Part C: Technical Specifications (Request for Proposal for developing and installation of DYNAMIC ONLINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR NCS-TCP) Background of NCS-TCP: National Certification System for Tissue Culture Raised Plants (NCS-TCP) has been established by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India as per the Gazette of India Notification under the Seeds Act 1966. The major objective of NCS-TCP is to facilitate production and distribution quality planting materials. To achieve the above objectives, tissue culture companies are recognized under system on the basis of infrastructure and implementation of quality management system. Apart from recognition of tissue culture companies, test laboratories have also accredited under system. After Recognition, tissue culture companies become eligible to get their tissue culture raised plants tested and certified by these Accredited Test Laboratories (ATLs). Organization structure of NCS-TCP is at figure 1. Two Referral Centers have also been identified for testing of disputed samples, training etc. The comprehensive online portal will be developed by incorporating various steps of application processing for recognition and renewal as well as testing & certification of plants. Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) has been identified by DBT as the Management Cell for National Certification System for Tissue Culture Raised Plants (NCS-TCP). NCS-TCP Management Cell at BCIL is seeking service of a web developer to create a web portal that provides following: Processing of applications received from companies for Recognition and Renewal of Recognition Testing and Certification of tissue culture raised plants by ATLs Referral Activities covering conformity testing in the event of dispute, distribution of diagnostic kits, validation, technical audit and training Coordination of meeting and information management Database Management and instant report generation Management of fund utilization and disbursement Objective of Dynamic Web Portal: The broad objectives of web portal are to make various steps of application user-friendly, interactive, minimize paper work, speedy processing, maintaining centralized information/records and transparent operation. The portal will facilitate effective monitoring, maintaining of records for applicants. 1 Fig. 1: Structure of NCS-TCP Certification Agency for Tissue Culture Raised Plants (DBT) Appellate Authority (DBT) Apex Committee Project Monitoring & Evaluation Committee (PMEC) Monitoring Coordination & Monitoring Reporting / Approval NCS-TCP Management Cell (NMC) Coordination & Monitoring Recognition/ Renewal Grievance redressal Referral Centers (RCs) Accredited Test Laboratories (ATLs) Recognized Tissue Culture Production Facilities Samples for testing Supply of virus-free and genetically uniform TC plants to growers 2 Test reports and/or quality certification Broadly the proposed application will have four modules, which are proposed to be developed at four stages. Fig. 2: Schematic representation of overview of NCS-TCP online web portal application Module-I Testing & Certification of TC Plants Module-II Application Processing of TCPF for Recognition and Renewal Module-I Referral Activities (random testing, conformity test, training NCS-TCP Online Web Portal Module-III Co-ordination for Meeting and Information Management Module-III Management of Fund Utilization and Disbursement 3 Module-IV Database Management and Instant Report Generation Project Description Project requirements: 1. Renovation of existing NCS-TCP website: There is dedicated website for the NCS-TCP Outlook and design of the website is required to be made more professional and to accommodate “DYNAMIC ONLINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR NCS-TCP”. The web portal system is expected to consist of a main site with separate pages in static site. Site should be W3C platform to incorporate the specified requirements: 2. Database for existing recognized companies and applicant: Database will cover the basic information of recognized companies and application received so far. Key steps like site visit date, names of expert of visit, recommendation will be included in the database in order to have history of companies. 3. Details of Account Creation and Login: It is envisaged that around 235 to 250 logins will be created for using “DYNAMIC ONLINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR NCS-TCP”. These logins will have different rights as well as activity. Theproposed four modules will be used by these logins. Login NMC Number login 2 of Right Activity Admin Access to all and can modify Programme Manager Access to all not allowed to modify Access to all and not able to modify Access to application from TCPF for a specified duration Able to create more login, assistance in filling form Reviewing all activity, coordinating with all components Reviewing all activity Reviewing application, providing comments on corrective actions etc. Filled application for testing and certification from TCPF, complete process of testing, printing test report, generating master report Reviewing activity of ATL, status of diagnostic reagents DBT 1 TCCA Expert member 25 Accreditation Panel Test Laboratory 5 ATLs Access to only testing and certification services Referral Centres 2 RCs Access to only testing and certification services of ATLs and referral activities 4 Companies 200 Tissue company culture Access to only application for recognition/renewal and forms for testing and certification formats Reviewing application before submission, status of application, testing and certification forms The above are tentative and there should be provision to accommodate more login. 