Effects of Interventions to INCREASE USE OF BOOSTER SEATS IN MOTOR VEHICLES FOR 4-8 YEAR OLDS Prepared by John Ehiri, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Maternal and Child Health School of Public Health University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL 35294-0022 William King, DrPH, Professor Department of Pediatrics University of Alabama at Birmingham Henry O.D. Ejere, MD Department of Medicine Metropolitan Hospital, New York City Peggy Mouzon, AB, AMLS Mouzon Information Services, Michigan Prepared for AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 607 14th Street, NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202 -638-5944 Fax: 202 -638-5943 www.aaafoundation.org February 2006 Contents Acknowledgments / 5 References / 55 Executive Summary / 6 Appendices / 65 Introduction / 9 Appendix 1: Search strategy Design and methods / 14 Appendix 2: Characteristics of Criteria for considering studies for this review (protocols) . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Search strategy for identification of studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Description of studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Effects of Education Versus Methodological quality of No Intervention Education versus no intervention. . . . . . . . . .37 If trade or manufacturer’s names are mentioned, it is only because they are considered essential to the object of this report and their mention should not be construed as an endorsement. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety does not endorse products or manufacturers. 2006, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety © 2 list of figures & tables Figure 1. Results / 37 This publication is distributed by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety at no charge, as a public service. It may not be resold or used for commercial purposes without the explicit permission of the Foundation. It may, however, be copied in whole or in part and distributed for free via any medium, provided the AAA Foundation is given appropriate credit as the source of the material. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety or of any individual who peer-reviewed this report. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety assumes no liability for the use or misuse of any information, opinions, findings, or conclusions contained in this report. ongoing studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Method of the review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 included studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 This report was funded by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1947, the AAA Foundation is a not-for-profit, publicly supported charitable research and education organization dedicated to saving lives by preventing traffic crashes and reducing injuries when crashes occur. Funding for this report was provided by voluntary contributions from the American Automobile Association and its affiliated motor clubs, from individual members, from AAA-affiliated insurance companies, as well as from other organizations or sources. for identification of studies. . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Distribution and education versus no intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Incentive and education versus no intervention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Any booster seat intervention versus no intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Discussion / 41 Uncontrolled before-and-after studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Limitations / 50 Conclusion / 52 Figure 2. 37 38 Effects of Booster Seat Distribution and Education Versus No Intervention Figure 3. 39 Effects of Incentives and Education Versus No Intervention Figure 4. 39 Effects of Law Enforcement Versus No Intervention Figure 5. 40 Effects of All Interventions to Increase Use of Booster Seats Versus No Intervention Table 1. 23 Characteristics of Included Studies Implications for research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Table 2. Implications for practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Uncontrolled Before and After Studies 43 3 Acknowledgments We would like to thank the many organizations and individuals who provided us with information or offered contacts to relevant sources. We thank the Cochrane Injuries Review, London, England, for their assistance with database searches and for providing technical support. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Page 11 photo credits: Graco Children’s Products, and Michael Mercadante, TransAnalytics LLC. 4 5 Executive Summary that the booster seats do what they are intended to do, which is to reduce the likelihood or severity of injuries in the event of a crash. To examine the effectiveness of booster seat promotion interventions, we undertook a systematic review of studies, using the Cochrane systematic review method to perform a meta-analysis. We began with a search of the Cochrane Injuries Group Specialized Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE, LILACS, MEDLINE, the Combined Health Information Database, the National Research Register, the Science Citation Index, the Science and Social Science Citation Index, transport research databases, and reference lists of relevant articles. We also contacted Booster seats in motor vehicles are designed to raise the seated position of experts in the field. The Cochrane protocol called for including randomized and children 4–8 years old several inches above the vehicle seat to position the controlled before-and-after trials. vehicle’s lap and shoulder belt correctly on the child. Public health and traffic safety agencies recommend the use of booster seats in motor vehicles for Two reviewers (J.E. and H.E.) independently assessed the quality of the stud- children until the vehicle’s lap and shoulder belt can fit them properly—typically ies and extracted data from eligible studies. Final decisions on whether a study when they have reached a height of 57 inches, have a sitting height of 29 inches, would be included were reached by consensus among all authors. The included and weigh about 80 pounds. Using booster seats has been estimated to reduce studies were categorized and analyzed by type of intervention; outcomes for each the odds of sustaining clinically significant injuries in a crash by 59 percent for specific intervention type were compared with outcomes with no intervention; children aged 4–7, compared with using ordinary vehicle seat belts (Durbin et then outcomes for all five intervention types were aggregated and compared al. 2003). Despite this evidence of effectiveness, many children in the United with the aggregated outcomes for no intervention. States do not ride in age-appropriate booster seats. For example, Decina and Lococo (2004) observed child restraint use in six states and found that although Five studies involving a total of 3,070 individuals met the criteria for inclusion virtually all infants and 90 percent of children aged 1–3 were restrained in child in the meta-analysis. All interventions for promoting the use of booster seats safety seats, only 37.2 percent of children aged 4–8 were in child safety seats for 4–8-year-olds demonstrated a positive effect (relative risk [RR]=1.43; 95% or booster seats; the remainder used either the vehicle seat belt alone or no CI=1.05–1.96). Providing incentives in combination with education demon- restraint at all. strated a beneficial effect (RR=1.32; 95% CI=1.12–1.55; n=1,898). Distribution of free booster seats in combination with education also had a beneficial effect 6 Given the strong evidence on the safety benefits of booster seats, various inter- (RR=2.34; 95% CI=1.50–3.63; n=380), and so did education-only interventions ventions have been implemented to increase their use. However, the evidence (RR=1.32; 95% CI=1.16–1.49; n=563). In one study, the effect of enforcement on the effectiveness of such interventions has not been as clear as the evidence of a booster seat law was evaluated; although enforcement showed a positive 7 effect, the association was not statistically significant. Introduction Available evidence suggests that several types of interventions to increase the use of booster seats for children aged 4–8 are effective. Combining incentives (in the form of discount coupons or gift certificates for booster seats) or distribution of free booster seats in combination with education increased the acquisition and use of booster seats, as did education alone. The effect of enforcing booster seat laws remains unclear. The single study in our meta-analysis that looked at enforcement found that it did not significantly increase booster seat use. There is some evidence that legislation has a beneficial effect on the acquisition and use of booster seats, but it is mainly from uncontrolled before-and-after studies, which did not meet the criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Road traffic injuries are a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. They are the tenth leading cause of death and the ninth leading cause of the global burden of disease (Murray and Lopez 1996). The World Health Organization estimates that more than 1.18 million people are killed and as many as 50 million injured or disabled in road traffic crashes annually (WHO 2004). Unless preventive measures are taken, road traffic injuries are predicted to become the third leading contributor to the global burden of disease and injury by 2020 (Murray and Lopez 1996). The available evidence shows that the fatality rates for road traffic crashes in developing countries are about six times higher than rates in developed nations (Nantulya and Reich 2003). Globally, motor vehicle injuries and deaths have been described as “an issue of immense human proportions, an issue of economic proportions, an issue of social proportions, and an issue of equity—a problem that very much affects the poor” (Nantulya and Reich 2002; see also Ross 1999). The estimated annual direct costs of road traffic crashes are enormous, ranging from 0.3 percent of the gross national product in Vietnam to almost 5 percent in the United States (Jacobs et al. 2000). Children and young people are particularly at risk. The UNICEF Innocenti Re8 9 port on child deaths by injury in rich nations (UNICEF 2001) showed that traffic L to R: Belt positioning booster, shield booster, crashes are a leading cause of death among children in the member countries high-back combination booster. of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, accounting for 41 percent of all injury-related child deaths. Motor vehicle injuries involving children represent a disproportionately large contribution to the global burden of disease because such injuries result in a large number of years lost because of premature death or a large number of years lived with disability (Krug et al. 2000). Children 4–8 years old are more likely to die as a result of motor vehicle crashes than from other forms of unintentional injuries (CDC 2004). When