BB and B B¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD Bethe Forum on methods in lattice field theory – Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit¨at Bonn Marc Wagner Goethe-Universit¨at Frankfurt am Main, Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik [email protected]∼mwagner/ in collaboration with Pedro Bicudo, Krzystof Cichy, Antje Peters, Jonas Scheunert, Annabelle Uenver, Bj¨orn Wagenbach March 25, 2015 Goals, motivation (1) • Study tetraquarks/mesonic molecules by combining lattice QCD and phenomenology/model calculations. • Basic idea: (1) Compute the potential of two heavy quarks in the presence of two light quarks using lattice QCD. (2) Explore, whether the potentials are sufficiently attractive to generate a bound state (a rather stable tetraquark/mesonic molecule) using phenomenology/model calculations. ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Goals, motivation (2) • Why are such investigations important? Quite a number of mesons are only poorly understood. – Charged bottomonium states, e.g. Zb (10610)+ and Zb(10650)+ ... must be four quark states. – Charged charmonium states, e.g. Zc (3940)± and Zc (4430)± ... must be four quark states. – X(3872) (¯ cc state): mass not as expected from quark models; could be a D-D∗ molecule, a bound diquark-antidiquark, ... ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Outline • A brief introduction to lattice QCD hadron spectroscopy. – QCD (quantum chromodynamics). – Hadron spectroscopy. – Lattice QCD. • Heavy-heavy-light-light tetraquarks. • BB static potentials. • BB tetraquarks. ¯ static potentials. • BB • Inclusion of B/B ∗ mass splitting. • Outlook. ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B QCD (quantum chromodynamics) • Quantum field theory of quarks (six flavors u, d, s, c, t, b, which differ in mass) and gluons. • Part of the standard model explaining the formation of hadrons (usually mesons = q q¯ and baryons = qqq/¯ q q¯q¯) and their masses; essential for decays involving hadrons. • Definition of QCD simple: Z X 1 (f ) (f ) (f ) 4 ¯ γµ ∂µ − iAµ + m ψ ψ + 2 Tr Fµν Fµν dx S = 2g Fµν f ∈{u,d,s,c,t,b} = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ − i[Aµ, Aν ]. • However, no analytical solutions for low energy QCD observables, e.g. hadron masses, known, because of the absence of any small parameter (i.e. perturbation theory not applicable). → Solve QCD numerically by means of lattice QCD. D meson proton d c¯ ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B u u u example: D meson Hadron spectroscopy c¯ u • Proceed as follows: (1) Compute the temporal correlation function C(t) of a suitable hadron creation operator O (an operator O, which generates the quantum numbers of the hadron of interest, when applied to the vacuum |Ωi). (2) Determine the corresponding hadron mass from the asymptotic exponential decay in time. • Example: D meson mass mD (valence quarks c¯ and u, J P = 0− ), Z O ≡ d3 r c¯(r)γ5u(r) 0.09 t→∞ ∝ 0.07 〈 O+(t) O(0) 〉 C(t) ≡ hΩ|O† (t)O(0)|Ωi t→∞ ∝ exp − mD t . 〈 O+(t) O(0) 〉 A exp(-mmeson t) points included in the fit 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 2 4 ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B 6 t 8 10 12 Lattice QCD (1) • To compute a temporal correlation function C(t), use the path integral formulation of QCD, C(t) = hΩ|O† (t)O(0)|Ωi = Z 1 Y (f ) ¯(f ) (f ) (f ) ¯ Dψ Dψ DAµ O† (t)O(0)e−S[ψ ,ψ ,Aµ ] . = Z f – |Ωi: ground state/vacuum. – O† (t), O(0): functions of the quark and gluon fields (cf. previous slides). R Q – ( f Dψ (f ) Dψ¯(f ) )DAµ : integral over all possible quark and gluon field configurations ψ (f ) (x, t) and Aµ (x, t). – e−S[ψ (f ) ,ψ¯(f ) ,Aµ ] : weight factor containing the QCD action. ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Lattice QCD (2) • Numerical implementation of the path integral formalism in QCD: – Discretize spacetime with sufficiently small lattice spacing a ≈ 0.05 fm . . . 0.10 fm → “continuum physics”. – “Make spacetime periodic” with sufficiently large extension L ≈ 2.0 fm . . . 4.0 fm (4-dimensional torus) → “no finite volume effects”. xµ = (n0 , n1 , n2 , n3 ) ∈ Z4 x0 a x1 ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Lattice QCD (3) • Numerical implementation of the path integral formalism in QCD: – After discretization the path integral becomes an ordinary multidimensional integral: Z YZ ¯ ¯ dψ(xµ ) dψ(xµ ) dU(xµ) . . . Dψ Dψ DA . . . → xµ – Typical present-day dimensionality of a discretized QCD path integral: ∗ xµ: 324 ≈ 106 lattice sites. a,(f ) ∗ ψ = ψA : 24 quark degrees of freedom for every flavor (×2 particle/antiparticle, ×3 color, ×4 spin), 2 flavors. ∗ U = Uµab : 32 gluon degrees of freedom (×8 color, ×4 spin). ∗ In total: 324 × (2 × 24 + 32) ≈ 83 × 106 dimensional integral. → standard approaches for numerical integration not applicable → sophisticated algorithms mandatory (stochastic integration techniques, so-called Monte-Carlo algorithms). ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Heavy-heavy-light-light tetraquarks (1) ¯ Qqq ¯ and QQ¯ ¯ q q tetraquark states (q ∈ {u, d, s, c}): • Study possibly existing Q ¯Q ¯ and QQ ¯ (reduces – Use the static approximation for the heavy quarks Q the necessary computation time significantly). ¯Q ¯ ≡ ¯b¯b and QQ ¯ ≡ ¯bb, e.g. Zb (10610)+ and – Most appropriate for Q Zb (10650)+. ¯Q ¯ ≡ c¯c¯ and QQ ¯ ≡ c¯c, e.g. – Could also provide information about Q Zc (3940)± and Zc (4430)±. • Proceed in two steps: ¯Q ¯ and QQ ¯ in the presence (1) Compute the potential of two heavy quarks Q of two “light quarks” qq and q¯q (q ∈ {u, d, s, c}) using lattice QCD. (2) Solve the non-relativistic Schr¨odinger equation for the relative coordinate ¯Q ¯ and QQ; ¯ the existence of a bound state would of the heavy quarks Q indicate a rather stable tetraquark state. ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Heavy-heavy-light-light tetraquarks (2) • Since heavy b quarks are treated in the static approximation, their spins are irrelevant (mesons are labeled by the spin of the light degrees of freedom j). • Consider only pseudoscalar/vector mesons (j P = (1/2)−, PDG: B, B ∗) and scalar/pseudovector mesons (j P = (1/2)+, PDG: B0∗, B1∗), which are among the lightest static-light mesons. • Study the dependence of the mesonic potential V (R) on – the “light” quark flavors u, d, s and/or c (isospin), – the “light” quark spin (the static quark spin is irrelevant), – the type of the meson B, B ∗ and/or B0∗ , B1∗ . → Many different channels/quantum numbers ... attractive, repulsive ... V (R) =? ¯ Q ¯ Q u P=− d R P=+ ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B BB static potentials (1) ¯ Qqq, ¯ ¯ q q, i.e. “B B”). ¯ • In the following Q i.e. “BB” (not QQ¯ • To extract the potential(s) of a given sector (I, Iz , |jz |, P, Px ), compute the temporal correlation function of the trial state (1) (2) ˜ ¯ ¯ (CΓ)AB (C Γ)CD QC (−R/2)qA (−R/2) QD (+R/2)qB (+R/2) |Ωi. – C = γ0γ2 (charge conjugation matrix). – q (1) q (2) ∈ {ud − du , uu , dd , ud + du , ss , cc} (isospin I, Iz ). – Γ is an arbitrary combination of γ matrices (spin |jz |, parity P, Px ). static quark light quark + color trace spin trace R T ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B BB static potentials (2) • I = 0 (left) and I = 1 (right); |jz | = 0 (top) and |jz | = 1 (bottom). singlet B (|jz| = 0, I = 0, P = +, Px = −) 1000 1000 1000 800 800 800 800 600 600 600 600 400 200 400 200 0 attractive P−P− repulsive SP− attractive SS -400 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 r in fm 0.6 0.7 400 200 0 repulsive P−P− attractive SP− repulsive SS -200 -400 0.8 V in MeV 1000 V in MeV 1200 -200 0 0.1 singlet C (|jz| = 0, I = 0, P = +, Px = +) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 r in fm 0.6 0.7 200 0 attractive P−P− repulsive SP− attractive SS -200 -400 0.8 400 0 0.1 singlet D (|jz| = 0, I = 0, P = −, Px = −) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 r in fm 0.6 0.7 -400 0.8 0 1000 1000 1000 800 800 800 800 600 600 600 600 200 V in MeV 1000 V in MeV 1200 400 400 200 0 0 -200 -200 -200 -200 -400 attractive SP− 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 r in fm -400 repulsive SP− 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 r in fm doublet I (|jz| = 1, I = 0, P = +, Px = +/−) -400 attractive SP− 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1000 1000 800 800 800 600 600 600 600 0 repulsive P−P− attractive SP− repulsive SS -200 -400 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 r in fm 0.6 0.7 400 200 0 0 -200 -200 -400 0.8Marc repulsive SP− V in MeV 1000 800 V in MeV 1000 V in MeV 1200 200 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 400 200 0 attractive P−P− repulsive SP− attractive SS -400 ¯0.4static 0 0.1 0.5 potentials 0.6 0.7 and 0.8 heavy tetraquarks 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 QCD”, 0.5 0.6 0.7 25, 0.82015 Wagner, “BB0.2and0.3B B from lattice March r in fm 0.8 sextet L (|jz| = 1, I = 1, P = +, Px = −/+) 1200 200 0.1 sextet K (|jz| = 1, I = 1, P = −, Px = +/−) 1200 400 0.7 r in fm 1200 400 0.6 repulsive SP− 0 r in fm doublet J (|jz| = 1, I = 0, P = −, Px = −/+) 0.4 0.5 r in fm 200 0 0 0.3 400 0 -400 0.2 triplet H (|jz| = 0, I = 1, P = −, Px = +) 1200 200 0.1 triplet G (|jz| = 0, I = 1, P = +, Px = −) 1200 400 repulsive P−P− attractive SP− repulsive SS -200 1200 V in MeV V in MeV triplet F (|jz| = 0, I = 1, P = +, Px = +) 1200 0 V in MeV triplet E (|jz| = 0, I = 1, P = −, Px = −) 1200 V in MeV V in MeV singlet A (|jz| = 0, I = 0, P = −, Px = +) 1200 r in fm -200 -400 attractive SP− 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 r in fm 0.6 0.7 0.8 BB static potentials (3) Why are certain channels attractive and others repulsive? (1) • Wave function of two identical fermions (light quarks q (1) q (2) ) must be antisymmetric (Pauli principle); in qft/QCD automatically realized on the level of states. • q (1) q (2) isospin: I = 0 antisymmetric, I = 1 symmetric. • q (1) q (2) spin: j = 0 antisymmetric, j = 1 symmetric. • q (1) q (2) color: – (I = 0, j = 0) and (I = 1, j = 1): must be antisymmetric, i.e. a triplet ¯3. – (I = 0, j = 1) and (I = 1, j = 0): must be symmetric, i.e. a sextet 6. ¯ Qq ¯ (1) q (2) must form a color singlet: • The four quarks Q – q (1) q (2) in a color triplet ¯3 – q (1) q (2) in a color sextet 6 → → ¯Q ¯ also in a triplet 3. static