COMPANY&PRODUCT INFORMATION 1 A leading supplier of OE quality aftermarket automotive parts and components. BGA is the aftermarket division of the British Gaskets Group; a leading original equipment Gasket and Engine Component manufacturer formed in 1929. Together, BGA and the British Gaskets Group consists of 10 factories producing more than 28 million items annually for a range of industries. Meeting OE standards, our approved factories manufacture our products to the highest quality. As a business, we pride ourselves on providing superior products combined with a quality service. Our approach is highly focused on customer satisfaction, ensuring our relationships continue to blossom in the ever growing international automotive aftermarket. DE - Einer der führenden Zulieferern von AftermarketAutomobilersatzteilen und -komponenten in Erstausstatterqualität. 2 FR - L’un des principaux fournisseurs de pièces et équipement de rechange de première monte au RU. ES - Uno de los proveedores líderes en el Reino Unido de piezas y accesorios equipo original de calidad. IT - Uno dei fornitori leader nel Regno Unito di parti e componenti automotive di qualità originale per l’aftermarket. RU - BG Automotive является одним из ведущих поставщиков запчастей ОЕМ качества на вторичном рынке. PRODUCTS&SERVICES As a Group, we have more than 85 years experience in the automotive engine parts industry. Our range consists of automotive engine parts, comprehensive kit solutions and individual components. TIMING RANGE SEALING RANGE COOLING RANGE CAMTRAIN RANGE LUbrication range CATALOGUING Timing Belt Kits Timing Chain Kits Page 4 Camshafts Valves and Guides Rocker Arms & Lifters Crankshaft Pulleys Page 8-9 Business Partnership Marketing and Technical Support Customer and Product Services Page 12 - 13 Gaskets Head Bolts Page 5 Water Pumps Thermostats & Radiator Caps Water Flanges Page 6-7 Page 11 Sump Pan Kits Oil Pumps Page 10 Logistics Page 14 3 BGA TIMINGRANGE TIMINGBELTKITS Our Timing Belt solutions offer an OE quality range for guaranteed life and performance. Our range includes Complete Kits (including Timing Belt(s), Guides and Tensioners), Timing Belts and individual components. Furthermore, we are able to offer Complete Kits including the relevant Water Pump; providing the installer with a one-box solution. DE - STEUERUNGSRIEMENSÄTZE Aftermarket-Produktreihe in Erstausstatterqualität mit verschiedenen Optionen. FR - ENSEMBLES DE COURROIES DE DISTRIBUTION Gamme de pièces de rechange de qualité OE offrant plusieurs options. ES - JUEGOS DE CORREA DE DISTRIBUCIÓN Equipo original de calidad del mercado de accesorios con oferta de múltiples opciones. TIMINGCHAINKITS IT - KIT CINGHIA DI DISTRIBUZIONE Gamma aftermarket di qualità originale che offre opzioni multiple. RU - КОМПЛЕКТЫ РЕМНЕЙ ГРМ ОЕ качество ассортимент представляет несколько вариантов. We supply one of the most complete Timing Chain Kit ranges to the aftermarket, many unique to BGA. To meet market demand, we have modeled our range to supply three different options: Kit - Containing the relevant Chain, Tensioner and Guides. Full Kit - The smart option; containing everything in the Kit plus Sprockets. Full Kit with VVT Sprocket(s) - Including all parts from the Full Kit plus VVT (variable valve Timing) Sprocket. DE - STEUERKETTENSÄTZE Unsere Steuerkettensätze gehören zu den vollständigsten der Branche. 4 FR - ENSEMBLES DE CHAÎNES DE DISTRIBUTION Nos ensembles de chaînes de distribution sont d’entre les plus complets de l’industrie. ES - JUEGOS DE CADENA DE DISTRIBUCIÓN Nuestros juegos de cadena de distribución son unos de los más completos del sector. IT - KIT PER CATENA DI DISTRIBUZIONE I nostril kit per catena di distribuzione sono tra i più completi del settore. RU - КОМПЛЕКТЫ ЦЕПЕЙ ГРМ Наши комплекты цепей ГРМ являются одними из самых полных в отрасли. BGA SEALINGRANGE GASKETS 85 years experience enables us to supply a leading range of Gaskets and Gasket Sets. Our history in Gasket manufacturing