Schedule Aspen Winter 2015 : Sheet1 Sunday Monday 08:00-08:25 Th1 08:25-08:50 08:50-09:15 09:15-09:30 09:30-09:55 CMB1 09:55-10:20 10:20-10:45 10:45-16:30 16:30-16:55 16:55-17:20 CMB2 17:20-17:45 Reception 17:45-18:00 Coffee 18:00-18:25 LSS1 18:25-18:50 18:50-19:15 Welcome dinner Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Th2 CMB4 LSS4 Th4 Theory Coffee break LSS3 LSS2 Break or events CMB5 CMB LSS6 Midday break Large Scale Structure Th3 CMB 3 public lecture by David Spergel (downtown) Break Short talks Posters, pizza and beer LSS5 Banquet at Meadows (19:30) Talks are 20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions SESSIONS CMB1 Jonathan Aumont Anna Mangilli Marta Spinelli CMB2 Johannes David CMB3 Jamie Hubmayr Spergel Talk title Planck Polarization Update The CMB at large angular scale: status of the constraints on reionization Robustness of Planck results to different likelihood choices Small and large angular scale CMB measurements from the ground and from space with LiteBIRD and Advanced ACT ACTPOL Tom Jason Bock BICEP/KECK/SPIDER update Essinger- Hileman Searching for B-modes with ABS and CLASS Gallicchio SPTpol EE, BB, and Lensing Spectra CMB4 Blake Eva-Maria Jim Sherwin Mueller Bartlett CMB lensing measurements and their application to fundamental physics Constraining cosmology with the kinetic Sunyaev- Zel'dovich effect Planck Cluster Cosmology 2015 CMB5 Simon Neelima White Seghal The gas content of dark halos CMB lensing results from ACTPol LSS1 Ludovic Peter Elisabeth van New direction in weak lensing Waerbeke Melchior Dark Energy Survey: status and latest results Krause How to Combine Probes of Large-Scale Structure - Early Lessons from DES LSS2 Michael Shirley Levi Ho DESI Project Status and Outlook How to learn to love the BOSS? LSS3 Tom Abel Dark Matter Dynamics Cosmology with the SPHEREX All-Sky Spectral Survey PhysPAG and CoSSIG discussion All LSS4 Matthew Bhuvnesh Uros David Kleban Jain Seljak Spergel Unwinding Inflation Lensing and LSS measurements with the Dark Energy Survey Analytic models of large scale structure A primer on WFIRST LSS5 Andrew Florian Vlah Zentner Beutler Zonimir Controlling Systematic Errors from Baryons on Weak Lensing Cosmology BOSS DR12 Fourier Space Analysis Halo Power Spectrum and Bispectrum in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures LSS6 Mike Tzu Ching Ryan Zemcov Chang Cooke Near-IR Background Fluctuation Results from the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment Line Intensity Mapping The primordial deuterium abundance and the search for new physics Th1 Raphael Dan Hume Flauger Meerburg Feldman Drifting Oscillations, ns and r Constraining models of the early Universe with 21cm observations Funny Thing Happened on the way to convergence: Large- scale Cosmic Flows Th2 Leonardo Joyce Kendrick Ina Senatore Byun Smith Sarcevic The Effective Field Theory of Cosmological Large Scale Structures Constrainin g general models of inflation through CMB and galaxy surveys Primordial non Gaussianity: Planck results and future prospects Dark Mater Effects on Neutron Stars Th3 Tobias Jonathan Marcel Baldauf Halo Bias and its Evolution in the Peak Model Blazek The intrinsic alignment of galaxies and large- scale structure Schmittful Near optimal bispectrum estimators for large-scale structure Th4 Daniel Shimon Yacine Grin Meir Ali- Haïmoud Short Talks & Poster Simeon Bird Victor Buza Agnieszka Cieplak Nick Hand Harnois- Deraps Hill Vazquez Saito Wilson Joachim Colin Jose A Shun Michael Looking for ultra-light axions using CMB and large- scale structure data Flat Spacetime Cosmology in a Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravity Closing in on cosmological recombination Measuring the Neutrino Mass using Small Scales (T) Multicomponent analysis of CMB polarization maps using BICEP2 and Keck data (T&P) Theoretical Predictions of Large Scale Clustering in the Lyman- alpha Forest Modeling the BOSS CMASS Power Spectrum with a Distribution Function Approach (T) Baryons, Neutrinos, Cosmic Shear and Cosmology (P) Cosmology from the One-Point Function (T) Cosmological implications of BAO measurements (T) Subhalo abundance matching to model the connection between the BOSS CMASS galaxies and dark matter halos (T&P) Clipping the wings of non-linear structure (P) Published by Google Drive – Report Abuse – Updated automatically every 5 minutes
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