… where the coffee is hot and the jazz is cool … 192 Northport Ave. (Rt. 1), Belfast, ME 04915 Tele: 207-505-5231 www.belfastbreezeinn.com Things to See and Do in the Mid-coast Region Section Museums Art & Artifacts Maritime Transport ation Toys Children’s Discovery General Name/Activity/Info Website Phone Address Location Center for Maine Contemporary Art Farnsworth Art Museum & Wyeth Center (also visit Julia’s Gallery for Young Artists – an educational initiative for teens) University of Maine Museum of Art Abbe Museum (Maine’s largest museum of Maine Indian artifacts) Maine Maritime Museum (indoor/outdoor year-round shipyard and exhibits) Penobscot Maine Museum (hands-on activities, collections of artifacts and photographs, maritime records, and more) Maine Lighthouse Museum (largest collection of lighthouse artifacts and mementos in the US) Owls Head Transportation Museum (antique autos, aircraft, motorcycles, bicycles, carriages, steam engines, as well as transportation art gallery) City Point Central Railroad Museum (Maine railroad history) Cole Land Transportation Museum (over 200 vehicles) Maine Antique Toy & Art Museum (extensive collection of toys sure to please adults who remember Buck Rogers, Betty Boop, Popeye, etc.) Maine Discovery Museum (learn, discover, create at Maine’s largest children’s museum) The Naturalist’s Notebook (combines nature, science, arts and the frontier of knowledge) Maine State Museum www.artsmaine.org 207-236-2875 162 Russell Ave. Rockport www.farnsworthmuseu m.org 207-596-6457 16 Museum St. Rockland www.umma.umaine.edu 207-561-3350 40 Harlow St. Bangor www.abbemuseum.org 207-288-3519 26 Mount Dessert St. Bar Harbor www.mainmaritimemuse um.org 207-443-1316 243 Washington St. Bath www.penobscotmarinem useum.org www.penobscotbayhistor y.org 207-548-0334 5 Church St. Searsport www.mainelighthousem useum.org 207-594-3301 1 Park Dr. Rockland www.owlshead.org 207-594-4418 Rt. 73 Owls Head www.citypointcentralmu seum.org 207-323-4402 13 Oak Hill Rd. Belfast www.colemuseum.org 207-990-3600 405 Perry Rd. Bangor http://home.gwi.net/~fa wcetoy 207-832-7398 3506 Rt. 1 Waldoboro www.mainediscoverymu seum.org 207-262-7200 74 Main St. Bangor www.thenaturalistsnoteb ook.com 207-801-2777 16 Main St. Seal Harbor www.state.me.us/museu m www.belfastmuseum.org 207-287-2301 230 State St. Augusta 207-338-9229 10 Market Belfast www.lincolnvillehistory. 207-789-5445 33 Beach Rd. (Rt. Lincolnville Belfast History and Architecture Walking Tour Schoolhouse Museum Antique Galleries and Shops Lighthous es Auction Galleries Music, Theatre, Drama (restored historic school, map to other schools and historic sites in the town/region, photos, town records, Native American artifacts, early settlers’ tools, genealogies/information) Walk & Bike Belfast (info at Belfast Visitor’s Center) Haunted History Tours (lantern-lit walks exploring the mysterious haunts and untold history of Camden) Antique Treasures (antiques and appraisals) Scuttlebutt Antiques (furniture, paintings, memorabilia, covers three floors) Nobleboro Antiques (over 70 of the area’s best antique merchants) Cabot Mills Antiques Camden Merchant’s Showcase (over 20 vendors) Sadie’s Antiques (two floors filled with furniture, rugs, collectibles and much more) Permaquid Point Light (1827) Marshall Point Light (1832) Monhegan Island Light (1824) org Rockland Breakwater Light (1902) Indian Island Light (1850) Owls Head Light (1826) Brown’s Head Light (1832) Curtis Island Light (1836) Grindle Point Light (1851) Fort Point Light (1836) Waldo Ave. Dice Head Light (1828) Thomaston Place Rt. 1 north to Rt. 175 then on to Rt. 166 or 166a to Castine www.thomastonauction.c 207-354-8141 51 Atlantic Hwy. om www.msmt.org 207-725-8769 22 Elm St. Maine State Music Theatre (professional music theater) Northport Music Theater (128-seat theater, professional company) Belfast Maskers (performances, workshops, camp, special events) Films & The Strand Theatre Movies (beautifully restored theatre offers current cinema and live performances) Colonial Theatre (classic art deco movie house with 3 screens showing the latest movies) Flagship Cinemas (multiplex offering first run films) Art Galleries Camden Camden Falls Gallery www.waldocountymoves .com redcloakhauntedhistoryto [email protected] 173) Beach Belfast 207-380-3806 Varies depending on tour Camden [email protected] et www.scuttlebuttantiques. com 207-236-8300 411 West St. Rockport 207-273-1122 345 Atlantic Hwy. Warren www.antiquex.net 207-563-6800 Nobleboro www.cabotantiques.com 207-725-2855 207-236-6010 104 Atlantic Hwy/ US Rte. 1 14 Main St. 10 Mechanic St. www.sadiesantiques.com 207-236-0023 2164 Atlantic Hwy. Lincolnville From Rt. 1 in Waldoboro take Rt. 32 to Rt. 130 Rt. 131 to Duck Cliff Rd. then on Marshall Point Rd. Ferry from Port Clyde Marine Park off Pascals Ave. (from West St.) Rt. 73 Ferry from Rockland View from Beacon Ave. (off Chestnut) Ferry from Lincolnville Fort Point State Park, Off Rt. 1 just north of Searsport Brunswick Camden Bristol Port Clyde Monhegan Island Rockland Rockland Owls Head Vinalhaven Camden Islesboro Stockton Springs Castine Thomaston Brunswick www.northportmusicthe ater.com 207-338-8383 851 Atlantic Hwy. Northport www.belfastmaskersthea ter.com 207-338-9668 Front St. Belfast www.rocklandstrand.co m 207-594-0070 345 Main St. Rockland www.colonialtheatre.com 207-338-1930 163 High St. Belfast www.flagshipcinemas.co m/ 207-594-4705 9 Moody Dr. Thomaston info@camdenfallsgallery. 207-470-7027 5 Public Landing Camden Rockport Rockland Belfast Bookstore s (new and used) Artisan Shops & Studios to Visit (original fine art, furniture and com sculpture) Small Wonder Gallery (fine art@smallwondergallery. 