Annual Report Serving Size 2014 Table of contents Page # Message from Tanya 02 From the Office 03 - 04 Out in the Community 04 Kitchen Technology 05 BB4CK in Social Media 06 Financials 07 Wrap up 07 Thank Yous 08 Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids past year has focused on efficiency and sustainability in the many initiatives launched throughout the year. All with the goal in mind of feeding kids who would otherwise go without a heathy nutritious lunch made with love. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 1 Message from Tanya FROM THE OFFICE I have had the privilege of leading Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids for almost three years and it has been a truly inspiring experience. With each year that passes we make great progress in becoming more proactive and responsive to our city’s ever changing needs. Our kitchen downtown runs smoothly, and is the heart and soul of BB4CK. We have focused efforts throughout Calgary’s neighbourhoods, building capacity, caring and showing a deeper sense of community thru the ‘act’ of making healthy lunches and helping kids. All initiatives this year have focused on efficiency to drive our main goals of feeding kids and to creating lasting social impact. We have a fund development strategy in place that allows us to better focus on our vision of “No hungry kids in Calgary.” We have embraced and streamlined technology using online portals for volunteers and schools that provide easy and direct access to BB4CK. Our communication strategy has a strong social media community - this helps us continue to nurture and grow the relationships we have developed with people across this city who care about these kids. These initiatives are supported by the passionate commitment of each member of the BB4CK team in feeding kids who would otherwise go without. We want to take time to celebrate our successes and learnings of 2014 with you! Enjoy and be inspired to take action. Staff List As of December 2014 Focus on money and we will make money. Focus on impact and we will make an impact. ” Name Role Tanya Koshowski Executive Director Melissa Cooney-Burk Executive Connector Wendy Treschel Volunteer and Administration Coordinator Jill Birch Community Coordinator Simon Sinek Stephanie Gauthier Kitchen Coordinator Cathy Jarvis Lead Driver and Kitchen Support Josh Folden Operations Coordinator Fund Development Plan This year we implemented a fund development plan that ensures sustainable year round funding. We meet once a month to review donors and funding expectations for the month, and to develop future projections. Having a fund development plan means we are proactive and can plan more effective fundraising campaigns, recognize our donors efficiently and, most importantly, ensure the kids’ needs are met throughout our city. The fund development plan also hatched the idea of a special donor recognition event that allowed us the opportunity to engage donors in making lunches and also share stories of the impact of their donations. The conversations during these meetings were enlightening and helped us to understand our operations better through their contribution of time and ideas. All of the outcomes of our fund development plan have helped to ensure we can meet the needs of children in Calgary that are going without the healthy lunch they need. Matching Campaign Recognizing our donors provides us with the opportunity to hear about their connection to BB4CK. This allows us to develop personal relationships and exchange ideas to feed hungry kids in our city. ” Melissa Cooney-Burk Executive Connector Fundraising Report The Matching Campaign ran from October 1st - November 15th and was successful because of the contribution of $60,000 from the Prosser Foundation. Thanks to the generosity of many people, we were able to match that amount to raise a total of $120,000. As part of the campaign we partnered with WestJet and created a raffle for 2 tickets anywhere WestJet flies. October 1 - November 15 YouTube Views 256 The Matching Campaign was a very exciting time for BB4CK as it allowed us to engage with a variety of donors from big business to small student groups and individuals. The matching campaign inspired us to make a concerted effort and was the final nudge some of our donors needed to take action. One such example was a small group of Shell Canada staff that had been collecting money for BB4CK through the year. Once they discovered we were running a matching campaign through Facebook they went to work to make their donations count and were able to double their donation. Matched by Prosser Foundation $60,000 Item Amount Raised $120,000 Kids Fed 120,000 Number of donations 106 A group from Shell that volunteered in our kitchen on January 24, 2014. 