Document 94136

  Excellent opportunities
  
Innovative programs
Quality teaching
 Student success
ISSUE 24 l TERM 3 l WEEK 4
Smart and Sassy!
Between the 29th and the 31st July our Year 9 and Year 10
debaters made the long trek to Coffs Harbour for a Debating
Camp where they competed with other winners of the North
Coast Regional Area. They were kept busy with multiple
workshops by representatives from Sydney who regaled
them with volumes of information to hone their skills.
The team, comprising Ellen Welstead-Cloud, Georgia Zambelli, Chloe Willis and Lilly Allan-Moon entertained and enlightened with their knowledge of a broad range of topics including, media, education, entertainment and sport. They
successfully made it to the semi-final round where they were
narrowly beaten by Woolgoolga. It was a fiery debate of passion and logic with very strong rebuttals from both teams. It
was this ability to mix their smarts with their sassiness that
led to two of our girls, Ellen and Lilly being on the shortlist to
represent the region for the State Finals in Sydney. Lilly
made the final cut and will represent our school, and the region, in December. She is a worthy contender in a very
strong team.
It was an absolute privilege to watch these girls conduct
themselves in such a polite and accepting manner with the
other schools – teachers and students alike. It was also incredible to watch them transform before
my eyes from mild-mannered young ladies into “take-no-prisoner” orators at the
debate table with a strong competitive
streak. I am incredibly proud of them, for
Representing RRHs so well.
Mrs Galea
Richmond River High School
Telephone: 6621 3456
Canteen: 6621 4890
ISSUE 24 l TERM 3 l WEEK 4
PIP Presentations - Year 8
Congratulations to Year 8 on your outstanding projects, certificates were awarded to all students; Outstanding, Highly Commended, Credit or Participation. Students were marked on creativity of project, preparation
of presentation, eye contact and confidence, content, research and design. Students who were awarded Outstanding received a $30 voucher to Book Warehouse. Thank you to the staff and community members who
were part of the judging panel.
Outstanding awards went to the following 23 students: Romarnia Greene – Candle art; Tiffany Hull – Bookmarks; Jasper Irwin – Sculpture; Innes Kesteven – Musical item; Acacia Livock – Bike restoration & photography; Mary-Rose MacDonald – Figurine; Sophie Mills – Artwork; Ellie Price –
Dress; Grace Price – Abstract artwork; Ari Serventy – Tardis bookcase; Savannah Smith – Bow and arrows; Joel Willis – Artwork; Barry Butler – Go-kart; John
Brady-Corowa – Clayship from One Piece; Sutara Mayshack-Mendero – Artwork;
Oliver De-Milford – Dinosaur velocreptor; Alby Pickford – Shoe box; Ethan
Greene – RRHS in Minecraft; Jack Pittman – Restored bicycle; Breana Hunter –
Halter and cow stand; Benjamin McDonald – Remote
control boat; Zoe Cook – Macrame lampshade; Finn
Hurman – Billy cart
Thank you to the parents, staff and mentors of Year 8
for supporting the students, as they completed their
Mrs L. Seccombe
Richmond River High School
Telephone: 6621 3456
Canteen: 6621 4890
ISSUE 24 l TERM 3 l WEEK 4
Year 12 News
Year 12 are fast approaching the pointy end of their schooling, with exams, end of school, more exams and
the formal in the near future, and it’s really exciting!!
The end of school Formal Assembly will be held on Friday 19th September and all parents and carers of Year
12 students are cordially invited to come and share in the graduation of their students.
Planning for our Formal is well underway. The Formal will be at 6 p.m. on Friday 14th November at the Lismore Workers Club. Tickets will be on sale from the beginning of Week 6 – the week following the trial exams. Tickets are $36.00. This covers the cost of a two course meal. If you are vegetarian, please make sure
your student lets the Year Advisor know when they buy your tickets. At present tickets are limited to 4 per student – this includes the students own ticket. If you will need more than this, your student will need to talk to
the Year Advisor.
As I am sure you are aware, the next week is an examination period for our Year 12 students. For most students, the examinations are complete by Thursday 14th August and they are required to return to school and
normal lessons from this day. Please make sure that your student attends all of the remaining lessons to ensure they get the best possible preparation for the HSC examinations.
