SUNDAY SERVICES 9:00 and 11:00am March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday, 2015 CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK MARCH 29, 2015 SUNDAY, MARCH 29 THURSDAY, APRIL 2 5:45pm Celebrate Recovery (Fellowship Hall) 6:30pm Maundy Thursday Service .......... (Greenland Campus) Service 9:00 and 11:00am 9:00am Student Ministry (Barn) 10:30am Greece Mission Trip Meeting (3rd Floor Conference Room ) 11:00am Kids Ministry (Lower Level) 11:00am Kids Ministry (Lower Level) FRIDAY, APRIL 3 9:45am Community Bible Study 6:30pm Good Friday Service (Fellowship Hall) (Raymond Campus) SATURDAY, APRIL 4 9:30am Prayer Shawl Meeting (Me and Ollie’s-Greenland) MONDAY, MARCH 30 6:45pm Men’s CR Step Studies SUNDAY, APRIL 5 (Room 118) 6:00am Sunrise Service - Rye Harbor State Park (Rye Harbor State Park) 8:00am Easter Service (Sanctuary) 9:30am Easter Service (Sanctuary) 11:00am Easter Service (Sanctuary) Happy Easter! TUESDAY, MARCH 31 6:15am 9:30am 12:30pm 2:00pm 6:30pm Men’s Bible Breakfast (Fellowship Hall) Women’s Beth Moore Study (Room 118) First Place For Health (Room 115) Senior Bible Study (Room 121) LIFT (Barn) FINANCIAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 9:30am Mom’s Connect 6:15pm DivorceCare 6:15pm Divorce Care for Kids (Fellowship Hall) (Room 116) (Room 107) Operating Fund Revenue / Expense Summary 2 Months through February 28, 2015 2014 Actual Budget Actual vs. Budget Giving $324,091 $346,000 $(21,909) Net Expenses $370,947 $371,716 $(769) Income/ (Loss) $(46,856) $(25,716) $(21,140) Parents-please be aware that though kids in grades 1-4 are dropped off in the village, they are picked up in their ‘homerooms’. You can get assistance at the Registration Boat. 1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B 4A 4B ROOM 118 ROOM 118 ROOM 117 ROOM 116 ROOM 119 ROOM 113 ROOM 115 ROOM 100 ABOUT BETHANY Our Mission To be a Christian community where the love of God is transforming us from the Inside Out and our love for God is drawing the Outside In. Our Vision Bethany Church is a loving community, intentionally connecting with one another, so that we may be: - Comforted by the Grace of God - Changed by the Word of God - Challenged by the Mission of God BETHANY IS ON THE AIR TV - Portsmouth ppmtv, Channel 98, Exeter, Brentwood and Stratham Public TV Channel 98, Sandown TV, Channel 17, Raymond TV, Channel 13 and Epping Public TV. (Check your local listings for times.) Radio - WSEW 88.7 FM, Sundays at 12:00pm Web - Live broadcasts Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00am. Archives on demand 24/7. CD and DVD - Full worship services available in the Fellowship Hall. Office Hours Monday - Friday...............................8:30am - 5:00pm Reception closed from 12:30 - 1:30pm Some early closings on Friday WELCOME VISITORS! We are excited to have you in our service today! If we don’t get the opportunity to first meet you, please feel free to introduce yourself and to ask any questions you may have at our Welcoming Center. There are also Daily Breads and Lent devotionals available at the Welcome Center. Welcome Packet More information about Bethany Church and our ministries is available at our Information Center. The Café Our cafe, located in the Fellowship Hall, is open Sunday mornings, 8:30am - 12:30pm. An assortment of food and beverages are available after each service. In Need of Prayer? If you are in need of prayer, members of our prayer team are available at the front of the Sanctuary after each service. Prayer cards are also available in the pews. You may place your cards in the offering plate or in the box at the Information Center. Moms & Babies The door to the Moms & Babies Room is located between the Sanctuary doors by the windows. Hearing Impairment If you have a hearing impairment and would like an assistive listening device for the service, please ask one of our ushers. Membership at Bethany Snow Cancellation/Delay Procedure Once a determination is made whether to close or delay Sunday services or midweek events, a message will be placed on the main church phone, 603-431-3646, by 7:00am. In addition, an announcement will be made through WMUR-TV Channel 9 and the Bethany Church website at: , If we have to close the Church on Sunday morning, we will bring you the services “live”, at the regularly scheduled times, at If you are interested in learning about Bethany Church or becoming a