IM M ACULATE H EART OF M ARY C HURCH 5 F ATIM A D RIVE R IVERVIEW , NB E 1 B 2 X 8 T EL : 386-6178 / FAX :386-4165 H OLY G HOST C HURCH 2 C HURCH S TREET RIVERSIDE ALBERT, NB E4H 3W8 T EL /F AX : 882-1123 H OLY F AM ILY C HURCH 52 F ALKLAND S T . M ONCTON , NB T EL : 854-6099 S AINT J UDE C HURCH 3062 M AIN S T . S ALISBURY , NB T EL : 372-4748 R EGIONAL P ARISH O FFICE PASTORAL MINISTRY TEAM 5 F ATIMA D R ., R IVERVIEW , NB E1B 2X8 T ELEPHONE : 386-6178 F AX : 386-4165 O FFICE H O URS : M ONDAY -F RIDA Y 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM A D U LT F A ITH D EV ELO PM EN T -- P R IEST M O D ER ATO R : R EV. P HIL M ULLIGAN email: [email protected] A SSISTAN T : FATHER CHARLES BRODERICK C HILDREN ’ S C ATECHESIS K AREN L E B LANC EM AIL : catechism email: [email protected] S TAFF Business Manager: Anne Marcoux Secretary: VISIT US C ONTACT U S LOOK FOR US & Holy Family Churches: [email protected] [email protected] A RCHDIOCESE OF M ONCTON W EBSITE : C ELEBRATE WITH US.... Cathy Kennedy Director of Catechesis for Immaculate Heart of Mary Karen LeBlanc 387-4198 F AMILY F AITH F ORMATION At Holy Ghost Church: Teresa O’Hara: 882-0997 At Saint Jude Church: Tammy Constantine: 372-4741 C O M M UN ITY L IFE -Y O U TH M IN IS TR Y -J USTICE & S O LID AR ITY A L D ALY EM AIL : [email protected] L ITU R G Y -- Regular Mass Schedule LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK APRIL 6 - 12th Mondays & Fridays 9:00 am @ Holy Fam ily Church, Moncton Wednesdays 9:00 am @ Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Riverview Fridays 2:00 pm @ People’s Park Tower Chapel, Moncton People’s Park Tower Chapel Fri. April 10 2:00 pm Roger Bourque - Paul Caissie Saturdays 4:00 pm @ Holy Ghost Church, Riverside Albert 7:00 pm @ Holy Fam ily Church, Moncton Sundays 8:30 am @ Saint Jude Church, Salisbury 10:30 am @ Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Riverview Private Confessions at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Saturday Afternoon from 1 - 1:30 pm and Wednesday mornings 8:30 am (before mass) W el c o m e to O u r P a ri s h If you are new to our church or just visiting, we are pleased to have you share in this celebration of the Eucharist. If you would like to join our parish, registration forms are available. Just ask one of the ushers, ministers of hospitality or other ministers you find in the church or in the foyer. E ASTER S UNDAY R ESURRECTION OF THE L ORD APRIL 5T H 2015 Holy Ghost Church Sat. April 11 4:00 pm Gerry McKinley - Lester & Melda Rossiter Holy Family Church Mon. April 6 9:00 am Elizabeth Vyles - Knights of Columbus Fri. April 10 9:00 am Marie McCarron - Frank Nugent Sat. April 11 7:00 pm Gerald Delahunt - Sandra & Gerry Cluney Saint Jude Church Sun. April 12 8:30 am Windsor MacDonald - Louis Leger Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Wed. April 8 9:00 am Edna Gormley - Helen & Bob Vaughan Sun. April 12 10:30 am For the People UNTO EVERY SEASON THERE IS A TIME... Ecclesiastes3 A time to heal... Kevin Quigley, son of Barbara Quigley; Kevin McKinley, son of Lucy McKinley A time to mourn.. Fred Doiron, brother-in-law of Anne & Wilfred Griffin Readings for the Week • • • • • • • • M onday Tuesday W ednesday Acts 2:14, Acts 2:36-41 Acts 3: 1-10 22-33 Jn 20: 11-18 Lk 24: 13-35 Mt 28: 8-15 Thursday Acts 3: 11-26 Lk 24: 35-48 Friday Acts 4:1-12 Jn 21: 1-14 Saturday Acts 4: 13-21 Mk 16: 9-15 Sunday Acts 2: 42-47 Pt 1: 3-9 Jn 20: 19-31 In preparation for 2nd Sunday of Easter also known as the Divine Mercy First Reading (Acts 4:32-35) This week continues with the earliest life of the Christian community. The history tells us that there is a voluntary pooling of the resources. People are giving of their treasure. It is unusual to own property but the elite are mixing with the common in joining the Christianity movement. This is the beginning of the priests and their missions. May we suggest you continue to read the Acts Chapter 5: 