they outgrow belt portion of the adult seat belts rides up into a child’s abdomen (Halman et al. the safety seats designed for younger children, many 4–8-year-olds travel unre- 2002; Hingston 1996; Osberg and Di Scala 1992). Research has demonstrated strained in motor vehicles or are restrained with adult seat belts without booster that children 4–8 years old have a significantly lower risk of injury if they are seats. These practices increase their risk of sustaining serious crash-related restrained in booster seats rather than by adult seat belts alone (Arbogast et injuries (Winston et al. 2001). al. 2005; Durbin et al. 2005; Durbin et al. 2003; Miller et al. 2002; NHTSA 2004; Winston et al. 2001). It is recommended that children use booster seats until In addition to mortality and disability, crash-related injuries have been shown to they are at least 8 years old, unless they are 4’9” or taller (NHTSA 2004). have enduring negative psychological effects in children (Stallard et al. 2004; Aitken et al. 2002; Stallard et al. 1998). Even relatively minor childhood injuries Three types of booster seats are available: disrupt parents’ ability to work and place significant economic burdens on affected families as well as on the health system (Osberg et al. 1996). Reducing crash- 1. Belt-positioning boosters, which are designed to be used in vehicles with related deaths and injuries among 4–8-year-olds requires the implementation lap and shoulder belts. Some have a high back that provides head support for of effective strategies to get booster seats into cars and ensure that they are children who are transported in vehicles that do not have head restraints. correctly used (Corden 2005; Mickalide et al. 2002; Winston et al. 2001). There are also backless booster seats for vehicles equipped with head restraints. Booster seats are recommended by public health and transport safety agencies (Australia Transport Safety Bureau 2005; UK Department for Transport 2004; NHTSA 2004; American Academy of Pediatrics 1996). Booster seats help pro- 2. Booster seats with removable shields, which are used without the shield to make lap and shoulder belts fit better. tect children from injury and death in crashes by ensuring that the adult seat 10 belt fits properly. Proper fit reduces the risk of “lap belt syndrome” (Mickalide et 3. Combination seats, which are high-back booster seats with an internal har- al. 2002; Thompson et al. 2001; Durbin et al. 2001), which occurs when the lap ness that is usually rated for use by children up to approximately 40 pounds. 11 Once the child reaches the upper weight limit of the seat, the harness can Despite the evidence on the effectiveness of booster seats and the risks associ- be removed and the seat is then used with the adult lap and shoulder belt ated with not using them, usage rates for booster seats remain appallingly low. as a belt-positioning booster seat. In a study of child safety seat and booster seat use in six states, Decina and Lococo (2004) reported that although rates of child safety seat use were high Low- and high-back belt-positioning booster seats have been in use in Europe for small children (97.3 percent for children younger than 1 year and 90 percent for nearly 25 years but have been on the market in the United States for about for children aged 1–3), only 37.2 percent of children aged 4–8 were restrained 15 years (Weber 2000). Booster seat cushions were developed in Sweden and with any form of child restraint system (i.e., booster seats or forward-facing child Australia in the mid-1970s to allow children to take advantage of the vehicle’s safety seats); the remainder either were using adult seat belts (45.5 percent) or built-in upper and lower torso restraints (NHTSA 2002; Weber 2000). Booster were entirely unrestrained (17.3 percent). Similarly, in the communities studied seats are also widely used in Canada, where three primary classifications of by Ebel et al. (2003), the average rate of booster seat use among children aged child restraint systems are regulated by law: rear-facing infant restraints, child 4–8 was roughly 16 percent before the implementation of a community-level inter- restraints, and booster cushions (Dance 2001). Booster cushions are for children vention. After the intervention, the rate of booster seat use reportedly increased who have outgrown their child restraint system and weigh at least 40 pounds. to 26.1 percent in the communities in which the intervention was conducted. In other words, in the six states Decina and Lococo (2004) studied, slightly more Booster seats are virtually unavailable in developing countries (UN 2003) other than one in three children aged 4–8 used age-appropriate restraints, and in the than in some stores that cater to expatriates and wealthy families. Given the communities Ebel et al. (2003) studied, fewer than one in five children were exorbitant prices of booster seats—usually inflated by import taxes—it could using age-appropriate restraints before the intervention, and only about one in cost weeks of earnings for an average family to purchase one (Hendrie 2005). four were using appropriate restraints after the intervention. Even in a middle-income country such as Brazil, the cost of a booster seat is far beyond the reach of most average-income families. Previous reviews of interventions for promoting the use of child restraints have focused on their use with the youngest children, ranging in age from newborn Children outgrow child safety seats generally around 40 pounds or 4 years of to 3 years old—that is, the age group for which child safety seats are recom- age, at which point they should transition to booster seats. Booster seats are mended rather than booster seats. Although various interventions have been designed to raise the seated position of children 4–8 years old several inches implemented to increase the acquisition and use of booster seats, the evidence above the vehicle seat to position the vehicle’s lap and shoulder belt correctly on on the effectiveness of such interventions has not been evaluated systematically. the child. Despite some claims to the contrary (e.g., Levitt 2005), the effective- Determining which interventions are effective and which are not and synthesizing ness of booster seats in protecting children from serious crash-related injuries is the evidence will help inform future research, guide policy and practice (includ- well documented. For example, Durbin et al. (2003) reported that booster seats ing targeting of resources), train health professionals, and facilitate the design reduced the odds of sustaining clinically significant injuries in a crash by 59 per- and implementation of effective interventions. cent for children aged 4–7 and that they were especially effective in reducing injuries to the abdomen, neck, spine, back, and lower extremities. 12 13 Design and methods further research is needed (Wagenaar 1999). The use of explicit, systematic methods minimizes bias and reduces the effects of chance, thus providing reliable results upon which to draw conclusions and make evidence-based recommendations (Oxman and Guyatt 1993; Antman et al. 1992). To further minimize bias, both the Cochrane review protocols, which are developed prior to the actual review, and the reviews themselves are critically examined by external experts who are not authors and are not involved in the actual review process. CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERING STUDIES FOR THIS REVIEW (PROTOCOLS) In this review we used the Cochrane systematic review method, an objective Types of studies reviewed meta-analysis approach that has earned credibility through the integrity and rigor of its processes and the usefulness of its results. Archie Cochrane, a Brit- • ish physician and epidemiologist, was the first to draw attention to the fact that All randomized controlled studies that investigated the effects of interventions to promote booster seat use people who wanted to make informed decisions about health programs did not have ready access to reliable reviews of available evidence. In 1979, Cochrane • Controlled before-and-after trials wrote, “It is surely a great criticism of our profession that we have not organized a critical summary, by specialty or subspecialty, adapted periodically, of all rel- Types of participants evant randomized controlled trials” (Cochrane 1979). Cochrane believed that reviews of research evidence should be prepared systematically and updated • periodically. Policy makers, planners, practitioners, consumers, and researchers are often Studies in which subjects were children 4–8 years old or individuals who transport children in that age group in motor vehicles. Types of interventions inundated with information from numerous studies. Systematic reviews help in the efficient integration of valid information and provide a basis for rational deci- Legislative/enforcement, educational, and promotional measures to increase sion-making (Mulrow 1994). Cochrane reviews can be used to establish where acquisition or use of booster seats for 4–8-year-olds traveling in motor vehicles, the effects of health interventions are consistent, where research results can be including: applied across populations and settings, and where effects may vary significantly (Oxman 1993; Sacks et al. 1987; L’Abbe et al. 1987; Thacker 1988). They can demonstrate where sufficient evidence is lacking and thus identify areas where 14 • Primary enforcement of booster seat laws: a driver can be stopped, cited, and fined for failure to comply with a booster seat law (Chang 2002). 