207-236-6005 1 Public Landing Camden and decorative art) com Ironbound Gallery (intriguing [email protected] 207-236-4100 37 Bayview St. Camden original art from a diverse m collection of artists) Ralston Gallery www.ralstongallery.com 207-230-7725 23 Central St. Rockport (photography) Dowling Walsh Gallery (fine www.dowlingwalsh.com 207-596-0084 365 Main St. Rockland arts and artist workshops) Caldbeck Gallery (painting, www.caldbeck.com 207-594-5935 12 Elm St. Rockland sculpture and photography) Carver Hill Gallery (2D and www.carverhillgallery.co 207-594-7745 338 Main St. Rockland 3D work from emerging talent, m as well as mid-career and established artists) Landing Gallery (ceramics, [email protected] 207-594-4544 8 Elm St. Rockland blown glass, painting, m photographs, drawings and sculptures) Aarhus Gallery (fine art, www.aarhusgallery.com 207-338-0001 50 Main St. Belfast crafts, music, and community) High Street Studio and www.highstreetgallery.co 207-338-8990 149 High St. Belfast Gallery (local artists, classes m and workshops Parent Gallery (unique www.nealparent.com 207-338-1553 92 Main St. Belfast display of four artists – photography, pastels, paintings, sculpture) Waterfall Arts (full-service art www.waterfallarts.org 207-338-2222 256 High St. Belfast center with gallery, classes, artists in residence, and studios) Old Professor’s Bookshop www.oldprofessorsbooks 207-338-2006 99 Main St. Belfast (new, used, rare) hop.com Left Bank Books (new) www.leftbankbooks.com 207-338-9009 109 Church St. Belfast Owl and Turtle www.owlandturtle.com 207-230-7335 33 Bay View St. Camden Sherman’s Book & Stationary www.shermans.com 207-236-2223 14 Main St. Camden (for all ages and interests) Make sure to check with the artisan or make an appointment as some studios are open daily while others are by appointment. Swan Island Blankets www.swansislandcompa 207-338-9691 231 Atlantic Lincolnville (blankets, shawls, and items ny.com Hwy. made from wool from Swan Island) Windsor Chairmakers (studio www.windsorchair.com 207-789-5188 2596 Atlantic Lincolnville of Windsor chairmakers, Hwy. classes, furniture) Sleepy Hollow Rag Rugs www.sleepyhollowragru 207-789-5987 217 Beach Rd. Lincolnville (women rugs by Diane and gs.com Wally O’Brien) Van der Ven Studios (Simon www.vendervenstudios.c 207-763-4376 257 Main St. Lincolnville van der Ven creates objects for om warmth, light from porcelain, stoneware, and other materials) Randy Fein Mountain Studio www.randyfein.com 207-763-3433 403 Youngtown Lincolnville (clay objects for home and Rd. garden, dinnerware, tilework, fish and birds) Nancy Lubin Design [email protected] 207-236-4069 13 Trim Street Camden (handwoven wool scarves, stoles, throws) Seafood and Lobster Wineries & Vineyards Brookside Studio/Gallery (fused glass, ceramics, mixed media by Kathy Ocariz) Chris McLarty & Debra Thuss (polymer jewelry, sculpture, classes) Dan Daly Studio Gallery (oils and watercolors of New England landscapes) Designs in Wood (Sydney Moore creates functional sculptural furniture) Village Farm Alpacas & Shop (a tour of the farm and herd is offered with your purchase in the store) Etienne Perret (gold and diamond jewelry) Laurie V. Adams (handmade blank books, silver jewelry, paintings) Mountain Street Pottery (functional contemporary stoneware by Peter Jones) Sebold Studio (watercolors and oil paintings of New England by Carol Sebold) Benjamin Leavitt Metalwork (custom-built designs) Michael Good Gallery (assorted fine arts, jewelry, sculptures by American and European artists) Danica Candleworks (candlemaking, holders, jewelry) Akvarell Studio (watercolors of Maine coastline by Marcia Anderson) Harbor Square Gallery – Thomas O’Donovan (goldsmith, fine jewelry, painting and sculptures) M&L Seafood Graffam Bros. Seafood Market (lobsters, shrimp, haddock, scallops, swordfish, tuna, halibut, mussels, clams, crabmeat, salmon, oysters) Young’s Lobster Pound (lobsters, clams, chowders) Oyster River Lobster Company (wholesale/retail seafood sales, delivery and shipping) Cellerdoor Vineyard (local varietal wines, wine tasting, gifts, stroll the vineyard) Cellardoor Winery (local varietal wines, gifts, winetasting) Sweetgass Farm Winery & Distillery (fruit wines, ports, brandies, run and gin) Savage Oaks Vineyard & Winery (wine tasting, www.kathyocariz.com 207-236-0197 246 Mountain St. Camden [email protected] m [email protected] www.dalyart.com 207-236-4244 207-236-2449 111 Washington St. Camden 207-236-8834 23 Limerick St. Camden www.diwfurniture.com 207-975-5588 50 John St. Camden www.alpacavillage.com 207-832-5160 99 Old Route One Waldoboro www.etienneperret.com 207-236-9696 14 Sea St. Camden [email protected] 207-236-4023 579 Belfast Rd. (Rt. 1) Camden www.pjcaver.com 207-236-6112 80 Mountain St. Camden www.csebold.com 207-236-8234 21 Riverside Dr. Camden www.benjaminleavitt.co m www.michaelgood.com 207-763-4645 446 Camden Rd. Hope 207-236-9619 325 Commercial St. (Rt. 1) Rockport www.danicacandles.com 207-236-3060 569 West St. Rockport www.wavelengthstudios. com/akvarell 207-236-3239 17 Spear St. Rockport www.harborsquaregaller y.com 207-594-8700 374 Main St. Rockland 207-763-3983 207-236-8391 638 Beach Rd. 211 Union St. Lincolnville Rockport 207-338-1160 Mitchell Ave. Belfast 207-273-0064 611 Oyster River Rd. Warren www.mainewine.com 207-763-4478 367 Youngtown Rd. Lincolnville www.mainewine.com 207-236-2654 Intersection of Rt. 1 & Rt. 90 Rockport www.sweetgrasswinery.c om 207-785-3024 347 Carroll Rd. Union www.savageoakes.com 207-785-5261 174 Barrett Hill Rd. Union www.lobsterstogo.com youngslobsterpound.web s.com blueberry fields, belted Galloway cattle) Oyster River Winegrowers Sow’s Ear Winery (dry fruit wines, hard cider, tasting) Winterport Winery (fruit wines, distillery, brewery). Also on site: Pairings Food and Wine Culinary and Education Center Unity Winery Day Break Manor Vineyard General Stores and Farm Markets Bar Harbor Cellars (vineyard and flower farm, classic grape and fruit wines, tasting) Renys (department store with typical Maine items of clothing, gourmet foods at discount prices) Hope General Store LL Bean Farmer’s Fare (food, stories, information) The Market Basket (wines, European beers, cheeses, smoked seafood, sausages/salamis, sweets, fresh baked goods, gift baskets, catering) The Megunticook Market (local & natural foods, customcut meats, fresh fish, wines, beer, specialty foods, catering) Sweet Henry’s (baked goods made from local grains/fruits/produce) Belfast Co-Op Store and Café (organic & natural products, bulk foods, fair-trade items) Lincolnville Farmer’s Market Camden Farmers’ Market (Saturday mornings and Wednesday afternoons) Belfast