1 - 11? This sharing is a big deal. (Source: Second Reading (1 John 5:1-6) In Liturgical Year B, we read from the First Letter of St. John. The community of John has dissident members. The purpose of the letter is to combat certain false ideas, especially about Jesus, and to deepen the spiritual and social awareness of the Christian community. Some former member of the community refused to acknowledge Jesus as the Christ and denied that he was a true man. (The Catholic Study Bible, Oxford) The fundamental theme of John's letter is the essence of religion: a relationship with God, union with God, fellowship with God, sharing God's life. (You Can Understand the Bible by Peter Kreeft) Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12: There will be a Divine Mercy Celebration at the St. Bernard Church from 2:30 to 3:30 PM. Before that a half hour of private Adoration. Let us implore God's Mercy, so needed, with the prayers He Himself has given us. Living in Ecstasy No pope in my recollection has spoken about the necessity of joy at the heart of the Christian’s life better than our current pope, Pope Francis. In most of the English-speaking churches in the diocese is a cardboard cutout of Pope Francis accompanied by quotes from Evangelii Gaudium (the Joy of the Gospel). Evangelii Gaudium is an apostolic exhortation, written in 2013 by Pope Francis, on the Church’s primary mission of evangelization in the world. In it he mentions “joy” 109 times; he really thinks joy, more than anything else, will bring people to Christ. In the gospels, Jesus connects joy with the promise of seeing him again, when he said “I shall see you again and your hearts will be filled with joy” (Jn. 16:22). The word “ecstasy” helps us to understand more fully the joy Jesus offers. “Ecstasy” comes from the Greek “ekstasis” which in turn is derived from “ek” meaning out, and “stasis,” a state of standstill. To be ecstatic means to be outside of a static place. Those who live ecstatic lives are always moving outside of mundane and rigid situations into new and unexplored dimensions. Joy is always new. There can be old pain, old grief, and old sorrow, but there can never be old joy. Old joy is not joy! Joy is always connected with movement, renewal, rebirth, change---in short, life. Joy is ecstatic because it moves us out of the place of death which is rigid and fixed, into a place which is new and surprising. The resurrection caught everyone by surprise. “God is God not of the dead but of the living” (Mt. 22:32). There is no tinge of death in God. God is pure life. Therefore, living in the house of God is living in a state of constant ecstasy, in which we always experience the joy of being alive. On behalf of myself, Fr. Charlie and the entire staff, I want to wish you all a joyful and ecstatic Easter Season. To those involved in the various ministries that have brought our Triduum alive, your efforts are deeply appreciated. Expect to be surprised over the next 50 days of Easter. In gratitude….. This week's Stewardship statement: "...For the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and give his life for many." (Mark 10:45) FOOD BASKET CHALLENGE This week’s challenge..... Please bring in Immaculate Heart and Holy Ghost: tea bags, instant coffee and toiletries Holy Fam ily: apple/orange juice Saint Jude: coffee Thank you to all who are taking up the challenge and supporting our ‘food baskets’. Following is a list of those people who have, in memory of loved ones, donated to the decor of our churches this Easter season. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH In M em ory Of.... by Andrew O’Connell - Jackie Helene Comeau - Daughter Louise Gauvin Leoline Gauvin - Son Louis Gauvin Darlene Arsenault - Her Friends Deceased members of the Dollemont Family - Mary Arsenault Deceased Family Members - Doris Methot George Colepaugh - Pauline Con & Kaye McLaughlin (with love) - Deb & Gord Roach and Family Mother and Father - Mary Helena My Husband James McKinnon - Elaine McKinnon Eric LeBlanc and Angus & Sis MacAdam - Victor & Leah LeBlanc Sharon - Mick & Bina Standing Josie Dennis & Alphonse Dennis - Kathleen Dennis & Eileen Dennis HOLY GHOST CHURCH In M em ory Of.... by Wallace and Mitchell MacDonald - Sandra Philip and Doreen McNaught - Monica Ralph and Tracy Dowe - Anne Dowe Mildred Fenton, James Duffy, Reg Fenton - Cerdic and Sandra Nelson Larry Muise - Treva Muise SAINT JUDE CHURCH Deceased Family Members - Helen & Ian MacDonald Deceased Parents of Doris & Reg Martin Gerry Bos - Wife Siene Hannah & Edgar Joyce; Marion & Andrew Dwyer - Billy & Melda Dwyer Paul Constantine - Wife Doris Walter & Agnes MacDonald; Ray MacDonald - Lindsay & Sharon Jones Following is a list of those people who have, in memory of loved ones, donated to the decor of our churches this Easter season. IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CHURCH In Loving M em ory Of.... by Glen Martel - Rose-Marie Deceased Family Member - Glen & Anize Ramsay Deceased Family Members - Garth & Simone Berry Otto and Violet O’Hara - Mary Richardson Clyde Richardson - Mary Grampie & Grammie Simkins - Love Emma, Lucas, Brainy & Tessa Raymond and Tweedie Lanigan - Stephen and Carmen Lanigan Deceased Family Members - Bob & Helen Vaughan My Son Jimmy - Florence McIntyre Morton & Whitehouse Families - Pat & Warren Whitehouse and Family Brian Haslam - Dianne and Family Clara & Clarke Kierstead - Dianne Haslam & Family Dennis and Alex Gosselin - The Glenens Rudy - Joyce Amirault and Family Deceased Family Members of the Brown & Hendricks Family - Jim & Hazel Hendricks Helen Broderick - The Family Bernie McKinley - Martha & The Family The LeBlanc & Mongraw Families - Anne & Alan Mongraw Vance Toner - Pauline Albert Spencer - Wife Doris Spencer In Loving M em ory Of.... by Shirley and Edmond Richard - Andrew, Kathy, Melanie and Danielle Vaughan LeBlanc - Carolyn and David Antoine Hébert - Love Mom and Dad Donald Fournier - Michéle and Kids Marion & Russell Black - Shirley & Ralph Simkins Deceased Relatives - Anne Robichaud Joseph & Anna LeBlanc - daughters Andrea & Doris LeBlanc Leo LeBlanc & Justin - LeBlanc Family Randy - Mum & Dad Deceased Parents - Ron & June Robichaud Peter Smith - Mae, Karen and Stephen Murray Leitch -Wife Helen Colin Leitch - Mom Claire Lamont - Raymond, Chelone and Rhiannon Joseph Landry - Wife Donna and Sons Mike, Jeff & John Donald W. McAllister - Mary, Marilyn, Trent and Family Albert Spencer - Daughter Charlotte, Gérald & Jennifer Melanson Robert & Sara Melanson - Son Gérald, Charlotte & Jennifer Melanson In Celebration of Family - Lorraine Joudrey Alice & Leonard Thibeau; Christie & Albert Tanner; deceased family members - Carolyn & Basil Thibodeau HYGIENE KITS RELIEF KIT INFANT CARE KIT Well we are well on our way with our LENTEN PROJECT; the pile is building!!! Thank you to all who have brought in kits! If you haven’t brought yours in yet we still have a couple of weeks. We would like to have them together for a blessing on April 18th and 19th before we send them off, so keep ‘em coming!!! COLLECTIONS FOR LAST WEEKEND PEOPLES PARK TOWER C HAPEL Church Support $194.00; Loose $73.40 Maintenance Fund $5. H OLY FAMILY Church Support $1012.00; Loose $176.10 Maintenance Fund $164.00 Share Lent for Holy Family and Peoples Park Tower $952.00 H OLY G HOST SAINT JUDE Church Support $700.00; Loose $86.60 Share Lent $443.00 IMMACULATE H EART OF M ARY Church Support $4668.00; Loose $255.00 Social Action $165.00; Youth $66.00 Property Upkeep $585.00 Share Lent $2088.00 Thank You for Your Continued Support. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ANNUAL BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE On Saturday May 3rd, the Holy Family seniors are holding the 15TH ANNUAL EDITION of their spring bazaar and bake sale. It will run from 8 am to noon in the Church hall. Many gently used items including china, glassware, ornaments. Appliances, books, jewelry, games, toys and much more, plus a wonderful assortment of baking will be available. Come early for the best selection! IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY LADIES SOCIETY meets Tue. April 7 th at 7:30 pm in the Dan Bohan Centre. The response has been overwhelming for our EVENING OF TALENT, TREASURE AND VARIETY - Sunday April 26th ! Offer your talent (yard work, dog walking, baby sitting, garden tilling, plants/perennials, running errands, pick up/deliver/decorate a Christmas tree, sewing/alterations, quilting, doing “odd jobs”) for the Silent Auction. Or how about a painting, stained glass (Fr. Phil ???), a quilt... for the live auction. Call Anne 872-4906 or Helen 386-2071 to offer your talent! And come and join in the fun. Bid on someone else’s talent or treasure; enjoy a bit of entertainment and refreshments, and go home with that something you’ve always wanted. And... help raise some funds to go toward the Dan Bohan Centre. Watch for more details! Knights of Columbus Council 9240 PANCAKE BREAKFAST in conjunction with Riverview Maplefest at Dan Bohan Center next Sat. April 11 from 8 to 10:30 am. Pancakes and Sausage, Ham and Scrambled Eggs, Beans, Toast and Jam, Tea, Coffee and Choice of Juice, Fruit Salad. Adults $6, Children 6-12 $3, Family (Max. 2 adults & children) $20. FROM THE DIOCESE Vision Bookstore: MONTHLY SALES Information: Come visit us at 45 York Street, Moncton (Diocesan Centre) on Friday, April 10th, between 8am & noon and from 1 to 4pm and take advantage of a special monthly sale where most books (in stock) will be reduced by 10%. CATECHISM NEWS - SACRAMENT PREPARATION ATTENTION SPONSORS of CHILDREN WHO WILL BE CONFIRMED THIS SPRING: Your letter to your Candidate was due last week, on Wednesday April 1 st. If you don’t have it in be sure to get it in this week to Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm. ATTENTION CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES AND SPONSORS: There will be 3 opportunities for you to attend the Easter Blessing. They are - Saturday April 11th at 7:00pm mass @ Holy Family or - Sunday April 12th at 8:30am mass @ St. Jude or - Sunday April 19th at 10:30am mass @ Immaculate Heart of Mary AND your final retreat will take place on Saturday April 18th @ 8:00am in the Dan Bohan Family Centre. We will start there with breakfast so bring your appetite. All Candidates are expected to attend. ATTENTION PARENTS OF CHILDREN WHO WILL BE RECEIVING FIRST COMMUNION THIS SPRING: - the Pre-Eucharist Celebration will be on Tuesday April 21st at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church @ 6:30 pm. - First Communion will take place on Saturday April 25th at Holy Family or Sunday April 26th at Immaculate Heart of Mary. FROM THE OFFICES OF FAITH DEVELOPMENT, LITURGY AND YOUTH FAITH DEVELOPMENT To contact us: Ellen - 857- 9952 or [email protected] Trevor - 857-4879 or [email protected] and Deb at [email protected] LITURGY FORMATION PROGRAM The next session (Liturgy Bits and Bites) will take place on April 24th & 25th. Deb Gillespie, the program coordinator, will address the following topics and more: Differences between Liturgical and Devotional Prayer, Composing Prayers of the Faithful and Collect Prayers, Resources for Celebrating Morning and Evening Prayer; Celebrating Liturgy of the Hours without a Cantor, Music for Liturgy, Non-negotiable in Liturgy, Principles and Issues, Environment and Symbols, etc. Participants may also submit questions to be responded to by email by April 9th to: [email protected] The session will be held at Holy Fam ily Church Hall, on Friday evening from 6:45-9:00, and all day Saturday from 8:45am-3:45pm. Lunch and breaks provided. Registration fee is $15. Cheques should be made payable to: Archdiocese of Moncton. Registration must be received by noon on Monday, April 20th. No prior participation in any course is required. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT A BENEFIT CONCERT will take place Friday, April 10th at The Wesleyan Celebration Centre in support of 10 year old Alyssa Sippley of Baie Sainte Anne. In Nov 2014, Alyssa lost both arms and legs after contracting type-A streptococcus. Performers include George Canyon, Dave Gunning and others. Call 1-877-700-3130 for details and tickets. SALISBURY COMMUNITY FARMERS MARKET is once again open Saturdays at 8:30 am in the basement of Salisbury United Church, 76 Smith St., Salisbury. A note to remember, the market will be open 11th but CLOSED on April 18th for the UCW takeout, then will resume regular Saturdays on the 25th and be open every Saturday all summer. Anyone wishing a table or more information call Patsy Weatherdon at 372-9193. Come out and support our local farmers and craftsmen. N EED A HAND TO PREPARE YOUR INCOME TAX RETURN ??? Community organizations host free tax clinics to prepare returns for eligible taxpayers. Are you eligible? You may be eligible if you have a simple tax situation and meet the suggested family income level. Suggested income: Individual - $30,000; Couple - $40,000; Individual with a child - $35,000; for each additional child, add $2,500 to the suggested family income. Interest income must be less than $1,000 Returns not eligible: Volunteers do not prepare returns for individuals who: have self-employment income; have business or rental income and expenses; have capital gains or losses; have employment expenses; file for bankruptcy; are deceased in the year. See the poster on the bulletin board for times and locations. Liturgy Corner EASTER: A SEASON OF SAVORING Countless times, at either a funeral vigil or at the funeral mass itself, I have heard these words of St. Paul proclaimed: "Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?" (1 Cor. 15:55) . The answer to both of these questions is a resounding NOWHERE! Paul is not so much asking a rhetorical question as he is taunting death itself. It is as if he is saying, "Hey death, is that all you got?" This year with some many snow banks still remaining well into April, I am reminded of St. Paul's words. As you know, some of the worst snowstorms can occur in March and even April. But there's a big difference between a January snowstorm and a March/April one. A January snowstorm has lasting power; it can linger for a couple of months. A March/April snowstorm is almost forgotten a week later. These late winter snowstorms are metaphors for Easter itself. I taunt them in the same way St. Paul taunted death by secretly saying to myself, "Hey winter, where is your victory? Where is your sting? Is that all you got?" If you have ever lost a loved one to death, you know how real death is. Snow storms are also real. The thing about it is neither snowstorms nor death have lasting power. They just slow us down temporarily. Life itself cannot be held back for ever. Resurrection and the promise of new life will go forward and will be ultimately victorious. As Church, we just have to savor Christ's victory of life over death. That's why the Church gives us the Easter Season, an entire 50 days to do so. After the Holy Week celebrations, what follows may seem anti-climatic. Part of this is normal because the "high" of the Triduum cannot be sustained for ever. We can't remain on the mountaintop indefinitely. However, as you come down the mountain savor the image of Jesus washing his disciples' feet on that first Holy Thursday. Savor Good Friday's Passion reading and the veneration of the cross. Savor Holy Saturday's bonfire, a fire meant to consume the entire world. Savor the Word proclaimed in the dark. Savor the expression on the faces of those welcomed into the Church. Savor the Body and Blood of Christ. Savor God's relentless love for you. "Death, where is your victory? Where is your sting? Nowhere, because we are people who savor life. (Fr. Phil)
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