TUlD-2 EM Based Design Of Large-scale Dielectric Resonator Multiplexers By Space Mapping M. A. Ismail, D. Smith, A. Panariello, Y. Wang and M. Yu COM DEV Space Group, Cambridge, Ontario, N1R 7H6, Canada Abstraci - A novel design methodology for multiplexer design is presented. For the first time, finite element EM based simulators and space-mappiug optimization are combined to produce an accurate design for manifold coupled output multiplexers with dielectric resonator @R) loaded filters. Finite element EM based simulators are used as a fine model of each multiplexer channel and a coupling matrix representation is used as a coarse model. Fine details such as tuning screws are included in the fine model. Therefore channel dispersion and spurious modes are taken into account. The DR filter channel design parameters are kept hounded during optimization. Our approach has been used to .design large-scale manifold coupled output multiplexers and it has significantly reduced the overall tuning time compared to traditional techniques. The technique is illustrated through design of a IO-channel output multiplexer with 5-pole DR fiter based channels. 1. INTRODUCTION In this work, we exploit space-mapping optimization technique [l] and [Z] to design large-scale manifold coupled output multiplexers. In DR output multiplexer design, accurate geometrical dimensions are required in order to minimize the tuning time of every channel and hence the overall tuning time of the multiplexer. Finite element EM simulators can analyze general waveguide structures and can model (if used carefully) fme details such as tuning screws and probes. For this reason they are used as a fine model of each multiplexer channel. Coupling matrix representation of narrow bandpass filters [ 3 ] is used as a coarse model. The channel parameters are kept bounded during space mapping optimization. The sparsity of the mapping between the design parameters and the coupling elements has been exploited. Several authors [4]-[6] have utilized coupling matrix representation and full wave EM simulators for filter design. Extension to DR filter or multiplexer design bas not been considered. A hybrid circuit-full-wave approach is presented in [7] to design manifold multiplexers without tuning elements. Full wave optimization of the entire multiplexer structure is performed in the final step. This was feasible since the multiplexer considered can be analyzed by mode matching technique. In case of DR manifold multiplexer design, it is impractical to perform full wave optimization of the entire multiplexer structure. The multiplexer design procedure we propose follows a hybrid EM circuit optimization approach. It starts by optimizing the manifold electrical parameters as well as the coupling elements of all channels to achieve the required specifications. Then space-mapping optimization is applied to every channel to evaluate the optimal channel dimensions. Finally a more accurate multiplexer model is obtained by replacing the circuit model of each channel with the corresponding EM s-parameters sweep (at the optimal channel ~dimensions) over the multiplexer frequency hand. The new multiplexer model then includes channel dispersion and spurious modes. To account for the effect of dispersion and spurious modes the new multiplexer model is optimized (with respect to the manifold dimensions) to achieve the required specifications. 11. BASICCONCEPTS A. Channel Models The coarse model of each multiplexer channel consists of a network model of a narrow bandpass coupled resonator filter [ 3 ] (coupling matrix representation) in addition to two inputioutput transmission lines for reference plane adjustment (see Fig. 1). The parameters L I , ZI, L2, Z2 are the lengths and the characteristic impedances of the input and output transmission lines, respectively. Ansoft HFSS [ 8 ] is used as a fine model of the filter channel. The coupling matrix that satisfies some required specifications is referred to as the ideal coupling matrix. It corresponds to the optimal coarse model solution in space mapping terminology [I]. There exists a mapping between coupling matrix elements and channel geometrical parameters. This leads naturally to the use of space mapping optimization to evaluate the channel dimensions that correspond to the ideal coupling matrix. 