Bosic Direclions Almond, Bright White & Sunshine Yellow Shrinkoble Ploslic (0500{A, D800-64 WETCOME TO THE IAND OF SHRINIry DNKSP! " Yo.t are limiled only by your own imaginaliorl' Have a Shrinking good fime! Website: & DO0-64) ANY BLACK PERMANANT Trace ANYTHING, create Original Artwork or Rubber Stamp on one INK PEN Best one or BOTH sides of Plastic. A Light Table may be helpful for some patterns that you wish to trace. IDENTI PEN By Sokuro You will find it helpful to tape Shrinky Dinks plastic to selected pattern. BIC PENS STAZON InK Pods ore Stamp any image, but you must Alcohol bosed. use Alcohol-based permanent ink. PERMAPAQUE Paint Markers are so EZ to use. PAINT MARKERS Color with a light touch...Otherwise, colors may pick up off the plastic. PAINTERS PAINT MARKERS y5:":,:'_1ffi:ffiil',f,"fr::'* TOASTER OVEN OR CONVENTIONAL OVEN IMPORIANT ADULT SUPERWS|ON /S REAU/RED WHEN CH/IDREN ARE /NVOIVED/ Occosionolly, c piece moy siick to itself. lf this hoppens, coutiously reoch into your oven ond pull pieces oport. Allow piece to complele the boking process, A Toaster Oven is ideal for baking Shrinky Dinks. However, your Conventional Oven will "Shrink" your masterpiece just as well. Step 1: PRE-HEAT Oven to 325'F (163'C) Step to remove from tray or cookie sheet). Step srArN pArNrs llllTttr#'"'i#i',ff'#tr' Aluminum Foil. removed from oven, it con be shoped or iwisted, i.e. o nopkin ring. Place Shrinky Dinks pieces, Steo 4: WATCH Steo 5: Remove oaoer from trav or MICROWAVE OVEN! is 3: colored side up, on brown paper and place paper in tray or on cookie sheet. Put into PRE-HEATED OVEN. SHRINKY DINKS WILL NOT WORK IN A Note: When plostic a Rectangle shape out of a Brown Grocery Bag and turn one corner up. (Turnedup corner will make it easy unwanted lines and color. KELLY'S GLASS 2: Cut as vour SHRINKY DINKS shrink. Bake approximately 1 to 3 minutes. After pieces lay flat, allow an additional 30 seconds of baking time to complete the process. cookie sheet and lightly press FLAT with i.e. folded paper or a pad of paper - until pieces have cooled. (Approx. 15 seconds.) STANDARD SCISSORS Yes, plostic con be die-cu1 Cut out interior shopes: Use o poper punch, then inseri scissors... Cut circles or shapes as smoothly as possible. Create fancy edges with Designer Scissors, -ie, zig-zag, etc. Small Manicure Scissors, with pointed and bent tips, are ideal for cutting interior shapes, circles and even small holes. BEST GLUE: E6000 Industrial Glue. Use double stick carpet tape and double stick foam pads especially when children are involved. GOOF-UPS: If, after baking, you are not happy with shape created, you can return SD pieces into oven. Bake until piece re-softens and lays nearly flat. (Approx. 2-5 min.) ETCHING: You can etch designs into our plastics after baking or fusing. Use the tip of an Exacto knife or Etching tool used for scratch art. Sweep artist pencils across surface of scratched areas. Wipe pencil dust off. Seal with clear acrylic spray. PAPER PUNCH Remember - holes Shrink too!! Punch severol times if o lorger hole is needed, A standard sized Paper Punch is ideal for most projects. Use a 7/8" Punch for jewelry and button making. Create miniature shapes like stars and diamonds with Designer Punches. McGill Co. makes them. PUNCH HOLES BEFORE BAKING! SHAPING: You have about 10 seconds in which to create shapes after removing SD piece from the oven. NAPKIN RINGS: Start at one end of SD plastic strip and wrap around a large spool of thread. Can also create chains this way. ACCENT ANYTHING: Lay SD pieces on any curved object. Glue when cool. A can of soup works great for curved earrings. NEW & EXCITING: Try our SD's for the Ink Jet Printer. Patented