Town of Bennington Rescue Squad 1963 "--I-~-A ~- ~:~;' ';"':10- :. ' -,---:. -' .. , ...t.::: ~ ·. '~"'-;" '.' .~"" 25 Year Tradition of Caring - - - ' .L....-_ _ _ _ 1963 - 1988 _ _ _ _ _... PRESIDENT'S r;=MESSAGE It is with great pleasure that I have this opportunity to serve as the President of The Bennington Rescue Squad and to take part in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the squad. Our volunteer rescue squad depends not only upon the active members, but also upon others in the community who lend their help and support each year. I would like to thank the Southwestern Vermont Medical Center and especially the emergency room staff and nurses, who, over the years, have come to our rescue and donated so much of their time and effort into making us all better trained. To the local fire departments of Bennington, North Bennington and Shaftsbury, we thank you for your timeand effort, year after year, volunteering countless hours of door to door collecting for the funds needed to keep the squad in operation. To our present Fund Drive Committee , thank you for easing the burden of this task each year and for helping us to reach our goals. Thank you to the Bennington Police Department, the Vermont State Police and the dispatchers who assist us with our many calls. I would also like to thank the numerous businesses and the general public in our service area for the support which they have given us throughout the years. Finally, I would like to thank all of the past and present members of the rescue squad for the many hours of service and dedication during the past 25 years , which has made the squad what it is today. My special thanks go to members Tom Crowe, Cashelle Cook, Bill Collins, Wanda Harrington and John Kennedy, the 25th Anniversary Committee. Because of their hard work and planning , this book , the banquet, and the other events of our 25th anniversary year have become a reality. Front Row: (L-R) Kim Murphy Recbrding Secretary Nick Mayer Captain Rocky Crawford President Jim Frechette Vice President J o hn Kennedy Recording Secretary Executive Board Back Row: (L-R) Wanda Harrington Duly Officer Brian Howe Training Officer John Morandi Executive Board Member Tom Crowe Lieutenant Bill Collins District 12 Representative Tim Finney District 12 Training Re p . Bennington Rescue Squad , 25th Anniversary page I ED AUSTIN MEMBER WITH MOST CALLS 5.000 CALLS Edwin Austin 5048 2.000 CALLS Ben Baker Ray Crosier, Sr. Brian Howe 2805 2593 2213 1.000 CALLS Brant Young Bill Collins Dan Ouellette Margie Collins John Kennedy Bob Carey Tim Finney Tom Crowe Bob Burgess Nick Mayer John Morandi Tim Pinsonneault 1987 -1 988 MEMBERSHIP page 2 1779 1734 1686 1679 1623 1453 1319 1260 1248 1209 1082 1078 STATISTICS TO DATE Calls............... 28 ,9 19 Patie nts ........ . .... 27,047 Hours On Call. ...... 72,084 Miles Travelled ..... 459,594 Members Since 1963 ... . .273 Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th A nniv ersary T he Town o f Bennington Rescue Squad was first organized in Apri l, 1963 , when it became clear that the need for an ambu lance service in the area was acute . A professio nal a mbulan ce se rvice had not worked out, the hospital could not afford to operate an ambu lance service and the fune ral directors, who by default, found themse lves in the ambulance business, had neither the manp ower i - ' --. i nor th e equipment to con tinue offering the ambu· la nce servi ce, After fiv e fatal accidents occurred in the area in one weekend , the decisio n was made to form a rescu e squad, The Ve rm ont Sta te Police, the Hoosick Falls Rescue S quad , funeral di rectors and service clubs helped get the local group on its fe e t. Safford Street Squad House 1964-1977 The B enningto n Rescue Squad's o riginal ambu lance was a 1949 Buick hearse donated by Ben nington Funeral director, John Kane . Six dedica ted members re painted it, shined jot up and worked o n the e ngi ne. The original ambulan ce was 14 yea rs o ld whe n it was do nated to th e squad. The re was limited space for e quipm e nt and personnel , especially whe n a patient was on