- 1- GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL EDUCATION & RESEARCH (HEAlTH- III BRANCH) NOTIFICATION -.. No. 5/33/2014-5HB-III/ -3 ~ ~ SUBJECT: Admission to Post Graduate Degree courses in the Health Sciences Educational Institutions in Ultrasonography (Medical/Dental) and six month training in the State of Punjab- Session 2015. *** 1. The Governor of Punjab is pleased to notify admissions Degree/Diploma courses and six month "The Fundamentals MBBS Doctors" in (Medical/Dental) 2. The Governor . Health Entrance The Act 2006. admissions merit. to r, of 5. for as per procedure laid down by MCI/DCI and Private Health Sciences Fixation minimum r:\3fI8 3\l\ot:fications\NotifiCiition PG Sessice Educational of Fee and Making of PG courses and six month in training State shall be. based on AIPGMEE/AIPGDEEto both batches for six month is eligibility-cum-ranking Health training in to various examination MD/MS/PG & is to Family Institute Medical Diploma/ by Govt. of National Sciences, of India. Board New is MDS with the approval Welfare, be conducted which of Delhi for Courses and for six month training in Ultrasonography. a candidate AIPGMEE/AIPGDEE-201S. to scheduled Medical Seats and for six month In order to be eligible f.r admission to necessary by f and All India Medical/Dental Medical/Dental Quota examination AIPGMEE/AIPGDEE-2015 Examination for will be from the same merit. entrance Ministry counselling of to be conducted courses and six month training In Ultrasonography the Institutions New Delhi and All India Institute 50% State all, the Admission centralized Post Graduate of Admission, AIPGMEE/AIPGDEE-2015 a single level one for Educational AIPGEE/AIPGDEE-2.015 in the Ultrasonography conduct Punjab (Regulation Ultrasonography 4. Sciences basis of All India Delhi for under Reservation) 2015 to in Ultrasonography Institutions The Faridkot on the New notified. Ultrasonography: of Punjab is pleased to authorize Baba Farid University Board of Examination Sciences, 3. Health Examination-2015 National training the in Ultrasonography, in the State of Punjab for the year 2015. Sciences, admissions in Abdomino-Pelvic training to Post Graduate to obtain However, castes, scheduled ;:l Post Graduate minimum in respect tribes 70l~\P() Notification -70:~ (March. 2015I,doc of 50% of candidates and other marks shall be at 40% or as notified course it shall be backward by MCI/DCI. marks in belonging classes, the -2 - Provided when categories sufficient number fail to secure minimum 2015, Government of candidates marks in consultation as prescribed minimum categories. marks in AIPGMEElower - for candidates required ',"-> However respective with MCI, may at its discretion, '." the in the belonging -.. in .case of MDS, ?!ter to respective • considering all the eligible candidates from the AIPGDEE-2015 merit i list, if seats still remain vacant, . . then the remaining seats individual cumulative performance examination passed from will filled on merit on the basis of the at the first, second, third Baba Farid University and B.D.S. of Health Sciences, Faridkot. 6. One year compulsory for acquiring The eligibility st Internship 7. rotatory shall be 31 condition of internship for admission. is an essential prequalification The cut off date for completion of March 2015. one: year compulsory rotating internship is not .\ applicable to thosec,andidate who had passed their final BDS .,' Examination College recognized provisional 8. on or before ~, . by the Dental Council ~ '. or permanent No condonation except 1988 and hQ\O a BDS Degree from registration of Internship (i) the students from a rotating who, (MBBS/BDS recognized by period shall be accepted during or GOI/MCI/DCI), internship/practical 4Yz year BDS Course alongwith after the passing foreign the is undergoing training rotating internship on or before and obtained degree 12-month compulsory provisional the same but he/she shall not completed the compulsory or permanent 31st March 2015 or the candidate from the head of Institution qualifying and is likely to complete unless he/she.has " for admission final medical/dental by 31st March 2015 can' take up this examination, be eligible the academic rotatinginternship candidate examination the State Dental Council. of the ba tch admitted 06 months compulsory However, of India and have obtained of 12 months session 2007-2008 and have completed 9. a Dental produces that he/she will be completing registration a certificate internship by obtained in 31st March 2015. 