Farmer’s Market (Friday morning) Aldermere Farm (Belted Galloway cattle) After the Fall Farm (organic vegetables & herbs yearround) Angelina’s Bakery & Garden Variety (fresh entrees, pastas, breads, gluten-free items) Appleton Creamery (goat & sheep cheese and milk using traditional methods, fudge, soap) Atlantic Baking Co. artisan breads and pastries, no preservatives) www.oysterriverwinegro wers.com 207-273-2998 207-326-4649 929 Oyster River Rd. 303 Coastal Rd. (Rt. 176) 279 S. Main St. (Rts. 1 & 69) Warren Brooksville www.winterportwinery.c om www.pairingsinmaine.co m 207-223-4500 www.unitywinery.com www.daybreakmanorvin eyard.com www.barharborcellars.co m 207-948-7777 207-882-9786 17 Albion Way 106 Bath Rd. Unity Wiscasset 207-288-3907 854 State Hwy. 3 Bar Harbor www.renys.com 207-236-9005 207-338-4588 Elm St. Rts. 1 & 3 Camden Belfast www.hopegeneral.com www.llbean.com www.farmersfaremaine.c om www.themarketbasket.m e 207-763-2816 207-865-4761 207-236FARE 207-236-4371 449 Camden Rd. 95 Main St. Rt. 90 at Cross Street Intersection of Rt. 1 and Rt. 90 Hope Freeport Rockport www.megunticookmarke t.com 207-236-3537 2 Gould St. Camden [email protected] 207-322-0651 23 Jesse Robbins Belfast www.belfastcoop.com 207-338-2532 123 High St. Belfast http://www.lincolnvillef armersmkt. org www.camdenfarmersmar ket.org 207-9300000 Parking lot of Dots Lincolnville Knowlton St. & Washington St. (Rt. 105) 256 High St. Camden 207-236-2739 70 Russell Rockport www.afterthefallfarm.co m 207-589-3733 238 Peaveytown Rd. Montville [email protected] om 207-722-3112 411 Old County Rd. Knox 780 Gurneytown Rd. Appleton 351 Main St. Rockland www.belfastfarmersmark et.org www.aldermere.org www.appletoncreamery.c om [email protected] om [email protected] om 207-596-0505 Winterport Rockport Belfast Aunt Polly’s Pantry (oldfashioned pickles, relishes, jams) Avena Botanicals (medicinal herb tour, herb gardens, herbal apothecary, classes) Brae Maple Farm (organic vegetables, herbs, dried flowers, plants) Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens (two miles of walks and trails through gardens) Endless Summer Flower Farm (over 180 varieties of dahlias) Gratitude Food (pure, fresh, organic foods) Guini Ridge Farm (lamb meat, sausage, hand spun yarns, milk-based soaps, vegetables) Hahn’s End (artisan cheeses) [email protected] om 207-594-8644 Camden & Rockland Farmers Markets 219 Mill St. Rockland/ Camden www.avenabotanicals.co m 207-594-0694 [email protected] 207-785-4978 233 North Union Rd. Union www.mainegardens.org 207-633-4333 132 Botanical Gardens Dr. Boothbay www.ednlesssummerflo werfarm.com gratitudefooods@tidewat er.net [email protected] 207-236-8752 57 East Fork Rd. Camden 207-322-7776 975 Waterville Rd. 1353 N. Union St. Waldo [email protected] 207-422-0051 Phippsburg [email protected] m 207-382-6446 62 Captain Perry Dr. 18 Gilcrest Lane Half Moon Farm (sustainably grown produce, jams, crackers, hand-carved utensils, herbs) Hubbard Brook Farm (berries, vegetables, hand-woven baskets) Hummalong Farm (salad greens, onions/leeks, potatoes, squash, pumpkins, Maine crafts & “D’mit Dolls”) Maine-ly Poultry (chickens, turkeys, fresh eggs, sausages) Merryspring Nature Center (ornamental gardens, lawns, forests, and nature trails) Moonlight Maple Co. (awardwinning maple syrup, jelly, nuts, sugar) Mystique Chevre (artisan goat cheeses) Old Sow Farm (organic rare heritage pigs for pork and sausage, Jersey cow dairy products) Oyster Creek Farm and Mushroom Company (shitake mushrooms, wild mushrooms) Peacemeal Farm ( organic produce) Puddleduck Farm (soaps and herbal products, honey, eggs) Ravenswood Farm (flowers, trellises) Spear Farm and Greenhouse (flowers, balsam wreaths, vegetables, berries, paintings, photography, note cards) Smith’s Log Smokehouse (smoked meats, cheeses, salamis, salmon) Sheepscot Flower Farm (cut flowers, herbs, plants) hubbardbrookfarm@unin ets.net 207-568-3201 588 Hunter Rd. Unity [email protected] 207-785-3521 518 Camden Rd. Appleton [email protected] 207-273-2809 Warren www.merryspring.org 207-236-2239 1461 Atlantic Hwy. 30 Conway Rd. (off Rt. 1) [email protected] 207-293-4076 74 Bowen Mountain Rd. Mt. Vernon [email protected] 207-832-1693 288 Friendship St Waldoboro www.oldsowfarm.com 207-733-2569 1050 County Rd. Lubec www.oystercreekmushro om.com 207-563-1076 61 Standpipe Rd. Damariscott a [email protected] m www.pudleduckfamilyfa rm.com [email protected] 207-257-4103 25 Peacemeal La. Dixmont 207-651-9390 36 Maple St. Vassalboro 207-975-5346 86 Upham Rd. Union www.artworksllb.com [email protected] m 207-273-3818 1384 Atlantic Hwy. Warren www.logsmokehouse.net 207-525-7735 7 E. Main Street Monroe www.sheepscotflowerfar m.com 207-586-5067 98 West Old County Road Newcastle 207-785-2978 Rockport Union Montville CamdenRockport Spa, Massage, Yoga, Fitness, Dance Hair Salons Sports Schooner Sailing Lobster Fishing Island & Mail Boat Trips Sea Kayak Tours Golf Coppola Salon & Day Spa (facials, massage, hair & nails) Sanctuary Day Spa (massage, facials, body wraps) High Mountain Hall (fitness and dance classes, yoga, tai chi, and more) Beauty Mark Spa (skincare, facials, massage, pedicure, nails, make-up, hair removal, tinting, packages) Belfast Dance Studio (call for schedule of classes) Cutting Edge Salon (full service unisex salon) Techniques Hair Salon (full service unisex salon) Makin Waves (full service salon for men and women) The Upper Cut (full service salon for men and women) [email protected] om www.mainesanctuary.co m www.highmountainhall.c om 207-594-1200 99 Park St. Rockland 207-236-3338 15 Elm St. Camden 207-236-0003 5 Mountain St. Camden www.beautymarkspa.co m 207-230-1170 5 Mountain St. Camden www.belfastdancestudio. com 207-338-5380 109 High St. Belfast 207-236-4084 21 Mechanic St. Camden 207-236-4241 Camden 207-338-3148 143 Washington St. 1 Belmont Ave. 207-338-4747 48 Main St. Belfast Appledore (2-hour cruises, sunset cruises) Miss Nina (2-hour sails, dinner and specialty cruises) Heron (3-hour w/ lunch, 2.5hour ecotour, gourmet sunset cruise) Lazy Jack (2-hour cruise) www.appledore2.com [email protected] www.sailingmissnina.co m www.woodenboatco.com 207-236-8353 Bayview