2 | ANNUAL REPORT 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 3 FROM THE OFFICE Lunch is Love This year Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids launched our first-ever holiday gift campaign. We invited Calgarians to give the gift of a lunch to someone you love. We made our gift options accessible to everyone by including dollar amounts ranging from $20 to $3,000. We had a strong call to exchange in conversation on social media using #BrownBag4xmas and #LunchIsLove. This campaign raised $30,000 in total making it one of the most successful running campaigns to date. It was our first post on Instagram and Brett Wilson tweeted to promote the campaign. KITCHEN TECHNOLOGY Fundraising Report November 24 - December 31 Total amount raised Item $30,000 # gifts 1 child for a month 250 1 child for a year 100 All kids in Calgary for 1 day 2 Total gifts 252 Visit our Canada Helps fundraising page here brown-bagging-for-calgary-street-kidssociety/ OUT IN THE COMMUNITY Health and Safety in the Community This year we have been able to bridge the gap between our kitchen and the community. Stephanie came onboard in September 2014 as our new Kitchen Coordinator. In addition to her role in the kitchen she has provided support to Jill with offsite activities, food handling and snack prep. Two Fridays a month are designated for school group food education and preparation which supports BB4CK’s main kitchen. During these sessions we are able to discuss social impacts of healthy eating with young adults, teaching them to provide for themselves and others so they are better able to fill a need when they see one. I was just Googling lunch programs in Calgary and found the Brown Bagging website. I read the testimonials and it just amazed me and drew me in. I felt compelled to get involved, so was grateful when a role became available. Stephanie Gauthier Kitchen Coordinator 4 | ” ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Community Report Meeting lunch needs in 2014 Item Amount New community groups 7 The School Portal and Kitchen Operations Software (KOS) The School Portal and Kitchen Operations Softwarewent live on August 18th, 2014. On September 9th we sent a letter to all the schools outlining how to log in to the portal to review their profile, calendar, order details and delivery schedule. This went well with approximately 75% of the schools logging in within 2 weeks. The schools can modify their contact information such as lunch administrator, add delivery instructions, and create their own password on their profile page. They have their own modifiable calendar based on CBE, CBE-Mod, CSSD, CSSD-Mod. They can also review their order details and delivery schedule, and leave a note as to order preferences. The Volunteer Portal 1200 Our first volunteer signed into the online portal on May 9th, 2014. A new user is able to register and volunteer as an individual, group or register a new community group. Depending on what they choose they are directed to a screen specific to each set of volunteer roles. In the single volunteer screen they are able to indicate the days that they are available to volunteer and their preferred role, streamlining the process significantly. The software also ensures we have contact info organized in our files when we need to contact them or give thanks. The result has been a more efficient process and sustainable volunteer stream. Total schools 145 Total kids 2000 Social Impact Immeasurable! 5 Usage within 2 weeks 75% See our portal live at volunteers/signup/ Jill Birch Community Coordinator ” 300 Amount Amount Josh Folden Operations Coordinator Lunches made per day Item Item Admin areas The feedback from the schools regarding the School Portal has been positive. They like being able to modify their own personal calendars, and view their order and delivery schedule. For the downtown kitchen, the KOS has taken the stress out of last minute changes made by the schools. Technically, BB4CK has a two week turn around policy on order changes, but in reality we can often accommodate a change in a school’s need within a few days. In addition, taking on new schools, or schools that the kitchen is covering for a community group, went from 2 weeks or more last school year, to a few days this school year. Daily Route Management allows me to re-route on the fly if a driver cancels. In addition, we do not have to turn away interested volunteer drivers as the routes are not set in stone and I can make as many of them as I like. This means drivers often have shorter routes than in years past, making the volunteering experience more enjoyable for them. Community volunteers Impact Report Live August 18 The KOS has created a seamless process for me as I work with Josh and the kitchen to accommodate schools and address any community needs. The process for starting new schools with kitchen delivery is efficient and the turn around has been incredible. We are definitely able to get the lunches to the kids that need them in record time. Total community groups 90 To get involved visit KOS ” Kitchen Report Meeting lunch needs in 2014 Item Amount New Schools 15 Schools delivered to 43 Corporate teams 172* Core volunteers 63 *equates to 1700 individuals See our portal live at volunteers/signup/ ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 5 SOCIAL MEDIA FINANCIALS Over the past few years social media has grown to play a large part in how we share our messages, engage donors, thank our volunteers and show the personality of the BB4CK family. Both Facebook and Twitter are used to promote partnerships, campaigns, share news stories affecting the kids we feed and to highlight the fun experiences our volunteers have in the kitchen each day. Social media has become an effective communication tool for all areas and we think of it as an ever growing exchange of ideas, stories, and conversations. Stay tuned for LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube in 2015! These charts are a representation of financials of BB4CK. Audited financial statements are available upon request. OUR YEAR IN SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media Report Followers For 2014 New followers on Amount Twitter 255 Facebook 400 Social media is a powerful tool for any non profit; it is a free exchange of information and helps to tell our story. We will continue to embrace it to share our message into the future. 2014 REVENUE TOTAL 8%CASINO 15% INDIVIDUALS 16% ASSOCIATIONS 17% GRANTS/FOUNDATIONS 44% CORPORATE ” Tanya Koshowski, Executive Director $813,000 2014 EXPENSE TOTAL 4%OFFICE 9%COMMUNICATIONS 28% KITCHEN 27% ADMINISTRATION 32% COMMUNITY $793,000 Wrap up All of 2014’s initiatives aimed to create lasting social impact using our heads, hearts and hands. With this belief we empower people how to fill a need when they see it and support them with the tools they need to take action. When a child receives a lunch it is a catalyst for change in that child’s life. However the seed was planted far before the receiving of the lunch; the change began when someone decided to volunteer, start their own community group, hold their own fundraiser, care for someone, and even retweet one of BB4CK’s messages. The change began with a simple ‘act’ and has the ability to resonate throughout our communities. It then allows us all to see our own capacity for social impact. The effect of a lunch is immeasurable to a child’s learning, growing, playing, selfesteem and life. But it doesn’t end there, it affects us all; the lunch makers, teachers, parents, donors and all of us who choose to take action with our heads, hearts and hands. #LunchIsLove Donor Report Break down for 2014 Stats Amount Individuals 436 Corporate 162 Anonymous 83 Grants/Foundations 14 Other 22 Other section includes Organizations, Schools and Clubs 6 | ANNUAL REPORT 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 7 We want to thank you Serving Size - with all our hearts 2014 Our Food Partners Chongo’s Market, Calgary Italian Bakery, Bles-Wold Yogurt Inc., Calgary Food Bank, Mountain Meadows Food Processing, Real Canadian Wholesale Club Our Core Volunteers Aadil, Amy, Andrea, Annette, Anjana, Bal, Brent, Brett, Caitlin, Chris, Crystal, Cherry, Cheryl, Colleen, Cathie, Bruce, Dainan, Danny, David Z, Denise, Diane, Denitsa, Debbie, Emma, Erica, Garry, Gordon, Irene, Jason, Jennah, Julia, Judie, Johanna, June, Jessie, Krista, Karen G, Karen K, Kerry, Leanne, Laura, Lateshia, Maria, Marc, Mark, Marion, Missy, Mykhail, Nancy, Phan, Rick, Sharon, Susan, Seyi, Thea, Trung, Tash, Tricia, Trish, Wayne, Reanna, Vincent and Yvonne Our Board Members Shane, David, Dan, Kathy, Kari, Samantha Our School Partners CBE and CSSD The Givers: We want to thank everyone who gave what they could; kids who gave birthday money, individuals that reached into their pockets, people that held third party fundraisers and our larger donors - you are at the heart of what we do. Special thank you to all our community groups serving their nearby schools and to all the school staff who work to connect our program to kids who would otherwise go without. Our Kitchen Partners Pirjo and the team at City of Calgary Baker House Our Major Donors Brakemen Foundation, Calgary Children’s Foundation, Calgary Oilmens Charity Hockey Tournament, Cenovus Energy, Remington Development Corporation, The Calgary Foundation, The Prosser Charitable Foundation Our Support Team Thank you to all the corporate volunteers, casino volunteers and everyone who has been part of BB4CK. Bookkeeper: Kimberly at No Bull Bookkeeping Strategic support: Avnish at Stand and Command Communications Support: Shannon, Graphic Design Online Communications: Mark, Miles & Julia at Red Point Media Video Communications: Craigery & Cynthia at Urban Revolver IT Support: Paul Office at: Community Wise Resource Centre ED Leadership Coaching: Joanne thru the Banff Center Bank Advisor: Kim at Scotia Bank 8 | ANNUAL REPORT 2014
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