installing ulster uniweave axminster carpet ®

installing ulster uniweave axminster carpet
Ulster’s proprietary Uniweave® electronic jacquard weaving
system revolutionized the Axminster carpet industry. The
process allows field, border and outfill to be woven as one
piece. As a result, Uniweave® has dramatically reduced the
difficulty of managing installations in even the most
elaborate settings. In particular, the Uniweave® system
minimizes the number of seams. At installation, the carpet
Installing Ulster Uniweave
Axminster Carpet
is laid roll by roll, in widths up to 15 ft., with single, straight
seams as opposed to seaming together isolated elements
like a puzzle.
The Uniweave® package includes:
1. Labelled rolls of carpet
2. Project control sheet
3. Seaming diagrams
4. Production diagram of each roll
Since a Uniweave® roll includes the field, border and outfill together
as one piece, do not cut out the design elements! This is not a
traditional woven Axminster roll of carpet.
Ulster recommends that all contract carpets be installed in
accordance with the industry standards and best practices:
North America- Carpet and Rug Insitute CRI 104 + 105
UK/Europe- BS 5325
Australia/New Zealand- AS/NZS 2455:1:1995
All installers must have experience in the installation of Axminster
carpet with at least 3 projects of equal size
U N I W E AV E ®
Ritz Carlton New Orleans | HBA/Hirsch Bedner Associates | Russ Bryant, photographer
completed within the last 5 years. Installers must be certified by Ulster Carpets and:
North America- approved by the Floor Covering Installation Board, and a member of the FCIA program or the INSTALL (International
Standards & Training Alliance) program.
UK- CFA, NICF or NVQ Accredited
There are two approaches to installing Ulster Uniweave® Axminster carpets: “direct-glue” and
“double-stick” methods.
The direct-glue installation method involves the direct adhesion of the carpet to the floor. This
method is usually chosen where absolute stability of the carpet is required, such as in areas
where a wheeled apparatus is operated.
Direct-glue installations provide excellent dimensional stability, because the carpet is anchored
to the floor, eliminating rippling. In direct-glue installations, Ulster recommends:
North America- Parachem #902 adhesive.
UK/Europe- GRIPPERODS 3619 Premium Bond Adhesive to be used.
Australia/New Zealand- Polymer 227 or 228 adhesive.
Cover photos 1&2: Ritz Carlton New Orleans |
HBA/Hirsch Bedner Associates | Russ Bryant,
The double-stick installation method combines the proven benefits of the highest-quality underlay
with the total stability of a direct-glue method. Double-stick solves the problems of rucking and
appearance retention by using a release adhesive between the underlay and the subfloor and a
permanent adhesive between the carpet and the underlay. The sturdier the underlay, the more
dimensionally stable the carpet will be.
In double-stick installations, Ulster recommends:
3: The Ritz, London | Xebec Design
North America- Tred-Mor Premium Carpet Cushions, Parachem #902 for carpet to underlay, Parachem #4277 adhesive for underlay
4: Mandarin Oriental Miami | HBA/Hirsch Bedner
to floor.
Associates | Russ Bryant, photographer
UK/Europe- Duralay Durafit underlay. Gripperrods 3619 adhesive for carpet to underlay. Gripperrods 3616 adhesive for underlay to
Australia/New Zealand- Polymer 227/228 adhesive for carpet to underlay. Roberts 65/Polymer 999 adhesive for underlay to floor.
Care must be taken at all times when handling and storing Ulster
1. Storage facilities must be clean and dry.
2. Flat bins should be provided to store the carpet off the ground.
3. Carpet rolls are not to be stacked more than three (3) rolls high.
4. Carpet should be stored in a temperature-controlled environment.
5. Carpet must not be bent or folded. If it is necessary to fold
the carpet to enter a building, any bending or folding should
be minimized.
6. Carpet should be transported on dollies with carpet cradles.
7. Forklifts should be equipped with carpet booms.
8. Carpet should be rolled out on the substrate of the space to be
installed and allowed to condition overnight.
Climate Conditions for Proper Installation
Be sure floor temperature is at least 68 degrees for 24 hours before
and after installation. It is very important that the carpet and adhesives
be stored on site at the same temperature as the areas to be carpeted.
Australia/New Zealand- Ambient temperature range for installation should be 10-35 degrees
celsius for 24 hours before and after installation.
Site Preparation
The subfloor must be free of cracks, ridges, depressions and foreign
deposits. If existing material is to be removed, the subfloor must be
returned to original surface; all adhesives, dust and debris must be
removed. Do not install carpet over concrete slabs until slabs have cured
and are sufficiently dry to bond with the adhesive. Verify with the underlay
and adhesive manufac-turer on the acceptable moisture content of the
concrete slab before installing carpet.
