October 2003 Volume 1, Issue 2 Pack 27 Newsletter Once Upon A Time Training rd October 23 – Charter Renewal Training (6:30 PM, Temple Baptist Church in Leader Heights) November 1st – -New Leader Essentials (7:3010 AM) -Cub Scout Leader Specific Training (10:00 AM – 12:00 PM) -Youth Protection Training (1:30 PM) (All take place at Beth. Methodist, Dallastown) Important Dates: 10/15-Popcorn orders due 10/25-Halloween @Tuckahoe 11/08-Scouting for Food Hangers out 11/11-Leader Meeting 11/15-Scouting for food collection & school clean-up 11/19-Pack Meeting 11/22-Popcorn distribution Happy Halloween! We all had fun at the September Pack Meeting. Thank you to everyone who donated a snack. We hope that everyone will offer a big welcome to our new Tiger Den & Wolf Den, and to all of our new Cubs Scouts, as well as to our 3 new leaders, Colin, Terry, and Mike. Last weekend was Wizard Safari. Attending were Den 1, Den 3, and Colin and Joshua Bakalyar. Everyone had a great time participating in all the activities, and the Webelo Dens 1 & 3 got to camp with Troop 27. Congratulations to Troop 27 for winning the First Place Award for Best Gateway and thanks to them for letting our Webelos go to Safari with the Troop! Have a good time at the party following tonight’s Pack meeting, and we hope to see many of you on the 25th at Tuckahoe. October Events November Events Halloween at Tuckahoe The schedule for the day is as follows: Pack Leadership Mike Paules: Cubmaster Sean Sebeck: Asst. CM Den 1 Cindy Bauer: Leader Christine Balesteri: Asst. Ldr Den 2 Terry Karlson: Leader Mike Simms: Asst. Leader Den 3 – Raven Patrol Jon David: Leader Den 4 Julie Andersen: Leader Becky Horner: Asst. Leader Den 7 Dave Williams: Leader Bruce Barnes: Asst. Leader Den 8 Colin Bakalyar: Leader Pack Committee Eric Arnicar: Com. Chair Christine Balesteri: Treas. Jon David: Advance. Chair Renee Arnicar: Secretary Den 1: Den 2: Den 3: Den 4: Den 7: Den 8: Den Meetings Scout House Thursdays @ 7 Scout House Wednesdays @ 7 Scout House Wednesdays @ 7 Stew. Presbyterian Wednesdays @ 7 St. John’s Lutheran Wednesdays @ 7 TBA • • • • • • • Registration - 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Opening Ceremony and Costume Judging 1:00 - 1:15 PM Open Program All Areas - 1:15 - 5:00 PM Dinner Seating Group A and Magic Show Group B - 5:15 - 6:00 PM Dinner Seating Group B and Magic Show Group A - 6:15 - 7:00 PM Campfire & Closing (dismissal to haunted houses and trail) - 7:15 - 7:45 PM Trail through the "Haunted Cub World" th Popcorn orders are due today (October 15 ). If you forgot to bring your forms, please arrange to have them dropped off to Cindy Bauer ASAP. Thanks to everyone who put in time and effort for the Popcorn Show N’ Sales!! (Popcorn will come in on November 22nd ) Tigers Scouting for Food Door hangers will be distributed by 11-08. On 11-15, collected food should be dropped off at Stew. Elem. before 12 PM. At that time we will deliver the food to the designated charity. Stewartstown Elementary School Clean-Up Project November 15th Every year we clean up the grounds of the elementary school as a way to show our appreciation for our continued use of the facilities. Please mark this date on your calendars. We always have lots of fun, and the Pack provides pizza for all who attend. December Events In December, we will have our Pack Meeting and Christmas party on the 17th. Before the Pack meeting begins, we will make fruit baskets for the 1st Year Webelos to deliver to the Senior Center the following day. We ask that each family makes 2 doz. cookies: 1 doz. for the fruit baskets, and 1 doz. for our party. We also have our annual Bowling Party in December. This year it is on the 27th, at Springwood Bowling Center. The time will be announced at a later date. October Advancements Den 8 2nd Year Webelo Den 3 Raven Patrol Soccer Belt Loop: Joshua Bakalyar Patrick Clemens Christopher Colon Foster