Landing Camden 207-505-1618 Belfast Harbor Belfast 207-236-8605 Rockport Harbor Rockport www.schoonerlazyjack.c om www.maineschooners.co m www.schoonersummerti me.com www.captainjacklobstert ours.com 207-230-0602 Camden Public Landing Camden Public Landing 115A S. Main St. Camden 207-542-6852 130 Thomaston St. Rockland www.livelyladytoo.com 207-236-6672 Camden Public Landing Camden www.monheganboat.com 207-372-8848 880 Port Clyde Port Clyde [email protected] 207-236-4446 Camden Public Landing Camden www.mainsport.com 800-722-0826 Bayview Landing Camden www.ducktrapkayak.co m 207-236-8608 2175 Atlantic Hwy. Lincolnville 207-288-2133 Rte. 3 Bar Harbor 207-594-1431 220 Warrenton St. Rockport Olad (2-hour and sunset cruises) Summertime (overnight, 3day, 6-day cruises) Captain Jack Lobster Boat Adventures (gives you a real sense of the life of a lobster fisherman) Lively Lady Too (2-hour lobster fishing and ecotours – no lobster fishing from boat on Sunday) Monhegan Boat Line (Mail Boat) (2 & 2.5-hour cruises – lighthouses, scenic sunset, and puffins & nature) Penobscot Bay Cruises on the Betselma (1 and 2-hour trips, lighthouses, view large estates, bird and seal watching) Maine Sport Outfitters (2 and 4-hour tours of Camden Harbor or harbor to harbor) Ducktrap Kayak & SUP Rentals (rentals and private guided tours) Pirate’s Cove Adventure Miniature Golf Samoset Resort Golf Club (Golf Digest’s “Top Ranked Resort Course in New England” & “Seventh Most Beautiful Course in America”, www.makingwaveshairs alon.com www.samoset.com 207-236-2323 800-562-8290 Belfast Camden Rockland par 70, 18 holes, seaside views and challenges) Northport Golf Club (par 72, public 9-hole course) Rockland Country Club Hiking Bicycling Bowling Skiing and Winter Sports www.northportgolfclub maine.com www.rocklandgolf.com 207-338-2270 581 Bluff Rd. Northport 207-594-9322 Rockland Sebasco Harbour Resort Golf Club (par 72, 9-hole championship course) Searsport Pines Golf Course www.sebasco.com 207-389-1161 606 Old County Rd. 29 Kenyon Rd. www.searsportpines.com 207-548-2854 240 Mt. Ephraim Rd. Searsport The Green Emeralds of Belfast (municipal golf courses) Highland Green Golf Club (par 35, 9-hole Scottish-style course) Brunswick Golf Club (par 72, 18-hole course with front 9 designed by Geoff Cornish and back 9 by Stiles/Van Cleek) Bar Harbor Golf Club (scenic 18-holes on Frenchman’s Bay) Kebo Valley Golf Club (par 70, 18-hole championship public course - adjacent to Acadia National Park - is the 8th oldest course in the country) Natanis (36-holes - comprised of Arrowhead, a par 72 18-hole course, and Tomahawk, a par 72 Dan Maples-designed 18hole course) Georges Highland Path (Ragged Mountain Area nearby includes 3 trails – maintained by the Georges River Land Trust) Camden Hills State Park (park linking 5 mountains, excellent views of Penobscot bay, look-out point, 20 hiking trails , picnicking, camping) Acadia National Park (Cadillac Mountain North and South Trails, Precipice Trail 3.1 miles) Camden Hills and Coastal Cruise Permaquid Point Cruise Downtown Belfast and Harbor Walk Acadia National Park Carriage Trail and Park Cruise Oakland Park Lanes (18 lanes, arcade games, pool table, air hockey, leagues, party room with 6 lanes) Brewer Lanes Camden Snow Bowl (skiing on 9 groomed trails, 4 lifts, snowboarding, terrain park, www.friendsofbelfastpar ks.org Sebasco Estates Belfast www.highlandgreenmain e.com 207-775-8066 114 Village Dr. Topsham www.brunswickgolfclub. com 207-725-8224 165 River Rd. Brunswick www.barharborgolfcours e.com www.kebovalleyclub.co m 207-667-7505 Jct. Routes 3 & 204 136 Eagle Lake Rd. Trenton www.natanisgc.com 207-622-3561 735 Webber Pond Rd. Vassalboro www.grlt.org 207-594-5166 8 N. Main St. Trail access from Camden Hills State Park Rockland www.maine.gov/doc/pa rks www.campwithme.com 207-236-3109 280 Belfast Rd. Camden www.acadianationalpark. gov 207-288-3338 Rte. 3, south from Ellsworth Bar Harbor 207-2883000 www.bikemaine.org Bar Harbor Camden Bristol Belfast Bar Harbor www.camdensnowbowl. com 207-594-7525 732 Commercial St. Rockport 207-989-3798 207-236-4418 534 Wilson St. 20 Barnestown Rd. Brewer Camden tubing, snowshoe trails, toboggan run, ice skating, lessons, evening skiing, events) Belfast Curling Club Annual US National & World Championships Toboggan Championships (400 teams, fireworks, Chili Challenge, tailgate parties, vendor row, and more) Sports Lessons Sailing Atlantic Challenge (Adults and Kids) Lake & Water Walkers Sea Kayaks Sea (enjoy beautiful Penobscot Kayaking Bay) Castine Kayak Adventures (customized sea kayaking tours and instructional clinics) Ducktrap Kayak (private and small group lessons) Maine Sport Outfitters (7hour program with two levels, min. age 16) Equipme Ducktrap Kayak (single and nt Rentals double kayaks for lake or sea, delivery) Maine Sport Outfitters (lake canoe, lake kayaks, sea kayaks, roof racks, safety equipment) The Outdoor Sportsman Family Fun Fun Trips Maine Eastern Railroad (operates between Rockland and Brunswick with stops in Bath and Wiscasset, good daytrip) Playland Adventures (trampolines, inflatables, arcade, etc) Moosehead Lake (fishing, birding, ATVs and biking) Roosevelt Campobello International Park (Franklin Roosevelt and his family treasured their summers here) Scenic Flights of Acadia (sights of the Park only viewed from the air) Maine Lobster Museum, Oceanarium & Lobster Hatchery (hands-on nature experience for kids) Way Cool All About Games (nonShops electronic games, puzzles, cards) Belfast Army Navy Store (Scout supplies, musical instruments, and more!) Belfast Bicycles The Chocolate Drop Candy www.belfastcurlingclub.o rg www.camdensnowbowl. com 207-338-9851 211 Belmont Ave 207-236-4418 20 Barnestown Rd. Camden www.atlanticchallenge.co m www.touringkayaks.com 207-594-1800 643 Main St. Rockland 207-338-6424 152 Lincolnville Ave Belfast www.castinekayak.com 207-866-3506 17 Sea St. Castine www.ducktrapkayak.co m www.mainesport.com 207-236-8608 Lincolnville www.ducktrapkayak.co m 207-236-8608 2175 Atlantic Hwy. Megunticook Lake & Camden Harbor 2175 Atlantic Hwy. www.mainesport.com 207-236-7120 115 Commercial St. Rockport www.maineoutdoorsport