124 CEIBA VoL. 1 Senecio Steyermarkii Greenm., sp. nov. Frutrx u que a d 5 m. a ltu ; ra mi ramuli sque ju venla le fl occo ·o-tomentulosis, plu minu ve gla bra tis ; folii s a lternis, pe ti ola ti ·, elli pti co-ova ti ;:;, 1-2 dm. longis, 4 -10 em . la ti s ju ven ta le upra Ilocr ulo!'o-tom entulo is sed mox gl a bratis, subtu den e et pel , i tenter, ba i in petiolum sensim a ngustatis. ad apieem ac uti s, ubiutegri s ve l p<nce sinuato-denticula tis : peti oli::. 2.5-8 em. long i-;; inflorescentii s lerm ina libus, d t>nse corym bo-ry m o~ i ~:,. multi capitati ; capituli heter oga mis circiter 8 m m. a lti , radia lis; involucri s campa nul a tis, ca lycul a tis ; in vo lu cri squ a mi ple rumque 8, linea r ibu vel oblongola nceo la ti~:, 4-5 nun. ]ong is, ac utis vel obtu:.i ; fl or ibus f t>mine i:. plerumque 3, fl avi ; fl oribu-; di:.ci 10 , Il a vis; achaenii gla bri . GuATEl\lA L\: nt>a r ca fe ta l oJ Iinca oleda d , 8 kms. south ea:.l oJ Ba rill as. S ie rra d e los Cuchum a la nes, dept. Huhuetena ngo, a lt. 1150 m., Jul y 26, 19-t2, Steyermark 49.556 (TYPE in . Io. Bo t. Ga rd . ISOTYPE in Chicago 1\a t. Hi t. Mus.) . This spec ies belongs in t.he section Terminales and it is allied to S enecio chicharrensis and S. serraquit chensis Greenm. , Irom which it is readily sep a rated by the dense a nd pe rmanent white flo ccose tomentum on th e und er leaf-surface. SENECIO ZlMAPANICUS H ems!., Bioi. Cent.-Am. Bot. 2 : 248. 1881; Greenm., Monogr. Senecio, I. T eil, 23. 1901, a nd in Engler's Bot. J a hrb. 32 : 19. 1902. MEXICO: flowe rs yellow, scattered on the gravelly arroyo floor, canyon below Las Canoas on Cerro Potos i, munic ipio d e Galr ana, Nuevo L eon, July 20, 1935, Mu-eller 2240 (Mo. Bot. Gard. ). A EW NAME FOR A CENTRAL AME RI CA N ILEX E . D. Merrill l'vh ATTENTION wa called to this case "'hile examunng tlw flex ma teri al in the herbarium of the E c uela Agricola P ana mericana in F ebruary 1950. W h en I saw the la belled specimens I immedia tely reme mbe red tha t. in 1908 I had used the na me flex gracili pes fo r a very diJJe renl Philippine s pecies.
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