Control Sheet
Every Ulster Uniweave® job is accompanied by a control sheet (fig. 1).
The control sheet includes information invaluable for the successful completion of an Uniweave®
installation. Since each carpet roll is unique, it must be installed in the location for which it was
designed. The control sheet guides the installer. It details the roll number, the area which the roll is
to cover, the production number of the roll, the piece number of the roll, the length of the roll, the
total square feet of the roll, and any special instructions. The control sheet is used in conjunction
with a production diagram of each roll (fig. 3) and the seaming diagrams (fig. 2) for the project.
Seaming Plan Diagrams
The seaming diagram (fig. 2) overlays the roll sequencing with the floor plan. The seaming plan
graphically shows where each roll is to be laid and notes the roll number, production number and
piece number. Each roll of Ulster carpet is numbered on the wrapping, and the carpet back, and
is tagged. This numbering corresponds with the control sheet and seaming plan diagrams. Each
carpet roll is unique. It must be installed in the location noted on the roll, control sheet and
seaming diagram.
Underlay and Adhesives
There are many different types of underlay available. To install correctly:
1. Lay the underlay of firm construction in the longest possible lengths. The underlay should
be laid to avoid carpet and underlay seams coinciding.
2. Leave no wrinkles on the surface of the underlay.
3. For concrete or other hard subfloors, the underlay must be secured to the subfloor at the
perimeter and all seams, and fully glued with:
North America- Parachem #4277
UK/Europe- Gripperrods 3616
Australia/Asia- Roberts 65 or Polymer 999 adhesive
4. For securing the carpet to the underlay, Ulster recommends:
North America- Parachem #902 adhesive
UK/Europe- Gripperrods 3619 adhesive
Australia/New Zealand- Polymer 227/228 adhesive
For a double-stick installation, adhesives should be applied using a:
North America- “U”-shaped, notched trowel with a minimum notch size of 1/8 inch by 1/8 inch x 1/16 inch.
UK/Europe- Notched trowel or foam roller (Gripperrods 3616), b2 notched trowel (Gripperrods 3619).
Australia/New Zealand- V-shaped notched trowel.
For a direct-glue installation, Ulster recommends:
North America- The adhesive should be applied using a 1/8-inch x 1/8 inch “V”-shaped, notched
UK/Europe- b2 notched trowel.
Australia/New Zealand- “V”-shaped, notched trowel.
Use a sufficient number of installers to spread the adhesive in the recommended open time.
Continually check the trowel to maintain notch size. Incorrect application or incorrect open time
may cause lack of adhesion. A 100 percent transfer of adhesive into the carpet backing must be
obtained, as well as full coverage of the substrate.Ulster has numerous successful installations
using the recommended underlay and adhesives. Before using any substitute, it is important to
check compatibility of underlay, carpet and adhesives with the adhesive manufacturer.
Conventional Axminster Carpet Pattern Repeats
In conventional Axminster carpets, there are two basic types of pattern matching used: self match
and drop match. The distance along the length of the carpet between two identical parts of the
design is called the “pattern repeat.” A self match (also referred to as straight match or set match)
is a pattern which compliments itself directly across the carpeting width from selvage edge to
selvage edge (fig.4).Most drop match patterns are “half-drop.” The half-drop match is a design in
which the complimentary part of the pattern, matches itself diagonally (up or down) across the
carpeting width from selvage edge to selvage edge (fig.5).The conventional Axminster pattern
repeats do not apply to Ulster Uniweave®.
Dry Laying
Once subfloor preparation is completed, and in double-stick installations when
the pad is laid, Ulster recommends dry laying the carpet rolls for at least 24
hours (fig. 6). Refer to the roll sequencing detailed in the control sheet (fig. 1)
and seaming plan diagrams (fig. 2). Dry laying allows the carpet to become
acclimated to the climate of the room and allows the installer to become aware
of the carpet design and proper sequencing. Once carpet is dry laid, you can
determine the longest pattern repeat, the pattern match and the constraints of
the room to the carpet.
NOTE: Ulster carpet is woven with 100 percent synthetic backing. Therefore, it
is not possible to shrink the carpet by wetting. It is important to always work to
the longest pattern repeat and stretch those rolls that have a lesser repeat to
ensure a pattern match.
Cutting and Seam Preparation
Every Ulster Uniweave® job includes a control sheet (fig. 1), seaming plan
diagrams (fig. 2) and a printout of each roll (fig. 3). Each roll of Ulster carpet is
labeled with the roll number, piece number and production number. Study these
carefully before cutting and installing the carpet. Ulster Uniweave® weaves the
field, border and outfill together as one piece on the roll. Do not cut out the
design elements!
