April 19, 2015 ~ 10:30am We welcome you warmly in the name of Jesus Christ! Prelude Call to Worship Christ Candle ~Joshua Vermeer Welcome and Greetings Pastor Brian Seifert Songs of Praise & Worship ~ Children Dismissed to Children in Worship ~ Morning Prayer Jason Ruis Offering Second Offering General Fund CCS – Partners in Education God Speaks Through His Word Red Bible ~ Page 1075 Message John 20:19-23 Black Bible ~ Page 769 “Unlock the Door” Pastor Brian Seifert Prayer Song of Response Parting Blessing Pastor Brian Seifert Closing Song Come, let us PRAY together! We recognize the importance of coming together and praying for personal concerns. Please feel free to come up front after our service and someone will pray with you for whatever you would like to hold up to our great God. All prayer matters are kept confidential. Sheltering Tree Prayer Team WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT BETHEL! Thank you for joining us today! If you are visiting us today for the first time, please feel free to help yourself to a gift from the welcome basket located in the Gathering Place. Please return as we would love to get to know you better! WE WELCOME PASTOR BRIAN & LORA SEIFERT from Cadillac, MI! Pastor Seifert will be preaching today on John 20:19-23. Life and circumstances can leave us locked up in our hearts. Certainly our sin locks us from God’s presence. The beauty of Easter is that Jesus has the power to break through any lock that binds us. THE NEXT TWO SUNDAYS El LaGrew will be leading us in worship. Everyone wants to hear the words of the Lord say to them, "Well done good and faithful servant!" As a Christian you want to know how to honor our Lord in everything you do in life. El will address the issue of "Honoring God" from two of his 400 sermons on this topic. On the 26th, his focus will be on "Honoring God with your Finances" and on May 3rd the topic will be "Honoring God with your Family." This will be an educational and uplifting time for all. SECOND OFFERING TODAY – COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PARTNERS IN EDUCATION - CCS offers Christian education to 3-year-olds through 8th grade students in Pease, MN. The Partners in Education Program was established to give CCS friends, family & alumni an opportunity to give financial gifts to those families who desire Christian education, but have fallen on times of financial need. We believe that the triangle of church, home & school is what strengthens us and makes us strong. DISCERNMENT QUESTIONNAIRE - RE: BETHEL CHURCH ~ SPRING 2015 Questionnaires were placed in your mailboxes last week and you may also find additional copies on the table in the Gathering Place. Please complete this brief survey to the best of your ability. It is our desire to get a general “picture” of the thoughts and feelings of our Bethel Church Family. This will help us as we lead Bethel into the future. Please be as complete and candid as you can, responding to as many questions as you are able! It is not required that you identify yourself, but if you would like a response or follow-up from the elders, please add your name and contact information. Please place your questionnaire in the “Completed Questionnaire” box in the Gathering Place box next Sunday, April 26th. The Elders BOOKTALK BOOKCLUB will be meeting Monday, April 27th at 7:00pm. They will be discussing, “Those Who Save Us” by Jenna Blum. Please talk with Deb Droogsma for more information. All are invited to join them! NEXT WEEK we will hear the public Profession of Faith of Carrie & Jennie Rosenberg and Ali & Karna Terpstra! On Monday, April 6th the Elders joyfully heard their Professions of Faith. We praise God for His work in their lives! We also thank their mentors who assisted them in their preparation for making Profession of Faith. They are Connie Bartz, Kim Erickson, Hermina Kiel and Heather Kittok. THE WOMEN OF COFFEE BREAK INVITE YOU to their end-of-the-year brunch on Tuesday, May 5th at 9:30am. The theme of our event will be “The Fruit of the Spirit.” Many women from our community have attended Coffee Break this past year; many who do not call Bethel Church their home and many who call Tuesday mornings their church. All are invited to come and get a taste of the many dimensions of Coffee Break. Please also be reminded that we have an excellent children’s ministry program that is FREE to all preschool children. For more information please help yourself to the brochures which are in the Gathering Place or just talk with one of the women of Bethel! Looking forward to seeing you on the 5th! SUNDAY South Door Greeters: April 19 April 26 L&C Koppendrayer D&K Lueck North Door Greeters: C&K Kiel T&H Kittok Main Door Greeters: C&R Koppendrayer E&J LaGrew Ushers & Response Folders: Mark B. / Carolyn K. Mark B. / Carolyn K. Joshua V. Lydia E. Julie DH Terri T. / Grace E. Kim E. Karna T. Melissa D. / Jolene H. Sandi G. Carol VDR / Toben DH J&T Huonder J&B Herman CCS-Partners in Education Leah