PAN-AFRICAN PARLIAMENT البرلمان األفريقي PARLEMENT PANAFRICAIN PARLAMENTO PAN-AFRICANO Gallagher Convention Centre, Private Bag X16, Midrand 1685, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa Tel: (+27) 11 545 5000 - Fax: (+27) 11 545 5136 – Web site: OPENING ADDRESS BY H.E. HON. BETHEL NNAEMEKA AMADI, PRESIDENT OF THE PAN AFRICAN PARLIAMENT AT THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE SIXTH ORDINARY SESSION OF THE THIRD PARLIAMENT OF THE PAN AFRICAN PARLIAMENT ON 18TH MAY, 2015 IN MIDRAND, SOUTH AFRICA One Africa, One Voice! 1 of 9 PROTOCOL On behalf of the Bureau of the Pan African Parliament, I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to the opening of the 6th Ordinary Session of the Third Parliament of the Pan African Parliament and I thank the Almighty God for Journey Mercies granted to all of us. Your Excellencies, Honourable Colleagues, this session is a very special one for the Pan African Parliament and indeed for me. It is not only the last session that I will preside as President, it also comes at a time when our continent is confronted with a myriad of political and institutional challenges that could potentially define the nature of the future of our continent. Issues of continental integration, youth employment and empowerment, economic development and the peace and security of our continent are just but a few of the difficulties that we must proffer solutions to. One Africa, One Voice! 2 of 9 The Pan African Parliament once again strongly condemns the reoccurrence of xenophobic attacks against fellow Africans citizens living in South Africa. This criminal violence which erupted in various localities in South Africa has resulted in the death of many innocent African citizens. These attacks and killings contradict the spirit of Ubuntu, Pan Africanism and African Renaissance. The xenophobic attacks are clear manifestation that the dream of African Unity remains elusive and if allowed undermine the to continue many years of unabated will struggle and sacrifices made by the founding fathers of our union for continental integration, solidarity and unity. As former President Thabo Mbeki noted in his speech: “With Heads bowed in Shame” in 2008: “Regardless of the boundaries drawn by others to define us as different and separate from our kith and kin, and even despite our occupation of One Africa, One Voice! 3 of 9 different spaces across the divides occasioned by the existence of the oceans that nature has formed, we share with those of whom we are part, a common destiny”. The Pan African Parliament therefore calls upon the Government and Peoples of South Africa to ensure the protection of lives and properties of all African Citizens residing in South Africa and ensure that all those responsible for inciting and/or perpetrating these criminal activities are made to face the full wrath of the law. The current migration situation in Europe is an unpleasant testimony of the resultant effect of poor governance in our continent. The continued and avoidable death of African migrants while attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea into Europe remains a grave concern for the Pan African Parliament. Current reports indicate that about 1200 migrants have died in the month of April 2015 while attempting One Africa, One Voice! 4 of 9 to cross the Mediterranean Sea into Europe. This unfortunate situation cannot be allowed to continue where our young men and women risk lives and limb in search of greener pastures. The Pan African Parliament therefore calls on all AU member governments to develop a continental response to the problem of youth unemployment and sensitize our youths on the risk of illegal migration. Our leaders must also develop policies that curb poverty and ensure an equitable utilization and distribution of national income for the benefit of all citizens. The Pan African Parliament recognizes that migration represents one of the critical issues threatening our continental peace and security and further calls on Members States of the European Union to ease stringent immigration policies and put in place a humane and tangible institutional framework that allows clear support for lawful migration. One Africa, One Voice! 5 of 9 May I at this juncture, crave your indulgence for a one minute moment of silence in honour of the victims of recent xenophobic attacks and migrants drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. Your Excellencies, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Africa continues to face a diversity of challenges including conflicts in Libya, Somalia, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Congo DRC and conventional security issues such as insurgencies and violent extremism in Nigeria and Kenya. The crisis in Burundi is rather unfortunate in the light of hard won and sustained peace after a protracted civil war. We urge leaders and stakeholders to engage in a genuine dialogue and consensus that will lead to peace and stability. We reiterate the call of the AU on the need for all Burundian’s to work within the framework of the Burundi’s constitution and in the spirit of the One Africa, One Voice! 6 of 9 Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement and to accept the recommendations of the EAC Summit, respect fundamental human rights and end all acts of violence and intimidation. It is in recognition of the share urgency of embracing the youth agenda, youth employment and youth empowerment in governance that we at the Pan African Parliament in collaboration with the African Union, decided to inculcate a Pan African Youth Parliament Intergenerational Dialogue as an integral part of our session. In the same vein and in the spirit of Pan Africanism, the Pan African Parliament will commemorate and celebrate “African Day” on 25th May, 2015. This event affords us a unique opportunity, particularly necessary as representatives of the citizens of Africa to come together to promote Pan Africanism, continental integration, peace and unity. Various leaders all One Africa, One Voice! 7 of 9 over Africa have been invited to join us in our celebration of this day. The Bureau of the 3rd Parliament has enjoyed the support of this honourable house and despite our limited mandate we have been to accomplish significant milestone in the transformation of the political and legislative capability of this institution and most notably with regard to the adoption of the revised protocol of the Pan African Parliament by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government in June 2014 at Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. I encourage all of us to join hands in consolidating the gains of this 3rd Parliament while forging ahead determination with to vigour ensure full and robust and speedy ratification and domestication of our amended protocol so that we can begin to take advantage of our enhanced mandate to achieve greater result. This will be the challenge that I hope the new leadership that we will elect at the end of this session including Bureau and Chairs of the One Africa, One Voice! 8 of 9 respective Committees and Regional Caucuses will embrace as a matter of institutional priority and urgency. I once again welcome you to the 6th Session and solicit your usual cooperation and support as we debate on a variety of issues critical to our continental sustainability and development. I thank you for coming and on this note, I hereby declare open, the Sixth Ordinary Session of the Third Parliament. One Voice! One Africa!! One Africa, One Voice! 9 of 9
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