Summary Form: 2015 Return to Seattle Audubon by June 9, 2015 (Don’t forget to write your name, team (optional), and Bird-a-thon day on the front.) # of Species seen: # of Pledge sheets attached: Total $ of pledges paid here: Total $ of pledges paid online: Total $ of GiveBIG pledges: Balance unpaid: Total Pledges*: $ 100% Organic Cotton T-shirt Order Form Name: Address: City: Phone: Men’s Order by Phone: (206) 523-4483 State: Email: Women’s Qty ZIP: Payment Information Enclosed is my check payable to ____ XS Seattle Audubon. ____ S Charge my Visa MC AmEX ____ M CC#_____________________________ ____ L Exp________CVV#(on back)__________ XL ____ Total Qty ____X $15.00 = ________ FREE Nature Shop Pick-up OR Ship (+$5.00) =____ $ TOTAL DUE S M L XL Mail to Seattle Audubon Society 8050 35th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115 One FREE for Qualifying Bird-a-thoners (see above) 2015 Participant Tool Kit Participant Name: Team Name (optional): Bird-a-thon Date: Good luck and have fun! Seattle Audubon Society 8050 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 2 Get Outside & Count Birds •Choose any 24-hour window during the month of May for your Bird-a-thon “Big Day.” •Plan your own trip, join an SAS field trip, or head out into the field with your team. 3 •Contact your sponsors and share your successful birding adventure stories! •Collect pledges and return your pledge sheets and Collect Pledges & summary form (included here) to Seattle Audubon by June 9, 2015. Report Results 4 Make checks payable to Seattle Audubon Society. If your workplace provides employer matching, we will send you a matching gift form. Gather Support •Share your love of birds and nature with friends and family. •Ask for support of your Bird-a-thon and Seattle Audubon’s work in your community. •Collect pledges in person (forms included) or online. Name: Phone: Email: 1 Seattle Audubon Bird-a-thon 2015 Pledge Sheet Register •Register to participate online at •Personalize your page with pictures & videos. Seattle Audubon is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Tax ID # 91-6009716 Get Started: Team: Address: HOW-TO LAUNCH YOUR BIRD-A-THON!
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