Berkshire Hathaway New England Properties, FARMINGTON OFFICE is in charge
of delivering the flamingo flocking service, to benefit our Sunshine Kids. We ask
for a $25 tax deductible donation to
, a charity making dreams
come true for children with cancer and who are going through treatment.
If you would like to flock your family or friends, please call or text
our flocking hotline 860-940-7547 and provide the following information:
 Name
 Address, Town
 where flamingo flock should hang out
Flamingo flocking is a form of lawn greeting. It involves the placement of a flock of pink
flamingoes in someone's yard for 24 hours, then they are moved to the next home ordered.
And of course, anyone can order a flocking for their own yard. Please help us by passing along
our flock around the Farmington Valley, order your next flock today, we
hope you enjoyed hanging with our flamingos for the day!
340 Main Street * Farmington, CT 06032 * 860-677-4949