coating applied to our BW shrinkable plastic makes full color photos, designs and extended creativity possible. Printed in the USA CODE ..MIND.SHRINKING IDEAS'' and Basic lnformation to EXPAND CREATIVITY SD - Shrinky Dink FR&R - Frosted Ruff N'Ready BW - Bright White BLK - Black BWN - Brown /^ STAZ ON lnks hove been tested or ccn use ony Alcoholbosed permonent inks. Cleoner works greot to remove lnk from STAZ ON stomps, Helpful Hinis: lf o smoll oreo did not stomp, try using o fine line permonent ink pen. Crecte 3-D pieces by ottoching boked, stomped pieces on top of other shopes or stomped imoges, Select a Rubber Stamp. much will O Press all surfaces of stamp down piece on ink pad. Check stamp surface to be sure raised areas are inked. shrink Lay stamp on surface of SD plastic. Apply direct pressure. Lift straight up. Allow to dry! Color in desired areas. Personalize or add a date. ofter boking ??? Use this scole when you need Cut out shape and punch out desired holes. Bake to shrink. to know fnished size I THE BASICS TRY ONE! IMPORTANT Creote in well ventiloted oreo, DO NOI set oven on Broill DO NOTtouch pon or SD ofter remov- ing from oven. DO NOT set hot pon on counter or surfoces thot ore not heot sofe! INFORMATION A tooster oven is ideol, but o home oven con be used. PYREX oT GLASS boking pon should hove o SEND A "LITTLE LETTER." 1. Use FR&R plastic. 2. Roll sheet into a standard Type o verse, typewriter. 3. Type on ROUGHENED side of A 5" x 8" size with rounded corners is ideol. Send o smoll mognifying gloss odds to the funl PRINT ON SD PLASTIC Use FR&R SD Plostic or Hond Sond White, Almond or Yellow SD Plostic, Which side? Drow on X on ploin poper, Feed the poper through. Prinied side determines rough side up or down, Copy on rough side, &Nn4N ^\ L) b) How OUICK & EZ TIEMS #D5&t-6A, D800-6A FLAT surfoce. A Sofety Rozor Blode ccn be used to scrope ond cleon pons, plastic. Create three different sized SD pieces: Big, medium and small. (Fun to use three different colors of SD plastic.) Layer cut-out pieces on top of each other. This will give you a size check as well as an overall view of colors and placements. Bake pieces. Cool. Boost oven temperature to 450'F. Layer pre-baked SD pieces on a GLASS or PYREX baking pan. Carefully put pan into oven to rebake. Fusing is complete when all SD edges are completely rounded or melted. (Takes 15-30 minutes - depending on your oven and size of SD piece.) Using a thick pot holder, remove pan from oven and place on heat safe surface. Pan should be cool to the touch before piece can easily be removed from pan. 4. Idea: Add artwork, punch hole center-top. Add a ribbon or string after baking. A Christmas Card Ornament AMAZING! 1. Use a copy machine that makes about 10 copies per minute. (High Speed, Laser and Color machines get too hot.) 2. Clean dust off plastic and feed sheets into copier by hand. (Hand fed end of machine) 3. Create images on the computer, then print out. Use copy machine to print onto plastic. 1. Some colors disappear when fusing. Place FR&R pieces COLORED SIDE DOWN. Colors stav. Plastic turns clear. 2. Holes created with a 1/8" paper punch will disappear. Try larger punch. 3. Use scraps - even holes from paper punch catcher bake and shrink. Lay pieces on prebaked SD shape. Fuse and remove from oven. Try swirling colors with a needle...push down with folded aluminum foil if necessary. 4. Can add Embossing Powders after removing SD from 450'F oven and plastic is really hot. Unending Applications ! ! @$HRINKYDINKSi$theFegistcnedtnademank0l[&BlNN0UlTl0Ns,lNC..@1999K&BltINoUAIl0N$,lllc.,P0Box223,NonthLa[e,W|53064.(262)966-0305
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