Covenant Christian Reformed Church

AM Nursery
AM Nursery
AM Nursery
Tamara K
Kathrin V
PM Nursery
Lena K
Mary V
PM Nursery
Nienke V
Hannah H
Dorothy A
Jessica H
Sunday School
3-5 year
Rita V
Sunday School
3-5 year
Sunday School
3-5 year
Dorothy A
6-10 year old
Tamara H
6-10 year old
Jessica H
Avery K
6-10 year old
Lori M
Tamara K
Kathrin V
Chris V
Jake V
Peter F
John & Jane
Hans & Anne
Brandon & Nicole
Jake & Chris
Coffee Servers
Isaiah & Isaac
Coffee Servers
Hank & Sonya
Coffee Servers
Leon & Anne R
Tina VB Ellen S
Morning Offering
Casey & Mary
Wayne & Lena
Jake & Joyce
Annamarie E
Morning Offering
PM Nursery
Covenant Christian Reformed Church
The Lord’s Day Sunday, April 12, 2015 - Pastor Harry Frielink
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Each of us has reasons to praise the Lord. Let us all then join in
worship that offers a true sacrifice of praise to the Almighty.
We welcome Pastor Nate Van Denend from Woodbridge CRC this morning as the Pastors are having a
pulpit exchange for the morning service. Please join us for a time of fellowship and coffee/tea after the
morning service.
Be a blessing- make it a prayer priority to uphold your fellow believers in faithful intercessions to the Lord.
Share the joys and burdens of one another here at Covenant Church.
Mission WorkVanTil
Evening Offering
Serve Team
Evening Offering
Timothy Christian
Mission Work
Pastor :Harry Frielink: Phone Numbers: Study: 705-734-0651 Home: 705-726-8772
Cell: 705 627 0656 Email: [email protected]
Bulletin: (announcements due by Wed 9 pm)
Jan & Kathrin Veenstra Tel: 720-2399
Email: [email protected]
John Kloosterman
Tel: 458-9206
Email:[email protected]
Pianist: Bernice Huitema Tel:733-7705, Ike Veenstra, Organist: Rachel Houter
Offered during both services – Coordinator Tamara Kloosterman – Tel: 705.725.0341
Sunday School – all year round for ages 3 – 10. Coordinators – Lisa& Samantha Kort and
Leanne Vanderboor
Sound System – Coordinator Luke Veenstra Tel;705.720.7338 (assisted hearing aid
products and copies of services are available upon request)
Large print bulletins are also available thru our ushers – head usher Hank Veenstra Tel:
Continue to uphold Nienke Veenstra, John & Michelle Veenstra, Sarah Veenstra, Amy & Mike Pless and the
entire Veenstra family as they mourn the loss of Wayne. We pray that the God of comfort and peace will
sustain them during this time.
We continue to uphold those members who are dealing with various illnesses and recovery – Al Hammers,
Connie Kistler, Effie Van leusen and Darren Kloosterman.
Clara Bierman received news this past week that her cancer has spread to her bones. May God grant her
strength and peace as she endures this disease. May God surround the Bierman family with His almighty
presence. Clara began radiation treatments again this past Friday.
We pray for Don and Pauline Charters son David as he begins his radiation treatments.
We welcome Laina Kiezebrink to our church family. Laina’s membership transfer was received from
Nobleton URC. We pray that Laina will be blessed as a member here at Covenant and will also be a
blessing as she worships and serves with us. Welcome!!
Congregational Prayer Points: We continue to pray through our church directory, this week praying for
Nathalie Galenzoski (Verhulst), Patricianne Neal (Verhuslt), Nico Verhulst and Dorinda Verhulst, Jim & Dorothy
Armstrong and Harry Brands. Pray for their health, their relationships, their faith, and their service and witness.
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
6:00 AM
9:30 AM
7:30 PM
Gems & Cadets
College & Careers
Covenant Prayer Time
Coffee Break
Note: YPS members and the Choir are reminded that Mr Veenstra has to go golfing this coming week and
therefore there will be NO meeting or practice on Tuesday and Thursday. Regular attendance will be
expected the following week. Fore!. Evening Coffee Break has wrapped up for the season, and will have
an evening social May 8 at the home of Illyse Steyn.
