St. Michael Catholic Church & Parish Center 609 & 613 Third Street Whittemore, Iowa Fourteenth Sunday of the Year July 5, 2015 Welcome Weekend Mass: Sunday 9:00 a.m. Daily Masses: 7 a.m. on Mon., Wed., Thurs. & Fri., 5:30 p.m. on Tues. Confessions: Tuesday 5:00 p.m. Rev. Edward M. Girres, Pastor…………………………..295-3435 Rev. Victor F. Ramaeker, Parochial Vicar........................884-2669 Rev. Mr. Joseph J. Straub, Deacon....................................884-2385 Sandy Long, Secretary........................................................884-2618 Parish Office and Hall.........................................................884-2618 Website…………………… Parish Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, 8:30 a.m.-Noon; Tues 12:30-4:30 p.m. Mission Statement For St. Michael Parish We are a community of Catholic people who live out our baptism by gathering for prayer and worship; by a commitment to grow in faith and wisdom and involvement in lifelong formation, to the education of our children in Catholic schools and in CCD; by living daily our sacramental life, and by reaching out to the needs of all people in loving service both in our community and to the need of the whole world. We are committed to spreading the Good News within the Parish Community as well as to new members. In Memory Of In Memory Of PAT BAUMANN MARLENE & MIKE BORMANN In Loving Memory Of Brooke & Madison Walker In Memory Of RAYMOND & MIKE BETTS In Memory Of JOE & GLADYS ZOHBON Parish Directors: Jean Schumacher & Dennis Kollasch Finance Council: Jean Schumacher, Dennis Kollasch, Tina Berte, Harry Bormann, Pat Laubenthal, Ed Schmidt, and Joe Straub. Bishop Garrigan School Board: Renee Graves Buildings & Grounds: Denny Lane Tech, Computer & Budgeting: Jill Book & Chris Bronk Holy Name: President - Dan Elbert; Vice-President - Kevin Berte: Secretary - Ed Schmidt; Treasurer - Alan Frideres. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of January, February, March, September, November & December following 5:30 p.m. Mass. Rosary Society: President - Rose Walker; Vice-President - Tara Illg; Secretary - Pam Kollasch; Treasurer - Peg Illg. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of January, March, September, November and December following 5:30 p.m. Mass. Parish Life Team: Brenda Bormann, Eric Bormann, Marne Bormann, Terese Culbertson, Maureen Elbert, Diane Goodman, Judy Haag, Dan Hansen, David Penton, Chris Reding, Fred Moe & Eileen Bormann & Families In Memory of EARL & ESTHER STEIER In Loving Memory Of KEN & FLORENCE FARRELL COURTNEY ANN & KAYLEE ANN LOWE In Memory Of JIM BUSCHERFELD In Memory Of In Memory Of In Memory Of The WILBUR “BUZZ” KNECHT FRANCIS MULLIN Deceased Members of the Ramaeker & Shriver Families In Memory Of In Memory Of L & G Incorp. ED KNECHT JOSEPH & JOSEPHINE KNECHT FAMILY WAYNE GOODMAN Gravel & Excavating Denny Lane & Brian Goodman Shop: 884-2282 In Memory Of EARL SCHMITT Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2015 Taste and see the goodness of the Lord! SUNDAY, July 5 7:30 a.m. Mass St Cecelia 9:00 a.m. Mass St Michael’s Parish Family 3rd World Collection 10:30 a.m. Mass St Cecelia MONDAY, July 6 7:00 a.m. Mass Caroline Capesius TUESDAY, July 7 5:00 p.m. Confessions 5:30 p.m. Mass Alfred & Helen Reding / Richard Bormann WEDNESDAY, July 8 5:30-8:30 p.m. Whittemore Pool Fundraiser THURSDAY, July 9 7:30 a.m. Mass Matt & Justine Becker / Mark Elbert FRIDAY, July 10 7:30 a.m. Mass Lawrence Kirsch SATURDAY, July 11 5:00 p.m. Mass at St Cecelia SUNDAY, July 12 7:30 a.m. Mass St Cecelia 9:00 a.m. Mass St Michael’s Parish Family / Descendants of Andrew S. & Christina Elbert 3rd World Collection 10:30 a.m. Mass St Cecelia Daily Mass Servers July 6-10: Frank & Matthew Reding SUNDAY, July 12 9:00 a.m. Rosary Leader: Norma Illg Servers: Drew & Jordan Hansen, Emily Baumann