CALL FOR R PAPERS BIOMA A 201 16 T The 7th In nternational Confeerence on n Biioinspired d Optimizzation Meethods and d their Ap pplication ns 18-20 May M 2016 6, Bled, Sloovenia Progra am Committee Gregor Papa, P Chair Jožef Stefan S Institute, Ljubljana Marjan Mernik, M Chair Universsity of Maribor Thomass Bartz-Beielsteinn Cologn ne University of Applied Sciiences, Köln Christian Blum Universsity of the Basque Country, San Sebastian Janez Brrest Universsity of Maribor Dirk Bü üche MAN Diesel D & Turbo, Zürich Carlos A. A Coello Coello CINVE ESTAV-IPN, Mexico Carlos Cotta C Universsity of Malaga Rolf Dreechsler Universsity of Bremen A. E. Eiiben VU University, Amsterdam Bogdan Filipič Jožef Stefan S Institute, Ljubljana Peter Ko orošec Jožef Stefan S Institute, Ljubljana Barbara Koroušić-Seljakk The sevventh bienniaal BIOMA co onference wiill be held in Bled, Sloven nia. The purppose of the BIO OMA conferrence is to provide a forrum for pressentation and d discussion of the latest theoretical t aand applied results in bioinspired op optimization methods andd their applica ations. Authoors will also o have the opportunity o tto present th heir softwaree tools and casse-studies. Jožef Stefan S Institute, Ljubljana Shih-Hssi Liu Califorrnia State University, Fresnno Goran Martinović M J. J. Strrossmayer University of Ossijek JJ Marello Universsity of Grenada Edmond do Minisci Universsity of Strathclyde, Glasgow w Nalini N Nitte Meenakshi M Institute of Technnology, Bangalore Nadia Nedjah N State University U of Rio de Janeiro Frank Neumann N The Un niversity of Adelaide Mario Pavone P Universsity of Catania Borut Robič R Universsity of Ljubljana Franciszzek Seredynski Cardinal Stefana Wyszynski Univeersity, Warsaw Jurij Šilc Jožef Stefan S Institute, Ljubljana El-Ghazzali Talbi Universsity of Lille Jim Tørrresen Universsity of Oslo Tea Tuššar Jožef Stefan S Institute, Ljubljana Rasmus Kjær Ursem Conferrence Topicss Prosspective authhors are inviited to submiit original paapers (not beeing considerred for pressentation or ppublication elsewhere) describing d thheoretical orr applied ressearch. Pap pers addresssing real-wo orld applica ations are eespecially welcome. w Arreas of interrest includde Evolutio onary Comp putation, SSwarm Inteelligence, Neural N Com mputation, A Artificial Life L and reelated bioinnspired meethods, and their applications in sscience, engiineering and business. Keynote Speakerss Thomas Bartz-B Beielstein (Co ologne Univeersity of Appplied Sciencess, Germany) Paper Submission n Fulll papers in English nott exceeding 12 pages arre invited. Papers P havee to be form matted accorrding to the BIOMA B temp plate, and subbmitted in PD DF format thhrough the conference c ssubmission webpage. w All submissionss will be peerr-reviewed byy three mem mbers of the iinternational Program Committee. C Proceeedings All accepted a pappers with pa aid registratiion fee will bbe published d in the confference procceedings thaat will be available a at the conferennce. The Prroceedings will w be subm mitted for inddexation to several s major databases. Grundffos A/S, Bjerringbro Massimiliano Vasile Universsity of Strathclyde, Glasgow w Vida Vu ukašinović Jožef Stefan S Institute, Ljubljana Xin-Shee Yang Middleesex University London Aleš Zam muda Universsity of Maribor Organizzing Committee Jurij Šilc, Chair F Bogdan Filipič Vesna Ko oricki Špetič Peter Korrošec Vida Vuk kašinović Journa al Publicatioons Revised and exxtended versions of seleected paperss from the conference c w be will invited for a subbmission to th he Applied Soft S Computinng (Elsevier)). Importtant Dates Paper subm mission deadlline n of acceptan nce Notification Final paperr deadline 1 Febrruary 2016 15 Marrch 2016 1 Aprill 2016 Furtheer Informatiion htt tp://bioma conference e/2016/
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