board . But squad members nursed it thr o ugh its ailme nts and it con tinued to d o its job until it cou ld be hono rably retired . On Jun e 23 , 1963 the Bennin gton Rescue S quad respo nded to its first call which was a stand· by for the Bennington Catholic High School Horse S how. The squad 's first emergency call was a moto r veh icle accident in Woodford o n June 29, 1963 . The six squad members acted qui ckly and efficiently and the squad , still stru ggling for its existe nce at that point, was sudden ly well o n its way toward becoming a permanent and indispe n sible part of the Bennington scene . In the early days the squad ke pt its ambulance and equipm e nt at the Tri-Mont Te xaco Station o n th e corner of Elm and South Streets. In 1963 th e squad purchased a building o n Safford Street. S af ford S treet was the home of the Bennington Resc ue S quad untjl the decisio n was made that due to th e increasin g amount of calls and the necessity for more space for new ambu lances to handle those calls, a new building was needed . In September , 1977 , th e squad moved to its new headquarters o n McKinle y Street. The new building was designed to ho use four ambulances, office space, lounge and kitche n. S ince the Benn ingto n Rescue S quad is centrally located am ong o th e r surrounding sq uads, large classrooms were also included in th e new building to accommodate dis tri ct EMT classes and o the r training courses. Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary Te mporary Home - Awaiting completion of present squad house on McKinley Street. =.: .IC. Robert Sto'ut, President, Putnam Memorial Hospital cutting the ribbon to the new and present McKinley Street Squad House - August 1977 . page 3 When the sq uad began lull- time operations 25 years ago , it's first aid supplies were kept in a card board box . Today th e sq uad has a n en viab le fleet of fo ur modern ambu lances . Incl uded a re two pri ma ry-respo nse ve hicles equipped wit h th e la test life-savi ng equipmen t suc h as the Iife-pak 5 card iac mo nitor-defibriJlato r, mast trousers, oxygen de livery systems , o n-board suc tion , advanced life support kits with IV equip ment, fluid s and d rugs such as narca n and epinephrine to treat immediate life- threatening situations in the fie ld . BENNINGTON RESCUE SQUAD'S FIRST AMBULANCE 1963 Bill Collins, President of the Benni ngton Rescue Squad in Bennington. VT, takes delivery of their new Mobile Medical Type 111 Ambulance from Buck Taylor of Parks Superior Sales Inc., of CT. The squad also has a wide array of first-aid ma terials for bandaging and splinting . O ur th ird ve hicle is a 4 -w heel drive rescue extrication truck with patient care a nd tra nsport capability . This is Bud Mattison demonstrates the "jaws-of life," a special tool that allows the squad to open the door of a car that has been jammed shut. Other gadgets used by the squad include a winch that attaches to the steering column and pulls the wheel through the windshield. That can help free a driver who is pinned against the wheel. page" eq uipped with sce ne-li ghting eq uipment, a 6.5 KW e lectric generator , the Jaws of life , air-operated panel cutter with o n-board co m pressor , winch, chain saw and various hand tools for extrication. Ou r newest am bu lance is a 4 -wheel drive suburban used fo r off-road calls, s no wy weather o r as a back up uni t when nee de d. Be nnin gton Rescue Sq uad, 25th A nniversary All vehicles are equipped with scanning radios with the ability to talk directly with the emergency room, local and state police as well as the fire department. The Bennington Police Department dispatches the squad 24 hours a day. Vermont State requires a minimum of advanced first aid and CPR for ambulance attendants. The squad keeps pace with more advanced training, such as, varied emergency medical technician courses and other advanced life-support courses offered by the hospital, state, and other emergency medical services. Squad personnel give of their own time to teach courses for the members as well as the community. The rescue squad's growth from an