYROBIN SAVANNAH GFD01-002 Dam GFD09-004 BALLYROBIN ESTEE Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 0.6 74 Birth Weight (kg) 2.7 56 Calving Ease (%) -5.1 55 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.3 43 200 Day Milk (kg) -2 38 200 Day Growth (kg) 38 59 400 Day Growth (kg) 71 60 Muscle Depth (mm) 5.5 52 Fat Depth (mm) 0.0 46 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.2 52 Docility (%) 3.6 49 LIM 41 59 Calving Value LIM -1 71 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM -5 46 Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 0 200 0 300 531 400 706 500 866 Scanned NO %DOO\URELQ,VWDEUDTSRVVHVVHVFRSLHVRI)/WKHSURILWJHQH+LVVLUH&ORXJKHDG(UQLHKDV SURYHQWRKDYHJUHDWHDVHRIFDOYLQJZLWKLQWKH%DOO\URELQ+HUG 33 Lot 12 WITHDRAWN Lot 13 Miss J Gilliland BALLYROBIN ISAAC Born 01/09/2013 Got by AI GFD13-5432 UK 9060908/1543-2 Natural Calf ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MELODIE 19-96-004-346 Sire gs. OBJAT HCX09-620 19-30-299-413 CLOUGHHEAD ERNIE gd. CLOUGHHEAD NANCY HCX97-200 ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94-131 ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JUDY HCX94-091-FOT gs. NENUPHAR 87-97-011-143 ggs. LEO 23-95-071-399 ggd. GIROFLEE 87-91-000-077 gd. BALLYROBIN RACHEL GFD00-004 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. RINGWAY LUCY HCY95-005 Dam GFD06-005 BALLYROBIN BEATA Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 1.3 74 Birth Weight (kg) 1.6 57 Calving Ease (%) -3.1 56 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.5 45 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 40 200 Day Growth (kg) 17 56 400 Day Growth (kg) 39 56 Muscle Depth (mm) 3.2 51 Fat Depth (mm) -0.3 46 Scrotal Circ (cm) -0.5 51 Docility (%) 1.3 49 LIM 30 57 Calving Value LIM -1 72 Maternal Value LIM -18 46 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 0 200 0 300 470 400 646 500 794 Scanned NO %DOO\URELQ,VDDFSRVVHVVHVFRSLHVRI)/WKHSURILWJHQH+LVVLUH&ORXJKKHDG(UQLHKDVSURYHQ WRKDYHJUHDWHDVHRIFDOYLQJZLWKLQWKH%DOO\URELQ+HUG 34 Lot 14 Mr R.S. Clyde CLYDEVALLEY ICONIC Born 05/10/2013 Got by AI CIW13-027 UK 9062455/1127-6 Natural Calf Sire PBO00-445 SARKLEY RITCHIE gs. RONICK LUKE DY95-010 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. RONICK DULCINEA DYD-022 gd. SARKLEY IRMADEL PBO93-012 ggs. ILLUSTRE 60-73-110-022 ggd. RELKO TAMERIND OFT-001 gs. RONICK SPHERE DY01-303 ggs. GOLDIES PORTERHOUSE GS99-022 ggd. RONICK PHAINSI DY99-524 gd. CLYDEVALLEY CHELSEA CIW07-001 ggs. SARKLEY VACATION PBO04-038 ggd. CLYDEVALLEY SUSY CIW01-001 Dam CIW09-031 CLYDEVALLEY ESSEX Lot 15 Mr C H Murray ANNADALE INDIANA Born 06/10/2013 Got by AI MUX13-1504 UK 9244515/150-4 Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE CERBERUS MGD10-039 WEY07-010 AMPERTAINE FOREMAN gd. AMPERTAINE BATHSHEBA MGD06-032 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE SHARON CAQ01-041 Dam gs. GREENSONS GIGOLO MUX05-008 GATG-009 ANNADALE ANNABELL gd. BALLYMONEY TILLY BLMT-121 ggs. TITAN MEB-010T ggd. SURPRISE 87-81-006-951 ggs. FERRY 19-90-003-045 ggd. MISTRALE BLMM-011 (DV\&DOYLQJ3HGLJUHH±%HHI9DOXH 35 Lot 16 Mr M Diamond POINTHOUSE INFERNO Born 06/10/2013 DHU13-014 UK 9490904/774-3 Natural Calf ggs. JOCKEY 19-94-006-256 ggd. SOFTLAW IRENE RAC93-192 Sire gs. CARMORN ROCKY MSU05-005 MCN00-009 CARNTOGHER ARNIE ggs. IRLANDAIS 22-93-004-165 ggd. GRANGE JULIENNE SAD94-890 gd. GRANGE ODENSE SAD98-334 ggs. MAS DU CLO 23-96-032-213 ggd. MILBROOK MONIQUE MILM-009-FOT Dam gs. MILBROOK TANKO DHU06-004 MILT-407 POINTHOUSE BLUEBELL ggs. CARMORN OFFICER MCN98-007 ggd. CARHILL MANDY KAQ96-008 gd. POINTHOUSE ULTRA DHU03-003 Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 0.7 53 Birth Weight (kg) 2.1 58 Calving Ease (%) -1.6 50 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.4 37 200 Day Milk (kg) 0 35 200 Day Growth (kg) 37 68 400 Day Growth (kg) 67 66 Muscle Depth (mm) 4.4 54 Fat Depth (mm) 0.0 46 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.8 53 Docility (%) 2.9 36 LIM 35 66 Calving Value LIM 1 55 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 186 200 347 300 544 400 721 500 897 Scanned YES 36 5 42 Lot 17 E B McCann CARRICKNAGALLIA ISAAC Born 12/10/2013 Got by AI QDV13-003 UK 9240675/0310-1 Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY07-010 WEY02-002 WILODGE CERBERUS gd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 ggs. OXYGENE 12-98-171-453 ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96-022 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. WILODGE LITTLEGEM WEY95-027 ggs. OMAR 19-30-288-541 ggd. NAPHTALINE 36-97-009-264 Dam gs. VIVALDI QDV10-002 36-15-015-938 CARRICKNAGALLIA FAITH gd. CARRICKALDREEN DELIGHTFUL MLD08-003 ggs. NECTAR 19-97-013-151 ggd. CARRICKALDREEN RIBBONS MLD00-002 Lot 18 Messrs . McKinney Brothers HEATHMOUNT IRONMAN Born 19/10/2013 Got by AI MOF13-5386 UK 9564413/538-6 Natural Calf gs. CLOUGHHEAD LORD HCX95-142 ggs. HEROS 36-92-005-318 ggd. CLOUGHHEAD FAVOURITE HCXF-031-FOT gd. KYPE GLENNA CAQG-001 ggs. RAKE TERENCE JKT-020 ggd. KYPE DIAMOND CAQD-011 Dam gs. SAINFOIN MOF04-042 19-30-998-361 HEATHMOUNT VERONICA ggs. MARQUIS 19-96-000-831 ggd. HYACINTHE 19-92-015-046 Sire CAQ98-020 KYPE ORKNEY gd. HEATHMOUNT SAFFRON MOF01-030 ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG-009 ggd. HEATHMOUNT PANDORA MOF99-004 37 Lot 19 Mr RAG Savage AGHADOLGAN INGOT Born 29/10/2013 Got by AI SLC13-3861 UK 9492481/386-1 Natural Calf Sire SOH09-010 SWARLAND EDDIE gs. HARTSIDEANEW BOUMSONG TGH06-459 ggs. GREENWELL RONICK NK00-054 ggd. EDEN SENORITA HCS01-026 gd. SWARLAND VALANCE SOH04-004 ggs. WILODGE RIOGRANDE WEY00-053 ggd. SWARLAND ROSANNA SOH00-004 ggs. OCTOPUS 87-10-671-030 ggd. OPERETTE 48-98-133-040 Dam gs. SYMPA SLC11-019 48-01-006-969 AGHADOLGAN GERENA gd. AGHADOLGAN URENA SLC03-047 ggs. BRONTEMOOR ILKLEY PCI93-012 ggd. WILODGE NERENA WEY97-054 %XOOVUHDUHGFRPPHUFLDOO\UHVWULFWHGWROEVSHUGD\ CLASS 3 INTERMEDIATE BULLS Lot 20 Mr J. Wilson LEALIES ISAAC Born 01/11/2013 Got by AI WMR13-005 UK 9100171/1841-6 Natural Calf Sire gs. SYMPA MGD05-014 48-01-006-969 AMPERTAINE ABRACADABRA ggs. OCTOPUS 87-10-671-030 ggd. OPERETTE 48-98-133-040 gd. AMPERTAINE PENNY MGD99-001 ggs. STOCKDALES MUSCULAR SDC96-012 ggd. AMPERTAINE HANNAH MGD92-003 gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. LEALIES CHELSEA WMR07-002 ggs. SHIRE MILTON EL96-354-FOT ggd. SHANESVIEW TINA DHC02-002 Dam WMR10-003 LEALIES FREDA 38 Lot 21 Mr RAG Savage AGHADOLGAN ICEMAN Born 01/11/2013 Got by AI SLC13-3883 UK 9492481/388-3 Natural Calf Sire 48-01-006-969 SYMPA gs. OCTOPUS 87-10-671-030 ggs. HARICOT 22-92-003-011 ggd. JUSTINE 87-94-005-984 gd. OPERETTE 48-98-133-040 ggs. GENIAL 87-91-002-491 ggd. LAVANDE 48-15-341-488 Dam gs. RAINBOW SIMON SLC10-028 WIM01-013 AGHADOLGAN FESMERELA gd. BRONTEMOOR BOBBYDAZZLER PCI06-049 ggs. GLENROCK ONSLOW IE98-445 ggd. ROMBALDS NAN RCE97-061 ggs. SEAVIEW UPSTART MMV03-033 ggd. BRONTEMOOR LISA PCI95-021 %XOOVUHDUHGFRPPHUFLDOO\UHVWULFWHGWROEVSHUGD\ Lot 22 Donal Murray ULTIMATE IGGY Born 01/11/2013 IE261235650003 IE 26123565003 Bred by Anthony M Woods, Clonaleenan House, Hackballscross, Dundalk, Co Louth, Eire, Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY07-010 WEY02-002 WILODGE CERBERUS ggs. OXYGENE 12-98-171-453 ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96-022 gd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. WILODGE LITTLEGEM WEY95-027 gs. CLOUGHHEAD UMPIRE HCX03-221 ggs. PETUNIA 87-00-670-240 ggd. GASCOGNE 23-91-060-414 gd. ANNADALE BLISS MUX06-006 ggs. MAS DU CLO 23-96-032-213 ggd. BARNATTIN TARA IE261003260117 Dam QBB11-001 TITCHBURN GRACE $VXSHUHQGHGEXOOIURPDWRSEUHHGLQJFRZ,JJ\LVIURPDQHDV\FDOYLQJVWUDLQ 39 Lot 23 Mr D Hume CULNAGECHAN INVINCIBLE Born 05/11/2013 HQG13-5701 UK 9060789/1570-1 Natural Calf Sire MCN07-038 CARMORN COPILOT gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. CARMORN PENNY MCN99-025 ggs. PELLETSTOWN KEN PELK-121 ggd. CARMORN HELEN MCN92-002 gs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94-131 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. GLORIEUSE 23-91-059-999 gd. BURNBANK UNA GHK03-013 ggs. RONICK JAVELIN DY94-063-FOT ggd. BALFUNNING LACEY MFT95-046 Dam GHK05-049 BURNBANK ASHLEY Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 0.6 62 Birth Weight (kg) 1.1 71 Calving Ease (%) -2.1 61 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.5 47 200 Day Milk (kg) -3 44 200 Day Growth (kg) 16 63 400 Day Growth (kg) 32 62 Muscle Depth (mm) 2.2 59 Fat Depth (mm) -0.3 55 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.2 57 Docility (%) 0.8 48 LIM 25 65 Calving Value LIM 0 63 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 201 200 370 300 539 400 0 500 0 Scanned YES 40 -10 50 Lot 24 Mr H Savage & Sons TRUEMAN INVINCIBLE Born 11/11/2013 Got by AI SLN13-6333 UK 9240306/633-3 Embryo Calf Sire 19-88-004-715 DAUPHIN gs. ROMEO 87-80-005-214 ggs. NEPTUNE 87-77-015-248 ggd. ILIADE 87-73-014-057 gd. OMBRETTE 19-78-003-500 ggs. IDOLE 19-73-003-953 ggd. HONTEUSE TI 19-72-003-998 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 Dam gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC SLN09-006 WEY04-037 TRUEMAN EUPHONIUM ggs. MEARNELODGE LAIRD NAE95-006 ggd. HOLLYBANK LOTTIE SGT95-008-FOT gd. HOLLYBANK OPRAH SGT98-013 Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -0.3 77 Birth Weight (kg) 1.8 64 Calving Ease (%) -3.4 61 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.1 56 200 Day Milk (kg) -2 56 200 Day Growth (kg) 33 64 400 Day Growth (kg) 65 64 Muscle Depth (mm) 4.1 61 Fat Depth (mm) -0.4 59 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.1 60 Docility (%) 4.1 59 LIM 37 65 Calving Value LIM 1 75 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 0 200 0 300 456 400 600 500 0 Scanned NO 41 -6 57 Lot 25 WITHDRAWN Lot 26 John Murphy CLANART IDEAL Born 11/11/2013 Got by AI MQQ13-119 UK 9484866/119-4 Embryo Calf Sire gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY07-010 WEY02-002 WILODGE CERBERUS ggs. OXYGENE 12-98-171-453 ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96-022 gd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. WILODGE LITTLEGEM WEY95-027 gs. VOILIER 54-54-641-593 ggs. PALADIN 22-55-671-787 ggd. NORVEGE 54-97-107-368 gd. VANILLE 24-24-454-706 ggs. SCOTT 57-03-365-281 ggd. LEGION 24-95-019-083 Dam 15-31-347-544 FAMILLE 42 Lot 27 Mr H Savage & Sons TRUEMAN IMAGE Born 15/11/2013 Got by AI SLN13-6344 UK 9240306/634-4 Embryo Calf Sire 87-49-301-592 EMERSON gs. OBJAT 19-30-299-413 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MELODIE 19-96-004-346 gd. BAVIERE 87-49-301-285 ggs. VALEUREUX 87-49-301-034 ggd. RETINE 87-56-870-236 gs. MEARNELODGE LAIRD NAE95-006 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. MEARNELODGE DIAMOND NAED-001 gd. HOLLYBANK LOTTIE SGT95-008-FOT ggs. GOLDIES GIGOLO GSG-018 ggd. RYEDALE ENCHANT DACE-012 Dam SGT98-013 HOLLYBANK OPRAH Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 1.3 72 Birth Weight (kg) 1.8 53 Calving Ease (%) -2.2 49 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.2 41 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 41 200 Day Growth (kg) 24 51 400 Day Growth (kg) 42 51 Muscle Depth (mm) 2.6 46 Fat Depth (mm) -0.4 41 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.4 45 Docility (%) 4.9 44 LIM 25 52 Calving Value LIM -1 69 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 0 200 0 300 498 400 622 500 0 Scanned NO 43 -2 40 Lot 28 C & F McAuley CARMORN IOFTHETIGER Born 15/11/2013 Got by AI MCN13-2747 UK 9063073/1274-7 Natural Calf ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99-266 ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94-011 Sire gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME LAP04-045 CHT01-135 HOMEBYRES