8th May 2015 Bassingbourn Community Primary School Newsletter www.bassingbourn.cambs.sch.uk Dates Dear Parents and Carers, This term is always the busiest as we say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 children and welcome in our new Reception classes. Please find attached our school structure from September. You will notice that we have reduced to nine classes. This has been inevitable since the barracks closed (with the loss of 70 pupils) however, rather than reducing rapidly, causing great disturbance; the reduction has been gradual over the past three years. There is also a change in the dynamics at key stage 2, with three classes for pupils in lower key stage 2, and two classes for the upper pupils. This is due to the size of our pupil groups. In addition, we wish to share that Mrs Archbold will be retiring in July. We thank her for the excellent work she has done as our Maths Co-ordinator and Year 1/2 teacher and wish her a fulfilling retirement. We will write to you in due course outlining where teachers and support staff will be from September and also with information about transition meetings for children moving between key stages. May 11th: SATs Week for Year 6 18th: Parent Forum Meeting 19th: 3.15pm Living and Growing Videos for Year 6 parents 20th: New Reception Parents Evening 21st: Years 3, 4 & 5 Music Extravaganza 22nd: INSET DAY HALF TERM WEEK 25th—29th May Mrs Schofield and Mrs Brown Co-Headteachers June Pupils’ Achievements 1st: Children return to school Courtesy Cup Awards— Maggie Harrison, Hannah Beck, Emma Shalan, Amelia Edmans, Chantelle Smith, Tristan Petersen-Piper, Lewis Truran, Zoe Shalan, Evie Burrell. Headteacher Awards— Jasmyn Smith, Sophie Cran, Iris Diment, Ruby Gater, Eirinn Shrimpton, Zoe Petsas, Harry Scott, Tommy Hort, Ciara Free, Jack Jordan, Tyler Reed, Esmee Ansell, Kaitlin Coley, Toby Rogers, Ethan Dummer, George Cooper, Julia Whiteley, Ruby Ames, Drew Murdock, Fern Ellis, Rowan Telford-Reed, Bella Tansley, Hamish Corr, Hannah Sharman, Henry Byrne, Morgan Head, Robyn Morse, Christina Richards, Toby Telford-Reed, Ben Hawkins. ICT We would love to be able to offer times that our ICT suite could be used by the local community and are able to offer a weekly training course if there is desire for it. If you are interested in using the facilities in the future or attending a course with us, please would you email us to register your interest on: [email protected] 5th: Non-Uniform Day for donations for the Fete Tombola Stall 8th: KS1 SATs Week 16th: Year 4 Mini Olympics 17th: Class Photos and Year 6 Leavers Photos 27th: PTA School Fete Please be advised that Move Up Morning will now take place on Monday 6th July. Youth Sport Trust Award We are delighted to say that we have achieved the Youth Sport Trust Silver award this year. We were assessed against a range of factors to show how well we were meeting the needs of our pupils. The range of sport on offer and the quality of the sporting skills that were taught was assessed. We identified two areas that needed further work to get us to gold. These targets have been written into our action plan for 2015-2016. Miss Byrne has been working hard to improve our competitive sports throughout the year and we have had 14 teams take part in interschool matches organised by the local School Sports Partnership. Our great thanks go to her and our amazing team of teachers and support staff who regularly go to competitions voluntarily after school hours. This year we would like to make better links with local sports clubs (to come into school and talk to our children about their sports and the teams that pupils could potentially become a part of). If you or anyone you know could do this or make links for us we would love to hear from you. Please do contact the office with details. Car Park Concerns have been raised once more regarding unsafe and inconsiderate parking. We have received reports that parents of primary children are parking in BVC’s bus lane. These parents are, allegedly, those who wait to collect secondary children. A recent Health Related Behaviour survey (taken by our year 5 and 6 pupils) showed that a greater number of pupils than the Cambridgeshire average arrive at our school by car; so please do make use of the stop and drop zone to reduce the need to park in the morning. Equally, please do allow adequate time to park safely at 3pm in the allocated parking spaces—or at a little distance from the school and walk through the BVC site. Parent Forum We hope that you have received the Parent Forum Feedback sent out last week (available on the website). We very much value our parent forum and would encourage representatives from all year groups to meet on Monday, May 18th at 7.30pm here at the school. Please email Louise Grace for more information: [email protected]. BVC Access Access through the Village College will return to normal from Monday 11th May now that their building works have finished. You Tube We know that children love watching You Tube videos; but please do check your security settings and encourage them to watch in the same room as you—as it’s very easy for them to stumble across upsetting and inappropriate content. Grit! Why do we like doing certain things? Because we’re good at them! Why are we good at them? Because we keep on doing them! We are keen to challenge this fixed mindset and encourage Bassingbourn children that they can learn anything...or achieve anything— if they are determined to keep on trying. Children who have this grit—are those who will succeed as they don’t give up when they can’t do something —they know that each time they try again they will get better. As Bear Grylls said in Mission Survival… “run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must… but don’t give up”. School Contacts School Office: Reception: Reception: Year 1: Year 1/2: Year 2: Year 3/4: Year 3/4: Year 5: Year 5/6: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] School Finance: [email protected] Reception: [email protected] Year 1: [email protected] KS1 Leader: Year 3/4: [email protected] [email protected] Year 5: Year 6 : [email protected] [email protected]
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