inexperi enced group of young men eager to provide a badly-needed community service to full-fledged, round-the-clock emergency ambulance service has not been without it's trials and tribulations. Yet hard work, the willingness of it's members to give up a Bennington Rescue's 25,OOOth Patient Marion Rabideau, and the crew that transported her (L-R); Rocky Crawford, Rabideau, Andy Wilkinson, Nick Mayer. great deal of their free time, agressive fund raising and the generous support of other community organizations have overcome most of the serious obstacles. The squad is considered a professional organization in every respect, except that it does not accept pay for it's services. Despite the steady growth in it's size, capabilities and in the demand for it's services, the squad has kept certain operating procedures and standards unchanged. Most important, support comes en tirely from contributions. For years, coin cards were distributed every spring and picked up every fall bringing in a major portion of it's income. A few years ago the Rescue Squad Fund-Raising Com mittee was formed with local citizens running it's yearly fund drive. This proved to be a great success and allows the squad members more time to focus on training and responding to calls. The squad's service area includes Bennington, North Bennington, Shaftsbury and Woodford as well as assisting requested. neighboring squads when In 1963 the squad responded to 103 calls, tran sported 104 patients and travelled 1006 miles. As of December 1987, the totals are 28,919 calis, 27,047 patients, 459,594 miles traveled and 72,084 hours on call. The squad is now averaging 117 calls per month, which includes transfers, medical transports, emergencies, fire standbys as well as standbys for community events. Since 1963, there have been a total of 273 members One of the squads first sport standbys. A Bennington High School Football Game. Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary staying a year or more. The squad is proud of it's achievements and grateful for the support it has received over the years from businesses, organizations and in dividuals. With continued support, the squad hopes to continue providing this critical service to our area, cost-free to our patients. pageS MEMBERS ENJOYING THEMSELVESATTHE SQUADS ANNUAL PICNIC. REFURBISHING THE DONATED HEARSE INTO THE SQUAD'S NEW AMBULANCE. page 6 Bennington Rescue Squad , 25th Anniversary - ."-"" t. . . . DEMONSTRATING A-4 AT MT. ANTHONY HIGH SCHOOL HELICOPTER TRANSPORT TO ALBANY MEDICAL CENTER. SQUAD IN ACTION AT BATTLE DAY CELEBRATION August, 1987 Bennington Rescue Squad , 25 th Anniversary page 7 AL PINSONNEAULT, Bennington Rescue's longest active member serving since 1963. A-4 in action on Woodford Mountain in 1964. The Governor and Mrs. Snelling congratulating Ed Austin on biOi 5,048tb and last call, Bennington Battle Day Parade, 1983. pageS Benningto n Rescue Sq uad , 25th Ann iversary . .,. ( •. '!O. ( , '. The first group of Bennington Rescue First Aid Instructors in 1964. In front row left to right, Andre Betit, Alfred Pinsonneault, Robert Van Ness, Charles Perkins , John Galvagni and Pierre LeTourneau. In back row, Carl Hulbert, Donald Greenslet, Edward Gardner, Richard Watson , . and Robert Nolan . John Stone and Bob Burges", demonstrating e.tricatioD equipm.ent to the cub scouts. 1988 First Aid Instructors BENNINGTON'S PROUD FLEET· 1984 Bennington Rescue Squad , 25th Anniversary Front (L-R) ; J im Frechette , Bob Burgess, Nick Mayer, Tom Crowe . Back (L-R); Bill C ollins, Jeff Whitesell, Brant Yo ung , Tim Finney, C.W. Owens, Cindy Levitte, Sam Levitte , Bob Welch. page 9 ECA'S Ben Baker Joe Cassano Bev Cummings Bruce Davis Wanda H arrington Wendy H oard Jeff Howe John Kennedy Scott Hecht Nick Mayer Joe Hart Julie Rabideau EMT'S ". •• I, .",' .... Bob Burgess William Collins Cashelle Cook Rocky Crawford Thomas Crowe Gerry Finney Tim Finney Jim Frechette Brian Howe Cindy Levitte Sam Levitte J ohn M orandi EMT I',. Bob Burgess William Collins Thomas Crowe Helen Pezzulich Tim Finney Kim Murphy C.W. Owens Helen Pezzulich Tim Pinsonneault Dorothy Post Gary Towne Bob Weich Jeff Whitesell Andy W ilkinson Brant Y ou ng Joseph Cassano Wanda Harrington Gerry Finney Jim Frechette Brian H owe Kim Murphy Jeff Whitesell Cashelle Cook NATIONAL REG. Thomas Crowe Brian H owe Ci ndy Levitte EMT D's Sa m Levitte Tim Pinsonneault Jim Frechette William Colli ns Tho mas Crowe page 10 Brian H owe Timothy Finney James Frechette Gerry Finney Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary 1983 Fuod Raising Activity, a coin drop in Old Be nn ington . (L-R) Dan Ouellette , Margie Collins , Bob Burgess, Be t te G ershaneck. 