VANHEE gd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00-007 ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92-005 ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD-004-FOT gs. ATTIRANT 23-06-751-274 ggs. USTY 22-55-672-037 ggd. SUPERBE 23-02-773-558 gd. CARMORN PENNY MCN99-025 ggs. PELLETSTOWN KEN PELK-121 ggd. CARMORN HELEN MCN92-002 Dam MCN11-024 CARMORN GANITA Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -3.5 75 Birth Weight (kg) 1.6 64 Calving Ease (%) -1.6 60 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -1.5 53 200 Day Milk (kg) 2 50 200 Day Growth (kg) 19 71 400 Day Growth (kg) 39 70 Muscle Depth (mm) 2.6 61 Fat Depth (mm) -0.4 57 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.1 63 Docility (%) 0.8 53 LIM 19 70 Calving Value LIM 5 73 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 167 200 296 300 435 400 655 500 0 Scanned NO 44 -3 56 Lot 29 Messrs J & J Aiken CARNEW INCHPERFECT Born 16/11/2013 Got by AI AEN13-0882 UK 9273139/0088-2 Natural Calf ggs. NESTOR 19-97-006-771 ggd. MELODIE 19-96-008-093 Sire gs. RAMSES IE241280240939 19-30-818-375 ROUNDHILL CRAMSES gd. GIROFLEE 87-91-000-077 ggs. CLOWN 87-87-011-769 ggd. ANEMONE 87-85-006-656 gs. FIELDSON ALFY FCE05-384 ggs. GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS HDR99-010 ggd. EDEN NATASHA HCS97-074 gd. CARNEW SHANIA AEN01-001 ggs. DUC 87-88-000-425 ggd. LUMBYLAW MAYFLY OA96-506 Dam AEN09-001 CARNEW EMERALD Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -1.3 72 Birth Weight (kg) 2.3 54 Calving Ease (%) -3.2 49 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.3 37 200 Day Milk (kg) 0 36 200 Day Growth (kg) 30 66 400 Day Growth (kg) 53 64 Muscle Depth (mm) 4.6 52 Fat Depth (mm) 0.0 45 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.4 52 Docility (%) 3.8 41 LIM 29 64 Calving Value LIM 2 69 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 224 200 401 300 551 400 714 500 0 Scanned NO 45 -12 41 CLASS 4 INTERMEDIATE BULLS Lot 30 Mr P Haughey SLATEROCK ICEMAN Born 22/11/2013 Got by AI HTL13-6571 UK 9181797/0657-1 Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC CQE10-023 WEY04-037 PLUMTREE FANTASTIC ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. BANKDALE AMBER WLJ05-095 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. PRINCESSE 87-08-920-187 gs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggs. OCTOPUS 87-10-671-030 ggd. OPERETTE 48-98-133-040 gd. TULLYGLUSH CASSIE MVZ07-013 ggs. PACHA 19-30-318-295 ggd. RONICK TINSEL DY02-508 Dam MVZ10-026 TULLYGLUSH FAY Lot 31 Mr P Haughey SLATEROCK IDEAL Born 23/11/2013 Got by AI HTL13-6556 UK 9181797/0655-6 Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC CQE10-023 WEY04-037 PLUMTREE FANTASTIC gd. BANKDALE AMBER WLJ05-095 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. PRINCESSE 87-08-920-187 Dam gs. PANDA HTL10-003 35-66-421-880 SLATEROCK FORTYTWO gd. NOVA 23-97-060-261 ggs. LUX 87-95-009-920 ggd. MANILLE 35-96-000-160 ggs. JERSEY 36-94-000-548 ggd. HIRONDELLE 23-92-021-739 46 Lot 32 Mr J N McGarrigle MONEYKEE IGNITE Born 24/11/2013 Got by AI MRL13-5165 UK 9470109/0516-5 Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE CERBERUS MGD10-039 WEY07-010 AMPERTAINE FOREMAN gd. AMPERTAINE BATHSHEBA MGD06-032 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE SHARON CAQ01-041 ggs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggd. GLOIRE 36-91-002-380 Dam gs. ROCKY MRL11-004 36-15-030-964 MONEYKEE GEMMA gd. MONEYKEE VERA MRL04-008 ggs. NENUPHAR 87-97-011-143 ggd. CROWNHEAD REBECCA BBA00-388 &RPPHUFLDOO\UHDUHG Lot 33 Messrs McKenna Bros ARCHIES ICONIC Born 27/11/2013 Got by AI MXT13-020 UK 9562217/0377-7 Natural Calf Sire JAG06-048 BAILEA BULLION gs. REQUIN 36-15-031-134 ggs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggd. MARIOLLE 36-96-011-412 gd. BAILEA NIGHTOWL JAG97-039 ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG-009 ggd. BAILEA DAINTY JAGD-001 gs. FIELDSON ALFY FCE05-384 ggs. GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS HDR99-010 ggd. EDEN NATASHA HCS97-074 gd. ARCHIES DIANA MXT08-004 ggs. ROSECROFT BERTIE WFD06-073 ggd. AGHADOLGAN VICTORIA SLC04-016 Dam MXT11-009 ARCHIES GRACE 47 Lot 34 R P Whyte WICKERBOAT IRONFIST Born 28/11/2013 Got by AI WRD13-0257 UK 9564552/0025-7 Natural Calf Sire gs. PENYRHEOL SAM RP04-042 PCU01-216 HALTCLIFFE VERMOUNT ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92-026 ggd. PENYRHEOL OPHELIA PCU98-203 ggs. LUDO 19-95-012-472 ggd. LOTTE 19-95-016-975 gd. RENONCULE 19-30-708-827 ggs. OCTOPUS 87-10-671-030 ggd. OPERETTE 48-98-133-040 Dam gs. SYMPA MGD07-021 48-01-006-969 AMPERTAINE CONNIE ggs. CLOUGHHEAD LORD HCX95-142 ggd. KYPE GOLD CAQG-007 gd. KYPE UNIGOLD CAQ03-066 Lot 35 Mr M R G Watson HILLHEAD ICEMAN Born 29/11/2013 Got by AI WAN13-004 UK 9331319/547-4 Natural Calf Sire DY93-018-FOT RONICK ICEMAN gs. TARVIS 19-82-001-611 ggs. OURSON 19-78-001-212 ggd. NITA 19-77-001-891 gd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA-003 ggs. TANHILL RUMPUS FBR-092 ggd. BROADMEADOWS TANSY CAVT-002 gs. REDDINGS ALFIE WFO05-010 ggs. SARKLEY THUNDERBOLT PBO02-267 ggd. REDDINGS PEPSI WFO99-006 gd. HILLHEAD PEPSI WAN99-011 ggs. STOCKDALES MUSCULAR SDC96-012 ggd. HILLHEAD CAROLINE WANC-002 Dam WAN08-004 HILLHEAD DERA 48 Lot 36 Mr J N McGarrigle MONEYKEE IMPACT Born 01/12/2013 Got by AI MRL13-5191 UK 9470109/0519-1 Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE CERBERUS MGD10-039 WEY07-010 AMPERTAINE FOREMAN ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 gd. AMPERTAINE BATHSHEBA MGD06-032 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE SHARON CAQ01-041 gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. AGHADOLGAN VALDA SLC04-028 ggs. SARKLEY SEBASTIAN PBO01-135 ggd. AGHADOLGAN RENEE SLC00-015 Dam MRL09-005 MONEYKEE EILEEN &RPPHUFLDOO\UHDUHG Lot 37 Mr C H Murray ANNADALE ICICLE Born 01/12/2013 MUX13-1515 Got by AI Twin to Male Natural Calf UK 9244515/151-5 Sire gs. WILODGE CERBERUS MGD10-039 WEY07-010 AMPERTAINE FOREMAN ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 gd. AMPERTAINE BATHSHEBA MGD06-032 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE SHARON CAQ01-041 gs. OCEAN 19-98-001-293 ggs. ESPOIR 87-89-003-720 ggd. GLORIA 19-91-006-535 gd. FARLAND RUBY MEN00-005 ggs. TANAT MOSTYN EAH96-018 ggd. FARLAND INA MEN93-001 Dam MUX04-006 ANNADALE VIOLET (DV\&DOYLQJ3HGLJUHH%HHIYDOXH 49 Lot 38 Mr C H Murray ANNADALE ICEMAN Born 01/12/2013 MUX13-1526 Got by AI Twin to Male Natural Calf UK 9244515/152-6 Sire gs. WILODGE CERBERUS MGD10-039 WEY07-010 AMPERTAINE FOREMAN ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 gd. AMPERTAINE BATHSHEBA MGD06-032 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE SHARON CAQ01-041 gs. OCEAN 19-98-001-293 ggs. ESPOIR 87-89-003-720 ggd. GLORIA 19-91-006-535 gd. FARLAND RUBY MEN00-005 ggs. TANAT MOSTYN EAH96-018 ggd. FARLAND INA MEN93-001 Dam MUX04-006 ANNADALE VIOLET (DV\&DOYLQJ3HGLJUHH%HHI9DOXH 50 CLASS 5 JUNIOR BULLS Lot 39 Mr & Mrs M & A McPolin NEWHILLFARM ICT Born 03/12/2013 MSC13-4932 UK 9422164/0493-2 Grade: 99% LIMOUSIN Got by AI Natural Calf Sire 22-57-773-618 BAVARDAGE gs. ONDIT 36-15-069-746 ggs. INDECIS 22-93-004-195 ggd. FRANCHON 36-90-006-248 gd. RIDELLE 22-57-773-207 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MANDARINE 22-96-004-352 ggs. BAMBINO 87-86-001-669 ggd. COQUETTE 36-87-001-802 Dam gs. IONESCO MSC08-100 36-93-000-206 NEWHILLFARM DEBBIE ggs. BAPTON JAVELIN BES94-015 ggd. HILLFARM MAYROSE HIL96-033G gd. NEWHILLFARM ROBIN MSC00-005 Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -1.0 75 Birth Weight (kg) 1.2 58 Calving Ease (%) -2.5 54 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.3 37 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 38 200 Day Growth (kg) 25 69 400 Day Growth (kg) 44 67 Muscle Depth (mm) 3.4 52 Fat Depth (mm) -0.1 40 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.1 55 Docility (%) 4.2 38 LIM 28 67 Calving Value LIM 2 73 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM 18 43 Adjusted 100 200 300 400 500 Scanned 172 304 450 610 0 NO Weights (kg) ,&7LVH[WUHPHO\GRFLOH%XOOE\%DYDUGDJH+LV3HGLJUHHLVIXOORIWKHWRSSURYHQ)UHQFKDQG%ULWLVK PDWHUQDOVLUHV+LJK+HDOWK6WDWXVKHUG 51 Lot 40 Mr & Mrs M & A McPolin NEWHILLFARM INGO Born 04/12/2013 MSC13-4954 UK 9422164/0495-4 Grade: 99% LIMOUSIN Got by AI Natural Calf Sire 22-57-773-618 BAVARDAGE gs. ONDIT 36-15-069-746 ggs. INDECIS 22-93-004-195 ggd. FRANCHON 36-90-006-248 gd. RIDELLE 22-57-773-207 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MANDARINE 22-96-004-352 Dam gs. AMPERTAINE ABRACADABRA MSC10-132 MGD05-014 NEWHILLFARM FINGO ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. AMPERTAINE PENNY MGD99-001 ggs. IONESCO 36-93-000-206 ggd. NEWHILLFARM RINGO MSC00-002 gd. NEWHILLFARM DINGO MSC08-093 Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -0.8 74 Birth Weight (kg) 0.9 57 Calving Ease (%) -1.3 53 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.5 36 200 Day Milk (kg) 1 35 200 Day Growth (kg) 19 68 400 Day Growth (kg) 34 66 Muscle Depth (mm) 3.1 50 Fat Depth (mm) -0.1 38 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.2 54 Docility (%) 3.2 37 LIM 25 66 Calving Value LIM 2 72 Maternal Value LIM 15 42 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 162 200 284 300 426 400 564 500 0 Scanned NO ,QJRLVDQH[WUHPHO\GRFLOH%XOOE\%DYDUGDJH+LV3HGLJUHHLVIXOORIWKHWRSSURYHQ)UHQFKDQG%ULWLVK PDWHUQDOVLUHV+LVGDPLVDQH[FHOOHQWIHUWLOHDQGPLON\$EUDFDGDEUDFRZ+LJK+HDOWK+HUGVWDWXV 52 Lot 41 Mr J J Kearney CARHILL INVINCIBLE Born 06/12/2013 Got by AI KAQ13-013 UK 9492148/399-5 Natural Calf Sire MGD09-039 AMPERTAINE ELGIN gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE CARLA MGD07-036 ggs. SAMY 23-02-773-556 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 gs. CARNTOGHER ARNIE MSU05-005 ggs. CARMORN ROCKY MCN00-009 ggd. GRANGE ODENSE SAD98-334 gd. CARHILL VANESSA KAQ04-003 ggs. CARMORN OFFICER MCN98-007 ggd. FAIRYWATER JULIE EAB94-020 Dam KAQ08-003 CARHILL DILIA Lot 42 WITHDRAWN Lot 43 WITHDRAWN Lot 44 Mr V J Keys TOGHERDOO IMPECCABLE Born 11/12/2013 Got by AI KCY13-009 UK 9631492/0884-1 Natural Calf Sire SOH09-010 SWARLAND EDDIE gs. HARTSIDEANEW BOUMSONG TGH06-459 ggs. GREENWELL RONICK NK00-054 ggd. EDEN SENORITA HCS01-026 gd. SWARLAND VALANCE SOH04-004 ggs. WILODGE RIOGRANDE WEY00-053 ggd. SWARLAND ROSANNA SOH00-004 gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. RONICK OPTIMA DY98-430 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. RONICK HARRIET DY92-021 Dam KCY09-009 TOGHERDOO ELEEN 53 Lot 45 Mr RAG Savage AGHADOLGAN INDIANA Born 17/12/2013 Got by AI SLC13-3931 UK 9492481/393-1 Natural Calf Sire LAA06-008 GUARDS BOOMER gs. ROCKY 36-15-030-964 ggs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggd. GLOIRE 36-91-002-380 gd. ARDBRACK SPECIAL GAU01-112 ggs. FERRY 19-90-003-045 ggd. ARDBRACK JULIET GAU94-042 gs. CLOUGHHEAD UMPIRE HCX03-221 ggs. PETUNIA 87-00-670-240 ggd. GASCOGNE 23-91-060-414 gd. HALTCLIFFE BLOSSOM RP06-530 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. RONICK RED DY00-086 Dam RP08-774 HALTCLIFFE DUET %XOOVUHDUHGFRPPHUFLDOO\UHVWULFWHGWROEVSHUGD\ Lot 46 Mr V J Keys TOGHERDOO ICON Born 24/12/2013 Got by AI KCY13-011 UK 9631492/0886-3 Embryo Calf Sire SOH09-010 SWARLAND EDDIE gs. HARTSIDEANEW BOUMSONG TGH06-459 ggs. GREENWELL RONICK NK00-054 ggd. EDEN SENORITA HCS01-026 gd. SWARLAND VALANCE SOH04-004 ggs. WILODGE RIOGRANDE WEY00-053 ggd. SWARLAND ROSANNA SOH00-004 Dam gs. SYMPA KCY10-005 48-01-006-969 TOGHERDOO FLAVOUR gd. ASHMARA CLASSYGIRL MGP07-015 ggs. OCTOPUS 87-10-671-030 ggd. OPERETTE 48-98-133-040 ggs. ROCKY 36-15-030-964 ggd. CRACROP ULTIMATEGIRL SMR03-096 54 Lot 47 Messrs . McKinney Brothers HEATHMOUNT IMPRESSIVE Born 26/12/2013 MOF13-5482 UK 