Dr. Alison Gandre Principles of Bio-In’s Health Optimization Diet Hydrate Water flushes toxins and impurities out of your system by helping both the kidneys and the bowel to maintain their normal functions -– the elimination ofng waste. By removing wastes and toxins, water creates favourable conditions for probiotics. Hydration increases the amount of mucus which is creates the medium for the attachment and accommodation of beneficial bacteria. Proper hydration can reduce or eradicate hHealth complaints that stemcame down fromto being under-hydrated: constipation, poor metabolism, reduced immune function and foggy thinking, lightheadednesslight-headedness, dry skin, etc. The fFormula forto calculating yourte water needs is, as follows: take your weight in pounds and divide it in half. This is the number of fluid ounces that you need for basic functioning. Add more when sweating or at altitude. For example, if you weigh 60 kg (multiplied by 2.2= 132 kg), you would need 66 fluid ounces of water a day or roughly 2 Liters for basic cellular functioning. If you have an intense 45 minute workout, add another liter. The best time to drink a glass of water is between meals or 20 minutes or more before eating. Avoid all plastic bottles as plastic contains various endocrine disruptors. Instead of plastic, opt for glass or stainless steel bottles. Filter you water to lower exposure to heavy metals, microbes and environmental toxins. Caffeinated beverages do not count toward your fluid intake as they are diuretic. Caffeine irritates the gut and may also create an inflammatory response. Eat Organic Foods. Avoid Consumption of Chemical Toxins Organic foods do not contain toxic chemicals: pesticides, solvents, herbicides. It is also free of antibiotics and hormones. Pesticides are neurotoxic, carcinongenic and contain heavy metals that accumulate in the tissues. Neurotoxic pesticides contribute to neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Heavy metals, like the mercury and lead found in pesticides, damage nerve function and lower IQ. Pesticides and other toxins kill probiotics and inhibit their attachment and growth in the intestines. Solvents damage white blood cells, reducing our ability to fight off infections. Herbicide preparations have been shown to damage human DNA even when diluted to concentrations 450 times less than those used in agricultural preparations. Glyphosate, the main compound used in herbicide formulas, interferes with the life cycle of beneficial bacteria in the human gut. When beneficial bacteria are reduced, pathological organisms take over, and the delicate health balance is lost. Key researchers in this area believe the widespread use of glyphosate and associated chemicals is a major factor in the sharp increase seen in neurological disorders and chronic inflammatory conditions. Avoid “non-stick” and aluminium pots and pans. Use non-toxic ceramic or stainless steel instead. Organic produce to be higher in vitamin C, minerals and phytochemicals like resveratrol, which is an efficient antioxidant and exhibits strong anti-aging properties. Eat a Predominantly Plant-based diet from a rainbow of colors Get a minimum of 8 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit a day for optimal health and disease prevention. Plant-based diets containing generous amounts of vegetables, fruits, beans, seeds, nuts and whole grains are high in fiber. Fibertha is known to contribute to the functioning oft supports a healthy digestive tract by stimulating peristalsis. Fibers (inulin, pectines, cellulose, oligosaccharides, etc) which become the substrate for the probiotics and stimulate their growth. FThe fibers also helpaid the expulsion of to push away the wastes through the intestines and tocontribute to detoxification detoxify. The resulting rReduced amount of wastes, toxins, heavy metals and free radicals in the intestine creates a better environment in the intestineimproves the intest inal medium for the the establishment and growth of probiotics and fascilitate their growth. Most fof fruits and vegetables exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. This means that they can help to greatly improve and in this way improve the function of the epithelium and the composition of the mucous layer, both of which areis crucially of crucial importantce for the establishment and growthadhesion and proliferation of probiotics on the walls of the n the walls of intestines. Plant foods also have various compounds that kill germs and parasites and benefit thee microflora balance of microflora. Eating a predominantly plant-based diet is ideal, including small amounts of animal protein, like mercury-free fish and organic eggs, provides a more balanced, optimal nutritional intake. Eating a rainbow of colors of vegetables and fruit helps to prevent chronic diseases. Vegetables and fruit contain cell-regenerative phytochemicals and protective antioxidants: -- The carotene phytochemicals found in dark-colored vegetables, like yams and kale, are potent antioxidants and enhance immune function. -- Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cabbage, contain phytochemicals that aid in detoxification and have anti-tumor activity. -- Flavanoids in dark berries protect the vascular system and have direct antitumor activity. -- Polyphenols in green tea and cacao block cancer formation. -- Isoflavanoids found in soy and legumes modulate estrogen receptors and lower estrogen-related cancer risk. -- Lignans, found in seeds and nuts beneficially modulate hormone receptors and scavenge free radicals. Do not overconsume animal protein The higher the intake of meat and animal foods, the higher the risk of heart disease and cancer. It is because animal protein lacks