Rafael Najmanovich Curriculum Vitae & List of Publications (Updated 30.03.2015) PERSONAL DETAILS Name: Rafael Najmanovich Born: October 13, 1972 in Tel Aviv, Israel; Canadian permanent resident. E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION & WORK EXPERIENCE 06/2014-Present: Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS). Cross appointment Department of Computer Sciences (UdeS). 04/2009-05/2014: Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS). Cross appointment Department of Computer Sciences (UdeS). 01/2009-03/2009: Postdoctoral Fellow associated to the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) Toronto, Canada. 01/2005-12/2008: Staff Scientist at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge, UK. 06/2003-12/2004: Postdoc at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge, UK. 04/1998-05/2003: PhD in Physics and Biology at the departments of Plant Sciences & Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, Israel, under Supervision of Prof. Meir Edelman. Thesis title: “Protein Flexibility upon Ligand Binding: Docking Predictions and Statistical Analysis”. 10/1996-03/1998: Visiting student at the department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, Israel. 1994-1996: MSc in Physics – University of Sao Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil, Statistical Mechanics group, General Physics Department under supervision of Prof. Vera Henriques. Title: “The Collapse Transition in the HP model”. 1990-1994: Undergraduate Studies – Molecular Sciences, University of Sao Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil. 1989-1992: Experimental work on DNA repair mechanisms in S. cerevisiae. • • • • • • COMMITTEES Invited external member of the committee evaluating the undergraduate bioinformatics program offered at Laval University, Quebec (October 2015). PhD thesis committee member for Maryah Safi (U. Toronto), Robert Fieldhouse (U. Guelph), Abdellali Kelil (U. Sherbrooke) Member of the 2011 FRSQ evaluating committee for PhD fellowships (FF2-4D: biologie cellulaire, biochimie, protéomique et ingénierie tissulaire). Member of the Scientific committee of the Institut de Pharmacologie de Sherbrooke (IPS). Member of the Board of Directors (2010-2012) of Proteo, the Québec network for research on protein function, structure and engineering. Member of the organizing committee of the yearly ISMB satellite meeting “3DSIG: Structural bioinformatics and computational biophysics” from 2006-current (largest meeting in the field with around 200 participants per year) 1 • Member of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) council on Communities of Special Interests (COSIs). MEMBERSHIPS Life member of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). Member of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Faculty member of the Faculty of 1000 Genomics and Bioinformatics section. PROTEO (the Québec network for research on protein function, structure and engineering). • GRASP (Groupe de Recherche Axé sur la Structure des Protéines). • Institute of Pharmacology of Sherbrooke • • • • • • • • • • • • • • REVIEWING WORK Academic editor for PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS One, PeerJ and F1000Research. Reviewer Discovery program grants Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), 2009. Reviewer operating grants Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) 2008. Reviewer US National Science Foundation (NSF) 2007, 2014. Review of papers for the following journals (partial list): Bioinformatics (over 20), Proteins (around 10), FEBS letters (1), Nucleic Acids Research (numerous), BioEssays (1), PLoS Computational Biology (2), Protein Science (numerous), Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters (1), Algorithms (1), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (1), BMC Bioinformatics (1), Journal of Molecular Biology (2), PLoS ONE (1) and Nature Chemical Biology (1). Review of papers for the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), 2007. SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND WORKSHOPS (PARTIAL LIST) Organizing committee, Structural Bioinformatics Symposium, part of the 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, June 13-17, 2015. Organizing committee, Proteo Summer School on computational methods in biochemistry. Concordia University, August 14-15, 2014. 150+ attendees. Organizing committee member, “3DSig: Structural Bioinformatics and computational biophysics” satellite meetings. Annual meeting since 2006. 