9564413/548-2 Natural Calf Sire JAG06-048 BAILEA BULLION gs. REQUIN 36-15-031-134 ggs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggd. MARIOLLE 36-96-011-412 gd. BAILEA NIGHTOWL JAG97-039 ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG-009 ggd. BAILEA DAINTY JAGD-001 gs. NAVARIN 19-97-008-831 ggs. IMPERIAL 87-93-000-421 ggd. INTUITIVE 19-93-008-484 gd. SARKLEY MELODY PBO96-034 ggs. STRATHALLAN DIPLOMAT GWD-009 ggd. SARKLEY FINESSE PBOF-005 Dam PBO06-007 SARKLEY BRANDY 55 CLASS 6 JUNIOR BULLS Lot 48 Mr D Laughlin MONTOBER JONAH Born 01/01/2014 Got by AI LGG14-001 UK 9590390/1344-7 Natural Calf Sire 36-15-030-964 ROCKY gs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. VIOLETTE 36-84-701-052 gd. GLOIRE 36-91-002-380 ggs. ELDORADO 36-89-000-419 ggd. BANANE 36-86-886-661 Dam gs. CLOUGHHEAD LORD LGG06-001 HCX95-142 MONTOBER BIGMOMMA gd. CARMORN TRACEE MCN02-024 ggs. HEROS 36-92-005-318 ggd. CLOUGHHEAD FAVOURITE HCXF-031-FOT ggs. PELLETSTOWN KEN PELK-121 ggd. CARMORN LILLY MCN95-020 <RXQJ%XOOZLWKH[FHOOHQWFRQIRUPDWLRQ 56 Lot 49 Mr D Hume CULNAGECHAN JELAVIC Born 03/01/2014 HQG14-5804 UK 9060789/1580-4 Natural Calf Sire QDT11-003 IVEAGH GILKES gs. HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER RP03-003 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. RONICK RICOLE DY00-078 gd. CARHILL DAVINA KAQ08-002 ggs. ROCKY 36-15-030-964 ggd. CARHILL VIOLET KAQ04-009 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. AMPERTAINE PENNY MGD99-001 Dam gs. AMPERTAINE ABRACADABRA HQG09-002 MGD05-014 CULNAGECHAN ESPANA ggs. NENUPHAR 87-97-011-143 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 gd. LENAGH UNIQUE SKW03-001 Analysis Date: EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 0.0 Birth Weight (kg) 0.0 Calving Ease (%) 0.0 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.0 200 Day Milk (kg) 0 200 Day Growth (kg) 0 400 Day Growth (kg) 0 Muscle Depth (mm) 0.0 Fat Depth (mm) 0.0 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.0 Docility (%) 0.0 LIM 0 Calving Value LIM 0 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM 0 Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 214 200 388 300 564 400 739 500 0 Scanned YES 57 Lot 50 Mr D Johnston GARLANDSTOWN JACQUE Born 03/01/2014 Got by AI JHB14-001 UK 9041710/409-7 Natural Calf Sire 36-15-030-964 ROCKY gs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. VIOLETTE 36-84-701-052 gd. GLOIRE 36-91-002-380 ggs. ELDORADO 36-89-000-419 ggd. BANANE 36-86-886-661 gs. CLYDESDALE REDBULL CJW00-002 ggs. RONICK NOTEWORTHY DY97-118-FOT ggd. CLYDESDALE MANTING CJW96-002 gd. LISBOGEY PAMELA WDO99-003 ggs. LISBOGEY MASTER WDO96-009 ggd. LISBOGEY LEIGH WDO95-005 Dam WDO02-009 LISBOGEY TERRIFIC 58 Lot 51 Mr & Mrs M & A McPolin NEWHILLFARM JOE Born 03/01/2014 Got by AI MSC14-5024 UK 9422164/0502-4 Natural Calf Sire 22-57-773-618 BAVARDAGE gs. ONDIT 36-15-069-746 ggs. INDECIS 22-93-004-195 ggd. FRANCHON 36-90-006-248 gd. RIDELLE 22-57-773-207 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MANDARINE 22-96-004-352 gs. PELLETSTOWN MONSIEUR PELM-187 ggs. GENEREUX 19-91-009-241 ggd. FRAICHEUR 86-90-111-125 gd. NEWMILL NANETTE SDB97-086 ggs. MERESIDE FILIPO HCGF-176 ggd. KNOCKENBAIRD JENNY DDF94-004 Dam SDB05-326 NEWMILL ANIKA Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -3.3 75 Birth Weight (kg) 0.1 60 Calving Ease (%) -1.0 55 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.2 36 200 Day Milk (kg) 1 37 200 Day Growth (kg) 20 69 400 Day Growth (kg) 38 67 Muscle Depth (mm) 2.1 53 Fat Depth (mm) -0.1 41 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.3 54 Docility (%) 1.8 35 LIM 24 67 Calving Value LIM 5 72 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM 7 42 Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 184 200 327 300 488 400 656 500 0 Scanned NO -RHLVDQH[WUHPHO\GRFLOHEXOOE\%DYDUGDJH+LVSHGLJUHHLVIXOORIWRSSURYHQ)UHQFKPDWHUQDOVLUHV DQGDYHU\PLON\FRZ([FHOOHQWRXWFURVVIRUSHGLJUHHEUHHGLQJ+LJK+HDOWK6WDWXVKHUG 59 Lot 52 Mr K McCrory BERNISH JUPITAR Born 03/01/2014 Got by AI MJI14-650 UK 9636216/650-1 Natural Calf Sire MGD09-039 AMPERTAINE ELGIN gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE CARLA MGD07-036 ggs. SAMY 23-02-773-556 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 gs. AMPERTAINE COMMANDER MGD07-046 ggs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggd. AMPERTAINE ANNABELLA MGD05-015 gd. CARMORN CATHERAINE MCN07-051 ggs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggd. CARMORN ANGELA MCN05-020 Dam MJI10-579 BERNISH FAME Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -1.4 75 Birth Weight (kg) 2.3 60 Calving Ease (%) -2.2 57 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.2 44 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 38 200 Day Growth (kg) 32 61 400 Day Growth (kg) 64 61 Muscle Depth (mm) 4.9 58 Fat Depth (mm) -0.2 55 Scrotal Circ (cm) -0.1 55 Docility (%) 5.0 49 LIM 35 61 Calving Value LIM 2 73 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 0 200 0 300 470 400 588 500 0 Scanned NO (DV\&DOYLQJ/LQH 60 4 49 Lot 53 Mr K McCrory BERNISH JOCKEY Born 04/01/2014 Got by AI MJI14-651 UK 9636216/651-2 Natural Calf Sire MGD09-039 AMPERTAINE ELGIN gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE CARLA MGD07-036 ggs. SAMY 23-02-773-556 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 gs. AMPERTAINE COMMANDER MGD07-046 ggs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggd. AMPERTAINE ANNABELLA MGD05-015 gd. BERNISH DIRENE MJI08-008 ggs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggd. SOFTLAW IRENE RAC93-192 Dam MJI11-592 BERNISH GIRENE Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 0.0 75 Birth Weight (kg) 2.7 60 Calving Ease (%) -2.6 57 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.1 44 200 Day Milk (kg) -2 39 200 Day Growth (kg) 29 61 400 Day Growth (kg) 56 62 Muscle Depth (mm) 5.3 58 Fat Depth (mm) -0.2 55 Scrotal Circ (cm) -0.2 56 Docility (%) 5.0 49 LIM 33 62 Calving Value LIM 1 72 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 0 200 0 300 434 400 559 500 0 Scanned NO (DV\&DOYLQJ/LQH 61 7 49 Lot 54 Mr J A Quail LYNDERG JENSON Born 05/01/2014 Got by AI LDG14-1113 UK 9271872/1111-3 Natural Calf Sire 19-98-001-293 OCEAN gs. ESPOIR 87-89-003-720 ggs. BILL 87-86-007-209 ggd. AQUILA 87-85-005-279 gd. GLORIA 19-91-006-535 ggs. COUCOU 36-87-002-418 ggd. POUPEE 19-79-001-666 gs. PACHA 19-30-288-492 ggs. IDEAL 19-93-013-281 ggd. GOELETTE 19-91-009-131 gd. MANON 19-96-004-672 ggs. HEROS 19-92-001-688 ggd. GRAZIELLA 19-91-008-621 Dam 19-31-479-572 TSARINE Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -0.7 74 Birth Weight (kg) 1.2 60 Calving Ease (%) -2.6 61 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.6 52 200 Day Milk (kg) 0 47 200 Day Growth (kg) 24 68 400 Day Growth (kg) 38 66 Muscle Depth (mm) 1.4 55 Fat Depth (mm) 0.0 50 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.0 58 Docility (%) 3.6 45 LIM 18 67 Calving Value LIM 1 73 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 191 200 344 300 482 400 618 500 0 Scanned NO 62 -5 52 Lot 55 Mr K McCrory BERNISH JUNIPER Born 05/01/2014 Got by AI MJI14-647 UK 9636216/647-5 Natural Calf Sire 19-33-391-493 ETUDIANT gs. OBJAT 19-30-299-413 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MELODIE 19-96-004-346 gd. BOULETTE 19-32-449-700 ggs. OMER 23-98-026-596 ggd. NINA 19-97-009-476 gs. HOMEBYRES VISITOR LAP04-041 ggs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01-135 ggd. HOMEBYRES RAFFLES LAP00-039 gd. CARMORN PEKITA MCN99-041 ggs. PELLETSTOWN KEN PELK-121 ggd. CARMORN NELLIE MCN97-002Y Dam MCN06-051 CARMORN BEKITA Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 1.8 74 Birth Weight (kg) 3.2 58 Calving Ease (%) -3.6 54 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.8 40 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 36 200 Day Growth (kg) 28 58 400 Day Growth (kg) 51 58 Muscle Depth (mm) 4.3 51 Fat Depth (mm) -0.3 45 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.3 49 Docility (%) 2.3 38 LIM 29 59 Calving Value LIM -2 72 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 0 200 0 300 482 400 620 500 0 Scanned NO 63 -5 43 Lot 56 Messrs . McKinney Brothers HEATHMOUNT JOCKEY Born 23/01/2014 MOF14-5504 UK 9564413/550-4 Natural Calf Sire JAG06-048 BAILEA BULLION gs. REQUIN 36-15-031-134 ggs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggd. MARIOLLE 36-96-011-412 gd. BAILEA NIGHTOWL JAG97-039 ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG-009 ggd. BAILEA DAINTY JAGD-001 Dam gs. JOCKEY MOF05-006 19-94-006-256 HEATHMOUNT AILEEN gd. HEATHMOUNT OCTAVE MOF98-010 ggs. GOURMAND 19-91-003-932 ggd. COQUINE 19-87-003-797 ggs. DAIM 19-88-005-833 ggd. FINCH IMELDA GCU93-018 64 CLASS 7 JUNIOR BULLS Lot 57 Mr M Diamond POINTHOUSE JACKPOT Born 25/01/2014 Got by AI DHU14-7776 UK 9490904/777-6 Natural Calf Sire WEY10-002 WILODGE FASTRAC gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. HAZELHEAD ANNIE HGL05-007 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. HAZELHEAD SARAH HGL01-004 gs. AMPERTAINE BRAVO MGD06-002 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE ULTRA CAQ03-046 gd. CARHILL ORRISSA KAQ98-010 ggs. REDPATHS JAGUAR REY94-001 ggd. CARHILL FOXY KAQF-002 Dam DHU10-015 POINTHOUSE FLO Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 2.8 75 Birth Weight (kg) 3.6 64 Calving Ease (%) -4.0 59 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.7 51 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 44 200 Day Growth (kg) 38 69 400 Day Growth (kg) 71 67 Muscle Depth (mm) 4.9 57 Fat Depth (mm) -0.2 49 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.4 59 Docility (%) 4.7 49 LIM 37 68 Calving Value LIM -3 73 Beef Value Maternal Value LIM Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 182 200 318 300 520 400 0 500 0 Scanned YES 65 8 51 Lot 58 Messrs H & D McFarland RAHONEY JOSHUA Born 27/01/2014 Got by AI MDS14-1577 UK 9634843/1157-7 Embryo Calf Sire IE131477870659 MOLOSKEY GER gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. MOLOSKEY URSEL IE131477830317 ggs. GAMIN 19-91-010-955 ggd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN-008 gs. RONICK HAWK DY92-026 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. RONICK ESTHER DYE-040 gd. RAHONEY MARTHA MDS96-003 ggs. SHIRE HANDSOME EL92-183-FOT ggd. RAHONEY FAITH MDSF-003 Dam MDS07-022 RAHONEY CORAL Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -1.5 73 Birth Weight (kg) 2.0 68 Calving Ease (%) -1.6 58 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.2 45 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 40 200 Day Growth (kg) 22 53 400 Day Growth (kg) 42 53 Muscle Depth (mm) 3.0 51 Fat Depth (mm) -0.2 46 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.1 46 Docility (%) 3.3 41 LIM 21 58 Calving Value LIM 3 71 Maternal Value LIM -15 44 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 181 200 0 300 490 400 648 500 0 Scanned YES 66 Lot 59 Mr M Loughran MILLGATE JACKSON Born 02/02/2014 LFR14-5081 UK 9630001/2508-1 Natural Calf ggs. USTY 22-55-672-037 ggd. SUPERBE 23-02-773-558 Sire gs. ATTIRANT MCN11-004 23-06-751-274 CARMORN GREENCASTLE gd. CARMORN DIANA MCN08-036 ggs. HEROS 36-92-005-318 ggd. CARMORN PENNY MCN99-025 gs. MILLGATE CLINKER LFR07-013 ggs. NENUPHAR 87-97-011-143 ggd. MILLGATE TANGO LFR02-009 gd. CARMORN TANYA MCN02-034 ggs. PELLETSTOWN KEN PELK-121 ggd. CARMORN NADINE MCN97-020 Dam LFR09-022 MILLGATE EIMEAR Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 2.1 48 Birth Weight (kg) 2.8 54 Calving Ease (%) -4.6 46 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.1 34 200 Day Milk (kg) -2 35 200 Day Growth (kg) 29 67 400 Day Growth (kg) 57 66 Muscle Depth (mm) 1.4 55 Fat Depth (mm) -0.3 48 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.3 