the cell-protective phytochemicals, fiber and antioxidants found in plant foods. Partially or non-digested proteins become the toxic material both for human cells as well as probiotics. More to add such proteins become the substrate for the pathogenic microorganisms which compete with probiotics .probiotics. Animals tend to concentrate pesticide and herbicide residues in their tissues, making conventional meat especially harmful. One type of bacterium (bilophila) that flourishes under athe meat-rich diet has been linked to inflammation and intestinal diseases, and is a causal agent in the development of kidney disease, osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and hypersensitivity reactions. TheThe dominance of thheseese bacteria in an individual has also beenis also linked towith obesity. Like herbivores, humans have long digestive tracts and a liver that can only process a small amount of cholesterol. Increased consumption of animal protein increases the likelihood of uric acid crystallizing, depositing in tissues and joints, and stressing the kidneys. Eat Whole Foods Every living cell in our body is made from energy we consume. You literally are what you eat. If you consume vital, organic living foods, it shows in the health of your cells. Whole foods are foods in their original form. A fresh apple, almonds, raw baby spinach and whole cooked millet are examples of whole foods. Processed packaged and canned foods are “dead” foods void of enzymes and markedly reduced in nutrient density. You can’t expect to eat a diet of processed empty foods and feel vitalized. Processed foods tend to contain chemical preservatives, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, synthetic trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, and artificial colors. Nutrients are lost in the processing and the synthetic nutrients added back in can cause more harm than good. Natural nutrients are essential for the probiotics and stimulate their growth. Avoid processed foods like dry cereals, canned vegetables and packaged snack foods. Making a diet of fresh, healthy foods a priority is worth a little extra time in the kitchen and little extra money on the grocery bill. Feeling good in your body, having the energy to do the things you love, and preventing chronic medical problems is worth it. Identify and eliminate any allergenic foods FA food allerallergiesgy occurs suddenly when the immune system reacts suddenly to certain food proteins, even if only a tiny amount of such proteins has been consumed even in a tiny amount. Such allergic reactionsIt may be even be life-threatening. After eating a food allergen, the body produces antibodies that can bind to that food or potentially cross-react with normal tissue, resulting in an autoimmune reaction. Allergens can cause inflammation, histamine release, mucous production, digestive disorders or even anaphylaxis. Food intolerance is another reaction to allergenic food. ThisIt is usually caused by the absence of thean enzyme needed to fully digest a food. Food intolerance does not trigger a response in the immune system but the symptoms may be similar (stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea). Allergenic and intolerant foods are not digested properly, causing more stress to the liver, kidneys and other organs of detoxification. Reactions to intolerant foods can range from congestion and mood disturbance to migraines and severe gastric distress. Some common food reactions include: foggy thinking, bloating, water retention, headaches, skin inflammation, migraines, digestive disturbance, pain conditions and mood disturbances. The most common intolerant foods are wheat (and other gluten-containing grains), dairy, eggs, certain fish and shellfish, tree nuts, corn, soy, and peanuts are the most common allergenic foods. Start from completely eliminating gluten. ThisIt is found in wheat, most oats (because of contamination), spelt, rye and barley. Allowed pseudo grains (because they are technically not grainsgrains; such products) include quinoa, millet and amaranth. Due to natural and unnatural methods used to increase the protein content of wheat, the gluten molecules have literally changed, making it difficult to digest and assimilate. Continue with eliminating dairy (except organic pasture butter or ghee from grazing cows only eating organic grass. Butter from cows eating only grass is high in healthy fatty acids). ThIt is is often responsible for congestion, post-nasal drip and chronic ear infections. Dairy also tends to be often contaminated with chemicals from farming methods and processing. Try eliminating potentially problematic foods by completely eliminating it for several weeks while adhering to the health-promoting diet. One food is tested on one day, waiting three days before testing another food. The challenged food should not be consumed on days 2 and 3. Food allergies and intolerances may be tested with various labs or the gold standard “elimination and challenge diet.” Lack of beneficial flora in the gastrointestinal tract increases one’s risk of having multiple food intolerances. Remember that your life is built on the choices you make. One of the few things we can control is what we put into our bodies. Nourishing your body with live, organic, nutrient-dense foods is arguably the most beneficial act you can do for your health. Aim to make “Bio-In’s Health Optimization Diet” a life-long habit. And don’t forget to exercise. Move your body every day to a sweat to promote elimination through the pores. Pay attention to your breath; inhale and take long exhales to promote proper oxygenation and CO2 elimination. probiotics just got smart bio-in.co
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