quarks Q ¯Q ¯ also in a sextet ¯6. static quarks Q ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B BB static potentials (4) Why are certain channels attractive and others repulsive? (2) ¯Q ¯ at small separations r is mainly due to • Attractive/repulsive behavior of Q ¯Q ¯ are rather close, inside a large light 1-gluon exchange (the static quarks Q quark cloud formed by q (1) q (2) , i.e. no color screening of the color charges ¯Q ¯ due to q (1) q (2) ): Q – color triplet 3 is attractive, V (r) = −2αs /3r, – color sextet ¯6 is repulsive, V (r) = +αs /3r (easy to calculate in LO perturbation theory). • Summary: – (I = 0, j = 0) and (I = 1, j = 1) – (I = 0, j = 1) and (I = 1, j = 0) → → ¯Q ¯ potential V (r). attractive Q ¯Q ¯ potential V (r). repulsive Q This expectation is consistent with the obtained lattice results. ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B BB static potentials (5) • Focus on the two attractive channels between ground state static-light mesons “B and B ∗ ” (probably the best candidates to find a tetraquark): – Scalar isosinglet (more attractive): √ qq = (ud − du)/ 2, Γ = γ5 + γ0γ5, quantum numbers (I, |jz |, P, Px ) = (0, 0, −, +). – Vector isotriplet (less √ attractive): qq ∈ {uu, (ud + du)/ 2, dd}, Γ = γj + γ0γj , quantum numbers (I, |jz |, P, Px ) = (1, {0, 1}, −, ±). • Computations for qq = ll, ss, cc (l ∈ {u, d}) to study the mass dependence. (b) vector isotriplet 2m(S) 2m(S) 2m(S) - 0.5 2m(S) - 0.5 V [GeV] V [GeV] (a) scalar isosinglet 2m(S) - 1.0 2m(S) - 1.5 2m(S) - 1.0 2m(S) - 1.5 2m(S) - 2.0 0 charm quarks charm quarks strange quarks strange quarks 2m(S) - 2.0 light quarks light quarks ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 R [fm] R [fm] BB static potentials (6) • Two competing effects: – The potential for light quarks is wider/deeper, i.e. favors the existence of a bound state (a tetraquark). – Heavier quarks correspond to heavier mesons (m(B) < m(Bs ) < m(Bc)), which form more readily a bound state (a tetraquark), i.e. require a less wide/deep potential for a bound state. [M.W., PoS LATTICE 2010, 162 (2010) [arXiv:1008.1538]] [M.W., Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 4, 747 (2011) [arXiv:1103.5147]] [B. Wagenbach, P. Bicudo, M.W., arXiv:1411.2453] (b) vector isotriplet 2m(S) 2m(S) 2m(S) - 0.5 2m(S) - 0.5 V [GeV] V [GeV] (a) scalar isosinglet 2m(S) - 1.0 2m(S) - 1.5 2m(S) - 1.0 2m(S) - 1.5 2m(S) - 2.0 0 charm quarks charm quarks strange quarks strange quarks 2m(S) - 2.0 light quarks light quarks ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 R [fm] R [fm] BB tetraquarks (1) • Solve the non-relativistic Schr¨odinger equation for the relative coordinate of ¯ Q, ¯ the heavy quarks Q 1 − △ + V (r) ψ(r) = Eψ(r) , µ = m(B(s,c) )/2; |{z} 2µ =R(r)/r a bound state, i.e. E0 < 0, would be an indication for a tetraquark state. (a) scalar isosinglet: α = 0.29 ± 0.03, p = 2.7 ± 1.2, d/a = 4.5 ± 0.5 0 -0.1 Va • There is a bound state for the scalar isosinglet and qq = ll (i.e. BB), binding energy E ≈ −50 MeV, confidence level ≈ 2 σ. -0.2 -0.3 • No binding for the vector isotriplet or for qq = ss, cc (i.e. Bs Bs , Bc Bc ). -0.4 -0.5 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 (b) vector isotriplet: α = 0.20 ± 0.08, d/a = 2.5 ± 0.7 (p = 2.0 fixed) 0 µ = mb/2, a = 0.079 fm µ = mb/2, a = 0.096 fm -0.1 µ = mB/2, a = 0.079 fm µ = mB/2, a = 0.096 fm Va probability density in 1/fm 2 2 r/a probability to find the b antiquark pair