1964 JOHN MARECHAL Placing Coin Card Collection Boxes. • " .. . ~r RESCUE SQUAD CAMPAIGN STRIVES FOR GOAL - Knute Westerlund , kneeling, adjusts th e Benn ington Rescue Squad's 1987 fund raising ca mpaign marker at $75,000 as it climbs to wards its goal of $92 ,000 . The campaign ends N ov. 30. From Jeft to right are fund raising committee members M ark Nesbit, Wendy C henaille, Don M cKe nna and Alan Morrison. Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary page 11 Past Presidents .,age 12 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 President Vice President Andre Betit Andre Betit Robert Van Ness Richard Torrey Richard Torrey Andre Be!i! Andre Betit Andre Betit Ed Gardner Ed Gardner Donald Bourgeois John Millington Harry Briggs Robert Lawton Robert Lawton Robert Lawton Andre Betit Andre BetH Dan Kane Bernie Bourgeois Dan Kane Dan Kane Andre Betit Dan Kane Dan Kane Bernie Bourgeois Bernie Bourgeois Brian Maroney Brian Maroney John Kennedy Bette Marcotte Bette Marcotte Bill Collins Bill Collins Bill Collins Rocky Crawford Rocky Crawford Bernie Bourgeois Brian Maroney Brian Maroney John Kennedy John Kennedy Andre Betit Bill Collins Bill Collins Bette Marcotte Bette Marcotte Rocky Crawford Jim Frechette Jim Frechette Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary ~~~~~~~~~~~. : PAST MEMBERS ~~~~~~~~~~ Over 1 Year Service ; ~ ~ ! = ~ 41 ll~ ~ tI1 .st ! "'G4 '16t ~ ~ = ~ = Bob Young Joe Bruso Carl Hulbert 'Don Greenslet Pierre Letourneau Glen Linihan Danny Higgins Richard Watson J ahn Millington Gary Michaels ~71~:~ ~~;;~II Orwin Coonz Donald Bourgeois 'Larry Cole Alan Dunklee Robert Van Ness Charlie Perkins * Andy Pellerin Leo Boutin Francis Sausville John Galvagni AI Jepson Raymond Myers Walt Knights Mary Coonl Sally Parizo William Hassenp/lug Donald Mears John Gorman • Bill Mort • Edward Kennedy Bill Sears ~a~~nO~7n~~a~;1I Richard LaRoche Irene Briggs Henry Briggs .. Leanne Shippey Glen Remington Jane Pello David Sausvil1e ,joe Pin.€au Dawn Harper Charles Harvey James Betts Gary Ames Lyman Hansen Stephen Mattison 'WilIiam Cone Stephen Crawford \Vales Hawkins ~ David Brown Edward Reagan Richard Lindsey Ronert Lawton ~~~~~~~if~~~rron ~ ~:=q~:::: = :: George [egary f'redrick Hoag '~:~i~e!~~:r 7;:~~;~;' " Clyde Jehle Robert Sebasky ~ I. "I>( G : = Frank Duffy Larry Dunn Bruce Bruso Roger Cole \Ah!i'am Flood ... Rose Johnson Rlchard Vachon Art Howe Greg Lockwood Ray Crosier ~::~a;da~~:;:~r1ain ~:~l~~~~~~son Alan Brown Tom McKeown flobert Reen Steve Brookman Michael Martin Michael Politte Bernie Bourgeois Jarnes Gulley John Lazc"lrczyk James Feeney Bernard Foucher Keith Baner Paul Davis Thomas Clifford Anthony Kane Patty Field George Hethcoat Art Roth Bnan Maroney Dan Ouellette StanJey Rowe flobert Adair Torn Bailey John Stone Jan Johnson Elmer Harrington Margie Collins Larry Callender Bette Gershaneck Dawn Welch Toni Auclair Kevin Burgess John Morrissey Chip Clark Mark Shea Marie Bennet ,lames Baker Theresa McGreevy Laud Hancock Rose Lapham Jeff Field Gerrl Davis ~:t~;:sm~:~~~qd~~k ~~~~e::n~~~ Bud Matlison Debbie Kinney Robert Parsons ;:":~:~::i~oo ~::i:~~~:"~: H~:~::~irm~embers Daniel Kane Pierre Letourneau 'Andrew Pellerin F. Raymond Dewey 'Deceased Members ~~~ HP'" ... ! W ta. ! It til" ni" ~ !w t) lit It :1!I.c W ! !<iF : I ! !<iF ... ~~~~ Edwin Austin Andre B8ti1 Robert Carey Ray Crocier Sr .. .. . Ii Harry Percey Edward Raetz Robert Stout Charies WhUe Ii ISt IV \at : : 41 ~ ~¥.¥¥. . .¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥.¥¥¥.¥¥~¥~¥V¥¥••¥¥.¥. Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary page 13 BOB BURGESS EMT-I C aptain , Li eu tenant , Executi ve Board Committees: Disaster, Ve hicle ; Tru stee 12 Years - 2687 Calls Recording Secretary , Squad Stati stics Committees: Vehicle, Membership Execu ti ve Board , D istrict 12 Represen tative . Instru ctor: Multi-Media , Ad van 1 Year - 132 Calls ced First Aid , C. P.R, Committees: Training, Emergency Room , Tru stee 11 Years - 1236 Calls Staff CASH E LL E COOK EMT-I President, V ice President, Squad Statis Com mittees: 25th Anniversary, tics, Exec uti ve Board, Vice C hairman District 12 , Dis trict 12 Represen tative, Membership Duty Officer , Instructor: Multi-Media, Com mittees: Disaster, Vehicle, B an 1 Year - 220 Calls Preside nt, Vice President, Rec ording Secretary , Exec utive Board . Co mmit tees: V ehicle, Ba nquet, Picnic, 25th A nniversary, M embership. 8 Years - 875 Calls quet, Picn ic, 25th Anniversa ry, Membership ; Trustee . 10 Years - 1725 Calls page 14 B en nington Rescue Squad . 25th Anniversary Captain, lieutenant, Executive Board Training Officer , Instru ctor: Multi-Media BEV CUMMINGS EMT 1 Year - 163 Calls. Advanced First Aid, CPR . Committees: Disaster, Training , Vehicle, Banquet , Picnic, 25th An ni ve rsa ry , M embership ; Tru stee 14 Years - 1253 Calls S taff (conti nued) Committees: Picnic; Trustee 4 Years - 296 Calls Li eu tenant, Executive Board , Di strict 12 Training , Training Officer. Instructor : Multi-Med ia, Advanced First Aid CPR, EMT Coordinator, EMT-I Coordinator, C o mmittees: Disaster, Training, Vehicle Picnic; Trustee 14 Years - 1314 Call.. Bennington Rescue Squad , 25th Anniversary page 15 KATHLEEN MIOTTKE ECA 6 Months ~~:~ul:;JB~:d EMT t.: Board ; Trustee 10 Years - 1060 Calls Reco rdi ng Secreta ry, Executive Board Duty Officer , Instructor ; CPR , Adv'cd . Fi rst Aid , Committee: Picnic 4 Years - 466 Calls Staff (continued) Instru ctor : Multi-M edia , Advanced First A id ) CPR ; Committees: Training, V ehicle, Banquet , Picnic . 5 Years - 482 Calls page 18 Committees: Banquet , Membership 2 Years - 259 Calls Treasurer . S quad S tatistics, Exec uti ve B oard , Committees: Ve hicle, Banque t, Picnic; Trustee 25 Years - 305 Calls Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary Committees: Picnic DOROTHY POST EMT Committees: Banquet, Membership 7 Years - 1071 Calls 4 Years - 416 Calls TIM PINSONNEAULT ECA .JULIE RABIDEAU ECA Committees: Picnic 2 Years - 241 Calls Staff (continued) PETER STRATTON ECA Executive Board ; Trustee 13 Years - 463 Calls GARY TOWNE EMT BOB WELCH EMT Instructor: Multi-Media Committees: Banquet, Trustee Corresponding Secretary, Executive Board ; Instructor: Advanced First Aid, 6 Years - 463 Calls CPR. Committees: Training 12 Years - 597 Calls Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary page 19 JEFF WHITESELL EMT-I In structor: Advanced First Aid , CPR Committees: Vehicle ANDY WILKINSON EMT Instructor: Advanced First Aid , CPR 3 Years - 662 Calls BRANT YOUNG EMT Li eutenant, Ex ecutive Board , Training Officer, Instructor: Advanced First Aid ; Commillees: 2 Years - 182 Call" Disas ter, Train ing, Vehicle , Banquet Picnic, Building; Tru stee 10 Year" - 1767 Calls Staff (continued) Members (not pictured) Dorothy LeBlanc George Heathcoat Bonnie LaTour Donna Gregory STEVEZOPHI 6 Months page 20 Bennin gton Rescue Squad , 25th Anniversary A-II 1964-1986 A-II 1986 -- L _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ A-2 standing by at dohnson Oil Co_ fire, 1982 _ _ _ Benn ington Rescue Squad , 25 th Anniversary ~ _ _ _ _ _~-.J page 21 RESCUE SQUAD TRIVIA 1.What was the Bennmgton Rescue Squad's first call? 2. Which member has held the office of president 6 limes? 3.How many quarters can be put into a coin card from the old fund drive? 4. What color was the squad's first ambulance? 5.How long did it take to get a haircut at Crosier's barber shop? 6. Which member has held the most number of separate offices within the squad? 7. What was the most number of calls handled in one day? 8. Who was the squad's oldest active member? 9.Who held the captain's position the longest? 