15 • Community-wide information and enhanced enforcement campaigns: tar- • geted information about booster seats is delivered to a community, usually Crash-related injury rates in intervention groups compared with control groups of 4–8-year-olds defined geographically. These campaigns use mass media, information and publicity, booster seat displays in public places, public demonstrations • of correct use, and special enforcement strategies, such as checkpoints, Proportion of 4–8-year-olds who were observed using booster seats while riding in motor vehicles dedicated law enforcement officials, and alternative penalties (e.g., verbal or written informational warnings instead of citations). • Reported use of booster seats by persons who transport children (such selfreports constitute weak evidence of effectiveness) • Booster seat distribution and education programs: booster seats are provided to parents on loan, as low-cost rentals, or as giveaways. The rationale is SEARCH STRATEGY FOR IDENTIFICATION OF STUDIES that parents who cannot afford booster seats and those who have a limited • understanding of their benefits might be more likely to use them if financial We searched numerous electronic databases in various categories (the search assistance and adequate information are provided. terms used with each database are listed in Appendix 1): Incentive and education programs: parents are rewarded for obtaining and Health using booster seats, or direct rewards are provided to children for using them. Incentives may also involve the distribution of discount coupons to • Cochrane Injuries Group’s Specialized Register • Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) • MEDLINE • EMBASE • Combined Health Information Database (CHID) • National Research Register offset part of the cost of a booster seat. Incentive programs typically involve educational components of varying intensity and may include one-on-one counseling (Zaza et al. 2001). • Education-only programs: information about booster seats and relevant skills is provided to parents or children. Information provides the foundation for moving people toward behavior change, and some experts say this constitutes an essential component of all interventions for increasing booster seat use (Ramsey et al. 2000; Simpson et al. 2002). Types of outcome measures Transportation • Crash-related death rates in intervention groups compared with control groups of 4–8-year-olds 16 TRANSPORT (incorporates TRIS, ITRD, TRANSDOC, and NTIS) 17 • TRANSDOC (from the European Conference Ministers of Transport) • Dissertation Abstracts • National Technical Information Service (NTIS) • National Safety Council • Transport Research Information Service (TRIS) • Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) • International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) • Internet • Australian Transport Index (formerly ARRB and ATRI) • The Grey Literature (http://www.nyam.org/library/grey.shtml) • University of Michigan Transport Research Institute (UMTRI) To obtain information on completed as well as ongoing trials, we contacted injury prevention programs, transport research institutes, safety institutes, and other • Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) organizations and practitioners with diverse roles in vehicle occupant protection. In addition, reference lists were examined for relevant studies or reports. • University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (UNHSRC) METHOD OF THE REVIEW • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), University of California, Berkeley Educational/psychological Selection of studies Two reviewers (J.E. and H.E.) used predefined selection criteria to screen titles and abstracts of relevant articles to assess their eligibility for inclusion in the • PsycInfo review. For trials that were potentially relevant to the review, copies of the reports were obtained for further assessment. Those that met the selection criteria were • Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) assessed for methodological quality by the reviewers. Disagreements were resolved by discussion and consensus among all four coauthors. The following • 18 The Campbell Collaboration’s Social, Psychological, Educational, and Crimi- criteria were used to assess the methodological quality of potentially eligible nological Trials Register (SPECTR) studies: General Randomized controlled trials • 1. Concealment of allocation (according to section 6 of the Cochrane review- Science (and Social Science) Citation Index 19 ers’ handbook; available at http://www.cochrane.dk/cochrane/handbook/ 2. Contemporaneous data collection (or data collected at similar time periods) hbook.htm): for both control and study sites: • Adequate if the answer was “yes” • Adequate if the answer was “yes” • Unclear if not reported or not clear from report • Unclear if not reported or not clear from report • Inadequate if the answer was “no” • Inadequate if the answer was “no” 2. Comparability between intervention groups with respect to baseline charac- Data collection teristics, such as injury rates, death rates, and frequency of booster seat use: A standardized data abstraction form was used to record data from eligible • Adequate if no substantial differences were present studies in four areas: • Unclear if not reported or not known whether there were substantial differences • Type of study design • Types of participants and settings • Interventions • Outcome measures • Inadequate if a substantial difference existed Controlled before-and-after studies We used the quality criteria adopted from the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC) methods (available at http://www.epoc.uottawa. ca/). For the studies we included in the meta-analysis, we requested any missing 1. Baseline comparability between study and control sites with respect to injury information from the study authors or relevant contact individuals, groups, or rates, death rates, and frequency of booster seat use: organizations. • Adequate if the answer was “yes” Data analysis • Unclear if not reported or not clear from report RevMan version 4.2.8 (Cochrane Collaboration 2005) was used for statistical analysis. To determine the effects of the different types of booster seat promo- • Inadequate if the answer was “no” 20 tion interventions, we categorized and analyzed data by type of intervention 21 Multiple intervention strategies Notes no intervention; and 4) enforcement versus no intervention. Study is quite old (1987) tion and education versus no intervention; 3) incentives and education versus Follow-up interval very brief at 2 weeks were identified and examined: 1) education versus no intervention; 2) distribu- Booster seats not specifically mentioned, but booster seat use confirmed by author and compared each intervention type to no intervention. Four intervention types To estimate the combined effect of all booster seat promotion interventions as compared with no intervention, we aggregated the data from studies of all four intervention types and compared all intervention group data with all control group data. For this, we used the random effects model, which accounts for the heterogeneity inherent in combining studies of different interventions and gives a relatively conservative estimate of the size of the effect. 22 Methods Controls received no intervention Observed booster seat use increased 58% Educational efforts included educating physicians and other health providers on the need for child restraint counseling. Educational messages were provided to the target population through TV, radio, newsletters, brochures and flyers, and classes. Coupons for discounted booster seats were distributed. Parents of children 4–8 years old and the children themselves residing in four intervention communities group and the control group that were not accounted for in the study. Author, Year (Country) the results may be biased as a result of differences between the intervention Table 1. Characteristics of Included Studies results may be influenced by chance. It does not describe the extent to which Participants 2.0 and 4.0. This probability range describes the extent to which the observed Nonrandomized prospective controlled community trial. Allocation concealment was adequate. Had two observers per vehicle, so interobserver variation was not an issue. The observers were unaware of the outcome status is a 95 percent probability that the true relative risk actually does fall between Ebel et al., 2003 (USA) risk were 3.0 and the 95 percent confidence interval spanned 2.0 to 4.0, there 3. Control group (no intervention) which the true relative risk probably falls. For example, if the calculated relative 2. Education aimed at modifying the behavior of preschool children with regard to child restraint use acquire and/or use booster seats. The confidence interval defines a range within Concealment of allocation: unknown Interventions that the intervention group was three times more likely than the control group to Method of randomization: unknown and/or use a booster seat. For example, a relative risk of 3.0 would indicate 1. Enforcement intervention based on letters to parents or guardians reinforcing existing child restraint law seat, relative to the probability that a person in the control group will acquire Preschool children 3–5 years old in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia group receiving the intervention under study will acquire and/or use a booster Randomized trial Outcomes context, the relative risk is used to assess the probability that a member of the Bowman et al. 1987 (Australia) type, with 95 percent confidence intervals, using the fixed effect model. In this Restraint use of children in the educational intervention group increased from 60.6% to 75.0% We calculated relative risks in the analysis of the effects of each intervention 23 24 Stevens, 2000 (USA) O’Neil et al., 2005 (USA) Johnston et al., 2000 (USA) Randomized trial. Allocation concealment adequate (different days). Not a blinded observer Blinded observers Randomized trial (clustered) Nonrandomized trial (clustered). Allocation concealment unclear. Blinding unclear. Home visit by Head Start staff to educate families on booster seat use, smoke alarms, and storage of household chemicals. Intervention participants received supplies Children received age-appropriate educational classes in the centers and schools. Interventions for parents were either distribution of booster seats and education/ skills training; incentive to purchase a seat and education/skills training; or no information (control group) Participants either given pamphlet (P) and coupon (C) for seat, just a pamphlet, just a coupon, or no intervention (control group) Parents of children 4–5 years old enrolled in Head Start programs Parents of children 4–6 years old and the children themselves attending 9 day care centers and preschools in Indianapolis, Indiana Parents of children 3.5–8 years old and weighing 35–80 pounds entering a retail toy store in Virginia Purchase of booster seat increased 34% for the C+P group, 38% for P, 41% for C, and 3% for the control group. All respondents self-reported using the booster seat every time child traveled After 6 months, observed booster seat use increased from 42.6% to 66.7% in the distribution+education group; from 34.7% to 48.8% in the incentive+education group; and from 39.4% to 52.2% in the control group Self-reported “always” used booster seat Observed booster seat presence from 0 to 21.5%. Relatively brief followup interval of 30 days. Unclear whether study had sufficient statistical power Insufficient statistical power because of high attrition Mostly low-income families DESCRIPTION OF STUDIES Study selection Our search strategy identified 1,350 published and unpublished reports that were topically related to child motor vehicle occupant protection. This long list was narrowed down to 62 reports that dealt with strategies to promote use of child restraints. Twelve of these specifically dealt with booster seat interventions, and of these 12, only five met the rigorous criteria for inclusion in the review. A total of 3,070 individuals were involved in the five studies. Four of the studies were conducted in the United States (Ebel et al. 2003; Johnston et al. 2000; Stevens 2000; O’Neil et al. 2005) and the other in Australia (Bowman et al. 1987). The studies are described below, and additional information on the stud- ies’ characteristics is provided in Table 1. Of the 12 studies that specifically dealt with booster seat interventions, the seven that were excluded