To be considered for our $500 scholarships you must be in good academic standing, a studentathlete at Aledo High School and graduating in June 2015. Our scholarships will be decided by the Bearcat Bootcamp Board and will go to the most deserving recipients based on academic standing and athletic accomplishments. The winner will be announced at the 2nd annual Back the Bearcats 5K on May 30, 2015 and at the Athletic Awards Ceremony. Deadline: May 18, 2015 Personal Information First Name: ___________________________________ Last Name: ____________________________________ Gender (circle one): Male Birthday: / Female / Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State: ___________ Zip Code: _____________ Phone #: _________________Email address:_____________________________ Sports played (Fill in the number of years played): Baseball ______ Basketball ______ Cheerleading ______ Cross Country ______ Football ______ Golf ______ Soccer ______ Softball ______ Swim team ______ Tennis ______ Track & Field ______ Volleyball _____ Other _____ Education Information GPA: ______ out of _______ Class Rank: ______ out of _______ College/University Attending: __________________________________________ Intended Major: ____________________________________________________ High School Accomplishments: List all of your accomplishments – academics and athletics. Please list specifics. Personal Statement: On a separate sheet of paper, tell us why you think you deserve to receive this scholarship. Certification: I certify the information provided on this application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that if I am chosen as a scholarship recipient, I will use the funds only for expenses related to my education in an institution of higher learning in the United States. Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________ Mail your completed application postmarked by deadline to: Bearcat Bootcamp 227 Terrace Bluff Lane Aledo, TX 76008 Questions: Email [email protected]
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