200+ attendees yearly. Organising committee member “New Perspectives on Anticancer Drug Development” session on the 2nd Middle East Frontiers of Science and Engineering (FOSE) 2007, 19-21 of March 2007, Seville, Spain. PHD STUDENTS (FINISH DATE) 1. Francis Gaudreault (2015, expected) 2. Vincent Frappier (2016, expected) 3. Matthieu Chartier (2016, expected) 4. Thierry Chénard (2017, expected) 5. Louis-Philippe Morency (2017, expected) MSC STUDENTS (FINISH DATE) 1. Mathieu Larocque (2017/01, expected) 2. Dominic Dûchene (2014, expected) 3. Ingrid Um Nlend (2014/08) – Completed. 2 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT INTERNSHIPS 1. Sara Laurin-Lactôt (Biology, May 2009) 2. Dany Gilbert (Chemistry, May 2009) 3. Olivier Blanchette (Physics, May 2009) 4. Thierry Chénard (Biotechnology, May 2009, Jan 2010, Sept 2011, May 2012) 5. Thomas Goudreaut (Chemistry, Sept 2009) 5. Eugene Morin (Computer engineering, Aug 2010) 6. Samuel Larrivée (Pharmacology, Sept. 2011) 7. Olivier Martel (Biochemistry, May 2012, Jan 2013) 8. Maxime Gagnon (Biochemistry, May 2012, Jan 2013) 10. Jean-Philippe Croisetiere (Biochemistry, May 2012) 11. Mathieu Larocque (Biology, Sept 2013, May 2014) 12. Olivier Mailhot (Biochemistry, May 2014, May 2015) FUNDING PI Status Year Source Amount 2015 CIHR 696,577$ R. Najmanovich R 2014 NSERC 175,000$ R. Najmanovich G 2013 CIHR 740,325$ R. Leduc G 2013 NSERC 147,201$ E. Marsault G 2012 FRQ-NT 200,000$ E. Marsault G 2012 MITACS 200,000$ E. Marsault G 2012 MDEIE 750,000$ D. Lafontaine G 2012 MSBi 200,000$ D. Lafontaine G 2011 CQDM 299,920$ R. Najmanovich G 2011 RQRM 124,800$ E. Marsault G 2010 NSERC 107,176$ JP Perreault G 2010 FRQ-S 246,321$ R. Najmanovich G 2010 FRQ-S 45,000$ R. Najmanovich G 3 Title A combined computational and experimental approach to study biased signalling in class A GPCRs Dynamics in molecular recognition Role of matriptase and TMPRSS6 in health and disease An institutional LC-MS platform for research in pharmacology and medicinal chemistry le riborégulateur guanine comme nouvelle cible antibiotique contre les infections au C. difficile le riborégulateur guanine comme nouvelle cible antibiotique contre les infections au C. difficile Nouvelles classes d'antibiotiques ciblant le riborégulateur guanine pour le traitement des infections à C. difficile le riborégulateur guanine comme nouvelle cible antibiotique contre les infections au C. difficile Detection of molecular interaction field similarities and its application in the rational drug design of selective multi-functional inhibitors Exploring privileged structures to identify new GPCR ligands Development of department- wide bioinformatics solutions Chercheur-Boursier Junior 1 Déterminants structuraux pour la liaison des cofacteurs et la sélectivité 2009 NSERC 90,000$ R. Najmanovich G des substrats chez la famille protéique des sulfotransférases Structural causes, control mechanisms and consequences of small- molecule binding promiscuity G=Granted, R=Requested. DISTINCTIONS • FRQ-S Chercheur Bursier Junior 1 fellowship (2010-2014) INVITED TALKS (ONLY THE MOST RELEVANT RECENT SHOWN) 31. Leloir Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentine. March 20, 2015 (keynote). 30. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, June 13-17, 2015 (keynote). 29. Protein Engineering Canada Conference. Ottawa, June 20, 2014. 28. Boehringen-Ingelheim. Ridgefield, Connecticut, June 16, 2014. 27. BioMOLAR Invited speaker, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Ottawa, April 21, 2014. 26. 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Quebec City, May 26-30, 2013 (keynote). 25. American Chemical Society Spring 2012 Annual Meeting, San Diego, March 25-29, 2012 (keynote). 21. 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Montreal, June 5-9, 2011 (keynote). ARTICLES UNDERGOING REVIEW 40. Chartier, M. & Najmanovich, R.J. (2015) Detection of binding-site Molecular interaction field similarities.. Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling. 39. Gaudreault, F., & Najmanovich, R.J. (2015) FlexAID: Revisiting docking on non nativecomplex structures. Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling. (BioRxiv preprint DOI: 10.1101/011791) ACCEPTED OR PUBLISHED ARTICLES 2015 38. Frappier, V., Chartier, M. & Najmanovich, R.J. The ENCoM server for the prediction of the effect of mutations on thermostability and dynamics. Nucleic Acid Research (2015 Web-server issue, accepted). 37. Frappier, V. & Najmanovich, R.J. (2015) Applications of Normal Mode Analysis methods on Computational Protein Design. Methods in Molecular Biology (accepted). 