DK266 Cascade 220® Sport Cabled Headband Designed by Linda Medina

Cascade 220® Sport
Cabled Headband
Designed by Linda Medina
Cascade 220® Sport Cabled Headband
Designed by Linda Medina
Finished Size: 4.25” wide x 21” long (without stretching) To fit Average Woman.
Materials: Cascade 220® Sport (100% Peruvian Highland Wool, 50g/ 1.75 oz, 150 meter/164
yard skein)
1 skein Color #9451
Size 5 straight needles
Size 5 (16”) circular needle or Size 5 (set of 5) dpns
Cable needle
1 stitch marker
Gauge: 32 sts/4” and 30 rows/4” over Pattern
C4B: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold at back of work. K next 2 sts, then k 2 sts
from cable needle.
C4F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold at front of work. K next 2 sts, then k sts
from cable needle.
T3B: Slip next st onto a cable needle and hold at back of work. K next 2 sts, then p st
from cable needle.
T3F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold at front of work. P next st, then k 2 sts from
cable needle.
Row 1 (RS): P5, C4B, p4, C4F, p5.
Row 2: K5, p4, k4, p4, k5.
Row 3: P4, T3B, T3F, p2, T3B, T3F, p4.
Row 4: K4, [p2, k2] 3xs, p2, k4.
Row 5: P3, [T3B, p2, T3F] twice, p3.
Row 6: K3, p2, k4, p4, k4, p2, k3.
Row 7: P3, k2, p4, C4B, p4, k2, p3.
Row 8: Repeat Row 6.
Row 9: P3, k2, p4, k4, p4, k2, p3.
Row 10: Repeat Row 6.
Row 11: Repeat Row 7.
Row 12: Repeat Row 6.
Row 13: P3, [T3F, p2, T3B] twice, p3.
Row 14: Repeat Row 4.
Row 15: P4, T3F, T3B, p2, T3F, T3B, p4.
Row 16: Repeat Row 2.
Row 17: Repeat Row 1.
Row 18: Repeat Row 2.
Row 19: Repeat Row 3.
Row 20: Repeat Row 4.
Row 21: P4, [k2, p2] twice, k2, slip the last 6 sts worked (on right needle) to cable needle.
Wrap yarn 4xs counter-clockwise around these 6 sts, not pulling yarn too tightly, then slip the
wrapped 6 sts back onto the right needle. P2, k2, p4.
Row 22: Repeat Row 4.
Row 23: Repeat Row 15.
Row 24: Repeat Row 2.
Repeat Rows 1 – 24 for Pattern.
Cabled Headband
Cast on 22 sts on straight needles.
Repeat Pattern Rows 1 – 24 six times, then work Rows 1 – 4. work Rows 23 – 24. Bind off in
Pattern, leaving tail long enough to sew the short ends together. (Piece should measure about
21” long when stretched slightly.) Sew short ends together to form a ring.
Side Ribbing
With circular needle or dpns, pick up 84 sts evenly around one side of Headband. Place marker.
Round 1: *K1, p1; repeat from * around. Slip marker.
Repeat Round 1 six times. Bind off.
Repeat Ribbing on opposite side of Headband.
Weave in tails.