2014 GIVING GUIDE COMMUNITY FOOD SHARE Bigger facility in Louisville helping meet bigger need 16 Sponsored by: Nov. 22 - Dec. 5, 2013 Directory of nonprofits serving Boulder and Broomfield counties 29 Foothills United Way Flood recovery. And much more. With generous support from caring individuals, corporations, and foundations, Foothills United Way immediately responded to the Colorado flooding, helping families make it through the initial phase of displacement. Now, we’re helping with rebuilding. During this crisis and every day, Foothills United Way continues our mission to strengthen our community by investing in education, financial stability, health and basic needs in Boulder and Broomfield counties. FoothillsUnitedWay.org FUW-130X GivingGuide_FP_Ad7.25x9.75hFINAL.indd 1 Foothills United Way 11/3/13 8:46 AM GIVING GUIDE 2014 Build Your Business While Brightening the Lives of Boulder County Youth Realities for Children Boulder County Realities for Children Boulder County (RFCBC) is a nonprofit cause marketing organization dedicated to serving the needs of abused, neglected and at-risk youth. Through the support of our business members, we are able to provide vital services to children in need: - Emergency funding - College scholarships - Special activities for at-risk children and more Business Members receive numerous benefits: - Tremendous marketing value Advertising opportunities Exposure at community events Exclusive networking opportunities Learn how you can support local youth today! www.rfcbc.org | (720) 420-9780 Thanks to our business members’ support, 100% of donations go directly toward assisting youth and contributions are never applied to nonprofit agency overhead. Learn more at www.rfcbc.org. Realities for Children Boulder County 3970 Broadway, Ste. 201E | Boulder, CO 80304 www.rfcbc.org | 720.420.9780 Ad Sponsored by Boulder County Business Report Boulder County Business Report 3 4 GIVING GUIDE 2014 2014 GIVING GUIDE INSIDE LETTER FROM OUR SPONSOR 30 FOOTHILLS UNITED WAY NONPROFITS’ NEW ERA FOOTHILLS UNITED WAY COMMUNITY FOOD SHARE TRAILS COALITION NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS 8 12 16 22 26, 28 ADVERTISERS INDEX ON THE COVER: James Baldwin, CEO of Community Food Share, in the nonprofit’s new facility in Louisville. Photograph by Jonathan Castner. Attention Homes .................... 6 Avista Adventist Hospital........ 48 Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center ....................... 7 Colorado Group .................. 25 Community Food Share.......... 7 The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County ........ 5 Emergency Family Assistance Association ............................ 3 Exempla Good Samaritan Foundation .......................... 27 Flatirons Habitat for Humanity 7 Foothills United Way ....... 10-11, ......................inside front cover Humane Society of Boulder Valley ................... 5 Imagine! ...........................14-15 Longmont Community Foundation .....................18-19 Longmont Museum and Cultural Center .......20-21 Realities for Children Boulder County.................... 3 Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence .................... 3 Sister Carmen Community Center ............ 17 YMCA of Boulder Valley........ 25 PUBLISHER Christopher Wood........................ [email protected] PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Dave Thompson.................... [email protected] EDITOR Doug [email protected] WEB DIRECTOR Chase [email protected] COPY EDITOR Dallas Heltzell.......................... [email protected] WEB DESIGNER Denise Schwartz..................... [email protected] WRITERS Joshua Lindenstein [email protected] Beth Potter.................................. [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT OF SALES Myles Fuchs................................ [email protected] RESEARCH DIRECTOR Mariah [email protected] DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Kevin [email protected] All data for GIVING GUIDE 2014, as well as news archives, industry lists and directories published by newspapers of BizWest Media LLC, now can be accessed online by subscribing to DataBank at www.BCBR.com. Directory also available on CD-ROM. Copyright 2013. BizWest Media LLC. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content without written permission is prohibited. The Boulder County Business Report (USPS 018-522, ISSN 1528-6320) Is published biweekly, with an extra issue in December, by BizWest Media LLC, a Colorado corporation, 3180 Sterling Circle, Suite 201,Boulder Colorado, 80301-2338. Periodical Postage Paid at Boulder, CO and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions are $49.97. International subscriptions are $180.00. POSTMASTER; Send change of address notices to: The Boulder County Business Report, P.O. Box 270810, Fort Collins, CO 80527. (303) 440-4950 Fax: (303) 440-8954 E-mail:[email protected] Web: www.BCBR.com NONPROFIT DIRECTORY Animals 29 Arts and Culture 29 Child/Youth 32 Community 33 Education 34 Emergency 36 Environment 36 Family 37 Foundations 38 Gay and Lesbian 38 Health 38 Human Services 40 International 42 Public Benefit 43 Religion 44 Science 44 Seniors 44 Service Organizations 44 Social Justice 45 Sports and Recreation 45 Women 46 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Storm Hostetter...................... [email protected] Scott [email protected] CIRCULATION MANAGER Janet Hatfield............................. [email protected] CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Jonathan Castner, Peter Wayne CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Valerie Gleaton, Heather McWilliams, Jeff Thomas, Michelle Venus BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT 3180 Sterling Circle, Suite 201, Boulder, Colo. 80301-2338, is published biweekly by BizWest Media LLC, a Colorado corporation, in Boulder, Colo. Subscriptions: $49.97, includes annual Book of Lists. Save $10, subscribe for two years, $89.97; Save $20, subscribe for three years, $129.97. Subscribe to Boulder County Business Report and Northern Colorado Business Report, includes both annual Book of Lists, $89.97. Subscribe to Wyoming Business Report, $19.97. Subscribe online at www.BCBR.com, www. NCBR.com or www.WyomingBusinessReport. com Boulder County Business Report 5 GIVING GUIDE 2014 SPONSOR LETTER FOOTHILLS UNITED WAY O nce again, our community has been tested by Mother Nature, and Foothills United Way has seen the best of human nature. Neighbors have rolled up their sleeves to help one another and strangers from across the globe have donated to flood victims they will never meet. While the devastation of the flooding will not be forgotten, neither will the spirit of compassion and fortitude. This spirit represents Foothills United Way’s motto: LIVE UNITED. Today we are leading the flood recovery efforts through collaboration with vital community partners. Working together inspires an innovative and effective approach that guides our work as Foothills United Way improves education, financial stability, health, and basic needs. These key building blocks lay the foundation for families and individuals in Boulder and Broomfield counties to have the opportunity to succeed. We’re all making a great life here. Maybe it’ s tiMe to give back? The Community Foundation is the place for inspired giving. See how easy it is to make a gift that begins now and continues forever. 1123 Spruce Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 303-442-0436 www.commfound.org T H E B E S T DAY O F 20 1 3 TO save animals As you look through this year’s Giving Guide, consider the ideas, talent and resources you can bring to our community. Whether you give, advocate, or volunteer, when we all work together we lift up the entire community. Together we can accomplish more than we ever can alone. Sincerely, Doug Yeiser President & CEO Foothills United Way Your donation goes further on Tuesday, December 10. givingfirst.org/HSBV Boulder County Business Report 6 GIVING GUIDE 2014 Disaster highlights importance of giving Recent floods show need for nonprofits A nyone doubting the importance of the nonprofit sector needs only review news stories from September 2013, when disastrous floods struck the northern Front Range, including Boulder County. Nonprofit after nonprofit stepped forward to help citizens and businesses alike, offering emergency relief such as food, clothing, shelter and money. From the Community Foundation Serving Boulder County to the Foothills United Way, from the Longmont Community Foundation to Community Food Share, nonprofits stepped forward to provide assistance where it was needed. (And many continue to do so.) The nonprofit sector also has been a conduit for individuals and businesses to donate to worthy causes aimed at flood relieve. Disasters such as the 2013 floods and forest fires of prior years help illustrate the importance of this sector. Yet with that important role come challenges, as demand for services PUBLISHERS balloons. Nonprofits NOTEBOOK are always in need of Christopher Wood volunteers, expertise and funds. The aforementioned nonprofits are just a sampling of the worthy organizations that exist in the Boulder Valley. Readers will find those organizations and hundreds more in the pages of the Giving Guide, produced by the Boulder County Business Report. This publication seeks to identify the key players in the nonprofit sector, serving as a bridge between nonprofits and the individuals who need their services, as well as the businesses and individuals who can contribute time and money. We’re grateful to the sponsors and advertisers who made this publication possible, and to our chief researcher, Mariah Tauer, and research assistant Kiley Gant for their hard work compiling this data. If your nonprofit listing is incorrect, or if your organization is not listed, please email Mariah at [email protected]. Most of all, please use this publication as a resource when considering where you or your business can contribute time, money, goods or services. And let’s remember to always consider the good that comes from nonprofits — not just when a disaster occurs. Christopher Wood can be reached at 303440-4950 or via email at [email protected]. Help create a cycle of possibility for youth in crisis GIVE TODAY: ATTENTIONHOMES.ORG/GIVE Boulder County Business Report 7 GIVING GUIDE 2014 THe CenTrAl SourCe For Food proCuremenT & dISTrIbuTIon, wITH THe goAl oF elImInATIng Food InSeCurITy For All boulder & broomFIeld CounTy reSIdenTS Proudly Celebrating 40 Years Women’s Health was founded in 1973 as a local clinic responding to local needs. Today, we continue to meet the reproductive health care needs of women, men and teens in Boulder and Broomfield counties. When you give your money or time to us, someone in our own community will be directly impacted by your generosity. 303.442.5160 boulderwomenshealth.org Donate securely on our website or contact Suzy, 303-440-9320, ext. 11 or [email protected]. our mission Community Food Share’s mission is to ensure that no one in Boulder and Broomfield Counties goes hungry. $1 = 4 meals How you can help: Make a tax deductible donation through your personal or business account. Donate online at communityfoodshare.org. Participate in a community-wide fund/food drive throughout the year. The donation of non-perishable food items provides the nutritious variety needed by our 47 Member Agencies and our Direct Distribution programs. Building homes, stability and hope Flatirons Habitat for Humanity serves families in the Boulder Valley and the city and county of Broomfield. The organization is proud to build or rehabilitate homes in this community - giving children and hard working parents a place to call home. In addition, our Blueprints program has helped many find peace, hope and stability. Learn about more about our homes, families, programs, and how your donation will help; visit flatironshabitat.org. 1455 Dixon Ave, Suite 210 | Lafayette, CO 80026 flatironshabitat.org | Follow us on Facebook & Twitter Boulder County Business Report Compete in our “Compete to Beat Hunger” Corporate Challenge from May 28 - June 12, 2014. It’s a great way for employees to get involved and learn about local hunger issues. Volunteer at Community Food Share! Our efforts to end hunger go so much further with the help of dedicated volunteers. Community Food Share 650 S. Taylor Ave. Louisville, CO 80027 303-652-3663 www.communityfoodshare.org In 2012, Community Food Share distributed over 7.1 million meals, valued at $11.9 million. All food was distributed free of charge. 8 GIVING GUIDE 2014 NONPROFITS’ NEW ERA Quest for donations changes with needs, trends BY HEATHER McWILLIAMS [email protected] Front Range nonprofits faced novel needs among residents in recent years, spurred by demographic shifts, economic changes and COURTESY EMERGENCY FAMILY ASSISTANCE ASSOCIATION A Children’s Services volunteer plants flowers with the youngsters who are staying in the Emergency Family Assistance Association’s shelter and transitional housing. natural disasters. At the same time, they faced a shifting fundraising landscape as the public migrates toward the Internet and social media for information about charitable causes and monetary giving. The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County recently released its biennial Trends Report, tracking information such as residents’ access to housing, education, the arts and other research regarding quality of life in the county, said Josie Heath, executive director of the foundation. Colorado grew older and more diverse, according to the Trends Report, and Boulder County poverty is on the rise with one in seven residents now living below the poverty line. In addition to research, The Community Foundation does leadership work, encouraging a culture of giving and is a major grant maker. “We’ve given out more that $55 million to nonprofits in our 21 years,” Heath said. The Community Foundation focuses on nonprofits in areas such as health and human services, the environment, education and the arts. The recent flooding prompted people to come forward. “People have come to us to establish individual funds for flood relief,” Heath said. Natural disasters spark additional needs within the community, too – something the Emergency Family Assistance Association has seen. EFAA helps families, seniors and people with disabilities meet basic needs, said Marissa Hallo Tafura, associate director of marketing and development for EFAA. It serves Boulder and Broomfield counties and significantly stepped up its assistance during the recent flood. “We had case workers at the disaster assistance centers ... and hired a temporary case Boulder County Business Report GIVING GUIDE 2014 worker to provide specialized attention for families from the flood,” Hallo Tafura said. EFAA opened transitional housing – furnished apartments in Louisville – for affected families, and provided money or vouchers for some flood-incurred expenses, she said. While the post-flood outpouring of donations has been tremendous, Hallo Tafura said, EFAA still must serve families impacted by the rising tide of poverty in the area. “If people are going to give to a disaster, we hope it won’t change what they would normally give to others,” she said. So far that hasn’t been the case. “We just had our celebration gala ... and we set a record,” Hallo Tafura said, noting that $214,000 was raised this year largely through business sponsorship led by Boulder Brands. Diversity in Colorado increased by 5 percent since 2000, according to the Trends Report, with 30 percent of Coloradans people of color. For Colorado immigrants, a smooth transition into the culture fosters success. Boulder-based Intercambio trains volunteers to teach English and other life skills to immigrants, said Lee Shainis, its executive director and co-founder. The nonprofit serves more than 1,000 immigrants from 60 nations, using around 500 volunteers. Attracting and retaining volunteers is essential. “We always need more volunteers,” Shainis said. The majority of volunteers come to Intercambio through word of mouth, with advertising, print and radio media reach- We’re not much different than where we were a year ago in terms of individual giving, but it seems like grant opportunities have moved away from the arts. BILL OBERMEIER executive director, The Dairy Center for the Arts ing others. The organization reaches out through other venues, too, including speaking at area religious institutions, clubs, and at school and other events. They’re exploring advertising on buses, too. Reaching potential donors has changed, as well. “I think that donors are becoming more engaged and more savvy,” Shainis said. “Nonprofits are walking that fine line between being visible ... without being annoying.” Brian Conly, executive director of Broomfield-based nonprofit Bal Swan Children’s Centers, approaches donors differently, too, using Facebook, Twitter, email and other social media marketing more often. 9 “It used to be if you got an article in the paper a couple times a year that was great,” Conly said. Now some donors expect regular social media updates and contact. Last year Bal Swan offered donors a website giving options for their annual fundraiser and received nearly 50 percent of its donations online, something that’s changed significantly in the past five years, Conly said. Many people still donate through traditional avenues, prompting many nonprofits to meet donors on multiple fronts rather than dropping old ways to make room for the new. That’s true when fundraising for the arts, too. Boulder boasts a high concentration of artists, according to the Trends Report, but art fundraising is notoriously tricky, said Bill Obermeier, executive director of The Dairy Center for the Arts. “We’re not much different than where we were a year ago in terms of individual giving, but it seems like grant opportunities have moved away from the arts,” Obermeier said. A strong art community offers a good return on investment by boosting creativity and attracting and retaining residents, he said, and people attending arts events tend to spend more money at local businesses than do other visitors. Boulder County donors look generous by absolute dollar amount, Heath said, giving about 4 percent of their income to charity. It’s a bit deceiving, though, as the national average is 4.7 percent. “It means,” Heath said, “that we shortchange the nonprofits here when we don’t give at the level of others.” Dancers from One Big Yes Productions perform at the Boulder-based Dairy Center for the Arts. Boulder boasts a high concentration of artists, but Dairy Center executive director Bill Obermeier says raising funds for the arts is notoriously tricky. COURTESY DAIRY CENTER FOR THE ARTS Boulder County Business Report Foothills United Way Lifting up our community after disaster. Elevating life throughout the year. During the flooding crisis and every day, Foothills United Way strengthens our community by investing in education, financial stability, health and basic needs in Boulder and Broomfield counties. Thank you for making us your partner in creating positive, lasting change. FoothillsUnitedWay.org Foothills United Way 12 GIVING GUIDE 2014 Foothills United Way PETER WAYNE From setting up a Flood Fund to the daily mission of “flooding the market with the services people need,” Foothills United Way president and chief executive Doug Yeiser approaches his job with energy and drive. For nonprofit’s new CEO, it’s about building community BY MICHELLE VENUS [email protected] LAFAYETTE – Coming on board as new president and chief executive of a nonprofit organization is challenging enough. Then, less than six months into the gig, add September’s monumental floods, which devastated wide swaths of Boulder County, and you have an idea of what Doug Yeiser’s job looks like. It’s a tough one. Still, it’s one that the new captain of Foothills United Way tackles head on – and does so with the energy and drive that is often paired with commitment to community service. Yeiser came to Foothills, which serves Boulder and Broomfield counties, in April from United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County in Texas, where he was the vice president in charge of strategic markets. Working with United Way is what he’s done his entire 25-year career. “I’m starting to think community service is a career path,” he said with a chuckle. After he graduated from Baylor University with degrees in psychology and political science, Yeiser, 49, worked with United Ways in Stamford, Connecticut, and Manhattan, serving the entire New York metropolitan area. Then he headed to Tulsa to head funding activities there. Then came Virginia-based United Way Worldwide, to build a relationship program that connects individual United Ways to Fortune 500 Boulder County Business Report 13 GIVING GUIDE 2014 companies across the globe. Now he’s here in Colorado. Colorado feels a lot like coming home. Yeiser spent childhood years living in the Golden area and his family has a home near Durango. “Colorado is near and dear to my heart,” he said. When the opportunity at Foothills presented itself, “it was too good to pass up.” Yeiser rarely sits at his desk in the Foothills United Way offices in Lafayette. Instead, he’s out in the community, learning firsthand what the issues are in the different Boulder County communities and working with local officials and organizations to pinpoint solutions and mobilize the resources to carry them out. Responding to the floods and providing assistance and resources for long-term relief is on Yeiser’s front burner. “On Sept. 12, when the floodwaters came in and people saw how serious this was, we set up the Flood Fund,” he said. Atop his list of priorities was to reach out to corporations, community leaders and individuals to jumpstart the fund. “These were all newly formed relationships,” said Yeiser, “but we called out to these partners and asked them to create a single fund that we all could rally around and point to as a resource.” For the past six weeks, the partners have been meeting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to evaluate needs and identify the best ways to invest the contributions that have poured into the fund and respond to YEISER RARELY SITS AT HIS DESK in the Foothills United Way offices in Lafayette. Instead, he’s out in the community, learning firsthand what the issues are in the different Boulder County communities and working with local officials and organizations to pinpoint solutions and mobilize the resources to carry them out. Boulder County Business Report applications for monetary relief. So far, $3.2 million has been donated from corporations and individuals, with $1 million already distributed to community nonprofits that help with direct-impact assistance and immediate recovery needs. But that doesn’t mean the team at Foothills United Way has moved other initiatives to the back burner. Already committed to supporting impact areas such as education, financial stability, health and basic needs, the 16-member staff continues to address issues surrounding them. Using the Flood Fund as a guinea pig, Yeiser, along with other partners, is looking to apply a collective-impact model for future community investment. In concept, collective impact is very different from how community services have been delivered for the past century. Instead of applying for grants from many small, individual funding sources, community service agencies would have a single source to work with. The collective-impact model reverses the old way of doing work. Rather than spread funding thinly across the community, it identifies the greatest needs and concentrates the funds by joining forces with many other funders to create stronger, more collaborative initiatives that actually can make significant changes. Nonprofit services organizations apply for grants that support the strategies developed by the collective impact team. “Here’s how that could look,” said Yeiser. “We can take a high school with an at-risk population and we identify that there are perhaps health issues or early drop-out issues. We then pull together community services that could provide dental care for these kids, maybe on-site counseling, and extend those services to their families. But really, concentrate those services in a finite area and make sure we’re flooding the market with the services people need.” Input from constituents is important. Yeiser has seen successful results when communities have been asked what their needs are. That is followed by collaboration with nonprofit providers as well as citizens to provide solutions that create more sustainable neighborhoods, where people will live, raise their families and build community. For Yeiser, building community is what makes his job and the services Foothills United Way provides meaningful. 14 GIVING GUIDE 2014 Imagine! 1400 Dixon Ave Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-7789 www.imaginecolorado.org Number of Employees: 528 Operating Budget: $31 million Year Established: 1963 1963 - Colorado House Bill #121, providing for a pilot program relating to community centers for mentally r* and seriously handicapped persons, is passed. Boulder is chosen to administer the program, and the Boulder County Interagency and Citizens Council on Mental R* is formed. Ruth Wood is named Executive Director. 100 individuals are served. 1997 - The Developmental Disabilities Center’s Out & About program is formed, providing community-based services within a therapeutic framework in response to the requests of community members with disabilities and family members who care for those with disabilities. Goals 1965 - The Boulder County Interagency and Citizens Council on Mental R* is renamed The Boulder County Board for Mental R*. 