BLESSED SACRAMENT HERALD BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH /624 Miccosukee Road / Tallahassee, FL 32308/ MASS SCHEDULE Daily Mass .......................................... .......... .. .... 8:30am & 5:30pm Monday, Novena .. .............................. ................ .. ...... ...... ... 8:30am Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil Mass .................................. .............. ......... 5:00pm Sunday ....................... 8:00am, 10:30am, 12: 15pm and 7:00 pm SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday ........ .............. 12:00noon - 1:OOpm and 3:00pm' 4:00pm Fr. Peter Zalewski. Pastor ............................................................. 222· 1321 Fr. Timothy Holeda. Parochial Vicar ............................................. 222- 1321 Fr. Matthew Busch, Parochial Vicar .............................................. 222-1321 Deacon Louis Fete . Adult Education ............................................ 386-8715 Deacon Michael Nixon, R.C.I.A ..................................................... 294-3092 Deacon Patrick Dallet ................................................................... 386-5084 Dasha Nixon , St.John Neumann Center ...................................... . 224-2971 Carol Sunderhaus, Sick & Shut-In Ministry................................... 877-8775 Mr. Tommy Bridges, School Principal .......................................... 222-0444 Mary Staney. D.R.E...................... .................................................. 422-0372 Diane Whitney, Choir Directo r ..................................................... 878-2465 Maria Spicer, Bell Choir Director.................................................. 644-1784 Daniel Stewart, High School Yo uth Director ................................ 524-1466 Natalie Hand, Middle School Youth Director ............................... 894-6316 Rita Fete, Sacristan ............................................. .......................... 386-8715 Fax Nunlber ....................................... ............................ ................ 222-9772 Email ................................. BlessedSacramentCatholicChurch@gmail .com th 5 Sunday of L ent M arch 22, 2015 P E RP ETUAL ADORATION "Let us deepen, through adoration, drawing upon aids to prayer inspired by the word of God and the experience of so many mystics, old and new. The rosary itself, when it is profoundly understood in the biblical and christocentric form, will prove a particularly fitting introduction to Eucharistic contemplation, a contemplation carried out with Mary as our companion and guide." St. Pope John Paul II. Needed hours: Tues., 9- 10 A.M., Fri., 9-10 A.M ., & 11-12 noon; and Sat., IIA.M. - 12 oon. Call Jean Nixon at 445-3793 for more informarion. EM E RAL D DINNE R The Knights of Columbus will be hosting their annual Emerald Dinner on Saturday, March 21 ", from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. in the Parish Center (Hall). Come join us for an evening of good food and fun. Tickets for dinner and bingo are SIO, and will be available for purchase after Mass. SI NCER E SY MPAT HY Our Parish Family extends sympathy and prayers to the families of Nathaniel Skidmore & George Harvey. Father, may they and all who sleep in Christ find in your presence light, happiness and peace. Amen," Please support our advertisers. They subsidize the cost o/th e bulletin. 