10. The admission to NRI seats shall be on the basis of merit Special Test conducted by Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot. 11. Admission Punjab Private Admission, 12. institutions shall be made as per provision Health <;~ciences Educational Institutions Fixation of Fee & Making of e~servations)Act All the seats in Govt. as well <.:, Centralized 13. to minority as Privat-e Institutions t: of the (Regulation of 2006. will be filled by by Baba Farid University of counselling. The schedule of counselling will be decided Health Sciences, Faridkot. The details will be available in the prospectus to be issued by BFUHS. I :\3ttB 3\Notifications\Notification PGScssion -]Ol~,\PG Notification 201~ (March, 201~I.doc -3- 14. The tentative dlstributien Medical & Research of seats will Education~1on www.punjabmedicaledu.cation.org. displayed prior be displayed the by the official The ,fYlal distribution to date of counselling Director r.e site of seats will be on the official website of the department. 15. A candidate who is already admitted/completed any Post-Graduate degree course shall not be eligible for admission. 16. 17. Candidates seat after opting for admission Post Graduate Course in previous year. Candidates Course for the corresponding in the .specialtv Admission Committee candidate on the on the basis and station Personal appearance by the of merit obtained by the once Punjab. The University the NQ waiting The of admitted, the of the counselling of the list shall be prepared. drops he/she out or leaves the shall be debarred to any PG course Post for a in the State of (~\pall display the list of the names and addresses persons. I:, In case there is a vacancy after the firstcounselling, filled through Choice in the counselling/interview years for admission of such debarred be made at the time Degree course in between, of three shall by the candidate In case a candidate period basis ecltege of AIPGMEE/AIPGDEE-2015. shall be mandatory. Graduation and in session The allotment the has not been he/she 'has already left the same before counselling. candidate 21. that he/she and if admitted shall be final. 20. has not abandoned or after being admitted will have to give an undertaking to any Post ~faduate speciality 19. that he/she Post Graduate admitted 18. shall give a declaration such seats shall be the sarne process in the second counselling. schedule commencement of admission process i.e. dates of counselling of classes, cut off date, etc. shall be as declared MCI/DCI and any court orders by the Hon'ble Supreme and by the Court or Hon'ble High Court as the case may be. 22. Baba Farid University Prospectus, 23. The Application application submitted of Health for to the Sciences may fix and charge Fee, etc. Admissions, complete Bab~'\"Farid University Punjab.: 24. The merit list for general of Health candidates and reserve. .candidates and option be Faridkot, in distribution in the State of Punjab, Director i'Ol~\PG Notification ;lOl~ {March, 2C:~),doc ~~", as per marks. of seats for all the institutions Research & Medical Admission Committee for Medical Colleges: PG Session shall be combined. having 40 percent or more but less than 50 percent In case of any dispute I :\3t;;~ 3\i\oUications\Notlfication Sciences, shall as the case may be except for SC & BC Punjab will be the appellate authority. 26. respects will be eligible for open seats i.e. in general their merit, eligibility situated in all . <," 'Reserve candidates 25. fee for Education, -4- a) Principal, Govt. Medical College, Amritsar Chairman b) Principals of Govt. Medical College, Patiala Members GGS Medical College, Faridkot, Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana & Research, Amritsar SGRD Medical Institute Gian Sagar Medical College, Banur c) Representative d) Registrar/ Deputy Registrar of Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, of Department Member of Welfare Member Admission Committee for Dental Colleges: i. Principal, Government Chairman Dental College, Amritsar. ii. Principals of Government Dental College Patiala, S.G.R.D. Dental College Arnritsar, Members Genesis College of Dental Sciences Ferozepur, pashmesh Institute of Research & Dental Sciences, Faridkot, Guru Nanak Dev Dental College & Research Institute Patiala, Desh Bhagat Dental College & Hospital Mukatsar, National Dental College Dera Bassi, Luxmi Bai Institute of Dental Sciences & Hospital, VPO Baran, Patiala. Principal Gian Sagar Denta College, Banur. iii. Representative iv. Registrar/ of Department of Welfare. Member Deputy R~gistrar Baba Farici'University of Health Sciences 27. Member Seat distribution in Govt. Institutions (Govt. Medical/Dental & Patiala, GGS Medical/Dental Amritsar I. College, Faridkot.) , In the Govt. Institutions, the Government 2015. The 50% of the total seats shall be filled of India at all India level through remaining seats AI.PGMEE/AIPGD~,S-2015 at the ... .... College, shall state be level by All India Test filled from through amongst the ; candidates seats having Punjab status. in service:~doctors open to all eligible Medical/Dental seats the Governor of Punjab is further of institutional category from preference candidate Out of be filled i':'UP from 60% seats shall PCMS(Medical/De'ntal) Resident amongst graduates. pleased to reserve, by way seats for general Sciences, examination Faridkot Christian Medical College, Ludhiana. There shall be separate list in-service for 60% Colleges and a separate quota