2000 - The Developmental Disabilities Center establishes an endowment with the Boulder County Community Foundation and initiates efforts to establish its very own Developmental Disabilities Center Foundation (later named the Imagine! Foundation). Our goal is to help people aspire to, and achieve, a fulfilling life of new possibilities. Imagine! was established in 1963 by a group of Boulder County parents who refused to accept the limited options available for their children with developmental disabilities. They envisioned a world where their children would have the same opportunities as any other child. For the past 50 years, Imagine! has used that vision as its foundation. Imagine!’s guiding philosophy is that all individuals, regardless of ability or disability, have talents and strengths that make them vital members of their communities. When it first opened its doors 50 years ago, Imagine! served 100 individuals. Today, it serves almost 2,600 individuals and their families in Boulder and Broomfield counties. *Editor’s Note: Much has changed since Imagine! began its journey 50 years ago, including the language that we use to describe people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Though we deeply believe in the use of People First language today, it was unheard of all those years ago. In the context of this article you will find that we have made some modifications to the language used. The words “retarded” and “retardation” are completely unacceptable today and have been replaced in the text by the use of “r*”. 1970 - The Boulder County Board for Mental R* serves 140 individuals. 1973 - Boulder County Board for Mental R* moves from the old county hospital building to the newly built Mental Health and Mental R* and Sundquist Rehabilitation Center on Iris and Broadway and serves 180 individuals. 1974 - The Boulder County Board for Mental R* is renamed The Boulder County Board for Developmental Disabilities. 1975 - The Boulder County Board for Developmental Disabilities begins providing Early Intervention services and serves 250 people overall. 1976 - Don Coloroso becomes Executive Director of The Boulder County Board for Developmental Disabilities. 1980 - The Boulder County Board for Developmental Disabilities serves 420 individuals. 1983 - John Taylor becomes Executive Director of the Boulder County Board for Developmental Disabilities. 1984 - The Boulder County Board for Developmental Disabilities is renamed The Developmental Disabilities Center. An Adult Day Services program is established, forming the foundation of what is to become CORE/ Labor Source. 1985 - The Developmental Disabilities Center serves 600 individuals. 1989 - The Developmental Disabilities Center opens the Red Balloon Daycare Center, the first local day care that integrates children with and without developmental disabilities. 1990 - The Developmental Disabilities Center serves 750 individuals. 1992 - The Developmental Disabilities Center’s Early Intervention service program is renamed Dayspring. 1995 - The Developmental Disabilities Center serves 900 individuals. 1999 - The Developmental Disabilities Center moves from Boulder to Lafayette. The Developmental Disabilities Center serves 1,100 individuals. 2001 - The Developmental Disabilities Center’s residential program is renamed Innovations. The new Developmental Disabilities Foundation (later renamed the Imagine! Foundation) has a very successful first year, raising more than $175,000.00 in 2001-02. 2002 - The Developmental Disabilities Center runs a very successful mill levy campaign in Boulder County, which increases the stability of services for people who live in Boulder County. The Developmental Disabilities Center is renamed Imagine!. 2003 - Imagine! Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) is created. 2005 - Imagine! engages in negotiations with the Mental Health Center to be the Medicaid contract entity for people with developmental disabilities who are dually diagnosed. Imagine! serves more than 1,800 individuals. 2008 - Mark Emery becomes Executive Director of Imagine!. Imagine! breaks ground on its first SmartHome, the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder. 2009 - Imagine! breaks ground on its second SmartHome, the Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont. Imagine! pilots “The Companion Home Model,” services to individuals (adults) living in their own homes or the homes of their family members. 2010 - Imagine! serves 2,600 individuals. 2013 - Imagine! celebrates its 50th Anniversary. Boulder County Business Report 15 GIVING GUIDE 2014 Mission stateMent service area The mission of Imagine! is to create and offer innovative supports to people of all ages with cognitive, developmental, physical, and health related needs so they may live fulfilling lives of independence and quality in their homes and communities. Imagine! was established in 1963 as a private, not-for-profit organization and as the first community-centered board (CCB) in Colorado. A CCB is a local area’s single point of entry into local, state, and federally funded programs for people with developmental disabilities in a community. Imagine! is currently one of 20 CCBs in Colorado. In addition to serving as a state CCB, Imagine! also provides services designed to incorporate people with developmental, cognitive, and physical challenges into the fabric of their communities. Services include educational and therapeutic services, job training and placement, therapeutic recreation activities, opportunities for community living, behavioral health services, technology solutions, and support for families. GivinG opportunities Imagine! is grateful to our generous community for supporting so many of Imagine!’s programs and services over the years. You have helped to enhance the level of care and increase the opportunities we are able to offer to those with developmental disabilities in Boulder and Broomfield counties. Gifts of any size are very much appreciated @ www.coloradogives/Imagine or Imagine! Foundation 1400 Dixon Ave Lafayette, CO 80026. Boulder County Business Report FundinG sources More than 60% of funding for Imagine!’s services comes from Federal Medicaid dollars. Another 19% comes from city and county funding. Other revenue sources include the State of Colorado, donations and grants, nonMedicaid federal dollars, and private fees for service. 16 COMMUNITY FOOD SHARE JONATHAN CASTNER Rawa Abu Alshamah, a University of Colorado-Boulder student and Community Food Share volunteer, sorts incoming donations at the food bank’s new facility in Louisville. Bigger facility in Louisville helps meet bigger need BY VALERIE GLEATON [email protected] LOUISVILLE – With holidays around the corner, food is on the brain: family feasts, Thanksgiving dinner, holiday parties and treats. But for many people, just getting enough to eat on a daily basis is a struggle. That’s why for the past 32 years, Community Food Share has provided food assistance in Boulder and Broomfield counties. With a new headquarters and warehouse in Louisville, the nonprofit is poised to feed more people than ever. “Our primary mission is to make sure no one in our community goes hungry,” said Jim Baldwin, chief executive of Community Food Share. “Unfortunately, there is a segment of our population who are in need of additional food assistance.” It might not be the segment you think. Al- though homeless and unemployed individuals make up a small percentage of those receiving assistance, Baldwin said, the vast majority are working families with low incomes. According to the most recent census data, approximately 56,000 individuals in the area live below 130 percent of the poverty line – the same metric used to qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly called food stamps) and the free-lunch program. “That’s like a family of four making $30,000 or less a year,” Baldwin said. “After paying rent, utilities and other bills, they just don’t have enough resources to put food on the table.” Community Food Share distributes food though a network of 48 nonprofit agencies in Boulder and Broomfield counties, including food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, emergency assistance programs, churches, schools and centers that serve the mentally ill, disabled citizens, at-risk youth and lowincome working families. Although some food banks charge agencies a handling fee to deliver food, CFS does not. “That means we have to raise a little more money,” Baldwin said. “But they’re basically the safety net of our community, and we’re here to support them.” The nonprofit also offers two direct-service programs: Elder Share, which serves the area’s low-income senior population, and Feeding Families, which serves families that have a child on the free lunch program within the Boulder Valley or St. Vrain Valley school districts. CFS gets its food from a variety of sources. TO DONATE time, food or money, visit communityfoodshare.org. Boulder County Business Report 17 GIVING GUIDE 2014 About 20 percent comes from Feeding America, The Nation’s Food Bank Network, through which the organization receives food from corporate donors such as Kraft and Kellogg’s. Food also is donated by local companies, including the area’s Walmart superstores, Whole Foods, King Soopers, Safeway, Munson Farms and WhiteWave Foods. CFS also distributes U.S. Department of Agriculture food through the Emergency Food Assistance Program. Food drives such as the upcoming Let’s Bag Hunger (Nov. 17-27 in Boulder) and Hunger Hurts the Whole Community (April in Longmont) get the community involved, and financial donations round things out by allowing CFS to purchase food when supplies run low and to fund operations. CFS employs 20 paid staffers and uses three large refrigerated trucks to deliver food to distribution agencies and pick-up donations from food suppliers. The organization also works with approximately 2,500 volunteers, who log more than 36,000 volunteer hours every year. “It’s a real testament to the kind of folks we have in our community,” Baldwin said. That community also showed up to help when CFS recognized that it needed a larger building. “We were simply out of space JONATHAN CASTNER Community Food Share has moved into a building in Louisville which, at 68,000 square feet, is more than triple the size of its former building in Niwot. in our old facility,” Baldwin said. “We couldn’t be as organized as we wanted, there was no place to meet with people, we didn’t have room for more volunteers, and parking was a problem.” Baldwin and his team started researching what they wanted in a new location and launched a capital campaign to start raising money for the move in 2010. Last year CFS took out a $3.5 million loan to purchase its new facility at 650 S. Taylor Ave. in Louisville. Then something amazing happened. “A generous donor offered JONATHAN CASTNER Kimberly Bryant, who works for Mental Health Partners of Boulder County, picks up some food for families in need at Community Food Share. Boulder County Business Report us a $2.5 million gift to pay off the loan if we could pay off the remaining $1 million by the end of the year, which we did with support from the community,” Baldwin said. Renovations began in May and CFS moved into its new building – which at 68,000 square feet is more than triple the size of its former building in Niwot – on Aug. 1. That was not a moment too soon because September’s flooding drove many residents from their homes, leaving them with little access to food. “If the flood had hit when we were still in the other facility, we would not have been able to step up like we did,” Baldwin said. Because of its new, larger space, CFS was able to accept 380,000 more pounds of food in the six weeks after the flood than it took in during the same period the year before., which it used to provide assistance to flood victims through disaster centers and agencies in the affected areas. Baldwin is quick to point out, however, that need doesn’t end when the waters recede. “As the holidays approach, we’ll continue to serve not just flood victims but our normal operations as well.” 18 GIVING GUIDE 2014 Longmont community foundation 636 Coffman Street, Suite 203 Longmont CO 80501 Phone: 303-678-6555 www.longmontfoundation.org Email: [email protected] Facebook – Longmont Community Foundation Twitter – Longmontfdtn Text “LCFCommunity” to 22828 to join our email list GOALS To build and maintain the Community Endowment –a permanent funding source that helps provide financial support to a variety of nonprofit organizations and programs. To be an excellent steward of family, individual and business Donor Directed funds. Connecting donors to causes they care about while providing excellent fund management. GIVING OPPORTUNITIES The desire to give back arises from a variety of reasons. Perhaps you’re the young family that wants to teach their children the impact and value of philanthropy, or the business that desires to create an endowed Business Fund, or the older couple that wishes to support their place of worship and at the same time provide support to children in need. Whatever the reason, the Longmont Community Foundation can help you establish a charitable fund that fits with your wishes for our community and world. We do the background work so you can focus on the giving. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ERIC HOZEMPA MISSION STATEMENT To improve life in Longmont and the St. Vrain Valley through philanthropy and charitable leadership. SERVICE AREA Longmont and the St. Vrain Valley and nonprofit organizations throughout the United States FUNDING SOURCES Board of Trustees and Staff of the Longmont Community Foundation. From left, Marjorie Weibel, Jan Kanemoto, John Gaddis, Jeff Nading, Ed Fitzgerald, Eric Hozempa, Marcus McCarty, Dale Bernard, Susan Shirley, Carol Croft, Kristin Koval. Not in photo: Roy White, Matt Zavala, Brad Douglas, and Karen Kramer. 95% from individuals 4% from corporations 1% from Foundations Board Member Matt Zavala presents a grant. Dale Sherrod visits with scholarship recipient. BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT John Gaddis, Jr., Esq VICE PRESIDENT Ed Fitzgerald Dale Bernard Brad Douglas Jan Kanemoto Kristin Koval, Esq Karen Kramer Jeff Nading SECRETARY Roy White Susan Shirley Roy White Susan Wiser TREASURER Carol Croft Matt Zavala Boulder County Business Report 19 GIVING GUIDE 2014 Do you Believe in Community? Delbert & Dorothe Reddington ➣ Visionaries In 1948, they planted a tree that has benefited a neighborhood for 62 years. In 2003, proceeds from the Delbert Reddington living trust were used to establish the Delbert and Dorothe Reddington Fund -- benefiting our community forever. See the impacts of Delbert and Dorothe’s generosity at www. longmontfoundation.org/reddington and drive by 319 Francis Street to discover what became of their tiny tree. Learn how planting your own donor advised fund at the Longmont Community Foundation helps strengthen our community. Contact the Longmont Community Foundation at 303-678-6555 to learn more. 636 Coffman Street, Suite 203, Longmont CO 80501 (303) 678-6555 Boulder County Business Report 20 GIVING GUIDE 2014 Longmont Museum 400 Quail Road Longmont CO 80501 303-651-8374 www.longmontmuseum.org 6 full-time, 8 part-time employees Annual Revenue: $1,120,269 Year Established: 1936 Museum Director: Wesley Jessup Mission stateMent The Longmont Museum engages the community in an explorationofhistory,artandscience throughexhibition,education, andthecollection,preservation andinterpretationofregional history. Goals GivinG opportunities The Longmont Museum’s current strategic plan articulates six major goals for the coming years: •Providestate-of-the-artspace forexhibits,programsand collections. •Buildlong-termgrowthin fundingbase. •Becomeaprimarydestination. •Useexhibitstoengage, challenge,andinspirevisitors. •Offerdynamicandculturally relevantprogrammingtodiverse populations. •Exceedprofessionalstandards forcollectionsdocumentation andaccess. The Museum is in the final stages of a $4.2 million capital campaign tobuildan11,000squarefoot expansion.Thisexpansionwill adda250-seatauditorium,a multipurposeeducationspace, andanelegantglass-walled atriumandeventspace.Naming opportunitiesareavailablefrom $3,000to$250,000. service area TheLongmontMuseumserves aprimaryaudiencethatstretches fromFortCollinstoDenver, withastrongconcentrationin northernBoulderCounty.In 2013,theMuseumisontrackto servemorethan50,000people initsfacilityandanother10,000 through outreach programs. FundinG sources AsadivisionoftheCityof Longmont, the Museum’s basic operationsarefundedbythe City.Additionalfundsraisedfrom privatedonorsandgrantsgo directlyintoprogramactivities, from special exhibitions to children’sprograms.Acurrentfundraisingfocusisa$4.2million capital campaign for a museum expansion. Board oF directors - Friends oF the lonGMont MuseuM ERiC KittELbERgER Chair RiCHARD LuKE Secretary JEnnifER HEnDERsOn Vice Chair JOAnn MCCOY Treasurer CHAD KuppER ELLEn RAnsOn Boulder County Business Report 21 GIVING GUIDE 2014 Want to Own a Piece of the Future? “IsupporttheMuseum because it brings outsidevisitorsinto Longmont.” fORREst fLEMing Owner, InstantImprints “OurMuseum welcomestheentire community.” LAuRA ZAvALA BusinessDevelopment Officer, ElevationsCredit Union “OurMuseumis a great place to getinvolvedinthe community” CHAD KuppER Attorney, LyonsGaddisLawFirm SupportYOURMuseumexpansion! TheLongmontMuseumisexpanding–findouthowyoucanhelp atwww.longmontmuseum.orgor303-651-8374. HonoryourfamilyoryourbusinessinBoulderCounty’snewestculturalattraction. NameaseatinthenewMuseumauditoriumandleaveapermanentlegacy. Namingopportunitiesbeginat$3,000.ContacttheLongmontMuseumtomakeyourgift. Openingin2015,theLongmontMuseum’sexpansionfeaturesa250-seatauditorium, amultipurposeeducation/conferencespacesuitableformeetingsorcorporateevents, andastunningglass-walledatrium. 400 Quail Road • Longmont CO 80501 303-651-8374 www.longmontmuseum.org Boulder County Business Report 22 GIVING GUIDE 2014 TRAILS COALITION JONATHAN CASTNER Susan Webel, vice president of the Boulder Area Trails Coalition, works to make availability and nonmotorized use of area trails a reality for as many county residents – including equestrians – as possible. Group maps out vision for more outdoor access BY JEFF THOMAS [email protected] BOULDER – Bet on the first six outdoor recreation companies to take quick advantage of a unique opportunity to contribute to trail use across Boulder County this year. “We do have six places on our map for company logos, no advertising, just logos, at $1,000 apiece,” said Suzanne Webel, vice president of the Boulder Area Trails Coalition. The coalition, with considerable effort, put together the most comprehensive map of trails available in Boulder County and is just about to put out the third edition. BATCO’s goal is to represent the spectrum of non-motorized trail use across the county and aid in making trail availability and use a reality for as many county residents as possible. The map is by far the most visible fundraising mechanism employed by this nonprofit – every county trail user should have one – but the nonprofit 501(c)3 organization also can take direct, tax-deductible gifts as well. “It took me over 100 maps to get a comBoulder County Business Report GIVING GUIDE 2014 23 BATCO HAS NO PAID STAFF and extremely limited administrative costs, so pretty much everything donated to this nonprofit organization goes into area trails. TO DONATE to the Boulder Area Trails Coalition, visit www.bouldertrails.org or contact Webel at 303-485-2162. Boulder County Business Report prehensive map (in the first edition started in 1996,” Webel said. Her background in geology and love of maps came in considerably handy during a multi-year effort to stitch together the first map, which will be updated for release early next year. “Our county is very fragmented when it comes to trails,” she said. “You go from Rocky Mountain National Park to small cities with their own trails, and none of them had coordinated their regional trail management. If you want to get from the national forest to the national park – they might show the trails but they didn’t show the big picture.” Other intricacies, such as trail limitation – who could use them and when, for instance – often are left out. More than 20,000 copies of the first editions of the map have sold, with nearly every dime of those proceeds going back into aiding trail development, or the actual cost of producing the maps. The maps sell for about $10 a pop, and are available at a wide range of outdoor recreation shops and other retail establishments. BATCO has no paid staff and extremely limited administrative costs, so pretty much everything donated to this nonprofit organization goes into area trails. That may include capital costs to help fix flood-damaged trails this year. Enlisting that sort of funding is difficult for public agencies, but it is often the umbrella nature of the organization – representing interests from equestrian users to trail runners and dog owners – that often helps public agencies most. “I think they’ve done a good job of trying to collect the different trail users into one approach – all the various components of trails users,” said Ron Stewart, director of Boulder County Open Space. “We really appreciate the help they’ve been.” Representing interests ranging from mountain bikers to trail runners, dog walkers and horse riders may seem like a heavy burden of collaboration, but the group has seen a great deal of success in creating that consensus, especially in helping projects such as the Trail Around Boulder move forward. “It would only take 34 miles of trail to create the circle around Boulder, and we only need six or seven more miles to fill in the gaps between the existing trails,” Webel said. “More funding could allow us to help City of Boulder Open Space to complete the trails – if it (a connection between trails) costs $60,000, and we could offer $30,000, maybe we could get it done.” TAB is only one aspect of the trails around the county in which BATCO participates, but it is important to the group because it represents the spectrum of trail users the organization seeks to serve and could be a high-visibility project both in terms of local usage and national acclaim. Past BATCO president Peter Bakwin, a celebrated trail runner and ultra-marathoner who grew up in Boulder, said it brings back a vision that the city first used to initialize open space purchases in the 1970s – a “greenbelt” that everyone could enjoy. “Now we have the greenbelt, and in a sense it completes the program to have a continuous trail that lets people explore the whole, amazing area,” Bakwin said. “It covers all the main environments of our area – foothills, agricultural fields, rolling prairies, creekside areas.” However, he added, “this vision gets bogged down in the interminable management plans and trail study-area plans. The city is years and years behind the schedule it set for itself as recently as 2005.” For those people whose finances might not allow for a donation to the group this year, current president David Blankinship said volunteers always are welcome, especially volunteers interested in public policy. BATCO does coordinate volunteer “handson” efforts, such as flood repair work at Walker Ranch on Nov. 9, but Blankinship said the group also needs people who can attend some of the multitude of meetings that go on around the county. “There are just too many meetings for us to currently attend,” he said. “We’re always looking for people who really want to get involved. There are many good opportunities for people to really make a difference here.” 24 ADVISED OR DESIGNATED FUND A fund held by a community foundation where the donor may recommend eligible charitable recipients for grants. AFFILIATE FUND Local fund affiliated with a foundation. AGENCY ENDOWMENT A fund established within a community foundation or other public foundation by a nonprofit organization. ANNIVERSARY OR BIRTHDAY CAMPAIGN A fundraising campaign centered around an anniversary date of an institution on the premise that the occasion will stimulate giving. AREA OF INTEREST FUND A fund that allows donors to direct funding to a particular cause or specific geographical area. BEQUEST OR CHARITABLE DEFERRED GIFT A donation made to a charity named as beneficiary under a will or trust. CAUSE OR CAUSE-RELATED MARKETING A partnership between a for-profit company and a nonprofit organization that increases the company’s sales while raising money and visibility for the cause. CHALLENGE, CONDITION OR MATCHING GIFT OR GRANT A grant that is paid only if the nonprofit is able to raise additional funds from other sources. CHARITABLE CLASS The group of people that may legally receive assistance from a charitable organization. A charitable class must be large or indefinite enough that providing aid to members of the class benefits the community as a whole. CHARITABLE DEDUCTION The portion of a gift to a qualified charity that is deductible from an individual’s or corporation’s federal income tax, individual’s gift tax or individual’s estate tax. CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY A contract under which a charity, in return for a transfer of cash, marketable securities or other assets, agrees to pay a fixed amount of money to an individual during his or her lifetime. CHARITABLE LEAD TRUST A trust that provides an income stream to a charity for a specified period of time. GIVING GUIDE 2014 GLOSSARY OF NONPROFIT TERMS At the end of that