has given us one of the strongest names in the aftermarket. With one of the largest ranges available, we are proud to provide our customers with solutions that fit all major automotive manufacturers. In addition to Gaskets, we also supply Oil Seals, Rocker Covers and Manifold Gaskets to complete our comprehensive sealing programme. DE - DICHTUNGEN Mehr als 85 Jahre Erfahrung in der Herstellung von Dichtungen. FR - JOINTS Plus de 85 années d’expérience en fabrication de joints. ES - JUNTAS Más de 85 años de experiencia en la fabricación de juntas. HEADBOLTS IT - GUARNIZIONI Oltre 85 anni di esperienza nella produzione di guarnizioni. RU - ПРОКЛАДКИ Более 85 лет опыта в производстве прокладок. Our Head Bolts have been designed and manufactured to work in synergy with our leading range of Gaskets. Our technical expertise and history in Gasket manufacturing has led to the development of Head Bolts that offer optimum fitment. Knowing the importance of this component to an engine, our quality Head Bolts work in partnership with our sealing products to guarantee the perfect seal in all conditions. DE - KOPFSCHRAUBEN In Synergie mit Dichtungen hergestellt. FR - BOULONS À TÊTE Fabriqués en synergie avec les joints. ES - TORNILLOS DE CULATA Fabricación en sinergia con las juntas. IT - BULLONI Prodotti in sinergia con le guarnizioni. RU - БОЛТЫ ГБЦ Изготовлено в синергии с прокладками. 5 BGA COOLINGRANGE WATERPUMPS Designed and developed for endurance using OE matching bearings and seals makes BGA’s Water Pumps the right choice. Product development has enhanced our range to improve quality, performance and efficiency. This has been achieved through the use of aluminium and steel impellers across the range, the latest technology silicon carbide seals and OE specification bearings. Finally a resin impregnated composite gasket guarantees the perfect seal every time. DE - WASSERPUMPEN Eine der umfangreichsten Produktreihen im europäischen Aftermarket. Antriebsräder aus Aluminium und Stahl für die gesamte Produktreihe. FR - POMPES À EAU L’une des plus larges gammes sur le marché européen. Rotors en aluminium et acier sur toute la gamme. ES - BOMBAS DE AGUA Una de las mayores gamas del mercado europeo de accesorios. Impulsores de aluminio y acero en toda la gama. RADIATORCAPS IT - POMPE DELL’ACQUA Una delle gamme più grandi nell’aftermarket europeo. Giranti in alluminio e acciaio in tutta la gamma. RU - ВОДЯНЫЕ НАСОСЫ Один из крупнейших ассортиментов в Европе на вторичном рынке. Алюминиевые и стальные колеса. Our Radiator Caps have been designed and manufactured to meet the highest standards while offering excellent advanced features. The Caps offer precise pressure control and are made from high quality materials for durability and an increased lifespan. Our Caps are available in various specifications and dimensions for a large number of automotive applications. DE - Kühlerverschlüsse Produkt in Erstausstatterqualität. Kühler- und Drucktankverschlüsse erhältlich. 6 FR - Capuchons de radiateurs Produit de qualité de première monte. Capuchons de radiateurs et de réservoir sous pression offerts. ES - Tapas de radiador Producto de equipo original de calidad. Tapas de radiador y de tanque de presión disponibles. IT - Copertura per radiatore Prodotto di qualità originale. Coperture per radiatore e serbatoio di pressione disponibili. RU - крышками радиаторов OE качество. Крышки для радиаторов и баков давления. THERMOSTATS Our range includes bare and housed Thermostats, ECU controlled Thermostats and complete Thermostat Kits. Our Thermostats include a wide range of designs, temperature ratings and styles. Our comprehensive offering, manufactured using the latest techniques and materials, covers most of the world’s automotive brands. DE - Thermostate Unverkleidete und in Gehäuse eingebrachte Thermostate erhältlich. Als kompletter Satz mit Dichtscheibe und Dichtung erhältlich. FR - Thermostats Thermostats nus ou logés dans un boîtier offerts. Offert en ensemble