29 1 0-7803-7695-l/03/$17.000 2003 IEEE 2003 IEEE MTT-S Digest m = P(d) I Fig. 1. (1) The objective is to find the optimal design parameter vector d corresponding to an ideal coupling vector m*. This can be evaluated by solving the nonlinear system of equations Resonator Filter Circuit Model p(d)-m* = O The coarse model of a multiplexer channel. (2) As in [I] and [2] this nonlinear system of equations is solved iteratively using linear approximation of the mapping in (1). ... Sh"" UrCYlt A. Optimization Step Computation Q Q ... The optimization step computation is modified from the one in [2] to include upper and lower bounds on the design parameters. The residual r is defined by r(d)=p(d)-m* (3) At the i'th iteration the residual r(d;+s) ,where s is the optimization step, is approximated by the first two terms of Taylor series r(d; +s) = r; + J ; s (4) where r,=r(d;),J; is an approximation of the Jacobian of the mapping p. The optimization step s is obtained by minimizing the 12- norm of the residual (4) subject to bounds on the design parameters and a trust region on the steps 1 2 s = arg min -Ilr, J , sI12 0 Channel N channel input5 Fig. 2. N-channel manifold-coupledoutput multiplexer B. Multiplexer Model The multiplexer considered in this work is a manifoldcoupled output multiplexer (see Fig. 2). It comprises a number of narrow bandpass filters (channels) connected to a waveguide manifold. The symbol "T-J" denotes either an H-plane or E-plane waveguide T-junction and "C" denotes a circuit model of a waveguide transmission line. In our design procedure the T-junctions are analyzed by exact mode matching technique. Each channel is either represented by its coarse model (Fig. 1) or by the sparameters block obtained from the EM simulator. The algorithm presented in Section IV will make use of both representation to get the optimal physical dimensions of all the channels and the manifold 3 2 + subject to (5) IIsII- 5 Ai I 5di+s <u where 1 and U are vectors of lower and upper bounds, respectively and A; is the size of the trust region at the i'th iteration. The problem in (5) is a quadratic optimization problem with simple bound constraints. It can be solved efficiently by the gradient-projection method in [9]. As in [2] the solution (d;+s) is accepted only if it results in a reduction in the residual r. Tbe trust region is also updated according to the criteria in [2]. Broyden formula [I] is also used to update the Jacobian J. The initial value of the Jacobian J is approximated by fmite difference around the initial design parameters. 111. BANDPASS FILTERCHANNEL DESIGN The channel design procedure follows the algorithm in [2] with some key modifications. In the optimization step computation we impose lower and upper bound constraints on the channel design parameters. These bounds reflect geometrical constraints on the channel parameters. The sparsity of the mapping between cbannel geometrical parameters and coupling elements is also maintained. Let the vector d of dimension n represent the channel geometrical parameters. Let the vector m of dimension m contain all the coupling elements including inputloutput couplings. We assume that for a channel with a design parameter vector d there exists a unique coupling vector m such that the s-parameters of the channel coarse model (Fig. 1) match those obtained by the EM simulator. There exists a mapping between m and d B. Sparsiry of the Matrix J In waveguide filters changing one geometrical parameter affects only some specific coupling values and has little effect on the other couplings. This observation indicates that mapping p in (1) is sparse (hence the Jacobian J in'(4).is also sparse). We incorporate this observation in our technique by keeping the matrix J 292 sparse during Broyden update. The sparsity features can be deduced from the following practical observations: 1) Changing the inputhutput irises (or probes) affects only the inpuffoutput couplings and the resonant frequency of the nearest resonator. 