merit eligible Out of these 40% who have passed their qualifying of Health the & 40% seats shall be upto 50% available Baba Farid University State quota candidates for except merit Medical/Dental list for those who are not covered ~·i.:. ' under the categrkv of in-service; candidates. " L\3HB-3\Notifications\Notification PG Session -201~\PG Notification ' ·}015 (March"201~I,doc ln 40% quota, after -5- exhausting all Punjab resident candidates, seats reaming vacant will be offered to the other state resident. II. For 60% quota capdidates PCMS (Medical/Dental) in service doctors). a) The Eligibility i. requirements are as under: Regular ·PCMS(MedicaI/Dental) Has completed II. 4 years service in very difficult (Category- D) area or 6 years service in difficult (Category C) area or an both. appropriate candidates - combination of who have completed 01-01-2012, iii. employee they should service in most difficult difficult areas. RMO's o"nce Dental)/L;will they In case of 5 years of service as on have 2 years of areas or 3 years of service in are completed selected be given benefits in PCMS (Medical/ of rural service rendered by them as RMO's under Zila Parishad. iv. Has cleared the probation v. Has Good service record period Has no vigilance/departmental/disciplinary VI. inquiry pending against him/her. vii. Will have 10 years of service left after completion of the course b) c) The period of rural service March 2015. Adhoc service rendered counted for the in respective purpose Weightage category of computing -of 1 mark for each year of service in difficult of maximum of 5 marks. rural service PCMS (Medical/Dental) shall area over & above the be given, in service along with the application after completion a certificate department/vigilance f) of inquiry Ii: No is, Certificate PG Session -lOlS\PG Notification -2015 (March, 2015).doc submit of of years of service pending & that no against the .doctors who are selected from shall have to produce the Department of Health & Family Welfare. 1.:\31,B3\J\otif:cations\Notjfjcation will length a v . to post graduate.courses Objection to regarding course . " All PCMS (Medical/Dental) admission PG subject candidates service, length of rural service, number candidate. be e, < eligibility left will stipulated area & 1.5 marks for most difficult e) as on 31 the period. d) st shall be computed Govt. of for a Punjab, -6 - All in service doctors shall have to submit a bond of Rs 50 g) lakhs to serve the Punjab 'b9vernmentfor a period of 10 years after' .cornpletion course. candidate of: post graduate If the fails to do so he/she shall have to submit the bond money with the government. III. For 20% quota candidates (PCMS, in service doctors) for training in Ultrasonography. 3 year service (probation PCMS doctors - Minimum period should be cleared) - The candidatE{ have to serve for 7 years after training in the ',\.t PCMS cadre." Shall furnish bond of Rs 30 Lakhs. 20% seats are reserved for PCMS, in service candidates. IV. For 40% quota candidates, 40% quota seats shall be open to all eligible graduates. Any candidate in state government medical/dental employment shall produce a No Objection Certificate from his/her employer. V. For 40% & All India quota candidates Candidates selected in All India quota will be considered at par 'J with state 40% quota emoluments/stipends time to time following i. candidates. as determined for the course period Thev will get fixed by the Government from of 3 years subject to the conditions: The candidate is to submit a bond of Rs 15 lakhs to serve the Government completion of Punjab for a period of three years after of PG. This clause will not be applicable the offer is not given by the Government a period of one year of passing in case of Punjab within of the postgraduate examination. ii. The candidate will inform ,the Government . ( , he has passed the postgraduate iii. Failure to serve the Government three years will VI. I :\3liii 3\Notlfications\Notitication examination. of Punjab for a period of lead to deposition/ money to the Government Reservation in Government of Punjab that recovery of bond of Punjab i.e. Rs 15.00 lakhs. Colleges I. Scheduled caste 25% II. Backward class 5% PG Session ;>01)\PG Notification ~.,~ 701J (Ma~~"'~151.dOC -7 - III. Physically handicapped Only orthopedically physically 3% handicap handicapped of lower limbs between disability but otherwise in the speciality found 50%-70%(PH-1). medically concerned by the government of Departments of Orthopaedics with disability With this fit to pursue by the duly constituted case the candidates in , disability course to reservation & shall have locomotor category '. IV. is entitled Medical & consisting of 3 Medical are not available the Board of Heads Colleges. In then the candidates of 40% to 50~~'(PH-2) may be considered. Sports Persons 2% Credit will be given for the sports achievement course only & shall be graded the MBBS/BDS academic the Director made during Sports,' Punjab with a minimum by