complet avec joint d’étanchéité. ES - Termostatos Termostatos con y sin carcasa disponibles. Disponible en un juego completo con retén y junta. WATERFLANGES IT - Termostati Termostati singoli e con alloggiamento disponibili. Disponibili come kit completo di sigillo e guarnizione. RU - Термостаты Голые и размещены термостаты доступные. Доступен в виде полного набора с сальниками и прокладками. High quality Water Flanges compliment the BGA Cooling range. Water Flanges are a pivotal component of the Cooling System, acting as the junction point for coolant to be distributed to ancillary parts within the engine bay. Recognising the importance of this component, we have designed and manufactured our Water Flanges to meet and exceed the highest OE standards. DE - Wasserflansch Produkt in Erstausstatterqualität. FR - Bride d’eau Produit de qualité de première monte. ES - Raccordo Idraulico Producto de equipo original de calidad. IT – Conducto de Agua Prodotto di qualità originale. RU – Водяной фланец OE качество. 7 BGA CAMTRAINRANGE CAMSHAFTKITS Our Camshafts have been manufactured to meet or exceed the quality of OE comparisons. Each Camshaft is hardness tested, made with high quality materials and inspected to ensure lobe angles deliver correct engine timing and performance. Camshafts are available individually or as a Kit; including the relevant Lifters, Rocker Arms and Thrust Pads. DE - Nockenwellen Sowohl in Einzel- und Satzformat erhältlich. Nockenwellensätze enthalten die entsprechenden Kipphebel und/oder Heber. FR - Arbres à cames Offerts en format simple et en ensemble. Les ensembles arbres à cames comprennent les bras releveurs et culbuteurs appropriés. ES - Árboles de levas Disponibles de manera individual y como juego. Los juegos de árboles de levas incluyen brazos oscilantes y/o taqués. ROCKERARMS&LIFTERS IT - Alberi a camme Disponibile sia individualmente che in kit. I kit includono bilancieri e/o sollevatori appropriate. RU - Распредвалы Доступные упакованы по отдельности или в виде комплекта. Комплекты распредвалов включают соответствующие толкатели и коромысла. Providing a comprehensive range of Rocker Arms and Shafts, Cam Followers, Hydraulic and Mechanical Lifters to meet the demands of the aftermarket. Hardness and surface tested to ensure toughness and durability, our stringent testing procedures ensure our products meet the requirements of modern engine demands. DE - Kipphebel / Heber 8 Stück pro Satz. Die Produktreihe enthält Nockenstößel, hydraulische und mechanische Heber. 8 FR - Bras releveurs / Releveurs Emballé en paquet de 8. La gamme inclut les galets suiveurs, les releveurs hydrauliques et mécaniques. ES - Brazos oscilantes / Taqués Empacado en conjuntos de 8. La gama incluye seguidores de levas y taqués hidráulicos y mecánicos. IT - Perni folli / Sollevatori Set di 8. La gamma include perni folli e sollevatori idraulici e meccanici. RU - Коромысла / Толкатели Упакованные в наборах 8. Ассортимент включает толкатели клапана, гидрокомпенсаторы и механические толкатели. VALVES&GUIDES Our quality range of Valves and Valve Guides provide the perfect solution for any head repair. Both products have been developed side-by-side by our specialist Technical Engineering Team to provide harmonious functionality. Our range includes both stellite and bi-metal Valves, are individually packed and come with model specific fitting instructions. DE - Ventile & Führungsstücke Stellit- und Bimetallventile erhältlich. Von unserem technischen Spezialistenteam entwickelt. FR - Soupapes et guides de soupapes Soupapes en stellite et bimétalliques offertes. Développé par notre équipe d’ingénieurs techniques specialists. ES - Válvulas y guías Válvulas de estelite y bimetal disponibles. Desarrollado por nuestro equipo técnico de ingenieros especialistas. CRANKSHAFTPULLEYS IT - Valvole e Guide Valvole in stellite e bi-metallo disponibili. Sviluppate dal nostro team tecnico esparto. RU - КЛАПАНЫ И ТОЛКАТЕЛИ Стеллитовые и биметаллические