SELVAGE EDGE (selvage will be
1. Cut the lengths of carpet in a manner to properly align the pattern and
produce a matched seam.
2. To ensure a good seam it is necessary to trim the selvage (not face yarn).
Use a loop pile or cushion back cutter (fig. 7, 8).
3. To seal the edge it is important to apply a 1/8-inch (3.2 mm) continuous
bead of seam adhesive to the cut edge (fig. 9). Being careful not to
disturb the yarn at the cut, apply the seam adhesive then immediately
press the adhesive into the base of the pile with your thumb. Do not rub!
Ulster recommends:
North America- Parachem M-163 Seam Adhesive or equal.
UK/Europe- Gripperrods GR6568 Edge Sealer
Australia/New Zealand- Polymer 500 Seam Adhesive
Power Stretching
In direct-glue and double-stick installation methods, Ulster Axminster carpet must
be power stretched, both lengthwise and widthwise (fig. 10).
1. Adhere the carpet to the underlay up to the seam, leaving the
seam open.
2. Use a Robert’s Senior Stretcher #10-222 or its equal.
3. Trim carpet properly at all perimeters and openings. Firmly and neatly
tuck the edges into the gully between tackless strip and
wall or opening.
4. Do not attempt to stretch more than 36 ft. at a time, either lengthwise or
5. Use control lines (chalk lines) every other pattern repeat to line up pattern
lengths and widths (fig. 10).
6. Seam carpet.
Seaming/Hot Melt Tape
For direct-glue installations and as an alternate to hot melt tape in double-stick
installations, to prevent fraying and unraveling at seams, a 1/8 inch (3.2 mm)
continuous bead of seam adhesive should be applied to the base of the first
edge where the face yarn enters the backing (fig. 11). This will seal the first
control line
edge as well as the second when the edges are butted together to form
the seam.
For double-stick installation, use hot melt tape (fig. 11). The carpet
must have a matchable pattern and 100 percent synthetic backing. Use
Orcon #3 DS (Double Stick) Super Orcon seaming tape, or its equal.
Australia/New Zealand- Roberts 50-350, Polymer 190 Seaming Tape, or
Test for adhesive bond. Pre-test for proper heat setting to keep from
distorting face fibers, and use a heat shield on the iron.
1. Butt two prepared pieces of fitted carpet the full length of the
seam. Stay nail if necessary with a temporary stretch.
2. Roll out tape and center under seam (fig. 11).
3. Apply pre-heated iron on tape at starting point long enough to
adequately melt the adhesive (fig. 12).
4. Start at the end of the seam and move the iron in the same
direction as the pile sweep of the carpet. If the carpet seam is
long, it may be necessary to start at the center of the matched
seam, then proceed to the end.
5. Slide the iron at steady speed (about 3 ft./min.) pressing the
carpet into the adhesive behind the iron with a seam roller to
achieve optimum transfer of adhesive to the carpet backing.
6. Slide a seam weight, Chapco CH 5483, behind the iron to keep
the carpet flat as the tape cools (fig. 13). Allow sufficient cooling
time before stretching.
Installation on Stairs
If certain precautions are not taken, carpet life may be reduced between
1/7 and 1/5 on stairways. Carpets laid on stairs will wear better when
the pile lay is in the down-the-stair direction because the thrust of the
feet will be in the same direction as the lay of the pile. Seams should
never be positioned across the stair nosings unless protective nosings
are to be installed. Protective nosings, either plastic or aluminum strips,
cover the edge of the stair to provide a safe foothold and to protect the
stair edge from undue wear.
On the completion of the job, remember to:
1. Leave usable carpet off-cuts with the client unless otherwise
2. Ensure that any surface protrusions are trimmed off and that
seams are napped where necessary.
3. Remove all surface litter and vacuum the carpet. Ulster
recommends the use of commercial-type vacuum cleaners with
strong suction and power-driven brushes with or without a beater
bar. Vacuum cleaners with a brush and beater bar are the most
effective for removing soil and raising pile on Axminster carpets
installed using the double-stick method. Vacuum cleaners with
brushes but without beater bars are best for direct-glue
4. Allow adhesives to cure, and keep traffic and job-site applied
protective materials, such as plastic or masonite, off newly
installed carpet for a minimum of 24 hours.
Ulster Carpets, Castleisland Factory, Craigavon, N.Ireland BT62 1EE
T: +44(0) 28 3833 4433
F: +44(0) 28 3833 3142
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