2015 CATHO L IC SHARING APPEAL S haring multiplies happiness and divides sorrow. We ask if you have not returned your pledge card, to do so today. Drop it in the collection basket, or mail it to us or to the diocese. Show that you "Care by Sharing." If you did not get your CSA packet in the mail, please call the office for a new packet. Thank you and God bless your generosity. HI G H SC HOOL YO UTH G RO UP R ETR EA T Behold Your King! Veritas High School Youth Group Retreat, March 27th-29th. Come enjoy a weekend of sacraments, discussion, and games as we welcomelesus on Palm Sunday, and learn what it means for Him to be our King! Everyone grades 912 are welcome. To be held at Camp Cherry Lake. Cost is $50. Questions or to sign up, call Daniel Stewart at 524-1466, or email [email protected]. YO UT H LENTEN PR ESENTA TI O " WHO DO YO U SAY T H AT I AM? Mark your calendars now for Tuesday, March 31 1 \ at 7 P.M., when the talented youth of our parish will enact a Lenten drama "Who Do You Say That I Am?" in the Parish Center (Hall). The presentation directed by Olivia Ahyoung includes dramatic monologues, special music, songs for cast and audience, and a slide presentation. Come, experience the story of Jesus through the eyes of some of His followers, a story of grace and sacrificial love, and leave with a symbol of His love for you and your own answer to the question. You won ' t want to miss it! Contact Olivia Ahyoung at 656-107 1 if you have any questions. Please remember Blessed S acram ent Church ill your will. WOMEN'S CHRIST R ENEWS HIS PARISH MASS INTENTIONS March 23 - 29 Monday, March 23 8:30 A.M. - Dec. Trezza & DiPietro Family t Requested by Mildred Trezza 5:30 P.M. - Matilde Landrum t Requested by Margarita Grant Tuesday, March 24 8:30 A.M. - Valerie de la Valdene t Requested by Joy Williams 5:30 P.M. - Pedro Ylagan, Sr t Requested by Sonny & Cecilia Ylagan Wednesday, March 25 8:30 A.M. - Nancy Cross t Requested by Mother Seton Circle 5:30 P.M. - Intentions of Rocco Ricco /~.:.):~.,:.~:. .:."~' "",..,.d by . . Ri= F,mUy ~ Thursday, March 26 \':;'•. / :. 8:30 A.M.- Lena Deeb t "').,,}:.'; 5:30 P.M. -Intentions of Mary Pat Delfino Requested by the Ricco Fanuly .".c.· .. , .. ',:' Friday, March 27 8:30 A.M. -Nancy Cross t Requested by Bob & Mary Staney i. 5:30 P.M. - Sally Ann Smith t a e Saturday, March 28 .t:J:f:ai,!:, 8:30 A.M. - Frank Huntley t 0 ;(3QD Requested by the Serpico Family i/.:S/,j:: 5:00 P.M . - Julian Alamo t ..... Requested by Rufina Alamo Sunday, March 29 8:00 A.M. - Bernice Keller t Requested by the Stafford Family 10:30 A.M. - Gene Tanzy t 12:15 P.M. - Blessed Sacrament & St. Stephen Parishes 7:00 P.M. - Christina Johnson t Requested by M. Pavia "'t.. ···; • Create . f01{rn.e .': ':. l:I '!':g ;::2':'"". LEGION OF MARY You deserve to be treated like royalty! The next women's CRHP retreat weekend will be beld April II" and 12'b Join us for a weekend of peace and tranquility, fabulous meals, and reflection on your relationship witb God. Tbe weekend is free of cbarge and open to all women of the parish, ages 18 and over. For more information, contact Meagan Ford (591 -6878) or Tberesa Croteau (668- I 5 I 8). CATHOLIC CHARITIES GOLF TOURNAME T Please join Bisbop Parkes at the annual Catholic Charities 9 Hole Golf Tournament on April 16'" at Southwood Golf Club. Registration begins at 2 P.M. witb a shotgun start at 3 P.M. Teams of four ($400) or individual ($100) are welcome. If you are not a golfer, please join us at the "after par tee" to meet Bishop Parkes over heavy bors d ' oeuvres and refreshments. The "after par tee" will begin at 5:30 P.M. at the Southwood Club House and include a silent auction featuring a week at Jimmy Buffet's bouse in Key West! If you would like to register to play or purchase tickets to tbe "after par tee," please contact Joan May (443-1946 or 668-9996) for more information. POLISH HERITAGE EGG DECORATING Polish Heritage ofTallabassee invites you and your family to celebrate an Old World Tradition with Pisanki, wax resist egg coloring, at the free Easter egg decoration lessons on Sunday, Marcb 29" at 2:30 P.M. in the cburcb Hall. Bring no more than three bard boiled eggs to decorate. An adult must accompany children as bot wax is used. Make your reservation now so needed supplies will be available. For more info and reservations, call Martha Saconchik-Pytel at 878-4263 . TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL KINDER "KNIGHTS" WELCOME! Please join us for a Kindergarten Open house on Thursday, Marcb 26" from 3: 15 to 4: 15 P.M. in the Trinity Kindergarten Building. You wiIl bear about