Organist: Zach Kollasch Cantor: Mia Bronk Lector: Norma Lane Giftbearers: Brian & Diane Goodman Hospitality: M/M Dave Fickbohm, M/M Tom Illg EMHCs: Harry Bormann, Dan Welp, Ron Kenyon, Linda Vaudt Deacon Straub EMHC to Shut-Ins: Deacon Straub 884-2385 Washing of Purificators for July: Marilyn Lensing Money Counters for July: Esty Fogarty & Marilyn Lensing DAILY MASS CHANGES TO NOTE: Fr. Ramaeker is scheduled to have surgery on Tuesday, July 7. Fr. Jeremy Wind, our new Associate Pastor, will be arriving this week and will be in residence at St. Cecelia Algona. Beginning the week of July 6, Fr. Ramaeker will have Mass on Monday, July 6 and after that we will continue with the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Tuesdays, no Mass on Wednesdays, and 7:30 a.m. Mass on both Thursdays and Fridays. WELCOME, Fr. Jeremy Wind! We are happy to have you join us at St. Michael Whittemore! REMEMBER IN PRAYER Fr. Jerome Degen, former pastor of St. Michael’s, who passed away this week. Fr. Degen’s funeral was celebrated at St Cecelia Algona on Thursday, July 2. ROSARY SOCIETY QUILT TICKETS are ready to be picked up. They are located on the table by the votive candles. Please pick yours up so that we do not have the extra expense of mailing them. Also, your assistance in delivering to family and friends who you will be seeing would be much appreciated. Don’t miss out on your chance at winning this beautiful quilt on September 27! THE PARISH OFFICE will be closed July 13 –17. Fr. Girres may be present in the office the afternoon of July 14 if you are in need of anything. 3rd WORLD COLLECTION will be taken up in the second collection on Sunday, July 12. Please be generous. CARNIVAL UPDATE: St. Michael’s Parish Carnival will return in 2016! The carnival is tentatively scheduled for sometime before Lent begins in 2016. You will find envelopes in your pews marked “Silent Carnival” on them. We are requesting each parish family to make a donation towards a “Silent Carnival” for 2015. We have received $763 in donations so far! Your support is very much appreciated! PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION: Thank you for your generous support of our Holy Father’s charitable works in the Peter’s Pence Collection. Your contributions will be combined with those of our brothers and sisters around the world to help Pope Francis provide essential relief to people in need. Your generosity is an act of solidarity with the universal Church, answering the call to be a witness of charity. May God bless you. PROJECT HOPE: The Kossuth & Palo Alto Economic Development Interns are collecting personal hygiene items at local businesses throughout the two counties to be bagged and delivered to children and teens who have been removed from their homes. Please donate your travel-size shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, and toothbrushes and put them in the box located at the west entrance to the church up until July 10. Thank you for your support in this great cause! FR. PAUL EISELE will be retiring from the active priesthood. All are invited to his retirement party following 1:00 p.m. Mass on Sunday, July 12 at St. James Parish, 109 6th Ave. SW, LeMars, IA. Fr. Eisele was born and raised in Whittemore, attended Presentation Academy and was a member of the first graduating class from Bishop Garrigan High School. PARISH LIBRARY NOTES: A new supply of CDs, books and booklets have arrived and are on the CD rack in the south closet. CDs are $3 each, books are $5, and booklets are $3. Check out the Parish Library in the Reconciliation Room. The VCR tapes are free and if you can use them in your home, we encourage you to take some. Our Library Policy: Please feel free to take any items and return at your convenience or pass along to family and friends. There is plenty of good reading