Invitation to Senior’s Dinner at Barrie 1 CRC: The deacons at First CRC Church would like to invite the seniors
from Covenant to their annual senior’s dinner. This will take place at no cost on April, 18 at 12:00 noon at First
CRC Church, in Barrie. If interested call Steve Sommers @ ( 705 ) 791-0976.
Children’s Hymn of the Month - Resurrection Hymn (D) – Children Ages 3 – 10 Sunday School
BIKES BIKES BIKES – If you or someone that you know has an extra bike and would like to donate it to a
good cause – please bring the bike to the back of the church. Our goal is to fill a newly purchased trailer
for Steve with a delivery date of April 17. Please contact the deacons if you are unable to transport the
bikes to the church and they would be happy to pick them up – thankyou!
New Family Registration for September 2015 at Timothy Christian School –Timothy Christian is now
interviewing new families for September 2015. April is a great month to register your children and hold a place for
them next year. Why consider Christian Education? …because God is at work here in the lives of students!
NEXT OPEN HOUSE DATES: April 13 and May 11 from 9am - Noon and in the evening from 7pm - 8:30pm.
Prayer for Understanding.
Scripture: Luke 5:17-26
Text Same
SERMON Assistance in Repentance
*Our Response –What Wondrous Love GREY 379
Sermon Cassettes -In the process of sorting the new library, the old sermon cassettes will be discarded. If
anyone wishes to keep some or review any, please speak to Teresa Houter.
VBS Meeting. Those interested in volunteering for VBS or want to know more, are asked to meet in the library for a
brief meeting following the service to learn of volunteer positions and the vision for VBS this summer.
Sunday April 12, AM – Order of Worship
Welcome & Announcements
Pre-Service Hymn: Bless His Holy Name Grey 627
*God’s Call to Worship Psalm 103:6-19 read responsively
*Silent Prayer – concluded by 117
*God’s Greeting
*Opening Hymn of Praise- Come Thou Fount Grey 486
Call to Confession: Jesus once said, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to
repentance.” We are here because we have heard Jesus calling. We are here to answer the call of
Jesus by turning from our sins and turning toward him.
Let us pray: Forgiving Father, we confess that we have transgressed the boundaries you
put in place. Remind us that your boundaries are not fences that trap us, but rather
guard rails that keep us on the right road going in the right direction. We confess our
greed, lust, pride, and rage all of which damage our ability to love our neighbors. We
confess that we have missed the mark. Forgive us we ask, as you forgave the paralyzed
man on the mat. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Declaration of Pardon: On the basis of the Gospel of Christ, we may be assured that our sins
are forgiven for the sake of Christ. Your sins are forgiven. Take hold of this forgiveness and
live. The peace of Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
Song of Faith: How Blessed are They Whose Trespass GREY 32
God’s Will – Romans 12:9-21
Prayer for the Children- Children leave for Sunday School
Congregational Prayer
Thank Offerings: Lighthouse
*Doxology- 630
*Benediction and *Three-Fold Amen
Sunday April 12, PM – Order of Worship
Pre-service Song: 429 The Heavens Declare Your Glory
Call to Worship: Isaiah 43:1-2
Silent Prayer – concluded by Sanctuary
God’s Greeting
Opening Hymn: 406 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Responsive Psalm: Psalm 2 – Selection 12
Congregational Favourites:
Professing our Faith: Heidelberg QA 128
Scripture: Psalm 115; Colossians 1:24-27
Sermon: Sing God's Victory into Times of Trouble –
Song of Response: 115 Not Unto Us, O LORD of Heaven (alt. tune 425 Creator Spirit)
Congregational Prayer
Offering: Mission Work – Van Tils
Doxology: 399:1,3,4 Jesus Lives, and So Do We
Benediction Psalm 9 and Three Fold Amen