Our HSC examinations are held at the Lismore Workers Club as it is much quieter than the atmosphere at
school. The examinations start on Monday 13th October and will be completed by Friday 7th November. Students will be given comprehensive timetables as soon as they are available from the Board of Studies.
Sarah Helliwell
Year 12 Advisor
Years 7, 8 and 9 Assessments
Year 9 History have now received their first major assessment for the semester. It is researching either a
slave to the Americans or a convict sent to Australia and describing their experiences. It will be due in Week
5 beginning August 11.
Year 7 Geography - Fieldwork assessment task is due in Week 6 (starting August 18th).
Year 8 History - The Medieval assessment task is due in Week 5 (starting August 11th).
Mr Reynolds
HSIE Department
Richmond River High School
Telephone: 6621 3456
Canteen: 6621 4890
ISSUE 24 l TERM 3 l WEEK 4
PLEASE NOTE: English Extension 1 examination is now on Wednesday 13th August
Volunteers are needed for Year 12 Trials and HSC Examinations. We
are in urgent need of parents to act as Readers and Scribes for the Trial Exams in Weeks 4 and 5 of this Term and the HSC beginning Monday 13th October. Volunteers will need to know that some exams will
not finish until 5 p.m. All adult volunteers must have a "working with
Children Check - Volunteer" which is obtainable from the RTA.
Volunteers please contact Susie Hancock or Jane Ryan at the school.
[email protected]
Ms J Ryan
Learning and Support Teacher
Richmond River High School
Telephone: 6621 3456
Year 7 French assignment
on hobbies is due Monday 18th
August to Miss Lishman in the
HSIE staffroom.
Year 10 French
music review and profile assignment is
due Monday 18th August to Miss
Lishman in the HSIE staffroom.
Canteen: 6621 4890
ISSUE 24 l TERM 3 l WEEK 4
From the Principal and Deputy
Dear Parents and Caregivers
P&C Meeting
On Wednesday 13th August we are
holding our next P&C meeting. It
would be great to see as many of
our parents and caregivers as
possible at this meeting. P&C
meetings are a nice way to meet
other parents, hear about recent
fundraising activities and find out
about school activities from myself
or other staff members. Our
meetings are held in the upstairs
staffroom and begin at 6 p.m.
Hope to see you there!
New Staff Member
Mr Jim Selwood will be starting at
Richmond River High as Head
Teacher HSIE next term. He will be
replacing Mr Dawson who retired
earlier in the year. We look forward
to Mr Selwood starting at Richmond
Year 11 Work Placement
Next week, Year 11 students
undertaking studies in Hospitality,
Metal & Engineering and Primary
Industries will be involved in work
placement. This is a compulsory
component of their Vocational
Education pattern of study and will,
no doubt, prove invaluable as they
begin to plan their futures. We wish
all students involved the very best.
Year 12 Exams
Next week will see the conclusion
of Year 12 exams. TAFE will run as
normal on Wednesday and most
Year 12 students will return to class
at RRHS on Thursday, with the
exception of a small number of
students who will be completing
exams on those days. All Year 12
students have been provided with
an exam timetable and understand
that they will be returning to class
Richmond River High School
the day after their last scheduled
Parents are also able to view the
Year 12 exam timetable on the
school’s website and Facebook
School Planning and Community
Next Thursday evening all of our
staff will be staying back to begin
work on our school improvement
plan to cover the next three school
years. This plan, in line with the
Department’s reform agenda under
the broad heading of “Local Schools
Local Decisions”, will, for the first
time, see our school engaging with a
range of information in order to
directions for school improvement.
This is an important change because
it will enable us as a school
community to determine our own
strategic directions and focus
specifically on the needs of our
students. Earlier in the year the staff
developed a new school vision “Inspiring Learning for lifelong
Success” - as our guide to ensure
the effectiveness of our work with
In addition we consulted broadly
community and staff forums last
term. The advice provided through
these forums then gave us the
opportunity to survey all parents,
students and staff more specifically
about the programs running at the
school. We are also using NAPLAN
and HSC results as well as other
school based information in order to
find out what is working and what
could be improved.