4. Application Processing of TCPF for Recognition and subsequent Renewal (Module II) A. PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS OF TISSUE CULTURE COMPANIESFOR RECOGNITION/RENEWAL OF RECOGNITION i. Providing login for TCPF applicant A unique login ID and password will be created on filling of general eligibility criteria such as name, address, valid email id, mobile no, production capacity and operational status of tissue culture production facility ii. Application Submission Login of TCPF will facilitate submitting applications for Recognition Descriptive forms with all criteria will be converted in online application form Forms will have provision to upload photo, reports, scan documents etc. Comments/ guide for relevant parameters will be provided Options to be created for Online fee payment On successful deposition of fee and application form, a unique application ID/ registration number will be generated automatically. An SMS and automatic email-acknowledgement will be generated after successful submission of application In case of any query related to application applicant will be directed to email to NCSTCP Management Cell (NMC) If company gets recognized, the same login ID and password will be used by tissue culture companies for renewal as well as testing/ certification In case failed transaction automatic money refund to applicant account and applicant need to redo transaction Option to save/ modify details page wise while filling application only for prescribed time period, after which applicant would be requested to re-login for filling application. Applicant will be not allowed to modify application after successful submission. 5 iii. Evaluation of Application by NCS-TCP Management Cell (NMC) On successful submission of application an email alert will be received by the programme coordinator at NMC. On evaluation of application form, NMC will designate a unique registration number to TCPF. A request will be forwarded to expert for undertaking site visit to TCPF On receipt of acceptance from the expert, he/she will be able to access and assess the application submitted by TCPF online within the specified period. iv. Login to Expert for access to the application for defined/limited period All members of accreditation panel will be provided with unique login ID and password Expert will access the application prior to site visit and place their comments after assessment In case of any query expert will intimate the same to BCIL prior to site visit online BCIL will receive query from experts online v. Planning and coordination of site visit TCPF will be requested to host site visit from the web mail of site. A SMS alert will also be sent at the registered mobile number of the applicant. Printed application will be used by expert committee for making comments during site visit (Report will not be made online) vi. Post site visit development and data feeding Specific comments of expert and recommendation of site visit will be entered in the online portal in the section pertaining to respective application The recommendation of experts will be assessed by the approval committee Decision of approval committee (approved/ not approved/ approved subject to compliance with corrective actions) will be informed to TCPF through email and SMS Status of application will also be updated which can be viewed by the applicant. In case of approved case, a certification number will be generated 6 vii. Update and tracking on status of application by applicants TCPF would login with their ID and may track/monitor the status of their applications NMC can login and monitor the status of all the companies’ application processing as well as individual application status while DBT can also have access of information. viii. Alert for Renewal An email and SMS alert will be sent to recognized TCPF, 3 months prior to expiry of certificate of recognition and two automatic reminders at the interval of 15 days would be sent if the application not received within prescribed timelines. Remaining steps of the application processing for renewal will be similar to recognition The process flow for the application processing is at Annexure-1 TESTING AND CERTIFICATION (MODULE-I) ACTIVITIES UNDER TCPF LOGIN (Testing of samples for mother plant/ stock culture and certification of tissue culture raised plants) After Login Recognized TCPFs will have provision to send intimation form for testing of stock culture/certification of TC plants On successful submission of intimation form by TCPF, an email and SMS acknowledgement will be sent to TCPF An email alert to respective ATL for preparedness prior to testing Email from ATL to companies regarding fees and preparedness of ATLs or need for site visit for samples collection. Online payment of fees for testing and certification in the centralized account maintained by BCIL. An acknowledgement through SMS and email on successful