sman.com 207-338-4141 1044 Atlantic Hwy. Northport www.maineeasternrailro ad.com 207-596-6725 4 Union St. Rockland www.playlandadventure s.com 207-989-6611 510 Wilson St. Brewer MooseheadLake.org 207-695-2702 www.fdr.net 877-851-6663 459 Rt. 774 Moosehead Lake New Brunswick, Canada www.scenicflightsofacadi a.com 207-667-6527 Rte. 3 at the Bar Harbor Airport Trenton/Bar Harbor www.theoceanarium.com 207-288-5005 1351 Rte. 3 Bar Harbor www.gamesinmaine.com 207-338-9984 78 Main St. Belfast 207-338-6557 76 Main St. Belfast 207-3380008 207-338-0566 158 High St. Belfast 60 Main St. Belfast www.belfastbicycles.com www.thechocolatedropca 800-722-0826 Camden/ Rockport Lincolnville Services Hospitals Banks and ATMs Shoppe (a unique walk down memory lane!) Heavenly Socks Yarns (come by and learn to knit!) Out of the Woods (items handmade from wood including toys) Four the Fun of It ndyshop.com www.heavenlysocksyarn s.com www.kilndry.com 207-338-8388 82 Main St. Belfast 207-338-2692 48 Main St. Belfast www.forfuntoys.com 207-667-2252 100 Main Street Ellsworth Waldo County General Hospital Penobscot Bay Medical Center Bangor Savings Bank www.wchi.com 207-338-2500 Belfast www.nehealth.org Camden National Bank www.camdennational.co m Bar Harbor Bank & Trust Key Bank www.bhbt.com www.key.com 207-5968000 207-236-0180 207-593-0308 207-930-7014 207-236-8821 207-236-4375 207-594-2101 207-338-4650 207-288-2300 207-288-3314 207-236-3378 207-338-3220 207-236-8700 118 Northport Ave. 6 Glen Cove Dr. 5 Commercial St. 73 Camden St. 104 Main St. 2 Elm St. 145 Elm St. 300 Main St. 156 Main St. 43 Cottage St. 82 Main St. 141 Elm St. 111 Main St. 19 Elm St. Rockport Rockland Belfast Camden Camden Rockland Belfast Bar Harbor Bar Harbor Camden Belfast Camden 207-9908000 207-623-3811 207-791-6650 PO Box 1329 Bangor 274 Western Ave. 390 Congress St. Augusta Portland 207-338-3333 207-338-5100 207-338-0484 71 High St. PO Box 228 48-4 Marshall Wharf 56 Elm St. PO Box 249 6 Leland St. Belfast Belfast Belfast 235 South Main St. PO Box 104 Rockland The First Local News Online Regional Bangor Daily News Kennebec Journal Portland Press Herald Mid-coast Includes Lincolnvil le Republican Journal The Waldo Independent Village Soup Citizen The Camden Herald The Courier Gazette The Free Press The Village Soup Times Islesboro Island News Transportation Airports Portland International Jetport www.thefirst.com www.bangornews.com www.kjonline.com www.pressherald.mainet oday.com www.courierpub.com www.courierpub.com http://waldo.villagesoup .com www.courierpub.com www.courierpub.com www.freepressonline.co m www.rockland.villagesou p.com www.islesboronews.com 207-236-8511 207-594-4401 207-596-0055 207-594-5351 207-734-6921 Camden Rockland Rockland Islesboro 207-874-8877 1001 Westbrook St. Portland 207-947-0384 287 Godfrey Boulevard Bangor 207-594- 4131 62 Union Street Rockland 207-626-2306 75 Airport Road Augusta 207-667-7329 143 Caruso Drive Trenton Amtrak (services from Boston to Portland) www.portlandjetport.org Airlines: Continental, Northwest, Delta, US, United, Jet Blue www.flybangor.com Airlines: Delta, Allegiant Air, US Airways Express www.knoxcounty.midco ast.com Airlines: Cape Air www.augustaairport.org Airlines: Colgan Air, US Airways Express www.bhbairport.com Airlines: Colgan Air, US Airways Express www.amtrakdowneaster. com 800-872-7245 Portland Maine Eastern Railway (operates between Rockland www.maineeasternrailro ad.com 207-596-6725 Portland station: 100 Thompson’s Point Rd 4 Union St. Bangor International Airport Rockland Airport Augusta Airport Bar Harbor Airport Train www.bangor.com Rockport Rockland and Brunswick with stops in Bath and Wiscasset, soon to have services to Portland Amtrak) Concord Coach Lines (see Maine Coastal Route - serving communities in Maine to Boston’s South Station and Logan International Airport) Bus Boston & Portland to Lincolnvil le & Belfast (and return) Ferry Services To/From Nova Star Nova Scotia (Canada) Lincolnvil Isleboro Ferry le to Islesboro Rockland Vinalhaven Ferry to Vinalhave n Rockland North Haven Ferry to North Haven Port Monhegan Boat Line Clyde to Monhegan Island Taxi Schooner Bay Joe’s Taxi Limo & Shuttle Maine Limousine Service (airport transfers, sightseeing) Country Coach Charters (limos, 24 passenger coach, minivan) Mid-Coast Limo (airport transfers, includes trips to Lincolnville) Car Rental Airports Bangor Airport Portland Airport Augusta Airport Bar Harbor Airport Knox County Regional Airport www.concordcoachlines. com 800-639-3317 22 Belmont Ave. 20 Commercial St. 517A Main St. Belfast Rockport Rockland www.NovaStarCruises.co m 866-864-6295 14 Ocean Gateway Pier Portland maine.gov/mdot/ferry/I sleboro 207-734-6935 20 McKay Rd. Lincolnville maine.gov/mdot/ferry/r ockland 207-596-5400 517A Main St. Rockland maine.gov/mdot/ferry/r ockland 207-596-5400 517A Main St. Rockland www.monheganboat.com 207-372-8848 880 Port Clyde Rd. Port Clyde www.schoonerbaytaxi.co m 207-594-5000 Mid-Coast 207-975-3560 74 Mahalas Ln. Owls Head www.mainelimo.com 207-883-0222 184 Main St. S. Portland www.countrycoachcharte rs.com 207-380-7201 www.midcoastlimo.com 207-236-2424 Nobleboro 94 Washington St. Camden AVIS: www.avis.com (207) 947-8383 Budget: www.budget.com (207) 945-9429 Hertz: www.hertz.com (207) 942-5519 Alamo: www.alamo.com (888) 826-6893 National: www.nationalcar.com (207) 947-0158 Alamo: (207) 775-0855 AVIS: (207) 874-7500 Budget: (207) 772-6789 Enterprise: (207) 615-0030 Hertz: (207) 774-4544 National: (207) 773-0036 Hertz (on site): (207) 622-1601 Enterprise (off-site): (207) 623-1855 Axel (off-site): www.axells.net (207) 623-4583 Hertz: (207) 667-5017 Enterprise: (207) 664-2662 Budget Rent-A-Car: www.budget.com (207)-594-0822 Penobscot Island Air (Charter) www.penobscotislandair.net/index.php (207) 596-7500 Local Enterprise (Rockland Airport) Annual Events January Camden Ice-Stravaganza (9day winter carnival) Ongoing Merryspring Nature Center Activities (nature trails and gardens open to the public) Ongoing Bay Chamber Concerts Activities Ongoing Owls Head Transportation Activities Museum (airplanes, ground vehicles, engines & more) February US National Toboggan Championships (the only organized