S. / Grace E. S&D Gould J&T Hyrkas None Christ Candle: Children in Worship Leader: Greeters: Feast Provider: Nursery: Coffee Café: Second Offering: FREE SHOPPING DAYS Thank you to everyone who donated items and who helped make FREE Shopping a wonderful time. We heard that many were blessed to give and many were blessed to receive! May people realize the greatest free gift is Jesus! Thank you also to Vonda Schiebout, Tara Weldon and Lisa Carmen for going above and beyond and organizing this wonderful event for our community! THANK YOU to all who gave their Coborn’s Ham Stamps and Cards! We were able to receive 6 hams to use for Bethel’s needs. If you know of a need in our family, please notify one of the Deacons. FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 GENERAL FUND: Offering Received on 4/12/2015: Offerings Received Year-to-Date: BUILDING FUND: Debt Reduction Received YTD (PY 7/31/15) SPECIAL OFFERING: CRC Home Missions – 4/12/2015: SECOND OFFERINGS: April 19th – CCS May 3rd – GEMS ACTUAL $ 5,121.00 $ 163,311.70 $ 3,183.99 $ 222.00 BUDGET $ 4,741.40 $ 175,431.80 +/-VARIANCE $ 379.60 $ (12,120.10) May 24th – CRC World Missions May 31st – Debt Reduction NOTE: Please return your pledge envelopes so that our Deacons can prepare the 2015/2016 Budget! Isaac Price 3 Hayley Payment 11 Theresa Schreur 25 Vedders 3 Phyllis Kingsbury 13 Ron Mulder 26 Totzke 5 Jody Rice 14 Leif Storbakken 26 Jason Vermeer 5 Abigail Dahl 16 Sven Storbakken 27 Ginny Reed 7 Ella Noack 21 Jim Bos 30 10 Jeremy Pohl 21 Victor Johnna Rodney Van't Hof Thank you to Roger & Judy Schlief and their friends for making our birthday gifts – check out the great Birthday Cake in our Gathering Place! STARFISH MINISTRIES – please find their updated newsletter on the Communications Board directly opposite the kitchen serving window. CCS AUCTION & DINNER – Friday, April 24. Doors open at 5:30pm with the Auction beginning at 7:45pm. Head ‘em up. Move ‘em out! See y’all soon! Individual tickets are only $20 OR you may buy a reserved table of eight people for $140 and sit with your amigos. Tickets are available in the CCS Office. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email Trudy Ash ([email protected]) 320.420.2468 or Amy Banks ([email protected]) 320.369.4239. RUM RIVER LIFE CHOICES NEEDS: Ministry Opening: Christian pro-life ministry seeks to hire a Princeton Branch Center Director. Prefer prior experience in pro-life or non-profit work, along with counseling skills. We provide CareNet specific training. Duties include counseling, managing volunteers, supervising day-to-day operations, and public relations. Interested candidates should contact Ann at 320.983.3771. Volunteers Needed: Seeking volunteer counselors for both the Milaca and Princeton locations. The required 26 hour CareNet specific training will begin in May. Call Yvonne at 320.983.3771 for more information and to register. WEBINAR: YOUTH, DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE - Join CRCNA Wed. April 22nd at 11am for “Youth, Depression and Suicide.” This webinar will discuss the issues of depression and suicide particular to youth and how we as a church can be equipped to effectively help and support. For details and registration for this FREE, one-hour event, visit: crcna.org/webinars. Also, check out their archives. Please consider: Spiritual Care for Alcoholics, Addicts and their Families, Introduction to Spiritual Warfare, Stop the Silence! Let’s Talk! The list of upcoming webinars are listed on the Gathering Place table. FAITH IN ACTION EDUCATIONAL EVENTS – There are flyers in the Gathering Place to inform you of the many opportunities in our community, i.e. Caregiver and Grief Support Groups and more. Please pick one up and support Faith in Action! For more information, call 763.263.4277. HELLO FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT THE CRCNA NETWORK! Since The Network began 5 years ago, over 15,000 people have posted and shared ministry tips on the site. With 60 different topics (including deacons, worship, youth ministry, finance, and more), there is no shortage of helpful websites, articles, devotionals, and resources. The heart of The Network is to support and encourage each other in ministry. Join the conversation on The Network at network.crcna.org. To subscribe, go to network.crcna.org/subscribe to get the weekly email. GEMS & BOYS’ CLUB MEETINGS INCLUDING WEDNESDAY’S TABLE IN APRIL April 1st fell during Holy Week, so GEMS, Boys’ Club and Wednesday’s Table have been moved to the 3rd & 5th Wednesdays in April: 15th & 29th. Please mark your calendars and join them. WE NEED TO PRAY! Pray in your homes or in your cars. But even more importantly we need to pray together. Every Wednesday morning at 7am there are people who gather in the Great Room to pray together. As we pray we read a Psalm. When you pray Scripture you know you are praying God’s will. In discerning God’s will, prayer is absolutely essential. The best way to learn to pray is…to