member, please contact Martha Kiper at [email protected]. Gluten-Free Communion Wafers We are now offering a gluten-free option for Communion. Communion is celebrated the second Sunday of each month. Pick them up at the Information Center or see an usher before the service. ANNOUNCEMENTS SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Changes That Heal and Beyond 2nd and 4th Mondays of Month LIFT Contact: Leanne Knight([email protected]) LIFT’s mission is to fill young adults with the Holy Spirit by providing a safe community that encourages spiritual growth and personal transformation. This community is created through small groups in homes or public meeting places where members build relationships, come along side one another, and provide accountability to each other in their faith. We live out this mission by meeting in connect groups to deepen our faith, getting together in fellowship to deepen our relationships with each other, and serving alongside one another through outreach events. For more information and meeting times, please visit, BETHANY MISSION NIGHT is coming! Wednesday, April 8 Dinner 5:30 - Program 6:30pm Mark your calendar! Special SKYPE session featuring our own SUE & JAY JENKINS live from Senegal! Join us! (Childcare not provided). Dinner $5.00. CONNECTING Men’s Bible Breakfast Tuesdays, 6:15am - Fellowship Hall Contact: Pat Fuller ([email protected]) Led by Pastor Dirk Rodgers, we continue our Kings & Kingdoms study. Solomon has left the kingdom to his son. What will happen now? Come and see how God’s sovereignty works even through our sinful ways. This is a great time to encourage one another to stay on course spiritually, to be the men that God called us to be. We enjoy breakfast and conversation from 6:15 – 6:45am, followed by an in-depth Bible Study. We dismiss promptly at 7:30am, so we can all get to work! Iron Sharpens Iron - April 25th This year’s Iron Sharpens Iron Event is on April 25th. For information, visit the Information Center in the Rotunda, or, register at Contact: Pat Fuller ([email protected])“Changes That Heal and Beyond” will build on the learning and insights explored in last Fall’s “Changes That Heal” Group Study. This program focuses on building an awareness of the hindrances that keep us from an intimate relationship with Jesus and limits our relationships with one another. Come and see where God is inviting you to grow and heal. Prior attendance to any of the previous Changes that Heal sessions is not necessary. Classes will be offered on the second and fourth Mondays of the month from 6:30-8:00pm in the Barn at the Greenland Campus beginning March 23rd. Sign-up sheets for “Changes That Heal and Beyond” are available at the Welcoming Center. Stonecroft Bible Studies Contact: Lane Henderson ([email protected] or 603-580-5206) Discover the adventure of a personal relationship with God and introduce others to God’s unlimited love, grace, forgiveness, and power. These individual or small group Bible studies (your preference) are for all levels of faith and reinforce the foundational truths of Christianity. Flexible times available. Senior Bible Study - No group April 7 Tuesdays, 2:00 - 3:30pm, Room 121 Contact: Glynn Ballew ([email protected] or 603-379-2850) We are studying 1 Timothy. A weekly study guide is provided at each class. Come and join us every Tuesday afternoon as we gather for fellowship and the study of His Word. We also join together once a month and go out to lunch. Why Believe? 4 Week Stonecroft Study Begins April 26 - 10:45 am 3rd floor Classroom Contact: Noelle Needham (603.997.6637 or [email protected]) Investigate Evidence for Faith Does God Exist? Is the Bible true? Who is Jesus and what does He have to do with me? Is Christianity really any different than other religions? Would you feel comfortable talking about Jesus to others? Have you ever dreamt of feeling comfortable enough to start your own study? If you have ever asked any of these questions, this study invites you to explore compelling evidence that shows why faith is a reasonable response in a skeptical world. Week 4: Passionate Rev. Dr. Dirk Rodgers, Executive Pastor Bethany Church Sermon Notes: Week 4: Total Devotion — Passionate 1. A___________________ “Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the ______________ of the _____________ and their splendor.” Matthew 4:8 “I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.” I