Hoyt Luke Miles Soccer Pin: Patrick Clemens Bears Wolf Den 4 Den 2 Baseball Belt Loop: Nick Andersen Jacob Horner Bobcat Badge: Jack Simms Bears Den 7 Wolf Badge: Ronald Manser Family Member& Traveler Activity Pins: Anthony Arnicar Tyler Barrett Brady David Compass Point: Anthony Arnicar Tyler Barrett Brady David Do you know anyone interested in joining Scouting? If you know a boy in the 1st through 5th grades, ask him if he would like to join Pack 27. You could earn a Recruiter Patch! Ask him to come with a parent to our next Pack Meeting, and invite him to your Den Meetings so that he can learn about the Pack. Registration can be done any time of year, so if you know someone who’s interested, invite them to a meeting and ask them to call Mike Paules or Eric Arnicar. Vacant Positions • • • • • • • • Den Leader Coach Tiger Cub Coach Webelos Den Leader Coach Public Relations Chairperson Activities Chairperson Fundraising Chairperson Pack Training Chairperson Pack Historian Halloween Fun Materials *Construction paper *Colored markers *Tape *Cotton swabs *Thread or string * White printing paper * Scissors *Clear mineral or baby oil *Jar lid (to hold some oil) * Old newspaper to keep everything clean --------------------------------------------------------------------------Draw a pumpkin shape on construction paper and cut out. -Cut out 2 triangle shaped holes for eyes -Cut 2 rectangles from the white paper for the eye opening. These will later be taped onto the back of the pumpkin, so make them bigger than the eyeholes. -Put your pumpkin on the other side of the room. -Use a yellow marker to color 1 side of ea. rectangle. -Place rectangles, colored side up on some newspaper. -Place a little oil in the jar lid. -Dip a cotton swab into the oil and carefully paint the entire rectangle. The paper will become translucent. Only use a little oil at a time. -Leave the oiled rectangles to dry on some newspaper. -Clean up any oil that is spilled or on your hands, clean the jar lid. -Get your pumpkin and use markers to draw the rest of its face. -When the rectangles are dry, tape one over ea. eye opening. Have the uncolored side facing the front. Use tape on all 4 sides. -Use a small piece of tape to attach your suncatcher to the window, or use a string to hang. What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frostbite... Why do witches use brooms to fly on? Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy... How do witches keep their hair in place while flying? With scare spray... What do you get when you cross a werewolf and a vampire? A fur coat that fangs around your neck... Why don't skeletons go out on the town? Because they have no body to go out with... What do ghosts add to their morning cereal? Booberries... What is a vampire's favorite holiday? Fangsgiving... What did one ghost say to the other ghost? "Do you believe in people?" What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's corn flakes? A cereal killer... Why do mummies have trouble keeping friends? They're too wrapped up in themselves... Pack Contacts: • • Mike Paules Cubmaster 669.1517 Eric Arnicar Committee Chair 993.0489 Newsletter Feedback: *Cindy Bauer: 993.5536 Halloween Websites: http://www.bry-backmanor.org/holidayfun/ween.html (for younger kids) http://www.gilchriststudios.com/screams/main.asp (monster comic for older kids) http://www.rainbow-magic.com/holidays/halloween/index.html (frightful fun) http://www.jack-o-lantern.com/patterns/patterns.html (pumpkin carving patterns) http://www.trickortreats.com/ (Halloween safety quiz) *Christine Balesteri: [email protected] Once Upon a Time Websites: *Renee Arnicar: [email protected] http://hca.gilead.org.il/ (the stories of Hans Christian Andersen) http://www.nationalgeographic.com/grimm/ (Grimms Fairy Tales) http://www.darsie.net/talesofwonder/ (tales from around the world)
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