PRAY. We are in the very presence of God, the Creator, and the King of the Universe. Pray is hard work, but it is a gift from God. He desires our prayer. God speaks, we listen; we speak, God listens. What a wonderful way to spend one hour each Wed! Your very presence is a prayer. BETHEL HAS A CHURCH PRAYER CALENDAR! Often on Tuesday the persons on Wednesday’s calendar will get a call from Norma or Terri T. asking how we can pray for you. Also, if you have a praise or request, please feel free to e-mail or call any day and you will be remembered in prayer. You can pick up a calendar on the Gathering Place table. BETHEL’S EMAIL PRAYER REQUESTS! We have friends who have committed to pray for your needs. When we receive a request, after permission is given, we send it out to others to hold your need in prayer. To request prayer, send an email or call: Norma Baas at: [email protected], or call 320.369.3003, or Bethel Church: [email protected], or call 763.389.5715 To commit to pray and subscribe to the prayer emails send an email message to: [email protected] indicating “SUBSCRIBE” in the subject line. 8 - L1 – Gr. 2-5 Classroom Teachers Needed 8 - Small Group Leaders and additional assistants Supplies Needed : PICK UP NEW LIST ON THE BAC TABLE Many other areas available for you to Pay it Forward: CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS miniBAC KITCHEN ADMINISTRATION SET-UP TAKE-DOWN DAILY CLEAN-UP BARNABAS SUPPLIES PRAYER OFFER SCHOLARSHIPS WORSHIP REGISTRATION “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26 PRAISES: New life springing up on the earth with spring arriving New life in Christ Jesus Pastor Brian Seifert and Lora visiting this weekend- discernment for them and Bethel as we seek a new pastor IGNITE Team Leaders and youth who faithfully serve the Lord-leading praise time Harv and Karen as they finished their DRS-3 weeks of work and are returning back home Baby Charlie doing better-prayers for salvation of his family Anticipation for Rosenberg’s and Terpstra’s daughters making Profession of their Faith next week Sunday PRAYER NEEDS: Chuck Kingsbury-more cancer, more pain—healing from the Lord; strength and grace for Phyllis; healing for Phil Terborg’s foot and Sue as well Healing for Suzette’s foot, Lois Syverson’s heart issues, Ken Krahnke’s bones in facehealing and diagnosis why he faints Job change for Leah Schlief, others needing jobs Brian Weldon facing surgery for prostate cancer April 27 Holy Spirit’s guidance as He leads Council and Search Committee in God’s ways High School seniors deciding on future careers, colleges, technical colleges, work— May they keep Christ as their #1 Friend Abbi McCray and family as they have moved to Wisconsin by Lake Superior Sunday School teachers remain well prepared with eager faithful students attending Safety for Hermina as she travels to MI on Monday to visit her children Community Christian School in Pease Dinner/Auction Fund Raiser this coming Friday—the 24th; may many come and may it raise needed money to help with tuition and needed remodeling of bathrooms and roof BAC2ONE- Jennie Warner as she prepares the lessons to be taught each day with the “Whatever” theme; also needed L1 classes Sunday, April 19 9:30am 10:30am 7:00pm Sunday School for all ages! Worship – Pastor Brian Seifert BAC Leadership Meeting 7:00pm Men to Action! Tuesday, April 21 9:30am Coffee Break/StoryHour/Little Lambs/Nursery Wednesday, April 22 7:00am Prayer at Bethel Monday, April 20 6:30pm IGNITE Youth Friday, April 24 5:30pm CCS Auction & Dinner Sunday, April 26 9:30am Sunday School for all ages! 10:30am Worship – El La Grew May 3 10:30am Worship – El La Grew May 10 -24 10:30am Worship – Pastor Jack Vanden Heuvel May 31 10:30am Worship – Jerry Van Someren BONNIE: M-F: 9-4 JASON: M: 1-5pm T: 8:30am – 12:30pm W: 8am – Noon Th: 8:30am – Noon OUR MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Bethel Church is to glorify God in worship and our daily living, to evangelize His world, and to connect people to God so that they become part of a Christian community. We will accomplish this through prayer, joyful worship, Biblical training, use of spiritual gifts, Christian fellowship, and outreach in our community. OUR MINISTRIES Prayer Groups Sunday School Worship Stitch & Share BAC2ONE Music Ministry Care Team Children in Worship Just for You! Bethel Garden Adult Retreat Booktalk Bookclub Youth – Grades 1 – 6: GEMS Girls Club & Boys Club Youth - Grades 7 - 12: IGNITE Women: Coffee Break w/Children’s Programs, Women’s Prayer Group, Stitch & Share Men: Men to Action! Adult Small Groups: List available from the Bethel Office Hospitality: Carolyn Koppendrayer Wednesday’s Table OUR COUNCIL ELDERS DEACONS Mark Baas Wes Geurkink Lance Erickson Jeff Rice Rob Braun El La Grew Garry Gray Dorothy Swanson Joel De Haan John Schmidt Carolyn Koppendrayer Brian Weldon [email protected] ~ 8938 – 33rd St., Princeton, MN 55371 ~ 763.389.5715
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