2 ) Changing the parameters of a resonator results only in changing the resonant frequency of this resonator. 3) Changing an iris (or a probe) between two cavities results in changing the coupling between the cavities and the resonant frequencies of the two cavities. R d coupling for M23 Fig. 3. 5-pole DR filter structure (top view). 1V. MANIFOLD MULTIPLEXER DESIGN Assume that the multiplexer has N channels (see Fig. 2 ) . The design procedure to evaluate the manifold dimensions and the channel geometrical parameters are as follows Step 1. Optimize the overall circuit model of the multiplexer (manifold parameters and coupling elements of all channels) to meet the required specifications. The resulting coupling values are denoted as ideal couplings. Step 2 For i = I , 2 , ..., N apply the technique in Section Ill to evaluate the optimal design parameters of the i'th channel. Comment: The starting point for the (i+l)'th channel can be obtained by extrapolating the mapping information of the i'th channel. Step 3 Get a more accurate model of the multiplexer by replacing the circuit model (coupling matrix) of each channel with the corresponding sparameters sweep block (computed hy the EM simulator at the optimal channel design parameters over the multiplexer frequency band of interest). Notice that the resulting multiplexer model takes into account the effect of channel dispersion and spurious modes. Step 4 Evaluate the manifold parameters by optimizing the new multiplexer model to meet the required specifications. The optimization variables at this stage are the manifold spacing between channels and the lengths of the waveguides connecting the channels to the manifold. Comment: Notice that by optimizing the new multiplexer model obtained in Step 3 we adjust the manifold parameters to compensate for channel dispersion and spurious modes. When designing a channel using space mapping technique a number of EM simulations is needed in order to get an initial approximation for the Jacobian J in (4). From experience we notice that the same Jacobian approximation can be used for adjacent channels as long as they have comparable normalized coupling values and bandwidth. Hence the overall number of EM simulations is significantly reduced. V. MULTIPLEXER DESIGNEXAMPLE To illustrate the multiplexer design procedure we consider a IO-channel manifold-coupled output multiplexer in the frequency hand 3.5-4.25 GHz. Eight channels have a bandwidth of 1.5% and the remaining two have a bandwidth of 0.8%. Every channel is a 5-pole DR filter shown in Fig. 3. The input/output waveguides are coupled to the first and fifth resonators, respectively through double ridged irises. All couplings are realized by rectangular irises except the coupling M2,3 which is realized by a rod coupling [IO] (see Fig. 3) for power handling consideration. AnsoA HFSS [8] is used as a fine model of every channel and the network model in Fig. 1 is used as a coarse model. Tuning screws are added to a nominal depth to maximize the tuning range. The Tjunctions connecting the channels to the manifold are analyzed by mode matching. Ideal channels coupling values are obtained in the fust step of the design procedure in Section 1V. Spacemapping optimization (Section 111) is then applied to each channel to get the optimal channel dimensions. For example, the results of applying space-mapping optimization to the first channel are shown in Fig. 4 (7 iterations are required). Each channel is then replaced by the corresponding s-parameters sweep obtained by HFSS at the optimal channel dimensions. As a result the new multiplexer model includes channel dispersion and spurious modes. Finally the manifold parameters are reoptimized to meet the required specifications. Fig. 5 compares between the multiplexer ideal response and the EM response where every channel is replaced by its