клапаны доступные. Разработанный нашей экспертной технической командой. Our range of Crankshaft Pulleys are manufactured to rigid tolerances and specifications. This includes the Harmonic Single Piece Pulley to the more complex Decoupled Pulley. Our range contains hundreds of selling references covering a large number of automotive applications. All our Crankshaft Pulleys are individually dynamically balanced. DE - KURBELWELLENRIEMENSCHEIBEN Alle Riemenscheiben werden individuell dynamisch ausgewuchtet. Alle Kurbelwellenriemenscheiben werden in Übereinstimmung mit Erstausstatternormen hergestellt. FR - POULIES DE VILEBREQUIN Toutes les poulies sont équilibrées dynamiquement de façon individuelle. Toutes les poulies de vilebrequin sont conçues spécifications des produits de première monte. ES - POLEAS DE CIGÜEÑAL Todas están Poleas están equilibradas de manera individual y dinámica. Todas las poleas de cigüeñal están hechas según las especificaciones de equipo original. IT - PULEGGE MOTRICI Tutte le pulegge sono bilanciate dinamicamente e individualmente. Le pulegge motrici sono tutte prodotte secondo le specifiche OE. RU – ШКИВЫ КОЛЕНЧАТОГО ВАЛА Все шкивы индивидуально динамично сбалансированные. OE спецификации. 9 BGA LubricationRANGE OILPUMPS BGA Oil Pumps are manufactured from the highest quality aluminium and cast steel. With Oil Pumps playing such a vital role in the functionality of any engine, it is essential that this component performs correctly. That is why our Technical Engineering Team have worked tirelessly to develop and test our range; ensuring the Oil Pumps we supply are nothing short of the best. DE - ÖLPUMPEN Fertigung garantiert präzise Einhaltung von Toleranzen und kalibrierten Drücken. FR - POMPES À HUILE Fabriqués conformément à des tolérances rigoureuses et des pressions calibrées. ES - BOMBAS DE ACEITE Fabricadas a tolerancias estrictas y presiones calibradas. SUMPPANKITS IT - POMPE DELL’OLIO Prodotti alle tolleranze e pressioni calibrate estate. RU – МАСЛЯННЫЕ НАСОСЫ Изготовлено в соответствии с допусками и калибровкой. Boasting one of the largest and most current ranges in the automotive aftermarket. Our unique Sump Pan Kit solution includes the Pan, Sump Plug and Gasket or Silicone Sealer; providing all the necessary components for a complete fitment. In addition to our Kits, we are also able to supply Sump Plugs, Silicone Sealer and Sump Gaskets individually. 10 DE - ÖLSUMPFWANNEN Eine der umfangreichsten Produktreihen im europäischen Aftermarket. Als Komplettsatz inklusive Ölablassschraube, Dichtung oder Silikondichtmittel erhältlich. FR - BACS À HUILE L’une des plus larges gammes sur le marché européen des pièces de rechange. Offert en ensembles complets y compris les bouchons de carter d’huile, joints ou scellants de silicone. ES - CÁRTERES DE ACEITE Una de las mayores gamas del mercado de accesorios europeo. Disponibles como juego completo, incluyendo tapa de cárter, junta o sellador de silicona IT - COPPE Una delle più vaste gamme nell’aftermarket europeo. Disponibili come kit completi che includono tappo della coppa, guarnizione o sigillo in silicone. RU – МАСЛЯНЫЕ ПОДДОНЫ Один из широчайших ассортиментов на вторичном рынке в Европе. Доступен как полный комплект, включая пробку масляного поддона, прокладку или силиконовoe уплотнение. FINDOUTMORE If you would like to find out more about any of our products, please visit our website. Alternatively, you can use our advanced online cataloguing system for detailed application information. KEEP UP-TO-DATE ON DEVELOPMENTS & ADDITIONS Our bespoke online catalogue system has been set-up with our customers’ needs in mind. Its simplified search functionality allows for visitors to filter automotive data by a broad range of criteria, including manufacturer, model, year and engine size. Furthermore, our online catalogue is updated regularly and includes a full range of high quality images. We also stock a full range of paper catalogues. Our online catalogue can be