did not qualify primarily because they lacked enough information to adequately assess the intervention. From the larger group of 62 reports that dealt with promoting use of child restraints, eight studies were identi- fied as ongoing and may be eligible for inclusion when the Cochrane review is updated (see Appendix 2). Data from 12 uncontrolled before-and-after studies were also excluded from the meta-analysis, but the studies’ characteristics and findings are summarized in Table 2 to provide a broad view of the research and evidence. Characteristics of included studies The unit of analysis varied among the studies. Stevens (2000) studied indi- viduals, and Bowman et al. (1987) used both individuals (parents of preschool children) and preschools as the units of analysis. The other three studies (Ebel 25 et al. 2003; Johnston et al. 2000; O’Neil et al. 2005) used a clustering based on tion was recorded by a single observer on one morning before the interventions communities, schools or preschools, or day care centers. All five studies were and again immediately after. The percentage restraint use before the intervention controlled trials; three were non-randomized (Bowman et al., Ebel et al., and was calculated for each preschool. Preschools were then assigned randomly Johnston et al.). Four of the studies relied on observed use of booster seats as to a control or an intervention group, after matching for restraint use. Fifteen the outcome measure (Ebel et al., O’Neil et al., Bowman et al., and Johnston et preschools were assigned to each of the control, educational intervention, and al.). Stevens used self-reports as the outcome measure and corroborated the law enforcement intervention groups. self-reports with actual purchases of booster seats by examining the number of discount coupons used at the store. The interval between baseline and pos- Research assistants visited the preschools in the two intervention groups to tintervention follow-up ranged from 2 weeks to 15 months. The sections below deliver and explain the use of the intervention materials. The enforcement inter- contain detailed discussions of the characteristics of each study. vention used threats of random police checks and fines to attempt to increase restraint use. Copies of a letter from the Chief Inspector of Police in the New- Bowman et al., 1987 (Newcastle, Australia) castle District were handed individually to parents by the preschool director. The letter outlined legislation concerning the wearing of safety restraints by children. The purpose of this study was to implement and compare the effectiveness of It warned parents that police would be conducting random checks in the area two interventions to increase the use of safety restraints with preschool children and that parents whose children were not adequately restrained would be fined. aged 3 to 5. Bowman et al. did not specifically mention booster seats in their Police were not conducting checks but had agreed to include the warning in the report, but recommendations in Australia at the time of the study (as now) were letter to increase the parents’ perception of a threat of enforcement. The letter for children in the 3–5 age group to move into booster seats as an intermedi- also included information about the types of child restraints available and their ary step before graduating to adult seat belts. We contacted the first author of approximate cost. An accompanying pamphlet supplied general information the report and confirmed that the study evaluated use of booster seats. One about the use of child restraints. Posters and reminder cards with the same of the interventions in the study involved a law enforcement strategy aimed at warning of police checks and possible fines were also used. Each preschool parents; the other was an educational intervention aimed at preschool children. was supplied with three posters, which were displayed prominently. Reminder The educational intervention was designed to address two issues: children’s cards were pinned to the children’s clothing or placed in their lunch boxes on resistance to the use of restraints and children’s passive acceptance of being the intervention days during the two-week follow-up period. unrestrained. Children were taught by their teachers to insist on using a restraint when traveling in the car and to persist until their parents took action to ensure In the educational intervention, the materials were presented to preschool di- that they were properly restrained. rectors in kit form along with a detailed explanation of their use. The materials included copies of six different drawings featuring cartoon characters; two brief 26 Study subjects were children attending 45 preschools randomly selected from the songs, written to well-known tunes; a rubber stamp that read “seat belt safety”; telephone directory and their parents. Trained observers recorded the restraint and two modified lap seat belts that were fitted to preschool chairs. Suggestions status of children as they arrived at school. At each preschool, restraint informa- were made for ways in which the supplied materials might be used, but it was 27 left to the individual preschool teachers to create their own programs. Ebel et al., 2003 (Seattle, Washington, USA) and providing alternatives for automobiles with lap-only belts • Discount booster seat coupons • Car seat training programs and in-services for health care providers, child care providers and educators, law enforcement, emergency medi- This study assessed the effectiveness of a multifaceted community booster seat cal service personnel, and child passenger safety advocates (Ebel et campaign, using a prospective, non-randomized, controlled community inter- al. 2003, 881) vention design. The campaign was initiated in four communities in the greater Seattle area between January 2000 and March 2001. Eight communities in The outcome measure was rates of booster seat use observed at 83 child care Portland, Oregon, and Spokane, Washington, served as control sites. Ebel et centers and after-school programs 15 months after the start of the campaign. al. described the intervention as follows: Booster seat use rates were adjusted for child’s age, driver’s seat belt use, and driver’s gender. Booster Seat Campaign Elements • Community coalition of agencies and organizations to promote the use Johnston et al., 2000 (Washington State, USA) of booster seats • • Citizen advisory group of parents and caregivers to provide feedback on This study assessed the effects of an injury prevention program delivered by campaign messages and materials and to develop strategies to ensure school-based home visitors to low-income families whose children were attend- community involvement ing preschool enrichment programs in Washington State. Study participants Broad-based community education program to increase knowledge and were the families of children 4–5 years old living in a defined geographic area awareness of the importance of booster seat use, which included: and enrolled in Head Start or Washington State’s Early Childhood Education – Newspaper articles and Assistance Program between January and June 1998. Of the 258 families – Organization and group newsletter articles enrolled at the intervention sites, 213 (82.6%) completed both baseline and – Booster seat Web site postintervention assessments. Of the 160 families at the comparison sites, 149 – Tip sheet, brochures, and flyers in multiple languages (93.1%) completed both baseline and postintervention assessments. Analysis – Telephone information line where parents can call for materials and was restricted to those families that completed both assessments. Case work- with questions about booster seats and car seats 28 ers administered a baseline home safety assessment to participating families – Resource kits for preschools and health care providers and recorded availability of booster seats in motor vehicles owned by the family. – Radio public service announcements Families in the intervention group were offered educational materials and free – Television public service announcements child safety equipment, including age-appropriate car safety restraints, depending – Local news reports on the results of the home inspection (195 families received such equipment). – Educational programs to address barriers to booster seat use, including Families in the comparison group received only written information encouraging defining types of booster seats, identifying where devices are available, them to purchase needed safety equipment, including booster seats. Outcome 29 data were obtained by the same case workers who had originally enrolled the a marked-off area of the parking lot of each participating facility. As vehicles families; they returned 3 months after enrollment to repeat the home safety as- approached the facility for the morning drop-off, the drivers were stopped, and sessment. The outcome measure was self-reported use of booster seats. Avail- those who were identified as potential study participants were asked if they would ability of booster seat was confirmed at the home visit by the case worker. be interested in participating in the study. If they were, informed consent was obtained, and the driver completed a questionnaire to provide personal demo- O’Neil et al., 2005 (Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) graphic information and data on their knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs involving the use of booster seats, seat belts, and seating position in the vehicle. While This was a blinded randomized controlled trial conducted in day care centers and the driver completed the survey, the observer noted the type and use of child preschools to evaluate methods of increasing booster seat use for children 4–6 safety seats, booster seats, seat belts, and seating position in the vehicle. years old. The study selected nine facilities and assigned them to one of three groups: distribution and education, incentive and education, or control group. The The child passenger’s height and weight were measured and recorded. Obser- education component, based on the health belief model of behavioral change vations were conducted and questionnaires were completed again at interven- (Glanz et al. 2002), was the same in both intervention groups. Parents in the tion and control sites 1 month and 6 months after the intervention program was distribution and education group were taught how to correctly install and use a completed. Personnel at the sites did not know in advance when observers booster seat in their vehicle. At the end of the session the parents were offered would be present, and observers remained blinded to which were intervention a free booster seat. Their children received a separate educational presentation or control sites. The main outcome measure was the observed use of booster on why children need to be buckled up in a booster seat and sit in a rear seating seats at the 1- and 6-month follow-ups. Our Cochrane analysis was restricted position in the vehicle. Educational information and materials were based