simulated s-parameters (by Ansoft HFSS). The measured response of the multiplexer is shown in Fig. 6. The spurious modes predicted by EM analysis in Fig. 5 correlate very well with the measurements in Fig. 6. ~ 293 VI. CONCLUSION -60 A new design methodology for DR based channel output multiplexers has been presented. Space-mapping optimization has been used tn design the multiplexer channels. Finite Element EM based simulators are used as a fine model of every channel and coupling matrix representation is used as a coarse model. Fine details such as tuning screws are included in the design process. The design procedure results in accurate design of DR A IO-channel output multiplexer is multiplexers. presented to illustrate the multiplexer design procedure. ~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank R. Granlund and S. Lundquist, COM DEV Space Group, Cambridge, Canada, for useful discussions during the course of this work. 0 REFERENCES [I]J.W. Bandler, R.M. Biemacki, S.H. Chen, R.H. Hemmers and K. Madsen, “Electromagnetic optimization exploiting aggressive space mapping,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 43, 1995, pp. 2874-2882. [2] M.H. Bah, J.W. Bandler, R.M. Biemacki, S.H. Chen and K. Madsen, “A trust region aggressive space mapping algorithm for EM optimization,” lEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 46,1998, pp. 2412-2425. [3] A.E. Atia and A.E. Williams, ‘Warrow-handpasswaveguide filters.” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theon, Tech.. vol. MTT20, 1972, pp. 258-265. 141 . _P. Harscher. E. Ofli. R. 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Measured response of the IO-channel DR multiplexer. 294 易迪拓培训 专注于微波、射频、天线设计人才的培养 网址:http://www.edatop.com 射 频 和 天 线 设 计 培 训 课 程 推 荐 易迪拓培训(www.edatop.com)由数名来自于研发第一线的资深工程师发起成立,致力并专注于微 波、射频、天线设计研发人才的培养;我们于 2006 年整合合并微波 EDA 网(www.mweda.com),现 已发展成为国内最大的微波射频和天线设计人才培养基地,成功推出多套微波射频以及天线设计经典 培训课程和 ADS、HFSS 等专业软件使用培训课程,广受客户好评;并先后与人民邮电出版社、电子 工业出版社合作出版了多本专业图书,帮助数万名工程师提升了专业技术能力。客户遍布中兴通讯、 研通高频、埃威航电、国人通信等多家国内知名公司,以及台湾工业技术研究院、永业科技、全一电 子等多家台湾地区企业。 易迪拓培训课程列表:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/rfe/129.html 射频工程师养成培训课程套装 该套装精选了射频专业基础培训课程、射频仿真设计培训课程和射频电 路测量培训课程三个类别共 30 门视频培训课程和 3 本图书教材;旨在 引领学员全面学习一个射频工程师需要熟悉、理解和掌握的专业知识和 研发设计能力。通过套装的学习,能够让学员完全达到和胜任一个合格 的射频工程师的要求… 课程网址:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/rfe/110.html ADS 学习培训课程套装 该套装是迄今国内最全面、最权威的 ADS 培训教程,共包含 10 门 ADS 学习培训课程。课程是由具有多年 ADS 使用经验的微波射频与通信系 统设计领域资深专家讲解,并多结合设计实例,由浅入深、详细而又 全面地讲解了 ADS 在微波射频电路设计、通信系统设计和电磁仿真设 计方面的内容。能让您在最短的时间内学会使用 ADS,迅速提升个人技 术能力,把 ADS 真正应用到实际研发工作中去,成为 ADS 设计专家... 课程网址: http://www.edatop.com/peixun/ads/13.html HFSS 学习培训课程套装 该套课程套装包含了本站全部 HFSS 培训课程,是迄今国内最全面、最 专业的 HFSS 培训教程套装,可以帮助您从零开始, 全面深入学习 HFSS 的各项功能和在多个方面的工程应用。购买套装,更可超值赠送 3 个月 免费学习答疑,随时解答您学习过程中遇到的棘手问题,让您的 HFSS 学习更加轻松顺畅… 课程网址:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/hfss/11.html ` 易迪拓培训 专注于微波、射频、天线设计人才的培养 网址:http://www.edatop.com CST 学习培训课程套装 该培训套装由易迪拓培训联合微波 EDA 网共同推出,是最全面、系统、 专业的 CST 微波工作室培训课程套装,所有课程都由经验丰富的专家授 课,视频教学,可以帮助您从零开始,全面系统地学习 CST 微波工作的 各项功能及其在微波射频、天线设计等领域的设计应用。且购买该套装, 还可超值赠送 3 个月免费学习答疑… 课程网址:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/cst/24.html HFSS 天线设计培训课程套装 套装包含 6 门视频课程和 1 本图书,课程从基础讲起,内容由浅入深, 理论介绍和实际操作讲解相结合,全面系统的讲解了 HFSS 天线设计的 全过程。是国内最全面、最专业的 HFSS 天线设计课程,可以帮助您快 速学习掌握如何使用 HFSS 设计天线,让天线设计不再难… 课程网址:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/hfss/122.html 13.56MHz NFC/RFID 线圈天线设计培训课程套装 套装包含 4 门视频培训课程,培训将 13.56MHz 线圈天线设计原理和仿 真设计实践相结合,全面系统地讲解了 13.56MHz 线圈天线的工作原理、 设计方法、设计考量以及使用 HFSS 和 CST 仿真分析线圈天线的具体 操作,同时还介绍了 13.56MHz 线圈天线匹配电路的设计和调试。通过 该套课程的学习,可以帮助您快速学习掌握 13.56MHz 线圈天线及其匹 配电路的原理、设计和调试… 详情浏览:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/antenna/116.html 我们的课程优势: ※ 成立于 2004 年,10 多年丰富的行业经验, ※ 一直致力并专注于微波射频和天线设计工程师的培养,更了解该行业对人才的要求 ※ 经验丰富的一线资深工程师讲授,结合实际工程案例,直观、实用、易学 联系我们: ※ 易迪拓培训官网:http://www.edatop.com ※ 微波 EDA 网:http://www.mweda.com ※ 官方淘宝店:http://shop36920890.taobao.com 专注于微波、射频、天线设计人才的培养 易迪拓培训 官方网址:http://www.edatop.com 淘宝网店:http://shop36920890.taobao.com
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