will proclaim the LORD’s decree: He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father. Ask me, and I will make the nations your ______________, the ends of the earth your ________________.” Psalm 2:6-8 2. E___________________ “‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and ___________ me.’” Matthew 4:9 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to _________ the devil’s work. 1 John 3:8 3. D___________________ “Jesus said to him, ‘Away from me, Satan! For it is written: “___________ the Lord your God, and serve him only.”’” Matthew 4:10 “When the LORD your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Fear the LORD your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name.” Deuteronomy 6:10-13 Two Perspectives on Worship “These are the commands, decrees and laws the LORD your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life. Hear, Israel, and be careful to ____________ so that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, just as the LORD, the God of your ancestors, promised you.” Deuteronomy 6:1-3 “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. _________ the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” Deuteronomy 6:4-5 NEXT STEPS: A Fasting Challenge – Part 4 Remember: Fasting is a spiritual exercise in which we voluntarily control our physical desires in order to strengthen our Godly passions and commitments. • Pick 1 day this week • If medically able, try to go without food for 24 hours (check with your doctor) • Drink plenty of water • When the hunger pains come, worship and reflect on Psalm 103, and memorize the first five verses of that Psalm (below) • Share the journey with someone “Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103:1-5 Connect Group Discussion Guide: Week 4 —Passionate OPENING • Define the word, “passion”. What are you passionate about? GOING DEEPER • Read Matthew 4:8. Describe what this view might have looked like to Jesus. • Read Matthew 4:9. Could the devil really have given Jesus the kingdoms of the world? Why or why not? • Why might the devil’s offer have been attractive to Jesus? • Read Matthew 4:10. How did Jesus respond to the devil’s attack? Why do you think that He responded in this way? • How can worship, rightly understood, help us to control our passions for dangerous, attractive things? CHALLENGE • Were you able to participate in the Fasting Challenge, Part 4? If so, describe your experience to the group. • How can we encourage one another to obey and love God on a more consistent basis? PRAYER & CARING PRAYER & CARING Intercessory Prayer Before You Divorce Intercessory prayer is being held in the front of the Sanctuary between Sunday services from 10:3010:50am. We are praying for the pastors, staff and ministries of Bethany Church and other prayer needs and requests of the Bethany Church family. Visitation Team/Compassion Meals Contact: Bill Maloney (603-475-4235) or Pauline Maloney (603-944-7993) Is there a couple you know who is struggling in their marriage and heading for divorce? Is your marriage struggling? Give us a call. We work with one couple at a time, helping them to restore their marriage. Contact: Pat Fuller ([email protected]) We all have times in our lives when a caring visit proves to be a precious gift. If someone in your family would like to receive a visit, or if you know someone from Bethany that could use help, let us know. If you would like to join either team, please contact Pat. Stephen Ministry Divorce Care - through April 15 For Men Only Contact: Scott McKinney ([email protected]) DivorceCare is a supportive group program designed specifically to lead us, with God’s support, toward healing from the misery of divorce. We walk through steps from week to week that bring us through anger, depression, loneliness, forgiveness, and all the issues we often think that no one else understands! Cancer Prayer Support Group Wednesdays, 6:15pm - Room 116 Divorce Care for Kids (DC4K) - through April 15 Wednesdays, 6:15pm-Room 107 Contact; Lettie Tzizik ([email protected]) Divorce Care for Kids is a wonderful program designed specifically to help comfort children of divorce. DC4K runs concurrently with adult DC. FAMILY MINISTRIES Join our Check-In/Welcoming Team Contact: Jan Dietrich ([email protected]) Check-In is one of the easiest and most fun places to serve! You get to greet smiling faces of kiddos as you