on to the 6-month postintervention point. A total of 207 children 4–6 years old were the Boost America program, using the Blue’s Clues format with songs, coloring enrolled and observed at baseline, and 136 of them were observed at the 6- activities, and a brief question-and-answer period. month postintervention follow-up (a 34.3 percent loss to follow-up). Parents in the incentive and education group were similarly taught about the Stevens, 2000 (Virginia, USA) importance of booster seats and how to use them but were not offered free booster seats. They were informed that if they were observed with a child using Stevens conducted a field study with a volunteer sample of 128 participants made a booster seat at the 1-month and 6-month observations they would be entered up of customers walking into a retail toy store in a community in southwestern into a drawing to win a gift certificate. The control group received educational Virginia. All participants had a child who was 3.5 to 8 years old, weighed 35 to materials through an informed consent document that provided information typi- 80 pounds, and was not in a booster seat at baseline. Stevens sought to deter- cally given during a primary care health maintenance visit. mine whether 1) pamphlets with information on booster seat use and coupons providing a sizable discount on booster seats would encourage participants to 30 On the day of the baseline observation and survey, certified child passenger purchase booster seats, and 2) the pamphlets would increase participants’ risk safety technicians and their assistants were stationed at the entrance and in perception. The participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: 31 pamphlet and discount coupons, pamphlet only, discount coupon only, and no (40.0 percent). The percentage of African Americans in the three groups was intervention. The pamphlet contained a warning label, a true story of a child apparently unrelated to low income, as the education and incentive group had who was killed because he was restrained in an adult seat belt instead of a the lowest percentage receiving WIC* funding (21.7 percent, compared with booster seat, and statistics on and consequences of non-use of booster seats. 25.3 percent for the education and distribution group and 47.8 percent for the The coupon’s value of $30 represented 30–60 percent off the cost a high-back control group; p=0.006). The control group was younger on average than the booster seat. Outcome measures were change in participants’ risk perception intervention groups (mean age, 32.3 years, compared with 35.1 years for the and whether or not they purchased a booster seat. education and distribution group and 36.8 years for the education and incentive group; p=0.010). Stevens did not discuss the demographic characteristics of METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY OF INCLUDED STUDIES the study population but noted that the retail store was in an affluent area. No comparison of the two intervention arms was discussed, although the age and Intergroup comparability of sociodemographic characteristics gender of the parents were noted. Ebel et al. matched the four intervention communities with the eight control Blinding communities using per capita income and population size and used statistical methods to adjust for variables such as the child’s age and the driver’s gender In the Bowman et al. study, observations were recorded on one morning at and seat belt use. Bowman et al. did not report the sociodemographic character- each preschool by a single observer. The authors discussed the reliability of istics of the study population. They only indicated that preschools were matched observations but did not report whether the observers were blinded. The Ebel for restraint usage to ensure that no group was biased with a disproportionate et al. study used teams of two or more observers to conduct observations, and number of high or low restraint rates. Johnston et al. compared the interven- blinding status was not mentioned. In the Johnston et al. study, one case worker tion and control communities on the basis of child age, gender, race/ethnicity, was assigned to one family for both pre- and postintervention assessments in parental employment, primary language, single- or dual-parent home, child’s both the intervention and control communities; the authors did not report whether educational disability, and median household income. O’Neil et al. compared these case workers knew the purpose of the evaluation or which communities the demographic characteristics of the control and intervention groups and were in the intervention and control groups. O’Neil et al. indicated that observers noted a difference in racial composition (p=0.002), with the education and in- did not know which day care centers and preschools were in the intervention centive group having a higher proportion of African Americans (63.2 percent) and control groups. Stevens was both the investigator and the observer and than the education and distribution group (34.7 percent) and the control group knew which subjects were in the intervention and control groups, so blinding was not possible. *The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a federally funded program for low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breast-feed- Social desirability ing women and young children up to age 5. WIC participants receive food checks and nutrition counseling. 32 Social desirability bias may be introduced in a study when the outcome measure 33 relies on self-report (Adams et al. 2005). Respondents, eager to please their enthusiasm and aggressive telephone follow-ups, calling subjects as many as interviewer, may give responses that they believe the interviewer would view as four times to obtain outcome data. socially desirable or answers they believe the interviewer would like to hear in order to prove that the research activity was effective. The Johnston et al. and Separation of interventions Stevens studies may have been susceptible to social desirability bias because they relied on self-reports—and using booster seats was clearly the desired Stevens distinguished between two factors together (pamphlet plus coupon), behavior. Stevens, however, corroborated the self-reports of booster seat pur- pamphlet only, coupon only, and one group with no intervention at all. John- chases by confirming redeemed coupon numbers at the store. In the Johnston ston et al. compared an intervention involving information and distribution of et al. study, the case worker confirmed availability of a booster seat at the home seats with one involving information only. Bowman et al. used two intervention visit, but self-reported use of the booster seat was not verified. Bowman et al., arms—teaching children about the importance of restraints, which they hoped the Ebel et al., and O’Neil et al. measured booster seat use via direct observation, children would pass on to their parents, and threats of enforcement of existing so social desirability bias is not likely to have been an issue. restraint laws for parents—and a non-placebo control group. They provided the educational intervention kits to preschools and made suggestions on ways in Loss to follow-up which the supplied materials might be used but left it to the individual preschool teachers to create their own programs. Although it was noted that preschools Loss to follow-up for the postintervention assessment was variable among the were visited twice during the 2-week intervention to ensure that interventions studies. In the Johnston et al. study, a high proportion of intervention-eligible were being implemented correctly, implementation strategies across the 45 families enrolled in and completed the study; however, the authors did not con- preschools may have varied. O’Neil et al. used two intervention arms and com- duct a comparative analysis of those who dropped out of the study or those who pared distribution and education; incentives and education; and a nonplacebo chose not to participate versus those who did participate. Not knowing anything intervention control. The Ebel et al. campaign was a community-based interven- about the families who chose not to participate meant that it was not possible tion that used multiple intervention strategies, including community mobilization to determine whether they differed from participants; similarly, the families that and involvement. Because the purpose of the study was to evaluate the overall completed the study may have been different from the families that did not com- impact a community-based campaign had on rates of booster seat use through- plete the study, but no data were collected on this. O’Neil et al. had a significant out the community, the effects of different aspects of the intervention were not loss to follow-up—about one-third of the participants. Of these, 20 percent of distinguishable. Distributing booster seats might have been more effective than the children moved from the study facilities, and a number of participants lost the brochures and flyers, for instance, but the analyses could not reveal such interest. Ebel et al. observed booster seat use at the community rather than distinctions. the individual level, so loss to follow-up was not an issue. Similarly, for Bowman et al., who observed 740 preschool children at baseline and 751 after the Measurement issues intervention, loss to follow-up was not an issue. Amazingly, Stevens had no loss to follow-up among the 128 subjects in her study, which she attributes to her 34 Overestimation of the effectiveness of the specific interventions studied may 35 Results have occurred in both the O’Neil et al. study and the Ebel et al. study. Study subjects may have heard about the passage of new booster seat laws from sources other than those related to the intervention, which may have increased awareness and led participants in both the intervention and control groups to acquire and use booster seats. A complicating factor in the measurement of booster seat use is that the only objective way to ensure “age-appropriateness” is to measure the child’s height and weight. Few studies have done this, because of the time required and because of concerns about recruiting and retaining participants in a time-consuming and obtrusive process. The O’Neil et al. study was the only one of the five that measured the height and weight of participating children; the others relied on All five studies reported on the frequency of booster seat use (observed or re- reports from parents or caregivers. ported) after the interventions. Theoretical framework EDUCATION VERSUS NO INTERVENTION In the Bowman et al. study, 173/231 (75%) participants in the education-only Two of the studies clearly relied on strong behavior change theories in designing arm used booster seats at 2 weeks, compared with 161/268 (60%) participants their studies. Ebel et al. used the precede-proceed model, which attempts to in the no intervention group (Figure 1). Stevens showed that participants in the effect behavioral change by identifying predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing education arm of her study were more likely to purchase booster seats (12/32, factors (Green and Kreuter 2004). The design of the O’Neil et al. study was 38%) than were those in the control group (1/32, 3%) 1 month. Combined results based on the health belief model, which establishes leverage points that can from both studies show a beneficial outcome in favor of education (relative risk be influenced, such as perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived [RR]=1.32; 95% CI=1.16–1.49; n=563). benefits of taking action, perceived barriers to action, cues to action, and self-efficacy (Glanz et al. 2002). Stevens relied generally on a combination of theories derived from the hazard and warnings literature as well as the concept that increased risk perception (in this case, perceived risk of injury severity) will motivate behavior change. Johnston et al. and Bowman et al. did not indicate that theory had been integrated into their study design or implementation. Figure 1. Effects of Education Versus No Intervention Review: Comparison: Outcome: Study or sub-category Interventions for promoting booster seat use for 4- 8 year olds travelling in motor vehicles. 