at separation r 2.5 1 -0.2 -0.3 1.5 -0.4 1 -0.5 0 1 2 3 4 r/a 0.5 0 ¯ static 0 0.2 0.6 0.8 lattice QCD”, 1 1.2 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B potentials and 0.4 heavy tetraquarks from March r in fm 5 6 7 8 BB tetraquarks (2) • To quantify “no binding”, we list for each channel the factor, by which the effective mass µ in Schr¨odinger’s equation has to be multiplied, to obtain binding with confidence level 1 σ and 2 σ (the potential is not changed). flavor confidence level for binding scalar isosinglet vector isotriplet light 1σ 2σ 0.8 1.0 1.9 2.1 strange 1σ 2σ 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.7 charm 1σ 2σ 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.5 – Factors ≤ 1.0 indicate binding. – Light quarks (u/d) are unphysically heavy (correspond to mπ ≈ 340 MeV); physically light u/d quarks are expected to yield stronger binding for the scalar isosinglet, might lead to binding also for the vector isotriplet (computations in progress). – Mass splitting m(B ∗ ) − m(B) ≈ 50 MeV, neglected at the moment, is expected to weaken binding (coupled channel analysis; see later slides). [P. Bicudo, M.W., Phys. Rev. D 87, 114511 (2013) [arXiv:1209.6274]] [B. Wagenbach, P. Bicudo, M.W., arXiv:1411.2453] ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B BB tetraquarks (3) What are the quantum numbers of the ¯b¯bll tetraquark (light scalar isosinglet)? • Light scalar isosinglet: I = 0, j = 0, ll in a color ¯3, ¯b¯b in a color 3 (antisymmetric) ... as discussed above. • Wave function of ¯b¯b must also be antisymmetric (Pauli principle); in the lattice QCD computation not automatically realized (static quarks are spinless color charges, which can be distinguished by their positions). – ¯b¯b is flavor symmetric. – ¯b¯b spin must also be symmetric, i.e. jb = 1. • The ¯b¯bll tetraquark has quantum numbers isospin I = 0, spin J = 1, parity P = + (parity not obvious). ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B B B¯ static potentials ¯ q q, i.e. “B B”, ¯ trial states • Experimentally more interesting case: QQ¯ (1) (2) ˜ ¯ ΓAB ΓCD QC (−R/2)qB (−R/2) q¯A (+R/2)QD (+R/2) |Ωi. • At the moment only preliminary results for q¯q = c¯c, “I = 1”. ¯ Qqq: ¯ ¯ Qqq ¯ half of all channels are attractive (for Q • Qualitative difference to Q them are attractive, half of them are repulsive). ¯ • Can again be understood by the 1-gluon exchange potential of QQ: – No Pauli principle for q¯(1) q (2) (particle and antiparticle are not identical). – q¯(1) q (2) can be in a symmetric color singlet 1 for any isospin/spin orientation. ¯ also in a singlet 1. – q¯(1) q (2) in a color singlet 1 → static quarks QQ – Color singlet is attractive, V (r) = −4αs /3r (LO perturbation theory). ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Inclusion of B/B ∗ mass splitting (1) • Mass splitting mB ∗ − mB ≈ 50 MeV has been neglected so far. • Mass splitting mB ∗ − mB is, however, of the same order of magnitude as the previously obtained binding energy E ≈ −50 MeV. • Moreover, two competing effects: ¯ Qqq ¯ channel correspond to a linear combination of BB, – An attractive Q BB ∗ and/or B ∗B ∗ , e.g. scalar isosinglet ≡ BB + Bx∗Bx∗ + By∗ By∗ + Bz∗Bz∗ . ¯ Qqq ¯ – The BB interaction is a superposition of attractive and repulsive Q potentials. • Goal: take mass splitting mB ∗ − mB ≈ 50 MeV into account ¯ Qqq ¯ potentials. → refined model calculation with the computed Q • Will there still be a bound state? ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Inclusion of B/B ∗ mass splitting (2) Solve a coupled channel Schr¨ odinger equation (1) • Previously: – A wave function ψ with 1 component corresponding to BB (B ≡ B ∗ ). • Now: – A static light meson can correspond to B or B ∗ = (Bx∗, By∗, Bz∗). ~ with 16 components corresponding to – Therefore, a wave function ψ (BB, BBx∗, BBy∗, BBz∗, Bx∗B, Bx∗Bx∗ , Bx∗By∗, Bx∗Bz∗ , . . . , Bz∗Bz∗). ~ 1, r2) = E ψ(r ~ 1 , r2), • Coupled channel Schr¨odinger equation H ψ(r H p21 p22 −1 −1 = M ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ M + (M ⊗ 1) + (1 ⊗ M) + V (|r1 − r2|), 2 2 where M = diag(mB , mB ∗ , mB ∗ , mB ∗ ) and V is a 16 × 16 non-diagonal ¯ Qqq ¯ potentials (both attractive and repulsive). matrix containing the Q ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Inclusion of B/B ∗ mass splitting (3) Solve a coupled channel Schr¨ odinger equation (2) ~ 1, r2) = E ψ(r ~ 1 , r2), • Coupled channel Schr¨odinger equation H ψ(r H p21 p22 −1 −1 = M ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ M + (M ⊗ 1) + (1 ⊗ M) + V (|r1 − r2|), 2 2 where M = diag(mB , mB ∗ , mB ∗ , mB ∗ ) and V is a 16 × 16 non-diagonal ¯ Qqq ¯ potentials (both attractive and repulsive). matrix containing the Q • Specific limits: – V = 0, i.e. no interactions: q q q q 2 2 2 2 2 2 E = mB + p1 + mB + p2 , mB + p1 + m2B ∗ + p22 , . . . – mB ∗ = mB , i.e. “old 1-component SE calculation”: E ≈ 2mB − 50 MeV. ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Inclusion of B/B ∗ mass splitting (4) Solve a coupled channel Schr¨ odinger equation (3) • Transform the 16 × 16 Schr¨odinger equation to block diagonal structure: – Total spin J = 0: 2 × 2 structure. – Total spin J = 1: 3 × 3 structure (3× due to Jz degeneracy). – Total spin J = 2: 1 × 1 structure (5× due to Jz degeneracy). • Work in progress ... – First very preliminary results indicate that for J = 0 the bound state does not exist anymore (however, still very close to a bound state). – However: ∗ More realistic/relevant J = 1 equation not yet investigated. ∗ Unphysically heavy u/d quarks (mπ ≈ 340 MeV) ... physically light ¯ Qqq ¯ potentials. quarks will lead to more attractive Q ¯Q ¯ separation M = mb ∗ M = diag(mB , mB ∗ , mB ∗ , mB ∗ ); for small Q would be more appropriate ... should enhance binding. ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Outlook (1) ¯ • Future plans for BB and B B: – Computations with light u/d quarks of physical mass (mπ ≈ 140 MeV instead of mπ ≈ 340 MeV). – Light quarks of different mass: BBs, BBc and Bs Bc potentials. ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B Outlook (2) ¯ • Future plans for BB and B B: – Study the structure of the states corresponding to the computed potentials: ∗ In a lattice computation two different creation operators generating the same quantum numbers yield the same potential. ∗ At the moment exclusively creation operators of mesonic molecule type. ∗ For BB use also · creation operators of diquark-antidiquark type. ¯ use also ∗ For B B · creation operators of diquark-antidiquark type, ¯ string + π), · creation operators of bottomonium + pion type (QQ ¯ string). · for I = 0 creation operators of bottomonium type (QQ ∗ Resulting correlation matrices provide information about the structure. ¯ static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD”, March 25, 2015 Marc Wagner, “BB and B B
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