check them in. And…the serving time is only 30 minutes at the service of your choice, on the week(s) of your choice. Don’t let the check in stations intimidate you…it’s really not hard at all. MISSIONS Greece Mission Trip Meeting - Trip in July 2015 Contact: Steve([email protected] or 802-249-1294) Have you ever wanted to go to Greece? Now is your chance! Don’t miss out the opportunity of a lifetime! Pick up your Cross and come with us for an exciting 10 day journey as we partner with Greek Ministries in spreading The Gospel. Come walk in the footsteps where Apostle Paul preached and taught! Partake in the Great Commission. Meetings are March 29th, April 12 & April 26th at 10:30am, in the 3rd floor meeting room. Contact: Bonnie O’Keefe (603-772-2748) Stephen Ministers are trained to give Christian care to those who are going through a period of crisis. If you are in need, please contact Bonnie. Men and women ministers are available. (FMO) is a peer-led, confidential support group for men struggling with sexual temptations and addictions. Weekly meetings at Bethany are available. For more information, please call 603-812-8556. April 12, 6:00pm - 3rd Floor Classroom Contact: Bethany Church (603-431-3646) If you’re dealing with cancer or survived cancer, we ask you to join this support group. Receive prayer and encouragement from those who have walked this path. Celebrate Recovery - Fellowship Hall Thursdays, Dinner 5:45pm-Discussion 6:30pm Contact: Max (603-505-2600) Come and experience a safe place to find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Everyone over 18 is welcomed. Just come join us! Contact Max for more information. First Place 4 Health A Christ Centered Weight Loss Study Tuesdays, 12:30pm - Room 115 Contact: Linda Casella ([email protected]) Ready to be free from the past, handle the pressures of today, and move forward to the future God has planned for you? This session of First Place 4 Health will show us how God’s Word can show us the way, and we can “move forward together” toward His purpose for our lives! Prayer Shawl Ministry Saturdays, 9:30am, Me & Ollie’s - Greenland Contact: Dennie Forte ([email protected] or 603-431-0024) Comfort and Joy!! Love and Peace!! These are just a few of the prayerful gifts stitched into every prayer Shawl. If you or someone you know will benefit from the warmth and caring that a Prayer Shawl will bring, please ask at the Welcoming Center or Church office. Spring Session Begins April 15th SERMON NOTES: CONTACT INFORMATION Bethany Main Number 603-431-3646 After Hours Emergency Care Dial 603-431-3646 and press 2 Ministry Bulletin Announcements [email protected] by 5:00pm on Monday. BOARD OF ELDERS: CONTACT INFORMATION: Jim Serpliss, Chairman 207-363-4344 Peter Schaeffer, Vice-Chair 603-436-5284 Robert Goodman, Treasurer 603-661-5969 Francois Vorster, Secretary 603-580-1981 Peter Hopkinson 603-778-9880 Pauline Maloney 603-944-7993 Eric Savage 603-772-6259 Doug Snell 978-270-3919 George Swible 603-659-3549 [email protected] Minutes from the Elders’ meetings are available at the Information Center: Bethany Church Offices: 603.431.3646 BETHANY’S LEADERSHIP STAFF Rev. Dr. Bruce Boria Senior Pastor Exec. Asst. Rosanne Palombi 603-570-9005 [email protected] Rev. Dr. Dirk Rodgers Executive Pastor [email protected] Exec. Asst. Pat Fuller 603-570-9033 [email protected] Rev. Tim Carpenter Family Ministries Pastor [email protected] 603-570-9036 Exec. Asst. Leanne Knight 603-570-9029 [email protected] Gene Bullis Church Administrator [email protected] Steve Bailey Facilities Operations Mgr./IT Mgr. [email protected] Greg Brooks Communications Coordinator [email protected] Jan Dietrich Kids’ Ministries Coordinator [email protected] Carole English Accounting Coordinator [email protected] Pat Fuller Caring Coordinator [email protected] Julie Huwe Events Coordinator [email protected] Martha Kiper Connecting Coordinator [email protected] Joe Sommers Technical Arts Coordinator [email protected] Rev. Bob Whittet Missions Pastor [email protected] Drew Yount Worship Arts Coordinator [email protected] RAYMOND CAMPUS STAFF Ali Bousquin Family Ministries Director [email protected] 500 Breakfast Hill Road Greenland, NH 03840 Phone: (603) 431-3646 Fax: (603) 334-6072 Katie Lovgren Worship Arts Coordinator [email protected] Kim O’Brien Executive Assistant [email protected]
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