54 Docility (%) 2.3 37 LIM 24 65 Calving Value LIM -2 49 Maternal Value LIM -5 41 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 172 200 308 300 453 400 0 500 0 Scanned YES 67 Lot 60 Mr M R G Watson HILLHEAD JASON Born 06/02/2014 Got by AI WAN14-001 UK 9331319/549-6 Natural Calf ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MELODIE 19-96-004-346 Sire gs. OBJAT EBQ09-008 19-30-299-413 LOWERFFRYDD EMPIRE gd. DENTOX VALIUM WAY04-089 ggs. NENUPHAR 87-97-011-143 ggd. DENTOX SUE WAY01-026 gs. RONICK GAINS DYG-010 ggs. TALENT 23-82-004-036 ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA-003 gd. HILLHEAD OLIVIA WAN98-001 ggs. SHATTON PEDRO WAAP-001 ggd. HILLHEAD JODI WAN94-005 Dam WAN06-017 HILLHEAD BECKY Lot 61 Mark D Armstrong SESKINGROVE JOEL Born 06/02/2014 Got by AI AGU14-001 UK 9100196/1555-2 Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC CQE10-023 WEY04-037 PLUMTREE FANTASTIC gd. BANKDALE AMBER WLJ05-095 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. PRINCESSE 87-08-920-187 Dam gs. LISCARN ASTRIX MQV08-005 IE121133240127 BRIDGEVIEW DAWN gd. CARNBUCK NAOMI MPE97-001 ggs. OCEAN 19-98-001-293 ggd. POUPONNE 23-99-060-155 ggs. MERESIDE FILIPO HCGF-176 ggd. CLOONEAVON LUCY MET95-003 68 Lot 62 Mr M R G Watson HILLHEAD JENSON Born 08/02/2014 Got by AI WAN14-002 UK 9331319/550-7 Natural Calf ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MELODIE 19-96-004-346 Sire gs. OBJAT EBQ09-008 19-30-299-413 LOWERFFRYDD EMPIRE gd. DENTOX VALIUM WAY04-089 ggs. NENUPHAR 87-97-011-143 ggd. DENTOX SUE WAY01-026 gs. ROCKY 36-15-030-964 ggs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggd. GLOIRE 36-91-002-380 gd. HILLHEAD OLIVIA WAN98-001 ggs. SHATTON PEDRO WAAP-001 ggd. HILLHEAD JODI WAN94-005 Dam WAN08-001 HILLHEAD DIANE Lot 63 Mr B T Hall BALLYHONE JACKTHELAD Born 10/02/2014 Got by AI HNL14-0651 UK 9020492/1065-1 Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC QA10-074 WEY04-037 LOOSEBEARE FANTASTIC ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. LOOSEBEARE SACHA QA01-014 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. LOOSEBEARE NEAUTY QA97-017 gs. HALTCLIFFE VERMOUNT RP04-042 ggs. PENYRHEOL SAM PCU01-216 ggd. RENONCULE 19-30-708-827 gd. CARMORN RITA MCN00-023 ggs. PELLETSTOWN KEN PELK-121 ggd. CARMORN HOLLY MCN92-012 Dam MCN09-021 CARMORN ESTHER 69 Lot 64 Mr J A Quail LYNDERG JIVER Born 15/02/2014 Got by AI LDG14-1982 UK 9273052/0198-2 Natural Calf Sire 19-98-001-293 OCEAN gs. ESPOIR 87-89-003-720 ggs. BILL 87-86-007-209 ggd. AQUILA 87-85-005-279 gd. GLORIA 19-91-006-535 ggs. COUCOU 36-87-002-418 ggd. POUPEE 19-79-001-666 gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. LYNDERG VANESSA LDG04-012 ggs. LUDO 19-95-012-472 ggd. ONDINE 19-98-001-300 Dam LDG10-008 LYNDERG FAY Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 0.0 74 Birth Weight (kg) 2.9 63 Calving Ease (%) -6.1 63 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 1.2 53 200 Day Milk (kg) -3 49 200 Day Growth (kg) 39 69 400 Day Growth (kg) 68 68 Muscle Depth (mm) 3.7 60 Fat Depth (mm) 0.1 56 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.1 61 Docility (%) 5.1 51 LIM 31 68 Calving Value LIM -1 73 Maternal Value LIM 6 54 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 201 200 389 300 538 400 0 Scanned NO 500 0 Ocean produces females with plenty of milk. Fay is a Lyndberg show cow. 70 Lot 65 Mark D Armstrong SESKINGROVE JEREMIAH Born 20/02/2014 Got by AI AGU14-004 UK 9100196/1558-5 Natural Calf Sire gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC CQE10-023 WEY04-037 PLUMTREE FANTASTIC ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. BANKDALE AMBER WLJ05-095 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. PRINCESSE 87-08-920-187 gs. SEAVIEW ALFY MMV05-039 ggs. NENUPHAR 87-97-011-143 ggd. CASTLEDEN LUCINDA CDF95-071 gd. SEAVIEW VANESSA MMV04-016 ggs. GRAHAMS SAMSON GV01-098 ggd. RACHELS MELANIE WT96-820 Dam MMV07-048 SEAVIEW CLARISSA 71 CLASS 8 FEMALES Lot 66 Mark D Armstrong SESKINGROVE ICEQUEEN Born 05/02/2013 AGU13-001 UK 9100196/1516-5 Natural Calf Sire MMV07-017 SEAVIEW CAPTAIN gs. NECTAR 19-97-013-151 ggs. GENIAL 87-91-002-491 ggd. FRINGANTE 19-90-002-509 gd. SEAVIEW ODETTE MMV98-006 ggs. UPLANDS BATMAN HLB-367 ggd. UPPERMILL BABETTE AAFB-003-FOT gs. LIMO TANAT GGG02-004 ggs. TANAT MOSTYN EAH96-018 ggd. CARMORN ORNA MCN98-022 gd. DYFRI RHOSYN EAC00-037 ggs. JOCKEY 19-94-006-256 ggd. DYFRI JULIE EAC94-002-FOT Dam GGG06-013 LIMO BELLA $,1RUPDQ(O\ Lot 67 Mark D Armstrong SESKINGROVE INNOCENT Born 15/02/2013 AGU13-004 UK 9100196/1519-1 Natural Calf Sire MMV07-017 SEAVIEW CAPTAIN gs. NECTAR 19-97-013-151 ggs. GENIAL 87-91-002-491 ggd. FRINGANTE 19-90-002-509 gd. SEAVIEW ODETTE MMV98-006 ggs. UPLANDS BATMAN HLB-367 ggd. UPPERMILL BABETTE AAFB-003-FOT gs. SEAVIEW ALFY MMV05-039 ggs. NENUPHAR 87-97-011-143 ggd. CASTLEDEN LUCINDA CDF95-071 gd. SEAVIEW VANESSA MMV04-016 ggs. GRAHAMS SAMSON GV01-098 ggd. RACHELS MELANIE WT96-820 Dam MMV07-048 SEAVIEW CLARISSA $,'HUULDJK\(QILHOG 72 Lot 68 Messrs J & D Jardine CROOBVIEW IZZY Born 11/05/2013 Got by AI JGR13-007 UK 9272431/0290-4 Embryo Calf Sire WEY02-002 WILODGE TONKA gs. OXYGENE 12-98-171-453 ggs. JANVIER 86-94-111-257 ggd. ISOCELE 12-93-112-437 gd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96-022 ggs. BRONTEMOOR ILKLEY PCI93-012 ggd. NEWSHAM ECLAIRE BAUE-025 ggs. REDPATHS JAGUAR REY94-001 ggd. ASHMARA GALAXY MGPG-002 Dam gs. ASHMARA NUTS CGV02-005 MGP97-013 GLARRYFORD TAMMIE ggs. RYEDALE GYRO DACG-009-FOT ggd. GLENROCK HOLLY IE92-008 gd. GLARRYFORD NELL CGV97-011 $,WR7RZWKRUSH'XEDLRQ3'LQFDOI&URREYLHZ,]]\)XOOVLVWHU&URREYLHZ)DQF\VROGIRU JQV'XQJDQQRQ1RY±VLVWHUVUHWDLQHG CLASS 9 FEMALES Lot 69 Mr RAG Savage AGHADOLGAN ILLEY Born 29/10/2013 Got by AI SLC13-3872 UK 9492481/387-2 Natural Calf Sire LAA06-008 GUARDS BOOMER gs. ROCKY 36-15-030-964 ggs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggd. GLOIRE 36-91-002-380 gd. ARDBRACK SPECIAL GAU01-112 ggs. FERRY 19-90-003-045 ggd. ARDBRACK JULIET GAU94-042 Dam gs. WILODGE TONKA SLC10-013 WEY02-002 AGHADOLGAN FAITH gd. BRONTEMOOR BOBBYDAZZLER PCI06-049 ggs. OXYGENE 12-98-171-453 ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96-022 ggs. SEAVIEW UPSTART MMV03-033 ggd. BRONTEMOOR LISA PCI95-021 73 Lot 70 Messrs H & D McFarland RAHONEY IDA Born 09/11/2013 Got by AI MDS13-1544 UK 9634843/1154-4 Natural Calf Sire IE131477870659 MOLOSKEY GER gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. MOLOSKEY URSEL IE131477830317 ggs. GAMIN 19-91-010-955 ggd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN-008 gs. HALTCLIFFE VERMOUNT RP04-042 ggs. PENYRHEOL SAM PCU01-216 ggd. RENONCULE 19-30-708-827 gd. RAHONEY BETHANY MDS06-026 ggs. HOMEBYRES VISITOR LAP04-041 ggd. RAHONEY REBEKAH MDS00-012 Dam MDS11-013 RAHONEY GLENDA Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 1.3 70 Birth Weight (kg) 3.2 66 Calving Ease (%) -5.5 56 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.5 41 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 38 200 Day Growth (kg) 20 64 400 Day Growth (kg) 39 62 Muscle Depth (mm) 3.2 52 Fat Depth (mm) -0.3 46 Scrotal Circ (cm) -0.2 51 Docility (%) 3.4 40 LIM 23 65 Calving Value LIM -2 69 Maternal Value LIM -4 43 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 161 200 265 300 400 400 500 500 0 Scanned YES 74 Lot 71 Messrs H & D McFarland RAHONEY IARIS Born 20/11/2013 Got by AI MDS13-1566 UK 9634843/1156-6 Natural Calf ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 Sire gs. WILODGE CERBERUS MDS11-011 WEY07-010 RAHONEY GEOFFREY gd. RAHONEY ABIGAIL MDS05-002 ggs. TANAT MOSTYN EAH96-018 ggd. RAHONEY TIGRA MDS02-003 gs. DRUMMIN BEAU IE131206370510 ggs. MAS DU CLO 23-96-032-213 ggd. DRUMMIN PEACH IE131206330135 gd. RAHONEY MARTHA MDS96-003 ggs. SHIRE HANDSOME EL92-183-FOT ggd. RAHONEY FAITH MDSF-003 Dam MDS08-003 RAHONEY DAMARIS Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -0.9 72 Birth Weight (kg) 3.3 70 Calving Ease (%) -3.3 60 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -1.2 45 200 Day Milk (kg) 0 42 200 Day Growth (kg) 40 69 400 Day Growth (kg) 75 67 Muscle Depth (mm) 6.0 59 Fat Depth (mm) 0.0 52 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.5 56 Docility (%) 3.1 41 LIM 37 69 Calving Value LIM 1 71 Maternal Value LIM 7 46 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 186 200 293 300 396 400 503 500 0 Scanned YES 75 Lot 72 Messrs . McKinney Brothers HEATHMOUNT IDYLLIC Born 27/11/2013 Got by AI MOF13-5456 UK 9564413/545-6 Natural Calf Sire CAQ98-020 KYPE ORKNEY gs. CLOUGHHEAD LORD HCX95-142 ggs. HEROS 36-92-005-318 ggd. CLOUGHHEAD FAVOURITE HCXF-031-FOT gd. KYPE GLENNA CAQG-001 ggs. RAKE TERENCE JKT-020 ggd. KYPE DIAMOND CAQD-011 Dam gs. BAILEA BULLION MOF10-010 JAG06-048 HEATHMOUNT FABULOUS ggs. REQUIN 36-15-031-134 ggd. BAILEA NIGHTOWL JAG97-039 ggs. GREENWELL MAJOR NK96-017 ggd. SARKLEY BELINDA PBOB-003 gd. SARKLEY TINA PBO02-215 Lot 73 Donal Murray TITCHBURN IMMENSE Born 07/12/2013 Got by AI QBB13-602 UK 9244614/60-2 Embryo Calf Sire MGD09-039 AMPERTAINE ELGIN gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE CARLA MGD07-036 ggs. SAMY 23-02-773-556 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. BARNATTIN VERA IE261003290128 ggs. MAS DU CLO 23-96-032-213 ggd. NINA BRNN-013 Dam MUX09-008 ANNADALE EYEFUL $VXSHUORQJFOHDQKHLIHU%DUQDWWLQ9HUDJGKDVEUHGWRDWRSRIJQV 76 Lot 74 Donal Murray TITCHBURN IRISHLASS Born 07/12/2013 Got by AI QBB13-591 UK 9244614/59-1 Embryo Calf Sire gs. SYMPA RP08-753 48-01-006-969 HALTCLIFFE DANCER ggs. OCTOPUS 87-10-671-030 ggd. OPERETTE 48-98-133-040 gd. CLOUGHHEAD ROMANY HCX00-051 ggs. OASIS 19-30-378-230 ggd. CLOUGHHEAD NOVELTY HCX97-213 gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. BARNATTIN VERA IE261003290128 ggs. MAS DU CLO 23-96-032-213 ggd. NINA BRNN-013 Dam MUX09-008 ANNADALE EYEFUL $VXSHUORQJFOHDQKHLIHU%DUQDWWLQ9HUDJGKDVEUHGWRDWRSRIJQV Lot 75 Messrs J & D Jardine CROOBVIEW ICE Born 31/12/2013 Got by AI JGR13-010 UK 9272431/0293-7 Natural Calf Sire WEY02-002 WILODGE TONKA gs. OXYGENE 12-98-171-453 ggs. JANVIER 86-94-111-257 ggd. ISOCELE 12-93-112-437 gd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96-022 ggs. BRONTEMOOR ILKLEY PCI93-012 ggd. NEWSHAM ECLAIRE BAUE-025 Dam gs. OCEAN MUX06-010 19-98-001-293 ANNADALE BLUEBELL gd. BALLYMONEY TILLY BLMT-121 ggs. ESPOIR 87-89-003-720 ggd. GLORIA 19-91-006-535 ggs. FERRY 19-90-003-045 ggd. MISTRALE BLMM-011 0DWHUQDOVLVWHU&URRQYLHZ*UDFHZDVRYHUDOOIHPDOHUHVHUYHFKDPSLRQLQ)HE6ROGIRUJQV WR&R/HLWULQJ 77 CLASS 10 FEMALES Lot 76 Roger M Quinn QUINLIZ JILL Born 14/01/2014 QCZ14-823 UK 9491360/0182-3 Natural Calf ggs. OCTOPUS 87-10-671-030 ggd. OPERETTE 48-98-133-040 Sire gs. SYMPA MSU08-006 48-01-006-969 CARNTOGHER DOMINO gd. MUIRHOUSE LINESSE AAN95-074 ggs. MERESIDE CHALLENGER HCGC-060 ggd. MUIRHOUSE FINESSE AANF-024 Dam gs. CARMORN ROCKY MSU07-008 MCN00-009 CARNTOGHER COFFEE ggs. JOCKEY 19-94-006-256 ggd. SOFTLAW IRENE RAC93-192 ggs. MYTHE 87-96-006-263 ggd. BAILEA FUSCIA JAGF-004 gd. BAILEA UFUSIA JAG03-044 Lot 77 Mr B T Hall BALLYHONE JIJI Born 16/01/2014 Got by AI HNL14-0636 UK 9020492/1063-6 Natural Calf Sire gs. GLENROCK VENTURA MGD07-046 IE04-432 AMPERTAINE COMMANDER ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE ANNABELLA MGD05-015 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE SHARON CAQ01-041 gs. QUEENSHEAD ALTEA VS05-070 ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG-009 ggd. RYEDALE PARFAIT DAC99-277 gd. BALLYHONE EVIE HNL09-004 ggs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggd. BELLISLE NIJOY BMH97-019-FOT Dam HNL11-004 BALLYHONE GIGI 78 Lot 78 Mr J. Wilson LEALIES JANETTE Born 19/01/2014 Got by AI WMR14-001 UK 9100171/1843-1 Natural Calf Sire MGD09-039 AMPERTAINE ELGIN gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE CARLA MGD07-036 ggs. SAMY 23-02-773-556 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 gs. WAINDALE POTENTIAL BHR99-011 ggs. NEWHOUSE LEE AC95-026 ggd. WAINDALE LOLA BHR95-003 gd. SARKLEY CLARETTE PBO07-118 ggs. SARKLEY VOLTIGEUR PBO04-088 ggd. SARKLEY VONADETTE PBO04-096 Dam PBO10-061 SARKLEY FLARETTE 79 Lot 79 Messrs H & D McFarland RAHONEY JULIA Born 28/01/2014 Got by AI MDS14-1581 UK 9634843/1158-1 Embryo Calf ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 Sire gs. WILODGE CERBERUS MDS11-011 WEY07-010 RAHONEY GEOFFREY gd. RAHONEY ABIGAIL MDS05-002 ggs. TANAT MOSTYN EAH96-018 ggd. RAHONEY TIGRA MDS02-003 gs. RONICK HAWK DY92-026 ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. RONICK ESTHER DYE-040 gd. RAHONEY MARTHA MDS96-003 ggs. SHIRE HANDSOME EL92-183-FOT ggd. RAHONEY FAITH MDSF-003 Dam MDS07-022 RAHONEY CORAL Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -1.5 75 Birth Weight (kg) 1.7 71 Calving Ease (%) -0.6 62 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -2.1 48 200 Day Milk (kg) 1 42 200 Day Growth (kg) 25 59 400 Day Growth (kg) 52 59 Muscle Depth (mm) 5.0 57 Fat Depth (mm) -0.1 52 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.0 51 Docility (%) 2.5 44 LIM 34 63 Calving Value LIM 3 74 Maternal Value LIM -15 47 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 142 200 0 300 368 400 464 500 0 Scanned YES 80 Lot 80 Messrs H & D McFarland RAHONEY JOYFUL Born 02/03/2014 Got by AI MDS14-1647 UK 9634843/1164-7 Embryo Calf Sire MGD09-039 AMPERTAINE ELGIN gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE CARLA MGD07-036 ggs. SAMY 23-02-773-556 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 Dam gs. WILODGE CERBERUS MDS11-014 WEY07-010 RAHONEY GRACIOUS ggs. TANAT MOSTYN EAH96-018 ggd. RAHONEY TIGRA MDS02-003 gd. RAHONEY ABIGAIL MDS05-002 Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -2.5 77 Birth Weight (kg) 2.1 73 Calving Ease (%) -0.5 65 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -1.4 50 200 Day Milk (kg) 0 40 200 Day Growth (kg) 27 63 400 Day Growth (kg) 56 63 Muscle Depth (mm) 5.4 61 Fat Depth (mm) -0.2 56 Scrotal Circ (cm) -0.2 57 Docility (%) 4.5 52 LIM 31 66 Calving Value LIM 5 75 Maternal Value LIM 2 51 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 136 200 272 300 368 400 0 500 0 Scanned NO )XOOVLVWHUWR5DKRQH\-HUXVKD5HVKRPHEUHGKHLIHUKHUGFRPSHWLWLRQ 81 Lot 81 Quinn Brothers KILLYDUN JENNY Born 05/03/2014 QEZ14-0171 UK 9564430/017-1 Natural Calf Sire gs. AMPERTAINE BRAVO DHU10-006 MGD06-002 POINTHOUSE FABREGAS ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE ULTRA CAQ03-046 gd. CARHILL ORRISSA KAQ98-010 ggs. REDPATHS JAGUAR REY94-001 ggd. CARHILL FOXY KAQF-002 gs. ARDLEA T295 ADAT-295 ggs. FERRY 19-90-003-045 ggd. MIRTILLE 87-96-008-696 gd. SPAGE UNIQUE CFS03-004 ggs. MILBROOK R2K MILR-230 ggd. SPAGE LENA CFS95-007 Dam BOC08-100 LISMOYLE DIVA Lot 82 Messrs . McKinney Brothers HEATHMOUNT JEWEL Born 31/03/2014 Got by AI MOF14-5515 UK 9564413/551-5 Natural Calf Sire gs. JOCKEY MOF02-032 19-94-006-256 HEATHMOUNT TROJAN gd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98-117 ggs. GOURMAND 19-91-003-932 ggd. COQUINE 19-87-003-797 ggs. EDEN GENERAL HCSG-064 ggd. EDEN JUDITH HCS94-028 Dam gs. BAILEA BULLION MOF10-019 JAG06-048 HEATHMOUNT FLAME gd. NEWSTART AINSI CKE05-112 ggs. REQUIN 36-15-031-134 ggd. BAILEA NIGHTOWL JAG97-039 ggs. RONICK GAINS DYG-010 ggd. BROOMFIELD REBECCA BCZ00-002 82 Lot 83 Messrs . McKinney Brothers HEATHMOUNT JILL Born 31/03/2014 MOF14-5526 UK 9564413/552-6 Natural Calf Sire JAG06-048 BAILEA BULLION gs. REQUIN 36-15-031-134 ggs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggd. MARIOLLE 36-96-011-412 gd. BAILEA NIGHTOWL JAG97-039 ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG-009 ggd. BAILEA DAINTY JAGD-001 gs. OBJAT 19-30-299-413 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. MELODIE 19-96-004-346 gd. BECK RUTH HGV00-012 ggs. BEDELL MAURICE BNM-022 ggd. ABLETTE 19-85-004-802 Dam HGV08-012 BECK DORIS 83 Lot 84 Messrs H & D McFarland RAHONEY JILL Born 20/04/2014 Got by AI MDS14-1754 UK 9634843/1175-4 Natural Calf ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99-266 ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94-011 Sire gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME LAP04-041 CHT01-135 HOMEBYRES VISITOR ggs. HALTCLIFFE NIJINSKY RP97-039 ggd. RIVERMEAD FIFI DCYF-047-FOT gd. HOMEBYRES RAFFLES LAP00-039 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 Dam gs. WILODGE CERBERUS MDS11-014 WEY07-010 RAHONEY GRACIOUS ggs. TANAT MOSTYN EAH96-018 ggd. RAHONEY TIGRA MDS02-003 gd. RAHONEY ABIGAIL MDS05-002 Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -0.8 76 Birth Weight (kg) 2.7 73 Calving Ease (%) -0.4 65 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -3.4 54 200 Day Milk (kg) 0 48 200 Day Growth (kg) 24 64 400 Day Growth (kg) 50 63 Muscle Depth (mm) 6.6 62 Fat Depth (mm) -0.3 59 Scrotal Circ (cm) -0.2 58 Docility (%) 0.3 49 LIM 33 66 Calving Value LIM 3 75 Maternal Value LIM -13 54 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 157 200 273 300 353 400 0 500 0 Scanned NO 84 CLASS 11 FEMALES Lot 85 Messrs J & D Jardine CROOBVIEW JENNY Born 06/05/2014 Got by AI JGR14-001 UK 9272431/0298-5 Natural Calf Sire 12-02-088-259 TEHIX gs. MAS DU CLO 23-96-032-213 ggs. BAMBINO 19-86-005-742 ggd. COSETTE 23-87-051-003 gd. LILAS 12-95-162-563 ggs. ESPOIR 87-89-003-720 ggd. GITANE 12-91-112-247 gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggs. OXYGENE 12-98-171-453 ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96-022 gd. NAPOLIE 19-97-009-457 ggs. FAIGNANT 87-90-002-131 ggd. DOCILE 19-88-004-614 Dam JGR10-005 CROOBVIEW FLAME &URREYLHZ-HQQ\¶VGDPLVDELJSRZHUIXOPLON\FRZZLWKJRRGEUHHGLQJOLQHV 85 Lot 86 Mr M Loughran MILLGATE JULIA Born 04/06/2014 LFR14-5243 UK 9630001/2524-3 Natural Calf Sire NBB09-004 NORMAN ELY gs. SAPHIR 36-15-082-247 ggs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggd. ISSUE 36-93-003-460 gd. NORMAN BETRYS NBB06-019 ggs. HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02-032 ggd. NORMAN TANYA NBB02-001 gs. CONDOR 19-33-099-583 ggs. SUCRE 87-42-890-146 ggd. SARAH 19-31-338-780 gd. BALLYLINE ABBY IE311149650310 ggs. NIMBUS 57-97-002-842 ggd. BALLYLINE UROPA IE311149640219 Dam LFR11-046 MILLGATE GINA Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -1.7 51 Birth Weight (kg) -0.1 57 Calving Ease (%) -0.4 55 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.1 35 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 29 200 Day Growth (kg) 21 57 400 Day Growth (kg) 38 57 Muscle Depth (mm) 1.8 50 Fat Depth (mm) -0.2 44 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.3 48 Docility (%) 2.5 33 LIM 23 58 Calving Value LIM 4 54 Maternal Value LIM 10 40 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 162 200 297 300 0 400 0 500 0 Scanned NO 86 Lot 87 Mr M Diamond POINTHOUSE JADE Born 06/06/2014 Got by AI DHU14-7835 UK 9490904/0783-5 Natural Calf Sire MGD09-039 AMPERTAINE ELGIN gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE CARLA MGD07-036 ggs. SAMY 23-02-773-556 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE ULTRA CAQ03-046 Dam gs. AMPERTAINE BRAVO DHU11-012 MGD06-002 POINTHOUSE GLOW ggs. REDPATHS JAGUAR REY94-001 ggd. CARHILL FOXY KAQF-002 gd. CARHILL ORRISSA KAQ98-010 Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -0.3 74 Birth Weight (kg) 2.2 61 Calving Ease (%) -0.8 61 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.4 45 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 38 200 Day Growth (kg) 29 57 400 Day Growth (kg) 57 57 Muscle Depth (mm) 4.7 54 Fat Depth (mm) -0.3 51 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.0 54 Docility (%) 4.9 50 LIM 33 59 Calving Value LIM 2 73 Maternal Value LIM -2 49 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 156 200 284 300 0 400 0 500 0 Scanned NO 87 Lot 88 Mr J. Wilson LEALIES JESSICA Born 14/06/2014 Got by AI WMR14-002 UK 9103054/0001-3 Natural Calf Sire WEY10-002 WILODGE FASTRAC gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04-037 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 gd. HAZELHEAD ANNIE HGL05-007 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. HAZELHEAD SARAH HGL01-004 gs. HENGRAVE TROOPER AOT-001 ggs. FUNAMBULE 87-70-001-882 ggd. HENGRAVE PERIDOT AOP-001 gd. LEALIES BELLA WMR06-001 ggs. MILBROOK VIC IE281084580490 ggd. SHANESVIEW TINA DHC02-002 Dam WMR09-003 LEALIES ELLA 88 Lot 89 Mr M Loughran MILLGATE JULIET Born 15/06/2014 Got by AI LFR14-5291 UK 9630001/2529-1 Natural Calf Sire LFR10-015 MILLGATE FAME gs. CONDOR 19-33-099-583 ggs. SUCRE 87-42-890-146 ggd. SARAH 19-31-338-780 gd. KILCURRY CAILIN IE251022720201 ggs. ROCKY 36-15-030-964 ggd. KILCURRY UNA IE251022780132 gs. MILLGATE CAESAR LFR07-025 ggs. BALLYLINE UDOLF BYEU-238 ggd. HOLLYBANK ANGEL SGT05-002 gd. MILLGATE BRENDA LFR06-011 ggs. ROCKY 36-15-030-964 ggd. CARMORN TANYA MCN02-034 Dam LFR09-038 MILLGATE EVETTE Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -0.2 72 Birth Weight (kg) 1.8 61 Calving Ease (%) -3.6 57 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.2 35 200 Day Milk (kg) -1 30 200 Day Growth (kg) 29 58 400 Day Growth (kg) 57 58 Muscle Depth (mm) 4.7 54 Fat Depth (mm) -0.3 50 Scrotal Circ (cm) -0.2 50 Docility (%) 3.3 36 LIM 38 59 Calving Value LIM 0 71 Maternal Value LIM 8 41 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 152 200 279 300 0 400 0 500 0 Scanned NO 89 Lot 90 Mr M Diamond POINTHOUSE JANE Born 09/09/2014 Got by AI DHU14-7857 UK 9490904/785-7 Natural Calf Sire gs. AMPERTAINE COMMANDER MGD11-051 MGD07-046 AMPERTAINE GIGOLO ggs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggd. AMPERTAINE ANNABELLA MGD05-015 gd. AMPERTAINE CRYSTAL MGD07-016 ggs. RONICK GAINS DYG-010 ggd. KYPE ULTRA CAQ03-046 gs. CARNTOGHER ARNIE MSU05-005 ggs. CARMORN ROCKY MCN00-009 ggd. GRANGE ODENSE SAD98-334 gd. POINTHOUSE BLUEBELL DHU06-004 ggs. MILBROOK TANKO MILT-407 ggd. POINTHOUSE ULTRA DHU03-003 Dam DHU10-003 POINTHOUSE FERN Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) -2.4 71 Birth Weight (kg) 1.6 57 Calving Ease (%) -1.6 55 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) 0.2 37 200 Day Milk (kg) 1 33 200 Day Growth (kg) 39 50 400 Day Growth (kg) 74 50 Muscle Depth (mm) 5.5 45 Fat Depth (mm) -0.1 41 Scrotal Circ (cm) 0.6 43 Docility (%) 3.8 34 LIM 40 53 Calving Value LIM 4 70 Maternal Value LIM 13 39 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 170 200 0 300 0 400 0 500 0 Scanned NO 90 Lot 91 Mr M J Conway CRAIGATOKE JOJO Born 21/09/2014 Got by AI CDZ14-2655 UK 9650100/1265-5 Natural Calf Sire MGD09-039 AMPERTAINE ELGIN gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04-432 ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01-152 ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01-148 gd. AMPERTAINE CARLA MGD07-036 ggs. SAMY 23-02-773-556 ggd. CARMORN LULU MCN95-019 gs. HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER RP03-003 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. RONICK RICOLE DY00-078 gd. CRAIGATOKE UNIQUE CDZ03-006 ggs. MALIBU 36-96-026-196 ggd. CRAIGATOKE PRINCES CDZ99-012 Dam CDZ08-001 CRAIGATOKE DAISY Lot 92 Mr M J Conway CRAIGATOKE JANET Born 24/09/2014 Got by AI CDZ14-2692 UK 9650100/1269-2 Natural Calf Sire 36-15-082-249 SABLIER gs. JACOT 36-94-005-555 ggs. DAUPHIN 19-88-004-715 ggd. VIOLETTE 36-84-701-052 gd. INTRIGUE 36-93-003-417 ggs. FORT 87-90-012-995 ggd. ELANCEE 36-89-407-794 Dam gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC CDZ10-020 WEY04-037 CRAIGATOKE FRUITY gd. CRAIGATOKE AINSI CDZ05-014 ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02-002 ggd. RAVENELLE 23-51-224-583 ggs. HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER RP03-003 ggd. CRAIGATOKE UNIQUE CDZ03-006 91 Lot 93 Mr M Diamond POINTHOUSE JAM Born 25/09/2014 Got by AI DHU14-7861 UK 9490904/786-1 Natural Calf ggs. OXYGENE 12-98-171-453 ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96-022 Sire gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY07-010 WEY02-002 WILODGE CERBERUS ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC-031 ggd. WILODGE LITTLEGEM WEY95-027 gd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99-032 ggs. SYMPA 48-01-006-969 ggd. KYPE ULTRA CAQ03-046 Dam gs. AMPERTAINE BRAVO DHU10-016 MGD06-002 POINTHOUSE FLOWER ggs. REDPATHS JAGUAR REY94-001 ggd. CARHILL FOXY KAQF-002 gd. CARHILL ORRISSA KAQ98-010 Analysis Date:11/11/2014 EBV Acc % Gest. Length (days) 2.9 75 Birth Weight (kg) 3.4 64 Calving Ease (%) -2.9 63 Mat.Calv. Ease (%) -0.6 54 200 Day Milk (kg) 0 51 200 Day Growth (kg) 33 60 400 Day Growth (kg) 64 60 Muscle Depth (mm) 6.3 58 Fat Depth (mm) -0.2 56 Scrotal Circ (cm) -0.1 57 Docility (%) 3.6 56 LIM 40 61 Calving Value LIM -2 74 Maternal Value LIM 1 55 Beef Value Adjusted Weights (kg) 100 183 200 0 300 0 400 0 500 0 Scanned NO 92 Lot 94 Mr M J Conway CRAIGATOKE JACQUI Born 27/09/2014 Got by AI CDZ14-2725 UK 9650100/1272-5 Natural Calf Sire SOH09-010 SWARLAND EDDIE gs. HARTSIDEANEW BOUMSONG TGH06-459 ggs. GREENWELL RONICK NK00-054 ggd. EDEN SENORITA HCS01-026 gd. SWARLAND VALANCE SOH04-004 ggs. WILODGE RIOGRANDE WEY00-053 ggd. SWARLAND ROSANNA SOH00-004 Dam gs. PLUMTREE DEUS CDZ11-015 CQE08-003 CRAIGATOKE GRACE gd. CRAIGATOKE CAROL CDZ07-003 ggs. CLOUGHHEAD UMPIRE HCX03-221 ggd. BANKDALE AMBER WLJ05-095 ggs. HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER RP03-003 ggd. CRAIGATOKE UNIQUE CDZ03-006 93 NATIONAL BEEF ASSOCIATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE INCORPORATING BULL BREEDING WARRANTY AND FEMALE BREEDING WARRANTIES a) For use by BREED SOCIETIES AT PUBLIC AUCTIONS held under the auspices of such Breed Societies. b) For use by INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF SUCH BREED SOCIETIES at reduction and production sales (and dispersal sales where warranties are offered), conducted by auctioneers approved by the relevant Breed Society. IMPORTANT : These Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter referred to as'Terms') contain provisions by way of exclusion and limitation of liability in favour of the Vendor. 1 1.1 ' 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. 3.1 3.2 DEFINITIONS In these Terms: "FERTILE" in respect of a female animal means capable of conceiving by natural service and of carrying a calf for twelve weeks and the words "INFERTILE", "FERTILITY" and "INFERTILITY" shall be construed accordingly. INCAPABILITY' in respect of a bull means incapability of getting stock by natural service and the words "CAPABILITY", "CAPABLE" and "INCAPABLE" shall be construed accordingly. "MAIDEN HEIFER" means a heifer, which has never been served, by natural means or artificial insemination. "PURCHASER" means: a) the successful bidder for any animal in the sale, or b) the successful bidder together with such one or more persons with whom the said bidder is in partnership, or engaged in a joint venture, and whose names shall have been notified to the Auctioneers on the day of the sale "SERVICE" without qualification means both service by natural means and service by artificial insemination and the words "SERVE" and "SERVED" without qualification shall be construed accordingly. "SHIPMENT" means the sending or taking of an animal outside the United Kingdom. “TERMS”means the standard terms and conditions of sale set out herein and (unless the context otherwise requires) include any special terms and conditions agreed in writing between the Vendor and the Purchaser in accordance with Clause 2.3 hereof. 3.3 3.4 BASIS OF THE CONTRACT These Terms shall (subject to Clause 2.2 hereof) form the basis of the Contract between the Vendor and the Purchaser and from the said Contract all conditions and warranties implied under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or any other statutory enactment or implied by law or custom are expressly excluded subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 or any statutory re-enactment or modification thereof. These Terms may not be varied in any way except by an announcement by the Auctioneers before or at the time of the sale and apart from such announcement no variation of or inconsistent with any of these Terms or to make any collateral contract or other arrangement to which these Terms do not apply. Neither the National Beef Association nor any of its Breed Society members accept any liability arising out of the use or application or form of these Terms. Only animals owned by a member of a Pedigree Cattle Breed Society registered in the United Kingdom and affiliated to the National Beef Association and entered in the Herd Book of such Society or registers supplementary thereto shall be offered for Sale under these Terms. 4 4.1 4.2 GENERAL WARRANTIES Each animal offered for sale has been bred by the Vendor unless otherwise stated in the Sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of sale. The Vendor guarantees the identity, correctness of 94 pedigree, history and description of each animal submitted for sale and contained in the Sale Catalogue (including all flushings for embryo transfer, caesarean operations and calvings recorded) save to the extent that any misdescription would be apparent on inspection or unless specifically amended by an announcement by the Auctioneers before or at the time of the sale. The NBA promotes the concepts of high health status. The purchaser should Familiarise themselves with the health status of potential purchases in advance of them being sold. The Sale Catalogue or The Auctioneers at the time of sale shall give full details of the following matters: a) defective vision, b) faulty udders, c) he fact, if this be so, that a freshly calved cow or heifer has not cleansed, d) any other physical defect, e) all caesarean births, premature births, multiple births and births from embryo transfer, f) all flushings of a female animal in an embryo programme together with the number of eggs collected, g) all records of performance and genetic evaluations, together with their sources, h) all previous calvings, including the date of the last service, i) in the case of a bull any semen taken from it including the number of straws taken from it, whether they are to be retained for private use or for general sale or to be sold with the bull and the number of straws sold prior to the sale, j) any transferred embryo being carried by a female animal. k) if the animal has failed a presale inspection on a potential fertility issue this animal cannot be sold under the terms and conditions of the breed warranty. BULL BREEDING WARRANTY Subject to the provisions of Clauses 4.2, 4.3, 6, 8 and 11 hereof each bull over the age of eight months at the date of the sale is sold with a warranty by the Vendor that it is capable of getting stock by natural service from fourteen* months of age which shall be deemed to be fulfilled as soon as Six Females or fifty per cent of the herd whichever shall be the lesser number of the animals put to the bull are in calf to the bull by natural service subsequent to the sale. TRIAL PERIOD. The Purchaser shall give the bull sufficient time and opportunity to prove itself capable of getting stock by natural service while applying the standards of good husbandry and management and, subject to Clause 4.3 hereof, in any event within six calendar months of the date of the sale or within six calendar months, of attaining the age of fourteen* months (whichever is the later). EXTENDING THE TRIAL PERIOD. If upon purchase of the bull, it is found impracticable for the Purchaser to try the bull fairly, within the period stated in clause 4.1 above, due to the purchasers normal calving programme, the purchaser shall ON THE DAY OF THE SALE, or within the next seven days, give the auctioneer notice IN WRITING of the month in which it is proposed to commence using the bull. AT THE DISCRETION OF THE VENDOR (in consultation with the auctioneer, if applicable), the vendor may extend the date of commencement of the Trial Period to the first day of the month in which the Purchaser has notified the vendor as in clause 4.2. Acceptance or otherwise of the purchasers written request, shall be conveyed to the purchaser, by the auctioneer, in writing, within seven days of the request being made. THE PURCHASER SHOULD NOTE THE TIME LIMIT FOR CLAIMS IN CLAUSE BELOW. 5. 5.1 5.1.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.5 Every cow or heifer stated in the Sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale to have been served on a date“the service date”not less than twelve weeks before the date of the sale is sold with warranties by the Vendor 5.5.1 that it is in calf, and 5.5.2 that it is in calf to the bull described in the Sale Catalogue, or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale, and 5.5.3 that the expected calving date will be within a period of 263* to 303* days of the service date. 5.6 FEMALES "RUNNING WITH BULL Every cow or heifer described in the Sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale as "running with the bull" up to a date not later than twelve weeks before the sale is sold with warranties by the Vendor 5.6.1 that it is in calf, and that it is in calf to the bull described in the Sale Catalogue 5.6.2 or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale, and 5.6.3 that it is in calf to a service date at any time between the dates stated in the Sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale and that the latest expected calving date will be within a period of 263* to 303* days of the last possible service date. 5.7 FEMALES WITH VETERINARY SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE OF POSITIVE PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS N.B. Scanning is not accepted as proof of diagnosis less than 12 weeks. Every cow or heifer stated in the Sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale to be sold with a Veterinary Surgeon's Certificate of positive pregnancy diagnosis is sold with warranties by the Vendor. 5.7.1 that it is in calf, and 5.7.2 that it is in calf to the bull described in the Sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale and 5.7.3 that the expected calving date will be within a period of 263* to 303 * days of the service date stated in such Certificate notwithstanding that the said cow or heifer would not otherwise be sold with the benefit of the above warranties. THE PURCHASER SHOULD NOTE THE TIME LIMIT FOR CLAIMS IN CLAUSE 8.1.2 BELOW 6. LIMITATIONS ON THE APPLICATION OF WARRANTIES 6.1 None of the warranties in Clauses 4 and 5 above shall apply 6. 1.1 to any cow or heifer which has been subjected after birth or is subjected after the sale to any process involving the technique of embryo transfer, unless that animal's subsequent natural breeding record (as declared in the Sale Catalogue) indicates not less than one natural calving since the said embryo transfer, unless specifically warranted by the vendor. 