36. Gaudreault F, Morency L-P, Najmanovich R.J. (2015) NRGsuite: A PyMOL plugin to perform docking simulations in real-time using FlexAID. Bioinformatics (accepted, revision requested). 35. Samish, I., Bourne, P.E. & Najmanovich, R. J. (2015). Achievements and challenges in Structural Bioinformatics and computational biophysics. Invited perspective for the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), Bioinformatics 31(1): 146-150. 4 34. Frappier, V. & Najmanovich, R. J. (2015) Vibrational entropy differences between mesophile and thermophile proteins and their use in protein engineering. Protein Science. 24(4): 474-483. DOI: 10.1002/pro.2592 2014 33. Duchene, D., Colombo, E., Boudreault, P.-L., Desilets, A., Leduc, R., Marsault, E. & Najmanovich, R.J. (2014). Analysis of subpocket druggability and the detection of potent selective inhibitors for matriptase and matriptase-2. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 57(23): 10198-10204. DOI: 10.1021/jm5015633. 32. Larocque, M., Chénard, T., & Najmanovich, R. J. (2014) A curated C. difficile strain 630 metabolic network: prediction of essential targets and inhibitors. BMC Systems Biology 8: 117. DOI: 10.1186/s12918-014-0117-z 31. Frappier, V., & Najmanovich, R. J. (2014). A coarse-grained elastic network atom contact model and its use in the simulation of protein dynamics and the prediction of the effect of mutations. PLoS Computational Biology, 10(4), e1003569. 30. Glouzon, J.-P. S., Bolduc, F., Wang, S., Najmanovich*, R. J., & Perreault*, J.-P. (2014). Deep-sequencing of the peach latent mosaic viroid reveals new aspects of population heterogeneity. PLoS ONE, 9(1), e87297. * co-corresponding authors 2013 29. Chartier, M., Chénard, T., Barker, J., & Najmanovich, R. (2013). Kinome Render: a stand-alone and web-accessible tool to annotate the human protein kinome tree. PeerJ, 1(3), e126. doi:10.7717/peerj.126 28. Leonardo Astolfi Rosado, Igor Bordin Vasconcelos, Mário Sérgio Palma, Vincent Frappier, Rafael Josef Najmanovich, Diógenes Santiago Santos mail, Luiz Augusto Basso (2013). The Mode of Action of Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Shikimate Kinase: Kinetics and Thermodynamics Analyses. PLoS ONE 8(5): e61918. 27. Kurbatova, N., Chartier, M., Zylber, M. I., & Najmanovich, R. (2013). IsoCleft Finder - a web-based tool for the detection and analysis of protein binding-site geometric and chemical similarities. F1000Research, 2, 117. 2012 26. Letourneau D, Lorin A, Lefebvre A, Frappier V, Gaudreault F, Najmanovich R, Lavigne P, Lehoux JG (2012). Star-related lipid transfer domain protein 5 (STARD5) binds primary bile acids. Journal of Lipid Research 53(12):2677-89. 25. Gaudreault, F., Chartier, M. & Najmanovich, R. Side-chain rotamer changes upon ligand binding: Common, crucial, correlate with entropy and rearrange hydrogen bonding. Bioinformatics Bioinformatics (2012) 28(18):i423-i430. 24. Chartier, M., Gaudreault, F. & Najmanovich, R. Large scale analysis of conserved rare codon clusters suggests an involvement in co-translational molecular recognition events. Bioinformatics (2012) 28(11):1438-45 23. Colombo, E., Désilets, A., Duchêne, D., Chagnon, F., Najmanovich, R., Leduc, R., & Marsault, E. (2012). Design and synthesis of potent, selective inhibitors of matriptase. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 3(7), 530–534. 5 2011 22. Campagna-Slater, V., Mok, M. W., Nguyen, K., Feher, M.; Najmanovich, R., Schapira, M. (2011) “Structural Chemistry of the Histone Methyltransferases Cofactor Binding Site. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling”. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 51(3):612-623. 2010 21. Lavigne, P., Najmanivich, R. & Lehoux, J.-G. Mammalian StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domains with specificity for cholesterol: structural conservation and mechanism of reversible binding. Subcell Biochem 51, 425–437 (2010). 20. Han, G. W., Bakolitsa, C., Miller, M. D., Kumar, A., Carlton, D., Najmanovich, R. J., et al. (2010). Structures of the first representatives of Pfam family PF06938 (DUF1285) reveal a new fold with repeated structural motifs and possible involvement in signal transduction. Acta Crystallographica Section F, Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 66(Pt 10), 1218–1225. 19. Bakolitsa, C., Kumar, A., McMullan, D., Krishna, S. S., Miller, M. D., Carlton, D., Najmanovich, R. et al. (2010). The structure of the first representative of Pfam family PF06475 reveals a new fold with possible involvement in glycolipid metabolism. Acta Crystallographica Section F, Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 66(Pt 10), 1211–1217. 