wooden toboggan race in the country) Downeast Air (Charter) www.downeastair.com (207) 594-5557 www.enterprise.com 207-594-9093 11 Dexter St. Exit http://www.camdensno wbowl.com http://www.merrysprin g.org 207-236-3438 http://www.baychamber concerts.org http://www.ohtm.org 207-236-2823 207-594-4418 117 Museum Street Owls Head http://www.camdensno wbowl.com 207-236-3438 20 Barnestown Rd. Camden http://www.camdensno wbowl.com 207-236-3438 20 Barnestown Rd. Camden Camden Conference http://www.camdenconf erence.org 207-236-1034 29 Elm St. Camden Jammin’ Every Sunday www.mainedreamvacati on.com 75 Mechanic St. Rockland Spring Fling & Baked Bean Supper Passagassawakeag River Race http://lincolnvillemaine. com www.waldocountyymca. org/canoe_races http://www.boothbayha rbor.com 207-763-3791 Grange Hall Lincolnville 207-338-4598 Waldo 207- 633-2353 Savage Road – Littlefield Farm Downtown www.maineseabirds.org 207-594-0600 9 Water St. Rockland Downtown Belfast Winter Downhill Bike Race (as much fun to watch as it is to race) 207-236-2239 20 Barnestown Rd. 30 Conway Rd. Thomaston Camden Camden Various March April Fisherman’s Festival (fun, family festival celebrates Maine’s rich maritime heritage) Conservation Film Series May thru October Belfast Art Walk (Final Friday each month, 5:30-8:00pm) Acadia Quest (a series of youth- and family-oriented experiences in Acadia National Park Music at Dusk Rockland First Friday Art Walk (First Friday each month, 5:00-8:00pm) belfastartwalk.com Boothbay Harbor AcadiaQuest@friendsofac adia.org 207-288-3340 Acadia National Park Bar Harbor www.baychambersconcer t.org www.artsinrockland.org 207-236-2823 Union Hall Rockport Downtown Rockland http://www.cmcanow.or g/education 207-236-2654 162 Russell Ave. Rockport www.friendsofacadia.org 207-288-3340 Acadia Park Bar Harbor www.piscataquischambe r.com 207-564-7533 DoverFoxcroft www.mooseheadlake.org 207-695-2702 Greenville June Annual Pop the Cork Celebration National Trails Day (discover, enjoy and care for Acadia’s magnificent 125-mile trail system) Piscataquis Heritage Hot Air Balloon Festival Moosemania (month-long celebration of the moose) www.mhdshow.com 207-230-0919 Camden Hills Regional High School Rockport www.kennebunkportfesti val.com 207-772-3373 Downtown KennebunkPort http://www.lobsterboatr acing.com/ www.barharbormusicfest ival.org www.maine-fare.org 207 -596-6661 Rockland Harbor Rockland 207-338-6575 Main Street Belfast www.mmscc.com 207-236-3063 Chestnut St. Camden http://www.rocklandlig hthouse.com/challenge.h tml 207-785-4609 Samoset Rd. Midsummer at the (Knox) Museum Summer Solstice Street Fair (celebrates the longest day of the year) www.knoxmuseum.org 207-354-8062 30 High St. Begins at Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse Thomaston www.rocklandmainstreet .com/event 207-593-6093 Main St. Rockland Bowdoin International Music Festival Lincoln Arts Festival http://www.bowdoinfes tival.org http://www.lincolnartsf estival.org/ www.amorninginsail.co m http://www.therealmain e.com/ 207-373-1400 Various Brunswick 207-633-3913 Boothbay 207-691-7245 248 Back River Road Harbor 207-338-8448 High Street Belfast http://www.boothbayha rbor.com www.mainedreamvacati on.com www.greatschoonerrace.c om 207-633-3913 Downtown Boothbay Harbor Maine Coast http://www.northatlanti cbluesfestival.com/ 207-596-6055 Harbor Park 275 Main Street Rockland www.librarycamden.org 207-236-3440 55 Main St. Camden http://www.railwayvilla ge.org www.artsintheparkbelfas t.org http://www.visitmaine.c om/event/5611/friendsh ip_day/ www.camdenrotary.org 207-633-4727 586 Wiscasset Road Waterfront Boothbay http://lincolnvillemaine. com www.bangorstatefair.co m http://www.mainecelticc elebration.com/ 207- 763-3381 Maine Home and Design Show (architects, home designers, etc.) Kennebunkport Festival (a celebration of the good life in Maine) Maine Lobster Boat Racing Bar Harbor Music Festival Maine Fare Food Festival (local art & local food) Annual Camden Foreign Car Show Midcoast Maine Lighthouse Challenge (visit and climb 7 alluring lighthouses) June thru August Windjammer Fleet Departs! (every Monday morning) Belfast Summer Night (Music series, Thursdays 5:30 – 7:30) Bar Harbor Rockland July Jazz Weekend (fills Boothbay with soulful sounds) July 4th Celebrations Great Schooner Race (North America’s largest annual gathering of tall ships) North Atlantic Blues Festival (world-renown musicians perform at a 3-day festival) Monday Night Movies in the Park Books & Blooms Maine Book Fair Arts in the Park (more than 80 fine artists & artisans) Friendship Day Music by the Sea (free concerts) Strawberry Festival and Fair (parade, concert, food & fair) Bangor State Fair (rides, games, great food) Maine Celtic Celebration (music, food, games, a parade & 5k road race) Plein Air Festival (painting at various locations in Castine) www.castinearts.org 207-374-2993 Isleboro to Rockport 207-354-7224 207-338-2692 Belfast Friendship Harbor Park Camden State Fairgrounds Lincolnville Center Bangor Belfast Castine Maine Windjammer Parade (enjoy the sight of Maine’s tall ships as they sail by Rockland’s Breakwater) Camden Harbor Arts Juried Arts & Crafts Show (over 100 artists, crafts professionals and artisans) Summer Family Film Series (enjoy a family friendly movie under the stars) Antiques in the Gardens www.sailmainecoast.com 800-807WIND Breakwater Rockland http://www.camdenme. org 207-236-4404 Harbor Park, Atlantic Ave Camden www.barharborinfo.com 207-288-5103 Agamont Park Bar Harbor http://www.maineantiq ues.org http://www.ohtm.org 207-775-3301 Botanical Gardens 117 Museum Street Boothbay http://www.nationalboa tbuilding.com http://www.bikemaine.o rg/events/lobster-ride 207-338-3808 207-623-4511 Rockland High School Rockland Maine Lobster Festival (a celebration of Maine’s favorite crustacean) http://www.mainelobste rfestival.com 207-596-0376 Waterfront Rockland Merryspring’s Annual Kitchen Tour http://www.merrysprin g.org 207-236-2239 30 Conway Road Brunswick Outdoor Arts Festival (celebrates and fosters an appreciation of the arts) Bar Harbor Jazz Festival (week-long event) Annual Rowing Regatta http://www.brunswickd owntown.com 207-729-4439 85 Maine