01 Education versus No Intervention 01 Booster seat use (reported or observed) Treatment n/N Control n/N RR (fixed) 95% CI Weight % RR (fixed) 95% CI Bowman 1987 Stevens 2000 173/231 12/32 161/268 1/32 99.33 0.67 1.25 [1.10, 1.41] 12.00 [1.66, 86.94] Total (95% CI) 263 300 100.00 1.32 [1.16, 1.49] Total events: 185 (Treatment), 162 (Control) Test for heterogeneity: Chi² = 5.57, df = 1 (P = 0.02), I² = 82.1% Test for overall effect: Z = 4.33 (P < 0.0001) 0.01 0.1 Favors control 36 1 10 100 Favors treatment 37 the participants in the no intervention group (12/23, 52.2%). The combined re- DISTRIBUTION AND EDUCATION VERSUS NO INTERVENTION sults from the three studies (Figure 3) indicate a beneficial effect of incentives In the Johnston et al. study, 42/195 (22%) participants in the education and and education in increasing booster seat use compared with no intervention distribution arm had obtained child safety seats at 3 months, compared with (RR=1.32; 95% CI=1.12–1.55; n=1,898). 7/132 (5%) in the no intervention group. In the O’Neil et al. study, 20/30 (67%) participants in the combination group used booster seats at 6 months, compared Figure 3. Effects of Incentives and Education Versus No Intervention with 12/23 (52%) participants in the control group—a larger proportion, but the difference was not marked (RR=1.28; 95% CI=0.80–2.04). As shown in Figure Review: Comparison: Outcome: 2, the combined results from both studies show a beneficial effect in combin- Study or sub-category ing distribution and education compared with no intervention (RR=2.34; 95% Ebel 2003 O'Neil 2005 Stevens 2000 CI=1.50–3.63; n=380). Total (95% CI) Interventions for promoting booster seat use for 4- 8 year olds travelling in motor vehicles. 03 Incentive+Education versus No Intervention 01 Booster seat use (reported or observed) Treatment n/N 184/705 20/41 11/32 Weight % RR (fixed) 95% CI 215/1065 12/23 1/32 91.27 8.19 0.53 1.29 [1.09, 1.54] 0.93 [0.57, 1.54] 11.00 [1.51, 80.28] 1120 100.00 778 Control n/N RR (fixed) 95% CI Figure 2. Effects of Booster Seat Distribution and Education Versus No Intervention 0.01 Review: Comparison: Outcome: Study or sub-category Control n/N 0.1 1 Favors control Interventions for promoting booster seat use for 4- 8 year olds travelling in motor vehicles. 02 Distribution+Education versus No Intervention 01 Booster seat use (reported or observed) Treatment n/N RR (fixed) 95% CI Weight % 1.32 [1.12, 1.55] Total events: 215 (Treatment), 228 (Control) Test for heterogeneity: Chi² = 6.20, df = 2 (P = 0.04), I² = 67.8% Test for overall effect: Z = 3.30 (P = 0.0010) RR (fixed) 95% CI Johnston 2000 O'Neil 2005 42/195 20/30 7/132 12/23 38.06 61.94 4.06 [1.88, 8.76] 1.28 [0.80, 2.04] Total (95% CI) 225 155 100.00 2.34 [1.50, 3.63] 10 100 Favors treatment ENFORCEMENT OF LAW VERSUS NO INTERVENTION Only the Bowman et al. study compared enforcement of a booster seat law with Total events: 62 (Treatment), 19 (Control) Test for heterogeneity: Chi² = 8.44, df = 1 (P = 0.004), I² = 88.1% Test for overall effect: Z = 3.77 (P = 0.0002) no intervention. As shown in Figure 4, the study demonstrated no marked dif0.01 0.1 Favors control 1 10 100 ference in use of booster seats in the intervention (158/252, 63%) and control Favors treatment (161/268, 60%) groups (RR=1.04; 95% CI=0.91–1.20; n=520). INCENTIVE AND EDUCATION VERSUS NO INTERVENTION In the Stevens study, a larger proportion of participants in the combined intervention group than in the no intervention group had purchased booster seats at the 1-month follow-up (11/32, 34%, compared with 1/32, 3%). In the Ebel et al. study, 184/705 (26.1%) participants in the combined group used booster seats, compared with 215/1,065 (20.2%) in the no intervention group. Booster seat use rates were adjusted for child’s age, driver’s seat belt use, and driver’s gender. The O’Neil et al. study, however, showed no difference in the use of booster seats at 6 months among participants in the treatment arm (20/41, 48.8%) and 38 Figure 4. Effects of Law Enforcement Versus No Intervention Review: Comparison: Outcome: Study or sub-category Interventions for promoting booster seat use for 4- 8 year olds travelling in motor vehicles. 04 Enforcement of law versus No Intervention 01 Booster seat use (reported or observed) Treatment n/N Control n/N RR (fixed) 95% CI Weight % RR (fixed) 95% CI Bowman 1987 158/252 161/268 100.00 1.04 [0.91, 1.20] Total (95% CI) 252 268 100.00 1.04 [0.91, 1.20] Total events: 158 (Treatment), 161 (Control) Test for heterogeneity: not applicable Test for overall effect: Z = 0.61 (P = 0.54) 0.01 0.1 Favors control 1 10 100 Favors treatment 39 Discussion ANY BOOSTER SEAT INTERVENTION VERSUS NO INTERVENTION The combined results of all five studies (Figure 5) showed a marked beneficial effect on booster seat use when an intervention was used, compared with no intervention (RR=1.43; 95% CI=1.05–1.96; n=3,070). Figure 5. Effects of All Interventions to Increase Use of Booster Seats Versus No Intervention Review: Comparison: Outcome: Study or sub-category Bowman 1987 Ebel 2003 Johnston 2000 O'Neil 2005 Stevens 2000 Interventions for promoting booster seat use for 4- 8 year olds travelling in motor vehicles. 05 Any booster seat promotion campaign versus No Intervention 01 Booster seat use (reported or observed) Treatment n/N 331/483 184/705 42/195 40/71 36/96 Contol n/N RR (random) 95% CI Weight % 161/268 213/1065 7/132 12/23 1/32 33.86 31.98 11.15 20.64 2.37 1550 1520 Total (95% CI) Total events: 633 (Treatment), 394 (Contol) Test for heterogeneity: Chi² = 19.47, df = 4 (P = 0.0006), I² = 79.5% Test for overall effect: Z = 2.28 (P = 0.02) 100.00 RR (random) 95% CI 1.14 [1.02, 1.28] 1.30 [1.10, 1.55] 4.06 [1.88, 8.76] 1.08 [0.69, 1.68] 12.00 [1.71, 84.03] 1.43 [1.05, 1.96] The benefits of using booster seats for children who are too big for safety seats designed for toddlers but too small to use adult seat belts have been widely discussed in the literature (Corden 2005; Mickalide et al. 2002; Winston et al. 2001). Also, barriers to acquiring and using booster seats have been examined 0.01 0.1 Favors Control 1 10 100 Favors Intervention and documented (Academy for Educational Development 2001; Ramsey et al. 2000). Finding effective ways to translate available knowledge into greater ageappropriate booster seat use remains a challenge for traffic safety and public health agencies. Opportunities to increase booster seat acquisition and use fall into four categories: legislation requiring use of booster seat, enforcement of booster seat laws, distribution of booster seats (or incentives to purchase them), and educational interventions. Our initial search produced a total of 1,350 reports that were related to child motor vehicle occupant protection, of which 12 dealt specifically with booster seats. Of these, only five studies met the criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Our analyses show that interventions that combine education with either incentives to acquire booster seats (in the form of discount coupons) or distribution of free booster seats have a beneficial effect on acquisition and use of booster 40 41 since any observed differences between pre- and postintervention measures could have resulted from chance or simply the passage of time. Although these quasi-experimental studies did not meet the strict criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis, they are mentioned and summarized here in order to capture the totality of evidence regarding booster seat laws. 42 Study Population Study Design effect. Without comparison groups, however, these findings are uncertain, Objectives accurately, threat of enforcement—and four of these demonstrated a positive Author, Year (Country) before-and-after studies assessed the impact of law enforcement—or, more Table 2. Uncontrolled Before and After Studies seat laws that qualified for inclusion in the meta-analysis, five of the uncontrolled 1. Substantial increase in booster seat use after intervention 56% 54% 57% 59% No Restraint Age 4–5 Age 6 Age 7–8 Changes were significant at p<0.01 Pre 3% 5% 2% 0% 3. No differences between levels of intervention and use of booster seats Follow-up done 4–8 weeks after baseline All families were given free booster seats Although our search produced only one study dealing with enforcement of booster Incentive: gift certificate to local grocery store uncontrolled before-and-after design (Table 2). 