6.1.2 to any cow or heifer, which has undergone a caesarean operation (as declared in the Sale Catalogue) unless that animal's subsequent natural breeding record (as declared in the Sale Catalogue) indicates not less than one natural non-surgical calving since the said operation 6.1.3 to any cow or heifer which is declared by the Vendor to be a twin to a bull, unless before the sale pregnancy has been certified in writing by a Veterinary Surgeon following rectal examination or the animal has produced a full term calf 6.1.4 to any animal, which has not been maintained by the Purchaser at all, times since purchase in a normal breeding condition, in accordance with the rules and practice of good animal husbandry and management 6.1.5 to any animal purchased for export outside the United Kingdom unless a claim shall have been notified within the time limits imposed by Clause 8.1.2 hereof and proved correct after all examinations and procedures deemed necessary by the Veterinary Surgeon appropriate under these Terms has been carried out)before the date on which shipment of the animal takes place. 6.1.6 to any animal, which has been rejected at the date of the sale by its Breed Society Inspector or Inspectors, appointed. For the purpose of that sale 6.1.7 to any animal which after the sale has contracted an illness or suffered an injury which may affect its fertility or FEMALE BREEDlNG WARRANTIES Subject to the provisions of Clauses 6, 8 and 11 hereof. MAIDEN HEIFERS Every maiden heifer over the age of twelve* months at the date of the sale is sold with warranties by the Vendor. that it shall be fertile up to the age of twenty-eight* months, which warranty shall be deemed to be fulfilled as soon as such animal is certified by a Veterinary Surgeon to be not less than twelve weeks, pregnant PROVIDED ALWAYS that no claim under this warranty shall be admitted before the animal reaches the age of twentyfour* months except in a case where a Veterinary Surgeon certifies that it is suffering from an abnormality or malfunction of the reproductive system which will permanently prevent fertility) and 5.1.2 that it is not in calf. HEIFERS RECENTLY SERVED Every heifer over the age of twelve* months at the date of the sale and described in the Sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale as having been served less than twelve weeks prior to the date of the sale is sold with warranties by the Vendor that it shall be fertile up to the age of twenty-eight* months, which warranty shall be deemed to be fulfilled as soon as such animal is certified by a Veterinary Surgeon to be not less than twelve weeks pregnant PROVIDED ALWAYS that no claim under this warranty shall be admitted before the animal reaches the age of twentyfour* months (except in a case where a Veterinary Surgeon certifies that it is suffering from an abnormality or malfunction of the reproductive system which will permanently prevent fertility) and that if it is in calf to the bull described in the Sale Catalogue or by the auctioneers at the time of the sale PROVIDED ALWAYS that no warranty is given or to be implied that such heifer is in calf at the time of the sale COWS UNSERVED Every cow, under the age of ten* years at the date of the sale and described in the sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale as unserved since last calving is sold with warranties by the Vendor that it shall be fertile for a period of twenty-six weeks, from the date of the sale, which warranty shall be deemed to be fulfilled as soon as such animal is certified by a Veterinary Surgeon to be not less than twelve weeks pregnant, and that it is not in calf. COWS RECENTLY SERVED Every cow, under the age of ten* years at the date of the sale and described in the sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale as having been served less than twelve weeks prior to the date of the sale is sold with warranties by the Vendor that it shall be fertile for a period of twenty-six weeks from the date of the sale, which warranty shall be deemed to be fulfilled as soon as such animal is certified by a Veterinary Surgeon to be not less than twelve weeks pregnant, and that if it is in calf it is in calf to the bull described in the Sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale PROVIDED ALWAYS that no warranty is given or to be implied that any such cow is in calf at the time of the sale FEMALES IN CALF 95 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.2 capability as the case may be after the sale to any animal, which does not remain the property of the Purchaser unless it was purchased by means of a hire purchase agreement and the title to, but not the right to possession of the animal has therefore been transferred to a finance or other hire purchase company to any animal, which does not survive until the completion of all examinations and procedures, deemed necessary by the Veterinary Surgeons appointed under Clauses 8 9 and 10 hereof. No warranty is given or to be implied that a cow or heifer will carry a calf full term or deliver a live or viable calf. the sale. Under Clauses 5.2.2 and 5.4.2 in the case of a cow or heifer which, although not warranted to be in calf, produces a calf to a bull other than that stated to be the service sire: within fourteen days from the calving date. 8. 1.2.7 Under Clauses 5.5.1. 5.6.1 and 5.7.1 in the case of a cow or heifer sold as being in calf or sold as running with the bull, and which proves not to be in calf: within twenty-eight days from the date of the sale. Under Clauses 5.5.2. 5.6.2 and 5.7.2 in the case of a cow or heifer which, having been warranted to be in calf, produces a calf to a bull other than that stated as the service sire in the sale Catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale as the case may be: within fourteen days from the calving date. Under Clauses 5.5.3. 5.6.3 and 5.7.3 in the case of a cow or heifer which, although in calf, does not calve to the stated service date: within fourteen days from the expected calving date. Under Clause 7.1 in the case of a cow or heifer whose udder is not sound: within one hour from the close of the sale. Under Clause 7.2 in the case of a cow or heifer which has not satisfactorily cleansed before the sale: within three days from the date of the sale. 7. UDDER AND CLEANSING WARRANTIES Unless otherwise stated by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale. 7.1 every cow in calf or suckling a calf and every heifer suckling a calf at the time of the sale is sold with a Warranty that it is sound in the udder and teats at the time of the Sale PROVIDED ALWAYS that any claim under this warranty shall be made to the Auctioneers not later than one hour from the close of the sale and if the Auctioneers in their absolute discretion (having taken such veterinary advice as may be appropriate)decide that the udder is not sound in all respects, the sale of such animal shall be cancelled, and 7.2 every freshly calved cow or heifer is sold with a warranty by the Vendor that it has satisfactorily cleansed before the sale PROVIDED ALWAYS that: 7.2.1 any claim under this warranty shall be made, accompanied by a Veterinary Surgeon's Certificate, to the Auctioneers not later than three days from the date of the sale, and 7.2.2 without prejudice to the rights of the Purchaser set out in Clause 11 hereof, the Purchaser shall have the right to arrange such veterinary treatment to the animal (the cost of which shall be borne by the Vendor) as may rectify the animal's condition. 8. CLAIMS AND TIME LIMITS 8.1 A claim by a Purchaser under any of the above warranties shall not be valid unless: 8.1.1 the animal remains the property of the Purchaser except where it was purchased by means of a hire purchase agreement and the title to but not the right to possession of the animal has therefore been transferred to a finance or other hire purchase company 8.1.2 the Purchaser shall have given notice in writing to the Auctioneers of the intended claim as soon as evidence supporting the claim comes to the Purchaser's notice and in any event within the following time limits: Under Clause 4 in the case of a bull: within six calendar months: (a) from the date of the sale; or (b) from the date when the bull attains the age of fourteen* months; or (c) from the date of the commencement of the trial period stated in Clause 4.3 above whichever is the later date Under Clause 5.1.1 and 5.2.1 in the case of a maiden heifer or a heifer recently served: (a) within three calendar months from the date of the sale; or (b) within one calendar month from the date when the heifer attains the age of twenty-eight* months whichever is the later date Under Clause 5.1.2 and 5.3.2 In the case of a maiden heifer or a cow, which was sold as unserved, and which subsequently proves to be in calf: within twenty-six weeks from the date of the sale. Under Clause 5.3.1 In the case of a cow sold as unserved since last calving and which proves infertile: within twenty-six weeks from the date of the sale. Under Clause 5.4.1 in the case of a cow sold as recently served and which proves infertile: within twenty-six weeks from the date of Claims Procedure in the case of a claim under Clauses 4, 5.1.1,5.2.1, 5.3.1 or 5.4.1 the Purchaser shall within thirty days of the receipt of a Bull Fertility Report Form or a Female Fertility Report Form as the case may be, (which shall be available from the National Beef Association) return it to the Auctioneers, completed by a Veterinary Surgeon appointed by the Purchaser 8.1.4 the Veterinary Surgeon appointed in accordance with subclause 8.1.3 hereof certifies in writing that: the animal is in a normal breeding condition, and the animal's infertility or incapability as the case may be is not due to illness contracted or an injury suffered, or poor husbandry after the ‘fall of the hammer;’ and in the case of a bull he has examined the cows and heifers on which the bull has been tried and has found them to be in normal breeding condition and that they are not responsible :for the bull's incapability, or In the case of a cow or heifer, he has examined any bull with which the cow or heifer has been running after the sale and has found the said bull to be capable of getting stock by natural service 8.1.5 In the case of a claim under Clause 5.1.2, 5.3.2, 5.5.1, 5.6.1, or 5.7.1 the Purchaser shall when notifying such claim, forward to the Auctioneers a Certificate from the Purchaser’s Veterinary Surgeon certifying the animal is or not in calf as the case may be 8.1.6 In the case of a claim under Clause 5.2.2, 5.4.2, 5.5.2, 5.6.2, or 5.7.2 the Purchaser shall when notifying such claim forward to the Auctioneers a Report from the Purchaser’s Veterinary Surgeon giving his opinion that the animal has produced a calf to a bull other than that stated to be the service sire 8.1.7 In the case of a claim under Clause 5.5.3, 5.6.3, or 5.7.3 the Purchaser shall, when notifying such claim, forward to the Auctioneers a Certificate from the Purchaser’s Veterinary Surgeon certifying that the animal has not calved to the stated service date 8.1.8 Where any claim concerns an animal purchased for export outside the United Kingdom it shall have been notified and proved correct (after all examinations and procedures deemed necessary by the Veterinary Surgeons appointed under these Terms have been carried out) before the date on which shipment takes place or before the relevant period in sub-clause 8.1.2 (whichever shall be the earlier date) 8.1.9 The animal shall survive at least until the completion of all examinations and procedures deemed necessary the 8.1.3 96 8.2 Veterinary Surgeons appointed under Clauses 8, 9 and 10 hereof Where notice of an intended claim is given to the Auctioneers in accordance with sub-clause 8.1.2 the Auctioneers shall immediately inform the Vendor and the Secretary of the Breed Society with which the animal is registered, and forward to the Vendor a copy of the relevant Report Form if applicable. 9. 9.1 EXAMINATION OF ANIMALS Upon receipt by the Auctioneers in accordance with subclause 8.1.2 of any notice of claim under any of the above warranties the Purchaser shall permit a Veterinary Surgeon appointed by the Vendor to examine the animal should the Vendor desire such examination 10. 