payment of fee and generation of unique transaction code. This code will be filled in online application for testing and certification All the activities will be fed into the Master-sheet of ATL 7 i. Activities under ATL login a. Online request from TCPF for testing and certification Online request will be filled by TCPF using unique transaction code and print of the same will be sent to ATL along with samples An email alert will be sent to respective ATL regarding receipt of testing request b. Test Report Generation After testing ATL can generate print of the test report/ certificate of quality etc. On issuance of certificate of quality automatically a copy of the same will be send to NMC through webmail for label printing. An email alert will be sent to NMC regarding request for printing of certification labels Software application of label and barcode printing is already available with NMC. Thus linking of this application needs to be done for the developed NCS-TCP web portal. c. Database TCPFs wise and ATLs wise for Testing and Certification Database will be maintained for number of mother plant/ stock culture samples sent by TCPF to particular ATL for testing and its result Date wise sorting of number of samples tested ATL wise number of samples tested Time taken for testing and report generation against date of receipt of samples (Date for receipt of samples and dispatch of report will be recorded and prompted if timelines of 6 days are not met) ATL will also have option to enter the number of samples tested for non recognized tissue culture production facility Number of visits organized by ATLs for collection of samples Master report generation for a given period of time The process flow for the testing and certification is at Annexure-2 8 5. REFERRAL CENTRES ACTIVITIES (Module I) i. Login for RC Login for RC for virus indexing and genetic fidelity testing Number of samples tested by ATLs and number of samples found positive/ negative in given period of time to be viewed by RC. ii. Random sampling and testing Information for testing of 5% aliquot of the samples received from ATLs for certification In case of any discrepancy (result difference from ATL) immediately intimate/alert to NMC iii. NMC will intimate the respective ATL and TCPF, if required Testing of Disputed Samples In case of any dispute from TCPF regarding testing and certification, RC will test the sample and intimate the result to ATL, TCPF and NMC In case of any grievance received from end user against TCPF. RC will test the sample and intimate the result to NMC and other aggrieved party. iv. Quantity and schedule of diagnostic reagents supplied to ATLs after validation RC will exhibit the status of diagnostic reagent supplied to each ATL and available stock of diagnostic kits. v. An email alert will be generated for RC on consumption of diagnostic kits by ATLs Training vi. Data to be maintained for training to ATLs representatives and technical personal Database management and master sheet generation Number of total samples tested by each RC ATL wise number of sample tested by RC Number of random sample tested Number of disputed sample tested Number of training organized for each ATL, number of participants 9 6. COORDINATION OF MEETING AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT(Module III) i. Meetings Online Login for AP, PMEC, ATLs and NMC NMC will have responsibility of providing login for expert member of accreditation panel/ PMEC member Access to agenda and minutes of meeting to the concerned experts of PMEC Option to upload agenda note Option to upload minutes of meeting ii. Status of certified plants available with recognized TCPFs Database of number of certified batches of TC plants available with individual TCPFs Date wise/ state wise number of certified plants available with TCPFs Certified plants by each ATL during particular time period iii. Data to be maintained on Promotion and outreach activity Training for recognized TCPFs on SOPs Awareness programme on NCS-TCP Stake holder meetings 7. DATABASE MANAGEMENT AND INSTANT REPORT GENERATION BASED ON ROBUST SEARCH(Module IV) i. Number of sample tested/ certified by each ATLs Date wise data TCPF wise data Positive/ negative test result ii. Number of sample sent by TCPFs for testing and certification Date wise data ATL wise data Positive/ negative test result 10 iii. Number of Certified Plants available with TCPFs Date wise data ATL wise data Positive/ negative samples Certification labels vs number of batch and batch size TCPF vs certification label issued iv. Calendar of TCPFs and ATLs expiry Month wise schedule for expiry of recognition for TCPF Month wise ATL tenure completion schedule v. Availability of recognized TCPFs in each states/ city/ region Number of login ID and password generated by TCPF (including name of those applicants who attempted to apply but not filled forms) State wise TCPF Region wise TCPF City wise TCPF State wise ATL Region wise ATL vi. Status of application for Recognition/ Renewal Status of application for recognition Status of application for renewal Date of submission Date of fee deposit and transaction ID vii. Status of fund issued to ATLs/ RCs Status of fund available with NMC Status of fund released to ATL Status of fund released to RC 11 viii. Status of outreach date and state wise