2009 18. Andreini, C., Bertini, I., Cavallaro, G., Najmanovich, R.J. and Thornton, J.M. (2009). “Structural analysis of metal sites in proteins: non-heme iron sites as a case study”. Journal of Molecular Biology 388(2):356-380. 17. Herrera, J.L., Fernandez-Montesinos, R., Quintana, F.J., Najmanovich, R., GonzalezRey, E., Pozo, D. (2009) “Toll-like receptor stimulation differentially regulates vasoactive intestinal peptide type 2 receptor in macrophages“.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine,13(2):1-9. 2008 16. Rafael Najmanovich, Kurbatova, N. & Thornton, J. (2008) “Detection of 3D atomic similarities and their use in the discrimination of small-molecule protein binding sites” Bionformatics 24(16):i105-111. 15. Jeyanthy Eswaran, A. Bernad, Jose M. Ligos, Barbara Guinea, Judit E. Debreczeni, Rafael Najmanovich, Benjamin E. Turk and Stefan Knapp (2008). "Structure of the human protein Kinase MPSK1 Reveals a Novel Activation Loop Architecture". Structure 16(1): 115-124. 2007 14. Abdellah Allali-Hassani*, Patricia W. Pan*, Ludmila Dombrovski*, Rafael Najmanovich*, Wolfram Tempel, Aiping Dong, Peter Loppnau, Fernando Martin, Janet Thornton, Aled M. Edwards, Alexey Bochkarev, Alexander N. Plotnikov*, Masoud Vedadi*, 6 Cheryl H. Arrowsmith (2007). “Structural and Chemical Profiling of the Human Cytosolic Sulfotransferases“ PloS Biology, 5(5):e97. * equal contributing authors. 13. Rafael J. Najmanovich, Abdellah Allali-Hassani, Richard J. Morris, Ludmila Dombrovsky, Patricia W. Pan, Masoud Vedadi, Alexander N. Plotnikov, Aled Edwards, Cheryl Arrowsmith & Janet M. Thornton (2007). "Analysis of binding site similarity, small molecule similarity and experimental binding profiles in the human cytosolic sulfotransferase family" Bioinformatics, 23(2):e104-109. 2006 12. Glaser, F., Morris, R. J., Najmanovich, R. J. and J.M. Thornton. (2006). "A Method for Localizing Ligand Binding Pockets in Protein Structures." Proteins 62(2):479-88. 2005 11. Najmanovich, R. J., Torrance, J.W. and J.M. Thornton. (2005). "Prediction of protein function from structure: Insights from methods for the detection of local structural similarities." BioTechniques 38(6):847-851. 10. Morris, R. J., R. J. Najmanovich, A. Kahraman and J. M. Thornton (2005). "Real spherical harmonic expansion coefficients as 3D shape descriptors for protein binding pocket and ligand comparisons." Bioinformatics 21(10): 2347-2355. 9. Funkhouser, T., Glaser, F., Laskowski, R., Morris, R., Najmanovich, R., Stockwell, G., & Thornton, J. (2005). "Shape-based classification of bound ligands". Quantitative Biology, Shape Analysis, and Wavelets. pp. 39-42, Edited by S. Barber, P. D. Baxter, K. V. Mardia, R. E. Wells. Leeds. Leeds University Press. 8. Morris, R. J.,Kahraman, A., Funkhouser, T., Najmanovich, R. J., Stockwell, G., Laskowski, R., and J.M. Thornton. (2005). "Binding pocket shape analysis for protein function prediction". Quantitative Biology, Shape Analysis, and Wavelets. pp. 91-94, Edited by S. Barber, P. D. Baxter, K. V. Mardia, R. E. Wells. Leeds. Leeds University Press. 2004 7. Eyal, E., R. Najmanovich, B. J. McConkey, M. Edelman and V. Sobolev (2004). "Importance of solvent accessibility and contact surfaces in modeling side-chain conformations in proteins." Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(5): 712-24. 2003 6. Eyal, E., R. Najmanovich, M. Edelman and V. Sobolev (2003). "Protein side-chain rearrangement in regions of point mutations." Proteins 50(2): 272-82. 2001 5. Eyal, E., R. Najmanovich, V. Sobolev and M. Edelman (2001). "MutaProt: a web interface for structural analysis of point mutations." Bioinformatics 17(4): 381-382. 2000 7 4. Najmanovich, R., J. Kuttner, V. Sobolev and M. Edelman (2000). "Side-chain flexibility in proteins upon ligand binding." Proteins-Structure Function and Genetics 39(3): 261268. 3. Vendruscolo, M., R. Najmanovich and E. Domany (2000). "Can a pairwise contact potential stabilize native protein folds against decoys obtained by threading?" Proteins-Structure Function and Genetics 38(2): 134-148. 1999 2. Vendruscolo, M., R. Najmanovich and E. Domany (1999). "Protein folding in contact map space." Physical Review Letters 82(3): 656-659. 1998 1. Najmanovich, R. J., J. L. deLyra and V. B. Henriques (1998). "The collapse transition in the HP model." Physica A 249(1-4): 374-379. 8
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