10.1 DISPUTES Any dispute as to the condition, fertility or capability of an animal under the warranties contained in these Terms shall be determined by a Veterinary Surgeon acting as an Arbitrator under the Arbitration Act 1996 appointed by agreement between the Purchaser and the Vendor or in default of such agreement appointed by the President for the time being of the British Veterinary Association within 28 days of a request for Arbitration being made in writing to the Auctioneers. The Veterinary Surgeon shall have the power to make such directions including (but without prejudice to the generality of such directions) directions as to costs and directions under sub-clause 10.3 below and to make such investigations as he thinks fit and the Purchaser and the Vendor shall comply with such directions and shall cooperate in such investigations and shall provide such records and information to the Veterinary Surgeon as he may require If the Veterinary Surgeon so appointed decides that further opportunities are required to prove whether or not a bull is capable of getting stock by natural service or, as the case may be, whether or not a cow or heifer is fertile, he shall direct under what conditions and within what timescale such opportunities shall be afforded, and the Purchaser shall, if so directed by the Veterinary Surgeon, allow the Vendor to remove; he animal from the Purchaser's premises and the Vendor shall, if so required by the Veterinary Surgeon, afford such opportunities as the Veterinary Surgeon may direct and shall, before removal of the animal, lodge with the Auctioneers the whole amount of the purchase money (or such part of it as the Purchaser has paid) for the animal, interest thereon to accrue for the benefit of the Vendor pending the outcome of the dispute. The Veterinary Surgeon’s decision as to the condition, fertility or capability as the case may be of the animal shall be final and binding upon the Vendor and the Purchaser, PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Veterinary Surgeon may decide in favour of the Vendor if in his opinion the cow or heifer would have proved fertile or the bull would have proved capable of getting stock by natural service within the terms and period allowed by the relevant warranty if within that period the appropriate opportunity or veterinary treatment had been given or proper management or principles of good husbandry had been applied. 10.5 If the Veterinary Surgeon decides in favour of the Vendor, then the Purchaser, or if he decides in favour of the Purchaser, the Vendor shall pay or reimburse all veterinary and laboratory fees and any reasonable transport costs incurred by both parties in the course of the dispute. 10.2 10.3 10.4 11. 11.1 11.1.1 has paid; interest thereon calculated on a daily basis at two percent above the Base Lending Rate from time to time in force at Lloyds Bank Plc from the date upon which notice of the claim was received by the Auctioneers to the date of return or the date of disposal of the animal as the case may be; 11.1.3 the expense of transporting any such animal to and from the Purchaser's premises: 11. 1.4 the reasonable cost of any such animal's keep, as determined by the relevant Breed Society, from the date on which notice of the claim was received by the Auctioneers to the date of return to the Vendor's premises or the date of disposal of the animal as the case may be, not exceeding the slaughter carcass value of the animal at the date of return, which sum shall be assessed by the Auctioneers, whose assessment shall be final and binding upon the Vendor and the Purchaser; 11.1.5 the cost of insuring the animal from the date of purchase; 11.1.6 the reasonable expenses (including laboratory fees) of any Veterinary Surgeon employed for the purposes of investigating the animal's condition, fertility or capability as the case may be and for making a claim under these Terms BUT THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO RIGHT TO CLAIM DAMAGES FROM THE VENDOR IN RESPECT OF: (i) ANY INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS SUCH AS(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)LOSS OF PROFITS, OR (ii) ANY OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVER. 11.1.2 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 13. 13.1 14. 15. 15.1 LIMITATION OF RIGHTS ON BREACH OF WARRANTY Upon breach of any warranty contained in these Terms the Purchaser shall have the right to return the animal, together with any calf sold at foot or born subsequent to the sale, and recover from the Vendor: the purchase money or such part of it as the Purchaser 15.2 15.3 TIME LIMITS Time shall be of the essence of all Terms in which time limits are prescribed and a claim made under any warranty herein will not be admitted unless made within the prescribed time limit provided that where time limited for any person to do anything expires on a Sunday, Bank Holiday or Public Holiday or on a day following next after any such days then such Sunday, Bank Holiday or Public Holiday shall be excluded from the computation of the time. In the computation of any period of time before or after the sale or any other event, the day of the sale or other event, as the case may be, shall be excluded. All periods expressed, as a number of days shall be taken to refer to that number of clear days, and similarly for any period of time. ARBITRATION Any disputes, other than those determined by the Veterinary Surgeon in accordance with Clause 10 hereof, between Vendor and Purchaser shall be referred in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act 1996 and all statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force to a single arbitrator to be appointed by agreement between Vendor and Purchaser or in default of agreement by the President for the time being of the Institute of Auctioneers. In the case of veterinary disputes the President of BVA or in the case of an expenses dispute by the President of the CAAV or IAAS or arbitrator nominated by them. NOTICES Any notice required to be served on any person shall be deemed to have been duly served if left at or sent by prepaid first-class post to that person at his last known abode or principal place of business and shall if sent by post to that person at his last known abode or principal place of business be deemed to have been received on the fourth day after the date on which it was sent. GENERAL If any provision of these Terms is held by any competent Authority or Court to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of these Terms and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected thereby. The headings in these Terms are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation. The validity, construction and performance of these Terms shall be governed by the Laws of England. THE NATIONAL BEEF ASSOCIATION, 2006 97 BEEF RECORDING SCHEME As a Pedigree Breeder: Are you interested in improving the genetic composition of the herd? Could you use EBVs as well as you own judgment to help select males and females to keep or sell as breeding stock? When selling your breeding stock can you provide the relevant breeding values? Signet Beef breeder will provide you with this information. Signet Beef breeder, the only genetic recording scheme for Beef Cattle in the UK with International recognition, is available in Northern Ireland through A1 Services. IF YOU ARE NOT CURRENTLY RECORDING YOUR PEDIGREE HERD, THEN CONTACT Ai SERVICES FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND REGISTRATION FORM ON (028) 9083 3123. Ballycraigy, 671 Antrim Road, Newtownabbey Co. Antrim BT36 8RL Tel: (028) 90833123 Fax: (028) 90841640 98 FREE £250 BUYERS DRAW For your chance to win £250 To be eligible for this draw please fill in the following information with ALL your contact details. Name ____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Mobile No ________________________________________ Email address ______________________________________ Lot No Purchased __________________________________ Date of Sale________________________________________ 99 Future Sales & Events N.I. LIMOUSIN CATTLE CLUB NEW FEMALE OF THE YEAR & MALE OF THE YEAR TITLES Points will be awarded to every animal showed at each of the local agricultural shows Qualifying Shows are Ballymena, Ballymoney, Saintfield, Newry, Omagh, Armagh, Castlewellan, Clogher, Antrim -oOoNI CHAMPIONSHIPS ANTRIM AGRICULTURAL SHOW Saturday 25th July 2015 at Shane's Castle Estate Entries must be made to the Show Secretary -oOoNEW NI LIMOUSIN CLUB SALE Unhaltered and Haltered Females - 31st August 2015 Hilltown Livestock Sales. Open to Club Members only. -oOoBLCS AUTUMN SALE BULLS & FEMALES Dungannon Mart - Friday 23rd October More info “click” associated clubs “click” Northern Ireland 100 NI LIMOUSIN CATTLE CLUB – Membership Application Form – Surname Christian Name Address Postcode Telephone No. Herd Prefix Annual Membership Fee £25 payable from January 1st Bankers’ Order – enclosed /forwarded TO THE MANAGER BANK LTD. Please pay to the First Trust Bank, Cregagh Road, Belfast, the sum of ( __________________ ) on receipt of this order, and thereafter on 1st January each year until further notice, for the Credit of the Northern Ireland Limousin Cattle Club/Secretary (21053092 – Sort Code 938343). Date Members Account No. Name Address Signature Please post to: Northern Ireland Limousin Cattle Club Heather Hume 44 Maghereagh Road, Randalstown, BT41 2EQ 101 Prize List Judge: Kyle McCall 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 Champion Senior & Reserve Bull to be sold at the end of the Senior class. Champion Intermediate & Reserve Bull to be sold between the two Intermediate classes. Champion Junior & Reserve Bull to be sold at the beginning of the Junior Classes. Champion & Reserve Female to be sold at the end of the 2nd Class of Females. 102 Championship Winners Junior Male Champion Lot Reserve Junior Male Champion Lot Intermediate Male Champion Lot Reserve Intermediate Male Champion Lot Senior Male Champion Lot Reserve Senior Male Champion Lot Overall Male Champion Lot Reserve Overall Male Champion Lot Female Champion Lot Reserve Female Champion Lot Overall Supreme Champion Lot Reserve Overall Supreme Champion Lot 103 Hotels in Ballymena Adair Arms 1-7 Ballymoney Rd Ballymena, BT43 5BS 028 25653674 Tullyglass House Hotel Galgorm Road Ballymena Co Antrim BT42 1HJ Tel: +0044 (0) 2825 652639 Fax: +0044 (0) 2825 646938 Guest houses Slemish House 51 Albert Pl Ballymena, BT43 6DY 028 25647383 Travellers Rest 64 Galgorm Rd Ballymena, BT42 1AA 028 2564 7896 Glenfield 141 Church Road Glenwherry 028 25831283 104 NOW YOU’VE BOUGHT IT! PLEASE INSURE IT! Pedigree cattle are a valuable possession – it makes sense to insure valuables. Why insure today? • There are special rates for this sale. • Animals have been veterinary inspected for insurance purposes. • You can pay for your animal and the insurance together. • You have immediate cover. • Your animal is insured for transit home. For animals not insured prior to leaving the premises you will have to bear the cost of a further veterinary inspection. Tom and Doris Leeman, are approved by the Financial Services Authority to act on behalf of Crowe Livestock Underwriting Ltd. They will be available in the mart office during the sale, to assist with all aspects of insurance. Please pick up the free leaflet on the counter which gives further details of insurance arrangements and cover. You may contact Tom or Doris on 028 9261 1044. E mail: [email protected] 105 106 NOTES 107 NOTES 108
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