10.Which business or company has employed the most number of past preSidents? 11.How many miles were on A-4, the International, when it was retIred'? 12.What crew took care of the 25,000tl1 patient? page 22 Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary JOINT RESOLUTION COMMEMORATING THE BENNINGTONRESCUESQUAD~ ____________________- . 0283H J.R.H. Joint resolution commemorating the Bennington Rescue 74 Squad. Offerea by: Representatives Wright of Bennington, Corcoran of Bennington! Pembroke of Bennington~ Knapp of Bennington~ Page of Bennington. Palmer of Pownal~ and Harrington of Shaftsbury Whereas, the Bennington Rescue Squad was organized in March of 1963 and will soon be observing its 25th Anniversary, and Wherea-?., the Bennington Rescue Squad has provided fal thful service to the people of Bennington, North Bennington, Pownal. ShaftsburYr Arlington and Woodford, and the members of the Bennington Rescue Squad have always been highly dedicated volunteers who have selflessly given their time) resources and skill to help their fellow citizens, and the members of the Bennington Rescue Squad have consistently maintained a high level of preparedness and training in emergency medical skills and procedures, and Whereas, the people of Bennington County and of the State of Vermont are deeply grateful to the Bennington Rescue Squad for its quarter century of services, now therefore De it Resolved .. pr the Senate il:.!ld House of Representa.tives: That the General Assembly, on behalf of the people of the " state. hereby commemorate the Bennington Rescue Squad on its 25th Anniversary, and. be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to the Bennington Rescue Squad with deep appreciation for its 25 years of skilled, ded icated public servlce~ ~~w~._ SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES """""""""~-~- PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary ATTESTED TO: '\ ). ,( /J' ,P , "S;.'~:f: A.. ~c Robert L Picher Clerk of the House of Representatives page 23 ~ § II ~ <Z?"G'>~ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS <z?"G'>~ • (~~: ~ T ~ ':':"- y :9 ~ ~ J L ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ II ~ § 1 25th ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE Fron t Row: (L-R) Rocky Crawford, Cashelle Cook , Wanda Harrington Back Row: (L-R) John Kennedy, Tom Crowe , William Collins ~ A ~ MEDICAL ADVISORS § Eugene Grabowski , M.D. Frederick Loy, M.D . Frank Venuti, M.D. Harvey Silberstein , M.D. Vern Mills , M.D. Karen Hewson, R.N 4 Thank you for past, present and continued support... A ~ :9 25th Anniversary Committee ~ II ~ :.\ Louis Bellemare, Wendy Chenaile, John Cufari, Bette Gershaneck, AI Heekin , Susan Kobik , Donald McKenna, Alan Morrison , Mark Nesbit, AI Pinsonneault, Knute Westerlund , Dan Zwynenburg. ~ ~ The 25th Anniversary Committee would like to thank the many people who assisted us in putting these memories together for your enjoyment. Nick Mayer , Don Raina, John Kennedy , Bill Collins, and the Bennington Banner for their photos, Allen R. Wade, Bennington Photo, a nd Brian Howe for their technical assista nce. FUND RAISING COMMITTEE A ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ § II ~ § ~ ~ § ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :9 ~. §~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :9 ~ ~ ~~~Cl>~<Z?"~~<Z?"~~~~~<z?"G'>~~~~<z?"~~<z?"~~~~~ page 24 Bennington Rescue Squad, 25th Anniversary SQUAD RECORDS M ost calls in one year M ost calls in one month Mos t calls in one da y M ost ca lls m a le m em ber M os t calls female mem ber Most calls ma le one year Most ca lls female one year M ost ca ll s mal e one m onth Most calls female one month Busiest Time Longest active se rvice male member A I Pinsonnea ult Longest active se rvice female member Marge Collins Average leng th of active service r 1978 Au gust , 1974 August 18, 1974 Ed Au stin Marge Collins Brian H owe, 1983 Marge Collins, 1980 Brian Howe, August 1983 Andrea Lampron , January 1983 Friday 1,595 176 20 5,048 1,679 556 328 73 58 12pm 6pm 25 years 9 yrs, 4 mos. 6 years
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