2. Booster seat use decreased with age Intervention and Follow-up evaluation of the interventions’ impact. We identified 14 studies that used the Policy: day care center policies changed to recommend use of booster seats of child restraints in motor vehicles, very few programs have involved rigorous Education: trained day care staff and parents about risks of not using booster seats and distributed pamphlets in multiple languages Although many reports have been published on interventions to increase use Used focus groups, surveys, and observation Outcomes Measured UNCONTROLLED BEFORE-AND-AFTER STUDIES Percentage of children 4–8 years old seen riding in booster seats wish to be as effective as possible but must work within limited budgets. Three-level intervention: for the design and implementation of future interventions, as program planners Low-income parents with children 4–8 years old enrolled in nine day care centers in Providence, Rhode Island than incentives. The results of these analyses may have significant implications Uncontrolled pretest/posttest free booster seats with incentives, noting that distribution was more effective To increase booster seat use among lowincome parents Key Study Results an effect in the Bowman et al. study. Only O’Neil et al. compared distribution of Apsler et al., 2003 (USA) in both the Johnston et al. and O’Neil et al. studies. Education demonstrated Booster seat use Age 4–5 Age 6 Age 7–8 Post 38% 63% 19% 0% purchases and use of boosters. Distribution of free booster seats was influential 26% 13% 36% 46% seats. Ebel et al. and Stevens provided discount coupons, which increased 43 44 45 To evaluate the effect of locally funded education and enforcement programs aimed at increasing child restraint use Decina et al., 1994 (USA) Foss, 1989 (USA) To evaluate the impact of the Child Passenger Safety Initiative on parents’ knowledge, use, and misuse of child safety seats Cooper at al., 2004 (USA) To assess the impact of a communitywide incentive campaign on seat belt use To increase proper child restraint use To increase appropriate child car restraint use among 4–6 year old rural schoolchildren Browning et al., 1999 (Australia) Pretest/ posttest; telephone survey; observation Used observation and self-report Pretest/posttest with control group Quasiexperimental Used interviews and observation Uncontrolled pretest/posttest Used observation, self-report, and questionnaire Uncontrolled pretest/posttest Control: None Target: Children aged 0–12 Control: Residents of Abington, Pennsylvania Target: Residents of Tredyffrin and Haverford, Pennsylvania Families with children aged 0–6 belonging to vulnerable groups (minorities, low-income) and attending seven public hospitals and health systems in California Rural schoolchildren 4–7 years old enrolled in kindergarten, preprimary or year 1 in five schools in Brunswick, Harvey, and Yarloop, Australia, and the children’s parents 5-month incentive campaign aimed at parents and children; radio spots; flyers One year educational and enforcement intervention. Included kickoff events, distribution of print materials and promotional items through community, school visits, and citations Follow-up done approximately 1 year after baseline Education of parents/caregivers on proper child restraints, distribution of free and low-cost seats, trained physicians/nurses to teach patients about proper car seat use, outreach component educated foster parents and child welfare workers about child passenger safety Child Passenger Safety Initiative Follow-up done 3 months after baseline Children received rewards in school for reporting restraint use Parents received educational materials, vouchers for free booster seats for eligible families, free checking of child restraints School-based intervention: Percentage of children aged 0–12 observed using seat belts Percentage of “fully protected” toddlers Percentage of toddlers 3–5 years old observed using child restraint Observed use of booster seats Reported use of booster seats for children aged 4–6 Knowledge of booster seat safety law Percentage of parents using offer of free child restraints check Parents’ attitudes Percentage of children 4–6 years old seen using age-appropriate restraints Observed use of child restraints 45% Pre 79% 69% Post 90% 57.3% 55.5% Pre Post 79.4% 74.6% Pre 36.5% 27% 33.2% “Fully protected” toddlers aged 3–5 Tredyffrin Haverford Abington Post 45.1% 37.5% 33.6% Post 49.4% 39.4% 38.6% 10.4% 11.9% Pre Post 26.8% 36.4% Findings showed short-term improvements in seat belt use in response to radio spots Age 6–12 Age 0–5 These findings were not statistically significant Pre 40.6% 30.5% 38.7% Child restraint use in toddlers aged 3–5 Tredyffrin Haverford Abington Observed booster seat use decreased between pre- and posttest (p<0.05) [no data reported] Drivers who reported always using booster seats Drivers with knowledge of child passenger safety law (p<0.05) Despite 85% of parents believing not everyone could tell if a child restraint is properly installed, less than 3% used the free checking of child restraints 85% believed not everyone can tell if a child restraint is properly installed. 40% thought child restraints were too expensive. Ageappropriate restraint (p<0.0009) Overall child restraint (p=0.002) 46 47 Murrin, 2004 (USA) To evaluate parents’ knowledge and attitudes about child passenger and booster seat use for children 4–9 years old HemmoLotem, 2004 (Israel) To compare before-law and after-law use of booster seats in California To identify groups and factors that influence booster seat use To evaluate an intervention program initiated by BETEREM To evaluate the impact of intervention and law on booster seat use Griffin et al., 2003 (USA) Cross-sectional Used data gathered during child restraint inspection events Uncontrolled pretest/posttest (before and after law) Used telephone surveys Uncontrolled pretest/posttest Used observation and interview Uncontrolled pretest/posttest (before and after passage of booster seat law) Children up to age 6 or weighing less than 60 pounds Parents with children under 15, including Russianspeaking subset Members of ethically, culturally, and linguistically diverse urban and rural communities of varying socioeconomic status in seven communities in California Enactment of California law requiring children under age 6 or less than 60 pounds to ride in a booster seat Enforcement component, media campaign; details not provided Follow-up done 1 year after baseline Intervention spanned the passage and enforcement of California’s booster seat law Community-based assessments of resources, checkup events, distribution of mass media and educational print materials, free and low-cost booster seat programs, booster seat training in Head Start preschools Give Kids a Boost! Percentage of all seats inspected that were boosters Ability to provide correct details regarding nature and use of booster seats Awareness of what a booster seat is Percentage of children aged 4–7 observed riding in booster seats 32% Pre 38% Pre 26% 39% Post 44% Post 53% Pre 5.6% Post 11% Proportion of booster seats being inspected increased after passage of law Booster seat inspections 57% of parents of children aged 4–9 were unaware of the requirement that their children should use booster seats Russian-speaking parents knew less about booster seat use than other parents Providing correct details Awareness Observed booster seat use (p=0.025) 48 49 To assess the impact of a media campaign on use of child restraints in Montreal To assess the impact of the 1983 Illinois child restraint law To increase use of child safety seats among children 3–4 years old Rock, 1996 (USA) Sheese, 1998 (USA) To determine differences in attitudes and behaviors in the different intervention groups To determine the feasibility of three school-based interventions To test the effectiveness of three school-based booster seat intervention methods to increase booster seat use in a public school system Pless et al., 1986 (Canada) Philbrook et al., 2005 (USA) Pretest/posttest (before and after campaign); survey; observation Pretest/ posttest; ARIMA techniques (autoregressive integrated moving average) Used observation Uncontrolled pretest/posttest (before and after campaign) Used surveys Uncontrolled pretest/posttest Control: None Target: Children aged 3–4 in Indiana Control: None Target: Children aged 0–9 Parents with young children in four areas of Montreal Children in kindergarten in three public school systems in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and their parents Statewide media campaign aimed at parents and children; included visits to kindergarten classes Enactment of law requiring children under age 4 to ride in approved safety seat and children aged 4–5 to ride in safety seat or use seat belt Follow-up done 6 months after baseline Media campaign aimed at parents in English and French. Discussions of campaign on television and radio shows, pamphlets and posters placed in health settings and retail stores Follow-up done 3 and 6 months after intervention All parents who participated in evaluation received free booster seat Group 3: kindergarten presentation on booster seat use and literature sent home to parents Group 2: parent classes (in Spanish and English), videos, free booster seats Group 1: information on booster seats for parents sent home with children Three schoolbased intervention groups: Percentage of children aged 3–4 observed using any child restraint Fatalities and injuries among children aged 0–9 Percent of children aged 0–12 years seen properly restrained Booster seat use Pre 50% 16% 30% Post 42% 39% 55% Pre 7.2% Post 8.6% Any child restraint Pre 25% Post 41% Age 5–9: No significant reductions Aged 0–4: Law resulted in 10% decrease in number killed or injured, 17% decrease in rate injured per accident, and 14% decrease in percentage of all fatalities and injuries Greater increases seen at sites with higher proportions of Englishspeakers Increases were not significant for children aged 5–11 years Age 5–11 Solely sending information home to parents was not an effective means of increasing booster seat use Increase for Group 3 was significant (p=0.025) Increase for Group 2 was significant (p=0.011) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Booster seat use: Limitations or more social problems. It is noteworthy that most of the Head Start families in the Johnston et al. study did not have cars with rear-seat lap and shoulder belts suitable for booster seats; this problem very likely exists in many parts of the world. Although the five studies included in our meta-analysis had sufficiently rigorous designs, two were based on observations and three on self-reports. Self-reports generally constitute weak evidence, especially in the case of a socially desirable behavior. Since the ultimate objective of these interventions is to increase actual use of booster seats, it is actual use that should be measured. Although collecting observational data on restraint use is imperfect and resource intensive The results of our meta-analysis must be interpreted in the context of a number (Decina and Lococo 2005), it is the most reliable available means of ascertaining of limitations. Our review involved extensive searches of numerous databases actual use. The self-report data in our review was enhanced by corroboration of as well as contacts with public health and transport safety agencies and experts booster seat availability, but availability cannot be equated with use. around the world. The literature search was not restricted by language or by whether a report had been published. Nevertheless, the five eligible studies we Some of the included studies suffered from considerable attrition, and, as noted identified were from developed countries—the United States and Australia—and earlier, no comparative analyses were conducted to ascertain whether partici- we found no indication of eligible studies from other countries. Hence, our find- pants who dropped out differed from those who did not. The study duration and ings may not be generalizable to all parts of the world. Moreover, it is doubtful follow-up interval varied greatly as well. For example, there is a marked differ- that the populations involved in the included studies are even representative ence between the experimental day care intervention of 2 weeks’ duration in the of the general populations of the United States and Australia. For example, the Bowman et al. study and the large multi-intervention community-based trial of 15 middle-class Seattle area