Office of the Deputy Commissioner Baramulla. Subject; Grant of relief in favour of (Supplementary) sufferers of Tehsil Pattan whose residential houses/Huts and Cow Sheds got damaged due to heavy rain fall/ Flash floods/floods dated 09/2014 ") Ref: - 1. Order No. 20 Divk of 2014 dated 5-09-2014 and order No.Ol/camp-Divk of 2014 dat d 16-092014 from Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, regarding release of funds. 2. SDRFnorms No. 32-3/ 2013-NDM-l dated 28-11-2013 from Ministry Of Home Affairs Govt. of India ( DM). 3. Assessmentcommittee constituted vide order No.19/DCB/Relief/SDRF/Norms/2014 dated; 18-06-2014. 4. Letter No.SDM/SPR/R/2014-15/96-97 Date 02-01-2015 From SDM Sopore. ORDERNo; -~ O/DCB/ RELIEF/Flood/SDRF/2014-15 Dated; 01 - 2015 Pursuant to above and On the basis of re-verification made by the team of officers headed by SDM / Tehsildar Pattan and submitted by the Committee headed by the Additio al District Development Commissioner (ADC) Baramulla along with team of members, Sanction is hereby accorded to the grant of relief of Rs 23,33,700 /- (Rupees Twenty Three lacs Thirty Three thousand and Seven Hundred only) in favour of (609) sufferers of Tehsil pattan whose residential houses/Huts and Cow Shedsgot damaged due to heavy rain fall/ flash floods/floods of 9/2014 shown asAnnexure "A" to this -b - office order. Consequent upon the above, an amount of Rs23,33,700 /- (Rupees Twenty Three lacsThirty Three thousand and Seven Hundred only) shall be drawn through WDC bill by debit to accourt head 2245-SDRFand remitted into the official account No.OOOl-CDofTehsildar Pattan for further 9rawal / release in favour of the sufferers through electronic Banktransfer/ payees account cheque, after fulfilling the following conditions that ;1. That the property was actually damaged due to heavy rain fa 11/flash floods/floods and is n t Insured and amount is paid strictly as per SDRFNorms. Photographs of the damaged housesshall also be maintained. 2. No. relief has been paid on this account earlier. 3. The claim is genuine one. 4. The amount be disburse among the rightful person/ persons/ share holders after proper Verification/identification through payees account cheque in presence of village guard / lu berdar. 5. Any deviation from the instructions in release of the payment, the Tehsildar shall be perso ally responsible. 6. An affidavit be obtained from the concerned to the effect that if the claim at any stage~roved otherwise, the sufferer shall refund the amount back to the Govt. uty C t- I isstoner, r mulla No; - DCB/Relief/Misl/Flood/SUPP/2014/ 15 , -2 15 Copy to the;1. Financial Commissioner, Revenue J& K Jammu. 2. Commissioner Secretary to Govt Revenue/Relief & Rehabilitation J& KJammu. 3. Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Srinagar ..................................................... for information 4. District Treasury officer Baramulla for information and necessaryaction. 5. Tehsildar Pattan along with WDC bill for Rs23,33,700 j- (RupeesTwenty Three lacs Thirt'{i Three thousand and Seven Hundred only) for further necessaryaction in light of the above ord r. The red account be furnished .immediately after disbursement is over. 6. District Informatics Officer NICBaramulla for up loading on Website 7. Concerned file. 8. Relief order file. Annexure "A" (. . - - I. __ Re-Verfication Report of damaged Houses Caused due to recent Floods 09/2014 of Tehsil pattan Syed Ahmad Shah 1 Harinara Severly Pacca After Re- Already verfication sanctioned ~ - 62400 12600 Pacca/Fully 75000 I I ~'" ~:~~~~~~~~~~~--4----__ Slo Syed Hussain ~I~T~~~~ Jl'acca-__ +!,"If''lliaIJ"vaiJ~ Sto Akram : 11 r \.: I ~ __~~-f--~~~-=~~~1 ---~~~:mWT=~ooo- I S&OG , I b>-I.! r i - i ~I.n.,Kaou.;Cha.. I J..:l606:;: Naib~ ~ I i Sbol:;;.:.~.'/ 1052(;1 - Tehs ¥r C, SDJV\ /' Add. Deputy commissioner Deputy Commissioner I'"" I Supplirnentary/Leftout Statement showing the detail of damaged Structures Residential/Non Residential of flood ,( S.No Name of Sufferer Parentage / Kind of structure Category Relief Due Remarks Guardian Ab Rehman Wani Gh Mohd Pacca - - - ---+--Partially 3800 2 Ab Rehman WaJ'11 Gh Mohd Cow Shed Partially 1500 3 Chulamdin Ab Aziz Ganaie Pacca Partially 3800 Residen ria I jBaShir Ahmad Gh Ahmad Chopan Pacea Partially 3800 Residential 4 Residential - 5 IGh Nabi .Khazier Canaie Pacca I Partially 3800 Residential 6 IBashir Ahmad Ch Hassan Ganaie Pacca Partially 3800 Residential Bashir Ahmad Gani Shah Pacca Partially ~.\800 Residential 8 iGh Ahmad Rcshi Sil Khazier Shat Pacca Partially 3800 Residentia I 9 jAb Ahad lAb Rahim -Shah Pace a Partially 3800 Residential I Bahudin Pacca Partially 3800 Residential 'Gil Mohd Bhat Pacca Partially :~8001 Residential IGIl Mohd Khaliq Shah Pacca Partially ,3800! Residential ]3 Ab Rashid Mohd Subhan j~acca Partially ;3800 Residential ]4 Ali Mohd ganaie Azam Canale Pacca Partially Residential 15 Mohd Shaban Fatah Chopan Pacca Partially =: 3800 Residential ]6 Shabir Ahmad Bhat Rehman Bhat Pacca Partially 3800 Residential 17 Guizar Ahmad Gh Mohd Ganaie Pacca Partially 3800 Residential 18 Farooq Ahmad Bhat Ahad Pacca Partially 3800 Residentia I ]9 Nazir Ahmad Ahad Pacca Partially 3800 Residential Reshi Ganaie Pacca Partially 3800 10 ISh arnsudi n I Shah 1 1I IMolld Lateef I 12 ~lcJ.~ , 22 Ali Mohd Shah Mohd Ramzan Pacea Partially 23 MoOhd Akram wani RasooI Wani(Buran) Pacca Partially 24 Mohd Yousuf Ganaie Pacca - 28 Ab Rashid Ab salarn --- 34 35 --_.---- 3800 Residential Residential Partially ----- -- - Pacca Severely Cow Shed Partially Cow Shed Partially --- Residential 1500 -- ----1500 ----- ---_---- Bashir Ahmad Ab salam Ganaie Cow Shed I 50\) Ali Ganaie- Azim Ganaie Pacca 3800- Residential Ab Ahad Wani Gh Ahmad Pacca Partially 3800 Residential Mohd Ashraf Bhat Ab Ahad Bhat Pacca Partially 3800 Residential Bashir Ahmad Bhat Fatah Bhat Pacca Partially 3800 Residential Mohd Sadiq Subhan Bhat Mohd Shafi Gh Mohd Bhat Pacca I Partially 3800 Residential Jamal Chopan Pacca Partially 3800 Residential ----- Total .. 141400 / Add. Deputy commissioner Deputy Commissioner --
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