Knit Flower Wreath Knit • Episode 410NK Design by Kristin Nicholas,

Knit • Episode 410NK
Knit Flower Wreath
Design by Kristin Nicholas,
from 50 Sunflowers to Knit, Crochet & Felt, St. Martin’s Press, 2013
Diameter: Approx 5 inches
• Classic Elite Yarns Color by Kristin (worsted weight; 50%
wool/25% alpaca/25% mohair; 95 yds/50g per ball): Small
amounts of caramel #3244 (A), raspberry #3232 (B) and
yarrow #3243 (C)
• Size 7 (4.5mm) knitting needles or size
needed to obtain gauge
• Straw wreath 10 inches in diameter
suppliinesd at
Exact gauge is not critical for this project.
Sample shows 3 flowers worked in different colors. Change
up colors as desired.3
Make 8
With A, cast on 3 sts.
Rows 1 and 2: Knit.
Row 3 (RS): Kfb, k1, kfb—5 sts.
Rows 4–6: Knit.
Row 7: K1, s2kp, k1—3 sts.
Rows 8–10: Knit.
Row 11: S2kp—1 st.
Cut yarn and fasten off.
Center Disc
With RS facing and using B, pick up and knit 3 sts at base of
each petal—24 sts.
4C below
Row 1: Knit. Cut B.
Row 2: With C, [ssk, k1] 8 times—16 sts.
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4: Ssk 8 times—8 sts.
Row 5: Ssk 4 times—4 sts.
Cut yarn, leaving an 8-inch tail.
Using tapestry needle, thread tail through rem sts, and pull
Minimum size
Using tail, sew seam of disc to form a circle.
Weave in all ends.
Knit • Episode 410NK
(Optional): Sew flowers to wreath as shown in photo.
Or sew to any project that you’d like to embellish with flowers. n
approx approximately
g gram(s)
k knit
kfb knit in front and back
LH left hand
mm millimeter(s)
rem remain/remains/remaining
RH right hand
RS right side
s2kp slip 2 sts together knitwise from LH needle to RH needle,
k1, pass 2 slipped Sts over knit st (2 sts decreased)
ssk (slip, slip, knit) slip 2 sts, 1 at a time, knitwise to the RH
needle; insert tip of LH needle into the fronts of the 2 slipped
sts and use RH needle to knit them together (1 st decreased)
st(s) stitch(es)
yd(s) yard(s)
cfm?index=26&CustID=1354242 to purchase a signed copy
of 50 Sunflowers to Knit, Crochet & Felt, © 2013 Kristin Nicholas,
courtesy of St. Martin’s Press and Classic Elite Yarns.
This pattern is specifically for private use only. All commercial
uses involving reproduction of this pattern or duplication of
this piece is prohibited unless specifically licensed in writing
by copyright owner.
4C below
Minimum size