benchmark of B grading V. (a) Children/Grandchildren of terrorism affected persons 1% (b) Children/Grandchildren (in order of. preference of riot affected to the exclusion of the next category) Persons killed in terrorist I. 1% activities in Punjab or in 1984 riots outside Punjab Terrorism II. or riot affected or displaced person of Punjab be given to a candidate whose parent origin. Preference guardian will is considered killed only in such situation in case neither parent (Guardian to or be was alive at the relevant time) Defence Category VI 2% a. ' Former Defence personnel b. i,: Wards of Defence personnel (in order of preference to the exclusion of the next category) 1. Killed in action'':-,:: 2. Disabled in action to the extent of 50% or above & boarded out of service Died while in service & Death attributed 3. Military service Disabled in service & boarded out with 4. disability 5. attributed to Military Gallantry Award winners service both serving /retired 6. Ward of serving / retired defence personnel serviceman I-:\3tif~ 3\Notif:catiors\Notification PG Session -201 'i\PG Notification to -701!l (March, 201~) doc / ex- -8- VII. Wards of Punjab Police personnel, Punjab Armed Police, Punjab Home guards & Para military (in order of preference forces 2% to the exclusion of the next category) a. Killed in action b. Disabled in action to the extent of 50% c. Winners of President's Police medal for Gallantry d. Winners of Police medal for Gallantry A certificate issued by the Inspector Punjab shall have to be produced. forces, this certificate General of Police (HQ) In case of Paramilitary shall be counter signed by the IG Police (HQ) Punjab .. VI. Children/Grandchildren of Freedom fighters of Punjab Note 1% 1 The availability hundred of seats for point subject-wise/ roster being All the certificates Fee structure notified category-wise/ ' ,, for the Government Institutions for the year by the government. for six month course in Ultrasonography by Ministry issued of Punjab. 2015 will be as notified Fee structure maintained be as per shall be \~s per latest instructions by the Government VII. shall institution-wise. , Note 2 reservation o(Health and Family Welfare of Health and Family Welfare) Government will be as (Department of India No. G.S.R. 14 (E) dated 09.01.2014. 28. I. Distribution of seats in Private Institutions would be : 50% Govt. Quot~ Seats Managernent/Minoritv Ouota Seats - 50% (including 15% NRI Quota) Candidates residents seeking of candidates admission Punjab. having in Private H~wever, Punjab ~,i Institutions in case adequate resident status aren't should be number of available only ! then the seats will be offered to other State candidates. II. Reservation in Private Colleges: The Governor of Punjab is further pleased to reserve, by way of .'!f·, institutional category from I :\3HB-3\:-'otlflciitions\Notificatlon PG Session preference candidate Nctificeticn ]Ol!J !Merch, 50% available seats for general who have passed their quafifving examination Baba FartdUniversltv ]Ol~\PG upto :lOlS),doc of Health Sciences, Faridkot except -9 - l'i' Christian Medical Unaided notified Health College, Ludhiana. Sciences Reservations Educational in Institutions Private shall be as by the Punjab Govt. The reservation will be as follows: 25% (i) Schedule Caste 5% (ii) Backward Classes (iii) Physically handicapped as per MCI/DCI guidelines 3% "' , (Note: The Scheduled Caste & Bad~ward Class Certificate must be I as per the latest instructions issued by the Government of Punjab) III NRI Seats In private Colleges NRI Seats shall be 15% of the total seats. The seats will be filled on the basis of merit in Special Test in order of preference as under:- Category I: NRls who originally belonged to the State of Punjab. Category II: NRls who originally belonged to an Indian state other than Punjab. (a) If sufficient eligible number of candidates and available even if students then they under subsequent under first category will be admitted category IS first are higher in merit. (b) The left over seats in the NRI quota in private institutions will go to management quota and shall be filled on merit based upon the AIPGMEE/AIPGDEE-2015 (c) Candidates eligibility applying certificate under NRI category get from BFUHS, Faridkot. "1\' -' (d) The NRI students must will , ' h-ave to give a' bank guarantee / ''<.. ,"- surety bond for the balance of fee, if they opt to pay the fee in instalments (e) Any misrepresentation, documentation and admission be provisions shall of Indian of admission. f :\3HI\ 3\r-.otlfications\Notificdton PG Session ]Ol',\PG on annual basis proportionately. Notification )Ol~ (Marc;,h,' jI~l~l.doc ) , false information, impersonation punishable under Penal Code along-with for fake securing the relevant cancellation - 10- IV Fee Structure in Private Colleges: (a) The fee for the Private Institutes will be as notified by the Govt. under the Act 2006. Note: The fee will be collected on the spot by the Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot on behalf of the respective institutions at the time transferred of counselling to the respective institutions and the same will after 2nd counselling. (b) Hostel fee and security advance (Annual and provisional) private be for institutes will be as notified by the government. Note 1 The fee will be payable on annual basis and the institutes shall not insist upon the candidate course in advance. At the furnish a bond/bank balance fee for institute/course most, to deposit fee of the entire candidates can be asked to guarantee that they will be liable to pay the the whole course even if they leave the midway course. Note 2 The fee sh'all be refunded / adjusted if candidate is shifted from one college to another in thesubsequent : v . Note 3 The availability hundred point wise/ institution 29. ~ounselling. roster of seats for reservation being maintained shall be as per category wise/ subject wise/ quota wise. Conversion of seats under Alllndia/60%/ 40% Quota Unfilled seats: All India Quota - The vacant seats transferred will be transferred from All India quota, to same category of candidates of 40% state quota. After exhausting all the eligible reserve category 60% quota, the vacant seats shal(be transferred candidates category of 40% candidates quota and after candidates in to same category exhausting in 40% quota seats will be all reserve transferred to General Category candidates of 40% quota. In case of non-availabi!ity of general category candidates in 60% quota the vacant seat (s) shall be offered to the eligible general category candidates in 40% quota. nd 30. Procedure for all seats remaining vacant after 2 counselling including NRI seats. a. The candidate can apply or fill the form at the university BFUHS or' institution level. 'The fee forthe same as that of the Universltv, F:\3HB-3\Notifications\Notification PG Session -1015\PG Notification -2015 {March, 2015).doc forms shall be ", - 11- b. Applieatiens received at institutien level will be considered c. The counselling institutions Punjab Govt. & University representatives due procedure of counselling will be fixed in consultation will be madeas merit in transparent For any dispute this Chandigarh 32. and wide publicity. in The date with Baba Farid of Health Sciences, Faridkot. The admission under together. after adopting University 31. for counselling will be held by the respective the presence of d. level er at the University per AIPGMEE/AIPGDEE-2015 manner. arising out of this notification notification, the jurisdiction or of the admissions shall be Punjab and only. This notification will supersede all the previous notifications in this regard. Dated, Chandigarh Hussan l.al, IAS the: 25.03.2015 Secretary to the Government Department i)1 No. 5!33/2014-SHB-III/ ~ ~ of Medical Education Lt and Stationary Government Gazette endorsements Department, (Ordinary) to this Department and & Research. (~{S ~$(OS Dated: A copy along with one spare copy is forwarded Printing of Punjab, to the Controller, Punjab, for publication supply two hundred in the copies Punjab without for official use. ~~DJoL~ (Devmder Pal Singh) #.. No. S/33/2014-SHB-IIi/ -1 A copy is forwarded Under Secretary, Medical Education & Research <E Dated: S g s- ». (0 ~ ( .;;:;:uJ' S- 6 to the following 1. Vice Chancellor, 2. Registrar, Baba Farid University for information Baba Farid University and necessary action:- of Health Sciences, Faridkot. of Health Sciences, Faridkot. ~~PJl.rt\ (Devinder Pal SingRf A t ~. Under Secretary, Medical Education & Resrarch No. S/33/2014-SHB-IIi/ ~ A copy is forwarded (i) (i i) The Secretary g7- Sol Dated: to the following to the Government for information Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi. The Secretary, Medical New Delhi. PG Session -2015\PG Notification -1015 (March, 201S).doc of Health and of ""ldia, Temple') Lane, Kotla Road, ; .j: t::\3HB 3\Notifications\Notification ,~r s and necessary action:- of India; Ministry Family Welfare, Council S.\ b:S ~ - 12 - (i ii) The Secretary, Dental Council of India, Temple Lane, Kotla Road, New Delhi (iv) ' Director General, Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi. (v) Director Research and Medical Education, (vi) Director Health and Family Welfare, (vii) Director, Sports, Punjab, Chandigarh. (viii) Director, Welfare of Schedule Castes and Backward Classes, Punjab, Punjab. Punjab, Chandigarh Chandigarh. (ix) The Secretary, (x) Principal, Government (xi) Principal, Guru Gobind Singh Medical College, Faridkot. (xii) Principal, Government (xiii) Principals of Concerned (xiv) PSjMERM. (xv) PSjSMER. (xvi) PAjUSMER. Rajya Sainik Board, Punjab Chandigarh. Medical College, PatialajAmritsar. Dental College"PatialajAmritsar. Institutes. ~( ~~r"() (Devinder Pal Sin~~ L Under Secretary, Medical Education & Research ~ . . I I :\3iia J\ -':otificiitions\Notification PG Session -7015\PG f\otification -7015 (March, <i t.~, 70151.doc
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