filtering Number of training organized for TCPFs along with region Number of awareness programme along with region Number of stake holder meets along with region ix. Status of visit date and state wise filtering Number of site visits organized to TCPFs by NMC Number of site visits organized to ATLs by NMC Exert wise site visit list organized to TCPF/ATL Number of visits undertaken by ATLs to TCPF for sample collection 8. MANAGEMENT OF FUND UTILIZATION AND DISBURSEMENT(Module III) Total fund received from DBT against RLs, ATLs and NMC project Total fund utilized by NMC under various heads Total release to each ATL Total release to each RC Date wise release for ATL/ RC Date wise fund utilization by NMC An email alert to be generated for NMC from ATL end after testing of each 400 samples for next release An email alert to be generated from each RL after an stipulated time for next release Status of funds available with NMC. An email alert to be generated on consumption of 75% of fund from any of the heads. This will be used for the further release from DBT 9. ADDITIONAL FEATURE: The website will also contain videos (interview) of expert pool already available with NCSTCP Management Cell or should have compatibility to link documentary films and training module etc. Option to use portal for inventory management of certification label, ribbon, maintenance of printer(s), stationeries of NMC All database in the site generated should be compatible for exporting to pdf and Microsoft Excel format as well as printing. 12 Annexure 1 Process of Recognition of Tissue Culture Production Facilities (TCPFs) Receipt of Application as per the requirements by BCIL First Recognition of TCPF Renewal after two years of initial Recognition of TCPF Screening of Application Arranging visit of the AP to TCPFs meeting mandatory requirements Site visit report put up to the PMEC for approval Communicate Approval/ Corrective Action(s)/ Rejection to TCPFs TCPFs deposit Certification Fee to BCIL BCIL: Issuance of 13 Certificate of Recognition to TCPFs Annexure-2 Process Flow for testing of mother plant tissue/stock culture Intimation form will be received from TC companies for Virus Indexing of Plant Tissue/ Stock Culture(s) preferably at least two weeks before the sample(s) received. ATL will acknowledge the intimation and inform the company regarding fee to be submitted for testing Sample(s) will be received along with application covering detailed information of the samples to be tested and requisite fee. Each sample will be assigned unique 20 digits sample registration number by ATLs The samples would be forwarded by in- charge ATL to technical person with a job card The laboratory technician (Virology) after testing will prepare a test report and submit to Scientist concerned to verify and sign the test report In case of dispute, the concerned ATL will forward the second sub-sample to referral laboratory The ATL will maintain the whole record in master register for stock cultures 14 Process Flow for testing and certification of tissue culture raised plants Intimation form will be received from TC companies for testing and certification of tissue culture raised plants preferably at least two weeks before the sample(s) received. ATL will acknowledge this intimation and inform the company regarding fee to be submitted for testing. Application for certification of tissue culture plants would be accepted only from the recognized tissue culture facility and only in the case when the batch of tissue culture plants has been produced from indexed stock cultures/mother plant. Samples will be received along with application covering detailed information such as batch number/batch size and requisite fee. Each batch of plants will be assigned unique 40 digits batch registration number by ATL The samples will be forwarded by the In-charge, Division of ATLs to the respective lab technician/research assistant with a job card The laboratory technician (Virology/Molecular Biology) after testing will prepare a test report and submit to concerned scientist to verify and sign the test report Director/ HoD of ATL will issue a “Certificate of Quality” based on test report (Virus indexing and/or genetic fidelity) to the concerned TCPF ATL will issue required number of certification labels to the company only if the samples are free from known viruses and/or true to type along with “Certificate of Quality” If the test report is positive for virus or not found true to type, the Director/ HoD of ATL will issue a certificate of disapproval/Tissue Culture Plants Not Approved for Certification to the concerned TCPF In case of dispute, the concerned ATL will forward the sub-sample to referral laboratory The ATL will maintain the whole record in master register for testing and certification of tissue culture raised plant 15 Abbreviation AP Accreditation Panel ATL Accredited Test Laboratory BCIL Biotech Consortium India Limited DBT Department of Biotechnology NCS-TCP National Certification System for Tissue Culture Raised Plants NMC NCS-TCP Management Cell PMEC Project Monitoring and Evaluation Committee RC Referral Centre SMS Short Messaging Service SOPs Standard Operating Procedures TCCA Tissue Culture Certification Agency TCPF Tissue Culture Production Facility 16
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