St. Camden/Ro ckport/Lincol nville Brunswick http://www.barharborja zzfest.com http://www.comeboatin g.org www.unionfair.org 207-288-5829 Various Bar Harbor Wings & Wheels Spectacular & Aerobatic Airshow National Boat Building Challenge Maine Lobster Ride and Roll (bike through country lanes and the breathtaking rockbound coast) JulyAugust 207-594-4418 Owls Head Belfast August Union Fair (and Maine wild blueberry festival) International Homecoming Festival (10-day event celebrates Calais, ME & St. Stephen, NB as they host events on both sides of the border) KahBang.com (Music, art, & film festival) Annual Art Show and Sale American Folk Festival (largescale, 3-day event) Annual Maine Antiques Festival (dealers from across the U.S. and Canada) International Muskie Derby (grab your fishing pole. The St. John River has more than 225 miles of prime habitat for muskie fishing) Belfast Garden Club Open Gardens Crown of Maine Balloon Festival (with hot air balloons in attendance, this is the most colorful weekend in northern Maine) 207- 338-4578 Belfast Fairgrounds, off Rt. 17 Union www.internationalhomec omingfestival.com Calais, U.S. – St. Stephen, Canada Kahbang.com Bangor www.aldermere.org http://www.americanfol kfestival.com www.maineantiquefest.c om 207-236-2739 207-992-2630 207-221-3108 www.fortkentmuskie.com www.belfastgardenclub.o rg www.crownofmaineballo onfest.org 20 Russell Ave. Waterfront Rockport Bangor Union St. John River Fort Kent Belfast 207-764-6561 Northern Maine Fairgrounds Presque Isle Annual Blueberry Festival Maine Lobster Festival Acadian Festival (Maine’s largest cultural festival) Blue Hill Fair (a true “Down to Earth” Country Fair) Lincolnville Beach Blueberry Wing Ding Belfast Harbor Fest (celebration of Belfast’s boatbuilding tradition includes boatbuilding contest, 5K run, music, food & more) Machias Wild Blueberry Festival Annual New England Auto Auction (serious bidders and window-shoppers are welcome) Maine Boats, Homes, and Harbors Show (Maine’s finest artists, architects, boatbuilders, craftsmen, designers, etc.) http://www.wiltonbbf.c om http://www.mainelobste rfestival.com www.acadianfestival.com 207-778-4726 http://www.bluehillfair. com http://lincolnvillemaine. com www.belfastcreativecoali tion.org 207-374-3701 233 Ellsworth Rd. Blue Hill 207-236-0028 Beach Lincolnville http://www.machiasblu eberry.com/ http://www.ohtm.org/ 207-255-4402 Downtown Machias 207-594-4418 Rte. 73 Owls Head http://www.maineboats. com/boatshow/visitors 207-594-8622 South Maine Street Rockland http://www.paulbunyan bluegrass .com www.sailmainecoast.com 207-942-1177 Outer Union St. Bangor 800-807WIND Harbor Camden 207-596-0376 Wilton Harbor Park Rockland Madawaska 207-338-2081 Belfast September Annual Bluegrass Festival Camden Windjammer Festival (the 3-day event celebrates Camden’s maritime heritage) Bar Harbor Food and Wine Classic (offering wine enthusiasts and gourmands the ultimate experience in entertainment and education) 35th Annual Maine Sport Triathlon Maine Salmon Festival (fishing derby, auctions, historic tours and more) Common Ground Country Fair (one of the most popular destinations in Maine each fall) Pirate Festival (live entertainment, arts, crafts, pirate parade, fireworks and more) Whisker Walk Family Fun Day & 5K (benefits the Humane Society of Knox County) Weiner Fest (this funny/quirky festival celebrates all things dachshunds) Midcoast Maine Country Roads Artists and Artisans Tour Camden International Film Festival (CIFF) (documentary http://www.barharborfo odandwineclassic.com Bar Harbor www.mainesport.com 207-236-8779 http://www.eastportme.gov 207-853-4644 http://www.mofga.org 207-568-4142 http://www.eastportpira tefestival.com/ 207-853-4343 www.kskcme.org 207-594-4897 www.facebook.com/belf astmainedogpark http://www.artisanstour .org/ 207-236-9619 www.camdenfilmfestival. org 207-593-6593 Barrett’s Cove, Megunticook Lake Camden Eastport 294 Crosby Brook Rd. Unity Eastport Harbor Park Rockland Steamboat Landing Belfast LincolnvilleCamdenRockport CamdenRockport- film and art festival) Rockland October Vinfest (dinner/dance) Cellardoor Winery The Boathouse Lincolnville Harbor Park Camden Blue Hill 207-354-8062 207-244-9264 30 High St. Smugglers Den Campground Thomaston Southwest Harbor http://www.maineapple s.org/ 207-568-4142 294 Crosby Brook Rd. Unity http://www.mainewine. com/ 207-763-4478 Cellardoor Winery 7th Annual ART-full Gifts, Fine Arts & Gourmet Food (craft demonstrations, gourmet food exhibitors) Festival of Lights (welcome in the holiday season) www.artfullgifts.com 207-763-3433 67 Atlantic Hwy. Northport www.rocklandmainstreet .com 207-596-0376 Downtown Rockland Frozen 5K www.facebook.com/froz en 5k http://www.camdenme. org 207-975-0134 Point Lookout Northport Waldo County Pie and Story Festival (bring the kids) Harbor Arts; Arts and Books Annual Foliage Food & Wine Festival (Blue Hill restaurant celebrate the change of seasons) Taste of Thomaston Acadia’s Oktoberfest and Food Festival (autumn colors, foods and beer) Great Maine Apple Day (celebrate the history, flavor and tradition of Maine apples) Harvest Festival at the Vineyard http://www.mainewine. com www.facebook.com/Wal do County Pie and Story Festival www.librarycamden.org http://www.bluehillpeni nsula.org 207-763-4470 www.knowmuseum.org http://www.acadiacham ber.com 207-374-3242 Belfast Lincolnville November December Christmas by the Sea (caroling, parades and other holiday festivities) Victorian Christmas (an evening of storytelling, poetry and a selection of favorite Christmas tales) An Old Fashioned Christmas 207-236-4404 Camden http://www.belfastmain e.org http://www.visitbath.co m http://www.therealmain e.com New Year’s by the Bay (townwide, New Year’s Eve celebration) Colonial Theatre (Free http://www.colonialthea matinees during holiday tre.com season) Christmas Train Rides (Meet http://www.railwayvilla Santa on the Train!) ge.org Books About Maine Seafaring The Lobster Chronicles by Linda Greenlaw The Secret Life of Lobsters Fiction Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout Belfast 207-442-7291 Bath 207-338-5900 Penobscot 207-338-1930 163 High Street Belfast 207- 633-4727 Railway