accessed through our website: DE - Neuer elektronischer Katalog! Jetzt auf der BGA-Website verfügbar. FR - Nouveau catalogue électronique! Maintenant offert sur le site Web de BGA. ES - ¡Nuevo catálogo electrónico! Ahora disponible en el sitio web de BGA. IT - Nuovo catalogo elettronico! Ora disponibile sul sito Web di BGA. RU - Новый электронный каталог! Уже на сайте BGA. 11 BGA GROWINGYOURBUSINESS... BGA will work with you to identify avenues of growth in your market and potential new markets to develop targeted campaigns and maximise your sales. By choosing the BGA brand, you can be assured that our service doesn’t stop after the initial sale. We don’t just sell it in, we help you sell it out. Our ethos is to support our customers in any way we can with a lasting duty of care. This is achieved through a range of comprehensive after sales services designed to help our customers grow their business using our products. MARKETINGSUPPORT We have a wide range of marketing support available to help promote our products within your business. This is through bespoke print materials, a host of digital media and promotional items. Furthermore, we will continue to promote our brand globally via national advertising campaigns, international trade show attendance and social media to name but a few avenues. DE - Wir können Kunden Marketingunterstützung , Produktschulungen und technische Unterstützung bieten. 12 FR - Nous pouvons offrir à nos clients le soutien , la formation du produit et le support technique de marketing. ES - Podemos ofrecer a los clientes apoyo a la comercialización , la formación sobre productos y soporte técnico. IT - Siamo in grado di offrire ai clienti supporto marketing , formazione sui prodotti e supporto tecnico. RU - Мы можем предложить клиентам маркетинговую поддержку , обучение продукта и техническую поддержку. CUSTOMER&PRODUCTSERVICES CUSTOMER SERVICES We are committed to delivering both value and high quality support to all our customers. Our Customer Service Team is available over the phone during business hours and are happy to help with any queries you may have. PRODUCT TRAINING We are able to offer on-site training to ensure your staff are equipped with everything they need to know about the BGA product range. TECHNICALSUPPORT Our dedicated Technical Engineering Team offer our customers front-line support for all technical queries on our products. All our technical information is updated regularly and can be found via the BGA website. In the unlikely event that the technical information you need isn’t available, we have a dedicated Technical Support Team available by telephone or email. 13 BG Automotive LOGISTICS UKWAREHOUSE Our outstanding logistic solutions ensures we are able to deliver in both service and products. Orders are managed in lightening speed by our automated system; resulting in prompt processing and market leading delivery time. With over 95% of our range in stock and contained in our high-rack 100,000m2 warehouse, we are prepped to pick your order and offer same day dispatch anywhere around the globe. We can offer a full package, pallet and container service depending on your needs. DE - Versand per Land-, Luft- und Seeweg möglich. FR - Expédition par terre, air et mer disponible. ES - Envío disponible por tierra, mar y aire. WORLDWIDEDISTRIBUTION 14 IT - Spedizione via terra, aria e mare disponibile. RU - Отправки возможны на наземном, морском и воздушном транспорте YOURTOTALSOLUTION Contact us today... If you would like more information on anything in this brochure or you would like to place an order, please contact us today. Web: Phone: +44 (0) 1793 491 777 Email:[email protected] Visit to find out more /BGAutomotiveuk @BG_Automotive @BG_Automotive 15 BG Automotive Ltd Best Under Pressure +44 (0) 1793 491 777 [email protected] 16 BGA House, Cheney Manor Industrial Estate, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 2DS United Kingdom
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