period, trust assets are distributed to noncharitable beneficiaries such as children or grandchildren. is matched by a similar contribution from the employer. CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST A fund created by gifts that establish its principal, which then makes grants from the income generated by that principal. An endowed fund exists in perpetuity and continues to carry out the donor’s wishes after death. An arrangement in which property or money is donated to a charity, but the donor continues to use the property and/ or receive income from it while living. COMMUNITY OR PUBLIC FOUNDATION A nonprofit, publicly supported, nonsectarian philanthropic institution with a goal of building permanent funds established by separate donors for the broad-based charitable benefit of the residents of a defined geographic area. COMMUNITY FUND An organized community program that makes appeals to the public for funds to be used for the ongoing operational support of local agencies. CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP Business giving, including business relationships and partnerships with nonprofit organizations. CORPORATE FOUNDATION A private foundation that receives its funding from the for-profit company whose name it bears but is legally an independent entity. CORPORATE GIVING PROGRAM A grant-making program established and administered within a for-profit corporation. CORPORATE VOLUNTEER COUNCIL A network that businesses join to address community needs through workplace volunteering. CORPORATE, EMPLOYEE OR WORKPLACE VOLUNTEER PROGRAM A company-managed program that coordinates company staff with nonprofits looking for volunteers. DEMONSTRATION GRANT A grant made to establish an innovative project or program that will serve as a model. If successful it may be replicated by others. DESIGNATED ENDOWMENT Established by an individual, family or business to benefit one or more charities. EMPLOYEE MATCHING GIFT OR GRANT A program whereby an employee’s contribution to a charitable organization ENDOWED FUND ENDOWMENT A permanently restricted fund, the principal of which is protected and the income from which may be spent. EVALUATION OR PILOT GRANT A grant that supports the external evaluation of a project. With a successful project, the evaluation grant works as a leveraging tool, enabling the recipient to seek further funding. FEDERATED FUNDER A joint fundraising effort administered by a nonprofit “umbrella” organization that in turn distributes funds to nonprofit agencies. Examples include United Way, United Jewish Appeal and United Negro College Fund. FLOW-THROUGH FUNDS Contributions to a foundation that are used primarily for direct grant making rather than for endowing the foundation. FOUNDATION A public or private nonprofit corporation or trust that makes grants to organizations, institutions or individuals for scientific, educational, cultural, religious or other charitable purposes. IN-KIND DONATION OR GIFT A gift of goods or services rather than cash or property. INITIATIVE-BASED GRANT MAKING A grants program based on applicants responding to a request for proposals. IRREVOCABLE TRUST A gift in trust that cannot be rescinded. LIMITED-PURPOSE FOUNDATION A foundation that restricts its giving to one or very few areas of interest, such as higher education or medical care. MEMORIAL OR NAMED FUND A fund established by, or named for, an individual, family, corporation or other group to carry out the charitable interests of the donor or honoree. NONENDOWED FUND In contrast to endowed funds that can only make grants from interest income, a nonendowed fund’s principal can be used for grants. NONPROFIT An organization established for activities other than profit making. Some nonprofits are exempt from federal income taxation, but they may be taxed on income from unrelated businesses they conduct. Common nonprofits include: 501 C (3) A public charity or private foundation. Gifts to a 501 c (3) are tax-deductible. 501 C (4) A social welfare or employees’ association whose net earnings are used solely for charitable, educational or recreational purposes. 501 C (6) A trade association or business leagues not organized for profit or private benefit. 501 C (7) A social club organized for pleasure and recreation. 501 C (8) A fraternal beneficiary society, order or association operating under the lodge system that provides benefits to members and their dependents. 501 C (12) A benevolent life insurance association, cooperative or ditch or irrigation company. OPERATING FOUNDATION A private foundation that uses the bulk of its income to provide charitable services or to run charitable programs of its own. PARTNERSHIP FUNDING A grant program where “partners” often government and philanthropic sources have input into the project. PASS-THROUGH FOUNDATION A foundation that receives funds and makes distributions with little or no principal remaining with the foundation. PERPETUAL TRUST A trust established with the intent to keep the principal invested in perpetuity and distribute the income from investments to one or more charities. PROGRAM OR PROJECT GRANTS Funds to support specific projects or programs as opposed to general support grants. Boulder County Business Report 25 GIVING GUIDE 2014 GLOSSARY OF NONPROFIT TERMS PROGRAM RELATED INVESTMENT SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR A loan (not a grant) made by a foundation to another organization for a project related to the foundation’s interests. RESTRICTED ENDOWMENT INCOME Income from a permanent fund used for a specified purpose. RESTRICTED FUND, GIFT OR GRANT Money given with donors’ specifications on how a nonprofit may use it. REVOCABLE TRUST A trust that can be recalled by its creator. Revocable trusts become irrevocable when their creators die and can become irrevocable sooner if the creators give up the power to revoke. SOCIAL ENTERPRISE A nonprofit venture that combines the passion of a social mission with the innovation and determination commonly associated with for-profit businesses. An individual who engages in social enterprise, drawing upon the best thinking in both the business and nonprofit worlds. SOCIAL VENTURE FUNDS Charitable funds in which donors invest their expertise as well as their money, providing support and requiring accountability of nonprofit organizations just as venture capitalists do in business enterprises. SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTING The practice of aligning a foundation’s investment policies with its mission. This may include refraining from investing in corporations with products or policies inconsistent with the foundation’s values. UNRESTRICTED FUND A fund that is not specifically designated for a particular use by the donor, or for which restrictions have expired or been removed. Real Estate Solutions for Boulder County’s Non-Profits Scot Smith and Wade Arnold have more than 50 years’ combined experience in commercial real estate and working with non-profits throughout Front Range Colorado • Wehaverepresentednearly40non-profits in more than 60 transactions for leasing, subleasing, acquisition, and disposition of their commercial real estate • Wehaveserved/serveonBoardsofDirectorsof over half a dozen community non-profit groups • Proudtomakecharitablecontributionstothe non-profits we serve • Visitwww.ColoradoGroup.comtoseethe non-profits served Call today to discuss your commercial real estate needs. Colorado Wade Arnold Group Scot Smith 303-449-2131 • www.ColoradoGroup.com Boulder County Business Report 26 BUSINESS REPORT LIST NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS GIVING GUIDE 2014 (Organizations in Boulder and Broomfield counties ranked by 2012 operating budget.) Boulder County Business Report GIVING GUIDE 2014 Boulder County Business Report 27 28 BUSINESS REPORT LIST GIVING GUIDE 2014 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS (Organizations in Boulder and Broomfield counties ranked by 2012 operating budget.) Boulder County Business Report 29 DIRECTORY OF NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ANIMALS ANIMAL HELP NOW 2525 Arapahoe Ave., E4-705 Boulder, CO 80302 303-543-0755 Mission: Connect people involved with animal emergencies with the most appropriate timeand location-specific resources and services. Wish list: Donations, volunteers. Person in charge: David Crawford, executive director Year founded: 2009a www.ahnow.org BIRDS OF PREY FOUNDATION 2290 S. 104th St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0674 Mission: Treat injured and orphaned raptors and return them to the wild; educate children and adults about raptors’ important role in the wild. Wish list: Donations, volunteers and professional construction help. Person in charge: Heidi Bucknam, executive director Year founded: 1984 www.birds-of-prey.org BOULDER COUNTY HORSE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 19601 Boulder, CO 80308-2601 303-485-2162/303-485-2163 Mission: Promote, protect and unify the equestrian community in the county through education, recreation and legislation. Person in charge: Suzanne Webel, president Year founded: 1971 www.boulderhorse.org COLORADO HORSE RESCUE 10386 N. 65th St. Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-1414/720-494-1415 Mission: Provide shelter, care, rehabilitation and adoption services for neglected or abandoned horses. Person in charge: Carol E. Brice Year founded: 1986 www.chr.org COLORADO REPTILE HUMANE SOCIETY 13941 Elmore Road Longmont, CO 80504 303-776-2070/303-776-5206 Mission: Provide shelter and adoption services for pet-trade animals; rehabilitation and release of reptile and amphibian wildlife; training of animal welfare and medical professionals. Person in charge: Ann-Elizabeth Nash, executive director Year founded: 1998 www.corhs.org Boulder County Business Report GREENWOOD WILDLIFE REHABILITATION CENTER P.O. Box 18987 Boulder, CO 80308 303-823-8455/303-823-5051 Mission: Rehabilitate sick, injured and orphaned wildlife for release into appropriate habitats. Educate the public, emphasizing humane solutions to human/wildlife interactions. Wish list: Volunteers, in-kind and monetary donations, shoppers and donors at our thrift and consignment stores, corporate event sponsors. Person in charge: Linda Tyler, executive director Year founded: 1982 www.greenwoodwildlife.org HUMANE SOCIETY OF BOULDER VALLEY 2323 55th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-4030/303-565-5151 Mission: Animal adoption, training and behavior programs, lost and found, veterinary clinic, humane education programs and camps, thrift and gift shop, retail store, pet supplies. Person in charge: Lisa Pedersen, CEO Year founded: 1902 www.boulderhumane.org KNICK O’TIME HORSE RESCUE AND REHABILITATION 14509 N. 83rd St. Longmont, CO 80503 303-359-2273 Mission: Rescue, rehabilitate and find new homes for abused, neglected, unwanted and slaughter-bound horses, ponies and barnyard animals. Wish list: Financial support, hay and horse/ barnyard/livestock/large animal feed and equipment, fund raising assistance. Person in charge: Stephanie Wendorf, executive director Year founded: 2005 www.knickotimehorserescue.org LONGMONT HUMANE SOCIETY 9595 Nelson Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1232/303-772-2219 Mission: Animal welfare, pet adoption, pet lost and found, humane education, dog-training classes, pet licensing, animal fostering. Person in charge: Liz Smokowski, executive director Year founded: 1972 www.longmonthumane.org LONGMONT HUMANE SOCIETY WELL PET CLINIC 9595 Nelson Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-0610/303-772-2219 Mission: Spaying and neutering, wellness exams, dentistry, general surgery, heartworm testing and preventative medications, vaccinations, feline leukemia testing, microchipping. Wish list: Cleaning supplies, towels and blankets, monetary donations for medical supplies. Person in charge: Sarah Clusman, director of operations Year founded: 1972 www.longmonthumane.org MEDICINE HORSE PROGRAM 8778 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 720-406-7630/720-406-7630 Mission: Through therapeutic interaction with horses, participants experience psychological, social, emotional and spiritual growth; corporate team-building. Person in charge: Kathy King Johnson, executive director Year founded: 2001 www.medicinehorse.org ARTS AND CULTURE ARS NOVA SINGERS INC. P.O. Box 4151 Boulder, CO 80306-4151 303-499-3165 Mission: A cappella choral ensemble performs variety of choral music, ranging from works of early Renaissance masters to contemporary works by 20th and 21st century composers. Wish list: An audience is most gratifying but contributions and volunteers are always welcome. Person in charge: Chip Ross, executive director Year founded: 1986 www.arsnovasingers.com ARTWALK LONGMONT INC. 357 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-8417 Mission: Arts and theater showcase event in downtown Longmont. Person in charge: Sharald Church, executive director Year founded: 1996 www.ArtWalkLongmont.org BOULDER ARTS RESOURCE 1001 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-441-4391/303-441-4119 Mission: Serve the needs of Colorado’s diverse arts community by showcasing and promoting individual artists/groups working in all disciplines: visual, performing, film/video, literary, multidisciplinary. Person in charge: Mary Fowler, director Year founded: 1999 www.artsresource.org BOULDER ASIAN PACIFIC ALLIANCE P.O. Box 21406 Boulder, CO 80308-4406 303-499-0108 Mission: Promote and preserve Asian Pacific culture in Boulder community; sponsors the Boulder Asian Film Festival and Boulder Asian Cultural Festival. Year founded: 1995 www.bapaweb.org BOULDER BACH FESTIVAL P.O. Box 1896 Boulder, CO 80306 303-499-9646 Mission: Celebrate Bach’s music by providing high-quality performances and educational opportunities to satisfy those who love Bach’s music and to introduce Bach’s music to others. Wish list: Volunteers and board members. Person in charge: Marcia Schirmer, executive director Year founded: 1981 www.boulderbachfestival.org BOULDER BALLET COMPANY & SCHOOL 2590 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-0028/303-441-5266 Mission: Create, explore and extend the artistry, passion and joy of dance in community with its artists, students and audiences. Wish list: A new set for the Nutcracker. A corporate/business sponsor for the project. Person in charge: Wrenn Combs, executive director Year founded: 1982 www.boulderballet.org, www.bouldernutcracker.org BOULDER CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 4735 Walnut St., Suite F Boulder, CO 80301 303-583-1278/303-546-0625 Mission: Enhance the classical musical arts with live and recorded performances of the highest standard, and to serve the local community by offering music education, outreach and promotional activities. Wish list: Corporate sponsorship and general operating support. Person in charge: Bahman Saless, music director Year founded: 2004 www.boulderchamberorchestra.com BOULDER CHORALE 685 Inca Parkway Boulder, CO 80303 303-554-7692/303-317-4263 Mission: Provide music performances, outreach and education. Wish list: Support for guest artist fees, venue rental and infrastructure support. Person in charge: Dr. James Kim, artistic director; Kim Watkins, director children’s chorale Year founded: 1966 www.boulderchorale.org BOULDER CONCERT BAND INC. P.O. Box 18405 Boulder, CO 80308 303-517-1323 Mission: Provide community with performances of traditional and contemporary concert literature, enriching the cultural experience of the audience and musicians. Wish list: Sponsors, advertisers, donations and performance space that can accommodate a 70-piece band on stage. We currently need percussionists and bassoonists to join the band. Person in charge: Bernard Buster, president, board of directors Year founded: 1976 www.BoulderConcertBand.org ANIMALS > ARTS AND CULTURE GIVING GUIDE 2014 ARTS AND CULTURE 30 BOULDER COUNTY ARTS ALLIANCE 2590 Walnut St., Suite 9 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-2422 Mission: Promote and support artists and cultural organizations by providing leadership, resources and advocacy. Person in charge: Charlotte LaSasso, executive director Year founded: 1966 www.bouldercountyarts.org BOULDER FRIENDS OF JAZZ P.O. Box 1492 Boulder, CO 80306 303-449-1888 Mission: Preserve, support, promote and encourage traditional/Dixieland jazz through monthly jam sessions and sponsorship of other events. Wish list: New members: musicians, dancers and listeners to attend our jam sessions. Person in charge: Derek Lucas, president Year founded: 1986 www.boulderfriendsofjazz.org BOULDER HISTORY MUSEUM 1206 Euclid Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3464/303-938-8322 Mission: Provide educational experiences for people to explore the continuing history of the Boulder region. Wish list: Capital support, corporate support for exhibitions and programs and members. Person in charge: Nancy Geyer, executive director/CEO Year founded: 1944 www.boulderhistory.org BOULDER INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2338 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-2283/303-449-2274 Mission: Present more than 50 films from around the world every President’s Day weekend in February. Person in charge: Robin Beeck, executive director Kathy Beeck, festival director Year founded: 2005 www.biff1.com BOULDER MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART 1750 13th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-2122/303-447-1633 Mission: Maintain a contemporary art museum and gallery that offers regional, national and international exhibitions. Person in charge: David Dadone, executive director Year founded: 1972 www.bmoca.org GIVING GUIDE 2014 BOULDER PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA 2590 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-1343/303-443-9203 Mission: Professional orchestra performs at Macky Auditorium in Boulder and at schools throughout the Front Range. Wish list: Make the Phil your destination for an employee or client appreciation event, restaurants, caterers, hotels or beverage merchants to join us in hosting an Event of Note and concert sponsorships. Person in charge: Kevin Shuck, executive director Year founded: 1957 www.BoulderPhil.org BOULDER POTTERS’ GUILD 3185 Sterling Circle Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-0310 Mission: Provide classes and workshops in pottery and a full-service clay facility for its students and members. Person in charge: Joy Boston, president Year founded: 1969 www.boulderpottersguild.com BOULDER SUZUKI STRINGS 2705 Stanford Ave. Boulder, CO 80305-5336 303-499-2807/303 499-2807 Mission: Provide a scholarship program for string instruction and support for public performances. Person in charge: Amy Gesmer-Packman, director Year founded: 1982 www.bouldersuzukistrings.org BOULDER SYMPHONY P.O. Box 201 Niwot, CO 80544 970-577-1550 Mission: Perform symphonies. Person in charge: Devin Patrick Hughes, music director Year founded: 1992 www.bouldersymphony.org BOULDER’S UPSTART CROW THEATRE 2131 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-1415/303 442-1415 Mission: Perform and produce classical theater. Year founded: 1980 www.theupstartcrow.org CANTABILE SINGERS P.O. Box 4245 Boulder, CO 80306-4245 720-204-8806 Mission: Present concerts with a choral repertoire ranging from ancient to contemporary music featuring professional soloists and guest instrumentalists. Person in charge: Alejandro Gomez Guillen, music director Year founded: 1980 www.cantabileboulder.org CHASE THE MUSIC 2071 Rowell Drive Lyons, CO 80540 303-859-3321 Mission: Facilitate the composition, performance and distribution of original music for children battling critical illnesses. Wish list: Composers, performers, venues and audiences for the creation and delivery of music. Person in charge: Clark Hodge, executive director Year founded: 2012 www.chasethemusic.org COLORADO BREWERS GUILD P.O. Box 19736 Boulder, CO 80308 303-901-4701 Mission: Promote and protect the Colorado craft-beer community. Year founded: 1997 www.coloradobeer.org COLORADO MUSIC FESTIVAL & CENTER FOR MUSICAL ARTS 200 E. Baseline Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-0599 Mission: Provide access to the best of the world’s music through education and performance. Wish list: Financial commitment and support, larger audiences and enrollment, greater marketing and visibility with expanded community profile. Person in charge: Louise Christopher, development coordinator Year founded: 1976 www.COmusic.org CONSCIOUS ALLIANCE 2525 Arapahoe Ave., Suite E4-182 Boulder, CO 80302 720-406-7871 Mission: Enable feeding of the hungry through various art and music projects. Person in charge: Justin Levy, executive director www.consciousalliance.org CU ART MUSEUM 1085 18th St. Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-8003 Mission: Present exhibitions of contemporary and historical art. Person in charge: Stephen Martonis, director Year founded: 1939 Www.cuartmuseum.colorado.edu CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC/ CU FOUNDATION 301 UCB Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-8008/303-492-5619 Mission: Promote performing arts on the University of Colorado-Boulder campus. Person in charge: Joan McLean Braun, executive director www.cupresents.org CU-BOULDER COLLEGE OF MUSIC 301 UCB Boulder, CO 80309 303-735-6070/303-492-5619 Mission: Present classical, jazz, opera, dance and world music concerts, including student, faculty, guest and ensemble performances. Wish list: Program support, student scholarship support and faculty support. Person in charge: James Austin, interim dean Year founded: 1937 www.music.colorado.edu DANCE BRIDGE 1001 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-441-4391/303-441-4119 Mission: Provide a network for dancers and the general public in the Boulder Valley and present free programs and services for dancers. Wish list: Marketing support, affordable space rental, local funding. Person in charge: Mary Wohl Haan, coordinator Year founded: 2003 Www.www.artsresource.org/dance EAST BOULDER COUNTY ARTISTS P.O. Box 133 Lafayette, CO 80026 Mission: Promote the visual arts, with emphasis on education and outreach, in East Boulder County. Work to build a strong and diverse arts community, while serving the needs of member artists. Person in charge: Dona Laurita, president Year founded: 1999 www.ebcacolorado.org ETOWN 1535 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-8696/303-443-4489 Mission: Educate, entertain and inspire a diverse audience through music and conversation to create a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable world. Person in charge: Sarah Frankel, director of events and operations Year founded: 1991 www.etown.org FIREHOUSE ART CENTER 667 Fourth Ave. Longmont, CO 80502-5401 303-651-2787 Mission: Present visual art exhibits, children and youth education, film, dance and outreach programs. Wish list: Education program funding/scholarships, marketing assistance, grant writing. Person in charge: Jessica Kooiman, executive director/curator Year founded: 1986 www.firehouseart.org FREQUENTFLYERSPRODUCTIONSINC. 