Društvo biofizikov Slovenije in Laboratorij za biofiziko (IJS) Vas vabita na biofizikalni seminar: Mukta Kulkarni Laboratorij za biofiziko, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Univerza v Ljubljani ANODIC TiO2 NANOSTRUCTURES: FORMATION AND APPLICATIONS Titanium (Ti) and its alloys have most promising biomaterial properties like high biocompatibility, resistance to body fluid effects, great tensile strength, flexibility and high corrosion resistance. The presentation demonstrates an approach to achieve specific morphologies of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanostructures by electrochemical anodization with optimizing different anodization parameters. These structures have more nano-rough regions and larger surface area, which can promote protein binding and cell adhesion to increase the lifetime of implants and other medical devices. The combination of strength and biocompatibility makes them suitable for their use in medical applications and are thus considered as a “quality-of-life”. The talk will address mainly synthesis and different applications of TiO2 nanostructures. Četrtek, 12. februar 2015, ob 13:15 Seminarska soba fizike na Institutu »Jožef Stefan« (pritličje glavne stavbe, soba 106), Jamova 39, Ljubljana Vljudno vabljeni! Dodatne informacije: [email protected] Društvo biofizikov Slovenije Jamova 39, Ljubljana http://www.drustvo-biofizikov.si/ Laboratorij za biofiziko, F5, IJS Jamova 39, Ljubljana http://lbf.ijs.si/
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