communities in the Ebel et al. study seem quite dif- months’ duration in the Ebel et al. study. Finally, although in our meta-analysis ferent from the Head Start population studied by Johnston et al. Even within the the five studies were weighted according to number of cases, the strength of Ebel et al. study, the per capita income of the study populations (four interven- the evidence in the studies varies. tion communities and eight control communities) ranged from $15,260 (with 20 percent living in poverty) to $53,800 (with 3 percent living in poverty). Notwithstanding these limitations, this review has clear implications for future research and practice aimed at increasing booster seat use for 4–8-year-olds. Given the resources needed to conduct interventions such as those implemented by Johnston et al. and O’Neil et al., replication would not be feasible in many countries. Similarly, the level of community involvement in the Ebel et al. study might be difficult to achieve in poor countries that have fewer resources 50 51 Conclusion bilization and participation, is more effective than an incentives-only approach. We do not know how incentives-only programs compare with either distributiononly or education-only interventions, nor do we know what effect community mobilization and participation have on intervention effectiveness. Investigations of what works best in different populations and settings (e.g., affluent and poor neighborhoods) are also important, since there may be differences between the behaviors of low-income parents and those of the more affluent, or between urban and rural parents. Ascertainment of any such differences is important to ensure proper targeting of future interventions. IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH Other important areas for future research include cost-effectiveness analyses and studies of interventions in high-risk populations. We acknowledge the practi- Despite our broad and exhaustive search, only five studies of good to excellent cal challenges of collecting observational data, including the time required, the quality were found on interventions to increase use of booster seats. Given the cost, and reliability issues. However, actual use of booster seats in the real world dearth of available high-quality evaluation studies, future efforts to increase is a stronger measure of intervention effectiveness than self-reported use or booster seat use should be accompanied by rigorous assessments of their ascertaining whether someone purchased a booster seat. Longer-term studies effectiveness, using well-designed approaches to minimize bias and ensure with larger populations should be implemented to clarify the long-term impacts the validity and reliability of the results. Randomized controlled trials as well as of various interventions in different populations. prospective controlled trials are needed, especially with community-based inter- 52 ventions that are replicable and sustainable under normal field conditions. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE A useful focus for future research would be a demonstration of the individual The development of strategies for increasing the acquisition and use of booster effects of the different types of interventions (education, incentives, distribution, seats by families with young children is an evolving project. The results of this legislation/enforcement). None of the studies included in our review compared, review suggest that multiple-intervention approaches can be used effectively for example, distribution of booster seats alone versus no distribution (i.e., with- to increase booster seat acquisition and use. Strategies using incentives and out education included in the intervention) or law enforcement alone versus no education, distribution and education, and education-only interventions produced enforcement. varying effects. It would be particularly useful to know whether a multiple-intervention strategy Interventions based in part on incentives or distribution of free booster seats such as the one used by Ebel et al., which involved significant community mo- require funding and may not be feasible in all communities. Although some 53 socially oriented governments or local health departments might fund booster seat distribution or discount coupons, very few governments or local councils in References resource-poor areas are likely to be able to provide free or low-cost booster seats for all children who can use them. In such situations, local health departments and traffic safety programs can identify and foster participation and contribution of material resources by the private sector, including the auto industry, child advocacy organizations, foundations, and private voluntary organizations that have an interest in children’s health. 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New York: United Nations, 2003. 62 63 Appendices APPENDIX 1: SEARCH STRATEGY FOR IDENTIFICATION OF STUDIES MEDLINE (1966–April 2005) 1. “Infant-Equipment” / all SUBHEADINGS 2. child seat* or infant seat* or (child near restraint*) 3. “Seat-Belts” / all SUBHEADINGS or “Protective-Devices” / all SUBHEADINGS 4. booster seat* or safety seat* or car seat* or (vehicle near restrain*) or (car near restrain*) or (automobile near restrain*) or (automotive near restrain*) 5. #1 or #2 6. #3 or #4 7. “Automobiles-” / all SUBHEADINGS 8. motor vehicle* or car or cars or automobile* 9. #7 or #8 10. explode “Child-” / all SUBHEADINGS 11. child* or infant* 12. #10 or #11 13. #9 and #5 14. #12 and #9 and #6 15. #13 or #14 64 65 16. promot* or train* or educat* or counsel* or legislat* Web of Science (WoS) (April 2005) 17. #16 and #15 1. (booster seat* OR safety seat*) AND (promot* OR train* OR educat* OR counsel* OR legislat*) EMBASE (1980–April 2005) 2. (car seat* OR vehicle restrain* OR car restrain* OR automobile restrain* 1. *Protective Equipment/ OR automotive restrain*) AND (child* OR infant*) AND (promot* OR train* 2. ((child adj seat$) or (infant adj seat$) or (child adj3 restrain$)).ti,ab. OR educat* OR counsel* OR legislat*) 3. 1 or 2 4. exp SEATBELT/ automobile* OR motor vehicle*) AND (promot* OR train* OR educat* OR 5. ((booster adj seat$) or (safety adj seat$) or (car adj seat$) or (vehicle adj3 counsel* OR legislat*) restrain$) or (car adj3 restrain$) or (automobile adj3 restrain$) or (automo- 3. 4. (child seat* OR infant seat* OR child restraint*) AND (car OR cars OR #1 OR #2 OR #3 tive adj3 restrain$)).ti,ab. 6. 4 or 5 7. exp CAR/ 8. ((motor adj vehicle$) or car or cars or automobile$).ti,ab. 9. 7 or 8 ERIC (no dates; all years up to April 2005) 1. booster seat* or safety seat* or car seat* or vehicle restrain* or car restrain* or automobile restrain* or automotive restrain* or child seat* or infant seat* or child restrain* 10. Child/ 11. (child$ or infant$).ti,ab. 12. 10 or 11 TRANSPORT (1988–April 2005) / ATI (1976–April 2005) 13. 3 and 9 14. 6 and 12 1. CHILD-RESTRAINT-SYSTEMS 15. 13 or 14 2. CHILD-RESTRAINT-SYSTEMS-IN-AUTOMOBILES 16. Clinical Trial/ 3. BOOSTER-SEATS 17. Controlled Study/ 4. #1 or #2 or #3 18. (randomi$ or (controlled adj trial$) or (double adj blind$) or (single adj blind$) 5. seat?belt* 6. child seat* or infant seat* or child restrain* or #5 19. Review/ 7. car or cars or automobile* or (motor adj vehicle*) 20. 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 8. #6 and #7 21. 15 and 20 9. booster seat* or safety seat* or car seat* or (vehicle adj restrain*) or (auto- or (clin$ adj3 trial$) or placebo$ or review$).ti,ab. 22. 21 23. limit 22 to human 66 mobile adj restrain*) or (automotive adj restrain*) 10. (child* or infant*) 67 1. 68 National Safety Council 1. booster! – keyword 2. child seats ! booster* AND restraint* & (education / program* / information / campaign*) Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) booster* & child* Cluster randomized control trial at child care centers to increase possession and use of booster seats Controlled prospective community trial to increase booster seat use among Latino families Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Ebel Latino families in urban and rural communities Parents of children attending child care centers • Development and dissemination of culturally tailored intervention materials based on extensive qualitative research • Incorporation of behavior change messages into radionovelas, television public service announcements, posters, and brochures • Critical involvement of Latino advisory councils • Partnerships with community organizations developing culturally specific law enforcement partnerships Education, distribution, incentive Education, distribution d. NKHL – Effectiveness Parents of Tball participants Changes in observed booster seat use Increase in booster seat use Increase in booster seat use c. QD Training Strike Out Child Passenger Injury 2004 October 2003 Spring 2005 Beth Ebel ([email protected]) Sallie Thoreson (sallie.thoreson@state. co.us) Mary Aitken ([email protected]) Contact UMTRI Aitken b. YCO – Campaigns Start Date In subject headings: DGEORF & (YCO/RCCEC/YCO/QD) & NHKL: Outcomes Booster* & Child* Intervention Expected to be completed in 2006 Expected to be completed in 2007 Remarks 14. #12 and #13 Participants 13. promot* or train* or educat* or counsel* or legislat* Title or Description 12. #4 or ##8 or #11 Study ID 1. APPENDIX 2: CHARACTERISTICS OF ONGOING STUDIES 11. #9 and #10 a. DGEORF – Child Restraints / Child Seats 69 70 71 Prospective community intervention to increase booster seat use in high-risk urban populations, using a communitybased program; component of the Injury-Free Coalition for Kids program An independent evaluation of the ThinkFirst Foundation for Injury Prevention’s “Boost’ em Up” program Statewide survey of booster seat use “Think First” Four-Site Demonstration Project Johnston Kostyniuk Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Parents of children in the booster seat age range Parents of children in the booster seat age range Children 4–8 years old and their families Families in urban communities at high risk of occupant injury Education Legislation, education, distribution A variety of interventions to increase booster seat use at the local level • Development and dissemination of lowliteracy, multilanguage materials • Capacity building to increase booster seat availability at urban retail outlets • Outreach education to ethnically diverse Head Start programs, churches, community service providers • Low-cost booster seat sales in targeted communities Increase in booster seat use Increase in booster seat use Observed booster seat use and impact of the various interventions on the incidence of child crash-related injuries Changes in observed booster seat use September 2003 2004 2004 2004 Alexander Sinclair ([email protected]. gov) Cathy Chochon ([email protected]. ne.us) Lidia Kostyniuk ([email protected]) Brian Johnston ([email protected]) Will conclude in 2006 Not necessarily an intervention. Will conclude in 2005 Will conclude in 2007 Expected to be completed in 2006 72
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