3022 E. Sterling Circle, No. 150 Boulder, CO 80301 303-245-8272 Mission: Present aerial dance performances and education for at-risk youthk, school programs, community classes; international Aerial Dance Festival. Wish list: Board members, donors, ambassadors. Person in charge: Laura Blegen, executive director Year founded: 1988 www.frequentflyers.org GREATER BOULDER YOUTH ORCHESTRAS P.O. Box 17643 Boulder, CO 80308 720-891-2259 Mission: Provides a variety of opportunities for young musicians to deepen musical skills and passion and to engage the community through performances of the highest possible artistic level. Person in charge: Brian Jack, executive director Year founded: 2006 www.greaterboulderyo.org Boulder County Business Report HELANDER DANCE THEATER 2590 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-589-2048 Mission: Present dance performances in collaboration with artists in various media; classes. Person in charge: Danelle Helander, artistic director Sean Owens, executive director Year founded: 1984 www.helanderdance.org IMAGINATION MAKERS THEATER COMPANY 2590 Walnut St., Suite 3 Boulder, CO 80302 720-565-1055/720-565-1681 Mission: Perform original plays with high-production standards for children in elementary schools throughout the DenverBoulder area. Person in charge: Rosey Waters, executive/ artistic director Year founded: 1980 www.imaginationmakers.org LEMON SPONGE CAKE CONTEMPORARY BALLET 2590 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 720-352-2903 Mission: Create new work, new choreography; produce full-length, cuttingedge contemporary ballets; dance education. Person in charge: Jenifer Sher, executive director Year founded: 2004 www.lemonspongecake.org LONGMONT COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS 356 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-7869 Mission: Inspire creativity in artists, patrons and students because art allows us to see the world in a different way. Person in charge: Joanne Kirves, executive director Year founded: 1985 www.artslongmont.org LONGMONT JAZZ ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 2536 Longmont, CO 80502 303-774-0426 Mission: Provide access to and participation in jazz music performances and to further community appreciation of this American art form through festivals, concerts and educational programs. Wish list: Interested and qualified people to serve on our board, local businesses interested in being sponsors and jazz enthusiasts to attend events. Person in charge: Kristin Anderson-Bohan, president Year founded: 1997 www.longmontjazz.com Boulder County Business Report OPEN ARTS LONGMONT MUSEUM AND CULTURAL CENTER 400 Quail Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-8374/303-774-4780 Mission: Maintain exhibits and educational programs in history, art and science. Collect and document the history and culture of the St. Vrain Valley. Wish list: Completing a $4.2 million capital campaign to expand the Museum with an auditorium, education space and event space. Person in charge: Wesley Jessup, museum manager Year founded: 1936 www.longmontmuseum.org LOUISVILLE CULTURAL COUNCIL 801 Grant Ave. Louisville, CO 80027 303-335-4903/ Mission: Promote and provide for the production, presentation, exhibition, coordination, advancement and preservation of the arts and sciences for the city of Louisville. Person in charge: Kathy Martin Year founded: 1989 LYONS REDSTONE MUSEUM 340 High St. Lyons, CO 80540 303-823-5271/303-823-8257 Mission: Interpreting the history of the Lyons area via photos, displays and genealogy files housed in a school house built in 1881. Person in charge: LaVern M. Johnson, president Year founded: 1979 www.lyonsredstonemuseum.com MAHLERFEST P.O. Box 1314 Boulder, CO 80306 303-665-9557/303-492-8970 Mission: Present a music festival featuring the music of Gustav Mahler. Person in charge: Barry Knapp, president Year founded: 1988 www.mahlerfest.org NOMAD THEATRE 1410 Quince Ave. Boulder, CO 80306 303-443-7510 Mission: Present a variety of events and performances in an historical 155-seat community theater. Year founded: 1951 www.nomadstage.com 3546 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-1862 Mission: Studio tours and classes. Wish list: Provide financial support for arts educators and volunteers to engage with younger people. Person in charge: Bill Capsalis, executive director Year founded: 1995 www.openartsboulder.org PARLANDO SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS 2590 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-0006 Mission: Offer music lessons and classes for all instruments, ages and abilities including piano, voice, guitar, school band/orchestra instruments. Musical theater program with an annual musical. Wish list: Donations, in-kind services, help spreading the word. Person in charge: Travis LaBerge, executive director Year founded: 2007 www.parlando.org PEANUT BUTTER PLAYERS 990 S. Public Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-786-8727/303-786-8727 Mission: Educate young people in theater, arts. Family-rated performances. Person in charge: Jo Anne Lamun, executive director Year founded: 1985 www.peanutbutterplayers.com RADIO 1190 CU Campus Box 207 Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-5031/303-492-1369 Mission: Promote lesser-heard music genres through commercial-free college radio. Person in charge: Mikey Goldenberg, general manager Year founded: 1998 www.radio1190.org ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS, KRMA 1089 Bannock St. Denver, CO 80204 303-892-6666 Mission: Produce public and educational television. Person in charge: Doug Price, CEO/president www.rmpbs.org STUDIO ARTS BOULDER P.O. Box 19815 Boulder, CO 80308 303-828-3220 Mission: Dedicated to aesthetic, technical and environmental learning in the studio arts. Person in charge: Nancy Utterback, director Year founded: 2009 www.StudioArtsBoulder.org THE ART UNDERGROUND 901 Front St., Lower Level Louisville, CO 80027 303-229-1127 Mission: Provide dance, theater, music and visual arts classes and events. Promote arts and artists in Louisville area through workshops and other means. Person in charge: Lori Jones, executive director Year founded: 2007 www.artunder.org THE COLORADO SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL 31 CU Campus Box 277 Boulder, CO 80309-0277 303-735-6070/303-735-5140 Mission: Professional theater company in association with the University of ColoradoBoulder will celebrate and explore the works of William Shakespeare. Wish list: Monetary donations with checks made out to The University of Colorado Foundation. Person in charge: Tim Orr, producing artistic director - interim Year founded: 1958 www.coloradoshakes.org THE DAIRY CENTER FOR THE ARTS 2590 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-7826/303-440-7104 Mission: Host 15 resident arts organizations working in dance, theater, music, literary, visual and media arts. Person in charge: Bill Obermeier, executive director Year founded: 1992 www.thedairy.org THE LONGMONT THEATRE CO. 513 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5200 Mission: Present entertainment with an educational component for and by the citizens. Self-sufficient performing arts center. Person in charge: Steve Carver, board president Year founded: 1957 www.longmonttheatre.org THE RENAISSANCE PROJECT 2650 University Heights Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 720-413-0551 Mission: Choral group. Person in charge: Arthur Bragg, director Year founded: 2007 www.renaissanceprojectboulder.org TURNING THE WHEEL PRODUCTIONS INC. 1123 County Road 83 Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-5720/303-546-0323 Mission: Dedicated to making creative expression and art accessible to people of all ages, challenges, experience and cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Wish list: Volunteers, corporate partners, videography. Person in charge: Alana Shaw, executive director Year founded: 1989 www.turningthewheel.com VILLAGE ARTS COALITION 6185 Arapahoe Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-440-8303 Mission: Promote folk art along the Front Range. Person in charge: Rick Thompson, Avalon manager Year founded: 1986 www.villageartscoalition.org ARTS AND CULTURE GIVING GUIDE 2014 CHILD/YOUTH 32 CHILD/YOUTH ALTERNATIVES FOR YOUTH INC. 24 Ninth Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-8184/303-776-1094 Mission: Provide help through our iTHRIVE program, an early intervention program, to 12- to 17-year-olds who have begun their journey into drugs/alcohol or other criminal/ anger behaviors. Wish list: Cash donations. Person in charge: Deborah Roberts, executive director Year founded: 1978 www.alternativesforyouth.org ASPEN GROVE COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL 391 W. First St. Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-0390 Mission: Provide quality early childhood education. Person in charge: Rachel Schaub, director Year founded: 2003 www.aspengrovepreschool.org ATTENTION HOMES 1443 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-1206/303-447-0623 Mission: Provide shelter, structure and access to crucial services to homeless and displaced youth s they can become stable, independent members of our community. Wish list: Financial contributions, meals and in-kind donations, volunteers. Person in charge: James Rianoshek, executive director Year founded: 1966 www.attentionhomes.org BAL SWAN CHILDREN’S CENTER 1145 E. 13th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-6308/303-466-1224 Mission: Impart skills and tools to equip children of all abilities to make a significant and sustained impact on humanity. Wish list: Event attendance and volunteers. Person in charge: Brian Scott Conly, executive director Year founded: 1963 www.balswan.org BLUE SKY BRIDGE P.O. Box 19122 Boulder, CO 80308 303-444-1388/303-444-2045 Mission: Provide forensic interviews, crisis intervention, counseling and referrals to abused children and their nonoffending family members. Person in charge: Gina Earles, executive director Year founded: 1995 www.blueskybridge.org BOLTAGE 2525 Arapahoe Ave., E4-539 Boulder, CO 80302-6702 303-317-3717 Mission: Make walking and biking to school a way of life. Person in charge: Zach Noffsinger, executive director Year founded: 2005 www.boltage.org GIVING GUIDE 2014 BOULDER DAY NURSERY ASSOCIATION 1518 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-7605 Mission: Provide high-quality child care, earlylearning programs and family-support services primarily for lower-income working families. Wish list: Funds to subsidize tuition scholarships for low-income working families. Person in charge: Steve Callander, executive director Year founded: 1917 www.boulderdaynursery.org BOULDER OPTIMIST CLUB Boulder, CO 303-442-0661 Mission: Through four clubs, raise money to donate to youth causes. Year founded: 1948 CHILDREN’S HOUSE PRESCHOOL 3370 Iris Walk Court Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-6432/720-214-6881 Mission: Provide a culturally sensitive, enriching early childhood environment with the activities, equipment and leadership to prepare children socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. Wish list: An experienced fundraiser, a marketing specialist, financial support. Person in charge: Elaine McCarthy, executive/ teaching director Year founded: 1970 www.childrenshousepreschool.org EAST BOULDER OPTIMIST CLUB Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-5458 Mission: Be a friend to youth. Person in charge: Alvin Zach, president Year founded: 1993 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA - LONGS GIRL SCOUTS OF COLORADO PEAK COUNCIL 400 S. Broadway 1075 South Boulder Road, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-447-8511/303-447-0293 Mission: Develop character, competence, integrity and leadership in today’s youth through quality programs, outdoor experiences and service to community. Wish list: Corporate sponsorships, in-kind donations, volunteers. Person in charge: John L. Coleman, Jr., CEO Year founded: 1924 www.longspeakbsa.org BRAVEHOODS 613 Rider Ridge Drive Longmont, CO 80504 303-774-8202 Mission: Sell hoodie T-shirts with empowering, positive messages. For each hoodie sold, one is given to a child fighting cancer. Person in charge: Allison Yacht Year founded: 2013 www.bravehoods.com CASA OF ADAMS & BROOMFIELD COUNTIES 1100 Judicial Center Drive Brighton, CO 80601 303-654-3378/303-654-3379 Mission: Provide specially selected and trained community volunteers, CASAs, to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in the pursuit of safe and permanent homes. Person in charge: Lisandra Gonzales, executive director Year founded: 2000 www.casa17th.org CHARITIES WITHIN REACH 6766 Audubon Ave. Niwot, CO 80503 303-325-3746 Mission: Support minority Hilltribe children through housing and educational and vocational opportunities. Wish list: Donations. Person in charge: Faye Victora, president, board of directors Year founded: 1998 Website: www.charitieswithinreach.com Denver, CO 80209 303-778-8774/303-733-6345 Mission: Build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Girl Scouts discover, connect and take action as young leaders. Wish list: Volunteers, donations. Person in charge: Stephanie Foote, CEO/president Year founded: 1912 www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org GOLDEN BRIDGE P.O. Box 7488 Boulder, CO 80306 877-246-5356 Mission: Support local and international youth development through movement-based rites of passage processes, leadership development and ongoing mentoring. Person in charge: Melissa Michaels, president Year founded: 1990 www.goldenbridge.org HERITAGE HOUSE MINISTRIES P.O. Box 195 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0140/720-890-6172 Mission: Provide a safe haven for at-risk teenage girls. Person in charge: Jeanne Jones, director Year founded: 2002 www.heritagehouseco.org KIDS’ PARK LAFAYETTE 101 N. Bermont Ave. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-818-2217 Mission: Maintain a K-8 playground and botanic garden designed so kids of all abilities, including those in wheelchairs and with other sensory issues, can safely play and grow together. Person in charge: Jay Ruggeri, board chair administration Year founded: 2002 www.kidsparklafayette.com KIWANIS CLUB OF LONGMONT P.O. Box 1002 Longmont, CO 80502 303-772-7816 Mission: Serve the children of the world. Person in charge: Larry Schluntz, president Year founded: 1926 www.longmontkiwanis.org MOUNTAIN STATES CHILDREN’S HOME 14780 N. 107th Longmont, CO 80502 303-776-6841 Mission: Provide counseling and services to foster children; Christian emphasis. Person in charge: Randy Schow, director www.msch.org MOUNTAIN SUMMERS INC. 10063 Gold Hill Road Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-4557/303-417-9114 Mission: Support participants in developmental outdoor programs and immersion in nature and community, fostering academic, career and social success. Wish list: Funding for children’s scholarships, funding for fundraiser’s salary. Person in charge: Lynn Walker, vice president Year founded: 1989 www.mountainsummers.org NIWOT YOUTH SPORTS P.O. Box 125 Niwot, CO 80544 303-887-7880 Mission: Provide Niwot area youth with the opportunity to participate in organized sports activities on a year-round basis. Person in charge: Tim Rudden, executive director www.niwotyouthsports.org OPTIMIST CLUB OF ERIE P.O. Box 311 Erie, CO 80516 Mission: Volunteer service projects for youth. Wish list: Support our only fundraising event the Eerie Erie 5k, 10K, Race. Person in charge: Joanne Pastor, president Year founded: 1992 www.erieoptimists.org PARTNERS MENTORING YOUTH, BOULDER, BROOMFIELD AND SOUTHWEST WELD COUNTIES 1430 Nelson Road, Suite 206 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1411/303-772-1475 Mission: Match screened and trained adult mentors with at-risk youth; professional help available for weekly case manager contacts. Wish list: Board members, mentors and financial contributions. Person in charge: Chris Sansone, executive director Year founded: 1985 www.bcpartners.org PEACE INITIATIVES INSTITUTE 5101 St. Vrain Road Longmont, CO 80503 970-596-7060 Mission: Teach pre-school age children in areas of strife and conflict the meaning of acceptance and respect for others. Person in charge: John David McCay, CEO, executive director Year founded: 2001 www.pii-mifc.org Boulder County Business Report PROJECT LINUS/ BOULDER ADAMS COUNTY Northglenn, CO 80233 303-955-0403 Mission: Provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans. Person in charge: Michelle Troch Year founded: 2004 https://sites.google.com/site/ projectlinusboulderadamscounty/ PROJECT YES 805 Excalibur St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-0306 Mission: Provide leadership opportunities to youth through the arts and service learning. Wish list: Volunteers to lead talks/ programs and mentor k-12 youth. Financial contributions to help us improve our youth center and programs and communication to help us understand needs and spread our message. Person in charge: Lotus Thomas, executive director Year founded: 1997 www.project-yes.org READING VILLAGE 3210 15th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-883-2822 Mission: Empower Guatemalan youth to eradicate illiteracy and lead their community out of poverty. Person in charge: Linda Smith, executive director www.readingvillage.org REALITIES FOR CHILDREN BOULDER COUNTY 3970 Broadway, Suite 201E Boulder, CO 80304 720-420-9780/720-420-9780 Mission: Provide emergency funding and other support to neglected, abused and at-risk youth. The organization also provides college scholarships and Bikes 4 Tykes, a bike-distribution program. Wish list: Fundraising support, contributions, event participation. Person in charge: Eric Schulz, executive director Year founded: 2012 www.rfcbc.org ROCKYMOUNTAINEQUI-RHYTHM: HORSES BALANCING HEARTS 7156 Johnson Circle Niwot, CO 80503 303-919-3946 Mission: Use the healing power of the horsehuman relationship to assist at-risk youth and other at-risk populations in developing a better understanding of themselves to enhance their life purpose. Person in charge: Caroline M. Roy, executive director Year founded: 2001 www.equirhythm.org Boulder County Business Report SKYLINE KIWANIS CLUB P.O. Box 565 Longmont, CO 80502 303-931-3443 Mission: Serve the children of the world. Person in charge: Bill Stone, president Year founded: 1978 www.skylinekiwanis.org TEENS INC. 151 East St. Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-3821/303-258-0371 Mission: Provide leadership programming (wilderness trips, rock-climbing, governance), free drop-in recreation, alternative high school program, substance use prevention, communitywide restorative justice. Wish list: Monetary donations, volunteers for facility construction/maintenance, donations for online silent auction. Person in charge: Stephen LeFaiver, executive director Year founded: 1997 www.teensinc.org THE WELLNESS INITIATIVE 2845 Wilderness Place, Suite 207 Boulder, CO 80301 303-865-3976/303-265-9193 Mission: Improve the physical health, social and emotional development and academic performance of low-income youth through yoga-based wellness programs. Wish list: Funding, trained yoga teachers, board members. Person in charge: Stephanie Baer, executive director Year founded: 2006 www.wellnessinitiative.org THE WOMEN’S WILDERNESS INSTITUTE 1501 Lee Hill Road Unit 16 Boulder, CO 80304 303-938-9191/303-938-5071 Mission: Strengthen the courage, confidence and leadership qualities of women and girls through the support and challenge of wilderness and community-based experiences. Person in charge: Shari Leach, executive director Year founded: 1997 www.womenswilderness.org VOICES FOR CHILDREN CASA 2305 Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-7059/303-440-9960 Mission: Provide trained court-appointed volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children in Boulder County. Wish list: Volunteers, holiday gifts for children, financial contribution. Person in charge: Nia Wassink, executive director Year founded: 1985 www.vfccasa.org WOW! CHILDREN’S MUSEUM 110 N. Harrison Ave. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2424/303-666-8376 Mission: WOW! offers interactive, educational and creative exhibits and programs for children ages 1 through 11 and their families. Wish list: Financial contributions to support our exhibits and programs, volunteers to assist with a variety of projects and donated items from the wish list on our website. Person in charge: Jennifer Hinderliter, executive director Year founded: 1996 www.wowchildrensmuseum.org COMMUNITY AMERICAN LEGION POST III 1150 Pine St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-6314 Mission: Support veterans and their families, promoting Amercanism and citizenship and serving the community. Person in charge: Leroy Lorenzi, commander Year founded: 1919 www.louisvillepost111.com BOULDER COUNTY FAIR, LIVESTOCK SHOW AND RODEO 9595 Nelson Road, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 720-864-6460/720-864-6461 Mission: Provide a family-oriented showcase of agriculture, technology, history and cultural diversity in an educational and entertaining environment. Wish list: Financial help, volunteer information booths to welcome and greet fairgoers and in-kind sponsors. Person in charge: Laura Boldt, coordinator Year founded: 1869 www.bouldercountyfair.org BOULDER COUNTY INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ALLIANCE - BIBA 2525 Arapahoe Ave., No. E4-121 Boulder, CO 80302 720-565-3854 Mission: Support community-based independent businesses through cooperative efforts in purchasing, marketing and advertising, public information and advocacy. Wish list: Shop at our member independent businesses. Sponsors for events, sponsors for our mission. Office chair, book shelf, event space for educational classes, interns and volunteers. Person in charge: Jennifer Johnson, executive director Year founded: 1998 www.boulderindependentbusiness.org BOULDER JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER 3800 Kalmia Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 303-998-1900 Mission: Provide programs and services based in Jewish values and traditions in a place where people of all ages and backgrounds gather to connect and exchange. Person in charge: Jonathan Lev, executive director www.boulderjcc.org BOULDER TOMORROW 5541 Central Ave., Suite 145 Boulder, CO 80302 303-448-2110 Mission: Provide the public with facts, examples and projections regarding political and policy decisions affecting Boulder’s future. Year founded: 1997 www.bouldertomorrow.com CTEK VENTURE CENTERS HEADQUARTERS 1811 Bellair St. Denver, CO 80220 303-808-3242 Mission: Business consultation for startup high-tech companies. Person in charge: Gary Held, president Year founded: 1989 www.CTEK.biz DOWNTOWN BOULDER INC. 1942 Broadway, Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3774/303-449-1582 Mission: Provide advocacy and programming for the downtown Boulder community. Person in charge: Sean Maher, executive director Year founded: 1984 www.boulderdowntown.com ERIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL 77 Erie Village Square, Suite 150 Erie, CO 80516 720-541-7760/303-828-3330 Mission: Promote Erie’s central location to transportation and educational facilities, skilled workforce, quality residential options and affordable new development opportunities. Person in charge: Randy Kneebone, chairman Year founded: 2003 https://www.erieco.gov/index.aspx?NID=606 FAMILY LEARNING CENTER 3164 34th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-8979/303-442-0901 Mission: Encourage lifelong learning and economic self-sufficiency in a learning environment for families of diverse cultures and limited incomes . Person in charge: Brenda Lyle, co-founder, executive director Year founded: 1985 www.flcboulder.org FRIENDS OF THE LAFAYETTE PUBLIC LIBRARY 775 W. Baseline Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-5200 Mission: Volunteer network provides support for the Lafayette Library. Person in charge: Marsha Ruggeri, president Year founded: 1977 www.cityoflafayette.com/library CHILD/YOUTH > COMMUNITY 33 GIVING GUIDE 2014 COMMUNITY > EDUCATION 34 INNOVATION CENTER OF THE ROCKIES GIVING GUIDE 2014 MAGNOLIA ROAD INTERNET COOPERATIVE 1155 Canyon Blvd., Suite 400 Boulder, CO 80302-5414 303-444-2111/303-444-3111 Mission: Business accelerator concentrates on job creation based on technology emerging from Colorado research universities and supporting established early-stage companies. Person in charge: Tim Bour, executive director Year founded: 2005 www.innovationcenteroftherockies.com P.O. Box 1671 Nederland, CO 80466 720-210-1969 Mission: Provide high-speed Internet access to areas west of Boulder. Person in charge: Rick Cobb, board of directors; Aaron Caplan, board member Year founded: 2001 www.mric.coop INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL VOLUNTARY SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM (INVST) 2635 Mapleton Ave., No. 64 Boulder, CO 80301 720-314-9862 Mission: Preserve the Mapleton Mobile Home Park as permanently affordable, residentcontrolled, owner-occupied mobile home community. Person in charge: Tom Duffy, on-site manager Year founded: 1996 www.mapletonboulder.com CU Campus Box 471 Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-7719/303-492-8045 Mission: Provide a community leadership training program for University of ColoradoBoulder. Person in charge: Sabrina Sideris, program director Year founded: 1990 colorado.edu/communitystudies KGUD 457 Fourth Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-9811/303-776-1425 Mission: Operate a noncommercial radio station devoted to improving community through communication. Wish list: Financial support. Person in charge: George Baskos, general manager Year founded: 1975 www.kgud.org LONGMONT AREA ECONOMIC COUNCIL 528 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-0128/303-682-5446 Mission: Provide expansion and relocation assistance to primary employers; economic services for Longmont area. Person in charge: Wendi Nafziger, interim president Year founded: 1981 www.longmont.org LONGMONT ENTREPRENEURIAL NETWORK 105 S. Sunset, Suite H Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-8000 Mission: Provide business consultation for startup high-tech companies. Person in charge: Alex Sammoury, director Year founded: 1989 www.leninc.com LYONSCOMMUNITYFOUNDATION P.O. Box 546 Lyons, CO 80540 720-29-LYONS Mission: Improve the quality of life, build a culture of giving and encourage positive change for the greater Lyons area. Person in charge: Liz Erley, chair Year founded: 2007 www.lyonscf.org MAPLETON HOME ASSOCIATION NEDERLANDCOMMUNITYLIBRARY 200 Highway 72 North Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-1101 Mission: Enrich the residents and visitors of the Nederland mountain community by providing library services and access to information. Wish list: Technology access, access to information, children programming. Person in charge: Neli Van Buskirk, interim director Year founded: 2002 www.nedlib.org NORTHWEST DENVER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP 11945 Airport Way Broomfield, CO 80021 303-469-7645/303-469-9183 Mission: Provides economic, demographic and real estate data; markets available office, industrial and retail space; and provides job opportunities. Person in charge: Mike Kodrosky, CEO/ president Year founded: 1986 nwdenver.org SKILLSHARE 3200 Carbon Place, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80301 720-295-8814/303 417-9089 Mission: Provide a system for members to exchange skills and services with each other based on time. Also, members volunteer their time to local nonprofits. Wish list: More members and financial support. Person in charge: Howard P Lambert, primary coordinator Year founded: 2003 www.skillsharenetwork.org ST. VRAIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY 470 Main St. Longmont, CO 80502 303-776-1870/303-776-5778 Mission: Promote local historic preservation and education to assure a future for our community’s past. Person in charge: Louise Dyer, board president Year founded: 1967 www.stvrainhistoricalsociety.org VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS 206 S. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-8590 Mission: Support veterans and family, and foster community. Person in charge: Jim Mauck, quartermaster www.vfw2601.com VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS POST 9565 11700 Wadsworth Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9557 Mission: Support military veterans and Boy Scouts. Sea Cadet unit facilitates and finances youth education/awareness, other charitable needs. Person in charge: Marvin R. Pruitt, commander Year founded: 1899 www.vfw9565.org VETERANS PEACE OF MIND PROJECT 1507 Pine St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-0444/303-449-1045 Mission: Provide tools facilitating peace of mind for veterans, and other victims of trauma suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Person in charge: Margot L. Neuman, executive director Clifford L. Neuman, founder www.veteranspeaceofmindproject.org VISIT LONGMONT 512 Fourth Ave., Unit 103 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9011/303-651-2260 Mission: Support, promote and market the historic, cultural and recreational activities within a 30-mile radius of Longmont in order to enhance the economic well-being of the region. Person in charge: Hannah LaForest, executive director Year founded: 2005 www.visitlongmont.org WORKFORCE BOULDER COUNTY 1500 Kansas Ave., Suite 4D Longmont, CO 80501-6542 303-651-1510/303-651-0288 Mission: Connect business and people. Person in charge: Tom Miller, executive director www.wfbc.org WORKFORCE BOULDER COUNTY 2520 55th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-301-2900/303-939-0054 Mission: Connect business and people. Person in charge: Tom Miller, executive director www.wfbc.org EDUCATION ACORN SCHOOL FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT 2845 Wilderness Place Boulder, CO 80301 303-938-8233/303-938-5977 Mission: Provide high-quality, accessible, early care and education programs and advocate higher standards in the field of early childhood education. Person in charge: Matt Eldred, executive director Year founded: 1994 www.theacornschool.org ALEXANDER DAWSON SCHOOL 10455 Dawson Drive Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-6679/303-381-0757 Mission: Offer AP classes in all subjects, study abroad program, Winterim, outdoor education, robotics, 15 arts electives, 15 sports. $1.3 million of need-based financial aid issued each year. Person in charge: George P. Moore, head of school Year founded: 1970 www.dawsonschool.org ASSOCIATION FOR EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION 3775 Iris Ave., Suite 4 Boulder, CO 80301-2043 303-440-8844/303-440-9581 Mission: Expand educators’ and practitioners’ capacity to enrich lives through the philosophy and principles of experiential education. Wish list: Donations, grants, volunteers. Person in charge: Laurence Gration, director of operations Year founded: 1973 www.aee.org BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU DENVER/BOULDER 1020 Cherokee St. Denver, CO 80204 303-758-2100/303-577-8101 Mission: Create an ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers can trust each other. Person in charge: Su Hawk, CEO/president Year founded: 1951 www.denver.bbb.org BIXBY SCHOOL 4760 Table Mesa Drive Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-7508/303-494-7519 Mission: Cultivate critical thinking; promote independence and self-confidence; instill empathy, respect and responsibility; and inspire a love of learning. Wish list: Monetary contributions, technology gifts and donations to annual auction. Year founded: 1970 www.bixbyschool.org BOULDER COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL 4820 Nautilus Court Boulder, CO 80301 303-527-4931/303-527-4944 Mission: Provide a balanced and rigorous education distinguished by excellence in the arts, academics, technology and character. Person in charge: John Suitor III, head of school Year founded: 1988 www.bouldercountryday.org BOULDERCOUNTYBUSINESSHALL OF FAME P.O. Box 2081 Longmont, CO 80502 970-222-4791 Mission: Research, document and recommend for induction Boulder County business individuals into the Hall of Fame. Wish list: Inductee lunch sponsors and nominees for Hall of Fame inductees. Person in charge: De Dahlgren, administrative and events manager Year founded: 1992 www.halloffamebiz.com Boulder County Business Report BOULDER MONTESSORI SCHOOL 3300 Redstone Road Boulder, CO 80305-7139 303-494-5814 Mission: Provide an early childhood program dedicated to the principles of consensus, mutual understanding, courtesy, respect, trust and support of one another. Wish list: New furnace, flooring and paint for interior of school. Person in charge: Amy Condon, administrator Year founded: 1973 www.bouldermontessori.org BOULDERVALLEYSCHOOLDISTRICT 6500 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-447-1010/720-561-5134 Mission: Provide pre-K through 12 education. Person in charge: Bruce Messinger, superintendent Year founded: 1961 www.bvsd.org BOULDERREADS! 1001 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-441-3139 Mission: Help people discover the power and joy of reading. Person in charge: Shelly Sullivan, program manager Year founded: 1986 www.boulderreads.org BVSD LIFELONG LEARNING 6500 E. Arapahoe Road Boulder, CO 80303 720-561-5968 Mission: Provide classes for kids, teens and adults. Computers, languages, arts, business, food/drink, gardening, writing, dance, exercise, no-school day camps, driver’s ed, after-school enrichment. Person in charge: Carol Brackman, adult classes coordinator Kathleen Seyler, kids/teens program coordinator Year founded: 1984 www.bvsd.org/lll CATALYST HIGH SCHOOL 1376 Miners Drive, Suite 106 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-6512/303-604-6523 Mission: Provide AdvancED accredited classes, flexible scheduling, personalized education plans. Person in charge: Ed Porritt, executive director Year founded: 2006 www.catalysths.org CRAYONS TO CALCULATORS 728 Front St., Suite A Louisville, CO 80027 303-524-3865/303-524-3867 Mission: Organize a school-supplies drive to provide new backpacks with new supplies to low-income students in Boulder Valley and St. Vrain Valley public schools by the first day of school. Person in charge: Fran Ryan, CEO Year founded: 2004 www.crayonstocalculators.org Boulder County Business Report DART INC. 5056 Coventry Court Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-9447/303-530-5013 Mission: Provide courses in violence prevention and violence management for dating, workplace, stalking and personal safety situations. Wish list: Fundraising support, volunteer involvement, board development. Person in charge: Michele Dusenbery, executive director Year founded: 2000 www.dartdefense.org EDUCAUSE 282 Century Place, Suite 5000 Louisville, CO 80027-1694 303-449-4430/303-440-0461 Mission: Advance higher education through the use of information technology. Person in charge: Diana Oblinger, president Year founded: 1998 www.educause.edu ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROGRAM 1919 14th St., Suite 421 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-7196/303-998-1592 Mission: Provide low-cost, interactive Spanish classes for more than 600 young children each year. Person in charge: Stephanie Garriga-Snaider, director Year founded: 1971 www.kidsspeakspanish.org FASCINATINGLEARNINGFACTORY 510 E. Sutton Circle Lafayette, CO 80026-1022 303-545-9955/303-545-6658 Mission: Find, develop and produce educational programming for television and the Internet. Person in charge: Bunnie Strassner, executive director Year founded: 2000 www.fascinatinglearningfactory.org FLAGSTAFF ACADEMY 2040 Miller Drive Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-7900/303-651-7922 Mission: Provide a science-focused, liberal arts curriculum that promotes excellence, teamwork, respect and a lifelong love of learning for preschool and K-8 students. Person in charge: Wayne Granger, interim director www.flagstaffacademy.org FRIENDS’ SCHOOL 5465 Pennsylvania Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-1999/303-499-1365 Mission: Provide preschool, elementary, teacher prep program. Educate head, hand and heart through academic excellence, creative expression, social responsibility, small classes. Wish list: Funding for student program enhancements, student financial aid, and facility development. Person in charge: Steve de Beer, head of school Year founded: 1987 www.FriendsSchoolBoulder.org FRONT RANGE CENTER FOR ASSAULT PREVENTION P.O. Box 745727 Arvada, CO 80006 720-210-4801 Mission: Reduce children and adolescents vulnerability to physical, emotional abuse and sexual assault through the provision of prevention education and advocacy through the Child Assault Prevention program. Wish list: Financial support, board members, fundraising sponsors. Person in charge: Victoria Strong, executive director Year founded: 2000 www.frontrangecap.org. GREENHOUSE SCHOLARS 1881 Ninth St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-464-7811 Mission: Provide comprehensive personal and financial support to high-performing, under-resourced college students so that they may become a community of leaders who will evolve the communities of the world. Person in charge: Pete Burridge, CEO Year founded: 2004 www.greenhousescholars.org HOLY FAMILY HIGH SCHOOL 5195 W. 144th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-410-1411/303-466-1935 Mission: Catholic high school, college preparatory curriculum, religious programs including apostolic ministry, liturgies, prayer and daily religious exercises, retreats. Person in charge: Tim Gallic, principal Year founded: 1922 www.holyfamilyhs.com I HAVE A DREAM FOUNDATION OF BOULDER COUNTY 3012 Sterling Circle, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-3636/303-444-3638 Mission: Empower and motivate children from low-income communities to reach their college and career goals by providing a long-term program of mentoring, tutoring and enrichment. Wish list: Funding for programming, tutors, mentors. Person in charge: Lori Canova, CEO/president Year founded: 1990 www.ihaveadreamboulder.org IMPACT ON EDUCATION 728 Front St., Suite A Louisville, CO 80027 303-524-3865/303-524-3867 Mission: Promote excellence, improve equity and encourage innovation in Boulder Valley schools. Wish list: Funding for literacy intervention, funding to support student achievement using innovative, creative technologies and strategies and funding for professional development for our teachers. Person in charge: Fran Ryan, CEO Year founded: 1983 www.ImpactOnEducation.org INSTITUTE OF TAOIST EDUCATION AND ACUPUNCTURE INC. 317 W. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 720-890-8922/720-890-7719 Mission: Offer classical five-element acupuncture. Person in charge: Hilary Skellon, clinical director Year founded: 1996 www.itea.edu LEARNING FOR LIVING INSTITUTE 325 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-4204/303-449-7322 Mission: Empower college students to succeed in their personal, academic and professional lives during and after college through life skills educational programs. Wish list: Contributions, expertise in our areas. Person in charge: Dorcas McDonald, executive director Year founded: 1999 www.learningforliving.org LEGACY OF LEARNING 5440 Conestoga Court Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-8422/303-444-5223 Mission: Teach basic academic skills (reading, writing, spelling, math and critical thinking) to at-risk elementary and secondary students who constitute the lower 25th percentile of their class. Wish list: Financial contributions to train and pay more teachers and to assess and teach more at and high risk students. Marketing and technical support for social networking. Administrative support. Person in charge: Iris Lee, program director Year founded: 1998 www.thelegacyoflearning.org LONGMONT CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 1440 Collyer St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3254/303-485-6937 Mission: Provide quality christian education built on a foundation of biblical truths and academic excellence to prepare students for successful living. Person in charge: Donnie Bennett, principal Year founded: 1993 www.longmontchristian.org MOUNTAIN SHADOWS MONTESSORI SCHOOL 4154 63rd St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-5353/303-530-5230 Mission: Deliver hands-on experiential and sensory learning in a collaborative environment. AMI-accredited Montessori school for ages 12 months to 12 years. Person in charge: Ann Kasunich, head of school Year founded: 1976 www.mountainshadows.org NAROPA UNIVERSITY 2310 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-0202/303-444-0410 Mission: Advance contemplative education. Nationally accredited private, nonsectarian liberal arts institution. Person in charge: Charles Lief, president Year founded: 1974 www.naropa.edu EDUCATION 35 GIVING GUIDE 2014 EDUCATION > EMERGENCY > ENVIRONMENT 36 RUNNING RIVER SCHOOL 1370 Forest Park Circle Lafayette, CO 80026 303-499-2059 Mission: Specialize in experiential, real-life learning. Contemplative practices, the arts, physical fitness, nature focus. Person in charge: Nancy Monson, director Year founded: 2001 www.runningriver.org SACRED HEART OF JESUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL 1317 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-447-2362/303-443-2466 Mission: Offer academics in a faith-filled community. Catholic intellectual tradition intersects with 21st century education. Smart boards in every classroom. Wish list: Laptops for a mobile computer lab. Person in charge: Roonie Leitem-Murrell , principal Year founded: 1900 www.school.shjboulder.org SEPTEMBER HIGH SCHOOL 1902 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-9933/303-444-5027 Mission: Provide an intimate and supportive learning environment that fosters individual development and the love of learning. Focus on critical thinking, lifelong learning and responsible citizenship. Wish list: Scholarship and financial aid funding for qualifying families, volunteer efforts to preserve and improve our historic facilities and working partnerships with other communityminded organizations. Person in charge: John Dunn, head of school Year founded: 1973 www.septemberschool.org SHINING MOUNTAIN WALDORF SCHOOL 999 Violet Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-7697/303-444-7701 Mission: Offer an age-appropriate curriculum that integrates academics, arts and practical studies. Person in charge: Sue Levine, school director Year founded: 1983 www.smwaldorf.org TARA PERFORMING ARTS HIGH SCHOOL 4180 19th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-4510/303-448-0090 Mission: Offer an academic curriculum with an emphasis on the performing arts. College preparatory Waldorf high school. Person in charge: Betsy Barricklow, co-director Year founded: 1994 www.tarahighschool.org TESSERACT 2277 Juniper Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-447-1429/303-447-9713 Mission: Develop materials for informal science education and develop a science/art museum in Boulder. Wish list: Interactive support from the science and technology business community. Financial support. Person in charge: Carla Selby, CEO/president Year founded: 2007 Website: www.tesseractproductions.org GIVING GUIDE 2014 THE ROLF INSTITUTE 5055 Chaparral Court, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-5903/303-449-5978 Mission: Bring rolfing SI to the world through an internationally recognized training program for certified rolfers. Wish list: Support for our new Rolf Institute Library that will enhance education and preservation of Rolfing Structural Integration. Person in charge: Diana Yourell, executive director Year founded: 1971 www.rolf.org THORNE NATURE EXPERIENCE P.O. Box 19107 Boulder, CO 80308 303-499-3647/720-565-3873 Mission: Connect children to nature through hands-on environmental education. Person in charge: Keith Desrosiers, executive director Year founded: 1954 www.thornenature.org WATERSHED SCHOOL 1661 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7520/303-440-7521 Mission: Provide inquiry-based learning and critical thinking, cross-cultural travel programs, wilderness orientation, arts offerings. Grades 6-12. Person in charge: Chris Catheris, head of school Year founded: 2004 www.watershedschool.org WESTERN INTERSTATE COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION 3035 Center Green Drive Boulder, CO 80301 303-541-0200/303-541-0291 Mission: Expand educational access and excellence for all citizens of the West by promoting innovation, cooperation, resource sharing and sound public policy. Person in charge: David Longanecker, president Year founded: 1953 www.wiche.edu YOUR ENGLISH SCHOOL DBA YES SCHOOL 1128 Pine St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-499-2352 Mission: Provide English as a second language instruction to men and women at low cost. Person in charge: Joan Knaub, chairman Year founded: 1995 www.learnenglishboulder.org EMERGENCY AMERICAN RED CROSS MILE HIGH CHAPTER,BOULDER/BROOMFIELD BRANCH 444 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80203-3502 303-722-7474/303-722-7588 Mission: Provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. Year founded: 1914 www.ColoradoRedCross.org BOULDER EMERGENCY SQUAD HEADQUARTERS 3532 Diagonal Highway Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-4081 Mission: Provide volunteer technical searchand-rescue specialists. Person in charge: Andrew Moschetti, president Year founded: 1963 www.bes-rescue.org FRONT RANGE RESCUE DOGS P.O. Box 18181 Boulder, CO 80308 720-443-3773 Mission: Train and certify dog teams to search for missing persons. Only called out through law enforcement agencies. Person in charge: Jeff Foltz, president Year founded: 1984 www.frontrangerescuedogs.org LONGMONT EMERGENCY UNIT 663 17th Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6180/303-682-8936 Mission: Provide on-call service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Trained to respond to any type of emergency, police/fire assistance or community. Wish list: Volunteers. Person in charge: Jim Leri, board president Year founded: 1957 www.leu-rescue.org ROCKYMOUNTAINRESCUEGROUP 3720 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4141 Mission: Provide volunteer search and rescue in mountainous terrain and assist in other emergencies; to provide safety education to the community. Person in charge: Steve Chappell, vice president Ian Baring-Gould, president Year founded: 1947 www.rockymountainrescue.org ENVIRONMENT BOULDERCOUNTYAUDUBONSOCIETY P.O. Box 2081 Boulder, CO 80306 303-494-2468 Mission: Provide a voice for migratory bird and wildlife conservation through habitat protection, political action and education. Wish list: Donations and volunteers. Person in charge: Steve Jones, president Year founded: 1979 www.boulderaudubon.org BOULDER CREEK WATERSHED INITIATIVE P.O. Box 18 Boulder, CO 80306 303-413-7365 Mission: Educate and inform the public about issues that affect the Boulder Creek watershed and to promote programs and actions that will establish a community stewardship ethic. Person in charge: Paul Hempel, executive director Year founded: 1996 www.basin.org/bcwi BOULDER TRANSPORTATION CONNECTIONS 2995 55th St., No. 20295 Boulder, CO 80308 303-819-6838 Mission: Assist the Boulder community to commute smarter, and in partnership with the city’s GO Boulder program, promote transportation options for businesses in the city. Person in charge: Bob Whitson, executive director Year founded: 2004 www.bouldertc.org CENTER FOR RESOURCE CONSERVATION 2639 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-999-3820/303-440-0703 Mission: Empower the community to conserve natural resources. Year founded: 1976 www.conservationcenter.org COLORADOGREENBUILDINGGUILD 1720 15th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-0901/303-447-0307 Mission: Provide an association of building professionals who promote resource-efficient homes and workplaces. www.coloradogreenbuildingguild.org COLORADO OPEN LANDS 274 Union Blvd., Suite 320 Lakewood, CO 80228 303-988-2373/303-988-2383 Mission: Help families permanently protect their land, including wildlife habitat, working farms and ranches, river corridors and scenic lands. Person in charge: Cheryl Fox, director of development and administration Year founded: 1981 www.coloradoopenlands.org ECO-CYCLE INC. 6400 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-6634/303-444-6647 Mission: Operate the Boulder County Recycling Center, Center for Hard-to-Recycle Materials and offer sustainability services. Person in charge: Suzanne Jones, executive director Year founded: 1976 www.ecocycle.org ECO-CYCLE/CITY OF BOULDER CHARM: CENTER FOR HARD-TORECYCLE MATERIALS 6400 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-6634/303-444-6647 Mission: Recycle computers, TVs and other electronics, appliances, plastic bags, scrap metal, cooking oil, bikes, white block foam, porcelain fixtures. Person in charge: Dan Matsch, CHaRM manager Year founded: 2002 www.ecocycle.org/charm Boulder County Business Report ENVIRONMENT COLORADO 1536 Wynkoop St., Suite 101 Denver, CO 80202 303-573-3871 Mission: Protect Colorado’s air, water and open spaces. Investigate problems, craft solutions, educate the public and decisionmakers and help Coloradans make their voices heard. Person in charge: Jeanne Bassett, senior associate Year founded: 2002 www.environmentcolorado.org GOBOULDER/DIVISIONOFPUBLIC WORKS- TRANSPORTATION P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306 303-441-3266/303-441-4271 Mission: Support and provide alternative transportation. Person in charge: Kathleen Bracke, GO Boulder manager Year founded: 1989 www.goboulder.net GROUP TO ALLEVIATE SMOKING POLLUTIONOFCOLORADO(GASP) 5485 Conestoga Court, No. 200B Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-9799 Mission: Promote and advocate for smokefree policies, educate the public about the dangers of secondhand smoke and provide assistance for people having problems with tobacco-smoke pollution. Person in charge: Pete Bialick, president Year founded: 1977 www.gaspforair.org GROWING GARDENS P.O. Box 1066 Boulder, CO 80306-1066 303-443-9952 Mission: Enrich the lives of our community through sustainable urban agriculture growing gardens. Person in charge: Vanessa Keeley, executive director Year founded: 1998 www.growinggardens.org JAMES CREEK WATERSHED INITIATIVE P. O. Box 110 Jamestown, CO 80455 303-449-2621/303-449-2621 Mission: Engage the community in protecting the waters of James Creek and the forest ecosystem surrounding it. Person in charge: Colleen Williams, executive director Year founded: 1997 KEEP IT CLEAN PARTNERSHIP 3450 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-1439/303-441-1468 Mission: Create partnerships between communities in the Boulder and St. Vrain watersheds to keep water sources free of pollution. Person in charge: Janice Lopitz, project coordinator Year founded: 2003 www.keepitcleanpartnership.org Boulder County Business Report LEAVE NO TRACE CENTER FOR OUTDOOR ETHICS 1830 17th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-8222/303-442-8217 Mission: National nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching people how to recreate responsibly. Develops programs/trainings that teach skills on how to care for parks, trails and natural lands. Person in charge: Dana Watts, executive director Year founded: 1994 www.lnt.org LOCAL FOOD SHIFT 2415 19th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-494-1521 Mission: Help to build community selfsufficiency and strengthen the local economy through partnership, collaboration and engagement. Person in charge: Lynette Marie Hanthorn, executive director Year founded: 2007 Www.localfoodshift.com NATIONALWILDLIFEFEDERATION 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80303 303-786-8001 Mission: Encourage people to conserve wildlife and other natural resources. Person in charge: Ann Morgan, regional executive director Year founded: 1936 www.nwf.org/regional-centers/rockymountain NATIVE AMERICAN FISH & WILDLIFE SOCIETY 8333 Greenwood Blvd., Suite 260 Denver, CO 80221 303-466-1725/303-466-5414 Mission: Protect, conserve and enhance Native American fish and wildlife resources conducted through national and regional conferences. Person in charge: Ron Skates, president Year founded: 1982 www.nafws.org PACIFIC INSTITUTE 2260 Baseline Road, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80302 720-564-0651/303-786-8054 Mission: Create a healthier planet and sustainable communities. Person in charge: Michael Cohen, senior associate Year founded: 1987 www.pacinst.org RECYCLEBOULDERVALLEY.ORG P.O. Box 1004 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-444-2550 Mission: Provide free Website for posting and requesting usable material items so they can be recycled rather than thrown into landfills. Goal is to reduce, recycle and reuse. Person in charge: Linda Radcliffe Year founded: 2003 www.recyclebouldervalley.org RESOURCE YARD 6400 Arapahoe Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-419-5418/303-440-0703 Mission: Provide innovative landfill diversion programs that promote deconstruction. Accept reusable building material donations and sell reclaimed materials. Person in charge: Shaun LaBarre, ReSource director Year founded: 1996 www.ReSourceYard.org SKICARPOOL 3172 29th St. Boulder, CO 80301 Mission: Help people save time and money while reducing pollution and making new friends carpooling to Colorado resorts. Person in charge: Glenn Lieberman, executive director www.skicarpool.org SOUTHWESTENERGYEFFICIENCY PROJECT 2334 Broadway, Suite A Boulder, CO 80304-4107 303-447-0078/303-447-0158 Mission: Promote