our beart for Catbolic Education, meet our teacbers and Principal , tour our classrooms and discover what makes Trinity Catholic School unique! "MASS IN THE GRASS" Tbe entire Catholic Community is invited to join us for "Mass in the Grass" at JPII on Saturday, April 18", as we celebrate Mass with Bishop Parkes beginning at noon. A fellowship picnic and an afternoon of fun will follow! For more info, go to We look forward to seeing you tbere! The Legion of Mary cordially invites all our Auxiliary EASTER BLESSING OF THE FOOD Members to Mass at 8:30 A.M. on Saturday, March 14" . We will celebrate tbe Polish and Eastern European tradition of "The After Mass, there wi II be snacks and coffee to thank all Blessing of the Food" to be consumed as our Lenten fast is broken on Auxiliary Members. Please come and join us. Easter Sunday. We invite your fami ly to participate: simply bring a THANK YOU! basket to the church on Holy Saturday, April 4" by 2:00 PM with a Thank you to everyone who contributed to Bag Sunday. selection from tbe following: meat, dairy (including eggs and butter), Your donations are greatly appreciated by the many bread, bitter herbs (ie. salt, horseradish, parsley, etc.), wine and organizations that feed hungry families in our local desserts (even chocolate bunnies). The Rite of Blessing will be community. conducted for tbe food and the families present and will take only PRA YER SHAWL MINISTRY about 15 minutes (we will begin promptly at 2:00 PM). Contributions If you knit or crochet or have the time to learn, you could to the basket for our priests wiIl be greatly appreciated. We are grateful make a prayer shawl. They will be gifted to a parishioner or to see this custom continue on as a way to deepen our Easter friend who needs comfort. Contact: Phyllis Kupiszewski experience and participation in the Paschal Mystery. 385-5430 or cell 509-1324 . OPEN DOOR WOMEN'S CLINIC PLEASE NOTE ...... "Golf for Life" Monday, April 13" - Soutbwood Country Club. Be a We have increased the number of handicap parking spaces. sponsor for Fr. Tim - be needs your support! Or enter to golf yourself There are now Ii ve spaces on the Miccosukee side of the with Bisbop Parkes. See upcoming bulletin for more details, or call the church, and three spaces on the Brevard Street side. Women's Clinic at 656-9 177. SPRING BREAK & MORE: There are NO Religious Education classes, Sunday, March 22" due to Spring Break. After attendance is taken during the 9:15 A.M. class period on Sunday, March 29'h , teachers will guide their classes outside to pray the Stations of the Cross. Religious Education Classes will not meet on Easter Sunday. EDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP - For more information, contact Natalie Hand at 894-6316 or [email protected] VERITAS mGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP - For more information, contact Daniel Stewart at 524-1466. FIRST COMMUNION PARENT MEETING Parents of baptized children in second grade (who are Blessed Sacrament parishioners) will meet on Tuesday, March 24th, at 7:00 P.M. in the Parish Center (Hall). At least one parent is expected to attend. At this meeting you wi ll receive ad ult catechesis on the Eucharist, requests for your help at the First Communion Retreat on Saturday, April 11", as well as details and updates for the remainder of the calendar and specifics regarding the big day! Contact Mary Staney, DRE at 422-0372 or [email protected] with any questions. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Blessed Sacrament wi ll offer VBS this summer during the week of June 15 th to June 19th , 9:00 A.M. to noon for chi ldren ages 4-12 This uniquely Catholic program is entitled, "The Vatican Express" and it promises to be a blast! So, mark your calendars, watch the bulletin for more details, and contact Mary Staney at 422-0372, or [email protected] to volunteer to lead one of the activity centers . Adults will need to have completed the diocesan abuse prevention process prior to volunteering - so get on board the Expres~ as soon as possible. MARRIAGE ENRICHME T SEMI TAR Take a day to refocus and renew your marriage. Learn how to put Christ in the center of it all! Blessed Sacrament and Couples for Christ will be hosting this special event on Saturday, May 2" , from 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. at the Neumann Retreat Center. Child care is available. RSVP byemail [email protected] 224-2971. LENTEN REVIVAL-ST. EUGENE CHAPEL Three night Lenten Revival to be held at St. Eugene Chapel on March 23" , 24th & 25'h, beginning at 7 P.M. each evening. Presenter is Fr. Lambert Lein, SVD. Themes are: "What Goes Around Comes Around;" "Create for Me a Clean Heart;" and "What a Happy Ending." SA VE THE DA TE! Trinity Catholic School ' s production of Disney's "The Little Mermaid" will be on Friday, April 24th & Saturday, April 25 'h, at the Jeff Bradford Auditorium at Godby High School. Tickets are $5 on sale March 23'" at the school office. For more information, call 222-0444. CHURCH SUPPORT March 15 th - $28 ,452 .86 5:00 P.M. - $11 , 167.00 8:00 A.M. - $3, 156.86 10:30 A.M . - $3 ,913 .00 12: 15 P.M. - $4,214.00 7:00 P.M. - $ 1,670.00 Mail-In - $4,342.00 God Bless Your Generosity! Please lise the Sunday en velopes. They are the principal source of support NEXT Ezekiel 37: 12- 14 SUNDAY Psalm 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 READINGS Romans 8:8-11 John II :1-45 REGISTRATION & ORIENTATION MEETING FOR 8th GRADE CONFIRMA TION CANDIDATES AND PARENTS Eighth grade baptized youth who would like to celebrate their Confirmation next spring are asked to attend a meeting with at least one parent on Tuesday, April14'h at 7:00 P.M. in the Parish Hall. This is tl.e way to enroll in the prerequisite Program of Preparation for Confirmation and is for students in Catholic, public and home schools . If you did not receive your First Holy Communion at Blessed Sacrament, please bring a photocopy of your baptismal certificate. Contact Mary Staney, DRE at 4220372 or [email protected] with questions or concerns. LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Some suggestions we, all of us, might consider as we answer Lent's call to conversion: l. Set aside Apri l 2" , 3"', & 4th, aU three days, to be at Blessed Sacrament, or another Catholic altar. 2. Fix a specific date for confession, all of us. 3. Determine to increase our love for God by loving each other now. 4. Do our best, all of us, to kick gossip out of our lives. 5. Give something away, aU of us, that we treasure. 6. Jabber less, all of us, and converse more sanely, more happily. 7. Establish a prayer place where we live, with crucifix, and with quiet the rule. 8. Make some new friends, all of us. Repair fragile friendships, all of us. 9. Open our eyes, all of us, to the pain that surrounds us near and far, and try to heal. I O. Find out the date of our baptism and shout for joy. 11. Pray, all of us, for those who join the Church at the Easter Vigil. Find out their names. 12. Pray for the Church, all of us, for the Pope and bishops, and sisters, deacons, and priests, and fathers and mothers, and single parents, and struggling families, and for children; for the elderly among us, and for the lonely, and the homeless ; and for prisoners, and for those who want desperately to be found . And pray for forgiveness, all of us, and accept it when God offers it. When does he offer it? Now. Always. RECOMMENDED LENTEN PRACTICES LENTEN DAILY MASS: 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Meditation on the suffering and death of Jesus. Every Friday at 7:00 P.M. BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Friday following the Stations. LENTEN LITE MEALS Please join us in the Parish Center (Hall) for a light supper after the 5:30 P.M. Mass, and before the Stations of the Cross. The cost is minimal: Adults, $3 .00; children, $1.00. AUTOS PORT 2755 West Tennesse-e Street Tallahassee, FL 32034 850-576-2116 Your Friend In Real Estate. 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