A big thanks to all parents, students
and staff who completed the online
survey. The results of these surveys
provided some interesting feedback
for us to consider.
highlights that our parents and
students are happy with:
Telephone: 6621 3456
The variety of subjects we
Our movement towards digital
technology in the classroom
The number of our parent
teacher evenings
In addition parents and students
also indicated that the school
needs to continue to focus on
improving our:
assessment tasks
use of Facebook and our
provision of study space for
senior students
community understanding of
the Rivers College
guidance for senior students
considering TAFE as part of
their pattern of study
recognition for students who
are doing well at school
follow up of students not
meeting course requirements
“green and clean” school
opportunities for students to
have true student voice.
As an entire staff next Thursday
evening we will be engaging with all
of the information provided in order
to develop improve our work in
teaching and learning in order to
better meet the needs of our
We look forward to sharing the
results of our work over coming
Wishing everyone a relaxing and
enjoyable weekend.
Dave Harvey and Michael Hensley
Principal and Deputy Principal
Canteen: 6621 4890
ISSUE 24 l TERM 3 l WEEK 4
Attention all Parents and
See the Maths staff to
obtain the password.
Our newsletter the ‘River Views’ is published every
Friday and is uploaded onto out website:
emailed to parents whom we have received their
email addresses.
We do not provide paper copies unless specifically
requested by parents and the students need to
come up to the front office to collect a paper copy
at 3.15 p.m. on Friday afternoons.
If you would like a copy emailed to you then please
contact the front office on 66 213 456.
Monday 11/08/2014
Year 12 Trial HSC Exams
Year 10 Swimming Test for Great Keppel
Tuesday 12/08/2014
Year 12 Trial HSC Exams
Wednesday 13/08/2014
Year 12 Trial HSC Exams
P&C Meeting 6 p.m.
Thursday 14/08/2014
Year 12 students return to normal
classes except selected students that still
have exams
Years 7 and 8 Debating Competition
Friday 15/08/2014
Year 12 Trial HSC Exams - selected
students only
Monday 11/08/2014
Kelly Wilson
Tuesday 12/08/2014
Des Harris
Wednesday 13/08/2014
Meryl Condon
Thursday 14/08/2014
Kelly Wilson
Friday 15/08/2014
Margaret Ryder & Linda Grey
Canteen volunteers are needed. If you can
help please phone Kathy Claydon on
6621 4890.
Richmond River High School
Telephone: 6621 3456
CAPA is pleased to announce that the school band
is up and running with 7 students, comprising a
rhythm section as well as trumpet, clarinet and
Mr Murray is available for tuition on the trumpet,
saxophone, trombone and clarinet.
If you have any unwanted or damaged brass or
woodwind instruments could you please consider
donating them to the school.
Mr Murray
Music Teacher
You can now purchase school uniforms
online from Lowes.
It is free delivery for orders over $100 and
you can exchange sizes at the shop if needed. The Link is -
P & C Meeting
6.00 - 7.30 p.m.
13th August 2014
The official Richmond River High School
Facebook page is here:
RRHS Facebook Page
The web address is:
Canteen: 6621 4890
ISSUE 24 l TERM 3 l WEEK 4
RRHS wellbeing initiative for Years 10 and 11
On Tuesday the 12th of August, Brainstorm Productions will be presenting ‘WIRED’ - a play exploring the
reasons why young people can become stressed and/or depressed. The show will also act as a springboard for discussion about physical and emotional wellbeing.
For more information about the company follow this link or go to
This student welfare initiative is being substantially subsidised by RRHS to ensure whole school participation in our welfare and anti-bullying policies, however, students are asked to contribute a gold coin donation, collected at the door, on the day of the performance.
(Years 8 and 9 participated in a similar event entitled ‘The Hurting Game’ in Term 1 – it was very well received and had all students (and staff) thoroughly engaged.)
An information letter and opportunity for you to choose for your child to be excused from the event
will be sent home with students shortly.
Parents are reminded this is an “opt out’ event – you are only required to return the note if you DO
NOT want your child to attend. Richmond River High School
Telephone: 6621 3456
Canteen: 6621 4890
ISSUE 24 l TERM 3 l WEEK 4
Richmond River High School
Telephone: 6621 3456
Canteen: 6621 4890