material available there! DOORS FOR CHURCH IN HAITI: In the west entrance of the church is a poster of a church in Haiti in need of doors. We would like to take this on as a project for St. Michael’s. The cost of the doors is estimated to be $5,500.00. We will use the 3rd World Collection and other donations that come in to finance this project. St. Michael’s parishioners will have an opportunity to travel to Haiti sometime next winter. ROUND TABLE DONATIONS: We have received enough donations to purchase eight round tables for the parish center. If you would still like to donate a table for $100, it would be appreciated. Inspirational Spot: No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. THE CATHOLIC GLOBE: Read all about the papal encyclical on the environment in the most recent edition of The Catholic Globe! Have news? Email [email protected] or call 800-352-9035 or 712-255-2550. INTERESTED IN JOINING ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH? We would love to have you! Please contact St. Michael’s Parish Office at 884-2618 or email [email protected] to get the paperwork started. REBATE CARDS: Planning summer traveling? Stop at the parish office and purchase rebate cards to make traveling easier! On hand are rebate cards for Casey’s, Cenex, Kum & Go, Walmart, Kmart, Subway, Bomgaars, and many others. Your church receives a percentage back on each card that goes into the general fund to help with operating expenses. SPIRITUAL TOPOGRAPHY: Learning from Some of the “Lewis-and-Clarks” of the Human Heart, August 7-8 retreat at Saint Benedict Center, Schuyler, NE, with Father Thomas A. Greisen. The human heart is vast and mysterious. Nevertheless the human heart and our journey with God—its heights and depths, its oases and deserts—have been mapped out by spiritually wise “Lewis-and-Clarks” within our Christian tradition. While on retreat we will examine some of their maps and charts, shaping our prayer; their wisdom can prepare us for what lies ahead—shaping our expectations. Start Friday, 7:30 p.m. For more information, call 402352-8819 or visit THE BIBLE & THE MASS: The Diocese of Sioux City has a unique opportunity for you. Join in on August 8 at St. Lawrence Parish in Carroll for Journey Through Scripture: The Bible and the Mass! Matthew Leonard and Rob Corzine from Scott Hahn’s St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology will providing training and resources for Bible studies. Pre-register online by August 1 at Cost is $60 per person which provides all training materials as well as a light breakfast and lunch. For more info, contact Fred Shellabarger in the diocesan Office of New Evangelization at 712-233-7532 or email [email protected] Carol Garvin at 712-546-5223 or email [email protected] INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP: If you have a special need for prayer, call Judy Erdman at 884-2228. Reflections - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Some would have us believe that a good disciple does not want for anything and has no troubles in life. A reading of the Scriptures tells us that this is untrue. Even Jesus had his problems. Not everyone thought he was a good person and some even plotted to kill him. Paul clearly points out that he was given a “thorn in the flesh” that he had to learn to accept so that he might rely on God’s grace. We all have things we must struggle with; but, we also have God’s grace to help us. The problems in our lives are not a sign of God’s displeasure. They are an opportunity to invite God to become more present in our lives. They teach us how limited we are and how much we need God’s grace. Reflect on those things that trouble you. Consider how open you are to receiving God’s grace to help you. When I am powerless, it is then that I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10 