COMMUNITY VOICE NEWSLETTER Spring 2015 A Message from the CEO Dear Friends, maintain our strong commitment to our consumers, we are looking for more innovative It feels like the service delivery options that utilize a variety of year has started resources. We are hopeful this approach leads off with record to partnerships, integrated or layered services speed! 2015 and new approaches to programming. This is looks to be a a time to focus on stewarding our resources year of and capitalize on collaborative relationships. opportunities and challenges. Finally, thank you for taking time to read Later this month we will open our fifth and final through our quarterly newsletter. It gives us a Thrive by Five Detroit location, where young chance to update friends and family on the children can participate in daily early education good work that is being done here at programming. Once open, we will have over Development Centers. And although the 350 total slots for center and home based holidays are far behind us, please don’t pass Head Start and Early Head Start programming. up the story about one particular family’s It is through comprehensive Early Childhood experience with our Adopt-a-Family holiday programming where we can most effectively program. It is a true testament about how the prepare youth for academic success, promote holidays can be about so much more than gifts healthy choices, stabilize families and break under the tree. The families that received the cycle of poverty. holiday food boxes and gifts have not forgotten the generosity and good will of our donors. Later this year, we will open our McKenny Most importantly, they haven’t let go of the Community Center. Our vision for McKenny is kindness of strangers that touched their lives. a true-community based facility that provides With Appreciation, services for children, adults and families. It will house a multitude of programs that treat both physical and mental health issues and can connect the community with resources that ease burdens and improve quality of life. This year also marks a new and uncertain mental health funding structure. In order to PAGE 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: “TYKEIA - GIVEN THE GIFT OF HOPE” Robert E. Shaw, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 *RIVER SPLASH DASH” “EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR” “WHY MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS” “PARTNERING TO FEED OUR COMMUNITY” “Wellness Through Art” Tykeia - Given the Gift of Hope Each year, Development Centers has the difficult, yet rewarding task of identifying families to be “adopted” for the holidays. This year, we were able to select 10 families to be adopted. Tykeia and her family were one of those lucky families. Tykeia, a mother of two small children, felt the stress of trying to make ends meet on a limited budget, especially during the holiday season. Working parttime, she stated that without Development Center’s Adopt-a-Family program, this past Christmas would have been far from merry for her and her little ones. A very generous group of employees at Ernst & Young teamed up to bring a Merry Christmas to several of our most vulnerable families, including Tykeia. Families were adopted with hopes that they could try something new this holiday season, smiling. As she reflects upon this past holiday season, Tykeia smiles with tears in her eyes and says “I never expected to receive such a magnitude of gifts for my kids.” Each of her two children had multiple boxes filled with presents, including new bikes. She went on to say, “They even thought of me?! No one ever thinks of me!” Tykeia’s “…only regret,” she stated, “[was] not taking a picture of my children when they opened their gifts.” “However,” she said, wiping her tears, “sometimes when I’m having a bad day, I can close my eyes and still see them smiling and that picture alone means the world to me!” We feel so grateful for our generous friends at Ernst and Young. Not only did they provide Tykeia’s children with more toys and clothes than they could count, they provided Tykeia with so much more: hope and kindness. They treated Tykeia like a real person, making sure she had her own gifts to open and letting her know they care about her as a mom and a person. Tykeia’s youngest child is just one of several hundred children that make up Thrive by Five Detroit, a combination of high quality Head Start and Early Head Start services. The mission of Thrive by Five is simple: improve school readiness for Detroit children. Programming options include full day, part day and home-based services in multiple zip codes across Detroit. Families also have access to medical and dental support, developmental screenings, family stabilization supports and much more. For further information, please go to River Splash Dash Get your running shoes ready for…. The 3rd Annual River Splash Dash!!!! for July 11, 2015! In the coming months, we will be sending out For the past two years, Development Centers announcements about how you can register to has hosted the River Splash Dash 5K run, 1 mile participate in the event as well as how you can walk and Kiddy Dash… volunteer to help with located at the very heart coordinating and of the internationally operating the event. acclaimed Detroit RiverWalk. Each year, So feel free to spread the the event has word to your friends, successfully raised funds family members, to support Development colleagues...anyone who Centers’ Early Child would enjoy a Development memorable summer-style programming throughout outing. Enter an event or the metro-Detroit take part in the community. excitement by cheering on others. The more the merrier! There will be awards, drawings, prizes We are very excited to announce that the next and a special appearance by Paws, the Detroit River Splash Dash has been officially scheduled Tigers beloved mascot! Why Mental Health Matters You’ve probably heard a lot about Mindfulness in the media recently. Perhaps you think it means sitting cross-legged on the floor and meditating. Maybe you think mindfulness means to simply concentrate on your breathing. You may have even heard that mindfulness means to focus on your bodily sensations? Well mindfulness is all of those things, and so much more. What you may be surprised to hear is that you have probably been mindful at some point in your life and didn’t even know it… Have you gone for a long walk, breathing in the crisp, fresh air and then suddenly realized that four hours have passed? Have you listened so intently to a song that for a moment, you weren’t thinking about anything but how beautiful the melody was? That’s mindfulness! Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, without At the heart of it, mindfulness helps getting stuck in the past or people observe the way they think worrying about the future. and feel about their experiences, Mindfulness can be practiced standing, sitting and whether good or bad. This can really change the walking. It can be practiced both indoors and out; at way you manage and react to stressful situations, home, in schools, at work or simply out and about. giving you a valuable tool to stay mentally healthy. You can practice mindfulness for 5 minutes or 5 hours – that’s the great thing about mindfulness, you Retrieved from: mentalhealthawarenessweek/what-is-mindfulness/ can tailor it to suit your own needs. Janine Guastella Guastella--Employee of the Year Janine Guastella joined the Development Centers team in April 2013 and she has been a great asset to the agency and consumers ever since. Her holistic and comprehensive case management skills coupled with her caring nature for consumers and fellow co-workers has earned Janine the award of Development Centers Employee of the Year! As an Adult Outreach Case Manager, Janine demonstrates a thorough knowledge of community resources and counseling/social work practices with high risk populations. She has extensive expertise in working with persons in crisis and a remarkable ability to motivate others towards achieving goals. Janine is always willing go above and beyond to reach out to consumers in the community and meet the their needs when they are in crisis. With Janine’s assistance, one of her consumers was recently able to obtain a vehicle and insurance. Always dependable, Janine offers support to her co-workers when they are experiencing dilemmas with consumers. She has been an integral member of Development Centers’ Strategic Planning Committee and has also played an active role in Development Centers’ Council. During the agency food basket drive in November, Janine’s assistance was integral in making the event a success. Development Centers is proud to have Janine as a member of our team. We congratulate and thank her for the wonderful work she does each day! Partnering to Feed Our Community Development Centers is proud to announce that in 2014, we provided food to approximately 2,000 families! This would not have been possible without the support of our partners - Forgotten Harvest, Quicken Loans, and The Detroit Leadership Academy - who are all dedicated to ending hunger in Detroit. On the fourth Thursday of each month, Forgotten Harvest delivers approximately 12,000 pounds of food to the parking lot of The Detroit Leadership Academy. Development Centers staff, along with Quicken Loans volunteers and volunteers from the community, distribute the food to local families in need. Despite fluctuating and sometimes harsh weather conditions, staff and volunteers consistently arrive to serve their fellow community members and continue to fight hunger. Development Centers would like to express our appreciation to Forgotten Harvest, The Detroit Leadership Academy, Quicken Loans and our friends and neighbors for making this monthly event an ongoing success. Quicken Loans Volunteers warming hearts on a cold If you have questions winter day. about this event or are interested in volunteering, please contact Louise Burgan at (313) 255-0900 ext. 7112. Wellness Through Art Development Centers Board of Directors: Kathy OperhallPresident Rodger ProngVP Business Kendra TobesVP Programming Dr. Subhash GulatiTreasurer Kevin OutlandSecretary Gary Francis Melvin Houston Gary Ley Honorary Members: Jeffrey Kravitz Nancy Wanchik Please join us for Development Centers’ 4th Annual Wellness Through Art Exhibition to take place on Tuesday, May 19th at the Redford Township District Library from 12-7pm! Over the past two months, participants of the Wellness Through Art initiative have attended art workshops facilitated by local artists at Development Centers. These workshops promoted wellness by offering participants an opportunity for artistic expression, socialization and community building. MISSION STATEMENT Development Centers is a 501c3 non-profit organization committed to improving the lives of individuals, families and the community by This event will showcase and celebrate the efforts and talents of the participants while promoting mental health awareness. Please come to enjoy free entertainment and food. We look forward to seeing you there! meeting behavioral If you have questions about our Wellness Through Art exhibition or if you would like to help support our families, please contact Sally Bond at (313) 255-0900 ext. 1218 or at [email protected]. Please check us out at to learn more about the great work we do! through a health, social and vocational needs continuum of prevention, treatment and training services. Development Centers 17421 Telegraph Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 Visit our new website: Like us on Facebook Development Centers Services and Locations Administrative Offices 17421 Telegraph Road Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 531-2500 ACCESS Adult Behavioral Services PATH 24424 West McNichols Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 531-2500 Child & Adolescent Services Early Childhood & Family Services Full Circle School Based Programs Central Office 17321 Telegraph Road Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 531-2500 Early Head Start and Head Start Programs: McKenny (EHS only) 20833 Pembroke Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 977-9159 Seven Mile 13735 West Seven Mile Road Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 307-7000 Winston 16161 Winston Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 246-6060 Gompers ElementaryMiddle School (HS and Great Start Readiness) 14450 Burt Road Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 246-6060 Evergreen (EHS HomeBased) 19900 Evergreen Road Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 977-9550 School Based Programs: Cooke Elementary School 18800 Puritan Street Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 651-3170 Family Alliance For Change 3627 West Vernor Detroit, MI 48216 (313) 297-2975 Highland Park Renaissance Academy Barber Campus 45 East Buena Vista Highland Park, MI 48203 (313) 865-0356 New Directions Clubhouse 24430 West McNichols Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 531-0738 North Central Campus 17141 Ryan Road Detroit, MI 48212 (313) 733-4806 PATH East 15400 West McNichols Ste. 2 Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 967-1503 Sampson-Webber Leadership Academy 4700 Tireman Street Detroit, Mi 48203 (313) 897-5961 Gompers ElementaryMiddle School 14450 Burt Road Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 246-6060
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