Village Boothbay A Sampling of Maine Authors Under the Dome: A Novel by Stephen King The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah by Stephen King It by Stephen King Wolves of the Calla (The Dark Tower, Book 5) Waiting For Spring by R.J. Keller Salem's Lot by Stephen King Riptide by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey Contemporary Maine Fiction by Wesley McNair Somewhere Off the Coast of Maine: A Novel by Ann Hood Wild Rose (Wild Rose Series #1) (Steeple Hill Women's Fiction #15) by Ruth Axtell Morren Today's Best Maine Fiction Lobsterland by Susan R. S. K. Carlton Hatchet Harbor: A Maine Coast Adventure Maine Squeeze by Catherine Clark Murder on the Rocks (Gray Whale Inn Mysteries, No. 1) by Karen MacInerney Murder Most Maine (Gray Whale Inn Mysteries, No. 3) by Karen MacInerney Gravely Dead: A Midcoast Maine Mystery by Lawrence Rotch Otherworldly Maine An American Outrage: A Novel of Quillifarkeag, Maine Here If You Need Me: A True Story by Kate Braestrup One Morning in Maine (Picture Puffin) by Robert McCloskey Without a Map: A Memoir by Meredith Hall Marriage and Other Acts of Charity: A Memoir by Kate Braestrup Bag of Bones by Stephen King Peterson Field Guide: Eastern Birds' Nests by Hal H. Harrison The Maine Woods by Henry David Thoreau The Beans of Egypt, Maine by Carolyn Chute The Romantics by Galt Niederhoffer The Little Locksmith: A Memoir by Katharine Butler Hathaway Maine Atlas Maine Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme Maine: An Explorer's Guide, Fourteenth Edition (Explorer's Guides) by Christina Tree and Nancy English Maine Birds Birds of Maine Field Guide by Stan Tekiela Maine Birds: An Introduction to Familiar Species (State Nature Guides) by James Kavanagh and Raymond Leung Maine Birding Trail: The Official Guide to More Than 260 Accessible Sites by Bob Duchesne Birding Maine: Over 90 Prime Birding Sites at 40 Locations (Falcon Guides Birding) by Tom Seymour Maine Boating Maine Beaches Maine Biking Maine Building the Maine Guide Canoe by Jerry Stelmok River Guide: Maine, 4th (AMC River Guide Series) by John Fiske Sea Kayaking along the New England Coast, 2nd by Tamsin Venn A Visual Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast by Jim Bildner Canoe Trip: Alone in the Maine Wilderness by David K. Curran The Outboard Boater's Handbook: Advanced Seamanship and Practical Skills Where Cool Waters Flow by Randy Spencer Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast by Hank Taft and Jan Taft The Beaches of Maine (Ulysses Travel Guides) by Joel Pomerleau The Naturalist's Guide to the Atlantic Seashore: Beach Ecology from the Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras by Scott Wesley Shumway Geological and botanical features of sand beach systems in Maine (MSG-B) by Bruce W Nelson Moon Spotlight Maine Biking by Chris Bernard Road Biking Northern New England: A Guide to the Greatest Bike Rides in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine (Road Biking Series) by Sandy Duling Mountain Bike! Maine by Sarah Hale and David Gibbs Mountain Biking Northern New England by Paul Angiolillo Discover Acadia National Park, 2nd: AMC Guide to the Best Hiking, Biking, and Paddling (AMC Discover Series) by Jerry Monkman and Marcy Monkman Moon Acadia National Park (Moon Handbooks) by Hilary Nangle History Movies About Maine Eminent Mainers: Succinct Biographies of Thousands of Amazing Mainers, Mostly Dead, And a Few People from Away Who Have Done Something Useful Within the State of Maine by Arthur Douglas Stover The Maine Reader: The Down East Experience, 1614 to the Present by Charles Shain and Samuella Shain Liberty Men and Great Proprietors: The Revolutionary Settlement on the Maine Frontier, 1760-1820 (Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture) by Alan Taylor The Lobster Coast: Rebels, Rusticators, and the Struggle for a Forgotten Frontier by Colin Woodard Coastal Maine: A Maritime History by Roger F. Duncan, Earle G. Barlow, Kathy Bray, and Consuelo E. Hanks A Year In The Maine Woods by Bernd Heinrich The Interrupted Forest: A History of Maine's Wildlands by Neil Rolde Historic Photos of Maine by Frances L. Pollitt Maine: The Pine Tree State from Prehistory to the Present by Richard W. Judd, Edwin A. Churchill, and Joel W. Eastman More than Petticoats: Remarkable Maine Women (More than Petticoats Series) by Kate Kennedy Eminent Mainers: Succinct Biographies of Thousands of Amazing Mainers, Mostly Dead, And a Few People from Away Who Have Done Something Useful Within the State of Maine by Arthur Douglas Stover A Man Without A Face This 1993 Mel Gibson movie was filmed in various Maine locations including Bath, Brunswick, Portland, Deer Isle, Rockland, and Rockport. Peyton Place Filmed in 1957, this classic starring Lana Turner and Hope Lange was filmed in both Camden and Belfast. Cider House Rules Starring Toby Maguire, Michael Cane, and Charlize Theron, this Oscar-winning movie was filmed in Bernard and Sand Beach in Acadia National Park. Message in A Bottle This 1999 romantic hit movie was filmed in Phippsburg (at Popham Beach), Bath, New Harbor and in Portland. Starring Kevin Costner, Paul Newman, and Robin Wright Penn. In The Bedroom This Sundance Film Festival award-winner starred Sissy Spacek and Marisa Tomei, was filmed in 2001 at several Maine locations including Rockland, Camden, Belfast, Old Orchard Beach, Owls Head, Rockport, Trevett, and Wiscasset. Storm of the Century This Stephen King thriller filmed in Southwest Harbor on Mount Desert Island in 1999, starred Tim Daly and Debrah Farentino. Pet Cemetery Stephan King’s classic horror film, starring Fred Gwynne and Dale Midkiff. This movie was filmed in 1989 in Hancock, Acadia National Park, Bangor and Ellsworth. Carousel Starring Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones, this 1956 classic was filmed in Boothbay Harbor and Newcastle. Casper Casper, the famous friendly ghost, was filmed in 1995 in Camden. Starring Christina Ricci and Bill Pullman. Thinner Yet another Stephen King movie, Thinner was filmed in 1996 in Camden, Appleton, Belfast, Portland, and Thomaston.
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