energy efficiency in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. Person in charge: Howard Geller, executive director Year founded: 2001 www.swenergy.org THE NATURE CONSERVANCY 2424 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-2950/303-444-2986 Mission: Conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Person in charge: Tim Sullivan, Colorado state director Year founded: 1951 www.nature.org/colorado THE WILD FOUNDATION 717 Poplar Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-8811/303-442-8877 Mission: Work for wilderness, wildlife and people around the world and locally in Colorado. Protect and interconnect at least half of the planet, land and water, in an interconnected way. Wish list: Graphic designer, monetary donations, outreach support. Person in charge: Vance Martin, president Year founded: 1974 www.wild.org WESTERNRESOURCEADVOCATES 2260 Baseline Road, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-1188/303-786-8054 Mission: Protect the West’s landscapes, majestic rivers, blue skies and clean-energy future. Person in charge: John Nielsen, interim executive director Year founded: 1989 www.westernresourceadvocates.org WILD BEAR MOUNTAIN ECOLOGY CENTER 20 Lakeview Drive, Unit 107 Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-0495 Mission: Provide year-round, hands-on educational programs to people of all ages in order to foster a lifelong appreciation of the environment and to promote environmental awareness. Person in charge: Jill Dreves, executive director Year founded: 1995 www.wildbear.org WILDLANDS RESTORATION VOLUNTEERS 3012 Sterling Circle, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301 303-543-1411 Mission: Foster a community spirit of shared responsibility for the ecological stewardship and restoration of public and protected lands. Wish list: Funding for future restoration given the catastrophic flooding on the Front Range. Ford F-150 crew cab truck, new or gently used. Corporate sponsors and in-kind donors of food and equipment rental. Person in charge: Ed Self, executive director Year founded: 1999 www.wlrv.org FAMILY BOULDER-BROOMFIELDCOUNTY FOSTER/ADOPTIVE FAMILY ASSOCIATION 24 Princeton Circle Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-5780 Mission: Develop safe, stable and skilled foster/adoptive families for abused and neglected children in Boulder and Broomfield counties. Wish list: Financial support for Youth Scholarship Fund, gifts in kind for events (ice cream, venue donation) and professional accounting/treasurer help. Person in charge: Denise Seger, president Year founded: 1972 www.bbffa.org CHILDREN FIRST OFTHE ROCKIES P.O. Box 2174 Longmont, CO 80502-2174 303-776-5348/303-485-2055 Mission: Foster the parent-child relationship in a safe and supportive environment. Provice SAFE Services (exchanges and supervised visits) and parent education classes. Person in charge: Robin Menschenfreund, executive director Year founded: 1999 www.stvrainfamilycenter.org COLORADO CHILDREN’S AUTOMOBLIE SAFETY ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 4133 Boulder, CO 80306 303-931-3443/720-287-2289 Mission: Provide safety education for the safe transportation of children. Primary focus is safe transportation in personal automobiles. Person in charge: Bill Flinchbaugh, executive director Year founded: 1999 www.carseatprogram.org ENVIRONMENT > FAMILY 37 GIVING GUIDE 2014 FAMILY > FOUNDATION > GAY AND LESBIAN > HEALTH 38 PARENTING PLACE 1235 Pine St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-0177/303-448-0178 Mission: Provide resources of families in Boulder and Broomfield counties. Person in charge: Will Kropp, executive director Year founded: 1988 www.myparentingplace.org FOUNDATIONS ARC THRIFT STORES 6500 W. 120th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-439-7255 Mission: Run a chain of thrift stores with proceeds going toward programs for people with developmental disabilities. Person in charge: Pam Aldrich, store manager Year founded: 1963 www.arcthrift.org BOULDER COUNTY BAR FOUNDATION 1942 Broadway, Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-4758 Mission: Raise and distribute funds to legally related 501 c (3) nonprofit organizations. Person in charge: Christine Hylbert, executive director Year founded: 1983 www.boulder-bar.org BOULDER PARKS AND RECREATION FOUNDATION DBA PLAY BOULDER FOUNDATION P.O. Box 20935 Boulder, CO 80308-3935 303-447-0585 Mission: Create excellence in parks and recreation by mobilizing community support through education, philanthropy and advocacy. Person in charge: Colleen King, executive director Year founded: 1976 www.playboulder.org BOULDER PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION 1000 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 303-441-3106 Mission: Enable members of the Boulder community to support the Boulder Public Library through tax-deductible gifts. Person in charge: Barbara Kostanick, president Year founded: 1974 www.bplf.net BROOMFIELD COMMUNITY FOUNDATION P.O. Box 2040 Broomfield, CO 80038 303-469-7208/303-410-1733 Mission: Develop charitable giving to support civic projects, human services, arts and humanities, seniors and education. Person in charge: Karen Smith, executive director Year founded: 1993 www.broomfieldfoundation.org GIVING GUIDE 2014 DAVISPHINNEYFOUNDATIONFOR PARKINSON’S 1722 14th St., Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80302 303-733-3340/303-733-3350 Mission: Improve the lives of people with Parkinson’s disease. Person in charge: Davis Phinney, founder Amy Howard, executive director Year founded: 2004 www.davisphinneyfoundation.org ENTREPRENEURS’ FOUNDATION OF COLORADO 1123 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-0436 Mission: Maintain a network of Colorado entrepreneurs who have committed a small portion of their early equity or annual profits to community charities. Wish list: Companies who want to make a commitment to building stronger communities and stronger companies. Person in charge: Morgan McMillan, executive director Year founded: 2006 www.efcolorado.org EXEMPLA GOOD SAMARITAN MEDICAL CENTER FOUNDATION 200 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-5252/303-689-5241 Mission: Raise funds for Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center. Wish list: Funding to ensure nobody is denied health care, volunteers, in-kind services. Person in charge: Robert Roby, vice president/executive director Year founded: 2005 www.exemplagoodsamaritanfoundation.org GOLDEN WEST FOUNDATION THE OPEN DOOR FUND OF THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION LONGMONT COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 636 Coffman, Suite 203 Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-6555/303-678-6556 Mission: Improve life in the St. Vrain Valley by philanthropy and charitable leadership. Wish list: The opportunity to work with people that want to give back to the community, involvement with our community endowment, volunteers. Person in charge: Eric Hozempa, executive director Year founded: 1994 www.longmontfoundation.org LOUISVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION 950 Spruce St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-335-4849/303-335-4833 Mission: Promote and support the Louisville Public Library. Person in charge: Phil Barton, president library.louisvilleco.gov NEDERLAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY FOUNDATION P.O. Box 836 Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-1101 Mission: Provide positive public attention for the Nederland Community Library’s services, facilities and needs. Person in charge: Randi Sachper, president www.nedlib.org THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SERVING BOULDER COUNTY 1055 Adams Circle Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-3967/303-939-0808 Mission: Acquire charitable gifts and donations that will be used to benefit residents of Golden West. Person in charge: John Torres, executive director Year founded: 1986 www.gwboulder.org 1123 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-0436/303-442-1221 Mission: Improve the quality of life in Boulder County, now and forever, and to build a culture of giving. Person in charge: Josie Heath, president Year founded: 1991 www.commfound.org JARED POLIS FOUNDATION GAY AND LESBIAN P.O. Box 4659 Boulder, CO 80306 303-865-3980/303-442-1221 Mission: Encourage individuals and organizations to be proactive by supporting and pursuing education and technology in Colorado communities. Person in charge: Gina Nocera, executive director Year founded: 2000 www.jaredpolisfoundation.org OUT BOULDER P.O. Box 1018 Boulder, CO 80306 303-499-5777/303-413-8711 Mission: Build networks for Boulder’s GLBTQ community. Person in charge: Mardi Moore, executive director Year founded: 1995 www.outboulder.org PFLAG BOULDER COUNTY P.O. Box 19696 Boulder, CO 80308 303-444-8164/303-684-0683 Mission: Give support to cope with an adverse society; education; to enlighten the general public; and advocacy to end discrimination and secure equal civil rights for all. Year founded: 1993 www.pflagboulder.org 1123 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-0436 Mission: Administer grants and funding for programs that serve the GLBTQ population in Boulder County. Person in charge: Elvira Ramos, program director Year founded: 1996 www.opendoorfund.org HEALTH AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY GREAT WEST DIVISION 2255 S. Oneida St.. Denver, CO 80224-2590 303-776-2689/303-776-2875 Mission: Eliminate cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer. Year founded: 1913 www.cancer.org AUTISM SOCIETY OF BOULDER COUNTY P.O. Box 270300 Louisville, CO 80027 720-272-8231 Mission: Help individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families develop a strong, united community by creating opportunities for people to connect, share experiences and build new relationships. Person in charge: Emmy Conroy, president Year founded: 2001 www.autismboulder.org AVISTA ADVENTIST HOSPITAL 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1000/303-673-1048 Mission: Provide comprehensive medical services, including 24-hour emergency care. Maternity care and advanced total joint replacements. Person in charge: Dennis Barts, CEO Year founded: 1990 www.avistahospital.org AVISTA HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 7995 Prentice Ave., Suite 204 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303-6731011/303-781-5133 Mission: Provide financial support for Avista Adventist Hospital. Person in charge: Geoffrey S. Isaak, executive director Year founded: 1984 www.avistahospitalfoundation.org BOULDERCOMMUNITYHOSPITAL 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273/303-441-0478 Mission: Provide emergency, cardiology, oncology, ICU, orthopedics, neurology, general medical-surgical care, rehabilitation, stroke care, radiology (imaging), laboratory. Person in charge: David Gehant, president/CEO Year founded: 1922 www.bch.org Boulder County Business Report BOULDER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION P.O. Box 9019 Boulder, CO 80301-9019 303-440-2167/303-440-2435 Mission: Enhance the quality and availability of health-care services in Boulder County by generating and administering charitable gifts to Boulder Community Hospital. Person in charge: Ron Secrist, president Year founded: 1978 www.bch.org BOULDERCOUNTYAIDSPROJECT 2118 14th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-6121/303-444-0260 Mission: Test people at risk for HIV, making sure those who test positive get access to the care, information, and support they need. BCAP also serves as an outreach and information center. Wish list: Funding for our two food banks, bilingual, bi-cultural Spanish speaking volunteers and volunteers for our leadership committees. Person in charge: Ana Hopperstad, executive director Year founded: 1985 www.bcap.org BOULDERCOUNTYPUBLICHEALTH 3450 Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-1100/303-413-7505 Mission: Provide public health services such as immunizations, WIC, program for parenting teens, support for LGBTIQ youth, addiction recovery, information and monitoring of water and air quality. Person in charge: Jeff Zayach, executive director Year founded: 1952 www.co.boulder.co.us/health BOULDER VALLEY WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTER 2855 Valmont Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-5160/303-440-8769 Mission: Provide accessible, confidential and comprehensive gynecological and reproductive health care, including sexual health services and education. Wish list: Financial support; encouraging uninsured people in the community to participate in the ACA. Person in charge: Susan B. Levy, executive director Year founded: 1973 www.boulderwomenshealth.org CENTENNIAL PEAKS HOSPITAL 2255 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9990/303-673-9703 Mission: Provide acute inpatient mentalhealth care, treatment for adolescents, intensive outpatient chemical dependency treatment. Free-standing JCAHO-accredited psychiatric hospital. Person in charge: Alicia Bunch, CEO Year founded: 1976 www.centennialpeaks.com Boulder County Business Report CHILDREN’SHOSPITALCOLORADO NORTH CAMPUS 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 Mission: Provide 24-7 urgent care, 72-hour in-patient observation. Imaging: digital X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound neurodiagnostics/EEG/ sleep studies. Asthma, audiology, cardiology. Cerebral palsy clinic. Wish list: Unrestricted gifts, research support, community outreach. Person in charge: Jana Paquet, director of network of care Year founded: 2008 www.childrenscolorado.org CLINICAFAMILYHEALTHSERVICES 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460/303-926-0363 Mission: Provide family medicine. Person in charge: Pete Leibig, CEO/president Year founded: 1977 www.clinica.org CLINICAFAMILYHEALTHSERVICES 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 /303-449-9631 Mission: Provide primary health care for the uninsured and medically underserved in Boulder. Person in charge: Pete Leibig, CEO Year founded: 1970 www.clinica.org COLORADOTHERAPEUTICRIDING CENTER INC. 11968 Mineral Road Longmont, CO 80504 303-652-9131/303-652-2072 Mission: Provide therapeutic horseback riding and equine-assisted activities for people with special needs; all-abilities summer camps. Wish list: Volunteers, donated horses, financial support, Person in charge: Carol Heiden, executive director Year founded: 1980 www.ctrcinc.org DENTAL AID 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228/303-665-8994 Mission: Provide affordable dental care and education. Person in charge: Dennis Lewis, CEO/ president Year founded: 1974 www.dentalaid.org DENTAL AID ADULT AND CHILDREN’S CLINIC 4155 Darley Ave., Suite C Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-7072/303-494-8449 Mission: Improve the quality of life of children and adults struggling to afford health care by providing compassionate, affordable, highquality dental care and education. Person in charge: Dennis Lewis, CEO Year founded: 1974 www.dentalaid.org DENTAL AID ADULT AND CHILDREN’S CLINIC - LONGMONT 1715 Princess Drive Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-2619/303-682-0455 Mission: Improve the quality of life of children and adults struggling to afford health care by providing compassionate, affordable, high quality dental care and education. Person in charge: Dennis Lewis, D.D.S. Year founded: 1974 www.dentalaid.org EXEMPLA GOOD SAMARITAN MEDICAL CENTER 200 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-4000/303-689-6999 Mission: Provide cardiovascular care, comprehensive cancer care, neurology, level II neonatal care, emergency and trauma services, general surgery, occupational medicine, OB/GYN and Bone and Joint Institute. Person in charge: David Hamm, CEO/ president Year founded: 2004 www.exemplagoodsamaritan.org EYE HEALTH INSTITUTE P.O. Box 11052 Boulder, CO 80301 303-936-2019/303-530-1072 Mission: Provide comprehensive eye care to the people of Jamaica. Person in charge: Richard A. Cross, founder Year founded: 2001 www.eyehealthinstitute.org GRILLO HEALTH INFORMATION CENTER 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 720-854-7293/303-442-1808 Mission: Provide access to reliable, trustworthy and up-to-date health information. Wish list: Collaborations to serve the elderly in more meaningful and sensitive ways and funding for targeted services to vulnerable populations, such as the elderly. Person in charge: Johnny Daurio, executive director Year founded: 1998 www.grillocenter.org HAKOMI INSTITUTE P.O. Box 1873 Boulder, CO 80306 303-499-6699 Mission: Coordinate centers worldwide offering trainings in the Hakomi method, an experiential, somatic, mindfulness-based psychotherapy. Provides therapist referrals and information about Hakomi therapy. Year founded: 1981 www.hakomi.org HELPINGHANDSHEALTHEDUCATION 948 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303 448-1811/303 440-7328 Mission: Help people, especially women and children, in the area of health and education. Wish list: Donations: cash, land, buildings, cars. Person in charge: Narayan Shrestha, founder/ president Year founded: 1992 www.helpinghandsusa.org INTERNATIONALMIDWIFEASSISTANCE P.O. Box 916 Boulder, CO 80306 303-588-1663 Mission: Raise the standard of maternal and infant care in developing nations and areas experiencing crises in medical care. Person in charge: Jennifer Braun, program director Year founded: 2004 www.midwifeassist.org LONGMONT UNITED HOSPITAL 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111/303-678-4050 Mission: Provide services in cardiology, dialysis, orthopedics, cancer treatment, women services, neurosurgery, diagnostic imaging, rehabilitation, 24/7 emergency. Person in charge: Mitchell C. Carson, CEO/ president Year founded: 1959 www.luhcares.org LONGMONT UNITED HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 1380 Tulip St., Suite A Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2273 Mission: Assist Longmont United Hospital in building new facilities, buying the latest in medical equipment and providing the community with health-care services. Person in charge: Bryan D. Bowles, director Year founded: 1981 www.luhcares.org MENTAL HEALTH PARTNERS 1333 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-8500/303-449-6029 Mission: Provide comprehensive, community mental-health services to all ages and all residents of Boulder and Broomfield counties regardless of ability to pay. Person in charge: Barbara Ryan, director of development and public information Year founded: 1962 www.mhpcolorado.org MENTAL HEALTH PARTNERS 834 S. Sherman St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-247-8700 Mission: Provide comprehensive, community mental-health services to all ages and all residents of Boulder and Broomfield counties regardless of ability to pay. Person in charge: Barbara Ryan, CEO Year founded: 1962 www.mhpcolorado.org MENTAL HEALTH PARTNERS 529 Coffman St., Suite 300 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-0555 Mission: Provide comprehensive, community mental-health services to all ages and all residents of Boulder and Broomfield counties regardless of ability to pay. Person in charge: Barbara Ryan, CEO Year founded: 1962 www.mhpcolorado.org HEALTH 39 GIVING GUIDE 2014 HEALTH > HUMAN SERVICES 40 MIRACLE FUND 25 S. Cedar Brook Road Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-6822 Mission: Provide quality health services, both domestically and abroad, to people with no access to health care. Medical and dental care for disadvantaged children. Wish list: SEO and web assistance, publication assistance. Person in charge: Glennis Walters Smith, president Stephen Jay Smith, CEO/vice president Year founded: 1994 www.miraclefund1.org NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS 1333 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-4591 Mission: Support, educate and advocate for people with a mental illness and their families. Wish list: New board members, office space and marketing help. Person in charge: Laura Jefferson, president, board of directors Year founded: 1979 Website: www.namibouldercounty.org NATURAL TRANSITIONS 3980 N. Broadway, Suite 103-171 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-3418/303-443-3418 Mission: Provide ducation and support for conscious, holistic and green approaches to end of life, including family led, home-based after-death care. Wish list: Financial support for our ongoing educational work and programs, volunteer support for our national magazine and for our festival: Natural Transitions Film Festival PLUS. Person in charge: Karen van Vuuren, executive director Year founded: 2003 www.naturaltransitions.org PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS BOULDER 2525 Arapahoe Ave., Suite C-200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-1040/303-447-2882 Mission: Provide health-care services for women, testing and treatment of STDs for men and women, HIV rapid tests. Medication abortion services. Lower-cost birth-control services. Person in charge: Ann Firstenberg, health center manager Year founded: 1970 www.pprm.org PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS LONGMONT 195 S. Main St., Suite 8 Longmont, CO 80501-6218 303-772-3600/303-772-4285 Mission: Provide reproductive health and family planning offering services on a sliding fee scale to men, women and teens. Person in charge: Amy LaRue, health center manager Year founded: 1916 www.pprm.org GIVING GUIDE 2014 REAL CHOICES PREGNANCY CARE CENTER 1285 Centaur Village Drive Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2341/303-665-8481 Mission: Provide help before, during and after unexpected pregnancies. Person in charge: Jenny Langness, executive director Year founded: 1974 www.realchoicespartners.org ROCKY MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE OF YOGA AND AYURVEDA P.O. Box 1091 Boulder, CO 80306 303-499-2910 Mission: Teach classical yoga, yoga therapy, Ayurvedic medicine, Ayurvedic postpartum care, women’s health and Ayurvedic and yogic cleansing. Person in charge: Dona Smith, program coordinator www.rmiya.org ROCKY MOUNTAIN STROKE ASSOCIATION 5666 S. Bannock St. Littleton, CO 80120 303-730-8800/303-730-7011 Mission: provide education on stroke prevention and support to stroke survivors and their families throughout recovery, including art therapy, physical therapy, caregiver support. Person in charge: Esther Fretz, executive director Year founded: 1992 www.strokecolorado.org SALUD FAMILY HEALTH CENTERS 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250/303-682-9269 Mission: Provide medical and dental services for low-income patients. Person in charge: Stanley Brasher, executive director Year founded: 1970 www.saludclinic.org THE LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY 720 S Colorado Blvd., Suite 500S Denver, CO 80246 303-984-2110 Mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Person in charge: Rebecca Russell, executive director www.lls.org TRU COMMUNITY CARE 1855 Plaza Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-449-7740 Mission: Offer around the clock hospice intensive care and homelike amenities. Person in charge: Darla Schueth, CEO/ president Year founded: 1976 www.trucare.org TRU COMMUNITY CARE 2594 Trailridge Drive E Lafayette, CO 80026 303-449-7740/303-604-5393 Mission: Provide care to people who are seriously ill and their families. Programs include hospice, palliative home health, grief counseling and education. Person in charge: Darla Schueth, CEO/ president Year founded: 1976 www.trucare.org HUMAN SERVICES ASSOCIATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING IN BOULDER COUNTY 4889 Old Post Circle Boulder, CO 80301 303-527-0888/303-527-0589 Mission: Provide education for adults with cognitive disabilities. Person in charge: Ailsa Wonnacott, executive director Year founded: 1974 www.aclboulder.org AUDIO INFORMATION NETWORK OF COLORADO 1700 55th St., Suite A Boulder, CO 80301 303-786-7777/303-939-8013 Mission: Help blind/visually impaired and print disabled people maintain independence and community connection through audio access to newspapers, ads and magazines via receiver, telephone or Internet. Wish list: Financial or in-kind support for provision of services, an interpoint Braille embosser, and three refreshable Braille displays. Volunteers to read programming and assist with outreach. Person in charge: David Dawson, executive director Year founded: 1990 www.aincolorado.org BOULDERAREARENTALHOUSING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 17606 Boulder, CO 80308 303-494-9048/303-449-7028 Mission: Represent the owners/managers of approximately 8,000 residential rental units in the city and county of Boulder. Person in charge: Sheila Horton, executive director Year founded: 1982 www.barhaonline.org BOULDERCOUNTYAIDSPROJECT 515 Kimbark St., Suite 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-774-8827/303-684-2944 Mission: Test people at risk for HIV, making sure those who test positive get access to the care, information and support. Serve as an outreach and information center. Wish list: Funding for our two food banks, bi-lingual, bi-cultural Spanish speaking volunteers and volunteers for our leadership committees. Person in charge: Ana Hopperstad, executive director Year founded: 1985 www.bcap.org BOULDERCOUNTYCARECONNECT 4800 River Bend Road Boulder, CO 80307 303-443-1933/303-443-1899 Mission: Promote the security, comfort and independence of seniors and adults with disabilities. Transportation to medical appointments, grocery delivery, fall-prevention and home maintenance. Person in charge: Emily Ditty, executive