An elderly priest, speaking to a younger priest, said, “It was a good idea to replace the first four pews with plush bucket theater seats. It has worked like a charm. The front of the church always fills first now. The young priest nodded, and the old priest continued, “And you gave me some good ideas for bringing back the young people. Now our services are consistently packed to the balcony.” “Thank you, Father,” answered the young priest, beaming that the older man appreciated his suggestions. “All of these ideas have been well and good,” said the elderly priest, “but I’m afraid you’ve gone too far with the drive-through confessional.” “But, Father,” protested the young priest, “my confessions and the donations have nearly doubled since I began that!” “Yes,” replied the elderly priest, “and I appreciate that. But the flashing neon sign on the church roof, Toot ‘N’ Tell Or Go To Hell, has to go!” 10 DAYS IN THE HOLY LAND, Jan. 25-Feb. 3, 2016. Hosted by Fr. Kevin Richter, Pastor of All Saints Parish. $3279 per person from Omaha. Tour includes: Roundtrip air from Omaha, First Class hotels, Breakfast & Dinner daily, comprehensive Sightseeing, Portage & Entrance Fees. For a detailed brochure contact Weekly Collection Church Support…………………...1,426.00 Children………………………. ..…….4.00 Offertory……………………..……. 159.00 Silent Carnival…………………….....553.00 Hall Rent……………………………..60.00 Donation……………………………..50.00 Bulletin Ad……………………..….…..50.00 Total Income………….....2,302.00 Other Income: Peters Pence……………………...…380.32 In Memory Of CHARLES & JEFFREY C. ELBERT In Memory of LARRY STEIER In Memory Of Deceased Members Of JOHN & EMMA STEIER & BILL & ADELE FANDEL Families In Remembrance Of Joel & Sheila Reding Alfred & Helen Reding Clem & Doris McEvoy Don & Carolyne Laubenthal FARM & HOME SERVICES In Memory Of Deceased Members Of John & Fran Mosbach Family Charles & Marie Heinen Insurance - Real Estate - Investments Family Whittemore 884-2401 Algona 295-2401 Joe Muller - Leland Metzger Sue Frideres - Tom Geelan Kossuth Veterinary Clinic 295-5647 Offices in Algona, West Bend and Bancroft In Memory Of LEONARD & MILLIE ELBERT Algona Realty 515-295-9467 Mary Straub Lavelle - Broker Mike Lavelle - Sales Manager In Memory Of BOB GENGLER Tigges Seed Sales Bernard & Mary Ann Tigges 107 320 St. Fenton, IA 50539 515-889-2229 In Loving Memory of TONY & AUBREY Mary Helen Kollasch In Memory Of Helen & Joe Harig & Esther & Leo Walters In Memory Of Edna & Elliott Waldschmidt In Loving Memory Of Please Pray for the JERRY WALKER Living & Deceased Members of the Frank & Jenny Kollasch Family In Memory Of In Loving Memory Of Remember in Prayer JACK HENRY DR. T. J. LENSING In Memory Of KEYRON FOGARTY Please Pray for the Living & Deceased Members of the Frank & Inez Eisele Family Reding Seed Sales DeKalb & Asgrow Seed Mike Reding 712-424-3614 Cylinder In Memory Of Linda’s Sewing In Memory Of HENRY & LILLIAN GEELAN 515-889-2783 * Will do Alterations, Patching, Zippers, etc. EDWARD “BUD” BUSCHERFELD 312 Ash St. * Fenton, Iowa 50539 Linda Tieman Farmers State Bank In Memory Of JIM & MARY GEELAN Joe & Mary Straub & Families In Memory of Serving the Area Since 1895 FRANCIS ILLG Member F.D.I.C. Whittemore - - 884-2293 Algona - - 295-7221 * West Bend - - 887-2221 & JANET ILLG SINGLETON In Memory Of Deceased Members Haag & Schumacher Families In Memory Of In Memory Of In Memory Of GERALD ELBERT Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Simon Elbert MARY ELBERT In Memory Of CHARLES R. & ANNA KOLLASCH MATT & JUSTINE BECKER In Loving Memory Of VERN & ZITA BORMANN EDDIE & Faith In Memory Of VINCENT & LAURA SALZ In Loving Memory of BEANIE STEIER Family Farming In Loving Memory of TOM STEIER Schmitt Hardware Plumbing - Heating Electrical Phone 884-2224 Whittemore
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