director Year founded: 1972 www.careconnectbc.org BOULDER COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAMS 3482 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-3975/303-441-1541 Mission: Work with low-income people to become self sufficient and administer a matched savings program to put a down payment on a house, start a small business or go back to school. Wish list: Volunteers to mentor low-income families who are working on becoming selfsufficient. Year founded: 1965 BOULDER COUNTY LEGAL SERVICES 315 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 205 Louisville, CO 80027 303-449-7575/303-447-3167 Mission: Help low-income Coloradans seeking civil legal information, including self-help legal information, where to find legal assistance, court information. Person in charge: Joel Hayes, managing attorney www.coloradolegalservices.org BOULDER HOUSING PARTNERS FOUNDATION 4800 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 720-564- 4648/303-939-9569 Mission: Help residents pursue successful, productive and dignified lives by connecting residents to resources for supportive, lifeenriching and community-building services. Person in charge: Rene Brodeur, director, resident services Year founded: 2000 www.boulderhousing.org BOULDER INSTITUTE FOR PSYCHOTHERAPYANDRESEARCH (BIPR) 1240 Pine St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-4562/303-444-2843 Mission: Helpchildren and adults recover from traumatic experiences including physical and sexual abuse. Person in charge: Cynthia Divino, executive director Year founded: 1999 www.bipr.org Boulder County Business Report BOULDER SHELTER FOR THE HOMELESS 4869 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-4646/720-565-3624 Mission: Provide safe shelter, food, support services and an avenue to self-sufficiency for homeless adults including overnight winter sheltering for up to 160 men and women. Wish list: Monetary donations, in-kind donations and volunteers. Person in charge: Greg Harms, executive director Year founded: 1982 www.bouldershelter.org BRIDGE HOUSE P.O. Box 626 Boulder, CO 80306 303-442-8300/1-866-831-9443 Mission: Provide a stable, supportive community for homeless men and women with services that lead to healing, employment and housing. Wish list: Monetary donations, volunteers, inkind donations of toiletries, socks and backpacks. Person in charge: Isabel McDevitt, executive director Year founded: 1996 www.boulderbridgehouse.org BROOMFIELD MEALS ONWHEELS 280 Lamar St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-464-5532/303-464-5533 Mission: End senior hunger by 2020. Person in charge: Lisa Markus, nutrition services manager Year founded: 1997 www.broomfieldseniors.com CENTERFORPEOPLEWITHDISABILITIES 1675 Range St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-8662/303-442-0502 Mission: Provide resources, information and advocacy to assist people with disabilities in overcoming barriers to independent living. Wish list: Financial support, new TVs and computers, volunteers. Person in charge: Pat Trower, executive director Year founded: 1977 www.cpwd.org CENTER FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 26 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-442-8662/303-442-0502 Mission: Work in partnership with people with disabilities to obtain and maintain choices for independent living by promoting selfdetermination, self-respect and equal opportunity. Wish list: Financial support, furniture, volunteers. Person in charge: Pat Trower, executive director Year founded: 1977 www.cpwd.org CENTER FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 615 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3250/303-772-5125 Mission: Provide resources, information and advocacy to assist people with disabilities in overcoming barriers to independent living. Wish list: Financial support, volunteers and furniture. Person in charge: Pat Trower, executive director Year founded: 1977 www.cpwd.org Boulder County Business Report CHINOOK CLUBHOUSE 1441 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-4842/303-415-0413 Mission: Provide social and vocational rehabilitation for adults with major mental illness; job placement, prevocational work, social and recreational activities; functions through Mental Health Partners. Person in charge: Debra Sprague, director Year founded: 1990 www.chinookclubhouse.org CIRCLE OF CARE EL CENTRO AMISTAD 2580 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-3790/303-443-1713 Mission: AMISTAD (Alianza Multicultural de Inmigrantes Sirviendo a Todos con Ayuda para los Derechos) is committed to structural, social and political change for the benefit of immigrants. Person in charge: Jorge De Santiago, executive director Year founded: 2001 www.elcentroamistad.org EL COMITE DE LONGMONT 1202 Folsom St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-8884 Mission: Administer an elder-enrichment program to increase access and mobility to life enhancing community resources for aging people. Person in charge: Joan Raderman, program director Year founded: 2004 www.circleofcareproject.org 455 Kimbark St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-6125/303-702-0314 Mission: Improve the social justice, education and economic status of the Latino and nonLatino people of Longmont, Boulder County and surrounding communities. Person in charge: Marta Valenzuela Moreno, executive director Year founded: 2000 COAL CREEK MEALS ON WHEELS EMERGENCY FAMILY ASSISTANCE ASSOCIATION 1255 Centaur Village Drive Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-0566 Mission: Deliver noontime meals Monday through Friday to older adults and disabled persons in the Lafayette, Louisville, Erie and Superior areas at the lowest possible cost and the highest level of quality. Person in charge: Ashley Bruscoe, director Year founded: 1972 www.coalcreekmow.org COLIE’S CLOSET P.O. Box 18776 Boulder, CO 80301 303-494-4225 Mission: Collect and resell clothing to fund suicide prevention and the treatment of depression. Person in charge: Jenna Machado, founder Year founded: 2004 www.coliescloset.org COMMUNITY FOOD SHARE 650 S. Taylor Ave. Louisville, CO 80027 303-652-3663/720-864-8020 Mission: Ensure that no one in Boulder and Broomfield counties goes hungry. Wish list: Cash donations, nonperishable food donations and volunteers. Person in charge: James D. Baldwin, CEO Year founded: 1981 www.communityfoodshare.org ED&RUTHLEHMANYMCALONGMONT 950 Lashley St. Longmont, CO 80504 303-776-0370/303-682-2301 Mission: Put programs into practice that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Person in charge: Tony Shockency, CEO Year founded: 1989 www.longmontymca.org 1575 Yarmouth Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-3042/303-442-0946 Mission: Help those whose immediate needs for food, shelter and other basic necessities cannot be met by other means, and support their efforts toward stability or self-sufficiency. Wish list: Food for our food bank and financial support. Person in charge: Stuart Lord, executive director Year founded: 1918 www.efaa.org EMPLOYMENT LINK DBA COMMUNITY LINK 6290 Lookout Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-527-0627/303-527-0628 Mission: Support the inclusion of people with disabilities within our community through employment, volunteer and senior activities, residential services and life planning. Wish list: Opportunities for volunteer activities for other non-profits. Volunteers to assist people we serve in making community connections. Vans to enable people we serve to participate in the community. Person in charge: Bob Lawhead, CEO Year founded: 1960 www.communitylinkcolorado.org FISH OF BROOMFIELD 26 Garden Center, Suite 1 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-1600/303-460-6814 Mission: Provide volunteers for the city and county of Broomfield. Person in charge: John Ansley, intake grants manager Year founded: 1963 www.broomfieldfish.org FLATIRONS HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 1455 Dixon Ave., Suite 210 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-447-3787/303-245-0699 Mission: Enable low-income families to become homeowners by partnering with them to build simple decent affordable homes. Goal is to eliminate poverty housing. Person in charge: Susan Lythgoe, executive director Year founded: 1993 www.flatironshabitat.org FOOTHILLS UNITED WAY 1285 Cimarron Drive, Suite 101 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-444-4013/303-444-2620 Mission: Improve lives and create lasting change in Boulder and Broomfield counties. Strengthen the building blocks of a good life: education, financial stability, health and basic needs. Wish list: Financial donations and volunteers. Person in charge: Douglas Yeiser, CEO/ president Year founded: 1922 www.unitedwayfoothills.org FORWARD STEPS 370 Interlocken Blvd., Suite 640 Broomfield, CO 80021 608-440-9966/303-404-9968 Mission: Forward Steps empowers former foster youth so they can reach their full potential as active, independent, self-sufficient members of their communities. Wish list: Donations, mentors, sponsors. Person in charge: Sabrina Huffaker, executive director Year founded: 2006 www.forwardsteps.org GOLDEN WEST MANOR 1055 Adams Circle Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-3967/303-939-0808 Mission: Promote quality housing and services for seniors in an environment that is supportive of the residents in the community. Person in charge: John Torres, executive director Year founded: 1965 www.gwboulder.org HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF THE ST. VRAIN VALLEY 242 Pratt St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-2485 Mission: Build simple, decent and affordable homes for low-income residents. Person in charge: David Emerson, executive director Year founded: 1988 www.stvrainhfh.org HUMAN SERVICES 41 GIVING GUIDE 2014 HUMAN SERVICES > INTERNATIONAL 42 GIVING GUIDE 2014 LONGMONTENDING(DOMESTIC) VIOLENCE INITIATIVE (LEVI) IMAGINE! FOUNDATION 1400 Dixon Ave. Lafayette, CO 80026-2790 303-926-6443/303-665-2648 Mission: Offer innovative support to people with cognitive/developmental needs so they may live fulfilling lives of independence and quality. Wish list: Funding for residential housing, job coaching and placement and for programs for infants, toddlers and children. Person in charge: Susan LaHoda, executive director Year founded: 2000 www.imaginecolorado.org INTERCAMBIO: UNITING COMMUNITIES 4735 Walnut St., Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-996-0275/303-444-2632 Mission: Build understanding, respect and friendship across cultures through educational and intercultural opportunities. Person in charge: Lee Shainis, executive director Year founded: 2000 www.intercambioweb.org INTERVENTION INC. 310 Lashley St., Suite 108 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-4494/303-772-6593 Mission: Provide diverse, responsive and quality services to offenders, victims and families involved with the criminal justice system. Person in charge: Kelly Sengenberger, executive director Www.portal.int-cjs.org/Pages/default.aspx INTERVENTION INC. 5600 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-544-1840/303-544-1850 Mission: Provide diverse, responsive and quality services to offenders, victims and families involved with the criminal justice system. Person in charge: Kelly Sengenberger, executive director www.intervention-inc.com LIFE CHOICES PREGNANCY CENTER 20 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2050/303-651-6017 Mission: Provide education, free pregnancy tests, help with unplanned or unexpected pregnancies, material services, maternity clothes, diapers, formula up to 12months. Post-abortion counseling. Wish list: Diapers, volunteers, funding. Person in charge: Rick Thielen, executive director Year founded: 1984 www.lifechoices.org 225 Kimbark St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-774-4534/303-651-8651 Mission: Establish a coordinated communitywide awareness and response to domestic violence within the boundaries of the St. Vrain Valley School District, primarily the city of Longmont. Wish list: Financial assistance to fund prevention. Campaigns and emergency victim needs. A commitment to help those in violent relationships connect with resources. Person in charge: Kim Heard, project coordinator Trish Wood, project coordinator Year founded: 1999 www.LongmontDomesticViolence.org LONGMONTMEALSONWHEELSINC. 910 Longs Peak Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-0540/303-651-8413 Mission: Promote client health and independence through good nutrition and social interaction, allowing participants to stay self-sufficient in their own homes. Wish list: Monetary donations, office supplies, volunteers. Person in charge: Karla Hale, executive director Mark Bostock, president Year founded: 1969 www.lmow.org LYONS GOLDEN GANG P.O. Box 1091 Lyons, CO 80540-1091 303-651-3147 Mission: Deliver hot lunches to the elderly, disabled or ill in the Lyons area. Person in charge: Sandy Cottrell, administrator Year founded: 1997 MEALS ON WHEELS OF BOULDER 909 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 121 Boulder, CO 80302 303-441-3908/303-441-4146 Mission: Deliver fully prepared meals once daily, five days a week to people of any age, race or income who are unable to provide a nutritious meal for themselves. Wish list: Volunteer drivers, kitchen help, donors. Person in charge: Francea Phillips, executive director Year founded: 1969 www.mowboulder.org MEN’S LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE P.O. Box 17806 Boulder, CO 80308 303-444-9022 Mission: Inspire authentic manhood. Encourage and support soulful living in the service of a just, joyful and sustainable world. Person in charge: Jason Geoffrion, executive director Year founded: 2003 Website: www.mensleadershipalliance.org OUTREACH UNITED RESOURCE CENTER INC. 303 Atwood St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5529/303-684-0856 Mission: Provide food, shelter, clothing, child care, assistance with rent, utilities, transportation and prescriptions to low-income people in the area of the St. Vrain Valley School District. Person in charge: Edwina Salazar, executive director Year founded: 1986 www.ourcenter.org OVERTURE 1831 Boston Ave., Suite 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-926-8840/303-926-8838 Mission: Provide residential care facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities. Person in charge: Debbie Spencer, executive director Year founded: 1982 www.overturecolorado.org RATNA PEACE INITIATIVE 1507 Pine St. Boulder, CO 80302-4364 303-443-0444/303-449-1045 Mission: Cultivate the fundamental sanity and dignity in individuals and in society at large. Through generosity, we foster environments that encourage humanity, dignity, compassion and wisdom. Person in charge: Margot L. Neuman, executive director Year founded: 2004 www.ratnapeaceinitiative.org ROCKYMOUNTAINEQUI-RHYTHM 4510 Niwot Road Longmont, CO 80301 720-663-8803 Mission: Use the healing power of the horsehuman relationship as a foundation for a program that assists at-risk and vulnerable people. Person in charge: Max Woodfin, director Year founded: 2002 www.equirhythm.org SAFE SHELTER OF ST. VRAIN VALLEY P.O. Box 231 Longmont, CO 80502 303-772-0432/303-772-1576 Mission: Provide emergency shelter services, advocacy, and group and individual counseling support to victims of domestic violence. Person in charge: Jackie List, executive director Year founded: 1978 www.safeshelterofstvrain.org SISTER CARMEN COMMUNITY CENTER 655 Aspen Ridge Drive Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-4342/303-665-4960 Mission: Provide assistance to families in East Boulder County who are in need. Person in charge: Suzanne Crawford, CEO Year founded: 1970 www.sistercarmen.org THE DOM PROJECT 2910 County Road 67, Suite D Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-9990 Mission: Provide healing to those who have been harmed and disempowered by shock and trauma through dissemination of resources and training. Person in charge: Stephanie Mines, program director Year founded: 1994 www.tara-approach.org THE PEARL GROUP 1232 Boston Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-4963/303-648-4454 Mission: Create sustainable programs to enable single-parent families find the hope and skills necessary to build an economically and emotionally stable home environment. Wish list: Volunteers, vehicle donations, monetary donations. Person in charge: Janay Bahnsen-Price, executive director Year founded: 2008 www.thepearlgroup.org THERE WITH CARE 2825 Wilderness Place, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-CARE (2273)/303-447-2274 Mission: Provide a wide range of thoughtful and fundamental services to children and families during the critical phase of a medical crisis so they can spend more time with each other. Wish list: Newborn diapers, baby wipes, cleaning supplies including dish soap, laundry soap, all-purpose wipes or sprays. Person in charge: Paula DuPre’ Pesmen, executive director Year founded: 2005 www.therewithcare.org THISTLE COMMUNITIES 1845 Folsom St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-0007/303-443-0098 Mission: Develop and manage permanently affordable rentals and ownership homes for people who earn low to moderate incomes. Person in charge: Mary Duvall, CEO Year founded: 1989 www.thistlecommunities.org INTERNATIONAL ADVENTURES IN PRESERVATION 1557 North St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-0128 Mission: Connect people and preservation through enriching experiential programs. Volunteers help save valuable historic buildings vital to economic and environmental sustainability of the project community. Person in charge: Judith Broeker, program director Year founded: 2001 www.adventuresinpreservation.org Boulder County Business Report ASIATRANSPACIFICFOUNDATION 2995 Center Green Court Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-6789/303-443-7078 Mission: Develop and administer grassroots humanitarian projects in Southeast Asia; currently working on vocational projects that produce ceramic water filters for clean drinking water. Person in charge: Marilyn Downing Staff, executive director Year founded: 1998 www.asiatranspacific.com BEADFORLIFE 2336 Canyon Blvd., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80302 303-554-5901 Mission: Create sustainable opportunities for women to lift their families out of extreme poverty by connecting people worldwide in a circle of exchange that enriches everyone. Person in charge: Heather Megan Hine, business development manager Year founded: 2004 www.beadforlife.org BOULDER FRIENDS OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Campus Box 123 Boulder, CO 80309-0123 303-492-8057/303-492-5185 Mission: Provide hospitality to University of Colorado’s international students by taking them to events in the area, inviting them to dinner, or taking them on trips. Students do not live with the families. Wish list: Volunteer hospitality hosts. Person in charge: Rebecca Sibley, international student adviser Year founded: 1948 www.colorado.edu/bfis BOULDER-DUSHANBE SISTER CITIES P.O. Box 4864 Boulder, CO 80306 303-444-3196 Mission: Develop friendship and understanding between the citizens of Boulder and Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Wish list: Board members, host families, Farsi and Russian speakers. Person in charge: Peter J. Stoller, president Year founded: 1982 www.boulder-dushanbe.org BOULDER-LHASA SISTER CITY PROJECT 776 Cottage Lane Boulder, CO 80304-0758 303-443-9863/305-503-6961 Mission: Develop and implement nonpolitical exchanges of mutual benefit with Lhasa, Tibet, including surrounding areas, in health care, education, environmental protection, science and agriculture. Person in charge: Bill Warnock, president Year founded: 1986 www.boulder-tibet.org Boulder County Business Report COLORADO HAITI PROJECT INC. GLOBAL GREENGRANTS FUND 908 Main St., Suite 245 Louisville, CO 80027 303-938-5021 Mission: Support development in rural Petit Trou de Nippes, Haiti: a 700-student school, clean water project, health-care infrastructure, vocational training center and the start of an agronomy project. Wish list: Individuals to support the education of a child in rural Haiti for $25/month. Help training village volunteer health workers for $200. Support economic development through vocational training. Person in charge: Susan Place Everhart, interim executive director Year founded: 1989 www.coloradohaitiproject.org 2840 Wilderness Place, Suite A Boulder, CO 80301 303-939-9866/303-939-9867 Mission: Provide small grants to grassroots environmental and social justice groups to protect the environment, restore ecosystems that have been harmed, and transform systems for a sustainable future. Wish list: General support so that funds are immediately available for pressing needs. Person in charge: Teresa Odendahl, executive director, CEO Year founded: 1993 www.greengrants.org DUK PAYUEL SCHOOL PROJECT 948 North St., Suite 7 Boulder, CO 80304 720-564-0650/720-564-0653 Mission: Bridge the science-policyimplementation divide across regions and cultures in order to help communities build resilience to climate change. Person in charge: Marcus Moench, president/ founder Year founded: 1997 www.ISETInternational.org 454 Owl Drive Louisville, CO 80027 720-201-7830/303-449-8554 Mission: Assist in the education, job training and general welfare of Sudanese refugees in Colorado and in South Sudan. Wish list: Funds for school uniforms. Person in charge: Jean Wood, president Year founded: 2003 Website: http://dukpayuelschool.net EMPOWERMENTINTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 1215 Lyons, CO 80540 303-823-6495 Mission: Offer a community-based holistic educational program to children and their families in two impoverished communities in Nicaragua. Person in charge: Kathy Adams, executive director, founder Year founded: 2004 www.empowermentinternational.org ENGINEERSWITHOUTBORDERSUSA 1031 33rd St., Suite 210 Denver, CO 80205 720-204-3208/303-772-2699 Mission: Support community-driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences. Person in charge: Cathy Leslie, executive director Year founded: 2002 www.ewb-usa.org GLOBAL EDUCATION FUND 1877 Broadway, No. 100 Boulder, CO 80302 303-415-9935 Mission: Improve the lives of children living in poverty around the world through education. Person in charge: Kathy Bartlett, executive director Year founded: 1998 Www.globaleducationfund.org INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSITIONAL INTERNATIONAL COLORADO CHAUTAUQUA NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK 900 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-3282/303-449-0790 Mission: Preserve, perpetuate and improve the site and spirit of the historic Chautauqua by enhancing its community and values through cultural, educational, social and recreational experiences. Person in charge: Susan Connelly, executive director Year founded: 1898 www.chautauqua.com COLORADO EVENTS 2525 Arapahoe Ave., E4, Suite 720 Boulder, CO 80302 720-272-7467 Mission: Create opportunities that connect artists, local businesses and the community for their mutual benefit. Person in charge: Anna Timm, associate Year founded: 2002 www.coloradoevents.net COMMUNITY SHARES OF COLORADO MAD MINISTRY (MAKING A DIFFERENCE) 789 Sherman St., Suite 230 Denver, CO 80203 303-861-7507/303-861-8354 Mission: Connect Coloradans to the charities and causes they care about most. Person in charge: Alyssa Kopf, CEO Year founded: 1986 www.cshares.org PHILANTHROPIECEFOUNDATIONINC. 960 Fifth Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-587-0528/303-772-7217 Mission: Enhance, elevate and promote the preservation of the Longmont area historical, architectural, visual and environmental heritage through advocacy, education, intervention and alliance building. Person in charge: Jim West, director Year founded: 2005 www.historiclongmont.org 7100 South Boulder Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-800-6180 Mission: Provide food, clothing, medicine, education and love to at-risk and street children in Brazil. Person in charge: Gary Mansdorfer, director Year founded: 2004 www.madministry.org 6105 Monarch Road Longmont, CO 80503 303-440-8484/303-530-3108 Mission: Empower changemakers around the world to co-create resilient communities by building deep and authentic relationships. Person in charge: Joan Knudson, vice president, director; Libby Cook, president, director Year founded: 1997 www.philanthropiece.org PUBLIC BENEFIT CIVIL AIR PATROL, BOULDER COMPOSITE SQUADRON P.O. Box 3782 Boulder, CO 80307 877-227-9142/www.coloradowingcap.org Mission: Provide leadership, safety and aerospace education through its Cadet program for youth 12-21; adults fly air search and photo missions. Volunteer civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. Wish list: Teens interested in any combination of aviation, leadership, community service, and any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. Adults who can help with air searches, radio communication and administration. Person in charge: James Elliott, squadron commander Year founded: 1941 www.coloradowingcap.org/bouldercomposite HISTORICLONGMONTFOUNDATION KGNU COMMUNITY RADIO 4700 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4885 Mission: Provide local, national and international news, information and music on volunteer-powered, listener-supported community radio station. Person in charge: David Wilson, station manager Year founded: 1978 www.kgnu.org LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF BOULDER COUNTY P.O. Box 21274 Boulder, CO 80308 303-499-4544 Mission: Encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government and influence public policy through education and advocacy. Person in charge: Louisa Young, president Year founded: 1931 www.lwvbc.org INTERNATIONAL > PUBLIC BENEFIT 43 GIVING GUIDE 2014 RELIGION > SCIENCE > SENIORS > SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS 44 LONGMONT CABLE TRUST CHANNEL 8 GIVING GUIDE 2014 INTERNATIONAL FAMILY MISSIONS UNAVCO 457 Fourth Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303- 776-1424 Mission: Facilitate television programming reflecting the cultural, educational, civic, ethnic and spiritual interests of Longmont. Person in charge: Tim Chaffin, general manager Year founded: 1982 www.longmontchannel.com P.O. Box 309 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-7635/303-287-7617 Mission: Spread the Gospel and facilitate outreach missions. Person in charge: Kathy Hart, president Year founded: 1984 www.ifmus.org SCIENCE 6350 Nautilus Drive Boulder, CO 80301 303-381-7500/303-381-7501 Mission: Facilitate geoscience research and education using geodesy. Help with mitigation of hazards and managing natural resources. Person in charge: M. Meghan Miller, president Year founded: 1984 www.unavco.org NEDERLAND MINING MUSEUM COLORADO BIOSCIENCE ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY 200 N. Bridge St. Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-7332/303-776-3322 Mission: Curate exhibits that depict Boulder County’s mining history. Wish list: Volunteers. Person in charge: Sheryl Kippen, cultural history program coordinator Www.www.bouldercounty.org/os/culture/ pages/miningmuseum.aspx NEW ERA COLORADO 1648 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80304 720-565-9317 Mission: Reinvent politics for a new generation through innovative social and political action. Person in charge: Steve Fenberg, executive director Year founded: 2006 www.neweracolorado.org NYX NET P.O. Box 16143 Golden, CO 80402 501-637-6046 Mission: Provide free web-hosting, email, Linux shell accounts. Person in charge: Andrew Burt, president Year founded: 1989 www.nyx.net SHELBYAMERICANCOLLECTION 5020 Chaparral Court Boulder, CO 80301 303-516-9565/303-447-1380 Mission: Perserve the history of Shelby American racing automobiles. Person in charge: Steven Volk, president Year founded: 1996 www.shelbyamericancollection.org RELIGION CONGREGATIONBONAISHALOM 1527 Cherryvale Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-6605 Mission: Provide a synagogue for the Jewish community. Person in charge: Kit Colorado, administrative director Year founded: 1981 www.bonaishalom.org HORIZONS INTERNATIONAL 777 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-3333 Mission: Spread the gospel and reach new disciples. Person in charge: Georges Houssney, director Year founded: 1991 www.horizonsinternational.org 216 16th St., Suite 850 Denver, CO 80202 303-592-4073 Mission: Grow the state’s bioscience industry into one of the country’s premier bioscience clusters. Person in charge: April Giles, CEO/president www.cobioscience.com CU CENTER FOR APPLIED PARALLEL PROCESSING CU Campus Box 430 Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-3898 Mission: Conduct research and development to bring the power of parallel processing to a range of scientific applications. Person in charge: Oliver McBryan, director Year founded: 1988 Www.www.colorado.edu/engineering/cue01/ research/infotech.html CU SCIENCE DISCOVERY 3400 Marine St. Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-7188/303-735-6443 Mission: Provide an experience-based education outreach program that gives youth access to CU-Boulder’s academic resources. Person in charge: Stacy Forsyth, director Year founded: 1983 www.colorado.edu/sciencediscovery ROCKY MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE 1820 Folsom St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-245-1003 Mission: Run an independent, entrepreneurial think tank concentrating on renewable energy. Person in charge: Jules Kortenhorst, CEO www.rmi.org SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 4750 Walnut St., Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80301 720-974-5888/720-974-5837 Mission: Integrate space- and earth-science research with education and public outreach. Foster collaboration between scientists and educators. Person in charge: Paul Dusenbery, executive director Year founded: 1992 www.spacescience.org 1030 Broadway Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-6892/303-492-4195 Mission: Foster exploration and appreciation of the natural environment and human cultures through research, teaching and community outreach. Person in charge: Patrick Kociolek, director Year founded: 1902 Www.cumuseum.colorado.edu SENIORS AGING SERVICES FOUNDATION OF BOULDER COUNTY P.O. Box 471 Boulder, CO 80306 303-441-4995/303-441-4550 Mission: Raise funds to support services and programs that promote the health and well-being of older adults and their caregiving families. Wish list: Recognition of the needs and strengths of older adults, advocates for support of rapidly growing elderly population and consistent continuing contributions from both individuals and organizations. Person in charge: Dean Gordon Newman, president Year founded: 1999 www.agingservicesfoundation.org ANAM CHARA HOME 1795 Quince Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-4484/303-442-4482 Mission: Holistic practitioners provide hospice care, therapeutic arts, gardening and music therapy. Person in charge: Peggy Quinn, founder Year founded: 1991 www.anamchara.org BOULDERSENIORSFOUNDATION 909 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-939-9991 Mission: Help seniors with health and household necessities through connections with senior services organizations in Boulder. Person in charge: John Price, president Year founded: 1980 BROOMFIELD SENIOR CENTER 280 Lamar St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-464-5526 Mission: Provide workshops, classes, wellness services, senior resource information, AARP drivers, respite care, caregiver support, home health care, loan closet, community alerts, DRCOG grant information. Person in charge: Erica Hamilton, supervisor www.broomfieldseniors.com CINNAMON PARK 1335 Cinnamon St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-2882/303-772-8318 Mission: Caregivers available 24/7, all meals provided in community dining room, housekeeping, transportation, activities and medication management. Person in charge: Debbie Setlock, director Year founded: 1989 www.seniorhousingoptions.org FRASIERMEADOWSRETIREMENT COMMUNITY 350 Ponca Place Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-4888 Mission: Help seniors enjoy retirement by offering CARF-CCAC accredited independent, assisted living, memory care, health care, rehabilitation and comprehensive holistic wellness services. Person in charge: Timothy A. Johnson, CEO/ president Year founded: 1998 www.frasiermeadows.com FRIENDS OF THE LONGMONT SENIOR CENTER 910 Longs Peak Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-8415/303-651-8413 Mission: Raise funds for and promote the Longmont Senior Center. Person in charge: Michele K. Waite, staff liaison Year founded: 1980 www.ci.longmont.co.us/sen_ctr/groups/ friends.htm HOVER SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 1401 Elmhurst Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-9292/303-651-7279 Mission: Provide seniors with a home choice where they can age with dignity and continue to grow. Meal plans. Accepts Section 8. Person in charge: Lisa Czolowski, executive director Year founded: 1976 www.hovercommunity.org NEDERLAND AREA SENIORS 750 Colorado Highway 72 Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-0799/303-258-0799 Mission: Plan, organize and facilitate nutrition, education, recreation, socialization, cultural, transportation, foot care and outreach programs for senior citizens. Wish list: Cash and in-kind donations of goods and services. Person in charge: Serene Karplus, director Year founded: 1996 www.NederlandAreaSeniors.org SENIOR RESOURCES OF BROOMFIELD INC. P.O. Box 714 Broomfield, CO 80038 303-464-5526 Mission: Coordinate respite care and provide friendly visitor and reader volunteers to older adults, and Meals on Wheels. A volunteer Broomfield Interfaith Caregiver program. Person in charge: Barbara Reed, executive director www.broomfieldseniorresources.org Boulder County Business Report VIA MOBILITY SERVICES 2855 N. 63rd St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2848/303-447-0686 Mission: Promote independence for older adults and people with disabilities by providing caring, customer-focused transportation options. Wish list: Corporate partnership investment/ funding, committed and well-connected board members and knowledge of Via’s services so they can help connect those who need us. Person in charge: Lenna Kottke, executive director Year founded: 1979 www.viacolorado.org SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS BOULDER ELKS LODGE NO. 566 3975 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-5003/303-442-5006 Mission: Advance the principles of charity, justice, brotherly love and fidelity. Provide programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, and honor the service and sacrifice of veterans. Year founded: 1967 Www.www.elks.org/lodges/contactus. cfm?LodgeNumber=566 BOULDER FLATIRONS ROTARY P.O. Box 17775 Boulder, CO 80306 303-520-6660 Mission: Provide support to services that have a positive affect on the community. Person in charge: Joe Hinton, president Year founded: 1997 www.boulderflatironsrotary.org BOULDER FOOD RESCUE 710 31st St. Boulder, CO 80303 303-445-5237 Mission: Create a more just and less wasteful food system by facilitating the sustainable redistribution of food “waste†to agencies that feed hungry, homeless and low-income people. Wish list: Volunteers, monetary donations and new grocery stores that would like to donate food daily. Person in charge: Kyle Huelsman, interim executive director Year founded: 2011 www.boulderfoodrescue.org BOULDER MASONIC LODGE NO. 45 2205 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302-4824 720-663-1167 Mission: Fraternity. Person in charge: Darren Klinefelter Year founded: 1881 www.bouldermasons.org Boulder County Business Report BOULDER ROTARY CLUB 5390 Manhattan Circle, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80303 303-554-7074/720-304-3255 Mission: Provide local and international humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards, and help build goodwill among people across the world. Wish list: New members devoted to “Service Above Self”. Partner organizations for service projects. Financial support via the Boulder Rotary Club Foundation. Person in charge: Darryl J. Brown, president Year founded: 1919 www.boulderrotary.org BROOMFIELD ROTARY CLUB P.O. Box 332 Broomfield, CO 80038 303-466-2709 Mission: Service above self. Person in charge: Tom Deland, president Year founded: 1958 www.broomfieldrotary.org COAL CREEK ROTARY CLUB P.O. Box 546 Louisville, CO 80026 Mission: Provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards, build goodwill worldwide. Person in charge: Wendy Fickbohm, president Year founded: 1990 www.coalcreekrotary.org COLORADO ENTERPRISE FUND 1888 Sherman St., Suite 530 Denver, CO 80203 303-860-0242/303-860-0409 Mission: Provide loans and technical assistance to businesses that cannot obtain financing from banks. Person in charge: Cicilia Prinster, CEO/president Year founded: 1976 www.coloradoenterprisefund.org COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 14 2205 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302 720-663-1167 Mission: Fraternity. Person in charge: Dan Porter Year founded: 1867 www.bouldermasons.org COLUMBINE LIONS CLUB P.O. Box 1612 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7077 Mission: Create spirit of understanding among people for humanitarian needs by volunteering. Person in charge: Mel DeSantis, president Year founded: 1963 www.e-clubhouse.org FOCUS REENTRY 3700 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 720-304-6446/720-304-6556 Mission: Provide a mentoring program dedicated to reducing recidivism and enhancing community safety. Wish list: Volunteer mentors and basic needs. Person in charge: Nicky Marone, executive director Year founded: 2005 www.focusreentry.org KIWANIS CLUB OF THE GOLDEN NUGGETS 3525 Copper St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-1924 Mission: Serve the children of the world. Person in charge: Arlene Devore, copresident; Charles Hadley, co-president Year founded: 1990 Www.sites.google.com/site/ kiwanisgoldennuggets/ LONGMONT BPOE ELKS NO. 1055 306 Coffman St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1055 Mission: Charity. Person in charge: Leon Henry, manager Year founded: 1906 www.bpoe1055.com THE DAVINCI INSTITUTE 511 E. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4133 Mission: Educate aspiring inventors and entrepreneurs with the critical skills necessary to make their projects viable. Person in charge: Thomas Frey, executive director Year founded: 1997 www.davinciinstitute.com WARRIORS ON CATARACT 130 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80303 303-818-7600 Mission: Aid in healing and reintegrating wounded warriors back into civilian life. To show appreciation for their service to our country. Wish list: Monetary donations. We are growing faster than our funding base, four 4-day whitewater trips for 25 Wounded Warriors on each, up from two trips last year. Person in charge: Fredrick S. Solheim, principal/founder Year founded: 2011 www.WarriorsOnCataract.org SOCIAL JUSTICE FIRST NATIONS DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE 2432 Main St., Second Floor Longmont, CO 80501 303-774-7836/303-774-7841 Mission: Strengthen American Indian economies to support healthy Native communities through policy, research, grant making and lending. Wish list: Individual donors/financial supporters, corporate in-kind gifts/support. Person in charge: Michael E. Roberts, president Year founded: 1980 www.firstnations.org LONGMONT COMMUNITY JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP 333 Terry St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1527/303-772-7446 Mission: Cultivate a safe and caring community, reduce crime and bring together those involved in crime or conflict to be heard, creating justice for all. Person in charge: Candy A. Campbell, executive director Year founded: 1994 www.lcjp.org NATIVEAMERICANRIGHTSFUND 1506 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302-6217 303-447-8760/303-443-7776 Mission: Provide legal representation and technical assistance to Indian tribes and organizations. Wish list: Corporate and private/community foundation grants; Boulder business sponsorship; Introduction of Native Ways Federation (Workplace giving). Person in charge: John Echohawk, executive director Year founded: 1970 www.narf.org ROCKY MOUNTAIN PEACE & JUSTICE CENTER 3970 Broadway, Suite 105 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-6981/720-565-9755 Mission: Work to restore and protect Earth and human rights: education, awareness, public organizing on nuclear waste cleanup; ending genetically engineered foods, fracking and toxic pesticides. Person in charge: Carolyn Bninski, program coordinator Year founded: 1983 www.rmpjc.org SAFEHOUSE PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE FOR NONVIOLENCE 835 North St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-8623 Mission: End violence against women, youth and children through support, advocacy, education and community organizing. Person in charge: Anne Tapp, executive director Year founded: 1979 www.safehousealliance.org THE LEGAL AID FOUNDATION OF COLORADO 1900 Grant St., Suite 1112 Denver, CO 80203 303-863-9544/303-863-7226 Mission: Promote equal access to justice by raising funds to provide civil legal services for low-income people in Colorado. Person in charge: Diana M. Poole, executive director Year founded: 1981 www.legalaidfoundation.org SPORTS AND RECREATION ACCESS FUND P.O. Box 17010 Boulder, CO 80308 303-545-6772/303-545-6774 Mission: Keep U.S. climbing areas open and conserve the climbing environment. Year founded: 1990 www.accessfund.org SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS > SOCIAL JUSTICE > SPORTS AND RECREATION 45 GIVING GUIDE 2014 SPORTS AND RECREATION > WOMEN 46 AMERICAN MOUNTAIN GUIDES ASSOCIATION 207 Canyon Blvd., Suite 201 North Boulder, CO 80302 303-271-0984/303-271-1377 Mission: Inspire an exceptional client experience by being the premier source for training, credentials, resource stewardship and services for professional mountain guides and climbing instructors in the U.S. Person in charge: Betsy Novak Winter, executive director Year founded: 1979 www.amga.com BOULDER AREA TRAILS COALITION P.O. Box 19726 Boulder, CO 80308 303-485-2162/303-485-2163 Mission: Promote nonmotorized, multiuse, environmentally responsible trail systems in Boulder County. Person in charge: Suzanne Webel, vice president Year founded: 1996 www.bouldertrails.org BOULDER FISH AND GAME INC. 1630 Lincoln Place Boulder, CO 80302 303-494-2655 Mission: Maintain fishing ponds for children and stock high-country lakes with fish. Person in charge: Paul Kuehnel, president Year founded: 1908 BOULDER MOUNTAINBIKE ALLIANCE P.O. Box 4954 Boulder, CO 80306 303-570-9177 Mission: Support all things related to mountain biking in Boulder County. Person in charge: Mimi Mather, president Year founded: 1991 www.bouldermountainbike.org COMMUNITY CYCLES 2805 Wilderness Place, Suite 1000 Boulder, CO 80301 720-565-6019 Mission: Develop and maintain community programs for the bicycling community. Person in charge: Rich Points, executive director Year founded: 2006 www.communitycycles.org ELDORA MOUNTAIN SKI & SNOWBOARD CLUB 1750-1 30th St., Suite 431 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8014/303-448-9776 Mission: Provide an exceptional youth program for athletes with diverse abilities in skiing, snowboarding and cycling. Person in charge: Matt Tomasko, executive director Year founded: 1975 www.lertprograms.com/emsc GIVING GUIDE 2014 FIRST DESCENTS 767 Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80204 303-945-2490/303-474-3005 Mission: Provide whitewater and adventure sports camps for young adults who have cancer. Person in charge: Brad Ludden, founder Year founded: 2001 www.firstdescents.org FLATIRONS VOLLEYBALL CLUB 2485 Clayton Circle Superior, CO 80027 303-543-7605/303-543-7609 Mission: Run a junior Olympic volleyball club for girls 10 to 18 years old. Teach the sport of volleyball along with life lessons that come with working with a team. Wish list: Scholarship money for players with need, operating expenses for gym rental and equipment purchase and support staff in the marketing department. Person in charge: Susan Cancilla, director Year founded: 1999 www.flatironsvbc.org IGNITE ADAPTIVE SPORTS P.O. Box 19016 Boulder, CO 80308-2016 303-442-0606 Mission: Provide integrated recreational opportunities for people with disabilities that will foster independence through the acquisition of lifetime skills. Wish list: Money to purchase vehicles to transport students to various ski areas. Operations funding. Scholarships for blind students and disabled vets. Person in charge: David N. Levin, president Year founded: 1975 www.igniteadaptivesports.org INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN BICYCLING ASSOCIATION 207 Canyon Blvd., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80302 303-545-9011/303-545-9026 Mission: Create, enhance and preserve great mountain bike experiences. Wish list: Funding to leverage opportunities with public land managers to develop new MTB trail projects, maintenance and access. Person in charge: Mike Van Abel, executive director Year founded: 1988 www.imba.com PARADOX SPORTS 1911 11th St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 720-638-5593 Mission: Provide inspiration, opportunities and adaptive equipment to the disabled community, empowering their pursuit of a life of excellence through human-powered outdoor sports. Year founded: 2007 www.paradoxsports.org PEOPLEFORBIKES 207 Canyon Blvd., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-4893/303-442-2936 Mission: To put more people on bikes more often, with a special focus on children and bicycle safety. Person in charge: Tim Blumenthal, president www.peopleforbikes.org YMCA 2850 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 303-664-5455/303-664-5456 Mission: Provide programs and environment to help youth develop in areas of healthy living and social responsibility. Person in charge: Chris Coker, CEO/ president Year founded: 1955 www.ymcabv.org YMCA OF BOULDER VALLEY 2800 Dagny Way Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-5455/303-664-5456 Mission: Provide programs and environment to help youth develop in areas of healthy living and social responsibility. Person in charge: Chris Coker, CEO/ president Year founded: 1955 www.ymcabv.org YMCA OF THE ROCKIES 2515 Tunnel Road Estes Park, CO 80511 970-586-4444/970-586-6088 Mission: Put Christian principles into practice through programs, staff and facilities in an environment that builds healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Person in charge: Kent Meyer, CEO/ president Tera Henrich, annual giving director Year founded: 1907 www.ymcarockies.org WOMEN A WOMAN’S WORK P.O. Box 817 Longmont, CO 80502 303-827-7085 Mission: Raise funds for women and their families who live or work in the St. Vrain Valley who need financial assistance for immediate needs that cannot be met by other sources. Person in charge: Kate Gaddis, executive director Year founded: 2003 www.awomanswork.org BOLDEREACH P.O. Box 17544 Boulder, CO 80308 Mission: Supporting organizations that aid and empower women and children in extreme need around the world. Wish list: Donations and volunteers. Person in charge: Carol Batrus, chairwoman of the board Year founded: 2003 www.boldereach.org COLORADO WOMEN’S EDUCATION FOUNDATION1 P.O. Box 1189 Boulder, CO 80306 303-443-2573 Mission: Help women in Colorado attain economic self-sufficiency through education with scholarships for nontraditional-aged women who need assistance to reach their educational goals. Person in charge: Roxanne BrickellReardon, office manager Year founded: 1976 www.cwef.org NATIONAL CENTER FOR WOMEN & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CU Campus Box 322 Boulder, CO 80309 303-735-6671/303-735-6606 Mission: Increase women’s participation in technology and computing fields by leveraging support from more than 450 corporations, academic institutions, government agencies and nonprofits. Wish list: Financial support for programs and operations. Introductions to non-member organizations. Publicity and media coverage for our programs and members. Person in charge: Lucy Sanders, CEO Year founded: 2004 www.ncwit.org WOMEN’S BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER 1733 Venice Lane Longmont, CO 80503 720-233-5426 Mission: Serve the entrepreneurial community by providing business support, education, advisory boards, networking, angel and equity presentations, leadership and advocacy. Wish list: Support for start-ups, corporate partners for funding support, connections for entrepreneurs. Person in charge: Candy A. Campbell, founder, board president Year founded: 2009 www.coloradowomen.org YWCA OF BOULDER VALLEY 2222 14th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-0419 Mission: Advance self-sufficiency through programs such as sliding-fee scale, dropin child care, low-cost career services, financial literacy, youth programs and parent education. Person in charge: Janet Beardsley, executive director Year founded: 1922 www.ywcaboulder.org ZONTAFOOTHILLSFOUNDATION AND CLUB OF BOULDER COUNTY P.O. Box 19964 Boulder, CO 80308 720-352-5697 Mission: Support the advancement of women locally and worldwide through ensuring education, economic stability, legal equality and maintaining health and wellness. Wish list: Financial donors and grants for our project Zonta EducateZ which provides support to at-risk women through education and empowerment, new members, and attendance at our events. Year founded: 1919 www.zontafoothills.org THE KULA FOUNDATION 4775 Walnut St., Suite 230 Boulder, CO 80301 720-499-0100/720-499-0123 Mission: Increase funding for the causes people and organizations care about by creating easy and compelling donation experiences. Person in charge: Bob Overstreet, director Year founded: 2010 Boulder County Business Report BOULDER VALLEY BUSINESS DECISION MAKERS By providing in-depth, local business news and by forming solid ties with our community, we’ve developed unparalleled reader loyalty among the key business decision makers in Boulder Valley. When you advertise in the Boulder County Business Report, your message is being directly delivered to the audience you most want to reach. Further, as a member of The Alliance, we can provide access to over 1.2 million business profession- DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR. als in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Australia. Get in front of your target audience: contact us today. 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WomEn’S CHoiCE AWArd AvistaHospital.org 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO Part of Centura Health, the region’s leading health care network Centura Health complies with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in the provision of any care or service on the grounds of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, sexual preference, ancestry, age, familial status, disability or handicap. Copyright © Centura Health, 2013
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